Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 28, 1921, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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    '" ' 1Sti-w ,
t-uW'V"'!' i-v'nn
f?jljllf- "
Weman's Life and Leve
Still Mere Wives
fTtflEUE is u certain wife who ter- . It is net nlwnyn the liftrtlc?a, Ins
i turc her husband while urctendlnr I rlvleim mid vain women who arc the
te love him!
They hai-p hern
married t w n t
years nml Imvc
several children.
' but of late hi lms
decided te olude
him, and jet te
held lilm in it
tight grasp. It lf
a sort of nelnted
coquetry. If xlie
really had grown
vrcary of him nml
found him iictUHl
ly obnoxious, he
would be the lat
te urge that wie
M ''iSjia.., fBBl
asm 'XT. .. H
v r. . v?
. k. K1- . IV
Rrentest filnnrrn in aptndlnn mere than
their husbnndr. income im justirj.
Hemetimm it in thp meat unexpected
j woman who lavishes huge sutn with
out the wherewithal te biek them ui.
We ran only ncdume that mich a wife In
lacking In ability te uudemtand the firnt
tirltu-ijdu of economy or eelf-eentml,
nml is naturally u wretenctl "manager.
Nn odd mac lllustrntes the modern
v-' tendencies. A dentlut who waH J
grewing1 old had nn nxtrnvngunt wifej
and dnuirhtertt. Kc- one of the.ie .
ntiuUm ilresiert un if sae were n million -iiire.
There vne no thought of being
unlclnd. or exploiting fntJier in a cruel
vu. of joking ulxmt kifi belnr; the lmnlc
Please Tell Me
What te De
Te "Waiting"
It'n nlunys nice te be able te piny'
t.n.tt.t.... nlH ., .1... Iilnlin It.. rtll!,r
tnlnltilT for elherB mid often brightens
I un etherwlwi dull evenltuf. . , '
Am this boy bclengn te tlie tame ciue
mid vill no te tbe dnnce anyhow, better
let the offer te take you te It come
from htm, nnrt If he does net otter, go I
with your brother. Why net innltei
mime ether friends If theKe tukc you
tee much for nrunled7 It's better net
te cet Inte u rut In iw thin frlenda,
boekr. habits. Ideim. He Independent. '
endure IiIh embraces: but Mich is net ' roll or provider, ns one xecs it in some
it. ... .. 1 t. . l,nl.i.-.. fPt, .... ..tM...l fA mlnMt dint
Te "Somebody's Steneg''
Pear Cynthia JuBt u few words te
"Soinrtbeiiy'a Stelios " .
Ilecauae you hae net jet met H
fellow nhe wants :i Blri for a pal
It deen net prove that they art all alike.
Te mv that all tVltewn are thinking of
.1 : I. .il rlirht Whllt IR VOUr Idea I
....... ... - ... . . -. . i ntiLiiiH ,.- , r, ------- . -
rhey preteased te adore hlni.lef nn etijevuble .venlng7 It secnia e
inn rn an1 i nil nPAf utt An . run in nf inv !iimiii'-
V JH IH WliVtin l 111" i MIU'l ln- --
V !, I.l I ..L- ...ill ... !!.. . nin T MiinL f hnv wl Ini r thnv If in mn IHilf tTiOll fflflH CHTD UlUi iwi .-.
him out e hr .Ight. .'when X, l.lm Just the ,,! He Wn. 1.1b I but I ; 'riSnany "eunlr mVn VhS
tries te take her in hi- arm- he eludes ! tnk Inn-imerable mun. te make enough . f0. ';' "f y "lr"B com
him as if he were some stranger. t my the menmnn blllf whleh In ' I J" "'u ', ' AaUK ter geed-night klee- ,
lie hnnm.Tix in lm n nnnpiv h Imm.nn Innocence hv bellrved wholly unureld- ill' .... .. ..ivi.- u von would better
repudiates his idea ultli nur- ... ..ntarnWied the lleht that culdcs iear -veutn . irn irr, ... .-
She nderea him. and int him rhr.tr feMKtnr. ;nl nlne te h.ie the i are de a n en nu iui "' " ""V .
a continual fuw ercr her. set n,. nrmr.v-t .,,l .lp...r,. IwIIpm. !, .horn. , -,J'- .'JnU VHlM ". "" m "'i..v. , n
struflena must b" a.s n-(tralne,l I iv ,.. ,..,i it ,,r.,k. ,.r ilenendent. or '., fe.T...'"i .!, ,ln-n this eumr niHii
of a bashful higb school bi '. fe.V.lxhlv sn.TM-tir-ithi.. but the ure ! - 'ir.i,r thrpe ineritliH. nr.d he told
uife is cither tlendiehlv cruel. !.. ,u, ,v .l ',.f , inv...l ei nd wouldn't gle
angel as one often find In this impel- able, until he iltoppel dead, und was ;;.n(t te j.-dffe until you meet the right
lect weria, nml lie has grievwl eer nor me nv.piciu ei juiuenuuimih. 0n,3. -
attitude, and studle.1 it and errieil, Seuv mtturi are enthusinAtie und ,, , ". ",,v,.m
linf.ll li inn rinriena nrwli. lti.iiuinlnrf 1...I.I.U... ..- ...:,:, J. n.,.1 !'. n. Write9 tO YOUIn
that 6he experiencea unme distaste for i-hlec their high hepcx and dreams.1 Ptnr CjMthln rlease print ttiti te
nun, ne nM( ncr iranKiy te ten i.im , t in uhcelute v necessarv for them te ' "Yeutti. inam; uu
but she
te make
his demon
ea thene
or Ruonenuai, or amazn.gij ignorant ei .... . ; .u... tr..: .,.
the la of life and lee. Sin- MnU V '-v fi' ' V , iK. R, J' ,? ' .',
te "hnii. hpr pV. nn.i Mt. it." V'd !'tT naturw se often tie up tn
- Uii celli. , mntenallHtlc weniun? bhe
IF HE were net Huperconwicntleus. he i.iu.v in her heart ul&h him well. In
wnn1.lpnhuvf m.nv hn.hanHfc. ''I'fJ. if M h"' i""evt, even from
rttrt l nl 9
dares net justif nn infldelitv. lie l'i"'!- wulljn ltt dcad-ning te u sensitive happlnc-. und joy,
cempwrnlHiY. with his conscle.'.v :i,ul ""' , . . , . ,.
nervous -tcm by stnjing a-u from , "" ' cmw.....i .-.,. i.-., -
i,n.... ,r,fv, . n i: i-.....V...i. triii ivlUTiitien and c:.tuiit Miggcs- Virlmm Questions Asked
he has an immense and eetinir bus)- "J ! "". .et al,"r. "'"r Prpdu-e U! . . ,,, , tne ,irHt , nM. has j.Jt been telling me
nm. n-hleh lemnn,IM mnh r.f hU time I nileubteilly t'lls Is true, wltll lllltures . T ,,. .;...,, vut ... u line ) Kindly I U JiiHf
, t;av m ijkVi --jcih
There are fe many fenthera en our
chapeaux nenadnys that tome of
them hac te fall off. In dir
npert hats of dmclyn they are
made Inte wreaths which droop
gracefully ever the brim. Hut
when uii get really "dreed up"
in a little toque made of huge resea
we Hticlc languid tendrllu into every
flower, se that they hang In pro
fusion ever our eyes. And net
content nith that, we nllew u Ineu
veil te cascade down the buck.
lM-.iite by Old Musters. Central News.
. . . . rvKn l. u nntrirfi
me up T"r n:i '"' ."" . ,
I found out lie nn inanled, and I
levfil bl.n dearl). and one day He te.d
me that be wan doing me a great In
(,, .,in ami that he wiu married. Be
thr !.t the ter. "Youth." T de net
"Should a Weman Tell?
c e.airt3,f. litl. 'ju r-uiilia Lidacr Cuinvctu
'" " "v. "'"'.': ...,,,"""..,. "..il n7 hiw that the an.i
drift aw av. am-ining hlmlf with nc 1'",.v'!" Mnnm,iiu. . Pren , ue , . ... y- . ev h,lem I rtlll love 1,1m low tr another man.
e afftvtlenate uemen. It is a llp'' 'usbaml n kc leni. ard aid hlni " f',,,!, ,'lM "erKet him. It must be n-i that lanr i very n
mge thing. heseer. tnnt he feel- "" i"" . " ' "": '" "r""T" :, i.x n friend . . . tdcttj oieat troinei.
..k...i ,., j m. .. it.. .....i liy n niiuiiu ler iri.ieism ur a ucyiriicive , ..,., .,-,- life -. ill be one boel; or
immense and exacting bual- ' en. 'al,"rl '"'V1"11-7 PrpJu-"; U. p , .4llthln . .T,, ,
. .i..-.i !. i.i.. . 1 ndenibtedly thli Is true, with nntures , ..' .;.., v. ,., ,.
AIVIKf JIIWt Ullltllltin II111V11 UL ill"! lilll' I'll 1 I I V II I III ' C .tfc- - rf-
and energy, and he trnvel- from can ' "".' " " u.r, k,,.-,. "'""- , helped ethers i am
te coast. He knows that even eon- , '"'? one hey Un- doubt the.r ability. nK. ,0 an!f-er these n
RnUl labor neer wholly cempensntei 1',;';ncr, I-,IK'1(,1 ' or stunldb . such no one te ask:
ier lack f lore. Vmf. he ,,M th.. h wife throws cold water, and sucks the Vlrst. What Is me,
he can te make life sunnertiible. Most ' bloe.1 of amblUnn and jejful self-belief,
wen would net be be patient. "ntil " spirit is kil 1 and only a
The type of wife who is extravagant Vor,"ve rw,"ini . " 0,,k.rs .l,ir" nuay
te the point of criminality in citj living in ll(,rrer fn111 thc Kbustly sight,
has been dished up u iniieh i't motion i ,..,, , T i ., . , ,
picture dramas, and cheap, sensational -O 'yP" tactrul. nl-
fietien, that need net dwell en '."r. v wh :inlcm--te-ph use varietj .
She may net err mere than her -.peusis, She i cir.nieiier than cjiiicnl bachelors
5n the mad rush nft-r extravnganeeji siiiiis)-e. She is apt te keep up th
and pleasure, but her .pending is new
Jienceanic, pernaps. ucruu siie (
2flictrterHe 7.erv. niter biitlUliO nie with her hrltflit. blue eves
trith hcrrclf for ncveral ilavs, leriie3 living en the heights''"
e rnnrrj,- nane ucrnn utineui ten- lcs. ou old cvnlc." I said laugn
once orei m ingly. drawlne her te a chair and curi-
Shc ttiv'ev- ' ing up opposite.
firretr in ftta -.hl, afi(,r,l0))ll F v.as Hireamlng
' into my bedroom. It bathed Janet in
i' clear, relentless light that v. an most
unflattering. Her shoes were shnbb ,
and I was suddenly impatient with her
tailored suit and four-in-hand tie. It
fihmit , seemed se unneccsaurih unfemlnlnc.
, t, I J. V.I1UHU1, t Hlitliuev 111. Jli.iri u v..
Tf 11 flit l i t " i .... ..i .1.1..
... . - ...... j ...v.... -. ... i""" irmnn tti t tunni tnti ri v iinTi nuii'hiv
urn su-e you will neip i wonderful te har him tnlk nheut her. 7 ...... L.'Li" li"?:.' u. .
ill, La I have j .,.,.. ..i.vl- . .- 1,.,- .,.( i. """ "'"K uiciuury .. uk .....
..... ........ ,,vM..v.,.,, .r..... k.....UH.. M0W .juicHiy j wns rnrgetting tne inci
meant by steatiy com- M-"'" .f!,-T . x. ... i that once I had worked for u living.
Of course I saw her at thp wedding. ..t f ,i,..,,v, -k. ,m nftnmnnK
Sl-o'end. If a girl has nccepted steady but up te that lime I had hnrdlv known en purpe te see you," Jnnet wns say-.-nn.n.inv
from a, lentlcman. may she her. I hnven t snld two werdu te her i 1tv,i. ni i.. f.,u tr .'
:..' .. i .:. .., .., i -.i.. n jl...... .... ... ....
The Heme In the Weeds
Jack and Janet go with their
fathers and mothers te a new home In
the weeds. There then find a tir
prise awaiting them fice Uhetland
ponies te be their very own.
The 1'lrat Ilide
JACK nnd Janet whooped like two
little Indiana. What boy or girl
wouldn't whoop if they peeked into n
dark Bhed nnd found there two Shet
land ponies te be their very own'
"Ilave you found thu surpriwV"
laughed Jeck's father.
It's a Gped Thing te Have Mere Plans
Than Yeu Have Time te Carry Out
The Hours Seem Toe Short Then, but That Is Better Than '
Having Them Seem Like Days Because Yeu
Haven't Anything te De '
LAST year, when the senior clnns was
about ready te pack up its di
plomas nnd depart for the summer, one
of the tenchera mode n funny remark.
"I hope," she said with a smile that
wns funny, tee, "that you will always
bn like me that you will nlways have
mere plant than you hove time te enrry
them nil out."
The seniors milekcred politely nnd
wondered what she meant.
Afterward some of them began te
"Oh! Ohl Oh! cried Jack nnd i More pi,,nR tlinn tmc te enrry them
Jnnct. Thnt was all they could flay. I all out why, thnt would be nn nwful
Jack's father led the two Shetland tvny te live.
llOlllcs from the Htnhie. nnd when .Inch Always lllirry tig te cjjcii up wu
The yew Heme
'Julie, his little sister.
nnd Janet saw them in thc bright day
light they were still mere delighted.
Thu iwnlcs were an nleck, pretty nnd
clean-looking as circus ponies. They
were ns like as two peas, the only
difference between them being that one
had n star en its forehead and thc
ether had none.
"This 1b Janet's pony," Mid Janet's
father, lending te her the pony with n
star en itji forehead. "Its name la
"Oh! Oh!" was nil Janet could
unswer as jihc petted the pony.
"And here Li TrUlc, who is te be
Jack's pony," said Jack's father,
handing Jack Uic halter of the ether
"Can we ride than;" asked Jack
le be nitre," answered his father.
"That is why we get them for you.
There arc no street cars up here in thc
weeds and .veu will have te ride en
the ponies when you go te the village
u ocneoi."
And you had better tuke your llrs
hours in the day becnttiie there am ..
many things te fill them up.
And these derelicts, with wheli dun
of emptlnewi stretching nut before thcin
feel out of the swim, left behind in th.
progress of the world about them.
rnnEY knew new what that teacher
X meant, nnd why she smiled her
funny smile when she made her funn,
remark. "'
Klin knew there would b? some nf
them who would think themselves luck
te have nothing te de.
She knew hew depressing that can be
nnd hew it mnkes you slew nnd dull
Werk gets tiresome lets of times
school, especially during the last vm-'
glvei you the desire te clear your lift
of everything thnt you have te de
tun- "-HvinH i irce mr nil tup nitv. ka
posed te npprev'e of n we.I-erdcred life, i useless things that you want te de.
ngreeaWe effort all her life She be- . nieie'.v a, .'rlci-dliln
an with ethers also?
Third Tf n Ury friend hisses you un
epreted!v should ye'j continue the
frlendf-hlp" Wh.it should : ou eay te
him ' '
l-'ejrlh. t -t prepe- .e .-or-e-e:-.n
w'-.h a gentleman friend whe lives In
yesterdny, se that you could begin today
before it was ever.
Why, what in the world did she
mean? That wns queer advice for n
teacher te give, somebody who is wi
-ith its fllcR all in alphabetical order. ' ' ""'"e fl b". 0"" few wecVn
They gave it up. MnyDe it wa one " iiii. "u , .-ii pluoei nnu WOfx
of these things they would understand ' !'' ; comes round usnln .when the tent
Inter in life. ' '" ,,"p lr,llllt energy into our vein
inter in me. m( mugclM( em,)(j. tlmc boceme;ln'
ATCrMUEH of months ham gene by , burden.
since then, and some of them nre1nTT - , , '
rather Rheetilsh. '
And you have se little te talk about
The petty doings of u neighbor become"
remarkably lnteresllng nnd you (Ini
yourself well en the read te becoming r
riding lesseu right new." said Janet's
turner, bringing two saddles from tne
stable. These saddlen were utrnpped en
the ienie, und then Jack and Janet
rode about while their fathers led the
peiiie-.i by the bridles.
It didn't take Jack and Janet long
te learn te ride. Indeed, the ponies
were se gentle it wasn't a bit hard te
sit en their backs and guide them.
"1'eu may ride all you wish, but
don't go ever into thc big v,-oetiH alone,"
They nre the ones who have net taken
up any profession, nnve net gem- ii
with nny studies, have net gene te work
and have no hobby.
Instead of having tee many plans for
their time, they have tee much time and
no plnns nt nil.
It is it dreary, dull, lonely Und of ex
istence. . . .
Other girls nnd bevs are hurrying
t... n.1 timrn u-lth honks or tOelH, tOlK-
I ing nbeut things thnt Interest them. ln
t , menting the fact that there nren t mere
:iet earn, nnd therefore knows little ei
the value of money.
It is a hnrd thing tur one .eung ifc
te see another lavish huge rums en tli
u one. aiid I Knew nothing of ner ideas i , t, mf,enztnc lins eone te nre-is for
about life. i nllther month. I'll have n breathing
S.,e is i.ti exiulsit' little thing, smnll I .. nf .....i. nP ,... new."
and benufifullj made, with sill.) brown , instantly I forget hew .Innet Ipeked. j
in ir vnuiiii riii-i- iiu"u; iier iiriiu, nmi. j. wnN allowed up in nt realu:atiet.
brown eye- heavily veiled with lnshes , ,v ... ,,, J,. n,,tA in dm
f the :iceu.ilnt:inc9 la te be that ere almost black. ,..i.t ti.et ui. .n ,gn.l nilmirwl.
------ ,. . . . ' itlltMlt IIIUl nlll. utti' lliilil VIMti wiiim. i . ... - - - .
rilMhin? I exne'-t ion te have n treat :n- . .!,.,. .t, ..!.,) ui,ni,tn i.. .lumLlni. luni' until thev tlieutriit tlii-v were verv
em thnt it t.s v ertli :nie te kceiii Fifth. Mieu'.d ne use nn sons or en- nuance ever Julie. Untie lnlernied me. ,,,.,, , nr,,i .1,,.. .,it,- ,c,w ,,f geel riders, then thev uskei If thev
h"r-elf as w-li -dresNed und lr -cly as dearlmf :cr...s w.ien he vrlln . "She will naturally turn te you for se(.em,lrv importance te her. I might go te tlie village.
possible, even in the inner sanctum of I T'lVOHANfH ndvice, and I should like te have her Later in Dune came In while we were "Yes, but don't go Inte the uoed'i,"
home, and le -finiy her husband's' a-swerl: your first Question - A with us u great deal. Yeu see. sweet- v,nri- t.. tt .nrMivl .Innel nlens- wus tlicir answer.
vhims. and bi lenient -vith his faults. , n.an and -rlrl decide te go together i(urt. 1 u.n already beginning te In- ,,. ,nn.h. i,,, . ,iih rni show hen They set off c.iylj for th" village, und
Adventures With
a Purse
Oh. there is nnthini: mere ('rnrlU i...
some than having lets of time en vevr
hands with no plans In fill it up.
And nothing se enlivening and vlfnlie
ing an having mere plans than you have
time te curry them all out.
iiy iikmw Drcnn
ONE shop has nice soft kid gloves
which would de very well for
.i TMa clove comes in
evi-rj-iiH .- -"",- , rvurl
ftnitl .Tack's father. "Veu might get almost nnj -color veu would '';';
lest." ' wns. I understand, originally prlieii .a
Jack nnd Janet premised net te go I S2..10. but has been reiluccd te ..-l.-i. a
into the big weed alone. Thev rode
around the yard and up and dm1 n the
utiful garment, -e dear te most mid te ttcp Un- ultar lir.-s burning. exriusK el., and ret witn ui.j etm-i- uian fliPt nj fan.ilj upon you. n ,'infrn. h hIu-tii itnwii t,. mi. i didn t have u bit of trouble cettlnir
nine heart., when she herejf is S ie! a -lfe may be umisunlU nnselrMi i r Rlrl. They Intend ever.:t..p..y. .r tney i0hlw, i,. r -.,irff bi f.nril:.1 ttn, ), i.., .,...,. l,n vnl.l t.. imp there. The lnne led te a trail nnd the1
them. Substantial UMi.es f . in wan" ?. but fnun the .tnndMn thoughtfully. "T wonder why jour trail ran right into thc little town. '
ty and thrift and srlt-Miprc- uf iev and tienuununt happiness, she ,!""...., L...'. ?. . n r.,i., i . , vn'nt. n,l.-t..n frc.m me. Sh Una Iwn i.ie,i ftsn tv-,v nlimw irets l,nrs..li' Tim ;ilnn -nu t in,.,n ii,.. ...
are net characteristic of this age, really is wi.-eh selfish, for iic ru.ps a , .., ' j,. ,,.-,rin:mv." ft t'.?eludes ether f.il.ffnllv ur...l'el nm? !... nlremH ,. ..'ll-.U Htn n rarlminw " If hi. ,. nil fl. tr-V(u ..,m t,,ln.i i,i. e-
of pest-war living. rich reward! ' frinu's. .i.u. erten lasts for ycu.-H and f,m,i n V.-ent mi.nv i.f her Idenn. Then". hi,A nnt sn.il.cn sr. wsrl.nmlv I shei'lil . lim,n. rPhv u'.m nl,n.-t i.. ti... le..-
1 - tint ...'.d l:i marriage. V xrlrt r . . i.... v...... i.'.....rf .... i.. l.-i,-.. i .. .... i....- .....i ..u i- ..... a t ..h I 1 i: ... i..t. i ...i
Ixmi? uke, mIihi nca'-ij rll men wn
The Time Has Come Round Again for
should tell a fx: who I.'.itses her that
; '.hi vlll r.ut Keep up her irieuesmp with
hlni if '.e eicr analn attempt;! till"
and I think she is sneWihh and self- suddenly guilty fur hifving had the same I rabbit scurried ncre.s.) the trull and
willed, lleweier. 1 knew I shnll love thought of Janet just u short whl'e , darted up a side path.
r.i-r for Dune's sn'.e. i.nd I shall try m before. "I suppose she is typical of i "Ia'I'h we where thnt rabbit geei
MT f" ' 77 J 1 f L i D L J It Is always v .ser net " coTcspeun best te be fiiennly and. as Dane srs. that elns of women. hopping!" cried Jack. He turned
rS, VV USOn S I riaail IVlarfcCt LjaSRet vM- a n unless ou have been ..Id te be a go! influence for her. "What de you mean. Dane'.'" I asked Trtsic up the path. Jack had forgotten
'-' v 1 frit-ids for a lenK time. . ,,. . . vestenir.i Yni mir euietly. "Yeu knew you picked a wife nil ubeul his premise net te go into the
ir'enusiiT ueks 101 ei pi.i. -.i se.-.s , n,.,iner,n nn, nr(, nl,rist settled In trem the working claw." weed..
rn ir l 4 .' 1 l i .1 v' ; r . ir 7 n j j'Li'li V '.? ' vVi.r "t"riM.'r.UI!-OIr mir ne.i umirtmeiit. Hew I love evrrv- I He laughed boyishly, and my heart Jan.''., also, wa.i eager te see where
This U eeli Artichokes Are the Special leatlire, II hlle Baked ??? ,n,.u1rif'e"c; ,V' ,f, '"S mJ U .A I. tlful new i.msI.."iis ! i.-ui.chI as it nlvas dcH-s when he re- ' t..e rabbit n.i hopping te. Dike Jack.
Ham Is the Chief Dish for Dinner en Sunday
li' irer
I ence.
it te carry un u correiiper.d-
r.y MRS. M. A. WllON , Tire Irt.-I i.ibl'upoei:
Cvvjrtaht. 1921. bu 3ra . A. ICiljcn. J.JI Jieirdcr,
r;hu rtj-rxti. One -quarter level te'.apaun uf nut
YHE artichoke appears en the mef.
Ukina i Cinderella's Freck
If T 11 f 11
iaae v usmonueie
and most d' nil the fart that Dni.e and -ponds te me. ,,...
I an- i.t the threshold of life. 1 like Hut you re beautifully feminine,
te feel Unit when the front deer closes he insisted. "Kaney having n wife
we are alone teirether. that v.- are who uressed like Miss Ferd."
sanrir.L. things, fee the msr nun 1 His words made me thoughtful. I
J- autumn s mnrket stalls, and while
It maj be classed n a luxury, there '
are often times when it -.in be found in
f-pecinl sales reasenubh priced. There
nre two distinct varieties uf artichoke-
7'ire tahlrannir of airun.
Tire tnhlejinent of shortening.
One cup of milk.
One eon.
One nnd nr.e-hnlf cups of the pr-
thr. rlnhn .. Mn..l frnn. its ul.iblllar "lrra "a,r W-
ihape and the. Jerusalem ariel. . Heat te iM t i.,r.iijriil and -'.en brkc
which is a tuber or roet-shnped plant ' in ve'l -greased smiikin;; hut -vnrtie Iren,
nnd resembles u poorly snaped potato. l'e the bncun fat te yrense t'ie wr.flli-
Heth varieties arc great favorites with iron. tiarmsli with nicely browned
folk who have eivten them when properly i.trips of bacon.
prepared. The artichoke belongs te the ir.i rv,,.i,n
thistle family nnd may be scried as a y"u -01f'1
naiad, with hoJIaiidnl&e sauce, pickled I are and dW
und jut plain boiled. " """ ",n" !p'c.
It must be thoroughly washed In One large orange,
elenti of water te remeie the sand. Ore inmii a.
nnd then lt it stand head down In mid tnun n-!il tv.-,. t.ieli-pm:. c: . I
hnfficlent cold water te cover for several ism it. Divide into I'.ve shcrbft cups
hours. It is then trimmed te discard m i pour i.ue teaspoon of lemon juice i
the dark and discolored parts and cook anil one tnble-poen e' sirup from s
in boiling water until tender. It is iiintn&chine cherrj bottle wer each
then drained and sened hv't with hoi- poriien and then farm. J. itu a :i :!ic-
landalse sauce or cold vlth iliir.lgrette -cliine cherry.
The Jenisalem artichoke is pared nml naked Ham
cooked in boiling water until tender nnd Ha- e the initeher ejt a but: end from '
then drained and seasoned with a little n plump young ham nn Saturday and i
grated onion, mlt and pepper and n then wipe with a cloth. l'lnce in n '
llttle vinegar and butter, or it may De nucpnn and cover with -old water
rervel nu gratin or browned in butter
tfter cooking.
A Snggestlie Weeklj Mariietlii;
This features three meals en Sunday.
Sliced Orange l'ewd'-red Sugar
Cereal and Cream
Stale Ilread Waffles nucea
Heney Coff"e
Fruit Cocktail
Ilaked Hum Apple S.mee
lireivn drnvy
Mashed i'otatees Turnips
Frezen Mousse CerT'x.-
Celd Cuts of Ham
Fotnte Salad (Vilesla-r
Apple Sauce Spice CaLe Tea
Hrlng te a bell nnd oek s!-wly, allow allew
ir.g twenty lcinutes te trie pound. T.et
:iie hum cool in the i, at'-r. Sunday ,
irei-j.ing life- the lunn from the sauce
pan and remove thu skin. Ne v place
in a small bowl
1 One cup of flour,
I Fife fufclespoeni of trot' r.
Mi-, te a piivre nnd spread en r'.e
out end vf the ham. Place in a second
0( -half crp of Irtjwi auear,
Une teaspoon of cinnamon.
One-half ttaspmm of tilhpii-e,
One-half teaepoer. of n'ltmg.
Mix and then pat into the fat par'
, if the ham. Place it in r. baking pan
nml nrinkle enc-hnlf cup of flour in
,iaii. IJ'ilte for one h-..r in t mei'irae i
ei.. Haste evs-ry '. venty ni.nutcs ...
vis A ,1 k.
move ureuit'l in n perfect unw- of j.uppl
Jnnet inme in this
,-.i,nl ti,i iinmickinc.
She is (he same old Janet, brisk, as
sertive und In. patient of sentiment.
"Well''" she Interrogated. Using
i he forget for u minute the premise net
te go into the Meeds. She turned Topsy
lifter Trixie.
Mr. Uubbit heard the nenius cemlnc-
His words made me thoughtful. I nml looked back. Perilous he thmiclit
i.iiuiii uate n ir uiiue anil aauet sneuiu u nuntcr was atttr lllni. Wbvu be saw
ncclde net te like eacli ether. I want It wns enlv n llttle bev nnd n Hi.tle wlrl
ufteriioeu and ' mere than un. thing te have them , un penyba'ck, he didn't durt away as
lie would nine none Iinu It been a
luif.tn- Tit. Tour ImTiniwf nli.nt, .ilwiml
4 ,.. 1 n.i . .......... - j--- .-,.,.-.. ...w..n ....s....
,iii j&iiutzmi; iiniiiirii-.
-",- ' t.i.i. ...ma ff.lr pneutrh.
pilir. which r.-. ...i J. In
Iiemled bags are coming down n
prices, although T have net jwtlwl ti: .
waning in their popularity. These,
that I saw are imported bags., of w)
geisl deslcu and color combinations. I
Thev nre flat, und are rather triangular
i-n totally different shape from n ii v
ethers I have seen. The strap Jnlw ,
are also beaded. The price of thcM
l". .. a reMcb renreenis mtglity I
".i ;.'iiie "inclilenlallv. hew about flunuel undergiu-n.c, tu, i-nplniwnts
k,1""'. ti -i.t.-n.a s-upcestlen' called uacit-ucrau-ueru Acre en sale bi
this for u Christmas suggestion . he shops mHich-siifes testined
I le the then prevalent Irritation caused
bv the ruary wool ueiilintr the Leus'.tlv
skin. Thcae exhibited the back of a eat
In black velvet, te which were glued t!.e
match-case and u wtrlp of candpajKr.
with the legend, 'Scratch my back."
But even In the reddest of tlie red
flonnel di.ya of yore, no gentleman
ebeved thin Injunction In Ihc presence of
ladfee. If he lucked the proverbial en
durance of the .Spartan hey, perhaps h
slipped away and rubbed his e.teuldcrj
against a wnll when the tickling of wool
became tee nnneylnir. 'I'hern Is no ex
cuse for a man who permits nerveuv
nesa. absent-mindedness or actual phys-
Munv people like n low light burning
In the bed voeni all night long, pnrtieu
Inrlv if there is any Illness. One shop
,,n .Hspl.iv of Inmns thnt s hoi, M nnpeal
te veu. The one T lmye in mind re
minds one of a powder-box figure, only
Teeurse it is larger. , t represiuits n
woman lean ng ever ,. ..f -n " .
base of the lamp, n s ... .-
h" Ump is Inside thj- fBrr. that
nltheuch It gives ti subdue.1 light. It 1-
Just when we fancy that ilibarmh-
ment ha been nceen.pr.sbud beheld,
urn. i eiiie.s buck ! T.et it net be fati-
Onr-i.alf cup of irr.te.
Ure-half cup of cider 'iiepar,
1 ,re 'cft"iiOO"i of irewri tiilQar.
Iteil lbs turnips in water in whi
The ham .sas ii.ui.nl until tender, then
.riln and mas;,,
pepper, -nit :ird
The market basket v. Ill risiuire or
anges, apples, potatoes, turnips, cab
bcjte, nnrslej , bacon, the ;ieiimls of butt
end of ham.
Stale Ilread WiifllfS
O..V. ..,,1. K.ne in nljnti- r.f e.,h. I.Iul l,ur l'lln ! . e ,.u'sn. .KtVi ,ie,l flll-t of it !S ttl.'lt mat... llf OUT hlSCieS.
"water until soft and then turn in chee-e. surii.hle ever t!." t'.ni of the tur'nltis r. , consisting ii" they de of mere strips of
cloth and squeeze out the wnter. Hub little cenr-e l,-i a.! rurr.bs nr.d fve ti. ti.
threugh nnd remove the lump.. New Uespneiis of grutc: chcee.
'cie.l, indeed, that Wc nre committed en
tirrlj te the sleeve, lteiiee, for exnm-
-ile, made many of her freckn this year
with short sleeve..
I And the woman who, Hk( the lady ln
tie "Mikade." nessessen un clbiw that
Season Mlcelv with ueenle would come miles te se... sun mis
little sratei! onion oppertunny ter nee-.eieu eumicuj. inc
jdace in a mixing bewl:
Tire cujn of flour.
One tia.piten of talt.
Things Yeu II Leve te Make
Ceral Bea
dfd nOT. BW
jumsBfr. x
1.SS - jf H
Here l.i a ftuniili'ir C 'KAI.-WKADKD
StLACK VKI.VHT HAT Large shapes
litem te lead this fall Therefore, start
with any becoming large Muck velvet
shape. Stitch sinull coral bead around
nnd around tilt crown In circles cjulte
cIobe tegetber. String some of the beiulH
en u strong silk cord scleral Inches
longer than tbe circumference at the
crown. Fasten this string of bends half
senv ureiiiul thc lower edife of the trewn
uf tli hat. Ict the ether half linny ever j
tne tuniee-up nnni. rinmii n wnn n
tiraded top nnd a silk tassel A f'OHAl--UEADED
Vry chle worn with an evening enpe.
h LOilA
. Fre '.en Mousse
Place ere tablcspeu: ei
oak Ir fe.ir 'nliletipoenj
l'lnce li u muii's ou.
li'AifiM of fro eagu,
(ne-half alass of apple jell',1.
llei.t with a de"-r gg lienter until
u.uture holds It. s!mfs. lleiit gelatin
te dissolve It nnd then mid very slowly
te the white of fjg and Jelly mixture
ni.d bent in lii.ri'. New fold In
One-hnlf pint of tehippinu erer.rr,
Or.e-half eu, of finely chopped r.vf-One-half
C'.p of confectioner n ?iffr.r.
Itinse the i.i hi v.-itl c ,1, . . - ..i ,
h"n .lr.vn am' turn i.. the i.." xt.it
Ii.iit and meld mid then imk I., t i
liiWn.re of suit and i ". I'se tliri-e m.rr
ice te one part lnlt fi r three l.eur.
Serve v itu chocolate sauce.
Chocolate Sauce
Plnce n a siiurepnn
(Me cp of tenter,
One cup of nugar.
One-half cup uf cocoa.
Four tabenpoett3 of cornstarch .
Stir te dif'c the oerr.stnrcl and
sugar and bring te a bell tVek slnwl,
(or live .uinutcs ana then remote truii.
the stove and mid :
One teaspoon of fnr.itle,
One-iuarter tcatpoen of cinnamon
Ilcat te blend thoreujhljr,
material floating idly ii. the brec.e,
don't reullv affect the nrm nt nil.
The above costume of navy ergo nnd
black sntin pessesst-s these predigcstcd
gelat'n te'i-h'e'es ll' a nuirked ir.i-HMi"c. Fer. in-
sleR.t or (irpciieiUB irein me ini ui nn:
M'.. the strips float ."rei,, tuc under
,ah . KlhUmfc of Ciiim-se red, from
ii eh iir.ng the vnrieuii nr.rrev.- panels
of -i rgc, cuiitribute tl.c only note of
The Question Cerner
Today's Inquiries
1. Describe n disguise for Hal
loween that is entirely out of
the ordinary.
" In laundering Une linen hew is
" an ciqulsUe gloss obtained; .
3 Hew is u wooden spoon made te
mutch a geed-looking cbuluig dish
pud inv? ,
4. Of what r,6vei wh.ca has re
cently been drunmtlsed ler the
screen is thc Duchess of Towers
the lovely heroine?
.',. in what way is a smu-t hat for
he winter suit fashiened:
0 Fer an ovcrbleusc of black crei;
de chine. ,vhat mui.es n c.iarn.
lng trimming?
Yestenlny's Answers
1 Fer Halloween a Hluck Cat silt,
made bag-like out of black 1 nlng
material, with n head made of
the same stuff which has the cut s
face painted en it. would delight
n little boy or girl.
" Quaint china beads make a ff.'iare
te lit under the toupet 1'l.lcli In
a unique nnd useful accessory for
the tentable.
S. Fphelstery may be cleaned and
freshened without removing it
from f.e chairs by first retuevlrg
nil the dirt that has accumulated
ir it, then applying it lather of
t, .re white senp nnd wnrm water,
and finnliy going ever the surface
,clth n strong solution et nlum
water, made by dissolving alum
:i; idling water which i'i cooled
before using.
1. "I.rnn Denne." b7 R. D. Biak
i, ere, anil "Jane Kyre," by
i nnrinttn Ilrente. are two famous
Knglish novels, each of which has
Friglish neieia each of which has
t,t'''- V . .
C. P. purchasing three-quarters of
a " anl of red duvetyn and nial.
i' g a iidc. loeee girdle of this,
nml nl sill.ir, cuffs nnd narrow
llpii.gs which go around the (sige
.',f the skirt anil form n jei-.e-like
(f.'eet In tlie waist, the appear
ance of n durk serge dress worn
Inst season enn be ehunged se
that it leeks charmingly new.
0. A P'arl button surrounded wl'h
cut s'.ee! bends, and having u Us
sei nf tne iieuds, is a stnl.'..,g
fastening that is used for te
s-rnp of an aluminum ciein s.ip-per.
Read Your Cliaractcr
flu lliahtl Phillip
Laughing Hair
Perchance you are familiar with tha
rollicking melody entitled "Pollywelly
dneile." If se, yert rememler the ref
Just X A ri.ht strength for thnt
)U!r " i !11m(nnien. Tt WOUld 100
sort " , ...ii ..la,, ne .lrssser. i.i i.i.u.f.. tr. .lill.lt lir.lf In iiilT.rl
'j V, r "I company by nuch" uncouth nctlens ai
price is s1'.' ci-atcliliiK the head or the nesn or any
nf .lim nrtilrrs. Wnumn's Vuee ether portion or tne nuuy . iih niummicu
roe WMnnt Sei or Mntu lOt 111 the uccenipanylnjf sketch.
of the neiiics. Kvery new- nnd then he
branched off into a new side path, and
llnnlh he left the naths entirely. He
1 stepped en u hill, wriggled hia nose
1 at Jack ni.d Junet, bobbed his stubby
1 tail as if making fun of thtra, then
; Kipped out of sight.
Jacl: ami .lauet ioekcu nreuna, uut
they couldn't tind him.
"I gues we had better be starting
for home," ;:iid Jack. Hut when they
. ... ....... .... i,...... ,i n.i...
erence te "curly eyes and laughing - " ,'e Tn'c voeds 'all
hair. around them vere just alike. There
It's net nearlv such nenensc us it vim no patli. llii'i couldn't tell nerfh
sounds, no matter hew much it may t'r,,,n ,el.lth- !i"r .JT0M cst' 'i'1't'y
A cru lust lii litv; n iim.i.
Vrtf n&tllPH
bTtUcJn h? hetin. et I) ana 0,
A Little Girrs Idea j
Maine Is making Christmas presents,
bexlunlnir early s-s Is tlie wny with ten
year " "&. And. all alone she has
thought up the most beautllul Idea,
which when carried out Is se pretty .
that surely there will be. some e'.her
small girls like herself who will want I
te cepv It. She took u. Krape basKct ane
enameled It u shiny black, handle and
all, taking plenty of time ever It and I
getting It done In a curel'ul way And
then she decorated It with two crayoned
apples en CHCh side, surrounded by sev
eral greed lcaen Fer n nlce surprlsu
ithii - en put ii smaller one of these en
the bottom of tlie busktt. knowing full
., ...... ., .....n. ...n.,1.1 .11. ... ... I.
tickle your risibilities, ter in the science , .,,,,. (ilr, n- nthr. when iinisiu.,1 it
of character analysis "curly" and, (Hew Jack nnd Janet are found and wns ready te held flowers fe.- the living'
"laughing" mean pretty much the same who fnida them will be told tomorrow. ) room or l'rult for the dlnlntf room. ,
thing, and laughing eyes and hair d" i .
naturally go together. j
"Iiiughlng liulr," of course, is cirly .
l.nlr, and in eicr.iued.i who has curly i
hair you will lind a certain tender.c.i
te light-hearted laughter, a vivacious vivacieus
ncss, nn impulsiveness and a liking for '
variety. I
If you haven't curly hair yourself i
you'll sometimes I'm J it difficult te fol fel
low the moods of a curly-haired person'
of the opposite sex. You'll tind your- '
Belf wondering sometimes, at their queer I
conceits and fancies, leu deu't always i
"get them."
Mere than likelj, tee, the curlv-'
haired person has a quick temper, am! I
is us rendy te flare up as te laugh. I
This tendency Is mere marked vher thci
person Is n blonde. It is mere re- '
strained and less likely te crop ejt in
n brunette. Again, the exact way 'ml ,
degree in which the tendency rnnnifn'.s
itself Is accentuated or medliiul bj '
the shape of tlie fereliei.d, nesf anil
chin. Convex featur. s denote speed,'
nctlvity, snnppiness j concave show
slower thought and action, combined
with greater patience cud staminr..
Be fair te your family!
Give Ihem tlie fare they'll
fare well en and never
want te say fare-well te
JTetc, Coated, aanitury H'reiijer
AVM tteGmuineAbqufi&rttite
Q Made by SHARPLESS, Plula,
Tomorrow Loud Velcei
Father Says
lave veu ever seen this before!
I M'J m viu if y 1 "ai Mlj 1 1 IV 1 Wl " i
it Mi-i, that ei t.w .irr iinu mth
It tlie sinus prlres mir wlmlfsile trade fl, tn mattr hew Itnise or hew msll niir eriiiT
KrrxxCTJaa tssra izzrswia
$ Buy u whole or half Jlam
All Smoked
Cheese wC
Yeu remember the story
of the Pitcher
Z5 "'
I At all out' Meat .Murkcts
HEAUfil'AltTEKS CICU fi, CCACAAIl Muurice Itiver Ctue
I'OIt ALL KINDS OF FKCS1I ' ,u" """ VVM OyaterH
' ..IT Till'. VKKIIIKii" I
ficrir' v ii - ? 'nm ttt" " r
9" Vv
atmmM ..- .it.s--a-- .
04 ' fm.Jvir
Hi BB&1&
s I
It made a geed many trips te the well and it came
back in geed order.
"I can take care of myself," il said "they don't
need te talk about risks te me."
But it went once tee often.
After that it was only part of a pitcher, and they
didn't need te talk te it about risks it knew.
A let of people won't believe coffee can harm
them until it doss harm them.
"Nonsense!" they say, "it never disturbs me,"
When it does disturb them, then they knew.
Often the disturbance which they then recognize
is tlie result of irritations te nerves and digestion
which have been going en for a long time.
If you have te He awake at night and count tlie
clock ticks, after an evening cup of coffee, then you
knew that it's better te be safe than sorry.
The risk of coffee's harm is gene when tlie meal
time drink is Pestum.
Here's a delightful and satisfying table beverage,
with charm for the taste and without harm for nerves
or digestion. Yeu knew you're en the right read with
Pestum; there's never the possibility that you'll go
once tee often.
PtvMum coraee in two ferms: Ir.itant Pestum (tntina) mee leawntly
in tha rap by th addition of boiling water. Peitnm Caraal (in pclcaes of
largar bulk, for Iheaa who nrear te mak tha drink whil tha meal ii btlnc
is,, prapwed) made by boiling for 20 minutaa.
'There's a asen" for Destum
Made by Pestum Cereal Company, Inc., Battle Creek, Mich.