P,VvJ" y -f-rxy y.. r -splO ' " v 'v " fcr .r'-, I. J ?; "i 11 )j , K'l&il & BACHELOR HUSBAND By RUBY M. AY RES Auther of "Richard Chattcrlen," Etc. CepvrltlM, lfO. bu IV. J, Watt A Ce, THIS IJKOINS THE STORY .T",V ,.. find VUrintepficr Marie i"'""-'. .; j,ii,r. and WV,r 7fr dirf f, .married; r& c Jet-rrf iwsiiiie c loved htm i; jne ft'T,; & w yMy eUe " .m t Mr money the arranuv ffi"jfrrt 'tthretc herself I i.J and Marie ewcHftiM. e mk.," ; fVVf m. flroie- T.Vnfftemn for uaKTTB, ;tieiru ej VLifai. a Mend of I. .m I. tiafilillf . r?rte en rfMnilnff ftemc h taddened if-rle en refill'""!' """ " -. 9,.,".,1 thnt the lacks yilt Ul II ci Jllr. f(M' PO'ccr te stray him. Chr, s loon fompaiiien. 'l"""w ",,,.;,, . -..'. . -t,.. Mif- Inttrr mlnett. men eiiun ....." - h en for a prize match. Marie takes Yklhardlu--that her husband should HAlV--hiher husband should infer mart, golf te coming home te mi In a meter trip inmiijn mv Slnlr lth Unfaithful Feathers she Utshim knew some of her hurt feel Ui toward Chris. AND IIKIU5 IT CONTINUES trjT'8 a le"S ,lme 8'nce you cnme t0 !l viclt us. lr I And the ether -ntJeman-Mr. Lawless I hope lie Is i.n . . .. 'i'va just left liim in Scotland," Atlier.i explained. "1 dure hiij jeu will see him before long. He h bci-n rittlns nmrrlcd. you knew. "'Indeed, sirl I'm sure I wish him i',l it She looked nt Mnilc. and Ipiewawl hastily: "TIiIh. 1h Mm. - I t J .AnllnAilnii ef nnAlliAn He nau a viviu rf.-".i'" "'"' eccatlen when somebody had asked If v. rmf 5Iarle's htmlmnd. nnd he wuh set riikine ft repetition of It "Many people staying here, Mrs. Te'itln?'' he nslccd. "nv ir nnlv two ladles nt present. lit Ve expect te he. full for the wcek- hd " She looked nt Marie. "Thern iw'fine sold llnkn close te us," she cx- V'l seem te be hopelessly out of fash !m because I don't play Relf," Mnrlc aid when she nnd Feathers were alone rttin. "I think I nm beginning te lite the very name of It." i.'Teii must let inc icaen you te piny. Marie slslird nnd looked out of the wladew te the narrow country read. '1 think I'm tee tired te learn any tilnr," she fcnld despondently. Feathers frewned: he theueht she innked verr frail, and in snltc of his wrdi he could net picture her swlnc swlnc ler a club and plowing through all wathers as Dorethy Webber hnd done U Scotland. ."'You've no right te be tired." he Jd angrily. "A child like you!" iiSne ioeKen up, me rcnuy icars com- 111 te her eyes (" aw. ad at last Hectares tit. Ce ter her, but the uentlu ex t'JVLw impossible it all is. And Km eehir ieerd that Chris s comma i(rt con cj I .... (( , . lnmr. fin "De )0U think I'm such a child?" la beautiful rest, 'ami I'm net tired ,,, v tanked. "That's what Chris always) mere." tlrcd a" ih M7 a kid, he cnils me : Ami yet 1 46n't feel se very young, you knew." 4"I should like te be ns .voting," Ftatbcrn said. .She leaned licr elbow en the tnblc nuu te chin in her hnnd. "wow eia nre you.' sne ni-KCd. "Thirty-eight next birthday as you twfit." 8he did net seem surprised. "I wonder what I shnll be like when Fm thirty-eight?" she hazarded. Feathers did net answer : he was ielng a rapid calculation in his mind ; he knew that she, nineteen new, was nineteen years his junior. That meant that when she wnu thirty -six he would U flfty-five! His mouth twisted into n grim smile. Life was a queer thing. He wondered what ha would have said had nny one told him three months nge thnt he would be lunching here with Christoper's wife (lulte contentedly. There wcie voices in the cobble-stoned, yard outside, nnd Marie looked toward the window. "Twe people coming in," she said. I suppose thnt'u who the ether places ire laid for." She Indicated tln further end cf the table. "The two people Mrs. Cestln men toned, I suppose," Feathers said. wen t )ou have some mere cream? I alas think " be broke off ns the deer opened nnd Mrs. Heriet walked into the room. There whs a moment of blank stir- prlv. then lie rose te his feci. "The world Is n small pliuc; hew de you de?" he enid calmly. .Mrs. Ilerlet found her voice, of wliMi 'hCer aStOniUimnnt hml rniKfl Vm elin broke out elubly. "Mr. Dskers, of all people I And Mrs. Lawless, tee! Who en earth OUld line drnnrnpil tf tnin.tlnn vm, ier','... Tlmt mllsl be jour car in the rd!" Dae SllOOK lintlflsi w'tlh Mnrln "Tlln TOrld Is II tmnll nln.in l.n'l if." ha.. .. . .'" .r-.. . I u inn smjing here?" .Marie i wa. Mie did net care In the leust, tut It wan something te sav. Us-with my bister, it's dull, but It Mnk .Plwttl II 11 llllim..iiUn n ...x.-i.l !. r " Uv; U1VU U ft'UU llllli". eu man come down." shendde.l tum t te Feathers. "And hew is Chris?" I left him In Scotland golfing." feathers .nld. "HP is coming up te tn thin week." 'Renllj ! Hew delightful! Ilring " down nnd we'll have n foursome teu den t plnj, de jeu. Mr. Lawless? nnat .a iilty ! Don't you care for the I" neer plnjed." .. , -.., ,,,,,, iuv urgin, ,ei ,ur, fers te tench vm." She turned nH Mr siMet entnrP,. "Lena. Va just n Inte two friends. Isn't It queer? W J Introduce my sister. Mrs. lieu 01trx"s Lawless, nd Mr. Dnkers." , ilrs- "cndle looked Mnrle up nnd """'c'dly nnd nodded. She wus mart M:T' 0Illy el'ler nnl1 lchH A'" J""1 AniBhed lunch. I sec," ". Heriet hiW. Wlmf n ..I... I II". ,1.a 1 .11 N " i' iib miKiii nave nil , It together." en" Vre ."et "tnjlng wi-'ru going uiln v;"11'"'1 sd lnuriedlj. "I'm (ri.r . "".ess tiewn te sec some i.n'fcnt.Wendnvfr." ically! new perfeetlv delightful!" ( Mfw 1V'!tll('" Httle uway from mter and Mnrin. "nu ui,n i.n J I A.. t . ------- -.., ..,, ..-v.. """'' ,.'iiic asked, with assumed V ni. "i nver e hns ' sew any one age as flvSllC, Fe"'TH looked at her 5 te ;;.. v..v ', , ,0PKS Jus,1 "? Jin II..I . . .'" " aiwiijH nnieii Pn ever nn(l '"' hntcd ll0r "()W "inre Xeut tit-ear ''' litre i"r" 1? ,c hris tlmt l l'ta,' Heriet sold te Maili we nre H I Bead iTlV. i co"re. but quite geed! i,. " iiiiwii inn ii An (......I She ui. (e.rf!et- ilrie premised. "Be t. .. I,"unhi when Fenthers tti..V0..?y it was time te stnt. Sli In, mib "'eh of icllcf as thev drove I .Z k'tleally" ,:lnn(;c,1 dH.wn ut llcr "jinpii. "I an, J.?... ele'iucntlj rVle fiif."1!'1 ' ,l0 rather hate her." I tfTL vll. Oakl ,'( N n Kive-awuy," Feath- Il..i ,Si 1)11(1 r'lln u.i.i ...i... ...!... .1... '"et win . .r ,""". v uv ".'" jcars," """ "' uiieiaer ten n.i "'.bl,t hew ""kind!" she said. A little mischievous spnrkle lit her brown eyes. "And we're net really going te .i",..lrlc"us it wemievcr, nre we?" . .. 'N.9 he laughed with her. "I'd , .i.i thnt wemn" anything," he said, ""'. " "V" or savngery, They slopped ngnln for ten nt n cot- ingc, nnu the weinnn wbp owned It gave Morle n big bunch of flowers te carry nway. "New 1 really leek ns If I've been for n tiny In the country," she said - Pi " l" ivierH, -rcepie niwnys I., i. I"0,..Hlt" bunches of flewcrH, deh't they?" i suppose they de." He touched the bunch lying In htr Inp. "Mny 1 have tint; I lint . 111 r.l ..... . i m . ..?', . Bl, J1,CKCu tnem up 'i""1)' men ener' He indicated n blue flower. lien t you think that would rnther iu It my style of benuty?" he nsfced She drew It from the hunch. . . f,.Sn".c.'! Ieve-ln-n-mist.' " she . m H",1" l P"t It In your cent?" I'lense." i1!,0 lln,,ibecn, "Inrllng the engine, and C .nmc, ,0,,lu" (,00r "f H'e enr nnd ii ifii fef ncr te rnstrn the flower In "in UUIIUIU1U1C. ;Will thnt de?" fdie nsked. Ilmnk you." He get In beside and they her llrnt'n mi "Whtrh unv bfiiill n i..i t. ..I...I ' '""" "" b" ": Any wny I don't mind, knew the remls. but I (.heuld I don't like te iush uietc imyiielils ngnin." ery well. You're nc you?" 're net cold, are 'Oh, no." "If you nre. there Is my cent." It was get tine iluik rnpldly, the moon steed out llki n golden sickle against the darkening sky, nnd there was a fnlnt ijrentn of nutuniti In the nJr. Marie drew the rug mere r!e.ely about her. She fell gloriously sleepy, nnd the scent of the big bunch of flowers en her up was almost like nn anesthetic with Its Intoxicating mixture of perfume. VV lien they came te the hnyllelds which they Jia.I passed enrly In the morning leathers stepped the car and spoke; "Arc you asleep? Yeu nre se quiet." Ne; I was jubt thinking." Who sat up and looked nt the view, mere beautiful new in the subdued light and shadow of evening. The uerld seemed lilldl with the scent !! ! u,..i?.Wn"" ',my' .n'"1 0"t'-, nini". with a swift pung, her thoughts flew te Chris. ir fewn" ,,c; 01' w,,crc wa lleV ui.i, n l st,.Pm',(, t stretch out te him If tin flnff C,J; "f l0"Ri,"f' b,,t 'W nn! ft?cc.wn1l ' enough when pres ..e..hl,.(i Ioelc'1 UP nt Feathers. bhull we go en new?" lie drove en silently. inl.1 ii UC" ,a luv!y In-'' Mlrle iirni , ',' 8,U" "I0. i.imi s iiKe u little girl com nc home from n party," FeatherSsnld. "We can iik any tlme you se tired when we started, but it's Wn v r. lm Lii I rrn'CTir inrnir I iiur, nil the some, when next he 'iui.e ie ner sue nu net answer, and w.....,.h iuu-ui)- euii ni ncr, he saw unit sac wns nsieep. Her head hnd drooped forward un- comierinmy, and he could see the dark manes new n -pointed en her cheek. He slewed down n little, and. slip Ping nn arm behind mr ,!.-,.,, i,.. gently bnck until her head rested against win nuuuitier. .Mrs. Heriet hnd snld that Marie ieukcu years elder, and In his heart reatners knew she was right, but the kindly hand of sleep seemed te hnve wiped the lines nnd shndews from her ii.it, iinu it wns just n child who rested there ngnlnst bin shoulder. i lint was te become of her, he naked himself wretchedly, and what was te be the end of this mistaken marriege? He could almost find it In his heart te nnic i tins ns he drove grimly en through me gathering night, with the slight impure ei .unrie s iicnu en ills shoul der. Only nineteen! Only a child still! And n pnBsIonate longing te shield her and secure her happiness rose In his heart. He had led ii queer life, a sclllsh life, he supposed, pleasing him self nnd going his own wny in very much the snmc fashion as Chris Law less had nlways done, and wns still doing, but then he hnd hnd no woman te love him or te love until new, and new Feathers looked down ut the d'dlcntP little fu(P that lay like a white (lower ngninst his rough cent In the moonlight, nnd he knew with n grim pnin thnt yet wns nlmesr welcome te his queer nnttire thnt he would give evnrj thing in the world if only her huppinevs could be assured. CHATTER XIV "Ami I remember thnt I nat m down Lpen the nlepe with her, and thought the wnvlfl J Must be nil evor. or hurt never been. ii u ivviinu u.?ru bu a.utir. Mnrin did net nnswer the letter from Chris, and he wrote agnin two days later, much te her surprise: "Pear Mnrie Celeste I hope you arc net disappointed because I did net turn up the ether night. I renlly wish I hnd new, as the weather hits broken, nnd we've been hnvlng downpours of rain every day, se the han,dlcnp hns been postponed. If It wns net tlmt there are several geed bridge plajers In the hotel, I don't knew hew the deuce we should puss the time. IIuvc you been Feathers? He Bald he should leek you up, but I don't expect he has, the old blighter! Let me knew hew jeu arc. I am sending jeu a cairngorm breech with diamonds, nnd hope j-eu will like It. Yours affection ately, OHMS." Marie waited till the nrrlvnl of the breech before she wrote : "Pear Chris Thnnk you for your letter nnd thu breech, which is very uncommon. I nm sorry the weather is se bad for jeu; it's quite geed here. Yes. Mr. Dnkers enme te sen us. I think he leeks very well. Deu't hurry home en mj account, I nm quite all right. Yours offeetienatclj. "MAHIF. CKLFSTK." What a letter, she thought, as she rend It through the sort of letter one might write te nn acquaintance, cer tiilnlv net te n mnn one loved best in the world ! She showed the breech te Feathers. "Yes. it's inther pretty," he ngrced. "Everybody seems te wear thnt stone In See'tlnnd. Hees Chris say when he Is coming home?" "Ne he says the weather Is bad." "He'll seen be home then." A flicker of eagerness crossed her "Oh, de you think se?" "He will, if it's really bad! You've nq idea what it can be like up there of e It starts te be wet." .vliu'le and Fenthers hud metered to gether n grent deal since that first day. "There'll bu time enough for thea tres when the winter comes," Feathers said. "I don't suppose you've seen much of the country, have jeu?" "Ne." "Then we'll hnvc ii run te the New Furcbt some dny." Marie looked up hesitatingly. "Would jeu mind if Aunt Mndge came?" CONTINUED UjCWOItnOW EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEtl-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, THE GUMPS The Skids for Mrs. Zander J : : : : , ! THE GUMPS The Skids 7mev tEa- VtWNJT TO REAt J V..M THE ULTTEC TMKT VOTE TO VJ 1 ' VjrJCLE BlrA THrVNKIH6 MlM J i FOR. TME. lOOOtt M S KEWT U- . rTTl 1 fMW mWJ'.i . W. rZR V CMl. A & f 2T S V' JtV .A L JI I jfir & lSkmmwLL a , IT iT M ... ..Ml mVll ImWkjWi&Wltik , B"ll L ustu..... I j SbWH t S?lO) - Bi jMrnmrnt VM Wkt & rk! IAriBKJfl VM ifrt flmmmm wWICaC .lmhmmJJU m-HJ )JmmmmZMmmmmmmWimX.riii. f Si I )&JJ0 ) mLtWmlWlTmrmWBmC V v mOmmm -J-i (lBiSillllwr11 - mmmmmmY SJfc mm L Zfrvk H y 6ir "IH ir mmtmi . i7 iHiiiiB U ' i vkbm, . ggfr. n LlJJXSkmmmmmjtGk 1 . nllM'T 1lffffW.ii, . . t T1TP"' WffiMfflu H'i.,i I MiUi", ' SOMEBODY'S STENOGSmitliera' Niit Factory Versus Cece College ; : mnvr.m. ai. by rubiie t,r cemPnr , By HayicWrd 'aLAD TOO DROPPfiMffTALidRfe JOTS S &Z r 'tffA-j. I l nU iOfOMV SI ll I I V " a l Si7:r'"S ' .less Tax , plua Fei6HT r.P STjOi,' f? rj e -, v rA& k Mil 1 " It I., .i r- -" i i r r r rrirV , , , The Yeung Lady Acress the Way HOT DOG! -:- -: -: By FONTAINE FOX SCHOOLDAYS -:- -:- -:- By tiWIG . rw ar. w p .r StaMMd Ci?rj STL M& MmML Z -. ::or i ffffffffffffffffffWi nT . - r ( v& h wmm "a- c f ftfi im i . L.y u-- V 2ffH2 5 lemi JteG & .. ? a4W I iBKB J F . -uu JVt iJKf WBWA 'MUSV r"-t !, lk. sL'Oft tJ&. L?H ' ', HUM j-- mWmmmmmummWtfi ffiSftv 'VS h. bowae, i ( jihp vn . TOVAn k. ti-. BS4r ;iKW(:nVKW2dflKBi-. i . aiwivt- d rSrr IffffffMtil H WJ C !&:.! SK "?Piy5c BlHwA.ivXllKHj'SlnumBiirB r ipr& ffffffmra , . -v'i. ?v an' j-v iiaii'rvVM(cskiTiiiiii!ii.iWaviMv'b v V-i"- Hill X. . e - "Tu .. ..,...1. -.. i-. rBff aBSffiy ir LSy ..wVrzll(MMuKul ., IH H j.j, win" -- f? e 5 mitnwnnu rfiwn lawTI i itttiT OXiSxi ly rff?. Jill'li ' II I mmmmm whm The young lady across the wny 1$ It fek CAM WAS WHAT HArPCHBD Te fiJKLbWBli fifr q!'Bfr-7By rays she enjoys all sorts of useful l$-& Trtt WilKiC HBKCHANT BePeRt flLlillHjPiiKKiR- social service, particularly pouring ,iJ' THft CAMB 5TAHTK0. - w C V lrt T" TAtUV at an afternoon tea. ' i i I zJKm8$u&I3Ut " ,fc i PETEYWe Always Thought He Was a Fish : . . . " I gS jfflk ratiim, ! : : By C. A. Voight GASOLINE ALLEYA New Label for Skeezix . . y j I v J ... : I , : : : By King f.,A Y' V0U SMeULt I DONT Yeu TMlMte iTc WHAT DO VOO A RACHEL, De Yeu . i .. .- . '1 5AD WT UA. Me J ..NffJ OOCHT Te HANG A lV LIl Ce CF Ou2 HsSgHTS 9 WSHIN'TOM fZ- y sis VREi,JLA,a- MONicce. y 'y i KT5N Kx : v1 Mv Fixncee y I . " ( " '' " Z iaa'MBMiWiMM11111 - 1 ,: y , s -i .. - m iff j. for Mrs. Zander MY KMTK)d(rHTTVt.VrCLE- I CA.HY TtU- Vell HOW I HveeArtb "Mp VOO 86KT W MmCIWKTICIM NTiL'- . i 7 &i. "1 aeAflbi- l my M V m My BfcXK- ifS frljwl 9W. An. J WW. j ' li-i.'j J I1 ' iramsml 1 II -' " mm. J t -' VL j&l mmn mmmwmmmwm A if J? ) &yK LX ) wf sc W-A I ifesfrrW xSy.' or T!! v" a. ""r -ZTra vww it 5e maJrJirevJffiiJKJvr'' - - .j ..ej , ?s'... ' is 4 ,t ? r iarij&4r MP flliiM f4U JirfiflU- UNlAn rt9 Ml jpr,. mw TOiiy i-yra IBPlSbLAHi ii VJ ih cat "ste 23$ " ""izwem vmmmMWfrmwm&m . mzLK ' JrtC K.l of tue. Mich Scheel Foetoalu ffiAiL'fes xMMlliii hitkZZj wx. ill i r Hr ' ) fHKm- rAH VEAR ae reft nE Mcwev - WfcJtV- UGTT'NU OP VOU VISIT- UTU.E jt- . COMING - m ,--.. OCTOBER 26, 1921 Wrtti mm!ld eaj! him br M UHCLE B1M TO HIS UTUE HE& THE MOT SWH6 LITTLt FELUOW "THlhKi THE OtHfRiV- H. NV f AW POOR VLL GWE WW EVBKV PBWWH H AA, BXK- AOevrr YUSXrVWTfc"&- HOUPINCJ WHEN HE. By Sidney Smith i br YOU LITU.E PIPLOMAT- VeWLt BME TVA.T FORTUNE YE.T FOR THE AVMLV- THXTfe BttlrifcfMA te peugu home- just uvce. UHCLE BIM'S MAMI!, NRT(M6 H VJlLL- 1 h uW UQt help laughing.