aKiim .iDiill i 7Z" s ,. --(, , f .- v.1' ' w' - i r .'" A'-r 'I ' ...r. x W x ti V7w,r y? t .v PRINCE OF WALES 10 Sails Tomorrow for Visit That Has Aroused Much Anxiety in England MAY FACE NATIVE BOYCOTT lyimlen. Oct. 25. The Prince of Wsles lenvc for Portsmouth tomorrow te bennl the battleship Renown for his lenjr nnticipnted trip te India. The Prince's journey hns been a topic of much Interest In the presser months and Is understood te hnve occnslened mnrked nnxIet.ameng the members of the reynl family. This anxiety wen Increased by the disturbances In the Meplah reRlen late In August and by utterances of various native leaders then and since. At a mass racting In Lahore, Northwestern Tiidln. nresldcd ever by Lain InJnnt Rni, nationalist leader, n resolution was adopted saving "that while the wounds resuItlnR from martial law in Punjab arc xtlll unhealed, the Khllnfnt pledges arc unredeemed and the famine condi tions prevail throughout the country, de neenln of Lahore arc net prepared te extend a rtelcome te the Prince of Wales." Hvcn If there should be no danger of a physical attack upon the Prince, It is feared that a boycott mny be effected by Klinmli, leaner et tne passive resist ance movement for home rule In India, wlileli would be injurious te British prestige and humlllatng te the royal vMter. The Prince, however, has insisted upon the trip, arguing that n show of cowardice en his pnrt would be far mere Injurious le the prestige of Great Urlt nln than any events in India could pos pes slblv be. Anether phae of the visit that has trnnhlrd the King and Queen is the nlnn nf the sport-loving Prlnce te take part ia the Kadlr Cup hunt, the annual hour hunting classic in Indln, that li fraught with danger for even skillful and experienced hunters. The Prince's attitude has attracted much praise for his bravery, but never theless prayers are being said through out Kngland for his safe return. FLAG TRAIN JUST IN TIME P. R. R. Passenger Saved Frem Crashing Inte Freight Wreck Harrisburg! Oct. C5. (By A. P.) Twe empleyes of the Pennsylvania Itnlirend off duty were attracted te the railroad near their homes at Itockvllle Inct night by the crash of a freight wreck and were Just in time te flag an t aitbeunrt passenger train that other wise would have piled Inte the wreck age. ' The freight cars buckled and were thrown out ever the passenger tracks The passenger train was stepped within a few fort of the wreck. quince a 8anl Supplies Blank goeta boundfrleooclcaf, laraniLoimeaircin J)29 Market Street 1 Dependability Yeu can dupend abelatlr upon the quality of our coal, aceurncy of welnht and superiority of our ervlc.- Ask any Kunkel cus tomer. J. E. KUNKEL Largtit Initptniinl Ceal Dealtr in Wtit Philadelphia 63d & Market Slat & Grays PURE FRESH-PAINT Beleve Me Te Heme Painters Seme folks have a knack of doing things right. They live in homes that always leek spick-and-span! Well, we make paints for just such folks Kuehnle Paints made right te give utmost in service and value I "Save the Surface" Kuehnle PAINT&PAINT1NG Vine & 17th. Sts. spiiucejW RAce749 CUIICURA- HEALS IPLEif FACE Hardand Red. Itched and Burned, race Disfigured, Lest Sleep. ''My face began te get sere and "n broke out in email pimples Tt, Tre. h,rd red and Watered. ne pimples spread, te my chin and neck, and Itched and burned se that i could net sleep at night. My face ws disfigured. r.."16"1 for free "ample of Cutl cura Seap and Ointment which re Jleved me. I purchased mere, and wnen I had used three cakes of Seap h" ,J.Wexe8 of Ointment I waS s (S'cned) MlssCellaWalsh, 539 North Maple Avenue, Greens b"rg, Pa., Feb. 14, 1921. .n!?'e. Cmlcura SP. Ointment no Ucum your every-day toilet preparations and watch your skin improve. JJJ B.p. Olntm.nt4ian.160c. T.lSiK. mr vuueura Stun !... lil.u. ' r"twwiureiHluii GOING INDIA smh rMsV l& 'B "EVWmiQt $tJ&UO v "I didn't knew Bread could be se geed" This isn't just one satisfied customer's opinion it's the very unanimous decision of the tremendous family of customers who simply would net be without our electrically baked Bread. MEENEHAN'S Electric Bakeries 18 Seuth 52d Street 2604 Gcrmanlewa Ave. 14 Seuth 60th St. 4009 Market Street 1433 Seuth St. : New ready for occupancy 250 Seuth 17th Street 1 n Story Housekeeping Apart- ' merit, One and Twe Apart ments Per Fleer. Light and Air en Four Sides. Excellent Service a Feature. Wallace Realty Ce. ON PREMISES G. WALLACE SIMPSON 309 Medical Arts Building OR' L . n "Sell Before Telegram from the President of one of the largest indus tries in the Middle -West January 1st" HrlE2,.,,ANUARY FIRST 1H SUCM UNITS AS WILL SERVE BEST aefS5f?TfeS2E-'me BUY AND OT" HEREAFTER AT SUCH PRICES 5freJprt.iSSUR5SALE ALL 0UR FACTORIES AMD WAREHOUSES IN TIME SSFJP.?EFE!L5!R0PERTIES 28? appraised valuatieh eh KSffU??. EAPJrEPCHASERS ACQUIRE PROPERTY IH FACE CURRENT rjAHIAH0NDITI0NS WITHOUT IMPAIRING THEIR WORKING OR JSHID ASSETS V0U SELECTED FOR JOB BECAUSE YOUR PAST EPE?5MAJSEJHLY0UR FA1LURE TO ACCOMPLISH DESIRED RESULTS IN n225LAJvRIBtJTABLE 0UR LACK COOPERATION WITH YOU AND PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS THE DISSOLUTION OF OUR VAST AND S,mLSYpIvSJ?Y.,?1'.'MIDDLE WEST INCLUDING SERIES FACTORY BUILDINGS CONTAINING OVER MILLION FLOOR FEET ON FIFTY TWO ACRES LAND HAVING THREE MILES STREET FRONT FOUR OtfE HALF WILES TRACKAGE ACCOMMODATING TWO HUNDRED THIRTY FIVE CARS KES.P.0SSIBLE 0UR AUTHORIZING YOU OFFER THESE PROPERTIES ' 57J5J.CESSO FAR BEL0W REAL VALUE AS TO ENABLE PURCHASERS SSKt12?. THEIR NE"LV ACQUIRED PROPERTIES AT FROM THREE KERI5aT0 F0UR HUNDRED PERCENT OF PURCHASE PRICE MANU- c,E5HE5s..mEREST lies -in close examination of whole i2S&5iUP.n)?fiKI.SUCH PARTS WILL MAKEf PROPER AND SHTU??EMTUMITS F0R EIR purposes buildings comprise SEVERAL TYPES CONSTRUCTION ALL M0DER5I AND 111 SUCH ARRANGEMENT ? JLC?0D . PRACTICE MAY BE DIVIDED INTO REASONABLE UNITS OPPORTUNITY FOR ESTABLISHMENT GREAT MIDDLE WEST INDUSTRIAL TcaHMINAI These were our Initructlens upon our appointment as exclusive agents of one of the largest Industrial properties ever offered for sale In this country, end It b our belief that manufacturers in almost any line desiring 50 000 sq. ft. of fleer space or mere, with 2 te 5 acres of land, swltchtrack sidlnC and all ether facilities which Be te make a complete ; self-contained manufacturing unit, will find within this property the makings of en ideal plant for the particular use desired. Leuis Schlesinger Inc. ti a .mi The direst Faetery Breker in the World Times Building ToUnhenn Brrint0192 New Yerk X Ml- OIIOW a V'" "" '"'''', y, hi fummer down &jA&'2 Gtdn trdi en your Santale w (p Reserve your berth seace in thrnmh Pullmnn en The California Limited or The Missionary, se you can step at least two days at the Canyon cnrI?utS t0 California or, take The Navajo or The Scout. The trails arc open all the year. Yeu will find summer at the river, 6000 feet below the rim. El Tovar Hetel and Bright 'Amjcl Cottages never close. Yeu will enjoy every minute of this detour. I' red Harvey meals all the way. m XWmMy47mtmM,Xri V,."'--VMf" m wws u icri IS 14 BT I aH H sfll il attk Wiite, phem or ctll and let me help pUn your trip. Aik ler "Grind Ctnyen OutlnJ." aed "CtlifbrnU I'icturc Boek." It. G. Smith. Oen. Aent Q. C. Dlllartl. nixt I'ass Act, A, T AH. I', Hy. 002 Klnance Hid , riillailelphla, Pa. I'hene; Lac us t GC4 1 LEDaKSr-PHirM)PHM, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1921 (FT Specials in Men's and Yeung Men's Fall and Winter Clothing I "r VN THE THIRD FLOOR -M Men's and Yeung Men's aa.uu I'ancy Suits at $26.00 Men's and Yeung Men's $35.00 Winter rtjoe r( Overcoats at. . . iftaWa JlP Men's and Yeung Men's at ."".$9.00! Men's and Yeung Men's $8.50 Fancy Trousers at $4.35 aIN THE ECONOMY BASEMENT Men's and Yeung Men's $23.50 Fancy (M O A A Men's and Yeung Men's $13.50 Winter t0 7 Overcoats at 4Q. I O Men's and Yeung Men's $10.00 Raincoats at $3.50 Men's and Yeung Men's $4.50 Fancy. Trousers at $2.55 Men's and Yeung Men's $12.50 Mackinaws at $5.00 ON THE FIRST FLOOR " Men's $5 te $6.50 Silk Shirts, $3.95 AH fresh, perfect, clean. Made of 'heavy quality tub silk and Jacquard silks. All atees, 14 te 16. Men's $2.50 and $3.50 Shirts, $1.59; Imported woven madras nnd silk-striped madras shirts. Light and dark grounds. Sizes 14 te 17. Men's $1 te $1.50 Silk Knitted Ties, 35c; Pure silk four- n hands; narrow width. Plain colors and heather mix tures. Seme arc slightly Imperfect. Men's $4 Mufflers, $2.35; accordion knitted mufflers, in black-and-white, black with blue, black with red, black with geld, and black with green. All perfect. Men's $1.50 Outing Flannel Pajamas, $1.10; geed weight outing flannel pajamas. Men's Silk Socks, 35c; 3 pairs for $1. Irregulars of 75c grade; pure thread silk, deuble soles; black and colors. Men's Kno-Hele Socks, 70c Bex Cotten Socks of sturdy yarn; heels and tees firmly spliced te insure long wear. Six pairs of asserted colors te the box. Men's $2 Underwear, $1.35; natural gTay merino; part wool; medlum heavy weight. Men's t$3 Union Suits, $1.95; random ribbed; merino finish; he'nvy weight. Women's Full-Fashlened Stockings, 3 pairs for $1; mer cerized lisle stockings, with double soles and extra spliced heels and tees. Black and cordovan; irregulars of 76c grades. Women's Silk Stockings, 95c Pair Twelve-strand pure thread-silk Fashlenette Silk Stock Steck ings: black and ether shoe colors. Women's Fashioned Silk Stockings, $1.35; highest grndes of thread-silk stockings, including pelntcx styles; black and colors, but net every color In every style. Irregulars of $2.25 te $3.50 grades. Infants' 40c Mercerized Stockings, 25c pair; fine ribbed; white, cordovan and black; sizes 4 te 6. Beys' 35c and 39c Stockings. Sizes 6 te 8 at 23c. Sizes 9 te 10Vi at 25c; heavy ribbed black cotton stockings; made of two-thread yarn. Women's 85c and $1 Underwear, 59c; fine ribbed white fleeced cotton vests and pants. Women's $1.15 Union Suits, 79e; white ribbed cotton; Dutch neck, elbow sleeves; knee length. Women's Extra Size Union Suits, $1.19; fine ribbed white cotton, fleeced, high neck and long sleeves; Dutch neck and elbow sleeves; ankle length. Seconds of $2.00 grades. Children's 65c te 75c Underwear, 48c White ribbed fleeced cotton vests and pants; all flat lock seams: sizrs 2 te 14 vears. Infants 75c te $1.25 Underwear, 59c; finest merino bands & double-breasted, buttenless vests; sizes te 3 years. Men's 35c Linen Handkerchiefs, 22c; mussed linen hand kerchiefs with i-inch hems. Women's 35c and 50c Handkerchiefs, 14e; white linen handkerchiefs with 1-16- and '6-inch hems. Seconds. Women's $1 Eyelet Bramlcy Sets, 75c; imported eyelet. Women's $5 te $7.50 Silk Scarfs, $3.50; striped nilk scarfs. $6.50 Weel Scarfs, $3.75; with pockets nnd belts. Men's $3 and $3.50 Derbies and Seft Hats, $2.20; geed looking soft hats in all the newest shapes and colors. Derbies in .iet black only. Men's and Beys' $1.60 and $2 Caps, $1.35; newest fall caps in several up-te-the-minute patterns. Children's $2 Pole Hats, $1.25; plush pole hats in several new styles and combinations. Made with ear tabs. Women's $1.49 Washable Gloves, $1; strapwrist washable chamois lisle gloves In white, chamois and cafe. Women's 98e and $1.15 Washable Gloves, 50c; stTap-wrist and two-clasp washable chamois lisle gloves In a broken line of sizes nnd colors. Women's Gloves, $1.69; P. K. suede gloves with heavy em broidered backs; geed fall shades. Imported French bioce gieves, everscam sewn with Paris point backs; white self, white with black nnd brown. Men's Duplex Gloves, 89c; one-clasp washable Duplex in gray, brown and beaver; net all sizes in each color. Beys' and Girls' Lined Gloves, 79c; fleece-lined capeskin In tan; sizes 6 te 14 years. $5 Black Moroccan Crepe, yard $3; 38 Inches wide. Made ., J 8UPeJ or 1V.a,ity slIV nnd we1- Heavy qunlitv. $2 Colored Messahne, yard $1.29; 35 inches wide. Excel lent quality in a geed range of colors. $4 Costume Velveteen, yard $1.79; 36 inches wide, In black and colors. Wnrrapted te wear. $1.50 Silk Shirtings, yard 98c; white grounds with pretty colored satin stripes. All silk; fait colors nS,?"5fBdfUfi? Hevers yard $1.39; in" all shades and plenty of the fashionable black. Beautiful soft saun-nnisn laces in all-silk. $1.75 72-inch Silk Tulle Nets yard. $1.10; crisp and dainty S3 p5 ttefc! iTy- foundations. $l Trccohiecrhs:ni"c T.'rdfflar; nd 1,728 Pairs Babies' Rubber Pants; 15c Pr. , All sizes. i.ijuu uuDDerizetl Ilousehe d Aprons -"Sp .,,1,. fn :,. 2,000 yards Lining Remnants, 19c vnrd- nil nnA i ,5c a.yss Tasse"' iec jitr'-rtjiss; 12C ftccacl!1" BI"e' Brn" and C-1 D'ep,, 5c, 7c. ,8C Scent .K.Trimm,n ,0c " "c irl. 25c SUiS S ;vr-ls'do-Scallepci ncck - I 7c Utica Pillow Cnses. 34c: size 4'vfi .. 1 79c Mohawk Belder Cases 67c. Jfc ,..... aac niew Tubing, yard 49c: 45 inrr,. i "mj a.vi- 1 iii-iipv $20 California Lambs' lll' W I T11. . ""' its, 51 51 51 oel in and blue borders andargeTl'e Z 2 5 w'l ?? $9 Lambs' Weel Blank,, ii ", "l0CK l"a,d. Patterns. cotton warp in light Vrev PinJ C." .Vth ? China Woel-FIIIed Comfertables Bul. ,"k an blue hertiS Ing, plain -nteen bec" Jd te'd "'"."ver. SI Mercerized Table Darnel ". Jn7b Wet1 "?. heavy quality, permanent ' lu'slre. qUTSS Slehi :N. SNELLENBUUG STORE OPENS DAILY AT 9 A. M. CLOSES AT 5.30 P. M. SaaaaawMaaMwaaaaBnii i iwa miiwfmmmaBmaamHKimt nellenbltrgS eHTIRE BLOCK -MARKET n2 STREETS L J Opportunity Day Tomorrow Offers a Harvest of Saving Opportunities te All Thrifty People. Every department in this whole splendid organization is ready with special offer ings of merchandise for personal or household use, at generous savings en prices already famous as the lowest in Philadelphia! Get An Opportunity Day Booklet at the Doer ur ON THE FIRST FLOOR " $9 Hemstitched Luncheon Napkins, dozen $6. Bleached pure linen satin damask napkins, siie 15x15 Inches, in lovely patterns. 25c Crash Toweling, yard 17c; bleached heavy half -linen Barnsley weave crash. With colored borders. 85c Scarfs, each 38c; trimmed with heavy English Torchon and imitation Cluny lace edges. Size 18x54. 27c White Demct Flannel, yard 15c. 69c Cream White Weel Flannel, yard 45c $12 Genuine Cowhide Suit Cases, $10.35; top surface cow hide stock in extra deep 24- nnd 26-inch sizes with cowhide strap running all around; well constructed. $12 te $13 Hand-Beaded Handbags, $8.90; .i varied assort ment of exquisite patterns nnd colorings. Women's $2 te $3 Handbags, $1.64; genuine leather, vel vet and duvctyne bags in a variety of styles; etched metal frames en the fabric bags. Beautifully lined. Women's $5 Umbrellas at $3.69; genuine silk gleria; 20 Inch size of piece-dyed silk nnd cotton. Full-length bakelite and hardwood handles with bakelite ferrules, rings and trimmings te match. Men's Imported Walking Sticks, 38c nnd 93c; every im ported cane in stock reduced. A few women's sticks. 35c Powdered "Beric Acid, 28c. 30c Seidlitz Powders. 1 dez., 23c. 40c Aromatic Spt. Ammonia, 4 oz., 35c. 70c Quinine Pills, ldO, 2 gr., 60c. Earle's Hype Ced, 85c. Philip's Milk of Magnesia, 34c. Tanlac, 78c. 25c te $3 Imitation Ivery Toilet Articles at 10c te $1.30; variety of pieces mirrors, brushes, combs, puff-boxes, hair receivers and manicure pieces. Slight seconds. Snellenburg's Hard-Water Seap, 80c dez. $1.25 Fountain Syringes, 59c; Seconds. Guaranteed water tight. Women's $21.50 Wrist Watches, $14.75; guaranteed high grade 15-jewel movement fitted In 20-year geld-filled case. Small size. Beautifully hand-engraved. Men's $2 Solid Geld Cuff Buttens, $1.19 pair; many shapes and sizes. Plain engine-turned nnd hand-engraved. $5.95 Sllver-PIated Mesh Bngs, $3.89; fine mesh. Prettily etched dome-shaped frame. Pendant trimming. $3.50 Sterling Silver Sweetheart Lockets, $1.95; hand-engraved and chased patterns. 75c Community Par-Plate Gravy Ladles. 49c; light gray finish handles, with bright polished bowls. Guaran teed for ten years. Each in separate box. $2.75 Sheffield Silver-Plated Bread Trays, $1.95; attractive a e ad rnised border. Bright finish. $1.50 Small Brass Desk Clocks, 87c; geed clear dials. Suit able for desk or traveling. 59c Writing Paper, 29c; 84 sheets te the package. Blue and pink only. Envelopes te match, 9c package. Boek Ends, $9.50; values up te $16.50. Brass, bronze and polychrome. Fiction and Juvenile Beeks, 25c; values up te 69c. Reference Beeks and Classics at Half. $3.50 Beeks, $1.75. 7ec Beeks, 40c. I !u Sex A"80rtl Chocolates, 29c. 1 ' lln Asserted Hard Candles. 25c. 1 lb. Wilbur Buds. 65c 1 lb. Weeden Bex Lyens California Glace, Asserted Fruits. ChcrrleH or Stuffed Prunes, 89c. ;!2 n?f !?' Snt'ca Camera. 7.5 lens, $9.50. Ill r Vilma Sc1ca Canlera. 2'x3'4. single lens. $8.50. , $7. $8. S16.30 ea. w ON TnE SECOND FLOOR " Women's $25 Tricetine Suits, $17.50 Strictly tailored styles, smartly belted. Silk linings. Women's $39.75 Fur-Trimmed Suits, $25; of velour de lnine and Llamn, beautifully embroidered. Wnmen'i! 1 fi r ( )nln Cnntc CT) Sll Three-quarter length sports model, with belt and rag lan sleeves. Heavy soft coating. Women's $25 Fur-Cellared Tep Coats, $17.50; wool veleur: pretty beaverette cellar. Silk lined throughout. Women's $29.75 Normandy Cleth Coats, $21.50; loose back or belted models, with self material or fur cellars. Silk lined throughout. Women's $65 Fur-Trimmed Coats, $45 Handsome plain or belted models of fine Normandy cloth. Richly trimmed with dyed opossum cellar and cuffs. Beautifully silk lined. $45 Suits for Larger Women, $24.50 Smart models In Berge, silvcrtene and chevrela, tailored with the precision for which this department is famous. A geed nssertment of colors nnd styles. Sizes 47T6 te 58 4. Women's $49.50 Extra-Size Velour Coats, $39.50; full length coats, with geed roomy sleeves. Belted mod els, pleated and trimmed with stitching. Finished with large cellars of fur or self-material. Women's $8.50 te $12.75 Blouses, $5 Georgette crepe and crepe de chine blouses nnd over ever blouses embroidered, lace-trimmed, bended, frilled nnd tucked models in one- nnd two-tone combina cembina combina tiens. White, flesh, bisque, navy, gray nnd black. Women's $10 Skirts, $5.75 Bex-pleated models of Prunella cloth in tnn-and-navy, brown-and-blue, and a number in black-and-white' Women's $2 and $3 Blouses. $1.35; fine voile and batiste blouses, trimmed with lace nnd embroidery, tucked and in plain tailored styles. ' Women's $7.95 Sports Skirts, $2.95; of velour finish worsteds in novelty weaves and serges. Large and small box-pleated models; also knife-pleated styles. Checks, breKen plaids nnd stripes in brown, green, tan nnvy and blnck-nnd-white. Sizes from 25 te 3 Misses' $25 Tricetine Suits, $17.50 Smartly tailored with narrow belt and slashed pocket Sizes 14. 16 and 16 years .uibbh mwe rur-irimmed Suits. $25; wool velour and Llama Stunning style: some braided. Misses $15 Crepe de Chine Dr.-sses. $10; straight-line and chemise models, attractively trimmed. 14. 16 nnd 18 fl I aa nr t i m . ' i Misses' $25 Canten Crepe Dresses, $17 50 ft!;;"T2 ??Mt,i aminKly trltd with lace. bizes 14. 16 and 18 venrs. Mi. .... eon-.- cmiT Ti """" w.ie aim uresses. 521.50: satin . Wi, r-77T cippe. tashionnble straiKht or wnistline me-i-u ...V.L Mnndarin sleeves. RItpr m in e., ic l . n. "" JVi3. W1LII '''".fe.P'r-,':!:""-. s. 1.1 IA "",,:.. "-"'.' "mvu wiin suk b arnid. .w " '" ' ie years Misses' $65 lair-Trimmed Coats, $45 Handsome models of vd.Une nA ,.t, ... ... inrgciur cellars and cutTs and narrow belts 14. 16 and 18 years. - - -.-f ,. , t4, SizeB Misses' $29.75 Coats $21.50; Normandy cloth in" of tn ceatinc. Snun M.u. a. A . . . " '" Misses'. $18.30 Sports Coats Td; clever belted m1?' of tan coating. Smart nn,U..' ?,:" .VteA me Sizes 14, 10 nnd 18 years. Misses $5 riaid Skirts, $2.95 1 .i..j laiun hi iuiuiar pinited styles. tir mj. " e u! amer. i!'iX4', single lens, $16 Felding Sceu .Camera. 8',x4'4. single lent. v., ucnu v-mei camera. zytx4yt, R. S. lens, 5 & CO.: IT MMftriMM4falttbaM.M&H ii m. j.. .ii i in rr rr $2.25 Bleached 81x90 in. (EllQ "Utica" Sheets la9 Just 3G00 te sell at this price be wc ennnet fill mail or 'phone orders none sold te dealers. FIRST FLOOR AND ECONOMY BASEMENT vr ON THE SECOND FLOOR Women's $15 Crepe de Chine Dresses, $10 Charminr? models, prettily trim med with cire braid, ribbon fringe tassels and fancy bugle ornaments. Women's $25 Srge Dresses, $13.75; two geed-looking models nf excellent aunlitv serge. Braid i trimmed. Women's $25 Silk Dresses, $17.50; very effective cembina tien of Cnnten crepe and Ince. Women's $29.75 Silk Dresses, $21.50 Of satin-faced Canten crepe, with kimena waist, crushed girdle and weed bead ernnmcntSj Misses' $10 Plnid Skirts, $5.75; fashionable bex-plnitcd. Juniors' and Girls' $5 te $7.50 Serge Dresses, $2.85 Variety of dressy styles and regulation frocks. Sizes 6 te 16 years. Juniors' and Girls $10 Peter Pan Dresses, $6.55; one- nnd two-piece models of wool Jersey, with whlte linen cellars and cuffs. Sizes 8 te 16 years. Juniors' and Girls' $15 Winter Coats, $8.95 Belted models in novelty coating, silvertene and fine cheviot, with pockets. Sizes 8 te 16 years. Juniors' and Girls' $17.50 Pole Coats, $11.50; belted sports styles, with pockets. Sizes 6 te 16 years. Women's $35 Tricetine Dresses, $24.50; stunning strnlght Hne styles, beautifully braid and bend trimmed. $3.50 Taffeta Petticoats, $2.35; excellent quality; tucked nnd pleated flounces; plain and changeable colors. $2.50 Regular and Extrn-Sizc Petticoats, $1.25; silk-nnd-cotten petticoats with nent tucked flounces. Women's $1.89 Night Gowns. 79c; Slip-ever models of lingerie cloth finished with hemstitching. Women s 89c Bleemers of Flowered Batiste, 45c; Finished with elastic at waist and knee. Band Aprons, 37c: of blue-and-white checked gingham; gored nnd gathered models with ties nnd pockets. $4 Corsets. $1.69; Smnll sizes only. All high-grade cor sets of standard makes. Odds and ends of styles. $1 te $3 Brassieres nnd Confiners, 45c and $1.69; Mnny styles. All well-known mnkes. Women's $7 Worsted Tuxedo Sweaters, $3.45; A wonder wender ful let, Including imported models. Broken sizes. Children's $3.50 Hats. $1.95; Several excellent styles, nil nttrnctively trimmed. Children's Bath Robes, S3.75: Of Beacon cloth, with satin-trimmed cellar and cuffs. Sizes 8 te 16 years. Children's S3.50 te $1.50 Colored Dresses, $2.50; Of ex cellent quality gingham nnd chnmbrny; sem. bloom er styles in the let. Sizes 2 te 6 years. Women's $3.95 Beacon Blanket Robes. $2.65; floral and Oriental designs, finished with pocket nnd girdle. $1.39 Bungalow Heuse Dresses, 95c; Of plain, striped and checked percale and gingham, with trimming of plain chambray In contrasting colors. iez Beacon Blanket Vests, 49c; Warm and comfy for wear under coats and suits. 15c te $1.25 Stamped Pieces, 8 te 75c; centerDlcces. scans, pjiiew tops, children's dresses, etc. Iridescent Beads and Bugles, 5c bunch In a great varletv of rn1nr Mini a . trimming dresses, etc. . . . - -- --.". ...mv.4 .11 UL'JllU 1U IDT J w i i-j e pair $4'7r,; S8Vral styles of women s black kid and tan calf lnce shoes with mlli tary nnd low flat heels. Welted soles. rnlJII ?X!!rd-e SV95:.Ta,n calf and gunmetal calf xt . J5hJrJaced exfrds with leather militnry heels. Mens $9 Shoes, $5 85; Brown calf English lnce shoes n ?nrIlaw Pd medium-tee lasts. Welted soles. Beys $5 Shoes, S3.65; Gunmetal and brown calf lnce shoes with welted soles. Sizes 1 te 5. W - 3Ti - . . Er ON THE THIRD FLOOR Tra Beys' $15 te $16.75 Right-Posture Suits, $7.50 Norfolk suits of all-wool fancy cheviets nnd enssimeres, All WIT II tnn Hec L-trwl .!1A. r ... - . " " "v "'" " tauuring SlZCS i te 14. BOyfltwSe1nnTTW.'TT"-1r Sui,,s. S1.1-75: Norfolk suits with hrp,.w iJ f.k1n,ck. '" ne. Single- nnd doublo deublo double breastpd models of all-wool fancy cheviets. I Beys' $12 te $15 Winter Overcoats, $7.50 I w.c .tl.w .!, m n Kina. dizes 'J. 3. 4 and 5 venrs. RJi,S -Mack1i"a"' SS.25; Of all-wool blanket cloth, bizes 1 te 18 years. $3.50 Ball Bearing RHer Skat, S1.83. L- , R rf wnre, with clamptee and strap heel. MCn'ln'?dv,"0yh' $7-? and S8 Shak" K"it Sweaters, $4; geed heavy wool Large shawl cellar and pockets of -neck button-front style. inem $47.50 Centurv Birvrlns 55?q n;n With mud-guards roller chain, ceaster-brakP, rubber peflaK grl" & i-t;'n(! GunrantPr.rl fr one year Cirard Tires, $15.75; Size 30x3 inches 6-ply Jumbo Single cured, v.u,u, equai in nze te .31x4 fnbri C17rn nnr . ... --. ',vw wrapped tread 17,1"ul,-'w y.uui; miles f!lriTnnrAJ f fff " -I'V-r" AUt. V.01,cs -and ninnkets. $10: hitrh-rrrn,! plush robes and all-wool blankets, 30 in the let ON THE FOURTH FLOOR 1 M.t).) I" " ,- 1U) -- 1,-J,. 1 ' ". Keauj-.Mnde Picture Fr mes, 79c j Frem pad lengtns of meuldmgs. Asserted sizes nrl fin , "s "mPe ur.h jflass and back. $lML2UllT:J?:MAPL ? mirrors In tique and color tone frames ---"-" "-.''-, "i"ii nnn sizes. 1'0 v-chrnm. nn. v --.... , ..,,- I s;S,5?i?ef8l!,IeiSS TaPestr' Brussels, $22.45 I pize 9x12 feet In nnnt u-nll..n..n.nj .' $32.50 - ""'"i UBUPrnn. Chinese nnd Persinn patterns ' "''e XJ Ieet' $'25 Rlhftr-Drr Mat', r,9.c: meuldpd Patterns. Jf., Sta,r (arP''- rd $1.25: 27 iiU,cs wide 2 InlM? 'i1 C,l0rS w,th prcttv b,,rde'- effects. " ft inlaid Linoleum, squar. yard, $1.05; 2 yards wide Cirt ei .rm ful1 re11 pcrfect goods. ' le Lut 51.15 Cerk Linoleum, square yard. 75e: In pretty nnt- Mi. SO te $00 Ulech and HeMoed Babv Cnrri -rft CM.'," S!5:cfl?'1,"an - VarleuV &" $ "" Children s Sfi 50 te S15 HiKh ChnirH. S 1.50 te $10 50- With trnvs. White rnnmnl nn,I .e.i , -',". vv,m nenmiess rivpt itme tiecr. M; ir. . r 50c and 75c Mlscellan I T V" . - V ."nls- wJf.C M.i.?!,t'Janc,'Uh T,"' - "oils, wagons, carts. r ": ""'-. in.iuin errrnns, I'res dent blocks. benrs, bends for stnmrincr. lnA',t'V:".. u'OCKB $2.2 $1 nndfum' ,1 eV'r:, "yS and GM- W $MflLoverfven"rny":d "cjf?A - ptt0. ..-:-' :i.i-iiciii, iiuhhiv. "Ul "M""-,SSS furtnlns. 40c; Made readv te h.w. a i - . .-,.". --'-" with lace edge insertion. White only. 98 'Velour Dutch Curtaiim, set $3.98; In $5 i- ' "' blue and brown, ti flfl'n"," lW ' . "epnraw valance ready te hanir. v..-w wUM. .unrquiscue Lurtalns, set $1.39; White thr niece sets nmHn ., u.L.. i, ' . . .".' tnree- r" .f.ViT.J "" ;""' "' nenistltchei bore km en your old machine when Ukm'ln exchan 'Wt,ne v J '-, m t "i t :, )' ' I .Til i: a If m i. SWKLLENBURG & CO.: A 4 Al'-' h ihfifffif- M