Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 25, 1921, Night Extra, Page 20, Image 20

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g:''ir w ' fry iiihQi'i1 ' ."t ! F3-
V. Mi'7 :
Pittsburgh's Eleven Proves Glenn Warner's Famous Reverse Play Is Improving With Aget
Reserve Material Cemes Through for Chicago, Pitts
burgh, State and Harvard Football Teams Are as
Streng as Weakest Second-String Athlete
Spert I-Mlter Ettnln 1'uMlc lAser
ONE of the outstanding features of the big games played Inst Saturday was
the work of the secend-Mrlng players who never had been considered
serious'?', but stepped into the bleach when the regulars were cnrrled out of
the line-up and p'nyed wonderful football.
Hescrvc mateilnl carried by Stagg. of Chicago, helped considerably in
defeating Princeton. The Maroen mentor made n let of changes in the back
field, using Tlmme, Themas and Zern nt fullback nnd Hurlburt for Prynnt
at hnlfbnck. These men were se geed that each fresh mun put mere life in the
team nnd seemed te play n better game $hnn his predecessor. As n result,
Chicago hnd n big advantage, while the Tigers were handicapped. The second
string men were net up te the ustiul stnndard nnd nobody could be found te
replace Onrrity and Den I-eurie.
There is an old aylng about a chain being ns strong ns Us weakest link
and the same can be applied te the gridiron game with slight vnriatlens. A
football team Is as strong as its weakest substitute, nnd this is being proved
week after week. Of course, it is impossible te hnve a fleck of stnra roosting
en the sidelines, because if they were stars they would be out there playing.
But It Is possible te hnve several real p.nyers who can deliver the goods In n
pinch nnd n team Is fortunate if a few are en hand for duty.
Take the State-Harvard game ns another example. Huge llczdek lest hm
fullback and captnin and Hcsh took his place. That means Hess wns first
substitute for the Jeb. When he get hurt a third -string man went in. He watt
net nn inspiring figure when he trotted out and reported te the referee, but
nn seen as he carried the ball a couple of times State discovered a star. Wilsen,
for It was he who grabbed the spotlight, rnn rings around the Crimson team
nnd was mainly responsible for the tic score. He reversed his field nt one
time, ran 00 ynrds nnd placed the ball In position for I-lghtncr te carry
it ever.
In that snme game Coach Fisher, of Harvard, found himself Bhy of
backfield material and was feiced te call upon Cebum, a substitute guard, te
play halfback. Cebum's fierce line-plunging was the feature of the lust
minute rnlly which averted defent.
Out in Pittsburgh tl'enn Wmncr discovered a star In Winterburn, who
replnced Andeisen. This young man is one of the best we have seen nt follow
ing interference and knows hew te act when carrjing the ball. His long run
in the second period was one of the spectacular features of the game. Wil
liams, who replaced Davles. nlse was geed and played high-class football.
IT (it the va
tubstttutee, and he
artity men, and when
something has te drop. All of which ran br taken as a quiet tip that
Penn will collide with something pietty strong nest Saturday and is
UMy te finish en the reverse end of the official figures.
State Deserves Lets of Credit
PENN STATE'S shewinj: nt Hnrrnnl Hlill is the chief topic of conversation
In gridiron circle. The Chicnpe triumph ever I'r.ncetnn ilid net crcnte
much of n furore becnune the Tigers nlrendy hnd been trimmed nnd it wrm
known that the team wni wenkened through Injuries- Hut the lurpc lie score
nt Cnmbrldee vrnti startling, te Miy nothing of unumnl. eMHM'iallv when one.
realizes thnt llukeH plnyeil no rnrt in pushing ever the touchdowns.
Whenever nn entnide tenm gives one of the big three n brittle, there Is en
Imprest-ien thnt the home tenm hnd hnrd luck and nns wenkened or emethlng
lid UC, while the ether eleven wns very lucky. Let's forget all nbeut thnt
stuff unil hnve a leek nt the true fnrtx.
Harvard wan strong, much stronger tbnn nt any ether time this t-enRen.
The men were plajing together nnd the nttnek uis run off smoothly. The
linesmen did well en the defense and no criticism could be directed nt nny
particular plnycr. At the tart, the Crimson mnde two touchdowns in such
nn easy mnnner thnt It looked like an overwhelm. ng bcerc. However, after
thnt, State get busy, evened It up nnd then went uliend.
That menni State has a real teum this yenr. Any eleven that can over
come a fourtcen-pelnt lead obtained bj fi team like Harvard and almost scerv
a victory, MUST be geed. Therefore. let's give State some credit for deliver
ing the goods. They went te Cambridge without their captain and plnjed en n
strange Held amid strange surroundings. They lest their star tackle, Madera,
en the first play, but despite this handicap, cume through in the end.
Huth teams deserve heaps of prnUe, State bei-e-T of the- battle again-t
odds when Harvard was ahead nnd Hiuvard for pulling the game out of the
fire In the final period. The Crimson docs this with amazing regularity. Twe
years age, when Princeton wns leading 10 te 3, a forward pass wns successful
und the game ended In a tic score. Last J ear l'rltieoten had the lead at 1-1 te 7
In the last quarter and a forward pass tied up the count. And It was the
bamc .list Saturday.
Harvard never will admit defeat. They will keep en battling until the final
whistle and will try e cry thing.
That forward pass, which seems te be used only when it becomes necessary
te tie the score, is one of the best in football. Desperate chances are taken,
but the) produce result. A halfback gets the bull, starts as if en uu end
run, suddenly steps mid hurls the ball as) far as he can. It leeks like a wild
heave, bu. somebody always is there te catch the pigskin.
On Saturday, the pass was mere than 110 yards and the man when he
caught it was all alone en the 3-jurd line. Frem there all he had te de una
itep ever the line and bow te the applause.
THE result of this game means that 1'enn State has one of the best
teams in thii icclien and the battle with the Xary, irAicA u-t(t be
fought en Franklin Field en November 12, trill be the biggest gama
played in Pht.adelphia this year.
Chicago Springs Peculiar Play
THE University of Chicago had a peculiar formntien which was umm! twice In
the Princeton game It was a sort of a shift, but the men never left
their positions. Instead of jumping from side te side nnd taking tu w posltieiiH
before starting, the backs would turn around in their tracks, stand still again
and start when the ball wins passed
They pirouetted around like u dancer and didn't cover any mere ground
than a dime. Nobed knows why tins was done, for it meant nothing te thu
play nnd it was net an attempt te drau the opponents offside. That would
have been Illegal and called for a ."-janl penalty However, Stagg hud
(something te spring en Princeton with this whirling stuff as' n starter, but
called it off when he found It was net necessary.
Chicago also used the li ddn-bnll piny, which is nothing mere than the
old split play. The halfbacks would bluff nt carrying the ball every time they
ran into the line, always going tlimug'i the sume motions. This is one of
Stegg's pet plays and has been usd since 1001. That year he called It the
"when back" and it trimmed M.clngan. Twenty years is a long time te tiv
a certain play and it evidently is Improving with age, like (J lean Warner's
famous reverse.
What impressed the spectators most was the eon! ncc shown by the
Chicago plu'ers. They were well ceaeind, each man knew what he had te de
and Lew te de it nnd this was a tribute te A. A. Stagg. The Maroen mentor
ii one of tee great, st feo bull coaches in history, lie teaches intensive foot
ball and Ills plajcrs knew the whys nnd wherefores of everything they de.
Every one in l'almer Stadium was prepnred te see trick forward passes
and n wide i-peu nltack. They were completely fooled. The Maroen backs
found it ensj te tear through the Prine'tnn line and after Tlmme had '-lammed
his win thr ugh 2.1 yards n about the lirst ten p ays of the game, llemney, who
wns .i! Ir5 the signals, saw thnt straight football was enough te gain en the
Tlgeis ami he iiil'ed off the fancy stuff
The iippn em ense with which the Western bncks advanced through
Prlnceten'h lirst defense was due te two reasons, The first was that the
Tigers failed te nwvr ever t. meet the Chli no shift nud the sisend wns when
they did shift te nnet the eppi-hlli. n. the wie wedged apart by the combined
drie of the Mm- en forwards and bucks. There were holes two yards wide
when line bin U weie fled and t.ie man with the ball had no trouble until he
hit the secondary d('f"iise.
rTlh inhibition of defensive work
iriM thr hcit si nt (1 'I inrr'.eicn
every play that cantered through thr I'rmrrtnn !mr.
Cepnrwht.ittl.ltv 'uMfc I.tttetr Camfimv
Scraps Alwt Scrappers
tlller Krl', of the Sie'iteei,th Wsrd ,
will nair err lth Je" AH.-.UU of Smnk
Hellew In ifi Mlnd-uii ut thu Hie entH
felreet Arenn '-nlr'! Tour ether he it i ..re
ns fl'iw 11' rm-is.-y is Pit Miry
Kaller I, ntun is C r'lieittta'i Jlmmv nr en
vs V!I le furrj .ind Temni II man vi
Jlrr Leenard
Temmy Ftnci; roilre.l I lal llithtuelvht. Is
back In In iim- this tie In (he e f
a manager f'r.i ,i. e Sla.-s 'aVpeu.nler Is
Temmy s pru'dse He Is training- ul Adam
A U'eirnrr 1 an&ltlnv wanl from Chick
Ibane W.ien.r Is anxious te m.i the
itiri&i. if nmr i in ( nun (
nt.ri.li feutherivelirht i-hami. en. and I'll ci.
l trylnt te close the mat'-h.
Kddlr llrmiwrr t In line f.ir l.euts with
Allentyvtii lude and Al Th impaen Pan
ltettlrlil la ne.-etlatlnc fur thes matchm
I.evr rnpene. Yeunir Jee nnrreP's trainer
has been r e'd "muyer" of ihe bin aim
illilrlcl at I'!' e Orv- N. J Hnrcee Katl. '
ICelb. Ilirrei e maiier. 'ias yn' tu Jne re
matched with J M llr. of Ca .fernlu.
Vrank lierlry. a wellerweluht from ths
M"t. I hsre under th nianaBtment nt
.Maurlca 11. Plekstnln. who also handles Al
Chip, a Chicago fttherwtlht; Jimmy
used several, teemed te be as poed
a team ttke tnat u in action
put up by
(tilrey and Wiltmer
in a Irnie time.
These tice stepped
. ar, bantninneiKht. Yeurir Jee TlpllU.
unurmnUht .in. I !. Leenard. flyeht.
rlninUH hrn resumed traln'ni; aft1
rriiwnriK fiem n tut ev. r his je He
nies jennnj nj in Atliitl. I'liv Thunda I
i-iiiiyuif in npt-n rnr r .inrei.tinn vl L
net. t en
har, Itiiv liebijj V
l. J'iI.i r.) Iinji.. nnd
k-.ist. Vlikey
I.-tt.e JelT.
Al Kejnelds. of M-inaiunk h.is uured
nlinse f In ihape and he Is ready te take
en nny of th fe.ur.erm- h(.
Jlmm Jerdni ani hiiuIIht era It at
i) lll.ly Anuc-'e Jei Ian Is un-lur th
ik of J hn Ji like vi,n ulsu h.ii tttKtn
.S.icUty (lairlly, u welterwelt,-nt. In tuw.
Ulllr rannen In
the trail i;f Geerge i
..... - M ....."...
i ""'""n! "' JTBrniiiic
i-a . anu iney m.i.
In that city earlj
'" i"ii'"." mr n uuui
nsxt month.
Tim Dreney will net rest easy until he
nets OeerKe Chaney In the nni; a n
AHheuith many months rmn pusii.it Tim
titll. Is martlnr eer the result tt u.e.r
net mretlna. hcn Chane uim Ktvei, rrnd.t
f r u knecknui even tlmuKh llrnne tirmtd
tntlsfacterlly that lie had been fouled,
AllentOMn Dundee has I em matrhrd by
"harey Utilreer te meet Temmy rhllllus m
licltetsperl. i'a.. m-it I'rld.iy iiiaht.
Kiatnn. I'n., la hneutlnic the IlKhtwetcht
ability (if a buier whu uses thu ristk handle
of ltliiht Crean. 1I la a former amateur inltt
Lecate Eager for 27-Hole Test;
in Atlantic City Tourney
This Week
This Innovntlen of n twenty-seven
I hole qualifying round Is causing n let
of Interest hereabouts in the annual fnl
Invitation ge'f tournament of the Conn
t try Club of Atlantic City.
The qunllfylng round will be playe '
Tlutrt-dny of this week with match pla
ter tne trejmieM en t rulity and Satur
day, The odd number of holes for the
qualifying round in due te the fnct thn'
nine holes of the new ci"htcen-heles at
the seashore links hnve been cempletei'
nnd It wns thought that play ever them
would ndd zest te the elimination test.
The new nine holes are said te 1h
among the finest of nny stretches new
c'i re c mi utr tits nn I this In
cludes all the ocean. When finished the
new ceutm will inensure 072 yards, (In (In
eompleted nine being nbeut hn'f that
se you cnu figure It out for yourself. We
pass arithmetic in school s() don't have
te give the answer.
Anjhew there nre four holes In the
new nine which stand out. they Hay, us
very superior examples of modern golf
Huge Green
One is the third which has nn enorm
ous green 'et up en n hill te beckon a
perfect mldlren after n long tec enrry.
The next hole is also much praised.
The structure is the same as a dough
nut. They took n hole and nirreundcd
it. The fourth, which Ib another mime
for the he e under discussion, is a
masMeiliet ever 117 yards of no man's
The eighth in nnether feature hebi
where a tine mldlren shot for n carry
of 10(1 yards Is Tequlred.
The ii .- n Miniirb dogleg and a
very' ''ard pur four. The mule is formed
by bungalow. If n resident leaves the
front and back doers open there might
be a chnnce of n short cut, otherwise
Pive holes were chnnged in the first
eighteen .ast M'.ir, ci tint there'll be
n let of strange territory for thew
who've missed n couple of teirnes
down there.
line of the fetiturm this yrar en ti re-
elftl ena et thn luurnfy will .te the tm.iga'.ew art of glvc-lind-tnke. hit-er-get-llit,
lisrtlei. "Dim" Haxrsrt nnd Dr. "Haiii sei lr'irn-iiul-riiclt'im mid hlft-hnnz-ll'lten
sr intrtalnlnit ut thtlr repwllve w" ' "" anil recK im nun eiu enng
shore cettarcn.
the I'hJlivlflihl.i rtnb ins iem strenK ROes with such u bout, for the enjoy enjey enjoy
nmlerlk.1 from which te tl'U Its fiu " .. , ...... -An '. . .1.. imi..
for tin. nrMt annual Hetnri- Club V.tt I'.s-
irirt itelf chumolenshlo this wcik ut Annl-
mink. Sertie of the b-t local pijers 101-
i... n. Wolf nia Hnrwr St n. Walfc-r
Oiutlntt. Whfelfr Cro4e.
.,.-. .. '.---. ". -V ' .. . 11 ir
steckweli. llaaiy- I
Hen mid Stamford.
NTint could 1 mer fl'.tme than th fs-l
that June Oullferd. I'r.lH-d Mntfn hsmpli.u
and hlr.e rf w.iedtn atieti. should be In the
tumb-r liuslneai?
ZeVe llackrtt. rre t Hrti'srten. .. J.
arl formerly In the hop at .sen view t.mlc
s fllnit at C'.ibls i'rek th uther uv nr,a
icered a try neat T His . ird fiilleui-
Out .1 4 a 4 1 4 .'. 4 4 3S
ln 4 K 1 T 3 I il . 5 In 7S
t f. llinUs. Jr.. .iiii-ii e eii I. ndlrsn
:i wuii the ru hole Junier i 'wmii -iuh'i .
of trie .iter ill 'rn'i1''. '',, V? S
by n m.irffin cl ana i imm nrnn i-ij Miinvs nuuiit u.i- - in m ' - -....
aL-d tm iiandieau . l.lttls liett) M.'ui.ni;h t nut . niere than makes up for this de
rrCrtrO.tCnmulthr0'J': W"J "" Ificlc-ncy hv his nggre-siveness ami e.r-
In her Cr.t mater. I batt'liig style. Heme one remarked nt
r.eerce Snrr. P" st th- club, donated
, tiHrm mnd tot up tr. tournament
whleh eiclte-1 the sam It.terett uf the
t-IJera out there a tt did unT-ne the ch 1
dren nil of whom live r sht ulumt th th
beundurles of the ceiire
A "tlnrk-herne" tenm Is prnm'ed In the
n-erren a lenrucs next von- If thr npp'l-ntlim
of rivmnuth t. Jein In nrcejited llecentlv
P'vmeuth iiled West ChrMer's women
trim ir.d win Ave of rlr natehen. Airnlnv
Pottntewn I'lvmeulh lout up there, hut wm
everv rnst.-h aculnit h ame team n'
rimuth -( s Mfiniri-ii 19 --..y-.wiu in
i the HmeLth teirn T--1 hns about thirty
candidates nrac'lettic '.r eusly.
I Th nrv the bst Jaya ef the year -e
inlay and ielfer are 1-etroenlr.i: the mm
that the leval tournament ee.isen .r-.u..v
Is flnlsh-1
Nativity Boxing Bouts Tonight
.T-i X.-..UI.V rfifhrtlle riuli wll de h
.mnk.r'it It. hall. AMerheny avenue and
I n.'iri.il . .irt-et this eenlnK nhleh .
I feat-' 1 w .1udll nn.'. elcht 1 ..xir r i
:W.r 'l.e- wtw ll t.lkr i-ir are II i
M-.!i rtl Wl'.le .it-("ekey 1,-d'," 'J' '
I Lniili'mu. Ten.-n fr Teele und Ms bi Mi
W!l le
Beets and Saddle
' BnlxTt Oliver should rcnenr. In the ,
. j.toen1ehn-e hindlcnn nt Laurel. He
has defeated the best steeplechaser in
I the eeuntrv Swoepment, nnd the best I
Jenes of the field plt'ed ncalnst him1
i tedsv at Le M'lrceuln and Le Cyprin l
I Horses we'l placed in ether rnres
n-e- First O-permnn. Yankee Star
.T'lfimate: third Trantuln King 'fro
Man. Helle Partner; fourth H P
i Whltnev entry. Prdigeus Elemental ,
'fifth Dnmnsk. Oneme. Pe'ly Ann.
I sixth Austral. Attern- y Mulr, Amerl
lenn Soldier; seventh Lndv Luxury.
, Assumption, Crack e' Dnwn
I At Lexingten: First race Trl-1 O,,
iMcllern. Celumhin Tenn , eeend Plus
' T'ltra, Jehn Heshhnr, The Vlrgininii ;
'third Evening Stories. Blue Deep
Field Lnrk ; fourth Cssev. Ileckmlr
Isier, Lenl Al'en; fifth Guaranteed
Fair Or cut. Itnpld Strnh ; sixth
rharen. Jenes entry, Mnr.mba ; seventh
Jeueiti, Herd Olr Marine Cenis
i -" -
Kmplre City: First race Nese i
,Ile, It'ce Hill. Mcht Beat ; second-
Kagucit. Thimble, First Full't; third
, Maiinda, Challenger, Canse fourth
I (inei-xla. Elected IT. Knight of the
Heather; fifth Neddnni, Dlemedes,
I'lnitc sietii-e ;, sixth l.xeeutlnn. Het
spur, Irnjanus.
Fine Imported Leather
Brown Scotch Grain
Psv !Wiv sSv
CLAFIiM, 1107 Chestnut
ieuJi'Ss JTiVj tfe$ )' ' tVep"T.J"r! P',FR9.NlTDv)R A ALSO HMD PAPfcR I
TiiR,vl-n?inir : - ! .' NttVJPsPOR AMD ReAD Te GOT rAPan,..., I, JOAKOD ..CWlliSD tl
ltm?'LCr T ;- "M ''t'. IT WHIW IOLUMG IM, OCT .SOSHOO "' ThS . , W6T
Te tic im uej. .jSji fly,, eat, mew OSU6MTFOL .. y& m THROUGH W&r J
impossible Te hem), .sectiem in! jimens co-mc ord'teriai jy is also J:t ,
?u.,we u""-v Rumeo! pfiy
Lecal Slam-Bang Artist Meets
Rugged Cive-and-Take Fee
in Manuel Azevedo
regular exhibition of the ungentlei
zeuie was furnished, with nil excite
'niei.t. thri'l and emotion thnt UMinllr
"lent 01 noeut iiiam uwis at me -'. iiijiiii
Inst nlglit. .Tee Ti'illtr. nnd
Jlanuel i
A7,,vp,0 urrp the iirllicllillln
.":''"" ",rt lnt pruiiiimis
Thev gnve nnd took, hit or get hit nnd
rocked nnil socked each ether te the
merry tune of the blng bang zewle,
with Manny, n newcomer here from
California, doing most of the tnkinc.
getting hit mere often and rocked
np'enty. Stl'l, while the loser. Azc Azc
vede'sgainencss in keeping up the grind
wen for him n nest ei menus.
Ttnlltz's showing. Just
'lisiftln with Jee lwiil.iinin
like in his
puts him in
the running ns one of the leading Ught-
uelirlitH of the Iteming .M0 111 til
cfniiitrv. There's verv little thnt
..... '..i .1 .. ...l-.i,-, I f l,riir
,n Olvmpln lnt night that "Tip was
ll nindcrn "Terrible Tern ' Met. evern.
The njieninc gong wns less than tliir
fv seconds old when Azevedo. who is n
bretlier of Jee, a lightweight who beted
he.-e a number of vcars age and a Por Per
tugese, found himself sented ln the
resin. They rushed nt ench ether, ex
changed a few blows and then zewle
a Tiplltz left hook caught Mnnuel al
most flush en the chin.
Dropped for Count
' Azevedo went down. Uefcree Fran'.,
'O'Brien counted two, nnd by that time
the Westerner had scrambled te his
feet. Frem then until the bell sounded
ending the opening canto the fans, who
Brand new and different.
A custom feature in a
limited number of stock
i Si MvmaWVX S
I i
i I Many an extra j
I U, Inllnr ia DirlcpH
I fi up en the aide by m
I playing in the m
I KanrlWe'llsheW 1
j you hew te get
en the inside 5 i
fi - y
i WurliTzer i
is s Taa um n..tui. V. I
ii AMn .. rt . . c. M
fj euis-ll Lnennui i. ra
M lletwrn Bill S 0th Htrrets M
KM lu" Hi i
su la. iasi ssjs Kndorefi Tfnrtttasr te. Wm
CetHthl, K. T. ! IM
Tendlcr and Kansas
te Bex in N. Y
T,ew Tcndler und Itecky Knnsns
nre going te box ngnin. They will
meet In the Onrdcn, New Yerk City,
in another fifteen-rounder. Ne date
for the encore has lecn set, although
it is understood that the match will
be held some time in November. lce
I. Flynn, matchmaker for Tex
Hicknrd. wns in I'hiladelphla last
night and began ncgotlntienu for u
return meeting between Tcndler and
jammed the club te cnpnclty, witnessed .
TilnrA nntt.,11 fllftn tlS liritinlv flllf lltl Itl I
hM n ,i0(!Pn rounds. TlpllU slam-
banged Azevedo, mostly with his left, i
te head nnd body; he kept working his j
nanus line piston rees, ucaiuii; me vim-
ter ilcleusly nreund the body, but
Manny could net be dropped ngeln.
Every round tliereaiter, with tne ex
ceptien of the knockdown, lrtuallv was
n repetition of the firBt frame. Tlplitz
did net "de all the punching, for Azevedo
f'ld some socking en his own ncceunt.
However, the Philadelphia!! landed with
the mere tellins wallops, and It seemed
almost miraculous te see the Portuguese '
-fund up under the terrific fusillade j
from the fists of Yusll. j
Once in n while Azevedo flared up.
get off n series of hefty slams te head '
or body, adding mere zip nnd zest te
the splendid scrap, out ainnuei nna eniy
an outside cnunce. -i me nnisu uein
were h! eding. eneli from cuts under
the left eye. Tiplltz from mouth and
noe nud Azevedo s lips were split.
TIp'itz weighed in nt 1S4 pounds nnd
the Callfernlan was hnl a pound
heavier. The former leaves today for
Hosteti, where he will meet Oeergle
llrewn, of New Yerk, in a twelve
rounder tomorrow night.
Leenard Earns Draw
The show wan nn interesting fighting
card, the only listless mutch being that
between Hireld Knresc, 122. and from
Newark, who defeated Frankle Daley,
of Steten Island, 120.
.lehnnr IJrewn, an rnglishrann.
i1"2't. started out like a
like a sure winner
0er- Hattllng Leenard, US1,!, but after
he piled up a big lead In the early
, .
.'., ,
itrjgry w sm
Everybody Admires
Worembo Overcoats
These are the figures
at which you can buy
ours this season.
Every Worembo
coat we had last sea
son we sold for $115
and $125.
New Worsted Suits
Pin and Pencil Stripes
Finished and unfin
ished fabrics. Blacks,
blues and browns, with
stripes of various
The kind of suits
that are equally geed
for business and infor
mal dress.
Fer Sports Suits
in Fine Tweeds
Beautiful patterns
and the suits are very
much in demand. In
dications arc that this
is te be a winter of
tweeds for men.
rounds the Inttcr enme back In swell
style und enrncd nn even brenk. Iledy
sinnshes nnd rlglit crefses te the Jn.v
by Leenard took borne of the fight out
of the llrltishcr, who showed himself
off as a clever two-handed mittman In
the first part of the trneas.
Thu Murray maulers each returned
winners, this Unttllng brother triumph
ing ever Ulllv Devine. while Temmy
walloped Jee Dene . Battling Murray
weighed 1V2; Devine, 118; Temmy
Murray, llfHs. nnd Dersey, 121.
Pittsburgh Gelfer and Oakmont Pre
Charged With False Arrest
Pittsburgh Ia Oct. 25. William
C. Fownes. Jr.. well known in national
golfing circles, nnd Charles Howe, it
. t-nfnuullMtn I nAlfAn ..t ft, a V.tr.i.mit
Club, yesterday wcre made defendants
n a suit brought by (J. A. Ackin, u
railroader, in which they are charged
wiii iaise arrest
The plaintiff tcstllied that he had
been taken into custody for u short
time by the defendants April 21, 1018,
following n report that the Edgewnter
Steel Company, then said te have been
making muntlens for the Government,
hnd been blown up. He said he was
ou his way te work when arrested.
Fownes testified that he and Bewc
had requested Acklin te accompany them
te the plant niter accosting Acklin at
Black's Bun Station near the Oakmont
golf ceurhe. When they found the re
port was net true, Fownes testified, he
apologized and gave the plaintiff S3 for
the inconvenience te which he hnd been
subjected. The case will be resumed
Big Burg Eleven Wants Streng
Team te Play Saturday
The Helmesburg football eleven is
without it gante for Saturday, due te a
misunderstanding with the team sched
uled, and the big burg eleven wants te
meet ene of the leading clubs ln the
Stute, game te be played en Crystal
Helmcsburg wen two games last
week, defeating Ewlng en Saturday and
Washington en Sunday. Wire Fred
Oerker immediately at R040 Longshero
street, or phone Helmcsburg 1103.
h. Wanamaker
Stere News
1217-19 Chestnut Street
Watch Our Windows for the
New Hurlingham Club
Overcoats $30 and $35
Our tailors are turning in
new styles every day. We
show them promptly and sell
them almost as quickly as we
show them.
Although we are sending
out a great many overcoats,
duplicates will net be common
because of the unusual diver
sity of the cloths used.
Finest Gabardine
Hand Made Coats
(Reduced from $45)
These are finest
quality materials in
handsome shades.
Every coat you buy
registers a saving of
Fall Topcoats
These are tweeds,
narrow herringbones
and heather weaves.
Schulz, Heffelfinger, Cetvan and Cutts Alse Selected
for Leading Linemen Harlan and Barren
All-American Possibilities
I wonder uhat they think of, wnen gray
ghosts get teiethcr,
The ones who fought te end all tear,
and found the tvoeden eretst
Whose bodies held the ground they toen,
unmindful of the weather,
Where rain and tun te them are one,
beyond the touch of lettt
I wonder what their vote would be
when, jutt at dusk is falling,
Their ghostly dreams go back agatn
te lanes they knew of eldt
Or out the path they hear again ro re
tnembercd voices calling .
Frem these tehe come their way no
mere as time gees by untold t
Perhaps it deetn't matter new where,
safe beyond all sorrow,
Thev held their brave and simple rest
bereft of haunting care,
Out where their ghosts can only tee a
golden, far tomorrow,
That waits beyond the tieillght read
where only dreamers fare.
Perhaps. Hut if they had the chance te
see remembered faces,
Te hear old voices calling them
through autumn's hazy suns,
Or walk unbroken through the years
amid old-fashioned placet.
I wonder if their vote would be in
favor of the gunst
THE fate of the ribbed mnshie limy ee
hanging in the balance, but the
ribbed alibi still stands dauntless agalnut
ull time.
HAVE never entered "Bubc"
TJiifVi'e llhrnrv. lutt we tnke it for
granted thnt IiIh fnverltc books include
the following; "The SentB of the
Mighty," "The Bnttle of the Streng,
"The Deluge," "Trensure Islnnd,
"With Fire nnd Sword," "A King ln
Babylon," "The Wrecker," "The Cost Cest
nway." Tep Liners
TJO McMILLAN, of Centre College,
- as we recall the vital statlstlcn, wns
Wie first Southern entry te crnsh his
way into th All-American drawing
room where the elite gather.
Oeergin Tech, with Harlan nnd Bar Bar
eon, wlli offer two candidates this week
in connection with the Pcnn Stnte test.
There were ninny who believed Inst
fnll that Flowers. Barren nnd Ilnrlnn
were en n par with Leurie. Oarritv ami
(Jllrey it ground gaining bncks. Flow Flew
ith is through, but Knrren nnd Harlan
remnln te test ther speed nnd power
igainst Penn State'n flne defense.
The Flv Gnntesi
i TF YOU hnd te pick the five frrcatcst
-L ends, the five greatest bocks nn I
the flve erentcit linesmen that ever
played football, what would your selec
tions be?" asks L. P. B.
It would tnke considerable power te
force ub into any ouch predienment.
But If we were finnlly overpowered and
compelled te nnme any atich array of
quintets it would be something te the
following effect:
Knds Hinkey, Yale; Shevlin, Yale;
Hnrdwick, Harvard; Campbell. Har
vard; Bnew. Michlgnn. With Kilpnt
rick, Yole, worthy of the same group.
Backs Thorpe, Carlisle; Mehan',
Harvard; Hcsten, Michlgnn; Eckersall,
Chicago ; Cey, Yale.
Linesmen Kchulta, Michigan : He f
fe'flngcr, Ynle; Hare, Pennsylvania, ;
Cewnn, Princeton; Cutts, Harvard.
Great Qnarfcrbucka
I TJ1CKERSALL was probably the star
, Hi all-around quarterback, with the
klcklnp; Included,
, But Stevenson, of Penn, outside of
Knitted Fabrics
Fall Topcoats
(Reduced from $50)
Seft and pliable as
well as wrinkle proof.
They keep their shape
indefinitely b e c a u s e
the goods is knitted
and therefore elastic
he kicking came, never hnd a min..
nt this necter. Vttkt
Anether star wan Mntn.
Daly, of Harvard nnd Wct lUt T''
by the wnV. him l..r ..u. . lni' Who.
cellcnt gridiron book, "AmerleaTU M"
ball and Hew te Pla,' "- ,5?'
star and brainy coach the Wert pHI
mentor in mere than qualified I nt
Is beundins
thrce of the irresleef wT.. ""
ensen n-a..
Weck, ei.
Michlgnn, wna another.
qUGOESTIONS for a grcat niat .
sTY:h'leAh7. nre en this side: mi '
Marien TIelTlun nd
American champions, vs Ml. J?ri
Leitch nnd Willie ' Hunter Brit'S
champions. This sheul.l b" te SS ft '
.TeatiA n...iM 7
Bcru-s ei acetias venerable but nan.
lngly rampant pnstlme. v ?" ,
mend it ns the chelcenr ,i .i? """"
,.. lB, t
Hera's the art of putting-se write it
en your slate e "
Oct the Unc, hit the halU-and har '
the rest te fate. wr"
A NY tenm thnt steps the Xnvj .,-
season . provided Folwell's mneMn.
crcond crcend
the fitai
V-. """'" '"" credited w 1 1 the stsi
frat of the year. When ,,, nlu
the presence of seven fnst. hard run
rung backs upon one rei.tep .,,!,
you pemlei
by u strong, hnrd charging line. Ven
iii one reMer. si!nnnrt.J
kul sume mea et the .Nnvv's nttnei- n
seven backs can't be used nt once but
when nny one or two become worn detn
there is always a star te step In Zj
enrry en. ' ua'
T THOUGHT," writes F. L. r.(
X "'hnt Dempsey wns te be eria a
these champions ready te fight overt
ether month." But Is it Dunns,
fault that no one hnpnens te he areiin'
worth mi engagement? He can Imrdli
be expeeted te shadow box with lilm.
self for the title.
Copyright. ion. i-j r,0ht3 rcnerneit.
Fermer Masslllen Player Succeedi
"Hen" Wacker In That Capacity
.T. Byers, former guard bf tlie Mm Mm
slllen Tiger Heserves, of MussiUen, 0
hns succeeded "Hen" Wncker ns coach
of the Avalen football team, one of t!u
strongest in the northern section of thi
His sound Is composed of .Tames tj.
t- ". .ill
man, captnin and a former center of
Ln Snlle Prep. ; Seery nnd Gnllflglicr.el
Vlllnnevn; Beyle, who hns plnjed in
the West; Mnhen. of Camp Dlx; Friti
Barr, of Lafayette; Owens, of I'rert.
dence; McCaullev. formerly of Ij
Salle, nnd A. Cuicio.
Manager Curcie lias completed hit
Saturday schedule nt home nnd Is bur
arranging for Sunday games eivir,
Teams wishing te schedule Avalet
should get in touch with Alfred Curd,
3839 Manny unk avenue. '
Pevfccte site
2 for 25 cants
I Fer !
I Lsuests I
i y i