r j.K "V r' 1Jl'ftTVr Wl ' & Vrr$i(i " -i " " ' " '' '7 V wv '.' EVENING KJBMC LBDGEEr-PHIlJADBLPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1021 1 WEEKS RE-ELECTED HEAD OF AUTO CLUB Premised Opposition Fadoe When Keystene Vete Is Taken at Meeting 3000 ATTEND SESSION J. Borten Weeks, prMldent of the Keystone Automobile Club, nnd n Biieh the Inevitable fee of "Flnlnsr Squire" D. Martin Yerkes, of Mlllbeurnc, xvns re- elected te the presidency of tne club last night. There wns much tnlk among the 3000 members who attended the fourteenth annual meeting, smoker nnd election, held In the Lu Lu Temple, about oppo sition te Mr. Weeks' candidacy. In fact, thcre wns mere than talk, thsre was much nolie, nnd a definite campaign Trlth the name et an oppo eppo oppe litlon candidate siren out en printed cards. The haJI was filled wlt'i whispers, and as the time of election approached the tension increased. State Senater Buckraan te appointed elec tion Judge. On the eptninz of nominations. tlir fntlrc Hut of present officers and direr ters wai re-named. The nomlniitienK Tcre then cleied by motion from the fleer, and without a dissenting voice ir Vi.p!;s was rc-electid nnd the op position could net be located nnywhere, a TMolutlen adented naked that I camping place for visiting motorists be established at the expense of the city within the city limits. Mr. Weeks ex plained that some Western cities hnd taken such action becnuse he many mo torists carried their touts nnd living equipment with them, nnd did net carry clothes nnd necessary appurtennnecs te lira In the hotels. Anether rcHolutlen nsked tnnt Coun cil Increase the number of the city traf fic police. Other resolutions adopted extended te ether cities' motorist an Invitation te visit during the Kcnul Kcnul Centennlal, nnd asked legislation nldlng tie Constitutional Amendment nuther iiing the $50,000,000 read lean. MOUNTED PATROLMAN HURT Uehn Dougherty Thrown Frem Herse it Fifty-ninth and Market 8treets While en his wny te his beat at North TVynncficld. Jehn Dougherty, 1420 North Wnnamnker street, a mounted pellcemnn, was severely Injured when h was thrown from his horse. The nccl dent eccured at Fifty-ninth nnd Mnrkct streets. lie wns taken te the Mlsrri Mlsrri cerdis Hospital and is being treated for a possible fractured right leg, contusion and bruises. Dougherty is attached te the Sixty flrit and Thompson streets station. FlFTVYEARSAlvnNITER Qotden Jubilee of the Rev. Dr. James Crawford en Sunday The fiftieth anniversary of the ordi nation te the ministry of the llev. Dr. ?"!M JTrnwfer(, Pn"ter emeritus of Christ Reformed Church, Green street below Sixteenth street, will be cete- Draica in mat church en next Sunday. Addresses will be delivered by the nev. vr. ueerge W. Jtlchnrns, presi dent of the General Synod of the He formed Church of the United States, and also president of the Theological Seminary, Lancaster, Pa., nnd the ltcv. jlc ii. ii. Apple, president et Frank- .Marshall college, InncaBtcr, and Fer ever thirty-three years Dr. Craw ford served ns the pastor of this con gregation, having been installed In Sep tember, 18R3. He resigned December 31, 1015, and wns elected pastor emer itus by tnat church. Celllngdalc Recter Realgns The Rev. Jnmcs C. Crossen, rector of the Trinity Episcopal Church of Col Cel llngdalc, Delaware County, has resigned te accept a call from the Church of St. Jude nnd the Nntlvlty In this city. At a farewell service Sunday night the P. O. S. of A.. Willlem L. Oergas Masonic Ledge Ne. 40. of Cellinednln: and the Keystone Cnmmandery of West Philadelphia nttended. $10,000 LOST IN SEWER Expert Seeks Radium Needles Which Patient Threw Aay Hamilton, Ont., Oct. 2.r. (By A. P.) Search for radium needles valued at J10.OOO will be made In the sewers ef the City Hospital here, today, en the arrival of an expert from Pitts burgh, Pn equipped with n mngnctic instrument for attracting radium. The needles were lest when a patient te whom they had been nnnlferl ti,-. them away with bandages in which they had been wrapped. I nNnuii P"1 ' ' linn ii in y MONEY MAKIN SN'T LUCK PLACE A KETTLE of WATER en a red het stove you de net call the result luck or chance or accident you knew it will boil. BUY IN ADVANCE of the surging crowds euro te cress the New Bridge te Camden in search of Hemes. BUY CAMDEN CITY LOTS surrounded by schools, stores, churches, park, geed reads ana trolleys, with all city conveniences available. BUY AT YOUR OWN PRICE nnd you cannot fairly call it chance or accident or luck vhen you make money if the conditions are right the result is a certainty. De it newSend for Beautiful Colored Birds cue View of New Delaware River Bridge and Ferest Hill Gardens. Absolute Auction Sale 1000 BUILDING LOTS FOREST HILL GARDENS Federal Street and Marlton Turnpike Camden, N. J. Time of Sale-Saturday, Nev. 5, at 2:30 P. M. Place of Sale-Camden Y.M.C.A. Auditorium Terms of Sal 15 down -15 in 30 dava bal- ance in 24 equal monthly payments 1201 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. telephone, Walnut C8GI - Auctioneer QUITS ASYLUM; ARRAIGNED Fermer Nawapaper Mart Held for Writing Threatening Letters Trenten, Oct. 25. - Pleading net guilty before Judge Rellstab in the Federal Court te n chnrge of sending threatening loiters through the mall, J. Itaymend O'Connor, of this city, who was recently released from the State Ilonpltel here, watt lictcl in $2000 bail for trial. Arraignment of O'Connor came as a surprise, as It was generally believed the case against him had been dropped by the Federal authorities after he had been adjudged insane. O'Connor is accused of sending letters te prominent persons in this city de manding sums ranging from $1GOO te $0000 under penalty of linking their homes blown up. The letters usually ended ns follews: "Death unto these who defy us, JSastern llrnnch of Amer ican Anarchists." Demands of $5000 were made in com munications te the Inte Colonel ollcb ellcb Ung nnd the Inte Henry C. Kelscy. About three years age O'Connor was a newspaperman nt the State Heuse. i i 8peelal Tags Hard te Obtain Ilerrlsburr, Oct. 25. The State nighway Department hns reserved numbers under 100 for State-owned cars and the cars of State officers, ns in former years, and hope") of various Seeple for lower numbers have been ashed thereby. Many letters have been received asking for low numbers and combinations of numbers which It will be Impossible te supply. - e, ffl DELICIOUS AND RBFRBSHINa 1 1 1 gVERY little movement 1 I n means mere thirst. 1 g M Tim COCA-COLA COMPANY 19 i1ani f H g mmmV, inM.l tpiUW'llilllMiUMIIU.IIIUUIIIin'IMUIOIHhAiiliiDWIIIillllliDJIiniKlilirrilHTil M You'll save mere in an I Asce Stere fe I OSCD I Dried 066I J I At all our Stores Watch Your Gums -Bleeding a Sign of Trouble Medical science knows hew serious is the sign of bleeding gums. Fer it knows that tender and bleeding gums are the forerunners of Pyorrhea, that dread dis ease which afflicts four out of five people ever forty. If the disease is unchecked, the gum line recedes, the teeth decay, loosen and fall out, or must be ex tracted te rid the system of the Pyorrhea poisons which seep into the system and wreck the health. These poisons often cause rheumatism, nervous disorders, anaemia, and ether ills. Te avoid Pyorrhea, visit your dentist often for teeth and gum inspection, and use Ferhan's Fer the Gums. Ferhan s Fer the Gums will prevent Pyorrhea or check its progress, if used in time and used consistently. Ordinary dentifrices cannot de this. Ferhan's keeps the gums firm and healthy the teeth white and clean. Start using it today. Brttsh Your Teeth With Ferhan's Hew te Use It Use U txeict dally, year in and year out. Wet your brush in cold water, place a half-inch of the refreshing, healing paste en it, then brush your teeth up and down. Use n rolling motion te clean the crevices. Brush the grinding and back surfaces of the teeth. Massage your gume with your Ferhan-coated brush gently et first until the sums harden, then mera vigorously. If the gums ere very tender, massage with the finger, instead of the brush. If gum shrinkage has already set in. use Ferhan's according te directions, nnd consult a dentist immediately for special treatment. 35c and 60c. All druggists. Formula of R. J. Ferhan, D. D. S. Ferhatl Ce., New Yerk Ferhan's, Ltd., Montreal aT 4MB' jf MMfe. k. AM I NG Importers and Dealers offering for sale Infringements of United States Re-issued Letters patent Ne. 13093, the basic patent owned by this Company, which patent covers all methods of reinforcing the glass filler within the vacuum chamber (without which vacuum bottles are worthless) will, from and after this date be vigorously prosecuted in the United States Courts. The following suits have been filed: American Steel Expert Ce. New Yerk City Hnrria Glass Company (Manrlee Harris) Brooklyn, N. Y. Carl P. and Sidney H. Gobay (Trading : Nevr Yerk CUy Anxrkftn Vacuum Dettlo & Tray Ce.) Additional suits te fellow. Heyman-Weil Company San FrancUce, CaL Benjamin L. Church Nev Yerk City Simplex Vacuum Manufacturing Ce. Philadelphia, P. Net tice te the Ptib The American manufacturers of "Universal," "Hot-A-Keld" and "lev-Het" Bettles are licensed under the above Re-issued United States Letters patent Thermos and vacuum bottles, manufactured by this Company and its Licensees retail at pre-war prices, namely: licensees, PINT SIZE . $1.50 up QUART SIZE . $2.50 up Your attention is called te the fact that cheap German importations offered at this time permit the leakage of liquids between the glass filler and" ha metal else They employ as a fining between the glass filler and the metaTcase aSruSSS paper lining. The fillers are net protected within the case by n meJaTJan&rV and Beards of Health in the leading cities of the country. The absence of the of?he usen " n bU,eS BreaUy in" breakage in tl'e hand! AMERICAN THERMOS BOTTLE CO. Feanrfer of the Therme, and Vacuum Bettle Industry in America 366 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK PJkkaaPJJJJJJJafJJJPJJJJJJJJJPJJJJJB PAINTS and VARNISH NOW ON BAI.B N. W. Cor. 7th & CHESTNUT 1922 Prlcea New In Force LINSEED OIL $6,25 MIXED PAINT v5y," We Mir Paints Any Shade $2.50 Per Gallen GILSPAR A rrilablt Trelnh for gemMl nut. XBO m l. 13 nni'KOl. enn, VS White Enamel, 54.25, $6, $7 Gal. C. A. GILLINGHAM Pilnti for Hem, Picterr it Contractor 1 oeth a r-ecttit sit. -.. Slt Whrten Bl. 'Till & Ctifntntit Sl. ."SaveltWithPaint") "HOT WAVE" Automatic Gas-Fired Beiler fl VSINO OAB TVT.1, AUTOMATICALLY CONTROLLED Supplies the heat for your Het Water, Steam or Vapor Heating Hyntrm and Riven you poltlre even temperatures nna nent comrerui wimeui no werx ana wurrjr. uui ji dirt, which your prencnt nrstem fercei you te put up with. Sold by ALL PLUMBING OR IIEATING CONTRACTORS GAS UTILITIES CORPORATION 1200 Lecuat Street ' Write for DoeUrt WALNUT SB1B rullr Onante M: mM0$ New Cadillac Type 61 Recall the most exhilar ating ride you have ever enjoyed in a Cadillac, and confidently count upon a still mere inspiring experience in this new Type 61. Expect splendid acceler ation, a superbly steady 6urge of power, and even greater read-ease and re silience thanthatf erwhich the Cadillac has always been celebrated. Your ex pectation will be mera than realized. At a glance you will sea that the Type 61 is met luxurious, and that it sur passes the finest Cadillac traditions in coach work in comfort, in convenience, and in every element that constitutes the Cadillac the world's standard of meter car manufacture C A NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY 142 North Bread Street D I L L A C Ihe StaruUrd of the. WarU yhaawtiMJMhfliafl DOMESTIC RUGS NEW LOW PRICES Savings of 33'$ te 40 i H WiMMMIMil ! . flBBtaiL ll V ' e----- i H A..... , i . aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaMlaMllaB ,.-l ,. blic Durable as Iren Size 27x54 . 86x63 . 4.6x6 . 4.6x7.6 4.6x9 . 4.6x12 6x9 ... 6.9x12 8.8x10.6 1920 Price $14.60 23.75 40.00 49.00 69.00 79.00 88.00 117.00 134.00 Present Price S9.75 15.00 26.00 32.00 39.00 52.00 5S.00 77.00 85.00 Sire 9x9 . 9x12 ... 9x18.6 . 9x15 10.6x10.6 10.6x12 , 10.6x13.6 11.3x12 11.3x15 1020 Price $117.00 142.00 176.00 196.00 171.00 196.00 220.00 196.00 224.00 This list is only partial, stock a greater number of ether house in the United Present Price $77.00 92.00 116.00 128.00 112.00 128.00 145.00 128.00 160.00 At 1220 Market we carry in sizes in Wilten Ruirs than nnv States. SS? iheiSQ afrKV'9 net obtainable elsewhere: 9x16.6, 9x18, 9x21, 10.6x15, 10.6x16.6, 10.6x18 and 10.6x25. Bundhar Wilten Carpets $5.00 a Yard; Were $6.50 Other Standard Demestic Weaves at Similar Savings A particularly fine selection of Axminster Rugs represent ing the highest quality. They are rich in color and include Chinese and Persian designs. q ?X?i? a xminster Rugs, S46.50 te $56.50 8.3x10.6 Axminster Rugs, $42.50 te $52.50 bx9 Axminster Rugs, $25.00 te $32.50 Other sizes and grades proportionately priced HARbWICK MA.GEE CO. 122 MARKET ST. WWMWift ' sil m HI M