WGmMs v5e p HJ: EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1021 - a . !) IT r i Mevie of Suburbanite Trying te Sleep in Bedroom of City Flat : y j- p- mcevey UNDRESSES and gets Inte pajamas furnUlinil br city host. Finds lfgs tee Ions nml rolls tlirni tin. itl- low awl turnn In. Rell up nmm. puts wnti'h under pll Mftttrcfn doesn't xccin te fit Mm rurvfa Flllew ecemii Miange. RtudlPH wallpaper denlcn in dim liglit. Pezfh off. In nwnkmed by rear of elewitptl train. Listens te It ruinbli nway and swc.m softly. Dezes off. Is nwnhciirt by rear nml vibration of big truck p.iH.slnir. Turns ever saagely and buries bend in pillow. Henrn trniti whistle in distance. Aute tears b with cutout wide open. People upstairs start belated dance. Recerd plnjs "All Ily Myself." Swears Hiivneely and wishes he was. Lull in dandng nml music. Dezen off. Doorbell ling' Vnlcis just outside luslroop luslreop luslroep Borne mistake. Velets apolegixo prefusi-l' . Rut net t liim. Baby niTiisj, court Ioseh nippie in ins sliep. CANCELLATION OF GERMAN DEBT URGED BY M'KENNA Fermer British Minister Declares Allies' Less Greater Than Gam thleage. Orf. 2i -' IU A V -Pajment by Uermnnx ,f liei r.pnnitien debt te (Jreut Itritain nnd n pn.wm-nt by the Allies of the war loins from Great Itritain might "pnne mther u eurse than a blruig, ' "aid Kesitiald MeKennii. former I'limu-diiir uf tin- K chequer of drent llril.nu. Iuhi niglu in An nddri'sx en international tiiiiin-'c ami trn''e before th I einmcrcial Club of Chicago. "We lese mnre In our mil tr b the e.(stenre of 1MMM.00U unemphned.' lie aiil. "than we slutll ewr get in nluc from the fjermnn reparations ever a period 'f ihirn jeur I would rather fcce our ieeiIe emplejeu and jirediK'ius wealth tlinn rcicmng n dribble of wealth from tiermany ; t the i-et of being iinempleypil "And what 1 va. ,f ..nr-Im s i true in u lewer decree .if the 1 Pifil i!iues. Whn 1 sec tlies.' things I r".ill liegin te dmiht uiether h is ler t'ie beiictit of ,the I tiiti'i! Klngdei i that llic reparations sheiilil h" paid, ami wiief-cr tlie debts of the Allies te us might i,et. i if tluj were paid, pree rather a cuis! ' than n blessing. "(in many is called en te ea. a n. mi mum amount annually of SimIi.OOO.OOO and can only p.n it by expert. ns goods in excess of the imports she receives. , As fast as. we endeavor te reduce our price te meet the foreign demand, mere paptr marl's are NmiciI ni.d sold abroad and down gees the external uilun of the murk. "The consequence is the (iern.an (rueeessfullv undersell- us and under- ' tells von. She pas the reparations, but we liuvf In England -'.(MMi.eiM) uneiii- . plejed ami you have mam iin in 'his ceuntr. NVe riiuuet get our people employed again until we can u.arkit our joeds." The net war d' bt due IJreat lint.iin exactly eipi.ils the amount that !r-at Britain ewes the United States, he aid. Waken up and tells the world. Including luckle.su suburbanite. Shakes pillow fiercely with teeth. RtirrewH under covers and puts pillow ever his bead, liaby emits long row of one-syllnble screams. Sub-ddcs with a few gurgle. Suburbanite dozes off. AUTUMN ItFJWltTa AT v"i tTV N. 4. jirrt'jiN ltKHenTs "ati.antue. en v. n. j. Awakened bj noise as of an elephant with broken nrehes toddling exer wooden bridge. It is the milkman coming down the stairs. Wagons rattle through the alley. Sounds of "Whoa:" and "(Jet up. you blanket? wn of u gosh darned dingus.1' Sounds of people walking outside win dow. Sounds of automobiles whizzing by. Sounds of host and family getting up and stirring around. Sounds of splashing in bathroom ..ml ri tiff inc. At least the host thinks it Is Suburbanite ghes up i AKe g"fs up ".la have a geI niget s sleep "Yea, tin". Slept llk n leg." Mar BEGIN WAR ON HUNTERS IN DELAWARE COUNTY' Farmers Assert Property le De streyed State Police May Aid ' runners of Delaware l eunty hue declared a war en hunters and ur.- i i paring te protect their property w.M private guardf and a detail of the Sru Sru pelice which has been premised them b District Atterne William Taj ler. of Media. At u meeting last night of the l'nrta ers" I'retectUc Association of I'pper Chi. Ii' ster Township pretests were mild against the "invasion of bottles of gun ners who destiny prepertj." The farm eis declared the hunter-, who come en te ' lir ir property knock down fences, and ileire l heir equipment. District At torney Taj ler uttMidcd the meeting. similar meeting was uKe hebl last ' night bv the far rs of Middletown. et. cord. Eiigeiiiend and Springllehl T'ewihips. Thej pritestul agalnt hiintirs sheeting pb' usaiits and pur-tridge-i en their land. Th( said that If hunter, kill off this game it will be u great les-. te them, as tie- plea-ai.ts ami pcvtrnlges are n gnat h..ln 1:1 destrejing. bugs that infest the crops. (,' "J Thej jiasseil resolutions te einp.ey a niiiuber of ornate guards te keep uwi.y 1 the hunters. " HISTORIC STONE FOR LEGION AN ANNOUNCEMENT 0Jtr nflartboreugbBlcnbeim, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. begs te announce tlint during the months of November le .Tannary inclusive it has established en the American Plan (including meals) the following Weekly WINTER RATES DOUBLE ROOM AND BATH, TWO PEOPLE, $83, 193 and $112 according te locitien, and a SINGLE ROOM AND BATH, ONE PERSON .... $60 and $70 A email number of particularly choice locations are at higher rates. During these months the climate of Atlantic City is the most delightful of the whole year. Beth houses will remain open instead of one of them closing as heretofore. Exquisite music a feature. Obstacle Gelf en front lawn. Hersebatk Riding, Gelf (2 Championship Courses), Rolling Chairs, Piers, Theatres, Mewcs, and countless ether amusements. OV.NEIlSllir MANAGEMENT JOSIAH WHITE & SONS COMPANY. .AUTl'MN nnSORTW i.AKKWOOn. N. J. AtlTHMN nBSOIITS KXId'AVOOD. N. .1. EMIREL -HOUSE LJVKEWOOD, N.J. Is New Open Faxerablu Kneirn for 4 War te a Dlicr(m(nciHii0 CIlcntl A Wlintrsemt. llfnllhful Spot In the Pines of New Jersey It Miles Prem Philadelphia SplemlM Moter tieatU ir Multes Avtillnhle for rerinnnent Kncntement Superior Gelf Riding Tennis Fishing DenMct "OWN TIIKOUCIII Tim YCAtlS." A. J. Mtltl'HV ' C. V. Mjntl'HY Munacer Ass t Jig'. TOUTtB TOt'US Tinms PknTI.ANTIC CITV MmttV On the nieh rrvnt PRE WAR RATE8 Urietn nintnilrtlr. 8ll?s 0ti SIb1 J Hmnlri tfiwr M ft wmk Itaem )Prlt.lh.tb MI tela - -DM Ttanalrt W.t.t ..! Kxmb ttMitUith.::il - DoebU Rm. Crliit Dttk CsMan furMti 196 p wk OmtnMp Muufintnt Phrai KM LeK L'r .Miike Ien trt til Heme in the Sn.ar k-rvv Wim. 1-"- L eiikc ion reel in iieitie in ine TM.M U HOTEL MORTON . . (Irenn Ktnl Vlrtlnln Ave- riftnter, 1'rlMite llmhs, tte, FIIA I'. IIKI.1. . PA VI. Cnpurlty 300 Alnn Outn. M. COPr.. Prep. a 0sf7HsCd BOTHWELt VlrslnlK Ave second heute from Heard lti MJ Steel Tier. Every appointment. HtrhMt ttandard In culstne and lervlce. Ulkt. Mpee. 1 V'alt and Winter Rate. J. Hnthwlt 'rev. inr'nl.i nv .Id hotel (rnm lieaeli. Private hnh run. water, elev.i uedur eu Kati rates. SAM I 1,1 1" t'nner. N.J ret.t TVS Mr HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always epn, always reartv, tfrms mndsrat. i Wr" or thene. M. WAI.SIt ntlNPAV The Raymond-Whitcomb Mediterranean Cruise The Best- CRllISES Trem New Yerk te Havana, Klngiten, Panama Cannl, Vencsuetn, Trinidad, narbndet, Tort de France, St. Pierre. St. Thomai, San Juan, Nassau and Bermuda. MEGANT1C Jan. 17 Feb. 18 March 20 LarKeitdimenilonsefanysteamihlpialllng te West InJiei. Over 25 years' experience In Winter Ctulies. Apply Crulie Dept. VOYAGES Frem New Yetk te the Medltcrtsnn. Madeira. Gibraltar, AIBleri, MenM Genea, Naples, Athens, Alexandria f Egypt and the Nile. r ADRIATIC ( 24,54 1 tens) Jn.nun.ty 7 February 18 ARABIC (17,324 tens) Janunry 2 1 March 4 Independent Travel. Boeldnm te an. Pert. Apply Mediterranean Dept. White Star Service, of the same high standard which hat made the Olympic Intematle. ally famous, pre Idea utmost luxury for cither voyage. "- TO City Akditeanean v Wtitt today for Mediltrranetirt or JVttt InJiti Decile! WHITE STAR LINE riilltulelpmii l'.iNneiiKer Acentt 1S10 IVi'tmt trcct Wrilitei . Mtdltttranran or iVtitlndmBeQUtt AILANIILLIIT.n.J. a i Directly en. tKe OceaivFbrLt jMUrtinwHdiu unuuutui iuuu.umv I CAPACITY OOV 0 GARACB Wn.ImlrntiM- Kentucky Av. nr. nct). WCSUTlinSlcr t.;,evalerj prtvata baths. runnp water Open all ear. C A. KOPP. I..KKVOI. N J. WbKertf.Buzi BiMagsisBiwia rri si'i-sxr dMi in... rr ,r Nevviv uulll and newly furnished A Modern Hetel ut Moderate Itates All eutilde rooms, elnstle or en suite rmats bath" lM ar-u cla runntnc vrter ami i. ..h,i. m nit rooms. IxrellT.t Hunrarlan fr -?"- r- "9" - n- -JO , euisln Mui'' at meal tlmea uid for dancln 7Lf2 rV CtfCsWl.C I brill and truard rooms. Special ra'es until 0'A- r r ii-ii-- vr ' m. ""' ... ii,,, rec at cemmere a rates Booklet Ttephene: Lakeoed 3.11 or New Vryb rmrn rinvler r.'.'a. I nekuel.eJ i llBlitt, ruh 'e-it culslnx .r a Ave n ar lte.i f, r - ' rt an J s-rvt I" ei t nl'e viri-i.' V VAtr hnths l.x HACK TO PRE-WAR RATES -r, r lercr jiel.rlteO )' all ar. I INTOV n. ARNOM). Owner & Mnimcf .. RA-N R0YD ''f- j 4 J.nn f in n-1! rooms ;-iI.itc 1 ath i nig a Mer low rutew ISAAT tt tWKH. Hetel Boscobel Aln rates Bt m heat. PH. 117 A F. MA rttON SHflRFHAM Vlrclnln Ave. near neich - nl fT , ..n I u inter rae- Aleis tirutr. WiUTr 1 AKBWOOD, VN 'l,Eltl N J K ' I T j-TI'-AMItll-.TS -IthKOItTS ERICSSON LINE r .r4L-?" -3y wz- Ver llftltlmere a Wnshlncten. I), r , Norfolk nml tile Smith D.iIIt 'erilre eeeit SiindAT. l'reliltt ami l,.i--rm;rr, A u'clerk 1. M.i snttiritiu. 3 o'clock IV M., from Tier 3. H. Delnnnre ut,, Tl II iilettiMi ".TKAMSIIirS r.rOBTS The Ontwoed & Inlei rntes B National Headquarters Building te New Clarien Contain One Frem Marne Bridge ------- IntliaiiJIKills, Intl.. ict. ll!. ' ll; A I' t-I'.e I'll ut ll.inlini;. iii",iln i' ut l.i", ('abiii"t, liut'Timrs uf all Uk1 Siaic in th' Inieii. ';i(ii cf all tlic l.uai fitie. mi.! carli tle'.fif.itf ti tin hiuiennl nnvt'iitieii if tin' An "I i an Lpuimu ut K.iik-18 Cit v.i-ri' -flit invii.ititiiis jc-. tfnlay bj !i)' frii'ir McC.n. uf In- iliaiia te :itt''i'J th" fertiial l ilicitnu of the jreuniN anil tin1 I-t intr u' Hi c onifrMetii' uf tlK ti.itienal liciiliiuai Kent'trky 11 tir-'l i. k A'e S K Jus, oft n.m.fa-e mei nt rore.NO, r. UT' " all ynar ('egant e. ntn Ii erirel.M fall t C I . 4 V V Artman ntrc(. i'A. Old Orchard In tbr I'ocenoe, Open All sur. llonUlet. rnr.xre. r.. , I ASHFVlI.l.K. N. , CANAL AGA N SHOWS PR0FTi"'rs ,l""""" et ""' illl i.'pkhi, vmimhu huhiim onuiie rnurii )ir Nl,v,.nil)l,r ,, Ti. i.lt,uiiTt N , he linlianu' ar ni'Mmuial, uml n 1921 ir COM Sl(I.IMM.'.lHKl. Marxlial Piirli i'l th dti-ui sretiinK ami liu t'i" ftirueitiuiu in 1 1. .ifti'rnueii el lii. ,'II-iln isit te lu- ilianapelix. Tlif Monc 1 from tlie Martin Rlvi-r Rriilce. at Jlnttuii-rl'lilirr '.ml au leiiiitnl Je tin- A .ii-rium I."- Riell llj till' FlCIlcIl ll.ltll-'l ! CHURCHES MAY MERGE en Net Wipes Out Deficit Caused by Slides YluAliiiiBtuii. 'let. "J. -!! I' '--for tin- fourth peniei-utnf ti-'.-il .i-ar the I'anani.i (.'anal in li'JI -hmul u profit. urreriJinp: te official n pnrri te-celvi-ti huri'. Tin exce-s in r--ci'H e-. or expenditure in the ypar einliiii; .him- -SO att wa-. Riven as aipprmlinan-lj .-.-712,0110. or -ufflelPiit te ln- mi the lftet of tli" dcticit ri-ultini: from xhdutt in thu earlier Mars of opt-intien.-' I A, ,, . The com of the ca-nl te .lunr- M). or! Congregation te Vete Tonight "investrtl iMtiital," was iveti as Proposed Church 3(J'1S5.4V--"1 ''?, . ,. Tlie question of whether the LiUMepa!! Stnti--lii inilicatuiK i-entinuul growth ,.,,,,. , . I Of Hhinments of fresh fr.iit, thren.'li the . thureh of tlm Hely Apostles, at 1 en- cnnnl arc imblishcil in the ctirtitit issue ' ty-rtr'-t and Christian Htret-'.s. wil' et me ranama anai iteceni uur nK i change entities with the Chapel r.f the me tignt mourns thin trathc totaled nearly UMIO tens eriKiiintcl en the wer Write for SPECIAL Fall and Winter RATES BATTERY PARK HOTEL Asheville, N. C. West Indies ?7 Cruises reur Uc Luxe V-niues of Tent.-tliren llis Iiuili l.-alnt: New Yerlt Nev. 26 Jan. 4 Feb. 4 Mar. 4 U I'ii i 1 1 Twin Hi.rew S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE" 14 rut Ten Pisp a mn Kiitr. ?3.00 lilt (e Kft.10.ne J I'ui i r rirtlrn'irq ni FURNESS BERMUDA LINE HI Ulilttli ill M.. New 'Vurk HKM H1TIIY .. ITI. Hours' Illilicl'li In., or Ahv TnurUt Ateet Ship, the "Geerge Waahinj?ten," 27,000 registered tens. Reut e, including fourteen historic and fascinating countries. Date, February 14, 1922, when the Medi terranean is fairest. Lrength, C4 d a y s, allowing ample chance for shore ex cursions. Service, from Amer ica's eldest and most expert travel com pany. The Best Rates, $625 and up, with a wide .range of accommodations. t-end for nur Mediterranean Iloeklet RAYMOND & WHITCOMB CO. 1338 AVnlnut street l'hllnilelplilii Tel. Filbert 3H01 bee our ether nihertlseinentB en tills page The Best The Best The Best- The Best- Travel i'n. Coimafeipt Tours Mediterranean Ultlnir ' Riviera, Italy, Egypt, Hely Land, Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, Spain, France, Switzerland, England Frequent departures. Jan., I'ck, SIcli. Cruises Te Bcrmudu, West Indies, etc, Ne Rtfshing Ne Crowding- Slnall De Luxe Ki-eups. each limited te 1! Ilbernt slKhtseelnir unci time for restlnc. 1 information nntl Itinerary of Tnur deslreil. Japan-China Including Philippinea, Manchuria, Korea I.envltus rncllle Const Jan. nnd Teb. Seuth America InclutlliiK East and West Coast, Panama Canul, Andes Mountains rrequent'dtmitturcH from New Yerlt December te Murth -Everything First-Class members. Dest steftmera nnd hotels larly resorvattenu nccessury. Hcnd top FRANK TOURIST CO. (Established 1875) 219 Se. 15th St., Philadelphia Bell Phene, Spruce 0852 Ofe f&a&B MUTATIONAL llplll Sfps anal Kcrerd nurlriK i hnnge entitie" with the Chapel r.f tli is j'Mi Iiiir AuBtut . ; Mediator. Fifty-tiftli .iml S.rui d ;! tens, e ' Tihich RtrPPt,t wiI ,0 dcplikn t nljrht b ceant ff tlif I intev htatf-s. Alletrinj; thirty bnxr te tlif ten. th" liri-enl esti-mntt-d that tln slupincnts nsKn-catecl 213.0(id lxi-.ps TIiiise niten vt.-ij in tJ.' fresh fitlit trinlc wi'v itinni as pr"-(llr-tine i lint thi- intnl would bi- ile-ibled lij tin- -iid of ihf 'itr HOLD CHAUFFEUR IN DEATH rut-'c i i nurrn, ill n; un lul I' 111.111 u, tl vete of the cuiigrcsatiiin of the fnrmci iliun-h. (lumber 15 the Rev. Llr (eri," Wet brt Tt-fiep. rni-ter .f tin- Huh- ApustU-i l li i p 1 1 . iiifiirnii.il his i ei'irivi' n tl ,,t thi- lilsl eps nt thr- iliiicesc tliiiitsli' bfttiM1 ilint th" i-hiipt'l .u T'.fn -nil, and Sprm st-i'ctH 'li'n. -I lii'i eii.f ' ,. metiiir i-hur-h nii- tla1 t!.p n. : u i clnr'li en heis' jn -' t should b"- i .-jnic the chape' Was Found Unconscious in Cab Beside Dead Mat Re.t licchtel, a rlintiffptif ftniiieti-l Washington, v.he was found u-f'-r Fcietis Mendaj in nn au'nn.ohi'e In- in the beilj of S. M. Kell, of Washing' i"-n wbh tlisrhargi-d from th- I'lin.r I'lin.r linepltnl tiwhij . I'l'll iiml llei-htel had been driiiUiiis a linilncnt futltniriinr; v )ud uiulinl. Will. tbnn ere Jehn Slmti . I'liu ffr.th ai 1 IShtinl; stre'ts, and Juse; 1 I'm-i-, uf Wilitiintiin. 1'pcht'il v .is tak'M from t!Ti '1. -,-it. ! te th 'I ltiit.-spcenu -tn-i-t ant Ue-d-ltnd .'ixciiiip .tntiiitt an! -ir-a i,, 1 ' ere Mmjlstrnw 1 tijtnn. Ii- a -trnf- jirrietisl- Iiml 1 '! -i-Price w, thi nt bail f i t.i ' n i Th" fhnijfffiir i tifnil h jr i ' ririv Hell frein Wn-I 1-151011 . 1, S Yard hi-"-. U" i" I In- nurd, -i - .. Thej ,i-.ii up !lre .ii lu..u'i. ' Prici- 111 Wiliiiiiijten. Ili- .iini 1, urniil: a liniii-t'iit bengl.t in .. 1 -'ngleu ilriiy Mtei', In- t'-Mififii II .., held ler the Crirnnir. Problem of Idle at Marcus Heek Thr liirci- liiinib' r of tm inpe d n the Man us Heek si-rtiun is 1 .-numi; i sldcrublc uin'iLsiii'-hs nnieiii; tiii- f dent. Te fiml 1 nuj te irii'-i ir MUffcrlliK lApmttd this 'Miiler a r- ' r aKioi-intien bun in 1 11 f,.n ,1 n. 11 n' hau its tirsi nnetitic 'h,s i- c 1 -ij LEARN LANGUAGES FROM NATIVES l.i in (-'punish Krem-h. Ita ..-r, -.-in Eiib isn. etc . from iperin i,-"l ifttn- tea hers at the Her 'i nl nil rei-P real u-tl an I one hu - Our superior m-h is 4A irarn et nui i-m h, k 't 11 n J '.ae i-n.ibled uh te iu' .1 wwt-ni f 33tJ echr-elsi !! '' a -nU I a.lw r f'ass i.stru itnj and evnms. Ce . v te - erlitz SrOMOOI , OH LANGUAGES EST lare 556HHANCHF.F 1.VJ1 Chestnut St., Spruce 1G01 s he, n--5 the- 1 u-Moitne - rn w iiitiixsi .v ( M (ITIIII It 'AM Ideal Vacations :E TVreDayj from Nw Yerk. 8 Days, $91.00 A ;:.. All Outdoor Sperli Ne Pauperti tal it.ns l.ery I-"l La a via S. S. "Fert Victeria" S. S. "Fert Hamilton" Send for Special Tours Felder FURNESS-BERMUDA LINE 31 Nhllelull M.. Ne Verli FMINVS WITHY & ( .. I.TII. lln.ir.e Illrtc. Dilln. Fall River Line Te Bosten e m 9 mi m:u KM.I.M rtllNT? I.s.l'ler U N.H. iKullen M.) .tUO I. M. Diilly OrcMestrn en etieh steamer M.W LONDON (NIIKWKIIl I.IVK. l-ine I'lir 10. N. It. Ueel. Unn .1:3(1 1'. tl. TOl If. nK A ni'INK.SS SI'Kf'I.M.IST I'i thes da.. th" untrained worker se Uem livKiues Our ei.rses la Stoneijrapln iinil H. ,y!eepinK 11 t" 5u ftr promo I t te w.- litter iiBV nn ! slil ,rs III Jii i In stru iinn. Dai ai.d t-ven.ric c.iiiits L-irull a t tue. IMIII.. lll'SINKSs (tU.I.IX.C nml t nlleue of ( emmerre I'll; C'lirstnut M , rbllarielihl,t tlarU's I8th MEDITERRANEAN llth, train t raise. I"eli. S e 1 urk i:i.tl'I VM) . Kl ItDPf. it it i..y Itartere'l Can ij I'at.t'.e i hup li stean.er i EMPRESS OF FRANCE " ? ', - ; 74 Dyj. Firtt Cla.i, $600 nnd up ! is Kin ,n Kitipt am) ('. ,, Hotels, dr.ws fes. eulden I u ,'. n ., nrs In Kurope i IV iirfis In l'.irli and I.- n,lei fun I'rnnk t. (lark. Times llullillinc. Nru ti.rk Anether Raymond-Whitcomb Cruise West Indies-Panama-Hawaii en the luxurious S. S. "Hawkeye State" (of the Matsen Navigation Company) Sailing February 11, 1922 Planned en the usual high standard of a Raymond-Whitcomb Cruise with expert serv ice, an itinerary both comprehensive and un usual, generous shore excursions. Visiting the romantic ports of the bright Caribbean and the great Pacific Havana, Pence in Perte Rice, St. Themas in the Virgin Islands, Pert Antonie ana ivmgsum in Jamaica, oien, rsaioea ana Panama City en the Isthmus, Les Angeles and San Francisce, Honolulu and Hile in delight ful Hawaii. Rates, $750 and upward Send for our descriptive booklet Raymond & Whitcomb Ce. 1338 Walnut SI. Philadelphia Tel. Filbert 38G-1 Sec our ether advertisements en this page I 1 i I ! I CALIFORNIA & HAWAII Delightful winter tours of five te eight weeks. They visit New Orleans, Colerado, the great resorts of Southern California Riverside, Pasadena, Del Mente, Coronade, Santa Barbara San Francisce, the Grand .Canyon, the Apache Trail and the Hawaiian Islands. Early Tours November 10, December 15, January 4 and January 9 Send for our California Booklet. Seuth America Comprehensive tours? including both the East and West Ceast.s October 29, January 7, January 14, February 4 and February 23. Arabian Nights Africa Tours te Algeria, Tunisia and French Morocco, fascinatinr 'anus for Oriental travel in January and February and March Other tours te Japan-China, Egypt and the Hely Land Australia and the Seuth Seas and Round thu World. Send for the booklet desired. RAYMOND & WHITCOMB CO. 38 Walnut St. Philadelphia Tel. Fiibert 38(T Sec our ether advertisements en this page s e a c 0 0 9 e Philadelphia Turngemeinde CiTmnasllra. Srcln- Chrtnl rmnrns SrDt mine nnd drriuuu. Ilou r.lirell nmv. nreld St. and Celnmnlit As jmr, klft en reuursu I WIRING c -ii en ipik IM.T LINDSAY MILLS CO. riTi ui. -nnuHenM i J9 Ii. ..TUT- Ml Aw . ) 1 I, I ! nl lll) S " I I v. Helps te break up colds 01), Mt ll''lll en jiuir thrnf, bpferi' bdIi'K I" li. i, ..u f".l n ul'i I'einiiiK uf Slean s I.iniiii"nt clirit ami Imp k )nl Ijt'il II stnils warm iJllL'I'lll' fit S-lllttt ItSII tllllt kl'l'llh tin Cflld fiein M-tlllliR ' nnil li. 1 ! brink lr ill'- wliil'- I'" Ii'-uIiIm nini- s.iutln nnd rleur t'u- lunv mid ilii'mit '"i i rutdun t htuultlOi just If i it I ! i UiiK Ml druusi-t- -'("". Tli. SI in Slea ti -! eir4-1 Paul's! MjAjL 1 JL JL m. LuJ. . lenemv Remove These Skin Siscolerafions L's.0 the Popular Skin Beauti fier Beauty Bleach Ti. g .- ".! -,- It .',( I ! tl V ' Titer ;-! Hi.-i-n . '. Ai,i'i " u- 'v Hivh-U ! I if 'k i IVa'it;- tllat h i flMiFlii'ii frayirti' re.m .Nf- , inline .iiriin clfaiit. ,! skin rlns it) mil w.itT ThiTi ii.plj little Ih'i nei.ti i.k li'-nl.PK ' l"iiii,iinK "'reaiii -, ,ur s) i is 'lien ready for your fa e r!T ,tl 'J !' IC II'ri k afl W'lr.' Ilen-iiv IJ!car!, ,n. ,in ut"'- v HI riiiOM l.iK, aunhiirit 'i"UIh Ilvr .-!' - iimki thf -klii , Itar ft "'! "Uinfui-'iiitPil lllaclt ainl Viii i If.i Kij! i r'.i ii s .IhmI f' r I i ir ' X 'li" -kl , rclirliK linpi ai,l i ii i i r r 1 ' -i ' i , i i HUci . ' W i ! H ' i'.i. .i. I H'a'-lt iii"l " ' '! -' Him k iml VlilU i I .ii ..K re .i iul je, an be In Jill a' K""1 'iritf ,u,a depart nient i-im s Wr.u I ijkI Mpinpin Tnn . f'" l'if.iiii !! ii k i nl It-allft uhuh i, II" ''-' ull atiuiit UUUt uiiij White lilt I'i. .ir.' "ii Night Classes in Bookkeeping ! r- r -in Urrr hlmrthai'1 Mtur.ins n i i i: - eun 12 r "Hi, H'-i ' ft' I TIII. rVmtt M HIIOI 1003 MirUrl St.' I'llIIDKLrillA CIIOOL or dkmien rim ivemkn , Ureid i Mastfr Hts. ,..'rn Tlrr .' .rv ' Ms.s In 1sr1 Arch :ctural Ds:cn, llurl Dscormtlea. His Ilst lluslnrss Sihoel nn, ciiitm;t ST. ru.ltleii siinrnnl'il. I.mT nnn D.iv cir nlshl STRAYER'S RAG Ml SIC M. INTKl TIOV Piane Playing i Taught Beginner n 20 Lessens OPEN EVENINCS lirrmnrrs i. hpi'flalM i inrr ( enrsr If n NtiM I'lny !'l,,,n.. x.iri'r' fH)07 i nit rum: iiunui.r.T iikixtknkn srimei. or i-ei1. mjtsic jji.-n ( lii-.tmit 'l.JS'l M IVUHI.KV. Mr. Phila. Musical Academy ; Germantown Branch 30 East Walnut Lane TIME , nn . 3IUh fntfir .lll-F.IMI IV IMRhf 'I' 32 lllrrr. IB'JjsVflJ IITE Y BLEACH eta ti4- m The Meredith trDramaticArt J j ns ' "treij'tti. Prnres,'. Mnler ' P' i bt, I lass Innlrui llin Jay uinl m- n.t k r'atf A prefessl ,nal dl'icers ' li ok 10 !. UT1I ST. pru,-e SOU.' i MO.iTANI VOCAL STUDIOS ' New ,ililrrssi 170.', Itltirnliniise Ml. I ltli "f. Hrlew J"-"l A. T. Maynard, Mus. Bar. A. R. C. 0. Kill K (IIIC.IN HAll.MONV i aiS.1 ( lirsliiiit SJ. llurlnn 0001 IV C TSCHOPP avs: !?!!; SI: ! MmiiIeIh llinln f.Ml--r ilhrr hula. oNsi:uiiATeiiv or .music II. III.MIHIK l.KKMA.N I iilr.cter. II VAN Dl-V lllil'MT "rcl,0, sin Mil Til nni Hiur.r.i 61 DAY Mediterranean Cruise S.S. CARMANIA (Cunard Line) Sailing from New Yerk, Feb. 11, 1922 Price Frem .$500.00 Up Tve months of Sunny Land and Balmy Seas. American Express Company offers a 61-DAY Cruise te the Mediter ranean and the Levant, under its exclusive management, visitine Madeira, Cadiz, Gibraltar, Algiers, The Riviera, Naples, Pompeii, Reme, Flume, Venice, Athens, Constanti nople. Palestine and Egypt. The CARMANIA lias ample accomemdations for 775 passengers, but the number of guests en this cruise will be limited te 450. Ample time will be allowed for sight-seeing at all ports of call. Prices range from J 300 up, depending only en the location of state rooms. All guests are entitled te same privileges. These wishing te return at a later date will be previaea witn stop-ever ticKets goea en Aquitania and Maurctania, etc. Additional American Exnresu winter Tours nwl Crimes tnrlwle: Europe, Around the World. cita, Jupitn, ivm ikucx, r leruia, Rnrmuda. Cuhfurniu. Honolulu. Thi,d (ruse- Tour i m ."s. tlfliU te Aeuit Ainerxai mils Feb llh. f'nll. write or pli"iic AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 143-145 Seuth Bread St., Philadelphia I'linnr (llrll) llnlnul 4091 Wherever you go carry theso spendable everywhere American Express Travelers Cheques TRAVEL SERVICE AN UNPARALLELED OPPORTUNITY THE CARON.A TO THE 8 te 550 Gue.xt- I.MIUl. KltlDCn .NORKIS 1714 C'lirHlniil Htrri-t ELSIE MILLER ;;rl,T. li'.lerullnn) Sprurr 31.11 arln Uoem i It. 17M ChMlnnt FA XM ZSZ Limited. te 550 Guast-f- Jan. 28 te March ,30,1922. Sixty-one Day3 of Delightful Travel, Leisurely Sight seeing, Luxurious Recreation. Each stateroom will be occupied by only one or two pas pas nengers, The steamer's entire cabin accommodations, havind been reserved for our guests, the utmost comfort in staterooms, en decks, as well as ashore, is assured. The Itinerary includes visits te MADEIRA, SPAIN (Cadiz-Seville-Granada), GIBRALTAR (Tangier), ALGIERS, MONACO (Nice and Mente Carle), NAPLES (and en virons), ALEXANDRIA (Caire and Nile), PALESTINE (Jerusalem, Bethlehem, etc.), CONSTANTINOPLE, ATHENS, ITALY (Naples and Reme). Stop-ever privileges in Europe with return passage by Aquitania, Mauretania, Berengaria and ether Cunarders. Other Current 'Programs SOUTH AMERICA Our exceptionally well-planned Cruise-Tour te this intensely interesting field for pleasure travel will leave New Yerk Feb. 4, 1922. CALIFORNIA, HONOLULU Most attractive tours overland or by sea via PANAMA CANAL. BERMUDA Eight, nine or nineteen day tours. Fre quent departures and most attractive itineraries. v WEST INDIES, WINDWARD ISLANDS, CENTRAL AMERICA, ere Winter Cruises full of charm and recreation, leaving at short intervals through out the season. Itineraries of various lengths. EUROPJE Frequent sailings. EGYPT-THE NILE Many attractive itineraries of Nile voyages have been prepared. Possessing our own Nile Fleet of tourist steamers, private steam ers and .private dahabenhs, our clients have un paralleled and exclusive advantages. All Information nnd Literature en Request THOS. COOK (Sb SON 1 " Seuth Bread St. (below Walnut Street) Philadelphia 'I rlrjilii no, IVitlliut IKIIIII uml zarl "i( Oifiei'H Throughout the World Cook's Traveler's Cheques Geed Everywhere