Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 25, 1921, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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"T-ry "
-, Hr
By Lee Pepe
...i. ..,- nut n tpptfll tier hew te
r,tav teimis tlil af til neon en account of
SVnvnir Wn kecuii.K oil ariilnB Mm.
?,1 ten te nt supplr ran looked glnd nnd
SS taekedthn opposite, bib Bnylns,
Q wel je.t te tl.lnk, my very fowl
time out and I beet jeu, well well Jut
'"lIoIeyMnenkB pep, did ma beet you?
1 We'll I hardly call It thnt, sccl pep,
d ina ed. Well t bats wat .Id I cell It,
nS T sed Wy, pep! wat did me de 7
"she tattl every ether ball be far that
I was completely lxhnuste.1 by the time
i rnme back from charing it and then
LSlywen oho nxuluently cot the
" t bafln I was all out of breth and
In no condition te return It, Bed pep.
The fact remains that I wen, nnd
thits the main fact Iwent It, sed ma.
It ccrtcny Is net, the main fact Is that
t inn nlaylng tennis) whereas you were
trrh te Pi" Vlt with a Ideer that I
vbh your caddy, ml pep.
New AVlllvum dent be silly, hew could
I beet you pleying fjnnls If I was play
Ine coif? ced me.
'flints Jest it, you dldcnt recly beet
me! wet you rcely did was wear me out,
veu Jest steed there resting wlle I ran
ft dlstants of preberly 5 miles altogether
chasing wild balls, Mints wat you rcelv
,11,1 what you rcely did was give a cor
rect imitation of Hobe Ruth at hid best,
"New Wlllyum, youre centcrdlctlng
yourself, you knew pcrfeckly well Habe
Kiith Is a base ball player, Ive awITcn
neon lils picture In the paper with n
base ball bat, se hew could I be giving
a Imitation of him if I was playing golf,
nure ((interdicting yourself right and
left. Red ma.
SIppew! wc let the matter rCRt, sed
pep, and mn sed, Ccrtcny, but I beet
veu you jeft the same, nnd pep sold,
Yeu Ulmustcd me, nnd I sed, O pep,
did she bct you by mutch?
Richard Strauss Will Direct Musi
clans In New Yerk Concerto
New Yerk, Oct. 23. Speculation ns
te which of the Brent symphony orches
tras IUrhnrd Htrauss will lead it his
cnmiiis New Yerk concerts was ended
vcterdav by an announcement from the
International Concert Direction thnt it
Is the Philadelphia Orchestra.
Mr. Strauss will rtlnct the n'ltnble
Irdr of players assembled by Leepold
titolcewf-ki net only nt his first concert
in t'arnpple Hall en Monday evening,
Octeb-r HI. but nt- the subscription
icrles at the Metropolitan Opera Heuse.
A Girdle of pilvcr
Has Steel Buckles
Last Services Are Held for William
J. Kelfer
William J. Kelfer, who en Friday
was shot nnd killed by his wife, Eliza
beth Kelfer, after she had been told
that he was destined te die of con
sumption, wns burled this morning.
The- funeral took place from the
home of his parents. B3.'M) Eadom street,
Frankford, where Kelfer nnd his wife
and child were living. After solemn
requiem services in St. Ilnrtholemcw'H
Church the body was buried in the
Hely Itedcemcr Cemetery.
Or. Conwell Repeats "Acres of Dia
mends" for 5999th Time Tonight
Tonight nt Grace Ilnptlst Temple Dr.
Itusscll II. Conwell will glve his lecture,
"Acres of Diamonds," for the 0000th
It In said that if nil the people who
hove heard Dr. Conwell repeut this lec
ture wcre brought together they would
and punctuation marks spoken or Im
plied by Dr. Conwell in
he lias jflven "Acres
llfty ten-velume cncyclepc-
prove enough te popular n goed-rited
empire, and that tlie number of words
spoken or tin
the 0000 times
ic lias given "Acres of Diamonds
would fill
Ne ether speaker, ancient or modern,
has, se far as Is known, with n single
lecture approached Dr. Oenwcll'M rec
ord. It hns been given In every State
and nlmest every city of this country,
nnd In Japan, China. Palestine, flreat
Ilrltnln, Syrln, Turkey, Switzerland.
France and Ocrmnny. It was given
first in ltosten mere than sixty years
Event of 235 Years Age Net te Have
Special Celebration
Today is the 2.10th nnnlvcrsary of the
founding of Ocrninntewn. and it will
pass without qny celebration nnd with
out much notice.
History says that en October 17,
1080, Pasterltis, the poet, and n dozen
ethers laid out the town.
Getting Gertie's Girdle seems te u
n much mera important enterprise thni.
the ene outlined In the title of a cci
tain successful play. If Gertie lmsn'
get herself a fancy girdle particular''
a mental one she might just as wcl
try going te n dinner party without
having read "Main Street." Or te n
dnnce without knowing -the fox trot.
Of course, the above btunnlng coat
dress of blaek elvet rounds out Un
successful career of astrakhnn fur, sil
ver cloth vestee and heavy silver em
broidery with n silver girdle thnt
possesses cut steel buckles. Ceat
Iresses are much In the mode.
'rnmm ax .
mmm "r-srsm!-
Wm m . .
r a
1 . eJJJrW
-ss. -vasSS
Net every farm
can give you Ab
botts "A" Milk.
We select farms,
and farmers for cleanliness use sterilized
pails pasteurize give laboratory tests.
When we are satisfied as te the milk's cleanli
ness we knew you will be.
Phene Ua te Deliver a Bettle Tomorrow Baring 0205
Abbotts Alderney Dairies, Inc.
31 at nnd Chestnut Beth Phenes
Atlantic City
Pleaiantvillc Wtldwoed Ocean City KG
At 5
m VHuH
Ne money
The lO-Efay Tube of Pepsedent
is free. We even pay the postage.
This is simply te urge that yen
test it. See for yourself what it
does. Decide by the clear results.
Jest send the coupon, then watch
the benefits you get,
"Your Pretty Teeth-
What have you done te them? "
There is a new way of teeth cleaning a
way which fights film. Te millions of people
it has brought whiter, prettier teeth. Alse
safer teeth and cleaner.
Yeu see the results in every circle see
them in glistening teeth.
This is te urge that you try this method.
Ask for a ten-day test. Then mark the change
which you see and your friends see.
It combats the film
Most teeth are clouded mere or less by
film. The film is viscous. Yeu can feel it
with your tongue. But it clings te teeth, en
ters crevices and stays. And it often forms
the basis of fixed coats.
The ordinary teeth paste does net end film.
The teeth brush has left much of it intact.
The film absorbs stains, making the teeth
leek dingy. Thus millions of teeth have lest
their natural luster.
Hew film ruins teeth
Film does mere than mar the beauty. It
Is new regarded as the cause of most teeth
Film is the basis of tartar. It holds feed
rebstance which ferments and forms acid. It
holds the acid in contact with the teeth te
cause decay.
Millions of germs breed in it They, with
tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Alse
of ether serious troubles, local and internal.
These troubles have been constantly in
creasing. Se dental science has long been
seeking ways te fight that film.
A daily combatant
Twe effective methods have new been found
te daily combat that film. Able authorities
have amply proved them. Millions new em
ploy them. And leading dentista everywhere
are helping te spread their use.
The methods are combined in Pepsedent,
a new-day dentifrice. The results are quickly
seen and felt, se they cannot be disputed.
That is the teeth paste we urge you te try.
And we send a test tube free.
Alse aids Nature
Nature places in the mouth great teeth
protecting agents. But with modern diet,
rich in starch, thoee forces need constant
stimulation. Pepsedent supplies that stim
ulation. This is in keeping with the views
of dental authorities.
It multiplies the salivary flew. It multi
plies the starch digestant in the saliva. That
is there te digest starch deposits which may
otherwise cling and form acids.
It multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva.
That is Nature's agent for neutralizing acids
which cause teeth decay.
Each use of Pepsedent increases these
forces, and the excess remains for some time.
These effects alone, in dental opinion, mean
a new era in teeth protection.
Ne soap no chalk
Seap and chalk are emitted from Pepso Pepse
dent, te accord with modern dental require
ments. Ne teeth paste which contains them
can bring Pepsedent effects.
Pepsedent is the scientific teeth paste
the new-day method of teeth cleaning. An An
therities say that It should supplant the
methods which are wrong.
The reasons are told in a book we send.
The 10-Day Tube reveals the effects. Yeu
will knew what is best in a week.
Men see the results
very quickly
Smokers' teeth are often particularly dis
colored. The film absorbs the stains. The
results of film removal are usually quick and
Most children suffer from these fihn at
tacks. Few reach the age of IS with sound
teeth. Dentists advise that Pepsedent be
used twice daily from the time the first teeth
appears. Ne ordinary teeth paste offers any
where near such protection.
Ten days will tell
Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Nete
hew clean the teeth feel after using. Mark
the absence of the viscous film. See hew
teeth vhitcn as the rilm-ceats disappear.
Watch the ether geed effects.
Judge by what you see and feeL Yen can
easily decide then between the old ways and
the new. Cut out the coupon new.
The New-Day Dentifrice
ne Scientific film rnmVinfnnK nnnrnuwl hv mndpm ntittinnfie. J
advised by leading dentists everywhere. Each use brings five desired
ecis. All druggists supply the large tubes.
10-Day Tube Free
Dept A, 1104 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, HI.
Mail 10-Day Tube of Pepsedent te
Only en tnbe te a tuilljr.
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere
Sale of 500 Frecks of Serge, Tricetine,
Velveteen and Silk Crepes
$7.50 and $15
r n. " r
$7.50 j $15 $7.50 $15 1
Many of thcBO dresseB have been several dollars mere in our own
stocks. Principally, just a few of a kind, se we have j?thercd them
into two groups at lowered prices se that new owners can enjoy them
quickly in their full freshness.
Nuvy serge frocks with self-tone or colored embroidery of silk
or wool.
Strnijrht-linc serge frocks trimmed with gray fageting.
Frecks with cape cellnrs, with bend embroidery.
One-piece jersey frocks with leather cellars nnd cuffs.
Remnants Half Price
Short Lengths of Silk and Silk-and-Cotten Materials
Usable lengths of messaline, satin, taffeta, radium, foulard
nnd pretty silk-and-cotton materials. Women will find excellent
cheesing in materials for frocks, trimmings, linings, etc.
Every remnant is just half what it would be from the piece.
New COc te $1 yard.
Sale of 600 Women's
Pull-Over Weel Sweaters
Special $1.85
Youthful sweaters, knitted in popular block design,
have long sleeves and braided belts with tassels. In black,
buff, tomato, honeydew and Harding blue. Sizes 38 te 44.
High school girls will want them, tee!
Velveteen frocks trimmed with brightly colored piping of broad
cloth or with silk embroidery.
Tricetine frocks with duvetyn vestccs embroidered in wool.
Tricetine dresses in straight-line or coat models elaborately
braided or embroidered with contrasting silk.
Vcleur frocks embroidered with bugle bends or combined with
Beaded dresses of Canten creps in nnvy blue.
Crepe dc chine dresses in many models, some with flowing sleeves,
ethers with short or threcauartcrs sleeves. Seme show a gay dash
of jnde green or American beauty.
Russian crepe dresses trimmed with monkey fur and bead girdles.
That Levely Silk Radium Lace
Flouncing Lowered te $3.75 a Yard
Showing the Spanish influence in its grace nnd benuty nnd its
nir of carefully finished sophistication, this really lovely rndium
flouncing is being widely used for dinner and evening dresses ever
light, bright or self-color foundations.
It combines very well with satins and silk crepes, being used ns
panels, aprons, sleeves and overskirts, for afternoon frocks.
And imncine what frivolously lovely negligees can be contrived
from the black lace!
36 inches wide, in brown and black, in various attractive patterns.
II Btlrfl
season's popular
Colonial Rag Rugs
90c, $1.15, $1.50
Hit-or-miss effects, firmly
woven of fresh factory rag3.
27x54 inches, 90c; 30x60
inches, $1.15; 36x72 inches,
$1.50; also two smaller sizes,
18x36 inches, 40c; 24x36
inches, 65c.
Crepe de Chine
Blouses, $4.90
Peter Pan blouses in flesh,
white and bisque crepe de
chine, with Van Dyke pleated
frill around the cellar and
cuffs and down the front.
Women's Washable
Gloves, 75c and $1
75c for 2-clasp silk gloves
with lisle lining. Black, brown,
gray and mauve,
$1 for 8-button chamois
lisle gloves with Paiis point
backs. Brown, white, mode
and gray.
Weeden Bead Girdles
All the
colors and shades in these at
tractive novelties.
Fudge, Aprons, 35c
Unbleached muslin stamped
for embroidery. "Intimate"
gifts with one's own handi
work. Messaline and Silk
Jersey Petticoats, $3.85
The messalines come in
brown, navy, black and change
able colors, swth deep hhirred
flounces, the jerseys have
deep flounces embroidered in
contrasting colors and conic in
navy nnd Copenhagen blue,
green, black and brown.
Bandeaux, 35c
Brocade, poplin, batiste and
webbed cloth with elastic in
sets nt the back. Pink only.
Breakfast and
Luncheon Cleths, $1
F'eur de lis, dots, stripes and
ether dsipns. Cotten damask
with neatly hemmed edges.
Napkin. te match Hre 18c.
Children's Dresses
85c te $1.35
White pique and poplin
dresses, mnde up nnd stnmped
for embroidery. 2 te 6 years.
East Aisle
Face Creams, 20c te 60c
Mew low prices for witch
hazel, cucumber, lemon and
peroxide vanishing cream, dc dc dc
oderantSj depilatory cream and
hand lotions.
Women's Flannelet
Nightgowns, $1
Striped flnnnelut gowns with
V necks or cellars. Full, well
cut ones.
Especially Geed in the
Extra-Size Shep
$2 for petticoats of geed sateen in navy, brown or black
with hemstitched and ruflle-edged flounces.
S1.75 for nightgowns of pink or blue striped flanne'et with
hemstitched yokes and long sleeves.
52 for lace-trimmed envelope chemises with bodice tops.
$2.25 for pretty envelope chemises with built-up shoulders,
trimmed with wee tucks and dainty lace.
Sizes 46 te 54.
(.Market, Snbrray Entrance, neitr the Millinery)
Furs of Fine Quality at Prices a
Third te Half Less Than Last Year
It is something different te be able te get a GOOD fur coat at less than a hundred
dollars. It is possible in this Wanamaker D jwn Stairs Fur Shep and the quality is
"Wanamaker's" in ether words, satisfactory.
Rich Black Peny Coats
$65 te $145
$65 coats have cellars nnd cuffs of natural
raccoon or Australian opossum. Peny coats with
skunk are 35 inches long at $125 and 40 inches
long at $145.
Natural Muskrat and
Marmet Coats
36-inch muskrat sport coats are less than half
last year's price at $135. 36-inch cents of marmot
are nlmest half last year's price at ?B0.
Near-Seal Coats With
Beaver or Gray Squirrel
Such coats ns these Inst year were three hun
dred dollars and mere! They arc 36 inches long, of
seal-dyed ceney wh'ch leeks a great deal like Hud Hud
eon seal, and hnve long cellars and deep cuffs of
beaver or squirrel at $185. 40-inch coats with the
same furs are $195. Skunk-trimmed 36-inch coats
are $165. Plain 36-inch coats are $115 (sketched);
40-inch coats are $90 and $125.
Children's Fur Sets
$8 $115
Just Unpacked!
Keep little hands nnd threats warm! Each set .
consists of scarf and muff. ,
White ceney sets, $3 te $8.
White moufflen set, $9. '
Kit ceney sets, $3 te $10.
Natural opossum sets, $20.
Natural fitch sets, $30.
Gray squirrel set, $25 te $50.
Beaver sets, $50.
Ermine bets, $25.
Muffs of various furs, $1.50 te $22.50.
Fashionable Small Furs
$7.50 te $55
Animal bens of fitch arc $12.50 te $'0; of Jap
anese mink, $12 50; of gray squirrel. $13.50 aid
$25; of stene marten, $16.50 te $;t."; of buwn
marten. $37 50 and $40.
Threw scarfs vi seal-dyed eenev are $8 te
Steles of sca'-dyed ceney, 10v72 indies, are $45.
Cheker scurf- of melt arc $25 and ,hwl ce!lars
are $55.
i Murkct)
Direct from the Orient
Babies' Silk Quilts, Jackets and "Buntings"
Prices Start at $2.25, $2.50, $4
Orftd?i0f ai!erab,e Sifts for babies have just arrived by late steamer from Japan
if v-rfe
Quilted Silk Jackets
$2.25 and $2.50
Quilted bilk with printed pink or
blue flowers and ribbons, warmly in
terlined with snow-white cotton,
$2.25. Quilted satin with cords,
$2.75. Beth styles silk lined.
Silk Quilts te Match, $2.50
These silk quilts are charming af
fairs with printed tops and plain
silk lining. They match the $2.25
cents, se that a set of coat and quilt
is only $4.75.
Plain Satin Quilts, $3.50
Delicious shades of pink or blue
sat n lined with silk and interestingly
quilted with geometrical precision.
Embroidered Quilts, $5
Either sat-n or silk nuilts, silk
lined nnd with fa.-cinntin' lmnd lmnd
einbreidciud flowers a?d but-chc in
delicious cdieih suituble for baby.
Htra-si7e si'k quilts with fnncy
quilted designs, $5 and with contrast
ing embroidery, $7.
Silk Baby Buntings
$4 te $7.50
$4 ones am of nnm pink or blue
satin complete with heed and silk
$C. $5 50 and $7.50 one" are em
broidered with roses or daisies nnd
have warm heeds.
$8.75 ones button en In u prettily
different style nnd have no heeds.
v i
i. t-Hn
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