Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 27, 1921, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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mfJT- W W'i
t .1
Helding Assets
flVar Admiral Braisted Heads
Nvv Medical Bedy Honoring
JNeted Surgeon General
A crtnt medical institution was or er
nmltecl Jntt night when tlie Gersns
ferial tnftllutc of Tropical nnd Pre Pre
Trtt&eMedlrlne was founded .at a meet
liur In the nellevuo-Strstferci. -
ntti. Institute will comincmerato the
A t he ltc Mnier General William
Sawferd GerSas, Surgeon General of
United Stntcs Army, whose medical
ift.!wcmcnls In the Cnnal Zene nre
listed Inseparably with the construction
rffirnAdXM.m 0. fisted,
rrflMd, formerly mrSeen Rcncral of the
B?vr was elected president of the In- i
itltnt. Other cnipcn cikwu uc
ni FrahUIn II. Martin, of Chicago
nw ?""" uiir :.M.f . a p
-C IM-JI""
initen. V. t.. president ei ine i;iuuii
frnti Company, trcasurer. and Wilsen
ipOId'i, of Washington, D. C, trcas
Sw of. the Vnlen Trust Company, as as
rlrUet treasurer.
Hie directors pref-cnt at the meeting
Mrt'Jebn Jlassett Moero, United States
Jattfce f the International Ceuit of
Arbitration; Admiral Uralsted, Majer
Geacral Merritt W. Ireland, surgeon
jmjrai of the army ; Rear Admiral Ed
'ird'R. Sti't, surgeon general of the
tint Hugh &. Cummins, surgeon gen-
Wlef the United States liealtli Scrr
JcifDr. Lee S. Jtewe, director general
rrtlie Fan-American Union, and Dr.
Mlrtla. Anether member of the beard
tiAairaste S. Boyd, clceted recently te
tad th9 Beard of Health of Panama.
Other officials elected yesterday were
TV l. Loucks. director of ersranizn-
tleiind E. h. Zudcck, director of pub-
is-tnc course ei inn mecunc a enmc-
grim'was read from Dr. Dcllsarie Tor Ter
r,'. President of the Kepublic of Pan
$mi.', The executive tendered te the
dlrtcters a magnificent site In the City
pi jwiama ler tne construction or tee
Institute. The tlte In the gift of the
ncepM or ranama ana cost jjtOU.tKHJ.
Dr. Ferms heads the Hourd of Directors
lad'w.is represented nt the meeting by
Jesj B Fefeverc, Chnrge d Affaires of
ftsttaa at ivasningten.
The work of the Gercas Institute will
be circled en by the establishment of a
loaaaatlen similar te that of the Car
nlai and Iteckcfcller Foundations, a
foundation provided by funds donated
ter organizations and individuals
tbroefbout the United States nnd Latin
America, ifntlennl headquarters for
tee acTciepmeui ei we institute have
bea fitnblishcd In the Panama Lega
tion In Washington.
ElwoedJ, Adams Pleads Guilty and
Is Censured by Judge
Stir Yerk, Oct. 27. El weed J.
Aditns, twenty-one yesra did, of 47
Irving place, who v.-as arrested when
Jean Cannlnglium idd the police In
Julr that he had (mliiwfl Imr tn cn.-ir
Bi)lenaent ns a' mniil vitli uenitiiv
fflmiliM feV tllO tltlmn'.e nf rnlilierr
pleaded jiility yesterday te Inrceny in
(he-first dej;ree. Judge Talley, In Gen
etll eenlens. reinnntlnl Mm in tun
Tombs for bnfuce en Xercmber 7 with
urn comment :
"It is illCOnCcIvable hew nnv nnm en t
uenu mm iwenij-eiie yearn a record
of crime tucn as jeu have established,
ion net only mud- loin in n nr ,mi
'rw bad a .lt , but caused tin- lrl te
ileal for ou."
Adams Is the bieppen of a phvalclau.
Tne snc'ific cliave t , nim'ti im ,u.,,i.,,7
viasthe theft of fur, jewelry and cr.su '
UII, at 2-15 Vi Kiriitr.nri, .t i
tn.January 11. lli.s mother is wnltina
trud en a charge of receiving ttelcn I
Crowds Attend Sale of Eae.nii,
Furnishings in Palatial Heuse
Lexington. Mass.. i"W 7 i-i...
icenea of last jear. uhi-n i,,..,-! .1. '
W "l;f'l te this ten for u MKhf '
of Charles l'uns-.,, AThe m Vttiin co i
r cent en fortj-flve-day InvcstmentV
were le-enmrpii ii:ii.win.. . .'
tatw te buy at Auction tfae expensive
fwjlshlngh et tl.. palatial Iieu-c which
teOMui.H i. It h us .Miruatcd that about I
p' ""' " nyc mero tlinn imlr of '
106 original en t. v.. re..li,y.,i in..
Iffi f11,1 l' "''" '' f" "" assets' being-
IX.rt..j .."' r,'' r? - W(,',t
The Wardrobe"
Bebbin, of riilcnce. executive sccre
il-YrMtrnnl .T. Hie Wtltn, .of Wllsh
W .-- ---, .-!.-
Glevesthe Gift Beautiful
Cenlcmci'i dress gloves, street
gloves, warm gloves and sport
gloves for men, women and
children, iu gift sets of three
or mere asserted pairs
An exclusive Centemeri origi
nation giving the final touch
ei completeness and charm
Je the gift of gloves ten te
W'J dollars the set '
Over a score of set comhina cemhina comhina
tien selected from mere than
100 styles of Centemeri
Wevis from France, Great
"ritain and America.
I'J pfl canvs tie luxe made by
Clement of l'aris .5.50 extra.
Only 9 Saturday
hufere Christmas
TiBdu Milrj; IUijj.
Ldcr Photo Servlcs
Who lias Jietn named trustee of the
assets of (he defunct Chandler
Brethers A Ce. broherace Ann
New Yerk Pollce Dissatisfied
Descriptions Furnished
New Yerk, Oct. 27. Mrs. Anna
Bailey, of Brooklyn, jceterday after
noon Identified the terse found In a
pond Jn Lenj: Island City tiht Satur
day as that of her daughter, Mrs. Dellv
Bailey Illgclns, who dlsappcured from
her mother's home two years age.
Mrs. Bnlley waa joined In her fden fden
llflcatlen by two t'riendK of the missing
yeunjr woman, Mrs. Helen Otte, of
Brooklyn, nnd Hemer Dennis, of Ja
maica, Queen.". All three wcre posi
tive in tiieir Identification.
Cnptatu Arthur Cnrey, head of the
police homicide squud, nnd Dr. Charles
iurns. cniei medical examiner, ex
pressed dissatisfaction with their Identi.
ficatien, however, because of dlecren
nncies In the description of Mrs. II&
gins furnished te the police at the time
of her dlaappcarnnce nnd their exam!
nation of the bad and terej of th
slain woman.
E. C. Myatt Seeks $10,000 Damaoee
for Alleged Plagiarism
-s Angeles, CiUlf., Oct. 27. Miss
Bcbe Daniels, the Benlart Film Cor
poration and Ulmer Hurrls, its reprc reprc
scptatlve. were made joint defendants
In n suit filed In Superior Court Wed
nesday for Edward Charles Myatt, actor
unu auioer, m wmcn plagiarism Is
charged and damages of 10,000 asked.
Mr. Myntt bays he started In January
last and completed In April a film sdc sdc
narie entitled "The MIIe a Minute
Girl." The thrce defendants, he ul
eges, took his "exact theme, ideas and
Individual characters." nnd produced It
under the nnme of "The Speed Girl."
This followed, he says, nn attempt en
his part te sell the story te the defend -
UIllU. I
Mr. Myatt Is a brother of Glen Myntt,
cntchcr for the Philadelphia Athletics. '
in Autumn .sVT Kft
Plum Celer
Harpers na market
of Centemeri
The Vogue of
Black &White
Centemeri Meu&quetuire
gloves in 16-button length,
of French Natienalc cpiality
Se soft, se flexile, se superbly
made that they mould
magically te the contours ei'
the hand
Black with white finish iu
the tranchant style; or white
with self finish; grays, modes,
fawns and lirewjis
Embroidered iu Paris Point
and sewn everscum with the
exquisite art and fidelity of
the Cenlcmcri uecdlceraftera
in Grenoble.
Politicians Making Hard Effert
te Defeat Leeds for Com
merce Chamber Head
Atlantic City, Oct. 2". -A contest
that has resolved Itself Inte a battle be
tween bjierc politicians and business
men for the control of the Chamber of
Commerce has split the town wlde open.
The battle will reach Its conclusion to
morrow night, when the elections will
take place.
Themas P. Kndlcett, who served as
director general of the resort's nnnunl
pageant this year, has the political
forces behind his candidacy for presi
dent, while the business Interest are
throwing their support behind Hamuel
P. Leeds, for tAx yeara president and
the man who built the chamber te the
strength It new has from n small hand
ful of men In a Beard of Trade.
Leeds, who Is one of the members of
the Ohalfonte-IIndden Hull Company,
has the beachfront Interests back of
him. Chnracs have come from the En-
dicett camp that Leeds has made the
chamber a one-man organization, whlle
Leeds has replied. that the politicians
re wary or mm because or his exnesuri
of certain conditions, principally relatt
Inr te the management of the count
affairs with regard te paving contracts.
"It is an attempt te suppress the
source of Information that is threaten
ing te place the offenders of the public
trust In an uncomfortable and perhaps
precarious position," nnsrtcd Mr.
Leeds In nn arraignment of the opposi
tion today.
New Pack
Just Arrived
Park Farm
Tender and Sweet
Dess. Caie Cm
$2.25 $425 20c
Baby Cern, $2.25 Dez.
Alma Cern, f2M Dez.
Tropic Cern, fl.85 Dez,
18th & Chestnut Sts.
12th & Market Sti.
5600 Germantown Ave.
Atlantic City, N. J.
as applied te the
newest fashions in
these two big shep6.
123 Se. 13th St.
I'tiiladclphhNcw Yerk
Grenoble, Vruncc
Wemen9 8 Apparel
Greatly Under
Regular Prices
Smart Weel Jersey
Dresses new $13.00
Panel medal with loose sleeves;
deep clrdle trimmed in contrasting
shade: panels attractively atltched.
Kavy - and - gTay, brown -'and - tan,
Straight-line Satin
Dresses new $16.50
Blaclr, navy and brown. Skirt
deeply bordered with tucks; narrow
tle uaeh; round cellarlces neclc-ltne;
three-quarter-JcnEth sleeves.
Straight-line Tricetine
Dresses new $12.75
In black nnd navy, trimmed wltb
rows of fiat braid; self belt! full
flarlns eleeves.
Tailored Tricetine
Suits new $29.50
Werth one-thlrd mere. Open scams
finished with crew tacks ; notched
cellars and slashed peckets. Black,
navy and dark brown.
High-grade Tweed
Suits new $26.50
Belted, Norfolk and teml-fitting
models, ceme ellk-llncd. Chiefly In
tample clzc3.
Odd Lets of Geed
Coats Reduced $10,00
Bxtraerdtiury alue. Weel velour,
cificfly In black, ullk-Uncd throuch threuch throuch
eut ; also fancy mlsturee with yoke
and b1jevc3 lined. Net all sIkes In
each style.
New Belivia Cleth
Coats new $37.50
Ulted model, tucl.cd and trimmed
with ttltchUiff In back. Blue and
brown with taupe fur cellar: black
with black fur cellar.
Serge Skirts Much
Under Price at $5.00
Many worth double. Various mod
els, some plaited ; black, blue and u
f-.v in plaids.
Broken Lets of White
Cotten Blouses $1.00
Voile In vest and trl'l cifcctn:
batiote with l'ctcr Pan .ullun dotted
In color. A roductlen of enc-thl'd.
Peter-Pan Blouses of j
Crepe de Chine at $3.75 I
Te hundred new Wnlats, In flesh I
uid white, tucked and trimmed with I
i-anew plaithiK nnd blac'.w ribbon
bow. ,
Odd Leta of Cotten
Blouses new $2.95
U lilte volle, 1'etcr-P.xn meuses
tr nimed with lace : ether-, i.i vest
and frill effects.
Silk Waists Greatly
Reduced at $1.85
Odd lets of crepe de chine, uepe
C.Kjrsette and pongee Waists in a
variety of styles.
Alaska Fex Scarfs in
Brown Tenes at $28.50
Tadc wjtii fur en both b.rles. and
fiiilched with head and liandseme
r'rusli tali
Canadian Wolf Scarfs
Unusual at $22.50
I'ihlehed with head and tuil; lined
with crepe de clilnc. Jn beuutlfuj
shades of brown and gvaj .
One Hundred Trimmed
Hats, Special at $4.75-
beautiful new line of lur-brlm
'Iar-i with velvet or duvetlne wewn.
Matrons' Trimmed
Hats, Special at $4.85
Bome 'nearly ene-hali' undr prlte.
niach, navy and brown; tilmmed
w'th l't.nclei and ernament1'
Shoes for All
Women's Strap Pumps
and Oxfords $5.75
Wonderful valup time smait
chestnut breni calf 13 iv S1ie?h with
filed sultrj unit leuther military
heels. I'uiiiub In one- and tue-atrap
Dijica fu.iu n yail.
Children's and Misses'
Lace Shoes new $2.95
V'er children tan elltskln Laca
hhees. Ver missed dark tan Hlucher
Kheea. All worth far mero than the
Clever Day prlce of ?2 05.
Men's Calfskin Shoes
Great Saving at $4.95
Men's Lace Sliees In black or tan
made en 1ibIIh1i lasts. Alee black
Brain Urorjue Shoes fl. 05 a pair.
Youths' and Beys'
Shoes $2.95 and $3.95
Ian caltsliln Laert Shoes sturdy
ml. practical, Neubl laluee.
Veuths' slseti, 11 te 13, ?S OS; boy?
sizes, 1 te 0 $3.05.
Hundreds of Entirely New Clever
Specials for the Second Day!
( Here's another page of extraordinary values for the second Clever Day almost
every item appearing here for the first time. Several hundred of the Clever Specials
were In lets sufficient for both days ; therefore, with these entirely new lets added for
te-morrow, FRIDAY, the second day will be as attractive in every way as the first day.
Every One of These Lets Is Far Belew tlte Regular Price, and
There Are About Four Times as Many Mere at
Equally Great Savings
If you were here te-day, you knew the remarkable character of tlie savings,
and will surely come again te-morrow te see the new lets that could net be shown to
day. If-you were net here te-day, don't miss this remarkable opportunity for saving
money ' te-morrow.
Clever Values for
Misses & Children
Misses' Weel Jersey
Suits, Special, $14.75
Geed heavy Jersey. .HIeee!c.s tilip.
en Drcsa with belted c jat : or made
In tailored belted style with notched
cellar; two-piece hX!n.
Misses' New Winter
Coats, Special, $25.00 !
Twe new models of suede voleer, ,
In navy, reindeer, brown nnd Porrente I
blue, with beuverette cellar. Sires I
ii. 10 and IS years I
Children's Sweaters
Excellent Value $3.25
All-wool Sweaters, madr with cel- j
lar and belt Serviceable, pretty and i
a remarkable value 'S.2;.
Girls' New Winter
Coats, Special, $11.50
Of two-toned fle.iKliia. in biu-nii,
reindeer and blue. Melted C a uitli
convcitlble (.ellnr. Flure-ba 1:, h.ifed h.ifed
frent Coats with beavei.' ni!.!!.
Sizes U te li year
Gills' Ribbon-trimmed
Beaver Hats at $3.95
Lons-riapped Hcivcr II tt- ith
y:ehsrain nbben ''and ,i- .J tieuin. en
Furniture for
Half and Less
Many single pieces
throughout the Furniture
and less than half former
Grass Cleth Wall Paner
Five-yard Pieces 70c
Handcme Oi -
V.UK I 111
tan or In llgb i
rcaular pnci. ni '
av be!ev
Dainty Scrim Curtains
Unusual Value at $2.10
Seme of thete Scrim ' i.rt iii h ,ite
edKed vlth lace ot'iers trlii.ined with
liu'e Insertion .1 :'. Wurtli tai
mero than $2.10 a pan.
Heavy Cretonnes
Many at Half Price, 45c
Cretonnes in
fu ly jiuii. uu
patterns and' .
wide. Many at
1 3c a. yard.
iliiKn, !'' l!i -If
prlct . nU 'es
Scrim and Marquisette
A Great Saving at 40c
Curtain Sen i . .' Mat-H' it'p i
whlte und creatn i-' mle At one-third
less than tesul"- i rl e a yarn
Linens and
Fine Scotch Linen
Table Cleths $5.50
Werth evr ene lui'.f in ju limtr
'leths of liea-i v line 1 In excl'iHle
designs; te bint wae
Three-piece Turkish
Bath Sets 68c
One Bath Mai en. Uueit Tene,
and ene Wash etli vt lieavv Turk.
Ish tewellnt;, fwt J tnatthli b border.
Fine Weel-mixed
Blankets, 72x81, $10.00
White with onlerfil berih rs and In
the (h'Hlrable deuld. -btd l.e. Much
under tlie tisu.i. prii
Weel-filled j
I Vlk4 it titn Kln-i V O FT f I
i vvuiuiui tauica $e. ID
eatlnu ceerlnp- in Hiruied effects,
wltli solid-color border, ll'ei ih one.
feurttt mere.
Cotten-filled '
Comfertables $4.25 ,
Hcrell-stitiht'd lONcrlnK of figured '
cambric, wtth soiut-ielir mtlue ber- !
der. K.teeili nt v alue
AVhitc Marseilles
Bed Spreads $5.75 1
Katln-tlnlsh, and in tlie jiepulnr SCx
00-inch, double bed sUc A su inn of
almost one-third.
Twilled Outing I
Flannel 18c a Yard i
Ite cotton twilled Outing Flan. I
nel at u pnee which should Induea
laylne In a. year s supply.
9fc S
Fleer Coverings
Axminster Rups
9x12 feet $35.75
Tli-! Beattle M.-.r.ut'acturlnif Com
pany has sent the tiepartntcnt of
Le-er-Iriced Fleer Coverings a spe
cial let of these extra-heavy, hlgh-plle
Axminster Hubs te sell at much lese
than the regular price becaure of
alight irrceiilarltles In the matchlnc-
Universal Inlaid
Linoleum $1.15 sq. yd.
V. & 3. Sleanc's i-traight-line Uni
versal Inlaid Ineleum a (Trade
that Ecllri regrulaily for almett one
half mere. Vat-Iev: i excellent tlie
pattci ns.
Smith's Axminster
Rugs, 9x12 $35.00
Alexander Smith & Sens' Seamless
"Carlten" Axminster Jtuf. at a sot? set?
i'7 of rlesc te enc-fOi'Vih
Pianos, Player-Pianos and
Phonographs at Great Savings
Exchanged Pianos and Player-Pianos at sharp
reductions from prices already appreciably low. New
Pianos and Player-Pianos at worth-while savings.
Handsome, clear-toned Phonographs that have been
iibed for demonstration purposes, marked at substantial
' i
Every Roem at
than Half Price
as well as complete suits
Stere, are marked at half
selling prices.
Enamel Bedsteads
Save New $14.50 te $46
Fleer t.ii i u.i, crt-atly under prlee.
All full sine llnl- ud In hite, herj.
valnut'and mal.nsai.; . Ml cr-eellent
Photegiaph Frames en
Swinging Stands $1.95
Hdiiidseii.u rraiued in Tift"ir.j er;
rr Lroe-n '! 'iIut gra-tlni-' fiz's
i7 te m;i .. L."ndt;- : -c
Electric Table Lamps
Exceptional at $6.00
in ehi-t -r finish, v uu p, Jtt:
flau-e doc'-r.iuens. Une-Uilrd !e-
tl..in icffular price, at JC 00.
Sporting Goods
and Playthings
Youths' Rugby
Feet Balls new $1.85
Cer.iiUte vritli pebblc-sr i.n lecithci
rover . in-v n-llned; awid U.uMcr ind
Plaid Moter
Kobes new 88.51)
Vttrm tlve it arm It. he- . ui'i fli.gtU
nii' V .iains of abnui one-touith
Reller Skates $1.85
"L'nien lI.irdvi.ire" Kates, e.xteu e.xteu
hieii pattern with vlamp and heel
Dells Half Price
and Less, 5c te $3.95
A wenderf'il i sertn enf of Dells
from a Ri.t t'enlKH tuainiiii turer
cliarueter uaby Jmiu and fctialght
llinb.Ml, nisiiue-hcad n lib Nene mere
thu i half tlie ieniiP! jtice. many less
than h,lf Ue Carl t.vmorre'5
te JT P5
t'hildren'k 'Clown"
Costumes $2.00
Ilsl.junen Cestumet, w-ell-maut i.t
.atine i en plate w MJi p. inted 1 r
5S 9S i
Beys9 Clothing
and Furnishings
Mixed Cheviot
Suits new
Eaihtpt of abej.1 eiictMrci a.uL
tnere. Ot riar.t mixed chovleta. ueiue
of the fumeuu Jack O'Leathcr Suits
are Included. .Sires 7 te 17 years.
Beys' Winter
Overcoats $9.75
sjcnia with woolen lliunss. femes C
te 9 and 1 J te 18 years. One-third te
ene-haff Mitr price.
Beys' Cleth Hats
Odd Sizes $1.15
I1.-13 that were formerly marked
douel' and me-re In our reartilar bteclc
Several soed styles te chocee from.
Hosiery, Knitwear
Women's Silk Stockings
Excellent Value $1.95
111 fashioned Ingram Silk Stoclc Steclc
fnsrs In blade only. Mlht "seconds"
of a ery desirable qualltj
Women's Fleece-lined
Union Suite new $1.25
In Extra Sizes $1 JO
Ttlbhed cettun, fleece-lined. A:i . i
anlde lenjrth. with hlffh neck and lens
slec.oe .jr lew nook und no bieeves
Women's Extra-size
Cotten Vests, Special,40c
nibh-U cotton Vests. lltslu-'veislK
ith liisli ok and len sleee, Mr,,
neck a- 1 e!ie Meeves ur low re,.
and no sleeves. Clese te half prl c -uc
Gleve Silk Camisoles
Notable Value $1.45
Farn.; Ole-.e sill; Camisoles i' a
ure se much in uemari.l at, hc-liu.ix
gilts Wen. en nlll bt- delightc' with
the value at U.u.
Beys' Ecru Union Suits
Wonderful Value 75c
Hlbbed ( ji'u.i Vn en euitN, with
Iens: scves and In ai.klt tenetli.
alore tlian ne-thlrd unde ir t r -
Streng Dress Trunks
New $13.25 and $14.25
With ..
$11 j;
Trunks, studded.
u. . p trav, rretennn linln.'
i.anlw no a.nd draw belts.
- in 1. . -13 J5; Cti lni-hec
Miscellaneous Beeks
Damaged 10c te 38c
U'-jK- ei nil kinds. Hllghtlv clnir
aged preset. tire tt wldti runge of
chuiid i r etlur reading At te? a
than Ji.uf i i '-e new lOe te Sc
Stamped White Rompers
Unusual Value 45c
Whlte Cotten Rentpws In J. te 4
ycar slaes .Made and stamped im
neat de-dsns ready te be embieldered
Gilt Pest Card Frames
Excellent Value 25c
These who have attractive pl.-tures
In Ieat card Mzc will be glad t, tmd
thes pretty Frames at mirh a l w
Bleached Canten
Flannel 25c a Yard
.1 eaiUia of o5eu eiir-'fu,,j lx.
cellent qualltv. ,jX"
Women's Umbrellas of
Colored Silk $4.65 j
,JfiiAoem? Uml",". with bakellte
WlarrlM centlUerab'y tl....
Men8 Clothing
and Furnisliings
Far Belew Value
Suits With Extra
Trousers $26.50
Very cVese te Italf price Of fln
Worsted In dark irray shades, and
smart Otsslnicreu In Ute ncaben'a
newest oelorlnm. Sizes rcfjular,
stout, fshert, tall and ulcndcr.
Men's and Yeung Men's
Winter Overcoats, $27.50
Kemarkable unities. All-wool
Ulstere and Ulsterettea In a sreat
variety of fabrics.
Suits About Half Price
$12.50 and $17.50
A ueneral clearance et Incomplete
linen of mcdtum-wfijflit HjILe. Net all
sizes in ever elyle. but a Cl'..:iMe
range of izc in the let.
Seft Felt Hats
'Sew Styles $2.15
fc'eal brown, Ixmden snn,kii ,.i,u
English b-e-". On'-'h'-d 'i-icr
2000 Men's Madras
Shirts new $1.60
Trcomplcte lines treru .'loc. a.!!
fennerly aeld for mum were -me
asembl( In ene large rreujj ui.d
marked at this reduced i rice
2000 Men's Shirts
' Reduced te $1.20
Brand-new Shlrtu in the . ar
i stripe fftfKta ee much desired by mm
' of ffoed taste Kxceptlenal value at
this price
I Men's Black Socks with
' Unbleached Seles 15c
I Black "otten Socks with un-
i bleached soles, that maie men con-
hlder most comfortable Slightly uec-
end nuality. but the Hew, win net
Impair we v..
Men's Medium-weight
Shirts and Drawers 65c
Gray Cotten Shirts and Drawers.
in u weight many men Ilke te wear
new and nil winter. A remarluible
taluc nt C3- each
Suits with Twe Pairs
of Trousers $22.00
lien'? and Yeunu Men's SultH of
fine worsted fabi ics. in a Keed i.i'ige
of regular and stout sizes.
Men's Separate Trousers
at $2.95 and $3.95
Worsteds and CaHKlmer.-n, i,hlfiy
striped ifi'ects, In neat dark ulor uler
ir.si. 7 nusual at i'J.ji and ?3.35.
Men's Fine Silk
Four-in-hands 95c
s. eat variety of imported l:i 1
Au.trican rMks te choesrt from. These
NcktlH ere worth one-half rne-e te
three times this price.
Men's Heavy Worsted
Union Suits at $2.25
Ileal v rjra Worsted Culen Pints
at a r.alng- of mere than eie-thhd
new 51. l 5 each.
Men's Wool-and-Cotten
Socks, Unusual 55c
Ribbed s-etks In he.ither-inUed
Shades. An excellent wflg'it t j,
aavmar et mere than one-fourth.
v 5
Suspenders 35c
or 3 Pairs for $1.00
Of go-id utaetlc, Threa pairs for
the usual pr!-0 of two is tl.e ".oer-P.v-
rate of cavins.
Linen Initial
Handkerchiefs 30c
Man ia e c!u, te ene h iii- f u t iee
line Linen Initial Handkeihi'ire.
Economies in
Dress A ccesse ries
Imported Beaded-Draw-string
Bags, $2.75
With cr..ehct top a very attraf.
tlve O'Kiertn ent of dealer. nnd l0lor l0ler
.ugs 1,1-c.itiy under r. gular price.
1000 Smart Leather
Link Belts at 18c
Aery fashionable thin k.,tF , r
whlte am! ta.-K-and-liitv..,
Lined Gloves, Mittens
and Gauntlets, $3.35
AjiertiHl l-.tH, sr.in.. u..ni, , .,v
deubl. et all KUes in . i, "
but ml u s in the lit
400 Yards of French
Det Veiling at 55c
' 'U r
'"m inipenatl'.n lll. It bi ,..
sonic with elets i different
Net-and Lace Vestees
with Cellar at 85c
Made - n w , r i 1 ,,i,. re . of
I'llldtiun rrish u ,t .,, " 0I
Handkerchiefs of
Irish Linen, 15c
T Inn Innii li
-.1 tflied Ik Mb v
n a t
Hand-fringed Reman-
striped Sashes $2.65
neen ineiic-s w ii
deep , knr.t frlng,
i uler lombiiiMleiib
rds long,
French Kid Gloves
Wonderful Value $1.60
Tne-clasp Frnt , Kid O'evn
black with white Mit. hng en the
bick. eersesaew, "
I 3
j !
H,, fc.t ,