"tt'5 --- --' v'' rt.iy 11 . -. ' -'OSF, i W' -:.,' -Via., .- '.-.. ' "v.. ,'v rJ ' ..-'5- '"., " , . IiBpllBBBIIBIr EVENING PUBIIO LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATtJKttAY, OCTOBER 22, 1921 BOOKS A mnireinenil Fnrce find oIIim eIIim oIIim jTcr.leti of a Ilcek Oellrtlnr bjr A. KDWAnn NEWTON. ITIce II CAMPION & CO. 1313 Walnut Street JUST READY Imy Matilda By KATHARINE PYLE Auther of that Americnnr child classic, "CarcIeBB Jane." Lively rhymes illustrated by the author. $2.00 at any bookshop or from E. P. Dutten & Ce., 681 5th Ave, N. Y. fcl Rent i reu ihe New Beeks p vfeibxm. 'rl,m ... xs f Gal&worthy's ,f. - .6 . .T T i TO LET f ' ,"An ornament te a literature." y Philadelphia de. & nlng Ledger. SJ m mL At All Boek- g stores tg, $2.00 TO LETf "AlSert pagan in its beauty." ,& New Yerk Tribune, a y n I-. C :l . c Vs 5SW-U ".-) ETBELMTJELCS JVO"V7X e r-t? CHRISTMAS STORIES AMONG SEASON'S OUTPUT Stories for Girls .. 'rl'e Knliies, Kmlly Hcnyen and Ar Inir Allien, are out with tlicir nmuial book for ciHs. "The Luck of Dene Dene weed" (Century Ce.) In lllitBtrntcd by Mra. Knlnp. This new IJenewoeil steiy will certainly delight all tlioue who lend the catllcr volumes In the ecries, though It it in iteclf n separate Rtnrv and can be enjoyed without any knowledge of the in ler books. Denewoed Ik, tlireufth fumlly advcralth's, lurmd Inte a beard- J-TACOBS 1628 FOR CHESTHUl UBOOKS street inc school, but the cemlns of n trench cousin and the He.irch for a talisman btlnt, luck at hint. Marlen Ames Tngsnrt adds two mere te the "Jack in the Ilex" none, '"ilii; Hettlc Imp" and "Peppy's l'luck" (Georse II. Drnn (einpuiiy) continue the imppy adventures and adventurous lmznrds of four intcreHtlng yeunuhterf nt the time of llfe when mystic pans words, elubs, the secrets of the dark nltlc nnd the delights of a playhouse in the garden form golden legends in child hood's! life. Isabel Ilornlbreek has written i geed hook which will intere-t nil glrln be longing te the organization, and many who de net, In "Pumreae Lerry, Camp fire Girl" (Little, Brown & Ce.). It Is a wholesome) story of f-turdy boy nnd girl life in New England. The heroine, nlwas full of optimism, spurs en her father, an Inventor, te worthwhile achievement. "Paul nnd Itheda," by Fannie K1I- DM: :DM BERTA RUCK Wreto His. Official Fiancee and half a score ether favorites. Read her latest success The Arrant Rever DODD, MEAD & COMPANY, New Yerk DM: Publishers since 1839 .DM Ob The story of a woman who con quered herself. i At All Boekaellmra $3.00 G. P. Putnam's Sens New Yerk Londen Ethel M. Dell I tht author of "The Tep of the VelV"'ThTI(IlWTe,M 'ThLmplnth Pnert," Orilhert." Tht 8fety Curtiln," .The Hundredth Chence." 'The 6wlndler," The Recke of Vetpre," "Bere oflren," The Way efm EitIe,"etc. Wmm n:w,wuacEm"jH S3 A new type of mystery story by a writer of quick-action best sellers YOTE ej L aililcsU fellow i'ie feitunes of I'atsv, girl of the flurrn, as she fights her wav threvh .n .unaing web of msterv, adrenttire and in tiiene te her rightful statiuii in life. .' . Ml !- ..ii. . , Itt Tlin IC 1,1 anDlF-r... -.... U D. APrLCTON & COMPANY XL New Yerk &3SJ2fi 2SSmSESESi l . P w mtM .1 1 W 'fc "TwN. IjaiNelROM 11 KI.KANOU M iVfilMM ,.-)V n,shtly visitors, one n 'hiiur of .h end," the ether wiiTd and unreal," appear te "ojjer Lecke. Myhtery nnd '"nor grew until in a flash all is revealed. Even then one wendera whether "The thing" is occult or natural. Mils story hrinus a new 1 inrin te levers of the super natural because of its ap parent personal reality. ' 'ice $1.90 At All Boekitorei. JJJ-UIMMNCOTT COMPANY Leuss Jeseph Vance (known te millions of magazine readers) carries en Lanyard's adventures in Alias The Lene We! MICHAEL LANYARD, that detective made famous by Leuis Jeseph Vance, leaves the British Secret 'Service nnd nlmest immediately becomes the here of an amazinp mys tery. He recovers the precious Mentalais jewels in an ad venture that takes him te the United States. A new thrill in every chapter! Alias The Lene Wolf, at All Bookshops, 51.75. Doubleday, Page & Ce., Garden City, N. Y. bourne (Dedd, Mead & Ce.), is a healthy-minded story that opens up n fcenicwhnt ncclectcd field of juvenile fic tion hi ill school life, with Its fun and Mudy, its frnts nnd uoreritlcs. Ith out door uperts and it? dances. All these dements, In n glowing period of youth when boy nnd girl ero emerging into j eung manhood and young womanhood, with a lnrgcr sense of rcKpenclbilltieH, nrc combined in this attractive story. Ttntl. n ifi.-thi- i.M rii.....tv. f.i A.l.ll. JU VT1II.-I111R1 1111$ 11 IWIlUltlllR " her clever girls' stories, the newest of !l.(1. t iifrifc Tt.. i r.-A... HawbI DIIIWII ,9 1T.II. 1 tit llllll 11 1 U llfjn iitu.iij Willi Jiuj;. jvu, uii ai'wi . i''i ICnthcrlne. is n member of n family which Is always scattered. She Is te pay a visit te a great mint, and, arriving, finds the heuse closed and the mint gene te n far-off Western city. Then it hap pens that she learnt remethlny about n ical family t lint has domestic tics and joys nnd (sorrows. She Is "taken in" !y rntricin. and i'at and ncr nretiicr and delighted father and mother all level A ft nPTt-ift ti k r. inl'i, 4 ti tvwen eil A n e n ft t IJilli1. Ul'-in ' ' 1(1II' t 1111- IIVH3HMI e The result is a book that boys nnd glrl In their early terns will relish immensely. Fairy. and Felk Talcs There are wide Yuletldc possibilities In the season's output of fairy stories and folk tnles. Nene of the younger children ever refuse te listen te n fairy story and these mere grown up are rarely above reading a geed one. It is geed news that two of the vol umes of that erudite scholar and widely rend folklorist, Jeremiah Curtln, have been reprinted. "Here Talca of Ire land" nnd "Wonder Talcs from Itus sia" were first collected and published nearlv thirty years nge by Mr. Cur tln, Little, Brown & Ce. bring out new editions, with charming Illustra tions in striking color effects by Maurice Day. "Hew It Camp About Hterlcs" (Scrlhncr's) is Frnnk LJndermnn's book of animal legends In which many Inter esting things are told in the "lan guage" of the beaver, bear, lynx, etc. It has pictures in black and white and colors. "Around the Wigwam Fires' (Little, Urewn & Ce.), by Jehn Hubert Cor Cer nyn, gives attractively American In dian here tn!e-i, written in n btyle te appeal te children from f.evcn te ten. 6 6 f 6 fi )Cti(r(W) Westward Hoboes I By Winifred Hawkridge Dixen One of the "Hoboes' An account of a 14,-000-iuile meter trip adc b v two girls. tt: ! Te rr " I-4S V Vinrtv 2 i .. -e5h la&yZX llluntraied with C of the finest Western plfetO' graphs ever taken. $1.00 The map above, by the ether "hobo," is that of Texas leek closely and you'll see some things that happened te the "hoboes" there. It is cut from n map of the entire Journey, te sug gest the variety of this humanly and humorously told story. Yeu will have te read this eventually some nature-loving, or fun-makintr, or metering friend will insist. Ue among its discoverers! Charles Scribner's Sens () Fifth Ave., New Yerk 6 )'i(t( eJ Iitterlalcen Libaraiy A the fSIncc of T"P" ' ?d bk hm$lt& hKa 8ed artIclc of clothing, Is a source of satisfaction and economy. Fer INTERliKBN th Si ! T' Y" arc.,I,ting be ew SOmc f thc current boeka of importance that arc bound in UNlfcKLAKfcN-the book cloth that for th.rty-cight years has been noted for its tasteful color tones and sturdy wearing qualities. FACE TO FACE WITH UKbAT MUSICIANS by Charles D. Isaacsen A book of concentrated iltetch(: which miei wenueriuuv cieir undtntandine of many treat muilclani and ihclr wetV. $1 CO D. APPLETON &. COMPANY THE MUTINEERS by Charles Beardman llawcs A mvJ and itlrrini lale of the tea, for the adieniurouilniplrltandveunglnheart.$:,00 THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY I'UESS THE THEATRE OF TOMORROW by Ktnnclh Macgowan A meit careful icarch of the bibliography et the theatre eitibllihea the fact that Mr. Macpwan i work lupenedei ani ether book en the modern theatre. $5.00 BONI &. HVCR1GHT. INC.. Publuhrr, THE POISONER by Gerald Cumberland The unmi.al premlie iltn in tin, young ?',!.,S,'l "f'v work hat been mere than fulfilled In The Poiaenci". $2 00 HRENTANO'S, PuU.ihtr DAUGHTERS OF FIRE by Cctard de Ncrwt Cierird de Serial it an eutirjr.dinn bgurr In I rem li literature of the Vt Century and hu Daujhtera of fire crc mid rnd mucin A SI.A UUI.L LIBRARY LDITIO.S-Sl 50 NICHOLAS L. rWOWN. Pub'ulur PICTURED KNOWLEDGE rhee taiinatniB hoeka et ,lual initriuiien cover the whole ranae of knewledse repre. rnted In a child'i a.hunl vurk COMITON.JOHNSON CO.. Chuage THE OUIMRY MANUSCRIPTS l.dttcd by Horatio If. Dresner Tlir limeui original manm nrti of P Q'limby. nhiih h?is neier before bi I'u.'ii.nc.i iieij)i.i; THOMAS .CKUVniL COPANY JANE ALLEN-JUNIOR by Hdilh Bancroft Anether Inne Allen hook for girli by thu popular author $150 net CUI'1'I.I.S ei I.FON COMPANY THE JUBILEE GIRL by Arthur Preston Hankms A itery of carefree wondering with adven ture nt fiery turn and remtme In the ilii tatur ever beikemng enuurd $100 O DODD. MEAD & COMPANY RED MASQUERADE by Louii Jeseph Vance The itery of "The I one Welf'a" daughter, reliving the old romance of "The l.ene wolf" and what It led te twenty years after. Net, $1 75 DOUHLEPAY, PACE 6t COMPANY TWO CROWDED YEARS 1 he Intereitlng itery of Archbishop Munde- eln first twp eart In charge of the lecend largeitCathollcAtchdleceielnAmerica $1 50 EXTENSION PRESS, TuUulim THE BENT WIG by Dorethy Canfield Thla ti net story of rrees, but of a lerv dear nirl and of the home Influence which 5ve her a lasting imllnatlen In the right direction CHOSSET &. DUNLAP, TuHien HOWARD PYLE'S BOOK OF PIRATES Forty one Illustrations by I'yle, leienreen In lull color, make this collection of fameui terlea a perfect gift and a rare find ler the collector of beautiful books. $5 00 HARPER &. BROTHERS, TiiMnS-rs P. fen HISTORY OF ENGLISH. CANADIAN LITERATURE by Ray P. Baker The only Independent studi if a meit In teteitin branch of Lnchih liter itute HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM by Stephen Vincent Bene! The irry rank itery qf a ien eung nun, lollewing Ids .araer through irhenl. college, he army, and the tender i.ene et his ieung leie $1 90 HENRY HOLT &. COMPANY PEGGY IN HER BLUE FROCK by Eli;a Ornc II lute A wholesome story of trrrrrciibly l.appy girls in the ceuntty by the author of " 1 lie Uluf Aunt", en $1 5? HOUGHTON Mirri IN COMPANY THE FORD MOTOR CAR AND TRUCK FORDSON TRACTOR by II. P. Manly A complete explanation of the construction and operation of all parts of the Tord car the Ferd truck and the Fordson tractor $1 50 FREDERICK J. DRAKE ck COMPANY THE TORTOISE by Mary Berden I he story of a woman's ciueit of a great love. ' ' aitien passes in 1 ngland and I raiue. ALFRED A. KNOPF, INC., ruMJir MCGILL AND ITS HISTORY 1821-1921 by Cyrus Macmillan A irntury of McCiill University, from In humble beginning te the p.esent date JOHN LANE COMPANY, PnblineTs THE CHEMISTRY OF AGRICULTURE by Charles If. Studdart, Ph.Os This beik gues these facts about Chemi.try that a farmer nn rut te practical use In securing better iclJa en the most cconemkal basis, 2 50ne. LEA U IT-DICER. PuMu'iirs SEEING THE SUNNY SOUTH b) Jehn T. Paris A vivid portrayal of everything worth leein? in the Seuth, with a background of hlitetic and human interest $6 00 J. 11. L1PP1NCOTT COMPANY THE DAY OF FAITH by Arthur Sewers Reche An unusual, exciting story of American life by the author of "Uneasy Street " $1.90 LITTLE, BROWN & COMPANY MEN OF MIGHT by A. C. Bensen and H. If. F. Tatham Srudles of great characterilncludlngSecrates, Mahomet, St Bernard, i-avonarela, Michael Angelo.CarlBerromco. Fe'nelen, Jehn Wes ley. Geerge Washington. Henry Martin, Dr. Arneld, Llvlngsteiif, D, rural Gorden and Father Damlen. $2 25 Net LONGMANS. GREEN ft COMPANY THE BOOK OF ATHLETICS by Paul Ifithingteu A If arned. all-round athlrte has grouped the heat rh,f In a, a.. rn .H un... t .1 n 1 ,7 - -,. i.ii auwiu lviuil.411, baseball, rowing, sutmmlng, tennis, wren ling, etc LOTHROP. LEE &. SHEPARD CO. NUT GROWING by Rebert T. Merris An enthusiastic presentation of nur culiure with Intimate description of the processes mielved. $2.50 THE MACMILLAN COMPANY THE HUSBAND TEST by Mary Carolyn Dalies He ulna Urea of every day life and decides re see what is en the ether side Her cheue berween a irald laAer and delightful pjet i most unexpected $'75 net THE PENN PUBLISHING COMPANY THE AMERICAN NAVY by Josephus Djtiicls A complete and autherltatie huterv of the Illustrious record of the American Navy In the World War, fully Illustrated PICTORIAL BUREAU, ruei.sf.er, PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS ') Charles If. Gcrstenbcrg A concise, remprrhensive and human study el the fundamental principles and modern p.-act.rc in business $' CO 1'RENTICE-HALL, Inc.. I'uM,.r.er, THE ROMANCE OF RUSSIA by F.ltzabeth and Frere Champney The sometimes trauk, e'ten makniticr nr ak.a.s reinsnru stety of Kuu.i r n the "rll U-enuiri te the present day G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS. Put, ,,, HERO STORIES FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT by Seymour La eland Outs-andmg figures nnd eicnts deicribed and retold for young people The manner of telling and fide ty te erlcintl ideals con stmite the great charm et this beuk $ 30 RAND MCNALLY & COMPANY DIET AND HEALTH by Dr. Lulu Hunt Peters The best of the many currenr health book. brilliantly written, scientifically round and amusingly Illustrated Watch your might! THE RLILLY&LEE COMPANY THE LURE OF THE LEOPARD SKIN by Jesephine Hepe Ifcstenclt A stirring tale of adientute in that part of Afrha in which Theodere Roosevelt did his hunting for big game $1 75 FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY FOOD FOR THE SICK by Dr. Solemon Strouse and Maude A. Perry This boeVrells the patient or nurie hew te prepare foedi and ie help the phys.cian te effect a cure where diet plays a role W B. SAUNDERS COMPANY MY LIFE HERE AND THERE by Princess Cantatuzche, Countess Speransky, Nee Julia Dent Grant Reminiscences of girlhood including acceunta of Grant'i last riayi.and of Washington end New Yerk Secleti , of rraifla In Italy, Egypt, France, as Primes! Canta usene $3 CO CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS JULIA TAKES HER CHANCE by Concordia Merrel A breathlessly Intirfit ng, exciting itery of a girl who dared, $2 00 THOMAS SELTZER. INC.. PaH.if.ers JACK O'JUDGMENT by Edgar Wallace A most original mystery sterv by a matter of thu type of fiction Net $1 90 SMALL. MAYNARD & COMPANY GEORGE BERNARD SHAW, HIS LIFE AND WORKS by Archibald Hendersen Th s life of Shaw n as a lernng at Shaw's "n .w'i" It Is lull . f anecdetei, remark ably (rank for a lite written during the iub feet a lifetime STEWART 4a. KIDD COMPANY THE ELFIN ARTIST by Alfred S'eyes Mr Neies' new p, r r bptinget 191 and a ; te unpublished $! V I REDERICK A. ST OKI S COMPANY TEA CUP READING by a Highland Seer This is the hru bee. tSir hi, .. I,..- Published deal.ng ex, rly with Tea Cup ..-w.tta, ,,u iiciw Lcavei. $ 75 GEORGE SUI I written ilnce the c ' Jerpeemi hither- le I I ertunes by Tea cSi COMPANY - aw r-a ak-a-tl k I I A f P V T 1 Yeu may order any of the above editions from your book dealer with perfect -enf,,1.n .1 . l - .' . . no, only will wear .a,i,fac,erily but will add ?e th. aprlTef tfe?2& btk'.'Sfe iiiiKMVUiM MiLLb, Providence, Rhede Island TROPICAL HOLLAND ly H. A. fan Coenen Terchiana An exceedingly intcrettmi. discussion of the iiisteri, climate, reegraphv an i industries of fc;i!;hliIri:,"llel"nJ",l"','j UNIVERSITY Ol- CHICAGO PRESS PERSPECTIVE by lien J. Lubschez An elementary text en the prlnnplei and "t.ce of making drawing, ,rn perVp" me. D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY THE MELODY OF LIFE by Lydia Aery Coonley Ifard One of Mrs. Coenlev Ward'i three lelumei h,rgix,h$e2oJ'i"e,,l'ftd"u''j JAMES T.WHITE &. COMPANY Boek Clftfh aaaaaaaaaaaHl Hl' j-W""i it rrTTnFrTw -a Five Years of Study Before He Is a Printer OUR Union Printer knows his job. He had te knew it before he get S a chance at it. Fer five eng years as an apprentice, he had worked and studied under constant supervision. But the ordeal was worth it. He was a Union Printer at last a "college trained" artist. This careful training is another reason why it's best te buy printing from a Union Shep. In the early days of its organization the International Typographical Union seen saw that if the art of printing was te progress, some systematic means must be provided se that new workers could assume and further thc high standards set for its members. Se the present apprentice program has been evolved. The first step is te select the right sort of material for apprentices. The local union appoints a committee en apprentices, who carefully examines applicants te pick out the ones of highebt caliber, both mentally and physically. Thc course covers five years of intensive practical training. Every effort is made te give the apprentice an all-round training and te make him expert in every phase of his future work. Thc wisdom of this policy is apparent. Adaptability in an empleye gives his employer a mere flexible work ing force. It makes the empleye mere useful te the world and mere sure of employment for a specialist with no job in sight is one of the most helpless things in thc world. During each year of his apprenticeship the appren tice has certain things te master and the course is planned te be of progressing difficulty. At the end of every year a committee, quite frequently composed jointly of empleyes and employers, examines the can didate for thc printers' trade te sec if he has mastered his instructions se far and is qualified te enter the next year's instructions. This group has full power te ter minate the apprenticeship of any one who indicates that he has net the proper aptitude and qualifications te proceed with thc work. At the beginning of thc third year most agreements require that the International Typographical Union Lessens in Printing shall be taken. These correspondence lessens have been widely adopted and praised and contain practical lessens which raise thc work of every student te a high plane and usually take about two years te complete. In many cities a school for apprentices is maintained at which apprentices arc required te spend a certain amount of time each week. In order te insure that the apprentices be properly instructed, special care is taken te regulate the number of apprentices in an establishment te the number of full-fledged printers. This policy insures that the qual ity of the work be maintained, and it insures that each apprentice has thc proper guidance. Alse, no appren tices are placed in an establishment unless it has thc proper facilities for their thorough training. This apprenticeship program means something mere than just instruction. It insures the high moral fiber of the printers' trade. A man ha- te have grit, perse verance and intelligence te sr.-uve these five years. Xe wonder L'nien Printers de veur work better." Thta te (Jus trod. mark of T Et. Xlberu Printer . Pioneer Cratme-s of 110. Th Piston aJ repreeinsfe th tie- velevmntt of th) printing craft of teiav. What We De for Our Members Du-iiiK the period of seventy vears thaf the Inter national Typographical Union lias been in exig ence it has constantly sought te be of greater benefit te its members and te the printing craft, lhe wonderful Union Printer! Heme and Tuber culosis Sanatorium at Colerado Springs is main tained for its aged and diaMed members. It pro pre Mdes a pension for these who are tee old te sup port themselves at their trade A substantial burial benefit is paid upon the death of any member. In order that its workers mav increase their ability, a course of instruction lias been provided :.ud apprentices are given t vc ears' instruction and carefully supcniscd training )n order that the standards et the printing cratt mav be perpetu ated and furthered 'lhe history of the Interna tional lypegraplncal Union is a record of pro pre gressiveness and achievement. you would hke te learn mere about thr acrempHtfcmritf. , t atr,M of th, great, prearesslve nrgam-atien aiilrm th nrnr,,7 , , unbiased information m greater detail. The International Typographical Union UCnCral "eadquarters IndiaapeliS. Indi Philadelphia Typographical art it wf- IA .... n ' , ' : A m Ohe standard mum 1885 union && Ne. 9. i "" ' t w MB ; )