L ,1 IHJIPIPM "i V "i7 wsra 4UU Pep IJJJP??1? 0. itTJi EVENING- PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1921 I I ' Rfv PARIS POLICE BUR TERRORIST PARADE Demonstration Against Amer ican Embassy Tomorrow Is Prohibited RADICALS MAY DEFY ORDER liy Hie jWnelnlfil Press Paris, Oct. L"J The Trench ( eminent took action today te prevent tin demonstration before tlic Amerii an Knibassy here Sunday, planned bv Communists ns n spcclacitlur n evcm.'iit 'n connection with the Siii .'..-ai nmrder case in the I'tilted States . g.nnt Ihe verdict in which the mm nnnst. rre protesting, 'l'he Communist loud us linve been Informed bj the author ties tlmt the proposed dcnioiistrutieu will net he permitted. tbl notion lx ins taken in pursuance of a decision n:u In. I lit II Calilliit lulllieil pti'siilcil ever bv I'i evident .Mllleriind vcsterdn.v. Notwithstanding the (iecmni nt 's action, the Ceiuinunli-t: nrgaiunl u-ns ( mined ed with the plans haw dei nlc 1 te go en with tli ir tirrmigcinents 'I'm leaders hnve instructed their f,!lu r , tt meet tomorrow at '! .(hi e'i Ie. I, at l'ie Arc de Triotuphe, tli 1'lnce du Trnen Trnen iere and the Place de IAht.i. vvlie'i form a triangle at the center uf uh il "lands the Amerii'an Iliubitssv K- .ul. lican guards ami mounted jiinl fn.it e lice in large numbers have been unlet ed te report at the three pe.nts il. signaled for the asscmblae." of the di'iiieiistrnt.c. i Nine arrests lime been made In con- I neetlen with bomb-throwing nt Wagrain ' Hall Inst n ght. One of tlie-e arrest' .1 is a woman. Fifteen persons were in I .inred in this explosion, twelve of win m ' re said te have been pnliectn. it The Itemb was of tin' same tpe as that sent te Mren T. Herritl;, American Am bnssader te 1'rnnce. last Wednesdu.v . The police are continuing their in vestlgatien of the explosion tn Mr Ilei lick's home and ate making numerous searches of houses supposed te shclti ! anarchists of Italian origin, who r. - i eently arrivul from America, The bomb was thrown just a the meeting was coming te n close. Thou sands inside and outside the hall were slngfng tile "Internatienale" when some 'en policemen rushed n piutlcuhirlv exuberant group uf Communist who added a threatening forward movement te their vocal effetts. All the trouble- matters were rushed bnik into the en trance as the bomb exploded. It was nearly ten minutes before tin crowd began te come out again this time slewh and decorously passing through lines of police and d.sp.-is,,,-inte scattered greupN of two or four, apparenth with no further intention of making tieuble ACCUSED OF AUTO THEFTS Jehn Hepkins, Shere Bricklayer. Charged With Stealing 7 Cars Atlantic llty, Oct. L' - Jehn iie Oct. 'S2 - .Jehn II. Ivlns, a bricklaver. was .irrested te.hiv as he was preparing te have for his place of eniplev ment en the i harge of being Implicated in the theft and s.ti,. of seven automobiles, the owner- of three of which have ldentitied th stolen . nr. lie was committed te mil m default of bail te aw nit extradition bv the Philadelphia police, wlm claim te have evidence connecting Hepkins with the theft. Hepkins ai5e had .1 resi dence in Philadelphia The three . ars which wen- lueiitilied belonged f.j Ir Fran.i- I'crtelct. I'r, S I', ii tie and Jehn Webber, th. let- ler resiiiiu" nt 7-1." Smith Peurrh -t t t . all of Phihidelphia Ilete. tlve are looking for another man who the I'hi'n i! lphia police are inclined te think knew sunn thing ahmit the -telen car-. HELD IN SALOON FIGHT Man Struck Bartender en Head, Is Charge When .Jehn Weill, i tweut' tw venrs old. of 12'!1 North Thin v -nrst street, was refused n drink la-i night in the saloon of I'dw.ird Khmaii. 1 lH'l Ktting street, lie started a row which landed him nti.l .lehn M. .Millien in jail, until the.v can eip h tnise SMM) bail. Khmnn, the sulnenkeepcr. te-tllied thRt Weiller we-, drunk und when In iefiis"d te soil him the driuU lie pulle.l a whisk Husk from hi pocket ntci truck him en the head. Jehn Mc Mc Mahen, of 127K1 Cunibil.lge street, w 'n; was a spectator, tried te step tin light, i but Patrolman Marshall, wlm nivued .lust at that tin.e. arrest, d both Weiller I and Mc.Mahen Mug'stinte e-wnhl, (,f i the Nineteenth and Oxford strt !- sta . tien. held them in $MK) bail for limber hearing. WOMANJJEAR DEATH Poison May End Life of Wife Who Killed Husband William .1 K ,t'. i , w !n. n,t Mrs and Uii I'd her liij-l,,i!,,i ie. 'J-I tw. i v i t , -' fn . aiise she lean. I -he w, nibeictilasis i ,' I old baby n !g!,t h- in moth, r, is in ,i s, j m- , .mil.t i the Piatilvfi id Il'isp.tai, us t e of dunking p usen. Sue wii- ,ih i i i .Ii .!, ,i' urn .-. and i'L v - in u- l.e i- .t a ii ie r i l.nt enough te lil.ltel 1 nv lilt, y i, llltlOU Kclfer was shot ,'i th thi .iii home of hi. pan-iit-, .",'.': i K, I. ,, Krnnkfer I. wee.i h ..ill ". i 'J'he sli'ieting ", ui . i i ."I It the :i BOY AND GIRL HIT BY AUTOS Yeutn Run Down by Philadelphia Man's Car in Gloucester Itlissell I I I'll! I , Ue M i . .,. of Uellniti'vr n.nr ' . u -t i . I vv .s 1 mi deu II 111 .11 I 1 ..i I i-i iiiI I bv the automobile of IJcriv 1.. ,vnm ei L'sfjt) Oi nips 1 1 reit t:.i was taken te u." Csuuli llfispitul wnh a fni'tui i (.nee was In Id iinih . S." t ie icsiilt . f the chllu's Verna Ziuie, eleven v.' North Ceugiess lead, struck bv the utiti i n i . ' i ' i CUV I ,, U , e I skull HI bail t in ii'i . -i' r- e' i I "(II 1 v icv nriv . ii ', hev ipl' ie I l,f i await ill 1.1 vt u ( i:.i- ward Sti uigte low ,,r W. e l'.m I. leg was fractured, and Stringfellow toelt her te the '".imden lleui. "ui. II.-- liltal. Stin ,t. I'.iw v i's arn.-tid an I te lOBHCil lillilei his own ree.'gli..ilil. e te nvwul lh" lesu't of the girl's Itijune.-. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES AVUll3.Hl K II IM II JUT. I. N" I . M m.d Alum I' II ib, -II 1" vi ,ii iu , -. Kzi-UihI luniw imii' f l'u eui v.u Hundi-m. (1 elm. d.. I .1 Th,iiler Mtiiiil.U N K i"'i i- i Tin iiuisen yi iii. J lli It- .tn.in sn H '-M l Mjx 1. Clihhi inn iri II I . .1 t'trvlm il,liin TIT s ." 1 ' C'lir, S Mull Ml Airv 1 .1 1, Helm i: Mt-lviiilrv vv Mi.l vi . 1. 1 . JUiimrt 11 i'iui Si i,i. . Dorethw A Utiiiiri. 1 V n V .i .' Jehn v lCuiiiu.lv aiji. r.iir.i .en , mnl lial A llunlei llie; N I'i 1 :.lnml H Wlll.B Mill; sru ,. ,i ai I J II. Mevvbmv, fiuiiL' VVnli. Hebert N Koxweitn surniinirMiii -n.l Jpunlit JtiLkiun. Ul.l l.iulli vv t Jfrlut I)n.l till l.iinonvvue.l a, mil M. Meylnti Tim N Nth i Jinry A Bmlth, Uniil-n. N J n-i , K. Deran. cmdn,. S J 'jfUxaiKlrp lUlbinlvii. M lliirni.in at jP l4ln Xevyin, 0019 M". Micar n. iv a and Educator Honored 1 , ' J PltOK. MUII It WVITS Itrtired educator, who will he gtiesl of honor at cornerstone l.ilng of Ittii'Ilngtnn High .Silioel iiatueil in his honor .Mr. Watts was prin cipal of the school llft jr.us. It Is hi'lifM'd that ihls mn'rd is iin it:.ilhcd in t .erica. He r. (Iird in HUT ROSE TREE MEET " WILL CLOSE TODAY Big Fields and Classy Horses Are Entered in Media Events CROSS-COUNTRY FEATURE 'nun M ion of the at end hi'iit r i 'ing Media this lust dnv "f Si .1 ' l .'.ft- 111' the K, .'n-.v are bv W .II I e Mien II the s nil -e l'l t e .'ii e Ie w ill t ule Teg lit ntn' end ie as the f.ir the In -t ever received for !1 in this i inn i rv hunt la., n, e. ting vVlicn T per -.J, i 'i as I ...li.ilj i' Kniie, Samuel H ltiildle te- M .l.ffenN, Mr and Mrs Vil . I' Anilirese I'lai'v Cole cl i;. l. I'asNiitt. iie IMwnrd II Mar StrasHlmrger, tieeige (Jmlfrey 1'ireee. ti.erge ll ')i shall. K. P.. Mroehc. p,. , I meet that in tin ''s enter nor.,', for it -elf is a Kuarniitic of geed ra. ing W.lh three i ress.i'Hiintrv lae.- mi tndi'lV. the eve-its should prove full of the kci'tii'M lllt'rst. (!i"U2e IirixiKe s great steeplechn-er. Iveilde-t. I- the f.ivei-te ter that even' Reddest fell at W'dne-ih'v "s rm .-. and the-, i- i. m h interest tu what h" doe t.ul-n Mi Kiddle's N lieini-, a winmr la-t week nt Whlfemifsh. will be Itiild.st's main opponent in the lle.ntni" Hill Plat Kid YVin ewue I bv .le-eph N I'vving will rule fnvmite in this unless UnUw.iv '- lioehv tarts '''nt It i- ext ,(,. t.,t Poelev will I nil III tl Hese T Illllltet .-wci-im:i,cs lll-l"ll( e till- rile of these horse- il,,l net I llll W Iteih Im s.lav lis I In- hnv ben -,iv e.l f. ertn.'i cmi-ld 'red n- tin perUnt races this iifterne w llllt tu p inure im- hi i ether linrc t.'lllt was unt seen W. ,n West M.'ath. iil-i owned b Mi He l- euteie.l ler C... !(.,.,' "I", , , J'we. ,st.kl'-, und if he flit form he will be lighting for the the (inl-h -dav l- IClhlle 1 1 ii UK I Mm te Imid at The tliird ran, in snv.n f.ii.mg seveiit. en eninis In M,,., n .,r)" ha- I '! . n tne Ite-e j i,..' tn.. k it will , Illl'K, s.Uie III t.MKe a (ll.llli ritnuiii ' urn than ten hm-si s,, n i. I' I true will iavn tn be 1 rail's run. prribalile tll.l' snlit and t. The liuv,. Tn i' II. ml Svveepstn, s i,. gauied as tin- banner event of the co ce lli" meeting, as it Js looked upon n the owners us th,. mal Hi im, Imihi'. , race arir,., ,,,.,nfi-v With Doel." . "est Mrath. Wolvertetl II. I.llKcvv e.i.l r-.isy luner. mil vvhalev. Itiver p.i .if .'?. Ml.' I mi. and ..tilers enteied. It heiild '" ' "' "i i in' en aiest i ress. races of the vettr e'lntrv ' Hi 1 Whu'ev slump,! snf., unespectPil ' fei in Wediii'siln that from a rnnl. mit- sid.-r l.e v ill move up te having ,i clmnef t 'i the evnit Doeh-.v, West Muitli ,iud i Wti'M-rteti II will prehahlv lie , .,iip,.,l ill il, e iii-iuilK is III"'- are (U ,v l , ,fnss.,0U'ltrV horses. M.111 WIll'fHVel Hid,'av's little horse Den'. f,,j. the evel,'. lie. ail'e at Ills I. Ili.il k ,1 running at Huntingdon V.il.v in- tiiu-lii d mil a head 1 hin.l :.lv tine Ml I ill the P. no ne li ,-n'- big no , and his I 'im rai . v icterv in i v l an. a ir vv mi. ,11 . urdav With s i h k ii I'lP Ii.el.i'se of .in J'i , ric -. s.i en1 l,.el..i . reu 1 hills, s I M sM hi ng ! mi in. I DRINK FOLLOWING ROBBERY GETS HIM INTO DIFFICULTY Man, Arrested ai Disorderly. Mer Serious Charge Faces I l! . ,i i 111 "ii t 1 loetl j! tl ' 'V n. i II - h.ib. 'I i- r tic ' U p I I ll'fi I' I'llfellth s!j, g' l.e i.r .it .iripste.l the 1 1 iii- m.'l t i it I.lll fi ,1. ,ti, liii MeiiR' r. I v. ,is nl Ill tied . VI llt'i nil. I. i. . 1 i1 i Up I Ii i i P. i n the 11 . ..Ml r. gi f l'.m ' I i I IV sent 11 II .' !. s .-In t . d , II an D tl.en ' i -i I lel ,J .,, ti I I 1 I'll Ii is i. i ii I i 1 1 I I V V IU ' f t' i' i iiiit 1 1 '. in eil en ii. II Coire. t ii n '1 he nth. i alii 41 d baii'Mr II 1 I'lf.iiit. v i,l hnv,- a r'ui il . i I v.u I. It iri !, e w !l ubt -d - und n pir- I i , t Meiid iv vv lien Much u iu , l.e nrr i gu.-d Det. it us I'llt'liaii'in c sterv of Ihe r hi ..ad Mm In Id en - i-pii . i m et ai . te rob P. R. R. SETTLES SUIT Railroad Pays Erakeman Who Lest Legs Case Is Dismissed S.11 in.'! M M v.- . ' il. I . , 1 1. u- ..'1 above the Itni'.'s vv 11 . '. I 11 te ,li,.', Itegl-r- ' mlllf I. nl. IV Ie t -I Iv 111 b s 'nniige 1 j i 1 agHiiisi lie- I'i nu vlvai.1.1 It ulieiid ( '"iiipiuiv for vvh.ih I,, vv.i-i lei 11 erl.v a bidkei itui. lie lest his I. gs April "J'I, V.i'JI nli n nil ii im haiitl gup gave vvav en t.ie s.i if .1 fn Ight 1 ar, thievving l,n 1 b, m ( r li tin win , 1- It vv.is ulli-g, . tin- ,,n , 4lip VV.Is defeitive and the iiuupmiv li.lil violated tin s.ifcty apeliiiiice' ,11 1 b., permitiing its ,.i Just as Jiid'.'H Kngei- vv,. .Iiiuiiig the jur.v, counsel 1. ai bed ii en, pin mho mui the case wns wlthdruvvn. (Iqiuist-l refilled tu icw'nl the llgurce of tu tun compvemUe. WEDDING FORECAST FOR MARY GARDEN Horescopist Says It Will Be in 1924 Bridegroom Net Yet Picked Out RETURNS FROM ABROAD Nru- Yiirh. Oct, 'SJ AM Hi her hair Ixihlu I. iunbiifited, wenrins a henvv I i rrel fur coat and carr.ving 'i stout Mine with u carved Ivery head of n gr vh'intid, Mar Harden returned 'st.rday en the Cun.iid ptcamshln i iitiim.i from Se itli.unpt. n She v ill I im ' e Chi. iii'e te.ln.v te take up the li'ildem of the Chicngi Opeta Com Cem I ,m Mar.v (lar.lcn returned from 1'urepe with ii conviction that American girls n ight well ignore the rarlsian sugges 'tuu lint longer s(iit-i are the mode. I "Whv should our glils give up short I skills?" she asked. "They have the piettii-t feet mill the prettiest hgs In I tin world." I "Strictly en the ipiiet and between us folks" she said. " had mv hero hore I s,i;i,. ti, id wnile in Pari and the '"horrors ipist' or wliatcheina.vcallein ! 'old in" 1 was going te be married in ' I'llM Tim. was (l sjij-ht linw in the scope.' for 1 was net told who the 111 III VVI" "lie'' Anlicin'iting marriage Is a gienl f.elm;. lut il docs get en one-' imv.-. Id lil;e te knew ivh.it it is," 'Hid. imiiuing in turn te the newspaper I "itn, she said, "Mavbe it is jeu, or l.vmi ir you. wlu can tell" 'Marriage is net treiueu wiin sinn I'luu dignit." she add. d. "If I marry. ns the horoscope suvs I will, it is niite like'v I will nt live with my bus bind, but shall sort of Funny Hurst it. eh. dear, matrimony is certainly a pllle." M.uy snii Hun while abroad she had tiled out some sitv would-be opera singers and had brought back me who will be tiled out with the Chienge Com Cem pinv. Miss .leanne Schneider, thlrt.v. a la. 7i-soprane with iirey-re.l hnir. She is tin- pteduct of a "garret teacher," s.nd Mar. AN ' mi the Aiiiitinii was Mrs. Vin cent Aster. wiin bad b"en In F.nglund for five weeks. The Prni. ess llenrb'tte Savu-flelu. if I'liclimest. friend of Queen Marie of Kiimaniii, . eme- ter a lecture tour. Coming te promote Intere-i In her Seii.iv for Ceiistru. live Piirtli (Tol (Tel (Tol eol and Itacial Pregre-s was Marie Citmichnel Stores. It. Sc . Ph. I.. P. I S . president of the organization. 'I'll- sneiety was organized iu the Hetel Cecil. Londen. August li. Miss Stupes will endeavor in organize liranches in this ci m u ir . CRASH RINGS FIRe'bOX Answering Alarm, Firemen Find Stand Smashed by Automobile File eiignus and firemen called te aiisvv.r an alarm at Uread street and Hunting Pirk avenue at 11 o'c'eck this morning, found nothing mere than a tile alirm be knocked ever bv an au tomobile. The collision and subsequent bending of tin- pole suivieit.ng the b.i had set the apparatus te work and brought the tiri'im n from bid l'rnest I'eckeweg. Sp in i r -iiiet near Twentieth, driver of the .iiito.nebile, was m rested bv Cnii tier, ii piitrnlmati attracted te the spot bv cl.itig'tig of the lirehell Ite. keweg W.ls lll-e.steil Oil Charges of, dining an .niimuebile while under the lnlluence of II. ler. BOY SCOUTS TO CELEBRATE Troop 4, Oldest In City, te Held ; ,,r 1"' fp 1 1 in.-ltne.l te luing en tie ' ' 'nosebag herself. Anywa.v. she ureUe Eleventh Anniversary Tonight ' tlie i epe and started exploring. 'I lie e'i venth ..niiierai.v of Ttoep 1.' She was first seen racing beside ,i I'.,i sineits of America vvi'l he icle- brale West ; ski tuVV II d ti'injht at ii h,iiiiiiet ai the de "Preslivte'hin Cl..iieh, Pu- .iviinie and Win. .Ha, li.nnan 'i'ne troop is tin- eldest in the . ilv it tge D. Perter, former Direiter of l'ul.l . afltv, who feiiluleil the tr.mii in HUH mui served as its scoutmaster ler sev.r.il iiir-, will he th" principal spt ,ik. I (Jluei -penkeis will be '. I I mi (oeilln.in, scout executive, Ji-eige I I'.eiline, ,lr , i li.iirninn of the I). -ti.it .Ne s Hev Si out Cuiiiicil , the It. I ir William I'eitir I.." pastnr of the iliiinh, and Itebeit MncDenald. TWO PRISONERS ESCAPE Missing After Being Paroled te Werk en Farm 'I v .nsei els i .no'.' I from the i.iuiitv pii-en la-i 'I in dnj te vveik mi the Montgomery dintv w nt P. Im It IJe.k, are iepeit.,1 mi-Sling ted.lv. '1 lie i.ieu Ille U.s,. l'e.lrsell. llll.lS Wihi i. ii I'.ieviii or llo-ten, timl .lulie r.lpllsi n (' I ,ri, vv hi was i.'H.ited mi a i huge of Im inv and .I'litwn tl te si Il.ellt'ls list ,) i,,. P.'MseIl WHS i'.vi, ;. I of i in., .tig eiu'cled dcidly wi.ipeiis in.. I his iciii, would have e 1 I ie l i i ui He w.'iut.d an e;i- , .1 I'll 11 ', I . V. I k i I the I e lilt f u,i I l i llll sole i en hefuie having I r. en In ..I - that te might (,' ' b H k t ' 1 i- 1 Pu it h II. i II H, le givi'l jii eppii'imt . but broke their puuh. FIRE ROUTS TWO FAMILIES Forced te Flee Burning Hemes in Night Clothing l'w. W. I li.idi lphin fui.i 'n vv etc i.t in null' i let ling by lires . nt lv indnv .Im e'u I l.i v i l,.i v vv. rj , r bill when nie hi ok.' -iei e lit the seiitlietibt ,1 '.. tie st, ... till. Ilk et Mr mid Mi I' . U fl ele th. iii a . ig.ir i ii I.iiihi v liM.ith stieet ami 11. ir- I v iiv.ni.1' Mr d.ivi-k.ev owns the i. ii and 1 1 . ' s en the Heur uhnve The nil i age vv.ls. trilling. V l.i.le s'.lltllig in tin' k.till.'ll of tie l.e.i. of Mr , ml Mrs Samiii 1 I.'... ,,f ,..l sivluiel, avii.ue, nt e.l in uii. iieiiiiig. i, .iiti'd ine Mini! and th llfd in i'n,r uiglit clothing te i ie I eme of neighbor. The rear part of t t.r lieine vn, flestriived The el .cm or both lires is utidcui mined BOY FREED FOR STEALING BUNS. POLICE NAB FATHER Child of Four, Barefoot and Shiver ing, Sent Heme With Sister When the biiKi r s,op nt.ir his home ..... , I.. .1.. i..i.. c iiji.ei'O i-.ii iy 1111s noeiiioK, nitie .-iiiie- in I l,nhl nrde. f eir .vears old, of M.'," Iiuuphin sinit, ('.imden, was seen by Puuelnitin I'i link .',einents te steal . I ..... I hllll- ("lemenls "nrre.nd" the be.v , who w.i. luiii Ii eti d mid ih'.verlng. lie had a ..howl tiK'itl.v wrapped mound his sh'iul'k 1 -, but bis il., tlnng was flimsy. Win 11 nil en te tl e police station the boy -.id bis '.it her hud told him te stenl th luiiis Wlu 11 Pns.piiili.' I.obbarde, the father, with In- duuijliti'i Kl'en, f.niltei'ii jeiirs old. culled ai the police station for the .In!.! Hie lather was airestwl, aud the be scut heinu with his bUtur. WILL MARY GARDEN WED IN 1924? On'rnl Ncvvii I'hnte "Anticipating marrliige Is a meat fecIliiB," said Mnrj' Oanlen. opera dirrrter, en her tetuin from ISurepc c.scrda. She declared a "linrrer- sreplst" In Paris had forecast a wedding for her In lDlil, hut neglected te name the bridegroom CELLAR-GROWN BEER GOT START IN ANCIENT EGYPT Archaeologist Says OV Timers Were Master Brewers of Their Day; but Shucks, Precess Is Lest The question of home hooch seems tequcney. The be of no erv recent eilgin after all. explain this. Thirtv centuries nge the Fgvptinus went into this matter with characteristic thoroughness and evolved a t.vpe of cellar-grown beer potent enough te have mnde the sacred ibis go out into the desert and slnp n Hen in the face. According te Paul It. II. Hunter, a student of nichitecture nnd archeology lit the University of Peniis.v lvimia. the ancient Fg.vpllans were the master brewers of the'r dav lie spoke last nlflil- before the Philemntlllllll Sncil't en the snbje. t of "Hew- the Fgyptinus , Mnde Ileer." mid. after dealing witli tliis subject at some length, be branched out en tin- theme of "Hew P.eer Mnde the Fgyptlans " it must be explained the Fg.vptinns net only embalmed and preserved their, dead, but covered the walls of the tombs I with drawings d plcting the life of their I lime. It is largely from these wall inint- ings that Mr. Hunter draws hw infor mation regarding the "blowing" nctlvi-l tie- of the nncient Fgvptinns. Mini of the processes are depl. te.l in some m ine nexi suese.pieui meeting et the detail and the spectacle of the King I Pliilnmntliran Set let, wliiih will prob preb and bis reval court being carried out ably retain Madisen Squnie Garden for "cold." recurs with surprising fre-i the ucuisten. MARE BOLTS MULE ESCORT, GETS UNEXPECTED BATH Police and Wrecking Crew Needed te Get Herse Out of Creek 'iv. i,,,irnlniPii. 1111 electric crane and ' .' - ., ,. 1 n wreiklng crew treni ine v iiiueeu mr ih-iiiiiih e. i...... ,-. ... ,,,.- . .n..- n.i..n bnins were enlled out this morning te I te pais teda.v the first milestone en the nsciie a horse that hnd fallen into Pdg read te tux revision. This was the Timber Creek while tr.ving te ciess . writing of the new Income -uita rate the trellej trestle at (ileucenter. ' te 1 eplace en next .lainiai 1 these new Levis ' D. Clements, a farmer of i Iu feice. 'ri i.. N- T in,, i, .til n Imv mnr.i Thw urm isinn rF tin. Imv lull n n i ,. ,.,!.. , t,..,l t,itn His II.IIIIII.il. .. .1.. I.I..HII, ,. '..., ...---- , I ii oil man started te drive them te ! Thorefnro. At Cloucester lie tiid the iiliimaN te a tiee while lie went te a tistniiiant. The mure cither didn't like the oempnnv of the lowly j ellevv trolley car. 1 lie car steppeu ie iiiivi- no n passenger se the mare took tjic lr.n,l When the trellcv aimreaihed th trestle the mere kept right en going in I rout of the car. but when she was about halfway across there was a loud splash. The mare was overbern,!. HAYNES SCORES JUDICIARY Says Officials Should Net Bleck Pre hlbltien Enforcement Washington, (lit. 'J". tli A. I' I- .luilges and public ethi Inls were taken te task last iilglit i or uu'ir attiiuue ie- num cabinet s ti nure ei eilice m grav vvar.l prohibition enforcement by Cem- (.ht jeopardy, Chan, eller Wirth de. hired mission.'!- Haynes in tin address at the today. lie admitted his inability tu Methodist Keundrv Chinch here. This , predict the future course of events, mid attitude he described as "a fee we must .md the situation n-ted -ntii-clv with net overlook." j the ileinin.iut unties of the (icrnmu "As long lis pulilic eiin i us tlile n tin I Us take n he'ti'e attitude. Mr. IIii.viii. suul. "It is geilig te be flifli 'dt te ge pirp te leiivl.t 'l'he attltinlc of tie .ludge and the iiresecutlng ntternev Ins miu h te tin vtlth the venllct of the Jurv. In some , i M.s. I am told, if i- tllfiVult te tell whither the bootlegger or tin- prohibi tion .itfieial is en dial Anether obstacle in the i i t i of pro pre 1 trutnm enforcement. Mr lluv m.s i on en tinned, was "an unhelv till' nice'' he he tvveen'the apparently i peftabh. class aid "the most vinous mui iiiinmal i class BELGIUM'S GIFT ON VIEW Appreciation te Philadelphia for War Aid te Be Exhibited book sent Its llll iippre, latien bv the people of Ii. lgi in fei the pint i Pliilndilphhi bud I" te" iielgi.ui i.'ief 'ilr.ve will be plntvd ci view t'.is fall at an exhibition In Mi medal Hull, I 1 nil mount PnrK i The hook was ii.i.w.l bv Mrs illavard Henrj , f W"st Wnln n litne. (.iriiimitewn, who wite te Mayer 1M..01.. s-niL'esiiiiL' thai it In id. lied en ' exhibition The .M:i v or an .si anil tue ifL vill lie plui eil eui t'T .Miniinniieii ut te , an t Munitien m iimu i rnnuus be held at Memerial II a LEAVES ESTATE TO CHURCH mm-01 ."., 'librarian' of the rnivrrs'itv - 'and distinguished Orientalist, which, it Family Gets $500 of $35,000 Left1 Is cxpemd, will be similar te that of ,. . r- i. '.Mr. KiiM-iisiirten, and will ec.upy tin ny stiuoe. '"' . . 'J no will of Bridget Inns, of ....'.i Cedar stieet, Caindeii, which was pro bated today, lenvi'H tin-bulk of her e-tate lncnterJed at S.'l.i.DOO te tin ltemun I'ntheli.' Chuich of the Helv .Name. l'ive nephews and iiiki's are iiven a total of Si'itKl p,e.ueMs of .$11111 each were made te the Hev. Themas Whel.in, pastor of the Helv Name Church; the fund f.,i iiiniii- 1 i,i,iin ! ,,i seltllliary Mimnns mi' 1111- liilicillllte oiit'fini"e '".' '" s. j, i.,i i.,i Ciithelh' Heme for Aged mid Inhrin. Ht Mieluicl's Orplinnage mid ihe De'minicnn Sisters of the Perpetual itesiii . . . ... .1.... lilt. X, I (.,.,-! .,, Dr. MacUean te Preach The Itcv. Dr. Nerman Macl.ean. of IMinburgli, will prench tonieirovv in the linn Mnvvr Presb.vteiiun Church at 11 A M. nnd H P. M- Ir. Miicl.cnu, who can.c te this ceiiiitrj as a delegate te the Pun -Presbyterian Council, since 100." huH been a pastor of St Cuthbcrt'a in Edinburgh.. tuituie eC the hrevv Will Mr. Hunter gives the ancient brewing process ns fellows : A certain variety of doughy bread was mnde first, of which the ingrc dlents new are unknown. This inns's was set aside te feimeiit iu a safe place, wheie It was visited from time te time by its solicitous owner, who added a little water and ether moisture ns the need arose. Fop thi.e .vears this went en, and then the product was brought te light and drained off, uiiilil the strunitnliig of the l.vie and the glad i rasn et c.v mtiais. The ceieuietiie- of tasting having been performed by the entire household and u few intimate friends, the owner would retire te a private spot and lapse lulu unconsciousness within fifteen minute-. Though the details of thi- process nre lest te present -da.v knowledge. .Mr. Hunter does net de-pali. He will have the secret of the am lint brew, he sn.v., or tenietliing will be broken in Ir.ving. And when the great discover is made. ip has premised te give it te tlic world (SENATORS HOPE TO PASS SURTAX PROVISION TODAY Managers of Dill Net Discouraged by Sharp Opposition ' Washington. M. 2-'. -illy A. P ) I! I.li...,., I , u ... 4l,,. SI..., 1 1 Kepulllicilll lemlets 111 the S.'llal , ...., ,..- ..... ... ...- .... le..,.ie.l n-stnnl .11 Willi !. iM.iti.iii l.i i strike out the Heuse pre'xwnl einbe.lv lug n iiiaimuiu rate of .",2 per .cut mil siihstitilte the conipreni'se anien.lm. nt , pinpusing rates ranging liein 1 pirieut . .,n incomes from SliOdll te SlO.OtXI te , (l per cent en the amount of imeines . eec ding S2(lt. (M)il i Sharp opposition te the compromise ' developed en both sides of the chamber. hut Inanagers et the lull indicted it j mlnptien. prnbnhlv before ndjeiirnmeiit el tne senate teniglit. SiLESIAN DECISION CREATES GERMAN CABINET CRISIS Wlrth Ministry Faces Grave tlen and May Resign Situa I Itrrllu. en 22 - illv A 1 , ) Ac - ......... ..f .1... .1....: e t leiliivi- HI llll- ui i i-iniii III i of the League of Nations I Silesia liy tin Allies has placed the (ler- ; Hejclistag. Complete chaos if o'enioii prevuils among the three allies iiiakliig up theK,m l(, M loalltleu geveiumeiii and tin- (ieiiuiiu People's l'uitv en the iUestiun of lit'- eeptaiice or i eject inn of the Council's decision I 'eliteiences between paity I leader's, in the ItcichMiig will he held to te lil.i and iiitin their nut e will depend till' existence of the Wirth ..ihinet. While the situation s. cms grave, it has net assumed the dimension-, of an acute crisis. i PENN TO UNVEiL MEMORIAL Portrait of J. G. Rosengarten and I Tablet Will Be Dedicated The memorial te Jeseph (1. Iloscn Ilescn 1 giirten in the I'luversit of Penusjlv.i- iiia libiury will be ile.t..'ated in the near I future, it wns anneuneed tetlav The meiiieiial, new v.-ilnl, is a portrait i of Dr Jlestngarti'ii. w ;.e died lust sum i iner, with a m.irhle tabht hem ath n I with the lollevviiig inscription cut in geld htti'is. ' "Jeseph (iei.rge Kesengui ten. Seil of I I'ciiiisvlviiiila. A. M. 1N12, M. A r, ! LL.D. P.I07. Trustee, Iv.MJ.pjls Cili ,en, soldier, s, helm, nitren of nrts ' ii mi letlein, whose giarieus mui libenvi In nefai tiens attested his nbhliug taitli i iu human pregre-s nnd learning." Hi.- lemniiit.e is also werl'lug en .Meid- , opposite wall in the outer lending room of the library. MOB FLOGS TWO BOYS 1 "Yes, We Did It," Netice Is Signed I "K. K. K." In Texas Jail Seizure Denten, Tc., Oct. liU. Twe bevs wen, taken trein jail nt Pilet Point 'Thursila.v night mui scwrclj Hogged bj 11 I bmul of uniiientilled men. 1 V. J .Miller, editor of a Pilet Point liaper. jestcrduv found a notice en ,is efTlce fleer reading: "es, we ilid it. This should be a w timing te nil leafeis mui lawbreakers." 'J'he net he v.u.s signed "K. K. K." Plant Superintendent Scalded Kdvvard lliuigh, supeiiiitend. nt of the Ambey Paper Cenipnn.v plant at Ilrulge Ilrulge pert, was serieus'j siahled while at work at the plant He was tightening n steam trap en the engine when it blew out, htcamlng his face, shoulder mui uvcer eart of the body. L Irish Leader Expected te Tell De Valera of Crisis Over Letter te Pepe WRECK OF PARLEY FEARED Ily the Associated Press Londen. Oct. 22. Mieharl Cellins, Finance Minister of the Pail Klrennti and delegate te the" conference here with British overnment officials look ing te a Fctttemcnt of the Irish ques tion, left Londen for Dublin today. It wns stated that Cellins wns going te Ireland nit private hinlnessi, but In the light of the crisis which wns reached In the conference negotiations c.slcfdii.v It was regarded ns probable in political quarters that the chief rea son underlying his visit was n desire te see Famen ile Vnlera nnd inform him of the i ffect his unexpected telegram te Pepe liencdict hnd produced. It wns reported today that the Sinn Fein had been asked by the Oovern Oevern ment representative ier nwuirnnccs that the question of a republic in Irelnnd be eliniinntcd from the cenfeicnce dlsrun; slens. Defend De Vttlcra Ix;ttrr The point was made at Sinn Fein bcadqiiaiters this afternoon that Mr. de Viilern had said nothing in his tele gram te the Pepe t lint lie did nut say in bis correspondence, with Premier I.leyil (Jeerg'i' while the latter was at Inverness. The Sinn FcincrH called at tention also te the fact of Mr. de Vnlera'a lefusal te v Itluiraw his state ment of republican principles en Mr. Lloyd Geerge's demand. If it was wrong of the republican leader te reassert this principle nt the pic.sent juncture, It was argued, it was equnlly wrong of King Geerge'H nd viser.s te present their own view in the King's telcgiam te the Pontiff. In his letter lie Valeia expressed hope that the "ambiguities" in the reply sent in Ihe mime of King Geerge would net lead the Pepe te believe thai the cause of the trouble was m JreTaiii' or that the Irish owed allegiance t i the King. lie suiil the huh prudenrn of Ireland bud been feriu.illv pr.M'luimed b regu lar! elected leprcsentntives of the people and that the conflict was due te the Mritl'h tr.v Ing te impose their will upon (he Irish b.v brute force. Ite Valeia added Unit the Irish wished peace, hut that (hej would never abandon tlnli light for national freedom. Fear lliipture of Parley Possible lupture of the Irish confer ence, a general political crisis in I'.ng land and the cm. ellatieii of Pi hue Min ister Lle.vd Geerge's visit te Washing ton were fcatureb in Londen nevvspapeis today. The te'egiam sent te Pepe Ilene.Uct li.v De Valera, In which there was ad verse criticism of King Geerge's recent message te the pontiff, seemed te be ,,,,iikii)i,i'i,il mm m nlei-c of the situation i"1''1'1'. tl'mitcn.d a nilitlnuanee of the Il.'gotilltieu.s fei lllldill a uasin 01 lieaie II. Iiellllld i Willi one exception, the action of i Mr. De Valera was condemned by news. 1 impi rs hcie tedav, editorials varying fiein het denunciation te sorrowful re giel. A view put forward in 'eme quar t'l's timl the message te Pepe lienediet was meiel.v a piece of tactlessness which should net be treated tee seriously was 'net adopted mi wheie In the Louden picss. Seme inmnicnts charged him ' wllli "insiillinir the King, the Pene mid his own delegates new iu cehference1 here." and Mild he hnd torpedoed the chances of pence." 1 Haul te Smeeth Over I I'ven where tin ie was a disposition 'te make the b'"-t of the Incident it was I admitted the action of Mr. de Valera had cieated a situation which would need the griMti-t tact te smooth ever. I The Daily News, nile of Mr. de Va- lera's wannest suppeiters, said: "Thi I mischievous pref lainntlen is a'chnr.ie- teristic eample of the activities of the 'evil genius who appears usunlly te pre. l side ever Irish uffniis." Hepe that Mr. de Valera's real in in 'tcntleits would "prove wiser than his I fnimiilus" was expressed by the Daily Chronicle, .i stanch supporter of Mr. Llevd lieeige. which ileclureil its con- 1 victien the Piiine Minister would "px- ICII COLLINS GOES 10 IRELAND the Council ' litiust cvuy iisuui'i' of wise patience relative toiliefeie abiui'leiuiig the atlcmpt te at- tain peine " The Socialist view, as expiesscjU; liy the Dail II. laid, was that King (i'eeigc began the lal.st contrevdsy by refer ring te the lii-h a.s "my people" in lii.s letter te Pep.- liencdict. The news paper n-seits It was only nntiirnl that Mr. ile Vana should reply, and that nothing hud bun nltcted bv his tele- 'l'he join mil saul that lilted its "each side has merel I fit UllOWll slilllilpeillt. It was regard,. I (eitain ever vv here that the lucid, nt would thie.itpii th. htrcnglh el the Llevd (leetge (ieverti- inent, as the 1 meuists arc in in open re DtKr in Par volt against the . oalitien, be lianifint and in miwi I'nienlst const it ucr.ciu' . STEAL MINISTER'S SOCKS AND BABY'S 46 PENNIES Twe Parsonages In Alteena Ran sacked by Housebreakers AUoenn, Pa., Oct. L"J. - When the Hev. Victer II Jenes, pastor of the Salem Iteieimcd Clum-h Alteena. re tinned jest' i dav after a two days' ah M'life he found a thief had entered mid liiiisac'.e.l 'he pusen.ige, taking forty -bix penniiM from h.ibv I'lerence'H bank and ivve pans ei the minisier's socks. The home of th.. cv. K II llakei, jiaslei of t!.i Third I'liileil Hiethreu Church, was ciiiercd Thursilav night and ?-."f stolen after turning the (on (en tcnls of the paisenage lep.v -tiirvi .v 103 Deaths for Week 1) Hills in Philatli Iph ii for tin week llllllg l'stl 'd 'V l., .1, ,1 (Ij'l, ci ,,l,- Ing te the weekly bulletin issued today liv the illv'isl -11 ei Vltill l.lli. Ins of tie I, menu of Health. Iu tin i uT.wpeudiiig week of V.1120 there vvcie 111) dciiths in the cit.v. I. list week tl,, i ,. vvcre liSli deaths. itrjK.nii s, MitlMiilll I'l'lsi "II ll iMf's(I.N 1IV1.I., Wi-xli v l,uli.inK, 17H, ,,, An h WV.I net .'il 11 hIil.ii J I' n, ,, nn.l .Mm te'). U. iliibiiiaen if I' it i,' ,, I, umli-rs of U mil' ss n,,il m lh.. M, n, ,1-11 I 1 lllirih "III IlillllenS lL vt IH m,,icik lii.il ll.ill.v en li.lu.lf of 111.- .N. w lljl I ,,B 1'iin.l t-'.imr.ns'n ter t ! M. V In n. mi. si il miu Si I'll pent I'lil.lle lunliallv n vltcJ MethiiUI il Mlnlsnjii in I'hUii.i ,pim ('i.nftri-ncu ii'iu. t', l te .iniiiiiiin.i me itn nl all ivniH i.-eii--i II. in. ( ni iml,.ii CiiniiiiUU'i-, .Mim iljiinuh l Mp. 1. 1 sp, ipiury S.AI.I: (l I.UIIItlKIH A Modern Attractive Heme M.ie i iiinf.irmhi., lh 'i nli. ii im , ih wcii III l iMOi ue lILi - i i . -.1 111 II II ! si. .ii- U'll luilli -, no .! i i in 'J ,., ui te rn xi-1 ut ', uieni- U lui'ii nt, l.i in i h 11 , ,J illl.llH. fill1 10 I'Ti'V U i. mi nt i.un'l Irnuipurliitlen, inedarum mi ewiiir luRvInu city 10011 N Ulih l ll?nr IV7fiS .? Jiilleruuu. J'hone Oveibmeli What Is the Verdict en These as 1926 Fair Names? Atlnntlc-Peciflc Imposition Is n suggestion from William H. Wil liams, of Hnddenflcld, N. J., for a name for the Scsqul -Centennial te be held In this city In 1020. The Kvrjfixe I'uiime Lcnenn Is In daily receipt of dozens of interest ing substitutes for the tltle new being used from these who believe with It that there should be n name for the exposition with mere popular nppenl than the present one. "America's Freedom Jubilee ' comes from Mra. Elizabeth Owen, IBM North Urend street. "Qunkcr City World's Fair" Is the Idea of Samuel Menk, 300 Went Yerk street. "The WerVs Ccntenninl Fair" Is suggested by Elizabeth M. Cnrr, 120 Fitzgerald street. "America's Creater World's Fair" Is n hint from J. E. Itube stcln, l'llii Arch street. "The Cosmopolitan Jubilee" is from Geerge W. Kurtz, Jr., 1001 Frnnkferd avenue. "The Hlg Shew" is frbm E. J. M., Philadelphia. "World's Reconciliation Fair" Is siiggcsicd by Victer Dlclc, of Wnna maker's. HOPE TO SOLVE ROBBERIES Police te Have Suspects Face Re cent Victims Three men suspected b.v police of Icing responsible for a number of rob beries in the northeastern section of the city are being held until residents of the district who have been robbed call te try and identify them. The men are Antheny Kengnrd, H-US Tllten street. Tieja : Mat Ien Tuinu skl. '12. Miller street, nnd Charles MeGljnn, Tulip street near Cumber land. Hengnrd escaped from the Northeast ern General Hospital, September 11. lie had been taken there following a fight with police when he wns shot In the leg. and is accused of firing at Policeman Warner. He Is held in .$1000 ball. He and Tnurniiskl were arrested .yesterday, and McGlynti wns apprehended Sundny. Until McGlvtm and Taurnuskl are be ing held In S2.100 ball en suspicion of being automobile bandits. Police say Mi (11 tin some time nge jumped $1fi00 ball after his arrest en a charge of automobile stealing. Te Discuss Trouble With World The Uev. Geerge C. Dorter will de. liver the lir-d of n series of sermons en "(Jueslietis Men Are Asking Tedav." tomorrow nitht tit the Eleventh Itaptist Church, Diamond and Van Pelt streets. Special music features will be under the supervision of II. U. Lincoln. To morrow night's sermon will discuss What Is the Matter With the World?" Next Sunday night the sitbicet will be, "What Is Wrong with the Church?" All That Is New- All That Is Geed OHECKS with ttripes, checks - alene, Btripus alone, single-color (.'fleets, two-color effects. The gamut of geed textile designing is run in our displny of Eagle Shirts of Mar gate Madras. Exclusively tailored, dexterously finished, the only shirts with a six-button box plait center te the bottom of the shirt. Shirts of Margate Madras Four Dollars liny Eagla Shirts by the Fabric Numc in the Label These shirts of Margate Madras new displayed in our windows. if i i2s5S s"-""" eli anal BLUENOSE Wl U. S. Fishing Schooner R6fu; xe wunaraw After Lesln Foretepmo3tin27-KnotGauV :r.- a CANADIAN NEVER HEADM iiaiirax, Oct. 22. Ulucnose of fiM enburg, today wen the first WM tlennl flsIicrmcn'B race in a rln-mnB vvln.l nf f.,.n(,.. . '. "t9B , ." s..w-rt Knets that. rled nwny the foretepmast of ltt ....v.-. out iu i.ieuccstcr, after half'.u while Uluene4 wns lending about f minutes after half of the ceur, g been covered. Elsie continued . ? refusing te withdraw. He" ercw ? rled around the deck, haullm, .i-J' taysnil mid cutting away the Z!' Meate.i en the first three legs, BfS Ing been first te cress the I In. i!'' length. Hi. Cnntnin Mnrtv wut, ":. tVels nd i card !.. " -V... ., " ,'"" nniBM. .i.K iu i.i-iqiiur.' uie iced en thTi, two stretches of windward work -n efflclnl tinic. when the bouts i,,J bouts turn.,! the end of the third leg was Uluenesc. 10:52:18. FInI i.-i..L The official starting time wV.n,'1 nose, 0 -00:01. Elsie, 0:0010, Blth Hire the weather berth from ,i, v,V' rival, but, Marty Welsh i.rnvrnU 8? At IMJIt Uetii schooners swune ntf i the mnrk. with liim,nv l?1 ft font by feet and linssing the Amll twe-sticKcr just before turniw mnrlr. tV, I Passing the first buoy 1e0 yltli i no lean, iiiuenose ensei lictts fn. . nutemntlc. JMUcnesc uirnetl the sceeml m.4. with a lend of 200 yards. The ,82 times were: Uluenesc. lO-ln- Elsie. 10:11:03. Tin ee miles from uj third mark Uluenese was lendlnrt COO te 700 yards according te'n'j! muii'.- iium me press ueat. ' Te the winner of the series roes h international trenliv. dnnnti-i i.. f Ilalifux Herald, a purse of $4000 id te her master a skipper's treuhr IU loser receives sjlOOO. The second race will Im unii-i Menilnv. The tliird. if one is ncetsai M lireiiuui.v win lie nciu en l uesdny Inspect Building for Feeble-Mlndrfl Director Turkish, of the DenattmtMl iii j ii nun, uiiim: uii inspection tOdT t the building nt Terresdnle which H seen te be' used by the depnrtinfnt it) villi- mi l.i'J Hi) r, uuillliin WIleattH)! lentil's nnd feeble-minded. Thin u ii building selected by Mn.ver Moerf IM .iiisi'ini .u. uuiiij , iii'iui nt me nM ntaie uepnruucui et v elfnre, u Iiiuuu ui.J nifjii'ijiiuii irip. French Stationery "Made in France" te the especial dictation of this house and 'A Gift of Singular Distinction Colers: white with burned edges, cream, duplex orange and blue, blue and geld, chocolate and geld, iris and silver, dark and light blue, chocolate and iris. Bexes of 25 sheets, 25 envelopes , 25 cards, 25 envelopes Made for, imported and introduced by J. EGaldwell & Ce. Jewelry - Silver - Stationery Chestnut and Juniper Streets !-"3dUlL!H'll-'tl 'I.Ui' lUU'H- ui-ill Lulu" iiTi i -.i "iTirirWiJ?SJSl JL4CQB MEED'S SONS 14241426 CfoestanttStecelt c A H, A, Jk ,.L . j....A , . M --.