Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 22, 1921, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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    -'V 'l'?itf'-.r
feast of Football Here
Twe Styles of Football te Face
Test at Palme Stadium
Vrinrtnn CIllfflKO
Tjnen Mi "' Mrnlinif.fr
RWk (ei.nl.) IfM ttieltle . 1 If trhf r
vS Srhllllnn left nmnl lnlhfrninn
Item?" rlrM ward , nJMSn
Sr r I 5rM" (rni.J.) MfCluIrr
silnVnn rlsht fiiil, Crlnler
In er emnrljjnrl Ktimnex
Mirny li-fl Imlfhirk C'iiIj
Smith rlttlit liiilMi.irk lliirlbiirt
Vin (iirM . (ulllincU . I '"iV
OirlVl.il"! Kf tVret C. H. r.l.lrl.W MIchL
,,g I'mnlrt l Sh.irw-. Inlr. Mnesmin
K O. St. Jehn. Net rr IMmr. lie.il Judne
. ll. Mtrrllt. Iliirtmniith.
Time ft lrlmln. in minute.
Princ-clnn, N. J.. Oct. 22. Down in
the hollow of Palmer Stailliini teilny
two MirlctieH of tlie great college came
of fnetbnll will pass Inte the lire of
Neither will escape wTclinut n &roreli &rereli
InB, but If rletp, compact clinrRlng. In In
termingleil with a few aerial shots, Mir
yives, the Knet will spread its suprem
acy ever the country.
On the ether hnnil, If tricky, wide
spread formations nnd numerous for fer
wnrd passes nrlsc trlnmphnnt from the
flames, the banners of the West will go
waring te the Bkles.
In the most Important inTcrsectiennl
clash of the season, Princeton's nthletes.
exponents of the game ns plnjed in the
Knst, "ill endeavor te cope with the
Western open game ns taught by Alenzo
Stags te Unlvcrlty of Chicago stnl
warts. The game, will start probably
The tennis will exhibit sj stems ns
far npnrt as the two institutions. The
Tigers de net mass their piny like the
elevens of old, but their gnmc is com
pact, ns computed with the wide, open
football ou which t lie Westerners will
depend for victory.
.Many Trie It Pla.vs
Alenzo Stags, for tvvpiity-elglit cnrn
conch of successful Maroen teams, is
unique among foetbnll tutors. He Is
known ns n gridiron inventor nnd has
originated mere plnyn than nny mentor
In the ceuntrx . I'vcry season he un
covers brand-new formations that
startle the football world and are copied
all ever the Slates.
"The Chicago game will surprise
Eastern spectators, " t-aitl n Chicago
critic who came Iipip for the contest.
"They will see something they never
have seen en a gridiron before. Stags
teaches a vcrj open style and the plnjcrs
fprcad all exer the place. Mere trick
piajs will be sprung than ver have been
tried In nn previous game, for Chicago
Is out te win. I believe tliey would
lather bent Princeton than take the
Conference title."
Stuns, an old Ynle man. probably
would give his right eje nnd his left,
tee, if he euld gnin a victor , but be
Is net at all confident.
"We have a geed team beie." said
the sitintt , grny-haiicd tentli, who
veais age used te snare Princeton pln.VN
nhen tlie xvi-ip thrust nt bis end of
the Yale line, "but it is net n gical
team Other Chiiage t-lpvi-ns hae been
far superior, but one thing about this
fqund is that I haw plenty of geed
Mibstltutes. In fact there are two and
Income cases three men of almcii-t equal
nbilltv for the various positions. This
is (enienient. because in case of in
juries a substitute is just as geed, as
the hepkeeper sn.xn.
Chlt.ige Line-up I'licciiaiii
"It Is cm account of this abundance
of iiiaiciml that I c.innet name eleven
men at this Inte hour and say definitely
that thej will stnrt Ihe game. King
will he the center and Captain Maguire
will plnv right tackle. There I have te
Hep ami puzzle nvt-r two 01 three play
er" for cer ether pest "
Slugs pointed out that ihe mi. Is
ixniild be I'liespn fiein Sfiehuieiei. Clis
ler and lltil'aila.v. witlut-haiires fmerlug
'lie first two. Crl-lcr captained the
I'hleiige basketball team last season and
Hellndaj is captain-elect of this ear's
tram. Their experience at thin indoor
name has made them very adept at
catching fenvnid p-!--'"u.
I.t-uis is likeh te be the left fnckle
t the start, although Pletcher also is
being seileusly 1 nnsldered. Miller,
RnhrKe and Uawsen are the left guards
and Itednien, Proudfeot and I.cnther
man the right guards.
Hither llomne) or Tetge will call the
JiRiials from the quarterback position.
The halfbacks will be picked fiem Cele.
J'witt Neff. Ilijant lliirlbiirt and
Meecher, v bile Tiuimc.. 'urn and
Hermes are the leading fullb.i k candi
ilatcs. It Is pi nimble that the back
n"ld will cniihisi (f Homney, Cele.
Brjniit and .ern
It was the firM inteiseetiennl battle
for the Tigen, since tlit-.v turned back
Jlldilgan with a defeat in lsl
Tiger .Mass.. Meeting
The entiie imdeigiailiinte bcidv uf uhl
Nassau held ;i big iiinss.nvetiiig in
Alexander 1 lull last night tu -ii-ihim-enthiisiasni
te the highest possible de
"ii Saniiiel White, famous for his
Jjiis In 1IH1, ami Dean Heward Me
tli'iinliaii addlewd (lie galheilns.
I'lle rhle.lge"siiil 01 livid here fliun
lieiilmi abeiii 1 ..V.h- nnd the
Pl.iU'i vv,.it diicct te the si.Hlinni
llicv will iii'pmi inimeiliati 1 alter tin
I'lie Wisieriifis Ineiight with Iheiii
a big 1 1 i.. M'cliim niiil I.iim- taken
nearlx three thousand hviU in t Ik west
8 !r,"f, ','"' ''lg ci lete Inil-esliiie.
Hie Tigiis eiileiul the i enti st minus
till' s, ihes r sex ei nl slum, Den
''nine, llniil, (inrrilx ami I lit I; Newlix.
nil nic out w 1 1 1 1 mjiines. linker, .Mae.
',"". .mil (mix all et wl sinned in
,"" N ' sa InM ,ek. w.ltrhed the
nix liniii the snlc hues, their plai es
' ig l.il.en !H Ven Schilling, lluwer
'mi Ijmpii iei-pecm 1, .
Will Usher In Sunday Grid Season
With Wlldwoed
The p.rid, sbuig fe.nl nil elexen will '
M'ni 1111 season t llni'ilniiiu, l'a , to
morrow afteim when Manager
"nilin s team tinkles Wlldwoed. of
rriiukfeid Itibleshiiig was s(1 sehed
uel at home this nfteiuoeu with Clif.
Xl is.,.',iK" l',"t ""' """ "11S "
n.rew!'l',','S'la- Tlu '"l for t...
morrow s (j.iiiii. ;
'. H,r!,I1V,l",r'- , , Wll.ln.
"mil , , '," ""'! hllem
llmil 'I1 ""sin . .i.firle.
Dime 1-llKUiinl it rB,
Mce iillHT l'nrcinM
I'lrliuJ, ''"'',' ""'""I ls'iu.,.
Temikm, lUniiinUi ,sjtu,
UmnfeM f'lHitliiilfl.iuk Ir.lind '
mullein k lleil
v -,
College Football Games
en Schedule for Today
i:aht '
JVnn Tu. V. M. t. nt Frnnldln Flrld,
1 rlnrrlen x. Chlrnite nt ITIncrten,
i!i.Pnrrt '" I'miii Klnte nt Cnnibrlcltf.
I HI xh. Kirncunr nt I'lttnlitinth.
,ni? ." Army nt New Knvtn.
tii?."" T- telcnte nt Ilhnrn.
imrtniCMith x, Columbia nt Hnnnrer.
b,"1""! Inlltuli k. (Irnrcn XVnshlnirten nt
Ilnrrrfenl xb. Ilminre nt ItnTtrfnnl.
1 , nml ,X. xn. Munrlhninrr ill Hn'nrthmere.
i', nil J. n. twitch nt tiethteliem, .
'' elte xn. Ferdhnm nt Nexv Yerk.
.Xmhrrat xn, Jlnen, AkhIm nt Amhtrit.
Hftlfn t;. Xlnlne nt lxvlsten.
1 elnn Cellrice xn. Drlrelt nt Itonlen.
llrexin xn. Snrlnrllrlft nt Providence. I
tii?ini,'n"r!0 T'h HI. Ilennvrntunx nt
(iillinlie tl. x. Vlllnnnvn nt WnMilnnfen.
(leltjehiire vn. Miihlenherit ut (lettysliuric.
ilelr tre xn, (iceDCftnnn nt Worcester.
I-elnnen duller m. 8t. Jehns nt AtinTllte.
Jut lerk I'. , XVrelrjnn nt New Yerk.
1 . M, I". xn, WnshliiRtnn nt Chcdtcr.
Itennielner 1'elr x. Htcxens Tech nt Trey.
KiiKiiiiclmnnn xn. (Intlnuilet n Hcllntrexe.
Trinity xh, Henton VJ. nt llnrlfenl.
Tiittn xn. Nnrrtlrh nt Meilfnrd. .
J'nleii xn, IlerheMer nt Hclicnectiidy.
t'rHlnun xn, lHcktnueti nt Celleuexllle. .
Jernmnt x. N. II, Hlnle nt llurllwtten, ,
: Imlnln vs. Ilncknell at 5Jontnlewn,
xUMnms xx. Xllddlehiirr nt Wllllamslewn.
Merccntrr Poly xs. It. I. Hlntc nt Worces
ter. Ynle Freli xn. fhllllnn Andnxer nt Ncxt
Iliirxurd 1"tmIi vs. Phillips lifter nt Cnm
lir,ilxc. lluwdeln xn. Celby nt Ilniiwwlek.
Alicrileen rn. link. WcMcynn nt Aberdeen.
Adrlnn xn. Teledo nt Adrian.
Akren xn. Ohie Nerthwenlern nt Akren.
Alnbnma xn. ('. et Ketitli nt lllrmlnnlium.
Alnlmm.-x Poly xs. Ciuiiti Ilennlnir nt Ail
bnrn. Allmny Celleire t. PnclMc nt Alliihiy.
Arkunnnn foil. vn. Ilendrlx nt llateftvllle.
AiiEiiHl.inn xn. .Inn, JIMIIk'n nt Iteck Inland.
Ilnxler xn. I'hlttlpn nt Wnce.
Ilcllinny xn. Ihtyten nt Uliecllns.
Under xn. Knrlhnm nt Indlitnniielln,
Cnlirernht xn, Oregon ixt Ilerkeler,
.('nllfernlii Tech xn. Pomenit nt Pnnixdenix.
(Inclnnntl xn. Ky. Wenleynn nt rinclnnntl.
Ce x. Dulniqiie ut Cixlur Itnnldn.
Colenido xn. t'tnli nt Colerado Hprlnrn.
CrrlKhlen xn. Mnrcinette nt Omilin.
Ilrnlnen xn. Ohie Unlxcrnlty nt Ornnvllte.
Denver xn. Colerado nt Denver.
Drake vn. Cernell College nt Den Melnrn.
Crergla xn. Oglethorpe nt Athenn.
lieerglix Tech xn. Itutgern nt Atlanta.
Illinois xn. Wlncennln nt Vrbnnn.
Iowa Htiil xn, Knnnnn nt Amen,
Kunniin Agglrs xn, MIhheuxI nt Mnnlinttan.
Kentucky xn. ficnrgelewn nt ''"Ington.
.Mnrjlnnd xn. Vlrglnln Tely nt CelleVe Pnrk.
ui.t.iRnl. -. m.in ueil ut Ann Arber.
Michigan Aggies xn. Kiilitmnzoe Nermal nt
Mlnnrnelu xn. Indiana, nt Sllnneapells.
Noire D.ime xn. Nibrnkn nt Notre "?.".
Oregon Aggie xs. Wnnhlngten nt Cerxullln.
Tennesiee xh. I'lnrlda lit Knexxllle.
Texnn xh. Vnndrilillt nt nnllnn.
Trnnsylxmnln xn. Center nt '"'"V0".,,..
Vlrglnln xn. .Inlms Hepkins nt Clmrleltes
'"v." p.nd I., xn. Merris Hjrxey nt Txlngtnn.
x.Vnhlngten Slnte x-w. Idnhe nt Pullman.
Cadets Will Give
Penn Hard Fight
Continued from Puge One
Spruhan thinks thnt the Hick plays bis
team has up its sleeves will sin prise
Penn ngnln this xenr and make the game
ns interesting ns the 11)20 Htruggle.
Viiglnin Mllitai.x Institute beasts of
n sihiIkiii nnniilnlien of ."0, ns com
pared with the 0000 active students nt
Penn. Of that number, sixty leperted
for football this ear. quite a number
of whom ncxer pln.xed the gridiron sport
before. Out of this number the conch
has been able te weld together a foot
ball machine thnt is the pride of Vir
ginia. Team a Yetcian One
With" few exicptinus tills jeni's team
is a veteran one. In Summers, of Al
cxnndiln (Ya.l High, Ciarksen hns one
of the best tnikles In the Seuth. Last
j ear he demenstiatcd his ability te the
delectation of the V. M. I. looters
against Penn. lie is twenty-two years
of use. .stands six feet three inches in
his stocking feel and weigh -10 pounds,
lie x 111 fact Sulheilniiil. Pcnn's giant
Idnhe tackle, who plnxetl guard until
the injury te Johnny Tliurnian.
Mars ns Weseett, a feiiucr Atlantic
City Hish Scheel star, at left guard,
i feet i" 11 Inches nivl xxelghing 1SI!
pounds ; r'IIarrisen, n 218-peunder, nt
mm gunid; Hunt at right tackle nnd
lildglex ut tight end, all veterans.
In the bnckfield lie will have Hunt
ing, xx he plaveil havoc xxith Pcnn's'line
Inst j ear. and Venable. xxlm sexv action
against the Hid and lllup Inst .xenr.
Acceidlng te Tem McXnmnra, xvhe
iceuted the Cadets this season, Vennble
nnd llutiting are two of Ihe best light
backs, he has seen this season.
"They are exceptionally fast," said
Tem this morning, ".mil In addition
haxc the knack of hitting the line like
rllle bullets. " I'nrlcj . the quarter
luck, weighs tlie same as Hex Win.x,
l.'Hl pounds. According In our nn -therit)
en Ihe ether txve bat ks. Karlev
is capable of 1 mining back punts with
flie best in the land and a bcin genernf
with a team. Costelo, (he ether back,
is n former Lynchburg Mar. He
weighs l,"fi pounds.
Penn Outweighed
V. M. I. xx 111 outweigh Penn in the
line from end te end by three pounds,
while Ihe bnckfield average of the
Seiitherneis is l."iU pounds nnd of Penn
l.Tf pounds. The xvelghts for the txve
teams in their entirety is nbeut 175
pounds, Penn Inning a slight advan
tage of about half a pound.
The Penn coaches this morning were
undecided nbeut the bnckfield te stnrt
tlie game. He Wia.x was a certainty at
quarterback, they said, and Pes Miller
at one of the balves. The last named
has entirely roceverl'd from ins sere
llire.it and is leadj for n grueling game.
Mike Whltehlll will net start the
game, according te one of Ihe coaches
this 11101 niiig. It is said that tin for
mer Hutgers lad is net in the best of
shape for a gi uellng gnme. Mike thinks
that he is in shape te plav a game, but
will see the start of the g.ime, at least,
f 1 0111 the sidelines.
Itlhcu and I.iiiigden te Start
In place of Mike, Temmx l.nngden,
IheSciniiten lad, who distinguished him
self ngainst Franklin and Mnrs4iall and
wen 11 varsitj jersey for himself, will
slai t at tight halfback. The up-State
lad is light, but can hit a line with all
the power of n much heaxicr man.
Jee lllben, tlu former Central High
SH100I luil, will start nt fullback In
ph if Jehnnx l.ukns. The Shameklii
lad limped around this morning se per
cpptlhlx. thai the coaches gave up all
uiea 01 Having 111111 enter (lie game.
Iliben has been telling Ihe scrub line
te tattets in scilminage drills, mid
Himild 1 nine through this nfteiuoeu with
some excellent line plunging. Origin
nll.x a tackle, Hiben has dexeleped into
a elexer line Inn ker. He Is short in
statute and weighs about 1(15 pounds.
Chain 0 for Dern
There is n chance thnt Johnny Dern,
the Salt Luke Citi 1 1 It-Ii sj..!,,.,,! t,.,,.
of last j car, will B'et Inte the game nt
Ihe stmt at tenter. Hiii Da.x , the,
legiuar pivei nidi), is MUleiing from a
b.idl.x injure xl left leg, mid the coat lies,
if possible, want te sine him until next
week. Dern has 1 1 oil the sidelines
for 11 month iw the icsiilt of Injuiics.
He htifTcicH n fi iictiiniil fwillii, I...,.,. 1.
Ill the season, nnd last week suffered ii
Ienised knee. Dern worked out with'
tliexnisltx in sigiial drills xcsteida.x and'
looked fast. ' 1
I "ill" his sull.l II lllns II..U 1 '
Wittnier. Smiilliiis, Kinll, McAnnllS
drove nnd .Metier. It is net tlmuciit
likely that Al Vegelln, the S
High Scheel luil. will see nctlnn hi'
llfternnnn. "'
This Afternoon for College, Independent and Scholastic
Syracuse and Panther
Heads Important Games.
State Engages Harvard
Football schedules new arc nnrrexvlng
down te the point xvberc the decision
means success or failure in the season.
There arc four games in the big time
college circuit tlint stnud out promin
ently in today's card, but there nlse arc
n number of smaller tills thnt will
send thrills down the spines of thou
Hands. At the top of the list is thnt plnlc
tea which will be served with war
clulm nt Pittsburgh xvhen the Panthers
clash xvlth Syracuse. This contest,
together with the battle thnt will be
waged nt Cambridge between Harvard
nnd Penn State will bnve a very definite
bearing en the final aeeiintlng of cham
pionship merit In the Hast.
Th? big Intcrsectienal clnsb between
Princeton and Chicago nt Tigeitexvn
will net mean nnj thing unless the
Maroons rise up nnd spank Heper's
nthletes. Then the superiority et the
West will stick out nil ever the Fast,
for the Windy City team is net rated
ns the leading eleven in the llig Ten
Conference. In fnct, there are three
teams in the Western circuit reputed
te be better than Stngg's eleven. How
ever, if Princeton wins, it xxlll be ns
it should, for the Tigers de rate among
the topnetebers in this section despite
the defent suffered at Annapolis last
Snturtlej .
Yale Unities Army
Ynle will face its first real test et
the sensen when the Army Is engaged at
New Ilnx'cn. The Cadets bax-e a strong
eleven despite tlie early season reverse
handed down by New llaiupsblit.' Stute
in one of the double-headers staged
at West Point. Yule is the favorite,
but II is likely that the Hulldeg will
haxc te hIiexv mere than straight foot
ball te win.
These me the ical big games of the
tiny. The ether tilts bnve lets of local
attraction, but are net veiy important
te the general foteball public unless' the
dope Is upset and the faveilie chopped
for the count.
Aside from the Piinccton-Chicnge af
fair, tliete are two ether intersectlenal
clnshts. penn tubes 011 Virginia Ml i-
tar.x Institute at Franklin Field, and
Hutgers xill go te Atlanta te engage
(leeigiu Tech. Fester Sanleril's eleven
nosed out Washington and Lee lust
Sntuida.x by u rall.x In the last ball", but
are net likely te be se successful in the
Seuth. Last j car, the Yiigiuln cnilcts
bung it en Penn nnd the (Junkers arc
out for icvenge. Tlieie nre no Leet hes
in the Seutheineis' bnckfield this xear,
mid the Hed mid 111 ue Is the fax mite.
There nre four games remaining en
(he Penn schedule. They me with Pitts
l)in gh, Lnfa.xette, Durtlimeilth mid Cm -'it'll,
nnd come in the order named.
These teams will be watched closely b.x
the (Junker suppeiters. As has been
mentioned the Panthers oppose Svru
cuse, but the ether three teams haxe
supposedly cesy contests.
Dartmouth Kngngcs Columbia
Dartmouth will line up ngninst Co
lumbia at Iianexer a txx'e te one favor
ite, Colgate should net bother Cernell
te any great extent nnd Jee Dumee's
Fordham team Is net figured te gixe
Lafayette much trouble.
There nre n number of interesting
battles among the little fellexxs In foot
ball. The fur will ll.x ut Sxwiithiuetc
where the (iaruet mid Franklin and
Muislinll are tine te clash. The Lan
caster collegians have iinprevid con
siderably since their defeat b.x Penn
nnd last xveek took exer I'rslniis, ftj-O.
The Unmet will net bnve it easy.
I'p nt Hcthlcheiii. Lehigh battles
Washington and Jeffersen. Tlie Presi
dents huve net been scored upon this
season nnd have trimmed P.ethnnx.
Iturkucll. West Virginia Wesle.xaii .11111
Carnegie Tech b.x Impressive semes.
Lehigh lest te Penn State, L'S-7. but is
net as bad ns that store indicates.
! rank (Hick lias his eleven working
smoothly nnd the Presidents me in for
a tough uftemoen,
Thcie are two Important Catholic
games booked. Hely Cress, the team
that held Harvard te ,T-0, fnces (ieorge (ieerge (ieorge
tevvn at Worceser, nnd nt the Natien's
capital. Catholic University will engage
Villniieva. The suburbnn eleven has net
lest a game this season nnd according
te Dave Ward, the former Villanevn
querterbnek, Allle's Miller's team has
nn even chance of beating the Washing
ton aggregation.
Bosten College Itattles Detroit
Frank Cnvnnnugh's Iiosteu College
team puts en an inter-sectlennl battle
ngninst Detroit nt tlie Hub Citv The
Hcanentcr.s huve three victories te their
credit, having xxen ever Itoslen Univer
sity, Providence nnd Haler.
West Viiglnin is sure te take Puck
ncll seriously in tlie gnme ut 'Morgan
town. The Lcwistewn collegians fright
ened Lafayette b.x scoring in tlie second
peiied nnd lending the Lnsteiiinns 7-0
nt hnlf time last Snturdu.x. Tuhbv
Spears, the West Viiglnin coach, will
send his battlers after Dm knell from
the first whistle.
There will be four games within easy
reach of local fans aside fiem the
Penn and Sxxarthmere fin.xs At the
Straw liritlge & Clothier field Dre.xel
Institute will line up aagliist Ucnrgc
Washington College, nt Haxerfenl Del
aware will battle Haverfeid, Ursinus
nnd Dickinsen will go te the mat at
Cellegexllle and at Chester the Petin
s.xlvania Military College Cadets will
encase. Washington.
In tlie West txxe Conference bnttles
bold the attention. Tbev me between
Michigan and Ohie State at Ann Arber
nnd Illinois nnd Wisconsin nt Urhann.
Nette Dame-Nebrnska and California
Oregon are two ether bis teutests
Dussoseit (8) . , .
Lewe ((t)
Spngiin (11) ..,
Wrav (li)
Yeiiiigstiuui (7) .
Little 111))
Miller (11 . ...
Scott CI I..
Heck (17)
Webb (111 right halfback
Cofall ill) fullback ...
Sub-tituies (Junkers, McLoughlin (-1). Mennhnn (10), Sehimb (IS)
Cmey (I.'.). Wartl (II). Maguire (1L'. Heferet-Moese McCurmlt-k Hucknell'
I mplre Colonel Briigg. Head linesman Dr. Henry. Startln- hour "in
P. M; pin. e, Phillies' Hall Park, l-'iftcciith and Huntingdon streets. Tlum'ef
perleda lfiiii.
Eastern High Will Meet Catho
lic High en Cahill Field
This Afternoon
A big inteicity football game will be
played en Cahill Field. Twentj-nintli
and Cambria streets, this afternoon nt
-'l.'iO o'clock. Catholic High Scheel, of
this city, will entertain Kastcrn High,
of Washington, D. C, runner-up in the
Washington Public High Scheel Uoot Ueot Uoet
bnll League last season nnd a stieng con
tender for the title this jcar.
The Kastern. siuad arrived at West
Philadelphia, station at 10 :'M A. M.
Tlie team was nicempnnlctl bv "War
hoop" (iiijen, their coach, ami Chnrles
II. Hurt, the principal of the capital
Institute. They were met by the
Alumni Association of Catholic High
Stdioel nnd taken en a sightseeing tour
of the city.
When iisked about the prospects for
today Coach Cu.ven leplied, "We xxill
gixe our best nnd should make n geed
showing." Weltzell, the big filllbatk.
and IIerMB. the tackle, were both left
at the capllel. WelUcll is under the
weather and the latter lias n broken
ankle. O'Dea. the center, will leplace
I let e.
The"! tuning of U.astern High te this
citv xxill mark tin- second time thnt mi
"outs tie" ilexeii has iiixaded Philutiel
phin in it-cent .xenr. Hioekljn Prep
is tlie enlx ether nggregatien from a dis
tant citv tlint will nppear beie this sea
son. The ltroeklvn bejs come ever an
nually te battle the Crimson and Gray
of St'. Jeseph's Prep.
Tlie "Senater." bnve lest only one
"nine this season. After taking three
"ti.iight fiem a tiie of the best scho
lastic elevens down below tlie Muson Musen Muson
Dixen line, the Capitel Hill team xvas
stepped last xveck by the Washington
Central High Mruad. " " (-1;"!'-"1
victory was the result of a penalty and
a fumble, which put it in nil easy posi
tion te score.
Captain Premier, of the Lnstern High
eleven, was the individual star in all of
his team' games this sensen He was
tlie big noise in the game with Central
also, even though his aggiegatlen was
walloped. An account of his exploits in
the Ccntrul game xvas printed in a
Washington newspaper the next tluy, as
follews: . , .
"Little Arthur Premier, captain aim
nuaiterbaek of! Kastern High Scnoel s
football tenm, carved his nume deep
into the lilsterv of scholastic foetbiul
xcsterdav. Although he failed te regis
ter a touchdown for Kastern. it was his
remarkable generalship and broken Held
running tlint forced tin- powerful ( en
trnl stenm roller te extend itself te the
limit te win.
"Tlie midget Premier found the
strong Central line much te His liking.
He bntl no difficult yt in making sub
stantial gains off fnckle and mound the
ends, but be was given little assistance
bv hi iiimilnj mates. He rammed
center, hit off tackle and skirted the
ends without once fnlling te miike u
substantial gain. Hut when he called
en bis bnckfield men for aid. in tb"
shadow of Central's goal pests, he found
the punch lacking.
"The pi-tit leader descrven in wth,
and bail Die ether backs given him the
right kind of snppeit he xxeuid bnve
done se eiisil) ."
Coach Jnk (Jreer, of Catholic High's
team, has hi bejs nil set te stem t lie
visitors' onrush. Oreer's eleven is made
up of green material. Willi the excep
tion of about two boys, the .veungsters
all are plnving their first xenr of var
sity football.
The lfev. Dr. Jehn Hemier, vice
rector of the l nthelic High Scheel nnd
lieiul of the athletic association of the
Institution, has made elaborate prepa
rations for the game. Programs have
been printed xvlth the statistics of the
pla.xcrs xvlth their numbers. Tlie stniuls
that were used by Ihe Shnnalian Club
during the baseball season, at Kert.v -sixth
and Urewu slieets, liax u been
brought Te Cahill Kleld.
Kwl mm 7!fc Mg7 - &smy
-,pft end Symbal
'eft tackle Handt-rn
'''ft k'uartl iJPH
,;f,,l,''' C. Shapple
right guard HueIk
ilglil lackle Kawatzke
'W't '''"' C .Shapple
iiiarterback Itenls
left halfback loiievnn
. vv ntis
Line-Up and Statistics
of Big Scheel Game
Ace XXelk-ht Heleht
r-l-nerl. left end IX
140 :I0'4
New limn, left t.lrkle Ifl
CiMMicr, left Kiiiirtl I
O'llen. renter IH
Cnlemnn. rlxht imnrd. 17
llrrzeir, rich! tinkle . 17
Hurrinen, rhtlit end . IH
I'render. qunrterbnek . 17
.1'ernn. left halfback III
Allen, rlnlit hnlflmck . 17
Wellrf'l. fullback 17
1.11 .1:07 Vi
150 fii07
1.10 S:0'
inn ni'i
mi n.e
no i:ieMj
i.ie r.:0Tj
i in .lifiii'j
I.IO .1:00
1(11 r:0
Axerniten 17 I.VJ
Snbntltiile Xleers, Curdell,
Atb nnd Mnlxkii.
.1:1)8' ..
U ebrr
lllfill Sflltlfit,
A it i- Mrlcht
5 -1111
felTVN . left end
SmIiiiiIiI, lef talkie
Cenwiiy. left Kiinrtl
H.irren, center
lleland, rlicht eunril
Scott, rlicht tackle
Sninlen, rlKtit end
Tux ler, qiinrlerb ict
Smith, left hnlf hat k
(I iinlnlnl
.Ill-Null). rlKtit hnlf hack Ifi
lllccins. fullhntk 17
Axernses 10 .1 II 11.1 fl-fl B:08
Siilislltiile Dexine Irnniird, Maxwell
rnsnltlx, XltCmiley. ( niniihell. (I'Cnnuer.
Ilvrne, Letter. Ilunllnc, I.esher, tennej.
I'rrrl and finten
Ileferet 1'rnnk Merris, fentrnl .XI i nun I
Trnlnlni; Scheel,
rmplrts I. I., r.llbert. VVlllluminn.
He id llnrnman I.e liny Deulhetl tr
sinus. Time of perledn 1.1 minutes
Larkln, Fermer Swarthmore Captain,
at Head of Visiting Aggregation
The Chester A. C, which held Coal Ceal
dale te n single touchdown ln-t Sundav,
will be llie opponent of the Conslio Censlio Conslie
hocken this afternoon at Conshehoiken.
The Chcsterites have the strongest team
In many yenrs and have an experienced
squad of former college stnrs, foremost
of which is r.nrkm, enptain of Swnrtb Swnrtb
mere lust year.
Hert Yeabsley fs the latest addition
te the Censhv eleven. He makes' his
first appearance tedav, antl he should
lit in nicely xxith such ether pla.xcrs as
I, likens, Kosotsky and Mackert. The
Chester eleven Is a heavy one, averag
ing ISO pounds, and they xxill endeavor
te put n step te Censhx's xviniiing
Their schedule Is th- haitlest of anx
team in the State, ns thex x-ill ijiet-t
Cenhlale, Kiankfei-I lleinie Millet's
Qunkeis and Phm mwllle in n. row
Tlie date for the Coaldale t lash has been
set as N'eveinbei ."i at Conshnhecken.
The line-up for tin- afternoon's game
fellows :
Conshehocl.en better
Itynn . left end t. UIhcIht
-Archer leftlnMe . I.urkln
I Ixlier . lefl mart! I.eUt
Mllehell . i enter . XXeher
Iliifft . . ihchtcnurd . Hewitt
Ileerlmr. . rlcht Imkle r.ir-tbiri:
linrrelt rluhl "-nd .. . Ciixiiii.iiieIi
flelxmlls ri'i.trtrrhirk .. Cnmiihell
l.uken left hiilHni-k Kishe,.
Iteselnkr .. rlcht liulfliick . Nitsli
Mutkert fulllmilt . . XVl.i,
Meets Quaker City Pres at Stenton
Field Club Grounds
The Northwestern eleven, which
hnnded Hast Falls a 11-7 defeat last
Snttirda.l, lakes ,n the (junker Citv
Pies this afternoon at Stenton Cield
Club grounds, Cb, w and Pleasant
Coach llejce is ib i idt'ill.v pleased with
the xxerk of his iijiui and expe, ts te
have no trouble in annexing the ihiuu ihiuu
plensliip of (ciui.iuliiwn He will
stnrt his line-up iniacl this afternoon,
but hns several m-w men who mux get
into the fray before it is ever.
I.. Ilnicken
.1. Ilolhferil
Himker ( It. I'res.
left end
lefl tin kle
left Kimril
rlulit Rininl
rlcht Inckle
rluht end
eiiurterliiit k
left luilflxitk
rlithl liiilfliixk
sen..) IT
Xlcf llllfll
W Inters
1 -en
' It. Ilmrken
I (I'llnnnell
i Andrea,
xx. Unit ken
Girl Invaders Tackle 1920 Philadel
phia Overseas Team Today
The all-Imli-h w. men's fuld hi eki j
tenm plnvs its se.-. ml yinnc today since
it-aching these sheies The inx.ultr-,
v ill plav the IDt-'O Philadelpbm '.v-r-seas
team at ihe Philadelphia Crick, i
Club, St. Martins
In the (list ;:n ne Thur-uij the all
Tllglish team smothered the all-l'lnln
tlelphla team of ln-t t n iitulii
shewt- e- 111 goals t. 1. The Hntou Hnteu
xvlll meet st niter uppnsitinn t idax
Oppes-d te the Plul.itleliiiiians will b,
the star of tlie r.in;lis- tt-ai... Mi-.s Lid
dei dale. The fnii vlsitm lix.-d i.n te
her reputation as tin- 31 cutest exponent
of the tame in Lii-.'I.ii- I, for in the gam.
en Thiirs.lav she -cuicd mi e of the six
teen gjuils.
The Ln'lKli tenm ins n splendid nt
tack and it will be .1 imeMien, in-haps
of hew well the Phil idclphians c-in
withstand the drive. Mis, It l-mlev
will dp goal tender for the Phil idef.
bians nnd she may be fnuetl te show
her best tactics in goal guarding te
Inxvnit the cffeils of the iiiviuleii.
"STAt-s" '
e-ce'r-r Photo.
Gridiron Rivals te Meet en Crys
tal Field First Time in
Five Years
Potts ...
I, inch ,
i;lnc . .
ll.irli" mi
lift t nd
left tut Me
left Kiiiirtl
rlicht eii ird
rich! t lrkle
rUhl end
lit irtirl, id,
left h:iiri,nck
rlclif h ilflnck
I l.'ni initel
, -tlele
set timid
I xlrfitit kin
l Kwlng A. A. and Ilelmesburg will
clnsh en ihe gridiron at Cr.vstal Held.
.Hhavvn stieet cast of I-'rankfertl ave
nue, for the first time in five jears
this afternoon, and the largest crowd
of the season is expected by the subur
ban football management.
Hiving last Saturday held Cnien. of
I heenlxvllle, te three first down nnd
the two touchdowns made bv Cnien
came in tin- first five minutes en two
costly fumbles. Hvvlng is being coached
by i r.t-iiign Utithrnufl, of th- Cniversltv
et town IIe snjs he hns the making's
of one of the best teams In bis present
1 HelmesbnrK has been give,, severe
, shaking up the st xvrek : several plav-
lmw. iTe, '".", ''"'I'Ped and newcomers
have been added The most inip.irt.iiit
wil h, rr7"lm"sK ''"" OI'v. who
tin... Ill I " ,,n" "f tlU! ,a,,,jl-' I"""-
irirfcA.'1- &vrehne
Muck Sweetlnnd xvill nNe start In
"'""rrexx s ..his,, and then? ?
miil.v tf ..xernl ether star, ,.' ,.
hand in tun.- for the trim,. I n i ,
the form,,- ,ll, ,, V ,:' ,',ml1'
tlnv's plimi, ,,,"' "l,'r last Matur-xx-
i- " Helmesbiirg nl-ixs ,n
Washington tmuennw ' ' '"
Lecal Team Will Tackle Geerge
Washington University Today
Couch M. V, V 1 ,s his I),,.,,., ,,,.,,
tute tenm en e,Ke f,,,- ,,. i,' " ''
-ceinl leatns , (",irk " z:r'r
"'" ri,rs,.1x nnd 1 ,st ! ' , ,'
rfiixe them s,u ,,il ","t t
Thexisitltl- tenm s re,,,,,,; fe ,.,..,,.
delpln.i with mi n.cptieimllV i
team. I,,,, (.,.,, M..A'' ..:'",
put one en ,P ,,,, , ,.,,,, 'V,''
visiting line ,,e,,,,,s,se ,:,;,,,: w ';
reu- slin,- ,xe,,,Ses is, ,,; '
Hrexel luis lln.e nu n x.,,, .,,,,, ' " "
"111 in l(,.. I it . ' "i" "ver
-I" III Itei.l. Iliiekuiiui ,d llenin,,,,
who might see sen,,,.. Tl. x ...
speed of (.,.-,.,,, )0( ,, it,.,,,, ' ' "
make up for this r ul"
'... I, . ..
in.- ..... --i.ps are ns fob,Us ;
S'n Iir x-l
Jl XI ii. il. i
-0 11 XII . r
1 M e 'tin
I XI . tjuiirr .
il .nn. II
in lnkl. i
10 vll.rH
n It l.hnr
s .1) ft n ml
7 XV It xiili.
t t . Ii lit .it
I n.i
b ft Ink n
l fl K.l 1 1. 1
t nte
.I'fhi uh
riKht Is.klR
I'M ,
' en-lrtl,,
IflXt Ull
IIUKll ,
Mul.. u.i i
Ml.. M
A. true
si ru,M. n
l"l.n,.s ,
I e..hi it-
I 'Hill f .1
'P. II 1-1 I..I, ,
l-ft lulflm. k
iis-hf h.lfh,iek
.i.ie n k
, .in- - iipiiiiip, i-nn t tr
1 mnl. v i,i
ll.nl lincHinun .1. hr. x
Hobart te Play Legan
11 tn Snnnel r llnh...
x.Kh IxiKHt. Ili'ilJn. ke.H
KlBhterth nnd Ilur nnd
', " xx 'U rlAi.li
I "BUn K-I..IH
? ' ,, L',rc', ir ,( ' J P-t
etr.-. n ktrk..rr
, I hs both
Hi.'. Ml, f.ir
,. !lilii
. .ri',1 ''"' 1
1. , Vl"'"' ,
I .-vlin.K-i e
I nt
I. xi. IT .11 in,
iruii in na.n 1 no. n( r
m. tr uunuu. ualtl. I. In
J Kit. in
tiers r. ,
Itn-lnn k
M' enH
Si....-.. H
. . Wl en I
lefl lit U -left
bu trj
rlRl.t k-11 .. I
Hunt 1 t kl
rlk-hi . n I
..Hint. . 1 , I
isht h 1 t .
I. ft h. '1
11) It
- arm
'U hll Ti . i I
Today's Scholastic Games
and Rcstdts of Yesterday
TODAY'S HciinntT.n
ISnntern High of AVnuhlnctnn nt fmhelle
High, Cnhlll Klcl.l Txxenly-nlnth Hnd I .tm
f I'prklernen Bchoel nt I'rnn l'renh. Prnnklln
Woodbury Hlrh at Atlantic r'lly Hlsh. Al
"llHrrlnliurtr 'Irch nt Ilelhlehem High
Helhlehem. .,
Wyoming Seminary nt IWhtehcm I'rep
Went fheater High at Wilmington High,
Wilmington. .,, . .,,.
lllHlr Academy at Altentev.n Itlgh Allen
Hu'lgern 1'rep nt Hordentewn Military In
ntltute, Ileniuitnwn ... ... .
I.ancnnter High nt C lalonvllle High
Temn Hchoel at IIIII Itcliwl, I'oiwlewn
Heading High nt lbunen High, Lohniien
Wilmington Hefres at V. I ! Mun
Moravian I'rep at Peddle Inntltute lllgliti
Went rheaier Nermal nt Wllllimfen
Trades, M"'lla
Yi:m:nn.vY'H nn.Hiri.TS
''nlliellr I-ngue
St. Jeseph'r prep, T Went Catholic fl
Inlernclitilnnlle l,engu
1'ranktenl High 1.1 tVntral High 0
Inieracmlenil'. I.eague
Haxorferd Mthoel. 3a St. Mike a She 1.
tjihnr flames
finarthmnre l'r-p 7. J'enti Charter O
Krlend' t entrnl 1a Haddtinneltt High ,
Oermunteuri prlends'. 13. nplscepul Afn 1
em. 0
t'heltenham High II l,invlnxn" Hluh
Oerrnan.eun Armlemv us. Uhratnut II 11
Aciulpin 0 I
Darlu Illjrh II Snnrthmnra Hls'h " I
,MofrrteM IllKh 14 Mlllxlll" HlKh.
Iladm.r HUli Se Tr. Irlrin Lusti n
HlKh 0
t'hetf.r Hltfh 2" Snli"Uinum HiBh "
L'ani'len H h T Nn h lit Iliixh. t.
Champions of Ceal Region As
sist Conway's Stars in Open
ing Pre Grid Season
The pre football season will In
ushered In this afternoon nt - :.'Ml P. M
nt the i'hillles' Hall Park. Ilrentl and
Huntingdon streets, when I.ee Con
way's Philailelphiii (jiinkt-is clash xvlth
Shenandoah, champions of the coal
Shinnndnnh arrived bt-tc last night in
the pink of tonditien .Mannger .lee
Sep.iult-v stated that his eleven has been
working out every day during tin- 7.1-1
week aftir having gotten ever the effetts
of their victorious battle xvlth l.uneas.
let- The Shenandoah backtieM will be
composed of Hush, fullback : Wrlti and
Iloiieviin, hnlfbaiks. and IIeiils. fpiar
terback This, eleven is purtieiilnrlv
strong mi the wings, with Cxmbal and
('. Shapple. lieth of Hies,, men an'
fast beavv and receive ferw.ud passes
In Heme Milb-r stxl,.. In the line will
be l. Siuipple at Center: Hnsei and
It... is. gunriN. nnd Snntleis mid
Kawatzke, tnckles
Captain Heitiie Miller Jed 'one of the
greatest arra.vs f talent exer gefti-n to
gether under one flag. Miller, of com en,
will be en one end antl I lake Hussoselr,
the famous Dartmouth end anil laptnm
of the big Creen team, will be en the
ether wing. I.nti Little, of Penn, will
be in one tackle position nnd Hull
l.fi'xe. J.afavette. will be at the ether.
The guard stations will be taken enre
of b.v two eiiunlly famous plover- .loe
Sp.ignn. of Lehigh, nnd Swede Young Yeung
strum, nnetbt-r product of Dartmouth.
I. nil 'Wniv. all -Aniei lean center of the
I'liiversity of Pennsylvania, will de the
tossing buck
Miller's team will be directed bv
.fehnu.v Smtr. one of the greatest plav'
ers in the Last, who received Ins col
lege football experience at Lnfavette
Stan Cofall, formerly of Notre I lame,
another nil-American elettinn. will be
at fulback nnd he will be flanked In
I'arcnce Iteck. Penn State, nnd Sam
Webb, of Lehigh, nt the halfback pest.
Tlie Quakers are well fortified in se, .
i-nd-stnis' materinl A big lnm.1. of
substitutes will be mil this afternoon
iuetig them will be Jiilinn.x Maguiu.
terini-ily of Vtllniie.n antl Inst .ear
fullb.i k en the Second Citv Tl oep team
lint plaxed indoor football at night in
the cavalry arinm v nt Thirtv -stcend
street nnd Lancaster ax nine. "Anether
'rack sub is Menaban who is nevx n
-indent at the I'uixt-rsil v of I'etilixl-v.-iiiin
He is net i 1, gible fur Ht-ismnn's
i-am l.ei ,i ,i. hi- pinxe.1 thrii xems -n
I ii - n I low cm i ,,. ,. Iii-.il m.i king
out with tie -ii iibs ,, I'lunkliii I'h Id
all -i i-"ti
West Philadelphia Eleven Meets Fire
Fighters in Grid Game
Tft- 'e-t riiilidelt.hu rmti. tb Wiir-I
ebxiti will tippesi the Dfulix ii-emen's
teiun in .1 football game lit Darin this
afternoon The ecn ind, ar,, ,,n ,
and antii n nte u x itrnrx
Conch Miii.'i-v Hunt of Knilrmr It gl
hns tin- siib.irluiu lad- "ii i tids nn I In
loe, leek- I -I fl w.ni.ini: g.il.e I'll.
game -t irt i,' ' '- k
Billiard Roem
James Hennessey, Prepr.
Cordially inu'tps you
te iMt his newly dec
orated Billiard Roem,
where you will find
the best of equipment,
first -class service and
the pleasant atmos
phere of a club.
Empire Billiard Roem
21 Seuth 11th St., 2d Fleer
wrciNa 1UDAY
Scheel Pupil.' Sej.ien Saturday Morning, '
10 e Cleck
Ihrce Scion Daily (Excenl Suntlny)
Lxpert. te Sharpen anil Adiuit Skate.
Cafe That Delight of Our Patron.
Phene. Pre.ten G10G, Weil 1704
Grid Fans
Only Half Dezen Faverites Ru .
True te Ferm en Scholas
tic Gridirons
Of the mnny scholastic fnvernt's. inn
six mine through with victories en til
viirnniH griuirens jesiernny niicriinen
St. Jeseph's Prep, rrankfertl High ,
(i'Tinnntevvn I'lientls, Mr.vn Mhy CT
Acatleniv. Itntltier I Huh iiinl (irrinan- -
..... ...., , v., ,,,1.11 lllll ,111,1 ,, II, ,1,1, 1-
town Academy were the teams thnt rai
irue id lerm. Tliev tlPlcnteil Wes
Cathelit: High, Central High, Hplsce
pal Aciiileiny, West Pnlliidelphin High
!i'rei.xfTi'lii-i:nstlnwn High nml Chest
nut Hill Acntlt-mv. respectivelv.
Ciblln's fnlltire te kick the ge.il lifter
touchdown mi, ndtl the extra point eon
West ('iithelle High n xitter.x m thr
gnme xith St Jeseph's r,,,, ,x (j,,
score of 7 te i! nt tin- P. It I J Y .11
C. A. grounds. It j the tlrsi ( nth
oil'- League gnme of the sensen St
Jeseph captured the climiipien-hip last
xt-iir. ..ml their win xevtenlnx put them
in a great position le cop again tin
Ihe Criinsen nnd (ira.x score was the
1 1 suit of n wpll-threwti and re eivetl
ferwnrd pass frmn Ihe hands of Cap
tain Ilreslin i Dlneen The ball vvnd
hurled from the West Cntbelic Isi-vnrd
mark Previous te this seeie Hlerllng,
the Hlue nnd White bnt-k. ceminitted
one of the costliest fumbles of the jenr.
Ihe oval get nuiix from him en bin
own .'!.-,. xnnl mark, ami when he finnlly
fell en it be xns itstinj; OII ,s ,vra
&-.vunl mark.
Nine! -Yard Toiitlidevvii Itini
'Ihe Illue and White tall cum in
Hi" third pi-nod. and was made en a
spt-ctiinilar !)(.. xm, run bx the snine
plav-r that ceinmitte.i the cn-tlv fumble
Hi.-rling. With the ball e vPt
athelli-'s IS-xnnl mark and in their
opponents' possession. lireslm nirleil a
fervvnnl pass. whl, xxus intejidetl for
Dlt.een. P.efiire the ball tlrepped m the)
latter s vmlting hanils. Illerlliig lenpe'd
into the iur. speart-il the bull mid. with
n cl.ur ti-l.l in front of blin. i.ned al
most the entire length of tin- field for
Hi" tmnhilewii Then . aim- the decitl decitl
leg point of the game, when Cibljn.
ni-rieim and ebnking. been-d (be hull
Ulllb-l the bar lliste.nl ,,f vei ,t
riankferd disposed of its foremost
rival in tb.. inters. Iieb.stic chninpien--bin
bx inking the m. u-un of Dr.
O Lricn's ('. ntial ebvn en linn- borne
belli b.x the s,.,,,,. ,,f j; t (,
SI. Luke's Triiiniplis
St Luke's ;,respe, ts fr taptuiing the
lntera.'atleniic title received u severe jolt
f i" i"ns "ll"'" '"'" ,'nl"l' h "nvcr-
...... .-.-, u. mi. new ati.iitien le the
league this season, b.v a score of Ik", te
L'wmg mill Odiene led the nttack of
tin- winners, each scoring en two oc
casions. S.-rnnten tallied the remnin
ing touchdown for the Mnln Liners.
MIdilleteii nml Jmnisen did the sc-erlnir
for St. Luke's.
Jerm.intewn Crieiid-. plnjing In (tu
biggest game f the seust.n, came
through glorieuslj and hnndetl Kplsco Kplsce
pnl Aenil-m.x n neat trimming, 1.1 te
, Ihe "v in for the Quaker lnntl
tuti.ii. kept im slate .lean ter trio sea
son in two xxn.xs-tbe team has xet te
be defeated and better still, has vet
te haxe its goal Inn trussed
Itndntir High. e.i-l,b red bv many
the b.-t team in th- vn-lnifx of thin
cit.v, ran irue te form up nt Ilcrwyn
and walloped Trclj fTrm-Lnsttevvn
High. Un te (i. Tin- .left nt for the Ber
xv j n bejs wtis tl.t-ir first defeat of the
speedhe,xs Trimmed
I'.rxn Athxn after bubling thr hip;
Ci ma! i-.i.ii te ,i -cerlcs ti,. net se
l-ng Jig", te.k en Wt-t Philadelphia
High .a .ihill I i.j.l. nnd .is was .-x-p.
i ted wen. Hi te PJ Ter u while it
leek d ns though the Si tlbexs would
nnncT the xiitnrj. but the bt.vs from
Hiiniingdmi Vnlb-x tightened in'the Inst
hnlf and .nine through with -i toutn teutn toutn
dew i nnd .. snftix. ji,st ennifSh te win
the jiiti..-
(i.-i in iiii.-w n - d. n i had an tasv
''' " ii i'l . i i ii IIhI a, , iv nnd
win n tli tin i1 t.L'iii.- wire tot i led th
s. eie w.is l's te (I I In Int. i i. ntlm.ip
iiggngntimi vi. i- ii.. i fir. t. I, txlentl
it-i ll and leek t lung- t a-
s iti.r.l n 1 te ! j
l.rmerlr I en X All-Xnier.r,,,, Tenm)
r i'hii.lics hli. puk
In U.i. ut t.,ii,,m-w. (.I,.. .v siMltlln.'.
V O 0 T H A I, L
Pennlvania Viruinia jj r
Saturday, Oct. 22, 2:.'J0 P. M.
likened sSeats S2 and $tie
General Admission 7.1c
!l!i" K..n.e "l'" ev.lmnieuhi, f0r
riti siiviw i.mi rx it i , Mn ,, M
r nn i-iii-i i k ..i, ,
svn llll i i. mm,, nt j ,,
m, in mn mi
I HI 11 til III 11 st ( ,, rs
-.11 I I M s VN l Oik Ml t,-t
Tit M Ts VT IMIN t.V s ,lt ' ,' ,' ,1, ST.
hk; lea(;i-k soccer
Tllll W III I .-. t i- m
run I lis,, hoi x, i, i xi .s. i i i im
Mirth, ,-t II. !, i rtl .,,, ,v ,,rU Ma
iie. rx.ii s. it. H-,i ,,.,i. iinii. .inn b l(;;
Rese Tree Races
Teda at Media, 2 I'. M.
(.rt-att-st criiss-i-fiiintrx horses in
I'.ast in t niss-ceiiiitrx rnct-.M.
IliK track xviniu-rs m flat race
.l..ils.liin Ii it.
l.r i. nl st mil l III Vutn
ill. .s ii M ,i.
s i.l.iilssli,,.. u,
"' "ll ml Kill xi
I iirt.lns srair. liirlltnltlT
Li ii.niU mil irt.til .Inn.l,
Bread and Bunbridje AJh
M.IMI Will MM, l( T SI
riixixiv. ,niK
n vi ii im, mi 1 1
nuniM. itiiissv
."IL'UIL" h ii ".it l(Kf'
. J'S h iit.ii.ni. .nif
V n
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