'-fawn9ip - w mffTv'; r rr",wfit'Wt'r' ' V"" ''HHWfTf iasi drops EVI3OTNG PUBLIC .LEDGER-PHrDADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1921 5 BOXER FOR COUNT Bjt2 Clark, Accused of High way Robbery, "Kayeed" in f First Retmti Band at 9; Organ at tl and 4:I5 ( 111 nt'i ii( Nerm WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER'S ffWIJWUaMLl'.'mwraiMIJHXVWnBWUULlB WEATHER Fair LM1IUIIUIMIJHIIWI" HUB 1 STOLE $30, IS CHARGE otherwise known nt boxer, used Mis i'niti" Clnrk, .. i ..1 ninrntne Sk. en clllnrrly today. M S, and tl.cn reM.nl him. A few K later HIU "toel: the count a"""" ftnelim.. nf the t, 1'airumiiui ww. - rtmth ami Winter fit,ccts s'ntIel, tabtencB.a,,, .-...,.... ...... O1"" . i .. nnu ... nil. nat 1811 Seuth Cnmac street. His ..tnrofwienni fight uns uturdny lurelman (5eeln.ii cniight him nftcr KXkp when he teipemlcd te the cries I, hell', fieni JnniM lllnl.ie. of IS Ml Suth Stlllmnii Mi-c. nn.mc wn T, kCinl-conscieus en the pavement jinr ' , .;,,,. fcrrentu nnil I tut it E tWIH" Uliu til" ... ......-.-, .... ...v .. tint. ..ti'i.t When Gechnis cnutsht up vv vith Gin- .... I.nvn.. cM..n.nrl nwnv ntlrl he. hB some fnnej foetwoil;. Se tliat'i eiir Biinie. me friend," L, Geelini". mid he SQunrccI nwny l) liiaCOllI" ll'lllivn .....i ........in I...V.I Several mere pusses mid the t .. .Infiti .hi tlwi lintiinnti( fc,tn fiechin" tool, him hj the linck of 1 m, cellar imd dragged him te the op- t station. , . . CCOfUitlg 10 manic, uiacome uncancel behind 1. 1... "'tirii run "ui, wiin w behind um ear nnu u.cn sieie CO, There was ju jeunu 111 uincome s ecMs. JfUccerd "T belli. ,?Iblew MORE AID FOR MRS. DEVINE 12 Additional Is Forwarded te Needy and Destitute Family Three mere contributions te help Mrs. Vtbarine Devlne. of wn cntl.tirlne treet a mlllwerlfcr, who Is the sole jppert of nn invalid husband and four anil children. hae been received by ie Evenim! fuclie Lkixiuu. Mrs. bercsa O'lliirn, of 233 Seuth Pit- tth street. mil ?-; jhut.v n. .hick 1b, of 4i1 Seuth Feity-thlrd street, jfttjeerted thnt his unn.e he withheld, Titnrv of the Dcvlne family came i lltht en 'October 14, uhen their house cut lire, nnt. iiuiut iuiu cumui'ii um rlj escaped with their lives. 1 CAMDEN STABLES BURN Mi lew: I Ive Horses and Twe Mules Killed. Flames Menace Heuse, iVn Ktnhlcxi in Camden burned early ti moraine. Ore horses nnd te mules rlns killed. The total I0S3 is about WOO. The fire started In the stable Clark Jehnsen, in the renr of 1070 erry avenue, joimsen u.ree nerses ere burned. Then the fire inroad te the adjeinine table of Gilbert Shaw, who lest two wes nnd two mules, 'the flames irther spread te the cornice of Jolin Jelin u's home, but the house was eaved. ftli bellced vagrants, sleeping in the y, Eiancu me lire wiin cicnrcties. f Pi Stu- arage Owner Realizes Penn denta Were en Frolic Charges brought against thvic I'hiln lrbia youths nfler they nttcinptcd le iter a garage at HmUinghnm, Pn., en 'd "eik lead, weie mtlidrawn ji.. tday. Hnrcy Crauthamel, ounce ,,Ki he realized (he nfTnir was meruit lese and no crime wis intended. The youths ire Trnncis M. Mri'atil. 1, Wnjnc ncnue alxne Qucn street. a lest lus arm in Mance. ainl was watcil: U'cisc Owens and IIpiIipm cl.'erml-it tm fc WITHDRAWS CHARGES ATCHMAN FALLS IN SHAFT Seriously Hurt In Market Street Stere 'amci Tthab, watcninan nt tlie mi ee Stere, WS Maihel sticei. foil wn an elevator shnft laic last night d received soi-iens inluries. Iff. .. .... td uneonscieus In the elevator pit by nies Dlarkbutn, an empln,. nnae, it is believed, stepped into the l(t In the rlniknnti, ulillr. , ,!, .... ml fleer. lie was tiil.cn te the .7nf. son Uesnitnl. Itbnh l!ts nt Kin nth Fourth Mrrct. !T . "ti bit nr - i ndeus ini( - In t1rv .ll.A.tn .1 I. ... .!.. .. i euie a iMirun fi.r life nrm 11 KAGLE RESTAURANT . 5.1 . Hill SI t t i I t t t i mtmt. FREE rXHJBBTION AMERICAN PAINTINGS fjlffi Miini'ii.i.i). iM-i:.Nr. tiSlll.Ns. Tit i i'ii Vt iv. t iuiJ flcCLEES GALLERBES h-We Btjy Gefid, ""en:, I'LATINUM, DIAMONDS 3 . JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS V.KS'!". for llmcinilii lieusht S "r. ill I) (,0 ) N1I0 I n SmeltinsrCeJ MriMIRKTSr. Kst.l8H7a.JUJ jren verything About! vuticura Soae gggesls Efficiency i i - 'i ' i . r ' f Tl 7 fat. Juiin IK iftii "Ne Splash in Sink" esitive Shut Off" N"c "SAVILL- On Fucct 'nemas c-..!iii. r. -. u. ""v,u s an3, mtr. A Ch Geed eery Page of Geed News 's of Dependable Qualities About Lewer Prices en Winter Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere Old-Fashioned Quilting Challis, 18c Grandmetherly patterns, sher mp; wce sprigs of flowers, bum designs and se en, tjuish this pretty for making inches wide. (Crntrnl) Pcr- diatin- cotton chnllis comfertnbles. 3G 10-Yard Pieces of Longcleth, $1.50 Wholcsale prices hnve ad vanced en this quality and we don't knew hew much longer we can sell it for $1.50. 36 inches wide and smoetlily woven. (Crntrnl) 2000 Warm Flannelet Garments Women's Nightgowns, Petticoats, Bleemers, Kimonos 50c te $2 Bleemers cut generously full with knee ruffles and reinforcing are 50c. Short petticoats with scalloped ruffles are 50c. Beth in pink and blue stripes. Plain dark gray petticoats arc C5c. Nightgowns in vari-colered pink or blue stiipes or plain white arc made with V necks or high cellars. $1 te $1.50. Extia-size gowns of pink or blue striped flannelet, with hem stitched cellars and long sleet es, arc $1.50. Japanese figured flannelet kimonos in pink, blue and lavender grounds are $2. Dressing sacques (which, by the way, a great many women have been wanting) are in gray, lavender and blue grounds. $1 and $1.50. (Central) Mere of These Astonishing Seal-Dyed Ceney Coats That Loek Like Hudsen Seal, at $90 te $195 Called "polar seal" because they have undergone a new ticatment which makes them almost as lustrous and as beautiful as the mere costly Hudsen seal (dyed muskrat). They come from one of the finer New Yerk furriers who has exercised a great deal of ingenuity in working the skins perfectly and in cutting them se they have real style. Our introductory shipment last week sold out in a single day. This second let will be chosen with equal rapidity, because all the coats are a third te half less than last year's prices and, if anything, they arc even better than last year's qualities. "Pelar" seal-dyed ceney coats, plain, 40 inches long, $90 te $125. "Pelar" seal-dyed ceney coats, 36 inches long, with gray squirrel or soft, lovely beaver cellars and cuffs, $185; 40 inches long, $195. "Pelar" seal-dyed ceney coats, 36 inches long, with skunk cellars and cuffs, $1G5; 40 inches long, $175. Other coats of Wanamaker quality furs, silk lined, start at $65. Many of the prices are se "special" that it is only fair te say that the quantities in some cases are limited. (Mnrket) I JUf j----p-------B I Men's Seft -Tee Brogues $7.90 These are exactly the shoes that young men are asking for every day and wearing, tee. They are high shoes of tan or black calfskin, with many per forations, sturdy welted soles and low, bread heels. Fine looking from every angle. Beys' Shoes, $3.75 Geed, strongly built school shoes of tan or black leather. Made en English lasts with welted soles. Sizes 1 te 5'. Fer Smaller Beys $2.90 Best knockabout shoes for hard wear. Of thick tan leather, blucher cut, with wide tees. Sizes 2 te 5. (duller, Mnrket) Sale f 22 0 hWiii NH Iff dm ''I i ),tfwmf -i-J' u 1 7 41 17 v nl e lew Winter Suits for Women Yeiiiii Women $3&50- $4750 Sixty-five different styles, se you can see that there are net many suits of any one kind an important point in the consideration of many women. Many Are Half Price some less than half price, some net quite half price. The very finest of Winter suiting materials are used in these beautiful suits and each one is finely tailored down te the smallest detail. In all they are The Best Values of the Season There are styles suitable for women of all types, from the very young woman te her mere matronly sisters. Sizes 16, 18, 36, 38, 40 and 42 principally, though net all sizes in any one style. At $38.50 Suits of fine velour, suedene, tricetine, Peiret twill and illama cloth in rein deer, Malay, navy. Sorrento and taupe. Many are without fur, though some have cellars of nutria or mole. At $47.50 $47.50 $38.50 Imagine a suit of finest suedene with a smart little box jacket edged with points of mole and heavy embroidery! This is just one of the fascinating suits at this price. (Sketched.) Seme have fur pockets, ethers have choker cellars, long roll cellars or cellars of mole, squirrel, nutria, beaver or wolf. They are of duvetyn, illama cloth, suedene and velour in Malay, cafe au lait, Sorrento, brown and reindeer. All beautifully lined with silk. (MiirUet) cape Autumn Hats Are Fairly Out -Doing Themselves This is a seusen of inteie.sting hats and these hats arc chcciincss it.sclf. Hats for every type, for mother or daughter,- suitable for wearing right new and en through the Winter. The dominant color notes are the deep Autumn reds, browns and tans, the lovely blues and, of course, black and platinum. Smart little ornaments, bright flowers, glistening quills and heft ostrich arc used in the trimming. Excellent cheesing around $8. (Market) Opp Women's Heavy Silk Stockings, $2.25 Full-fashioned stockings, with almost imperceptible irregularities new and then in the weaving which class these as "seconds." Russian calf, cordovan, gray and black. All bi,c& but perhaps net in eveiy color. All silk fieni top te tee. Silk Taffeta Petticoats, $3.85 Seft, ltistieus talVeta in black, navy, hi own, Uupe and changeable colors, with deep flounces and "dust" ruffles te protect them. Warm, Woolly Scarfs, $2.25 te $9.75 A tenmikable collection knitted and brushed wool scarfa and a few cap and .-calf sets. Mohawk, henna, gray, blue, black and innumci able combinations. Tunic Blouses, Lew Priced at $4.90 New low price for long cicpe de chine tunic blouses in navy and black. Trimmed with silk fnnge. They can be worn as dresses" with plain silk or cloth slips. Clearaway of Weel Chenille Rugs $1.85 te $5.65 Only a few left of our special putchase of these rugs at half pme. Plenty of colors and sues. Just Unpacked Geed Cretonnes, 35c Yard (.'hint', patterns, g.iy pattern.!, subdued patterns! Blocks, stiipe.s and allevcr effects. Hest and largest assortment we hav had this season. 34 te 30 inches wide. Curtain Marquisette, 20c Yard Fer laundeiing nnd wearing and looking alwnys ftcsh tint ,matcriHl is net te be equaled. ."0 inches wide, in white, cream and ecru. Pelly Prim Aprons, 75c Aptens that aie practical because they protect "geed" clothes and attractive because they arc cut en pretty lines and trimmed with rick rack hi aid. Plnids, checks and solid shades of lese, blue, gieci and lavender in heavy gingham. Corsets and Girdles, $1.50 and $2 .$l.fiO for girdles of (lowered pink jean with four wide elastic insets. $2 for white ceutil well-boned corsets with i enfercements te give additional abdominal support. Candy Bexes, 35c DeLiuativc affairs in dark colors with floral and conventional designs. East Aisle Epsom Sails, 4 lbs. for 25c Pat up in cemenient tins that keep it fiesh and diy. Excellent for i educing utid bathing purposes. Children's Gloves, 50c te $1.25 Jersey, chamois lisle, duplex; chamois lisle and leather gloves. Due c.asp, strap wnst and gauntlet styles. Women's High Shoes About Half Price at $4.10 Feel the geed calfskin, hew soft and pliable yet thick and sturdy it is ! Netice the lasts of the shoe it takes a skilled shoemaker te design lasts like these! Consider the workmanship, the way the shoes are put together and fin ished ! The only thing that keeps them from being in the class known as "expensive shoes" is the price. Black or Tan Calfskin for your cheesing, and two geed-looking styles have straight tips, Goodyear welted soles and medium heels. Thev're seasonable shoes and high enough te go well with the pres ent length of skirts. Reliable Scheel Shoes for Children Special at $2.90 Made en healthful lasts for growing feet and of leathers durable enough for active ones, these are excellent shoes for school children. Of tan and black leathers, in lace stvle, they are in ..izes SV-j te 2. (f lirnlnul) CRETONNES Fer Every Use 20c, 28c, 35c, 40c, 65c A niei c complete and varied a.-.sertnent than ue have had in many years! Hemes are going te be cheery warm-looking places this Win ter if these cretonnes nic any indication. Seme patterns arc especially suitable for bedioems or nur seiies, ethers for living rooms and libraries; cretonnes for pillows, couch covers, di aper ies, scarfs, upholstering furni ture and for eveiy imaginable use are here. Mostly 36 inches wide, a few 30 and 31 iuchps. Art Ticking Has New Purposes It is cry line, closely ween sateen in deceiativc and beau tiful colorful designs. It makes lovely quilts and has the advantage of net allowing down te come through. (Jeed for sofa pillows and draperies, and it makes handsome ones. Several patterns are in a rich geld, ethers in tones of rose, blue, lavende'' and br-wn. 36 inches wide, 83c a yaul. Old Homestead Curtains Nothing mere homelike than these pretty ruflled curtains with milled tic-backs! White scrim at $1.50; of soft voile at $2.50; of dotted Swiss at $3.50, and of dotted grenadine at ;$!, Just the Sweaters Women Want, $5.75 Wonderfully warm ,ct light in weight and net tee bulky te wear under coats that is what these geed-looking mohair m eaters are! 'I hey arc in nnvy and black, tuxedo style, with extra roll col cel lais, competent pockets and nice belts. There is a line of white wool in each cellar and the snug-ly-fltting cuffs, making a veiy at ti active finish. They are knitted in drep-stilch effect. (Centra!) Erfra Sies (f lirhtmit) are at The new shop of elra sues seems te be thoroughly satisfac tory te all its many customers. Extra-size underclothes, knit underwear, negligees, silk petti- c-um-j una neuseuTesses all moderately priced. Many are specially geed the prices. (Milmny Kntranpp Thlrlrrnth n tlir Mlllinrr.) Serviceable Serge Skirts $3.75, $4.75 and $5.75 Plainly tailored skirts cm.ii business women like, are of geed navy or black serge in various models. Extra-size black serge, becoming te as skirts of navy or en lines csneciallv women, aie huge $5.75, $7.75, $8.50 and $8.75 Table Damask 85c Yard A lustrous cotton damask, 70 inches wide, in rose, spot and clever patterns. All-Linen Tablecloths $4.50 Square and leund damask cloths, 70x70 inches. AU-Linen Kitchen Crash 25c Yard A geed toweling, 16 inches wide with neat red border. (Central) All-Wee! Plaid Blankets $8.50, $10 and $12.50 All wool, warp and filling, that means that every ounce is geed, snug warmth. Attractive pink, blue, tan and gray plaids. 66 x 80 inches, $8.50 70 x 80 inches, $10 72 x 84 inches, $12.50 Weel-Filled Quilts, $7, $10 and $12.50 Covered with lustrous sateen, figuied en both sides with plain color borders in pink, blue, green, these have filling of soft, clean wool. Cotten-Filled Quilts, $2.50 (Jeed ones, coveted with figured cambric. Bed Sets, $6 and $10 Pretty satin-finish bed sets, each.censisting of a bolster roll and spirad te match, 78x88 inches at P6, 82x92 inches, S10. Crochet Spreads, $2 A geed quality, 78x88 inches, in several pattern1: (( rntriil) Charming New Frecks $12 A Collection of Interesting Frecks Becoming te Women and Yeung Women A tricetine frock in navy blue has a band of heavy embroidery in henna and geld crossing the shoulders and trimming the short sleeves. Anether has a scalloped skirt and is embroidered in twilight blue btads. Still another tricetine dress is heavily embroidered with black in a pattern that reaches almost from sleeves te hips. A variation of the embroidery trimming is a criss-cress pattern done in heavy white thread en navy tricetine. Sizes from 14 te 40 in this collection. (VIurLrl A Windfall of Linen HANDKERCHIEFS for the Family Fer Women Plain white linen handker chiefs, 12'jc, 25c. Embroidered corner handker chiefs, loc, 25c, 33c, 50c. Gay colored bordered hand keichiefs in pink, blue, gtceii, tan and lavender, 2ec and 35c. Fer Men Plain white handkerchiefs. 25c, 35c, eOc. Geed-looking colored bolder handkerchiefs, 75c and for col ored tape borders, SI. Fer Children Dainty 'utle cmbieKlcied handkei chief.-, 25c. (( entrnll Every Weman Who Needs a Winter Ceal Is in Luck This Year for never have coats been prettier and net in many years have prices been se low It's a satisfying thing te wa'k through the Down Stairs Ceat Stere and examine the geed coats there. Materials are soft and warm, linings are better than they have been in a long time, fur cellars are deeper and richer. Sports Coats Start at $12 for the model that is sketched. It is in a rough lan-and-brewn mixture, cut with roomy pockets and loosely belted. Other excellent knockabout coats in heather mixtures of brown, tan .or blue arc in full or three-quarter lengths at $1G.."0 Imed throughout with silk at S20. S2.'J e() and $2."). Fine Cheesing Among Fur-Trimmed Coats at $25, $29 and $38.50 a i - s- w e: "vi. j6W :&3r-. " . k .L,' r-J:"-. :M -V & -&w L''" I tw W -; " UV 11 U J it t ' . .rd'j.'Jii 1 ilt -- I H.H.I !E-T: .' .: E A . -MVXi '.. ? '','- I All the geed coating materials, topped witn cellars of nutria, wolf and beaverette are in this group. The coats are cut gener ously full and are lined with .silk and inter lined for extra warmth. PIent in-dark bli-e dark brown and Ihe lighter shades of Sor rento and Malav. i es. some models without fur prices. $38.50 $58.50 Beautiful Coats S45 te $58.50 Australian opesi in. $12 at at the mole, beaver, stnnr- rel. nutria .ind wolf are --ome of the soft Jurs which trim (he.se coat.., most agreeably. Ihe coats themselves re of the soft. lu lu urieus belivia waves, lined with pretty siiks and often further ornamented with deep Lands et embroidery. What a im- te lin ! one of thee .soft and friendly coats ! I Mm 1. 1' I . Anether Shipment of Geed Axminster Ruffs at Less Than Today's Regular Prices advanta m weave, design and coloring and are itnble 7er nenrlJ' . fl l"1 P"" .?t men- sturdy wearing qualities recommend ihem ,,. ;.',,' '' '" '" u,c lw"' ....... "1 t V I T. 11.3 x 12 feet, $52.50 9x12 feet, $37.50 8.3 x 10.6 feet, $35 6.9 x 12 feet, $30 ,c 7n . , 7.6 x 9 feet, $28 36 x 70 mches' $6-75 6x9 feet, $22.50 27 x 54 inch. S3.4K Seamless Velvet Rugs 9x12 Feet Special, $32 .SO C" " -- l" the eye; they have quality IIIO-IJ. ' Wnlliirr SI,. I'lill i. ( llrntllUt) (Mnrkrt) i