ii in pm ipupipn pup ffljSJSIKm ' w- r '"fcwwjs.vi rv'." wr '-'wiwarjf-,tr '' WtJ!3refs6,ri 'v? ' " "' m r" ' i . 1 1 eni i iiiiuuLii qminpwBiBBvi t r i i1 i. i. -i it nw, j.- t e I 8 EVSKING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, PEIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1921 Sv- f r If it I'" SEEK! CENSURE BRIIIH PEER Unionists Plan te Force Vete en Issue of Conferences With Sinn Fein ' "REBEL" TERM IS BARRED Bj the AwncLitnl Prrsi Londen. Oct. 21 Unionist mcmbers of Pnrllnmcnt linve given notice they will mevp wlint i equivalent te a vote of wnsiire of the Lloyd GcorRe Govern Gevern inent en thn ilay appointed for a 1W 1W cimien of IrMi mnttcrs In the Heuse It Is exported tlmt the lrih nffniri will be rentidtrcd earl next week, but the date has as t net been fixed of ef ficlalh. Tliet Itnnhed in thW iii.e tire the extreme I'nlenUts who alwnvs have opposed n conference with Unrep resentative nf tlie Dublin Government They de net eveed mere than thlrt or forty and it would appenr the mo tion thev will intii"hire lias little elianee of pnssins It in regarded ns mp mp tematic. liewever. nf the nt!- (infer ence, attitude -nld te bnv developed in Unionist rensflfucncies while Parlia ment wa1 In recess A further lndieatien of Unionist im patience was given ycfcterdny when about 1000 l"nlenlts were addressed by Austen Chamberlaln. He urged patlenee, and premised a mere complete statement when Irish matteis were debated in Commens At the elee of his address Mr Chamber lain was heckled He admitted tint he himself was author of the pro posal te invite the Sinn Fclners te n conference The Daily Mail said today there wns increasing hetilit en the part of Unionist members of Parliament and electors toward Unionist members of the Cabinet, and that it might split the party. "Prime Minister Lloyd Geerge." the Mall added, "is showing distinct signs of a return te liberalism, and an in creasing disregard of Unionist senti ment." Representatives of the Dail Elreann and the Itrltlsh Government met for en hour and a half this afternoon and then adjourned until Monday. Sinn Tela headquarters Jiore issued a statement today, declaring only miner breaches of the truce hnd been commit ted en the Sinn Fein side and alleging jcrleus breaches by the Crown feices These latter breaches the statement Rn.vs, were "net the result of Irish prov ocation, but dehniti'lj instigated ami encouraged b a high source In Dublin Cnbtle JAIL-BREAKER IS DROWNED Twe Use Leg as Beat After Escap ing Frem Prison Bosten. Oct. 21 (By A P.I Han Martin, a twentv-elght-vear-eld prisoner at the Deer Island Heuse of Cornctlen, last night lest his life in a break for freedom with another man. He was drowned trving te swim ashore from n leg which both men hud utilized as a beat Theodere Caplis, his twenty-twe-j car-old companion, wns taken from the water of the harbor in a critical con dition. Phsclans worked ever Caplis an hour and fifteen minutes before reviving hira. SPAIN'S POLICY CRITICIZED Conduct of Campaign Against Meers Attacked by Deputy Madrid, lict Jl (Ily A. I ) Spanish officers In Morocco were cilti ized sharply, mid the policies followed b the Spanish Anny In lighting agnitiHt the Moorish tribesmen were declared te be Ineffective bj Deputt Sol.ine In the Chamber of Deputies last night He asserted that untrained regiments had been sent te Mo.eeeo. that deneiiil Bei -cnguer, Spanish High Commissioner, and General Hilvestrc, commander-in-chief, hnd disagreed regarding opera tions therc, and that the decision te at tack the coast at Alliuc emas w. as absurd, as the tribesmen's fortes there were the strongest and bet equipped in Morocco. The Deputy said one general at Melllla had taken part iu lllkit trade in arms. Minister of War Ciena replied, de fending the conduct of nilhturv opera tions against the Meers. ANEMIA GERM ISOLATED Dr. Rantjen Honored for Discovery of Parasite and Serum Pasadena, Calif., Oct. 21. (By A. P.) Discovery of the ecm of per nicious anemia by Dr. Philip Ilantjen, former professor of bacteriology at the University of California, was an nounced here today en receipt of word f lem Washington that the American Association for the Advancement of Science had honored him for the dis covery bj electing him te membership. Mary Garden Back Frem Eurepe New Yeilt, Oct. 21 (By A. P.) Among the paasengcrs en the liner Aqultanln, arrived here teda, were Miss Mary Garden, director general of tht. Chicago Opera Company : Sir Jehn Hubeit Ward hnd Mrs. Ward, the daughter of Mrs. Whitclaw Held; Princess Hcnrlettu Savu-Gelu of Hit mania and Madame Themas A. Le Brc ten, wlfe of the Argentine Ambassador. BBBflflBBBBflflBBHBBBBHBflflflBR H. & R. Jewelers 2656 Germantown Ave. Philadelphia's m Up-Town Credit S Jewelry H Heuse J I'ime In and gg leek ever our gg emplete assert- g men t of watches m d .in.ends a n tl Jewelrj Make i u r selection with a small Initial payment and the bal ance can be paid in small wt,ekl sums . fliwn I'rl 4 slt. Krr I Fllitlit In. S lBBflflBBBBflBBBBBBEaBaBIBEt3 1 5 pv",',e I $35 Mrramllm Motif i 1? J $1 a Week a a 03 l n SI nnnnnnntra ffiliMMtt'KiraiBtUMKI Little Pig Roasting Hams 20? unmiruLU I In all our Meat Markets MOTfraiiiiHiKffliffiiffi; A Manly Oxford The choice and right of the manly $7.50 Sizes 3 te 5J4 te v j j ieiaertdaft lieat Shoe 1J20 CJiasinut St tr m ALL your favorite songs are here from the old-fesh latestihlta. Old or new, 3li enjoy them mere for OKeh' records arc better records. Ask Tour Dealer Fer - Ne. Hit My Bnnnr Tenne.,,, 85e t fBarltena Bole) 10 In. 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Overcoats 30 t0 H5 A full one-third below last year's prices with quality much better. This Fall's price range, at the R. QC F. stores, you'll agree is extremely moderate undoubt edly the most moderate in Philadelphia for fine clothes. And the fabrics, the styles, the tailoring all are of the superior type which the Kirschbaum shops produce. See our win dows and cemprre! Fine Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits - genu ine custom quality 0 mi inn iiiiii if - J Jt"ORT 1 1119-21 Market St. And Suits g flflflflflHflflflflflflflBk 'flflflflflK. BflflflflflflflflflflflBflr ? Ir you had been either of these women BflttaW jrL , r sSf' could you have Ira given him ? 'F you had staked all you had your youth, your fortune, your life's happiness, as Mimi Warren did, en one man's devotion could you have forgiven him when he turned te another woman? If you had been beautiful mysterious Lucretia Lembard, and had known all the misery an unhappy marriage could held would you have been able te give up the man you loved ? In the most enthralling story Kath leen Norris has ever written, she gives you, with unmatchable skill, the story of a man whom two women loved. Yeu feel yourself carried along in their sudden rush of feeling for each ether. Yeu feel yourself drawn with them into an unescapable dilemma of love and pity. Yeu hang breathless as the fate, first of one woman, then of the ether, trembles in the balance. Don't fail te begin this wonderful nov el in Pictorial Review for November. KATHLEEN NORRIS' NEW NOVEL 'The Leve of Lucretia Lembard 'm- Pictorial Review Fashions are always first Pet instance : the popular sleeveless frock, you probably had one yourself, was first shown in Pictorial Review two months before it was shown in any ether rriagazine.This is the style service you wish. Yeu always get the newest styles in Pictorial Review and Pictorial Re view patterns thirty te sixty days ahead of all ether magazines. This November issue with its eighteen pages of smart fall fashions, many of which are in full color, will convince you instantly. Pictorial Review patterns are 20c te 35c none higher. Fer many ether features of special interest see the November issue itself PICTORIAL REVIEW FOR NOVEMBER, ON SALE NOW i.i r I hr