Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 26, 1921, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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"T" -wMaatWaarn
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M. E. Secial Union' President
Raps U. S. Attorney for
Noglect in Prosecutions
United Stntcs Dictrirt Attorney
Celes wns bitterly criticized for fnllinc
te prosecute liquor lnw violators b
Clarcnce D. Antrim, president of the
MethedUt Episcopal Setinl I'nlen.
when he presented te that bed Inst
night ft resolution commending I'rohl I'rehl I'rohl
bltien Commissioner Hanes for his ef
fort te cleau up IVninylvnnhi.
Referring te Ce1r statement tluit
theso who get excited about prohibition
enforcement are sufferins Hh a bad
case of lnriuif itivitia. Mr. Antrim nald
thnt the public is net interested in flip
pant remarks and that it Is time for
Mr. Colci te "put up or lmt up "
The rcolutien adopted by the I'nien
pledged Mippert te tlie Ommi-Miiiier.
and his tactics were ilencribwl n
"heartening." renMileriiiB the Uitid of
men often employed, rcadn tne re-e'u-tlan.
enferrement has been (pitte
successful as could have been expected.
Ill.sliep Kerry Among Speaker
The I'nien met nt tle Tiesn .MKl.n
dlst Churcli. EiBhteetuh and Tiega
streets. Addressee were mude by
lllshep Hcrrv and the 1I.' . lr. J. V.
Crewthcr. 'I the Arch Street Church.
The reseiv a ndeutcd felimv :
"We are a mnp these who had no
expectation t' .. 'he Eighteenth Amend
ment could iecet'.fully enforced all
at once. ;. was tee rirmb im
bedded in t e e.immeiee, the secinl cus cus
tern eml the debased appetite ana
habits of multitudes of our people te
be suddenly eliminated. Ne reasonable
person expected the rigid enforcement
of prohibition unt.l tlie-e strong line
of resistance could be broken down.
"The run buinc has uhvn. been
lawless and criminal and it will re
iulre time before Its adherent" can t-e
taught respect for law. But the daj
will conic when the pre.ututury law
will be as effectively enforced as the
law ngalnt burg!.ir or murder.
"The Cuverniiieiit has been fearfully
handicapped in it efforts ac enforce
ment by dishonest officers, ui.iny of
whom hne been in hearty svuipnthy
with the nrn business, and who owed
their oppeintirent te political in
fluences. Cen-ldering t .e kiml of iu-n
often enip.ejci. entue in-nt Iwi.s been
quite as s-uccc-sful .1' ieul'1 hate been
"letter Dajs Ahead"
"But better da.i i.ic jui-t ahead. Mr.
Ilnv A. llaym . tee new Nadolel ''ni ''ni
niinsiener, has all cud; cemtnetuled him-j-elf
as an intelligent ,-ind a courageous
official. Cudcr bis administration the
lawless eh meets are already in alarm.
The violations in lVnnylvnn.a have
been ;artlculnrly flagrant, and the vig
orous mun-ures new being employed by
Mr. Ilajnes and hi assistants have
heartened all levers of law nnd public
decency. We assure the ('omni-i-ie-.. r
and hln co-laborers of our apprecl'itien
of their determined effort te utterlj
rtamp out the lawless rum abomina
tion, and we expres the hope that no
Kililty man. whether of high or low es
tate .may be permit'. (! te escape.
"Therefore, b- it resolved. That we
pledge our united and heartj co-operation
in every proper ffert te remove
from the fair name of Pennsylvania
the stain which recent wholesale viola
tions of the Eighteenth Amendment
have placed upon it, ami te re-p.JtabllMi
our Stnte In public estimation as one
of the law-abiding Commonwealths of
the Republic."
Colllngaweod Weman Hit by Aute
en Way te Revival
Mrs. Mary 11. (lelger. 'ifty-veii
yearn old. of 17 Homestead uiniiic
Collingswood. died alter being stru k
by an auto en llndden neiiuc wai.e
crossing the street from a wedding In
the Hely Trinity Episcopal Church te
the Methodist Episcopal Church revhal
meeting lust night.
Mrs. (lelger, who Is tin wife of An
drew D. (ielger, became vnfu"cd at a
car going in one direction and steppi-n
directly In the ruth of an auto drhen
by Jeseph XV. Illnehniau. 11-iJ Madden
avenue, Westtneut.
8he was token te the office of Dr.
Edward II. Rogers, where her Injuries
did net appear te be priens and she
was sent te her home. An hour later
die died, presumably of cither Internal
injuries or shefk. Illm-hman gave hiui-
Eelf up and, was held in smw hall for
action of the Grand Jury
Famous Chorus Will Sing for Benefit
of Penn Y. M. C. A.
The Bach Choir of Bethlehem w I
Vielt this city, Ne ember .", and All
sing at the Academy of Muie T'ltr
will be 300 members m tie i. r
which comes here as the result uf pr.--senal
Invitation eMcudcd te Pr .1
Fred Welle, founder of the e'i ,ris Mt
the New Vi rk enni err last .Tanner'
The. concert Iutc wi'l h given f.v tr
benefit of the Y. M. C A. of the Cc .
vcrbity of Pennsylvania. Th" partv
will be shewn thieugh In lependem
Hall following the concert nnd will m, .
the Curtis I'ub i-buig Company 15e: .1
Ing, wheie at (i..'ln e'chx k in the ev,
nlng the chorus and ethers will I
guests of Cjrus II. K Curtis at a
Plunges Frem Fifth-Story Window
at Lexington
Lexington, K.. Oct. '';--T lint Mis,
Dorethy Kniriej, of Newport, Ky., who
was killed in a fall from a fifth -story
window of the I.nfnjette Hetel early
jesterduy, neeuentall fell out of the
window was the finding of a Corener's
This was also the staicment made hv
Carl Wiedermanii. who was standing at
the deer of the jeuiur woman's room at
the time of her deatr
Reports weie te the effect that she
leaped from the window bei-nuse of
despondency hut nnmiks which si e
W8H said te hae merhenril ue.uulnt
unces make at the races en Men.ln
Mlns Ralne wns iiheur thirl v tears
old. n daughter of Ir. I.etiis Uainej,
n Newport phjhiclan, nnd noted fei tn-i
charitable work. II r hcautv wen her
the title of "the puniest girl in ,
Rebe Girl at Spruce and Juniper Sts.
A thief hiiiiti'lud a handling from
Mary Eiliart. n in ml in tin- tihul-tm.
apnrtllU'llls, Eleventh and I'nie sir,.,!
na Sim was walking mi fc-uuie tr. t
near Juniper last meln Tue rob', .
occurred n few doers from the l.'ome of
Senater Penrose The footpad ct-caped
with thr.bng which contained $3 ami
feercral f ',yn,
Identifications Fall, but Police Fol Fel
low Trail of Laundry Marks
New Yerh. Oct. 20 (By A 1'
With another premising set of clues
brcken down, t'ie police started afresh
tedav tn their ctlerts te identify tne u s
tnemhereil body of a young woman feuii'i
In a pond at Leng Island City la-t
Siturdav and te trace her slner
Detectives predicted, however, that
an arrest would b made shortly. ,
A "positive" Identification of the mc
tim as Bertha Becker, n detnestic, made
last night bv u woman who gave if
name of Mrs. Elizabeth Rlchnrds, of
Jeisev City, was overturned when t'n
police learned that the address given b
the woman was fictitious, nnd that th
ea' Mrs. Richards was .111 in a hes ,
'I lie woman hud advanced n theer
that the wet'inV legs had been severe
te pi cent id 'ilificatlen by means of a
German Iren Cress anil the lint a's
'B. B ," which, she said, had been tut
te'ied abexe vtie of Bertha Becker s
A stained butcher's knife nnd u
nightgown ben Ing brownish spots
found en Slat n Island nnd regarded
possible clues, were eliminated whm
. nnalvsis showed the stains were rust
inthcr than bleed.
A.tinrenth the only hopeful material
f.e p.-lbv had te work en today was
two shirts which had been wrapped '
abe it the victim's head. These bore J
hum lr marks which were traced te a i
T.eng Island Cit laundrj, but it waa
fi unit that i"ienls showing te whom the
p.- ' . i.'el 'iecn assigned had been de
sign rd.
Causes Sensation by Charge He Was
Told te Swear te Lie
Mercer. I'a.. Oct ''il - - By A. 1 '
A nrnm.itle scriie occurred in Uie Mcr- I
er t euntj courtroom hire today when j
"'i'' iviiie, usin;.ng ter uie lom lem lom
nenwealfh in the ttial of Burges J. ij,
Moeih , et l'arrell. who Ik charged with
.is,.ir.uv te extort, nccuted two uttor utter
nejs in tinj case of telling hiiu te testify
te a lie.
Izopo, ir.nvicted nt the June term en
a charge of cn-pirney te eten, plvadeil
guilty later. He was defended nt that
linn bj State Senater S, A. Service, of
Shaton, and J. XV. NeUeti. of Mercer,
who are ceunel for Meedy in the pres
ent trial.
When cress. r-Miuuncd today by Sen
nti r Serice, Iape became excited and
i (i us-.; the attorneys of bin lug told him
hi test fv te a lie during his trial in
June. .Si-rve rusln ,1 te the witness
-tiiud and told Dzapo he dared net re
t'l'iu the il'.irge se that the jury could
Ilea- it Tlie witness: remained mute.
Service t lrn ng te the court, asked that
a wariauf he sworn out for his nrrest
.'tid that dlsbai incut pre-eedings he in
stitute,! Ti:e .Tudge rubs) that the mat
'er i.c.il nethiiK te (I) wall tlie present
The courtroom was crewdrd when the
inc dent e.-currid.
Fermer Union Organizer Says They
Encouraged Lawlessness
Washington, Oct. ''!. fBy A. 1'. '
Officials of miners' unions In the
disturbed Wist Virginia coal fields were
eharge,! today by A. E. He-ter. a for fer
mr union organizer, with having aided
directly in supplying amis tu miner
encaged in tae recent ni.irch en Logen
eunty and with h.uins encouraged the I
march. j
Called as n witness before the Sen- I
itc Investigating Committee by the i
operators, Hctcr testified he bundled J
between S.'hMMi and ,'s(;(M) in miners'
mke relief "script." which he turned
cicr te union miners for the purchase
et suns. H,. abe told the committee he i
knew of a standing irder with n iinrd- '
ware cetnpnnv at Williamson. V. Vn..
for the de'uery of thirty rifles each I
wed; "ter a Ien; time, tin gum. he
nid, being turned ever te mine -orders.
Demand Release of Sacco and Van-
zettl, Alleged Murderera
Stockholm, Oct. ".). By A. I'.)
Resolution- registering tl.c " -trengest
- it, -t neun-t r attempte- murder
of our comrades, Nlcole Sacco nnd Bar-
.o.eireii Vauzettl," ruissud at a meet
ing ' f Syndicalists here, have been ler- I
wan.- I te Ira Ne'.snn Merris, Amer- I
lean Mlni-ter te Sweden, by the Swed- I
i) "i i. miinisr im i r I
Sac e aid V.-nxetti are Italians un- i
der ceuv clien of murder in Masnchu- ,
vt's , ,. rese ut ions de lared faith in
the I-,- ., en, . ,t th' two men and de
mande I rheir re'ease.
36T-1 Out of Werk In Camden
An rtBcinl police canvass, under the
direction of the Camden Chamber of
Cemment', completed this uierninc.
hcns that there are .1G1M men out of
work in tuat city .
Held for Robberies
l I i-N liri'Mh
I I)V. I51) ( II M.I'ONT
Who wen In M wllheiif hall today
w un D'c'il ailinltted tuldug part
in several rebherle directed, he
Mild, In Chalfonte, vke posed as a-
meWc arler Mid MaiiKLlue resident
i 'l
1 Y" wf 1
I 4 m j
Pw Jkit ii? -J Sv A HEdSs VBrHHk Kditeu x flH f VQBinpHIVBI
IrfrtKtr I'hote Pnrlc
William Jennings Bryan heard Dr. Russell II. Conwell deliver his "Acres of Diamonds" lecture last night at the
Baptist Temple. He eulogized Dr. Conwell at the closeof the a.lilrcss. The phole shows the Commener about
te get into n taxi at the Belle uo-Stratferd
Deep Interest Shown When
Lecal Docter Wields Knife
at National Clinic
''Tlie urgeen must be a linguist.
He must speak the lcnguuge of the
duodenum, the stomach, the intestines,
ns he does his own."
I'r. .Jehn B. Denver, the sjrgeen,
steed in the white-domed clinical am
phitheatre of the I.ankennu Hes-pitnl
In the first tier of scnts sat dl'tin
guised surgeons from ether lands, who
are the pacts of the American College
of Surge ns in Its pn'scnt congress.
Cray I aire 1 men for the most part,
wearing the white gown of the operating
room, and behind them row upon row
of their confreres in similar garb.
(lathered around the still form en
the table steed the little group thnt was
te de battle w.th death. The surgeon
himself was completely swathed, as
were Ids assistants, in "terlle white
gown and heed, only his dark eyes being
visible beneath their griirled brews.
His voice, strong and decisive, came
undiminished through the gauze pad
which covered the lower portion of his
face. On his hands we-e tight-fitting
rubber gloves, which accentuated the
slender grace of his fingers.
At the patient's head steed a nurse,
whose kindly eyes rarely left the ether
one which she held te his face. Be
hind her steed three ether nurses, nnd
en tlie far side of the table the assisting
surgeon worked with Iodine and sponge,
preparing for the incision.
As the surgeon explained the nature
of the case te the attentive circles the
final preparations were completed nnd
the group around the table drew closer
together. Still talking. Dr. Denver
turned, an Instrument was placed in
his hand ns though by magic, and the
operation had begun.
!ther than the oiee of the surgeon
him-elf there was ;.., unind in the room.
That cardinal rule of nil epciaiing
rooms whiib -teod in black letters
above the deer -"Neli lequi ; neli
tnncere" peuk net ; touch net was
obeyed t the letter by these men who
were went te demand such obedience
Werkins with incredible speed and
accuracy. Dr. Diaver penetrated the in
tricate tissues of the abdomen, his fin
gers guiding where his eyes could net.
and always his voice, even and yet
vibrant, carrying with the marvels
which hi hands performed the explann explann
Ien recpni-el: and always, tee, the
thick, sweet reek of ether pervnding
Ner once wu there a pause in the
swifr sequence of his work. Ceimtlcsh
Lritrhr instrument' were placed silently
nn.l promptly in his hand ns he required
them, and as swiftly removed nt tin
proper moment, te be replaced with
ether. At last Dr. Dealer stepped
momentarily while his nssltnnt per
formed some miner function nnd inter
rupted the thread of his discourse. He
turn-d le tl e nurse nt bl.s elbow and
held up a bleed-stained gnu.e pad.
Search for Missing Pad
I low many te start with'"" be
"Tweni j -five
"Hew- many en tl.e ti-ble-1
And en the tloer?"
Which leaves one f.ii nie te tiuil
Dr. I't.iw-r said, and turning again te
I.-. ,erk In triumphantly drew forth
fr la the weufld the missing pad.
Inters ci-seif with the technical cein-ti.eii'-
whh-h he made were hits of rem
in. set-nee of old beloved teachers, niiee niiee
let(s of famous men nnd fnmetis tiper tiper
utiens of ether days. Occasionally
tteie was n keen Hash of wit, at which
tin motionless white forms in the tiers
above him broke into laughter, but
thrie was nothing Incongruous in their
mirth. They laughed as one would
laugh with an artist engaged In paint
,ng n great pietur". Te them the
hM-iie was tine which occurs se efttn in
the.r IIm-s that it Is n natural eery
dm nspet t of their existence.
Bu' for the most part their nttitude
- eic- of close attention Chin en
land, "r elbow en knee, thej leaned
firard te fellow the nihtb details of
technique which were being displayed
l.efert their eyes. Seme of these fur
thest fre'U the scene peered through
Mnall folding opera glacs
Five minutes passed, and suddenly
th operation was completed. Dr.
D-'iM-r straightened and stepped back,
i he wi-trunii-nts disappeared with an
i u",-. t ,f un romuney, the unnvwidable
hleii'i mm militants of an operation
were "whisked nwiiy. the patient was
win led out of sight te he sewed te-gi-th.-r
In some !os distinguished band
and tie audience stirred again.
"New. sir." said Dr. Denver, turn
ing .udiirnh te his assistant, "as nn
ei . rat ii.; surgeon, what is the one
,iitvtien ou should ask yourself uf
"Am I sitlsfied?" came the unhesi
tating answer.
"Correct,' said the doctor, and with
an imperious wnve of the hand he
summoned the next case.
Strike May Delay Democrats
Washington. Oct. 2. (By A. V )
Due te the (lueutened railroad strike
-eietnl member of the Democratic Na
tional Coiuiiiittee have suggested pest-piim-ment
f the meting of the cjin
...,,!.... ,. 1.., I,, .1,1 iii sti r.entu. Mevcm-
ItlilltV H le tutu (t --.v. .w,,-M, .....
her 1. Chairman White. It wns Milf.
today , will make known his decision te
morrow ,
Mary David Serry She Didn't Have Breem te Reut Police Who
Arrested Mether in Liquor Raid
Mary David, who tried te keep the
police from coming Inte her parents'
house and who, falling In that, served
as her mother's lawyer when Mrs. David
was arraigned in Central Station en a
charge of selltnc whisky, tried today
te give her explanation of why she. a
twelve- ear-old girl looking no mere
than seven, by the we should de all
And all there is -n the explanation
Is thnt it seemed te her te be the thing
te de. The way "he talked mode It
clear that unless her father had In
sisted en doing se, she would have gene
out and hunted up a bondsman for her
mother, who wns held in $000 bail for
court In spite of her daughter's defense.
Her Heme Is Her Castle
Mary tried te put some reality into
that tiling about the home te the gen
eral effect that the wind can enter nnd
the rain can enter and the snow can
enter, but the King of England can net
enter, and it is no fnult of hcr's but
the fault of the chance that made her
only twelve years old that she failed.
Mary David Is the daughter of Frank
and Krnnces David, of 2411 ICnst
Fletcher street. She is a pupil in the
; Believed te Be One of Pair Who
! Attacked Driver In Wayne
! One of the two men who attacked
I Walter Fallows, a texical) driver, of
l this "ity, en August 7. is bclic-ed te
he untie.- nrrest in Flagstaff, Ariz. The
Mispc t was caught driving the cai
f'l'ii from Fallows.
Fallows lives nt 3!3i Angeia terrace.
He h'id his machine, n iv-w super-six.
nt Fl'dentli nnd Market streets, en
Atigc t 7. Twe young men engaged him
te time te Newtown Square.
At I.'incnMer nnd Bryn Mawr ave
nues, Way r.e. the passengers pressed
eveh.r-i against the driver and or
dered hiin from the machine. Fallows
as heaen urn nnscicua with a black
leek, bound and carried te a cern-ih-'tl.
The bendits then fled with the
The chauffeur later was taken te a
hospital, where he wns under treat
ment for n month. Chief of I'elice
Sweeney, of Radner Township, sent
ic script inns of the men nnd the mn-t-hine
broadcast. Yesterday be received
wen! from Sheriff Campbell, of the
Arizona town, thnt a ruspeet was un
der arrest theie.
The Ditective Bureau in this city wns wns
retifled by Sweeney. It Is planned te
send i detective West te get Clifferd
Mulllns.' th" suspect.
Charles Karlgan, of Bryn Mawr,
AI60 Accueed of Transporting Rum
Charles Karlgan, twenty -one years
old. of Bryn Mawr. was held for court
in SinOfl hull at n hearing before Mag
istrate I'rice this morning en (barges
of illicit transportation of liquor, driv
ing nn automobile while intoxicated and
lethless ditwng.
Karlgan wns arrested last night after
i i. automobile had twice sideulped uu
tiiiier nir mar Lancaster awum- and
Sherwood pad. and was finally wrecked
when drn en into a tree In a lawn at
tl.e reai of 0T,". Sherwood read.
Pf.lii-e mi' ib.it twent-twe and n
half quarts of whisky were found in his
Ivfirlifiin was cut nbeut the face.
hands nml nrms nnd was treated at the
West Philadelphia. Homeopathic lles.
pital. At the hearing tills morning he
testified tiiat another man hud been
I mi in the car, but that he hud
jumpid out wln-n the crnsh eeuirred.
Witnesses denied seeing another man iu
the car.
Will of Marlen Stewart Honeyman
Is Probated In Chicago
Chliage, Oct. 2'!. Marien S'ewart
Hnni'Miian was left the entire million
dollar estate of her ten-year-old sister,
lean Stewart, daughter of the late
James K. Stewart, in a will probated
here yesterday.
.ifiin Stewart, who was left ?1.000,.
000 of the S7,fi(KI,0(MI estate of her
fnhtre, founder of tlie Stewart-Warner
Speedometer Company, died October 10.
The greater part of the Sttwart for-
'tune was lift in trust for the two girls
te be given them when they readied the
age of twenty -eik. Last April .Marian
was married tn Bebcrt B. Ileneyman,
son of a Brooklyn lawyer. She is nine,
teen years old. Honeyman was made
administrator of .lean Stewart's estate.
When Mrs. Honeyman becomes twen
t -one years of nge she will reecho a
total of $S,000,000.
Vassar Alumnae, Beest Endowment
Vtikimr nluninau have contributed 04
per cent of nil funds collected In this
dlstr'ct toward the $11,000,000 salary
endowment campaign, according te a
statement just received from headquar
,erU The ciuetu for this district, which
includes Pennsylvania, Delaware, Seuth
lersev and the panhundle of West Vir-
Iglnlai is if.'il.r..O0O. Of this nmeunt
$50U2a.'Hi lius ueeu picubuu
arrive Pennnylvanla station and lludwm
Termlntl J0:30 A, M. Convenient builnej
train. Pcnnilvanla Srttm. JdV, '
Mett Public Scheel, Huntingdon nnd
Lugement BtrectB.
' I went te the deer nnd there were
policemen." she said. "Thcv wanted
te come In nnd I naked 'what for?'
They said they would tell after thev
get in. I told them they ceuldn t come
in. but they just came in nnvwnv, I
ran te the kitchen te get a broom nnd
drive them out, but I couldn't. They
urrested my mother."
. ".Wh'-.'.1.dn't you WBn them te come
In, Mary'
"They didn't hnve any business in
the house. Why should I let them in
if they didn't tell what for?"
"It wouldn't de any harm, would it?"
Didn't Want Any Gevdp
"Yes? It would make the nelghbi
think we had done something wrenj- "
"Why did jeu go and try te get her
out et Central Station?"
"Why shouldn't I? What else should
I de? She's my mother."
"Yeu love her se much then?"
"Oh, I don't suppose I love her nnv
mere t:n any girl loves her mother
but wl nt else could I de?"
Se there you are.
Mary is the eldest of four children
and Is the nssistant mother of the
Offers Plan te Polish Authorities for
Exchange en Dellar Basis
Warsaw, Oct. 20. (By A. P.)
Plans for the establishment of the
"Bnnk of Cnited States and l'urepc,"
which would have n capital of SI,
000,000.000. were presented te Presi-dt-iit
PUsudski, former Minister Sklr
aunt ami Minister of Finance Michal
nkl, by Frank A. Vnnderllp, the New
Yerk financier, yesterday. Under Mr.
Vanderlip's plans .subsidiary banks
would be established nnd exchange of
products between nations would be en
the dollar basis.
"I am net offering a panacea." said
Mr. Vnnderllp last night, "but I am a
doctor offering a prescription in aid
of Central Europe. I am net represent
ing any group or Government, nor am
I pressing for a decision, because the
miecess of the undertaking would lie
possible only if several countries of
their own initiative should invite u
group te ergnnlze swh a bnnk. The
plan provides for capital stock amount
ing te Si. 000,000,000 in geld, nnd the
institution would be governed by nine
t. usteci, five American and four Ku Ku
repean. Fnder this control the nations
would establish banks te issue dollar
notes, backed by a geld reserve, for
trading purposes."
Mr. Vnnderllp left late last night for
Berlin, where he will confer with offi
cials of the German Government and
with banking interests.
Marauder Had Chicken, Ham and
Twe Bettles of Something te Drink
William It. Dehnu and his family
were at dinner last night at their home",
at 1107 Beacein lane, Merlen, when a
suspicious noise was hiurd in the di
rection of the kitchen.
Mr. Dehan investigated and sa.v nn
open ice box and a fleeing figure. The
figure wua accompanied by half a
ihicken, half a ham ami two bottles of
something ti drink.
Mr. Dehan started in pursuit of the
fleeing ficun., the half chicken, the half
ham and the two bottles. Policeman
Hehb, of the Lewer Merien force, joined
In the chase. Then because the tlee'ng
figure wu-i he fleet Bebb used his revolver
and the fugitive fell with a bullet In
his left leg.
He said he was Charles Hemu, nine
teen years old, no home. He wnj, taken
w the Mlbcricerdln Hospital.
Twe Believed te Have Held Up Mill
Bess Arrested In Richmond, Va.
Wilmington, Wei., Oct 20. Werd
was received here today that the two
men suspected of having held up and
robbed Philip Mcltm, superintendent of
the pu'p mills of the Jessup i: Moere
Paper tympany, here last Thursday, had
been captured in Iliehiiiead, Vn,, also
t hut there aie hopes of recovering some
of the $12,000 bteien.
The suspects, both Wilmington men,
ere I'M ward Wolf and Francis McKcn
ney. The latter wns formerly In the
employ of the paper company.
Jehn 'If Mclln. 2-10 iJleklncen at . uml KeBe
MiC'.'Ht'.ul". llf.li M Mh t.
birnuiM Teller. TbSt llruster ate . and !
I an H nein, 70-1 llruater ave.
Kdcur Hutler 430U Fair mount ave.. nnd
Kllz.'iU-th Truster. 71, Marken t.
C'harln I. Fex M2 C'htatrr ave . and Ama
r Jehnai.li. Wlldnend. N. J.
H.im lMtlnman, 3:iH Seuth at., und Anna
llcrircr, 2710 R. nnmlelph t
Jehn VerrK-hle .1004 N. flth et . and Julia
Verrrcchle 30.11 N. Fajrhlll at
Hev I White 2014 Oxford at., and Willie
II, nrewn, 172U Norwood et.
Jehn . r.iis-llah, Croyden, Pa., and Matx-I
M Hmtth. 72 N 87lh at
Patrick J McNulty. 8010 Orlacem et., and
Katharine O'lfttri. (1062 Tulip at.
Harry HtuaU1, 1117 Carwntar at , and Man
(Uydi-a. IMO H. 23th at.
Jam O'Nell. 2.147 N 17th at , and Slary
Munlay. 220 V tlth at
Jacob Caclen. 244 3 H. Ilarlen at., and Anna
Oeldman. H610 Market at. n na
Harry A. Hill. 4 Ben .v. 1,1th at., and Violet
McCambrldKe. 4(133 N. Mele it.
Nathan Henl, 2314 B Hherldan at., and
Hclen Tribwaatar, 25i4 p. ajierldun it.
OCTOBER " 26, 1921
Allies Hositate at SendmgHim
te St, Helena Might
Arouse Sympathy
By fhe Aseclnfcl Tress
Budapest, Oct. 20. Fermer Emperor
Charles was today awaiting the decision
of the Allied nations regarding his cm c
from Hungary te keuic place where he
will be prevented lu future from dis
turbing the pence of this country and
of Central Europe.
The Hungarian Government today for
mally asked former Emperor Charles
te nbdlcate and te recognize the com
plete cessation of hU dynastic rights.
IIe was ordered te surrender himself te
British authorities and was told that
an nnswer te these demands was ex
pected today.
The erstwhile monarch and hit wife
hnve been Interned ut the Benedictine
Abbey at Tihany, or Flatten Luke
about fifty miles seuthwvst of here, nnd
the cellapse of his attempt te regain
the Hungarian threne wns considered
complete. ,
It seemed probable that Chnrlcs nnd
Zlta would remain at the abbey for
seme time, ns the Allies were believed
te be disposed te go slowly in cheesing
his future place of residence. There
apparently is no real desire en the pnrt
of the entente nations te place him en
Ht. Helena, or nny ether distant Island,
as such action would meke Charles as
sume the role of a martyr In the eyes
of his followers.
At Hip same time, it appeared te be
evident thnt it would be difficult te tlnd
a refuge for him en the European Con
tinent. Switzerland has refused te per
mit his return there, except for a very
brief period, during which he would be
interned. King Alfonse of Spain had
nn opportunity te offer Chnrlcs sanc
tuary last summer, but he seemed loath
te take such action, (lermuny cannot
be considered, nnd Helland's experi
ences with former Emperor William
have net been such as would tend te
soften the hearts of the Dutch Gov
ernment tewnrd another royal fugitive.
It was believed today that severe pun
ishment would be meted out te the men
who aided Charles in his nttempt te
resume royal prerogatives and fought
for him ngainst the Hungarian Govern
ment. Fermer Minister of the Interior
Benlcr.kv, who has been an active par
ticipant in Chnrlca' attempt te regain
the Magyar throne, was nrrested today
and imprisoned In ButlapcEt.
Vienna, Oct. 20. M'.y A. P.)
Karlists. under Stephan Fried rich,
former Hungarian Premier, have occu
pied Ocdenburg, in West Hungary.
Budapest dlpatches reported the
arrest there of ex-Premier Frledrich.
It was at Ocdenburg c-Emperer
Charles landed last Friday, advancing
thence en Budnpest. The disputch
seems te indicate that the reyullst
movement line net yet completely col
Weman Finds It Going Through
Grandfather's Trinkets
After n lapse of twenty-five years,
a Masonic charm lest nt Tewnsend'h
Inlet by .Jehn A. Ackley. n real estate
man of Vinclnnd nnd Wildwood, X. .1.,
hns been returned te him.
Mr. Ackley lest the charm in the
mud while duck hunting u quarter of
a century age with Enech E. Madeira,
a farmer and sportsman living at Pal-
e me, X. .1. He had no rubber beets,
se Mr. Madeira cnrrlcd him ashore en
his back, and later the charm was
found te be mining.
Yestcrdny Clarenie Ilcnheeffcr, of
(1437 Park avenue, Ouk Lane, was with
his wife going through nn old box of
family trinkets once owned by his wife's
grandfather, who was a foreifien en the
Pennsylvania Kalhead at Avulen. X. .1.
The charm was found in the box. It
was marked with the iiiiuie of Mr. Ack
ey, nnd his ledge, Vlneland, Xe. (ill.
It is supposed the charm wns found
by th" railroad man, put away and fur-
Repert at Potomac Synod Shew6 an
Increase at Seminary
Alteena, I'a., Oct. 20. With nn at
tendance of ninety -two ministers and
forty-two elders, th'e forty-ninth annual
sessions of the Potomac Synod of the
Ik-formed Church of America, includ
ing Central Pennsylvania, Maryland.
Virginia, West irginia nnd Xei-ih
and Seuth Carolina, uinmed at I!cd I!cd
ferd. The-,0 eflicer.s were elected: President,
the Hcv. Irwin XV. Hendricks ('linm
bersburg, Pa. ; vice president. Elder
Henry O. lleckcrmnn, Bedford, I'a.;
corresponding sccietery, tin liev. l'.tul
It. Pontius. Gettysburg; nceiding cleik
the Uev. Francis It. Krdn.ai., Balti
more; stated clerk, the Itev. Lloyd
Content z, Baltimore.
(t. W. Bicbards, I). Ij.. president of
the Lancaster, J'a., TheolegimI .Semi
nary, inndc a report of the school to
day, showing forty -seen men study
ing for the ministry, nn im rene of lid
per cent ever lest year. The afternoon
sessions were given tner le the elders.
Nancy Craig Wharten Dies
X.iiicy Craig Wlmrtui, formerly of
this city, died early yisterday at Lenex
Mass., in her f-"vcnty-cciith j,.u
Mbs Wharten was born lu this' city
nnd was the daughter of the Inte '.
liam Craig Wharten and Nancy Willing
Wharten. Her brother wns Edward It
Wharten, former husband of Edith
Wharten, the newdisl. Mrs. Wharten
lived in Lenex forty years.
Green Jade
J, apis Lazuli
Reck Crystal
Enriched with Jewels
Jewelry - Silver - Stationery
Chestnut and Juniper Streets ,
Senators Reach Agroemont te
Take Final Vote This
By -the Associated Press
Washington, Oct. 20. A tlnnl vote
en repeal of the cxcchs profits, tux en
next .Innunrv 1 wns te he taken late to
day by the Senate under n unanimous
consent agreement reached last night te
close debate en this prevision at 4
P. M. Adoption of the Heuse pro pre
vision for elimination of this lax win
regarded as n certainty.
Tills will be the third of the sic
mnjer proposals in the Revenue Re
vision Bill te come te a ete in the
Senate in the one month te a lay since
the mensure was reported by the Fi
nance Committee. After this Ik dl
peed of will come the fixing of the
normal rotperotlon income tax, nnd
votes en proposals te 'iicrense the in
herltancs tnxes and repeal many of the
se-called nuisance taxes'.
The agreement for a vote today was
the first te be reached between the
Demeernts nnd Republicans en the hll'
end came after Bcmecrnllc lenders had
refused te consent te the limiting of
debate en each amendment te ten min
utes for each speaker an 1 tint en the
bill te one hour.
Fifty Republican Senater", having
signed nn agreement te remain contin
uously at the capital beginning today
for votes en the Tax Bill, claimed they
were in n position te wield the club
of n continuous session until a final
vote was taken en the measure, but
apparently they were net disposed te
use this weapon except as a last emer
gency. Even with a continuous session there
wns doubt that the bill could be brought
te a final vote this week, as many lm-po-tent
items remain te be acted upon
and there are pending scores of amend
ments. After the committee amend
ments nre disposed of the whole bill or
nny section of it will be open te nmend
ment ns the Sennte is new working in
the committee of the whole and must
bring the measure Inte the Senate for
final debate and vote.
Texas Representative Accuses Gom Gem
pers of Instigating Expulsion Move
Wheeling, . Va., Oct. 20. (By
A. P.) Themas L. Bl.inten, of the
Seventeenth Texas District, whom I In In
Heuse yesterday vns asked te expel by
a resolution presented by Represent, i
tic Mendell. Republican lender, en a
charge of having caused te be published
in the Congressional Recerd statement-,
(lint were "ebecm' nnd unpiintahh ."
denied in n speech last night bcfeie the
Wheeling HUti-ii'i Industrial ISc, iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii
Associntien that there wns any ob
scenity in his remiiii,. Referring te
his speech 'n the limine, Mr. Blaiiteu
"Any woman or any child ceuh' r-nd
all that I bine printed without a t inele
blush of shame."
Mr. Bhtnten said i'iet he would light
the ('MiuUjen charge te the bitter mil
i inn ne: ceeti a ngnter lierctotere
he said, "but from new en I will tight
te the ii r r ininst. Xe one can say I
have hit be'ew- the belt, nor will I
begin that --ort of tijliting new "
The Congressman in a .sp"cih en
"(I'empcrs' Ktrnnglehnld en Uur !ov !ev
erninent Must Be Broken" slid Sum
t el liem.ierK wns nt the holt ,i,i of tin
I .'linrnr ...n,ln .1., Iil.r, f.. It
'1,,.4,'n .,..,, - ., .,, , .- l lltlil. .,11. .tltlil
dell, he bald, had been Influenced b..
liempers in th action taken bv the
lleuie. He nhl the trouble arose ee;
his efforts in behalf of two ('own -incut
Printing OITice printers who-e
cause lie nail c nnmpic nc.i when a fen -
Iran had rc'tisul te allow them te we,'!;
a'- journeymen pi inters owing te their
union stntu--.
Chandler Customers te Get Together
Again Tomorrow
There will be another meeting et
Chandler Biethers & Ce. creditors to
morrow afternoon at .'! t.'-IO o'clock, in
connection with reelninntieii proceed
ings, in the eflice of ,l,hn M. Hill, the
refcre- In the Penn i'lpmr" Building.
"We will begin our (pic-tinning of
the membeis of the linn befeic the
stockholders nt the big meeting te he
held Thursday, November 11, " said Mr.
Hill today. "That will lie u big and a ,
long meeting. It will be held ,u the
i I'tierai liuuuiiig, ami win stn.t at
10:."t0 o'clock in the morning, and will
probably last all day."
Harvey Bids Farewell te Advance
Armament Parley Delegation J
Ijoiirieii, Oct. 2U. (Bv A. P. i l.epi !
and Lady Lee of Fnrchani, with tm
I'lhaiicc parly of the Urtt.sh delcgiitien
te the Wnshini;l"U ceiifen ncc. nn hiding
Admiral Clmtlicld and Silniuasu s.'.sT
tri, the India ib leisnte, left thi mom
Iiik for Southampton, whence the wi
snil for Ameriea en the stcninhip Olym
le. A lai'ire !uirt of friends hade tiicm
faiewell. These includul lieergc Har- I
icy. the Cnited States Ambassador '
Wellington Koe, the Chinese delegate
and a staff of Japanese military n p
icentativcs al-e will travel oil the
Olympic. ,
Held for Theft of Meat
Jehn Sheu. of Second and F"dera' '
streets, Caiiiden. was Ijrhl i s.'jen hail I
Ibis morning by Recorder Sliukhetisc I
n a charge of emhe..!ctie et Ti... I
charge was preferred by Mer-is pen
nit Shea, un empleye, tool; S.'IO rash
mil SMI in meat from his shoe (,t Sixth
mil Beil.ly sheets, C linden, last week
eektil the place and tied.
Black Onyx
Green Onyx
Coneents te Head Anether Ministry
at Ebert's Request
Berlin. Oct. 2(1. (By a. p n
Jeseph Wlrth, who yesterday ee'tisTnlM
' um-iiijii mc iormntten of n .
German Cabinet, ceiillim.il conference
with party leaders here today "m,0?
view te securing men for his nilt trt
who could command t he cenfidr JJ , T.
the Reichstag. There wns 7Z,0,1
ion, however, that he weu bT,fe
te report the completion of hU i,
when the Reichstag met thh'.fgj-
(Mfcresr xs nf-
Ulgcnt letter from Preside t ?.L?
who declined the foreign pe Heft'
nation made Impossible tl c n,,iL'r
metU of the formation f a &
It was reported Inst nlcht h ,l.
Ken of ii con.itlen inlnlstrv lin.Tl.i-
nbnndened, and that a nen-PatH.,?!?
tnry Cabinet would he ferinwl mwi"
jVpd r,m.,.i u.... .
. .. ,.bu,u hev mucn
time is wasted tryinr; te keep
warm? There are usually a
number of wlntur days when
the heating system is net
enough- when you'll need a
Slmplex Electric Sunbewl te
chase the chills from comets
nnd dc3ks.
The Simple: Sunbewl Is
chcctful,safe and economical.
Its copper reflector clown with
the effect of clear, outdoor
sunshine. It will net t,rerch
or burn. The Sunbewl re
quires no mero current than
a Simple: electric iron. Have
a Sunbewl at home nnd in the
office. It assures comfort and
will prove a real economy,
At your dealer'
Simplex Electric Heating Ce.
Cambridge, Man.
Very Unusual
Value in
at $2.00
Net since before the
war have we been
able te sell shirts of
such excellent quality
at $2.00; they are
splendidly made cut
full and generously,
well shaped and the
workmanship is fine.
In a great variety of
stripes in all geed
!1'2!-112GChestnut Sited
niit'cri(iN r.
iietii scp
iYav rniiRSES
StcnuKriiiilu. lliieKUefiln...!i,.
i .mil. i-iiii .v f"."I"L,
ni'i'if.i: t a n .vti. aa .. !"" "
Itiri irU fel I. 1M Ch.'Ktiiiit t . "."' H.
Kit (inlun. I'i-.i i.v. An ' ( " ' "' '""
I'MtCKI. I'tl-T .
tl 2'
We m 1 tl.e il Ii nil Ii I ' 'i "J JJ,)
an id, a. l.Hc 11(1". .'II Ktl .In- s"m,'t,l
urn at Imr.l 'nail- ahnrtc ' ' .
urn. 1't.niK DUliinii.l H-iO W. t'm
' 'i V I'M h '
4 "L'AJ.'iJ!? f
' wiAit'n '.'' - At i...ii . " ,, ''.'Jl'l' :fii
h.-r Tiltli r Knpiri''.! !l M. f"x,
l,i hueIjiiL'7 1IU1, 'fili'Uy ' 'mn-li WB '
M.T("f!,i. i" sr. 'V'"u,IplIY11l,,
.lhn llnuiil (li .vel-! l il". ... a f
trlenilH ami nil enrletl h cf wl -n ' et-ViJaT I
H:10 A. M-. from her lute reMenc. JJ
forlell at , (lerrnniUmvii. ha.'-mii iiJJ" ,
1.. ,..,,., ., Ik, LVuni'M tt AHtll. I'llUrcll' '"
A , 'si li.lcriV-.-lit llnlj Ufjialt-I- ' "e'1' '
1'luiika emit lluwU'S
1 '
fl rnj
1 1S$ 50
T.ryv'.i'jWPSJfTTrn-aSll Jjk.'laawia..aa.i..
I Ml ,11 1 0 1
s b! A lri i -'r Si
1 limuiUiLtiti
is i