. W f ft .. i iv,vp- j.J"":ir ) u k Oi EVENING. PtJBMO LEDGER-PHTtlADELTHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1021 16 Tuesday, October 26, 1921 Stere Hours, 9 te 5:30 GlMBEL BROTHERS We are giving better bargains than we had believed pessibleand they are flowers without the thorn of disappointment. L Fer Wednesday Gimbcl Anniversary Sales are based en an enlarged conception of the Stere's duty te its customers. Fer Wednesday -,v BROADWAYBANDITS tm GET BIG MAIL HAU w m Reb U. S. Truck of Sum Esti mated Botween $100,000 and $1,000,000 ESCAPE IN AUTOMOBILE Ily flic Associated VreM New Yerk, Oct. 2.". Tlirec nutomo nutemo nutome blle bnnclits who held up n United Suites mull truck in Lewer Hreiulwny Inte liint night, esrnpliig with four pouches of reentered mull, were beinc KetiRht by police nml posteffice lnsiwcters to day. INmtnl authorities wild they were un able yet te flx the value of the stolen mail, much of which had originated in the Wall Street district. One of the inspector en the ens, however, was reported te have told city detectives the pouches contained about $1,000,000 in money and nccetiablc paper. Other estimates fixed the value of the haul around $100,000. Frank Hnvranck. driver of the truck, was detained by the police te leek ever suspects expected te be breiiRht In as the result of a city -wide alarm, sounded a half hour after the held-up. Havranek told the police he had pro ceeded only a few blocks en his run from the Cltv Tlnll station te the (inn eral I'osteffice opposite the Pcnnsyl Tnuia Terminal, when a green touring car bearing three men overtook him. Twe men steed en tire running beard with pistols, which they leveled at him, with the command te slew down. When he complied. Havranek said, he was ordered te turn Inte Leenard street and The bandita then dragged him from his seat and forced him te give up the kev te the truck gates. 'While one cov ered him with a. pistol. Havranek said, the ethers climbed inside the truck, se lected four pouches from the lead of seventeen, and threw them into the touring car. Then the trio tumbled Inte the car a nl nrv. first warnine HavTanctc net te fellow. As seen as they had tnmed a corner Havranek started his truck In pursuit, but the green car had disappeared and Havranek reported the held-up te tn pence. Mn Lynehad In 8euth Carolina Allendale. 8. 0., Oct. 23. (By A. IO Ed Kirkland, a Negro charged with having killed Eugene P. Walker, of Appleton. wns taken from custody of the Sheriff yesterday by a mob an J lynched. Skilled painters only Only experienced painters can lay en paint as it should be, te give the right protective value. only skilled 70 years' painting experience. We employ painters. UJUcAmin W$mS EB NTINGI r Will stand the test aftime 103 9 Arch St. PHONE BtU - SPS1KX 6377 Krorreni-uc! 4a I MSwVS Mi Title Insurance savea you time, money and confusion. Seme people have seen their isavlngs of a lifetime wiped out by a faulty or defective title. With us, all questions in regard te your title are carefully investigated by our complete organiza tion, with nearly a half century of experience. The Real Estate Title Insurance and Trust Ce. of Philadelphia 523 Chestnut Street AtTOfi from Indrpendente Hull 45 S. Bread St. Lincoln Ilulldlnt Tomorrow at Gimbels $75 Demestic Parler Cabinet Sewing Machines Specially Priced at $59 f fi T Wi 4 Jggfi. Demestic $59 Terms, $1 Weekly A $1.50 Hemstitchcr given Free with each sewiner machine pur- chased tomorrow. This is the most re markable sale and the lowest prices in years for these cabinets. Made originally for expert but withheld for sale here at a sacrifice the sacrifice is the manu facturer's but backed by Gimbels closest mark ing te bring forward the best event in sewing ma chines in Philadelphia. $39 Lessings at $31 Terms $1 Weekly CRAB MEAT COCKTAIL $49 New Willards at $41 Every machine is mafic by the Demestic Sewing Machine Ce. backed by a Ten-Year Guarantee. Every machine is brand new in their original fac tory crates. TOMORROW s.w.'JB ltf : ' : ix :: yA ::.-:;. -wl w I JHVV.KS JM.';'VT W.WMWM W. 30 What Women Tell U arc Plenty of Scarcest Coats in Town! The smart semi-mannish tailored coats that are net only best of all for traveling and a Mimi i luuiur-wccii , uui au iiiucsv.uudijiy ligui $ for street wear that there bids fair te be a perfect furore for them. But the vogue came se suddenly maybe these perfect October days did it I that only Gimbels seem adequately ready. And Only Gimbels Quete Such Values at Such Prices Silk-lined and sucde-fabric-lined sports coats (the cut is a whole chapter in smartness 1) at $19.75 and $25. "Camcl's-hair" coats at $35. American-tailored coats of the finest Irish, Eng lish and Scotch coatings tweeds, fleeces, Denegals, friezes at $25, $29.75, $39.75, $49.75 and $59.75. Gimbels, Salens of Dress, Third fleer A Trie of Wonderful Values in Women's Uniquely Smart Dresses At $29.75 The finest dreii-wclght Peiret twill that cemee. Man-ulloredhand-werk of course. With a novel trimminnr of ilk but tonholing. And an exceedingly smart metal girdle. At $49.75 Nevty duvetjrn th Uernt (tripes of latin and duvetyn that creats Parlr bilevrd 'Mlrtet and ahadew" effect. Nete the clnyer Meusing In back. Nete the firing; taaselled tabs. Nete the smart metal cerdis. All-black, or brown with facings .f tangerine. At $59.75 The loveliest brown duretynt. Bul garian red duTetrn oellar, sleeve-inserts. bracelet cuns ana p 1 Telrrt Twill, 0&9.7B fjattn-Btrlpe Dav.tyn, 948.75 Bnv.tyn 939.73 oeoket flaris embreid ered In Bulgarian fashion. Ceat-dress style. dlmbels, Salens of Dress, Third fleer Best Value We Have Had for Years in Blankets is This Let of Fer Purposes of Introduction We Are Asked te Sell Men's $7 te $10 Silk Shirts at $4.85 War tax of 19c te be added Because these shirts have a patented cuff, that once appreciated, the owner says, will make him rich. It's an extra buttonhole, by reason of which the sleeve can present a new edge -and the edge of the cuff is the place that shows wear, you knew. Ne freak leeks no difference in the leeks, but a deal of difference in the wear. TTTTp Nufc And these first quality silks te cheese from While Crept While Bread While Self Stripe Jersey (and ethers) All sizes shirts te tempt three thousand men te a better thing. Gimbels, Shirt Section and Grand Aisle Satin Stripe Crepes Satin Stripe Breads Satin Stripe Jerseys Flat Stripe Breads Straight-Line Silk Petticoats at $5 Regular and Extra Sizes Value $6 Petticoats with hem and tucks splendid for slip-skirts. Silk-Jerseys a geed and heavy grade. New plain colors and black. $3.50 Novelty Silk Petticoats, at $2.65 Silk jersey with pleated fancy flowers. $1.50 and $1.75 Cotten Petticoat! Very Wonderful at $1 Pretty floral patterns or all-black. Tailored or pleated flounces. Gimbels, Second fleer 500 Pairs of Plaid, also White, Woolen Blankets : 4 lbs., at $4.50 A PAIR These are wool-and-cotton mixed, with a mercerized colored binding. The mill tells us, "Ne mere at the price you paid !" and that sounds like "never again" for you ! Anyhow, you can't make a mistake in getting a supply at $4.B0 a pair. $8.95 a Pair Save Half 500 pairs of cotton-mixed all-wool Blankets. White and plaids. Seme are extra sire. and $10.75 a Pair 5 lbs. in weight Plaid Blankets. All-wool. Blue, tan. gra.v and rose. $15 All-Weel-Filled Comfertables, each at Half the price last July. Satin-covered, plain satin borders. Old rose and Copenhagen blue. $10 for fine cotton-filled comfertables, figured satin-covered, plain mull borders te match; half last July's price. Gimbels, Second fleer ft Just One Hundred Beautiful Boudoir Lamps, $5 Anniversary Specials Se many people will want them wish there were morel Base and shade frames in old ivory effects or poly chrome. Complete with silk cord te match. Gimbels, Lamp Stere. Fourth fleer Fur Coats and Wraps Such Specials as These are wnat is making the Stere fairly hum, during the Anniversary Sale. Natural Muakrat Coats Sale-Special at $129.75 French Seal Coats (DrJ Ceney) Sale-Special at $139.75 Trimmed Nearseal Wraps Sale-Special at $295 Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats (Dyed Muekmt) Sale-Special at $2$9 Russian Meire Peny Coats Sale-Special at $89.75 Natural Squirrel Coats Sale-Special at $395 Sale-Special Neck-Pieces Fine Natural Stene Marten at $29.75 Fex Scarfs (Peiret) at $25 Hudsen Bay Sable at $49.75 Natural Mink Scarfs at $19.75 Gimbels, Fur Satens, Third fleer 1 Shee Sale Of Special Appeal te Every Weman Who Leves a Bargain Remainder lets from our own stocks. Even long after the war they were rated as $10, $12 and $14 shoes. In this clearance sale all arc marked $3.65 Nene will be sold or reserved in advance of Stere epening1 Wednesday morning. Lew shoes and high mere high ones than low. All are of regular Gimbel lines. Three dollars and sixty-five cents. Gimbels, Second fleer lift J I ''iVv ' --- This is an Age When Forty Can Loek Twenty-five And often does if she guards her health nd begins early te give skin and hair a little correct daily care. Gimbels Beauty Silens can tell you of new "French paste" for the face that keep that birth-date from settling there. Or anew het oil treatment that gives "tired hair the "aliveneis" of twenty. Or of new coiffures that beceme--iiw yeuthen. Every accessory te 6niart lw'" dressing. And often the cost is trivial. Why net talk It ever? Gimbels. Deautv -Salens. Third flggl Because of Slight ecause of Slight TT 1 Imperfections OJT CClCt. Are in the Anniversary Sale at $1.68 Si"2436 : $1.95 a-sftHet : $1.95 Table Tops If perfect, these table tops would be $5 te $6.45. The hurts won't hurt the use. Size 27x41. Nene sent C. O. D. Wall Papers : 4c te 40c Prices Average One-Half Kitchen Chairs. round back, unfinish ed, well-made, sturdy chairs, at tfjl OQ half price. 1.0 ',',', VMi.tr VMM Vrm mm ".WV.T. Oil Heaters, smoke less and odorless, patent burners, will heat large room, at.. 300 Porcelain Tep Kitchen Tables, white enamel finished base and partitioned draw er, slight imperfec- a .!:: $5.95 1 4hLb I kai m fll ' ' w served in a large , W r W sundae glass, f? 1 It' packed in crushed HS'liI. a dre8Bng j I ;' made of 2 parts in) j jjj Lea & Perrins' m ' 'iW Sauce und 4 parts Sift' catsun. Rcallv Wi $fi' wonderful. But he , 72 IT j 7 A f t ll fflV W$fa ! 2s!''(&r? I MUi it?, ...roti.ne ir eie n Wnll Kanprs ! 4c te 4UC a tVOU V v mrru-.-2-t irini tt i iui vuui uiu iiidLiiiiic 11 u-j... f t 1n0.fi11r i i vi iv ft i uviaja . '. trti.-A mv i fliVfii ff A. iiiiiiiiiiHiV flB vnu nurchnac a Demestic r..u.u...i unii ui.n Trin ntiaiittas t err tow Drlci. I.V 1 ML chh& ft2w rm.f$r. n-te Wm WVFVWWTPrfil Electric Boudoir Cabinet ?" "uitaw. rer Bwroem. nnni r r --. - Vi mmkfamfiutm - J9rijk u-MrWy..v-c Wym? Mmw.' M 1 m m 'Jl M Q J 1 I' LVB I u Floral, etrlped deslcna. ehlnU and block papers, 1040 te XBe a. roll. Zr'"!Pr DfiDfflJlfn IUH M xP "jSji I fflTflnnhf U lllflf.VU2l4lfl.rVl ! machine. P,aln Ja.piri .trip;., Jleral pap-rn. Alee ,IIt i nw m feMajra aBaeU ll UMi llIMal P Tl 500 Porcelain Toe ill 11 11 rn sj itfK ib l m im him hkbv mi i in arrav. uiub ur im.ii. v aiiiibii iu vm.tww .. -- ... . . . atn a i..i.. t uiiniiaiuniiii iiiiivuimimkb ' " B:i WVPP'iBBH i Kettles. K BbVbsWt i 1 1 1 M!3bmbbI Gimbels, Fourth fleer and Bpclli Embeaned papara nultabla for any roem: ale many 10-tneh I 4J4 quart, t1 OC Ki HRBSnifeAMbaawiBBBBBBl Subway Stere papers for twins- room, dining room or hall; 400 a roll. aj ipi.jO BL EaHiB !( J All papara aeld only with berd.ra or b.ndera te rnjch. be8( rmh fle)p J$J5 Galvanized Ash Siftera, ash can or Jr.1!"4:.. $2.95 etary its en barrel, SESSEW' X (IUI .-' uum Cleaners, equ ned with GencnJ Electric Moter, J lightest machiej made, thoreugjg ?ua;an: $18.75 J mbel.: Fourth IW. HI n t ',-QmmWk. t HHBhL:!''- . I I aBBH - n i i nl-