Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 21, 1921, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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PfJK'ar; """".lfpfi""' : r
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j uir ui'i ifiii' i
FcKirNrFc;'ifK. '
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Organ Plnys at 9, 11 and 4:45
Stere Closes at 5
Stercf Opens at 9'
Chime At Noen
Wostef the New Fall and Winter Clothing Is at New Lew Prices
JL : . . I " " " I
I Every Piane Has Many Keys
! and Each Key Strikes
i different note. It is se with every human
feeing sometimes spoken of .as "a harp with
thousand strings."
,' There are new keys being discovered
almost every day' in every geed man or
woman. The affairs of life touch the keys"
that have been silent and a new melody of a
W gift appears, by which we may add a new
gong te our own life and te ethers. Very few
of us are living our full life as yet.
October 91, 1021.
Women's Luxurious Wraps
of Mele and Other Furs
' Very often they are cut en the same lines as a gown would be
for instance, here is a straight coat of the soft mele fur which has side
belts of wooden beads and a net very largwcheker cellar. This is ?67G.
Anether mele wrap is full of graceful curving lines given by self
bands which suggest a double cape. This is $400.
A third affair of the same fur can be worn straight or Meused.
This has a cellar of silvery chinchilla-dyed squirrel, and is lined with
ca'rk blue chiffon velvet, $725.
Still another mele wrap has a great square ermine cellar, bread
livers and a chiffon velvet lining, $760. , '
Then, among the Hudsen seal (dyed muskrat) coats, one secs
A model with-raglan sleeve and armhole te the waistline, heavy
rope girdle and huge cellar and cuffs of black lynx; price $850.
- One with straight mandarin sleeve and kolinsky cellar, $025. .
' And one with cellar and cuffs of the new beige caracul, $750. l
' Needless te say, these and all ether furs in the Fur Salen are
fiiirantced. ..,,.,'
" (Second Fleer)
French Flowers of Wax and
Soft-CeloredFruitsBloomon the
New Millinery
The new wax and glistening
shell-like flowers that Paris is
using en Whiter millinery
bloom en numbers of the pret
ty new hats in the Millinery
Even lovelier arc the soft
colored French fruits and ber
ries' that nestle en the brims
of ether hats.
Velvet, soft felt and duyetyn
arc at their prettiest with
these beautifully colored flew
er nnd fruit garnitures. And
especially in the shapes and
sizes and colors our milliners
have selected. ,
Prices pn these waxen-flower
and berry-wreathed hats start
very moderately at $15.
Smaller and simpler hats
and toques of velvet in various
colors, especially designed for
matrons, nre $10 and less.
(Hrcenrf Fleer)
Paris Has Spoken the
Werd Regarding Velvets
And, in consequence, it is
season ets gorgeously beautiful
velvet -gowns, mantles, evening
wraps, tunic blouses and hats for
every hour of the day.
Velvet, however; is a silk that
one chqeses with the greatest
care. The quality means se very
much and it always pays in the
We are perhaps overly par
ticular about the kind of velvets
admitted te our stock. Anether
thing women are always sure of
a splendid assortment of the
most desirable shades te cheese
from. They are marked at only
n fair profit.
Plain and paen velvets for mil
linery purposes and for trim
mings, narrow width, $2.50 te $4
a yard.
Plain and paen black velvets,
narrow widths, $1.75 te .$4 a yard.
A flne chiffon veleurs, all col
ors, also black and white, tl
inches wide, $8 a yard.
(First Fleer)
TpEOPLE going te Flor Fler
JL id a arc taking field
glasses or opera glasses
with them. The first may
be had in the Optical Goods
Stere for $10 te $100; the
second for $6.50 te $30.
(Slain (Jullrry)
These Are the $47.50 Coats
That Se Many Women Like
A hrnnd-new shinment of thorn has just come and all the colors
are new here Malay and tortoise shell brown, navy and black.
They are made of a geed warm all-wool velour, silk lined through
out and then interlined. There is a large square cellar of dyed ceney
fur which may be iasteneu up te tnc tnreat, or it ioeks equally wen
lying flat.
" A decoration of silk stitching is en an inset panel down the back
and below the pockets. The belt is very nnrrew.
Such a coat as this is suitable for almost every occasion that a
tfeman would want te wear it.
(Flrat Fleer)
Women's Tailored Suits and Three-Piece
Costumes Specially Priced at $35
The 200 and mere garments comprised in this dispersal include three of the most
desired modes of the -moment.
(1) The smartlg cut coat and skirt suit, with or without fur cellar.
(2) The popular one-piece sleeveless dress with well-tailored silk-lined coat te match.
(3) And a cleverly tailored one-piece dress, with or without sleeves, with a modish
unlined cloak ta match.
elude imported and domestic
tweeds and hemespuns, cheviets,
wool jerseys and worsted suitings.
Nearly all these garments
were man-tailored in our own
workrooms. Tailoring and finish
are of the best. All the coats
are finely silk lined. Many of the
suit coats have cellars of Aus
tralian opossum.
The materials throughout -in-
All the geed street colors art
embraced, including "browns,
grays, blues, tans, oxford, raisin,
ngatc and various mixtures.
(I'lrst. Fleer)
The sizes go from 34 te 40.
And the price of $35 is ic
markable for any garment in
the collection.
It is altogether an uncommon
opportunity for U00 women te
outfit themselves in a well-tailored
street, business or sports
costume for a small sum.
Spangled Scarfs Frem
..Srmnsrled with jet. frosted with -
pearl bends, shimmering with' se
quins hard te say which of these
scarfs is lovelier the all-white,
the all-black or the black glitter
ing with color.
The uses of such beautiful
tilings are many this season
te drape about the shoulders of
in evening gown, or even te
itriakc a glittering ever-gown.
They are 2 and 3 yards long,
mite wide, and priced from
$13.50 te $75.
(.Main Fleer)
Breakfast Coats and
Evening Petticoats
The first are made of change
Me colored taffetas, trimmed
i-Mivith tabs of the same silk picot picet
SBedgcd. There are several colors
lnd the price is $18.50. Other
breakfast coats are of plain cel-
vicu Blum diuc, pinK anu C;open-
Hgen, $7.85.
The second are mude of white
nd pink satin chieflv the first
j3yith laces, ribbons, bowknots and
sJfinsertiens and prices are $5 te
2l fTlilr1 l'lnnt
31 .
Dainty Dimity Blouses
Wern With Sports Suits
And tVim n 4l rmfrtvltA
. v..j n; WJlu IHUIIMJ
I0I0UI9 tn U'An 1 umj-1si eii'Anfnfa
Sp10, The cellars, as a rule, are
i; mueh-liked Peter Pan style,
. 2 -Pointed cellar with sailor tie
-.v.. ie very goeu.
Fer ll . i. . - .r
- - ..; uiuuii who nreiers
ifrcntest simplicity, there are
y!" w'in only n narrow pleating
If thfi lr,...i..1 n '... , ..
.- ".- mi. ur ene can ruive
wet edging, rickrack braiding,
,.? P'a'n pique cellar and cuffs
"ui anything.
live vpi-v r.v,.fi.. .,..!,.
In .
(1 Mint Fleer)
M ffAY Dln8 Wltn Pe"dants
3 IX Ore one nf the nlmrm.
g 9 details of the toilette
S3 Via esnprinllti Ul-,,,1 J... tl.
m t-"-f "fidi uy tile
3 vemen who like dangling
g 'Vjcta, but de net want 'te
W if with earrings. They
5? 2 of imitation jade, in
S tejes and ether designs,
&50 P' (U t0
S3 (.MhIii Fleer)
s2l .
New and Youthful
Cellar and Cuff Sets
WhitL. l ........
Sltn i"M" " iinvutui-uuiui'
., "iiiiemereu by hand with
0lUr .or colored polka-dots. The
fli i e u acK nna trout.
-' fi 10 $y.
(Main 1'letr)
Fine Gowns
and Geed
at $28
There are only sixty gowns in
this collection, and they represent
an unusual special purchase. Their
duplicates in style and quality are
in our cases at from $11 te $42
mere than tomorrow's selling price
of $28. Nearly all of them
worth double and mere.
They are very fine Canten nnd Russian crepes, nanne
velvets and satin-backed crepes, in black, brown or
blue, very beautifully fashioned and nothing short of
extraordinary for this price.
Sizes 14 te 20 are included. We predict most purchasers will
want mere than one.
240 Topcoats at $28
Geed-looking, warm winter coats of soft wool velour, in shades
of brown, deer and blue, made in belted or loose-back model
topped with beaverettc cellar, warmly interlined and lined, and'
very exceptional value at ?28. Sizes 14 te 20.
Girls Coats With Big Opossum
Cellars, $28
The last we advertised of hese went out in u hurry. They
nre of soft, thick worsted, in pretty shades of deer, brown, raisin
or Sorrento blue; nicely made, well lined and warmly interlined.
And the big cellars of soft gray Australian opossum are well
calculated te keep little daughter warm up te her very ears.
Sizes G te 14 years.
Frem $11.50 te $110 there is a tine collection of coats here
for girls of G te 14, the coats with fur cellars starting at $14.50,
and geed chinchilla models at $18.50.
(Srrend Fleer) '
AJVemen Want the Best When
Cheesing a Coating
Tlip iifw fntdiinnnhln enntincrH
have been designed with this end
in view, and they are certainly
the loveliest fnbrics ever in
vented for this purpose.
Take, for example, a nev
"kasha velour." It is a velour
raised te the rank of a fine bo be
livia, and it is most soft and
beautiful in texture. The price is
S8 a yard.
Plain veleurs in all the geed
colors and black and in various
- weights, $2 te $4 a yard.
Fine all-wool duvetyns are $S
a yard and silk-and-wool duve
tyns $14 a yard.
Belivias, which arc among t In
most popular of all, are $6, $f),
$10 and $12 a yard.
A new camel's-hair ceacing in
the natural color, but shading te
a darker tone, $7.50 a yard.
Fine Gloves for Women at
Prices Uncommonly Lew
Every glove in this collection is perfect fitting, well made,
of geed skins, and specially priced for various reasons that have
no bearing at all en the quality.
Mecha gloves, one-clasp, gray only, at $2.
Fine French kid gloves, two clasp, with wide centrahting
embroidery nnd hem; black with white and white with black, $2.15.
Imported kid gloves, two clasp, in tan, heaver and brown,
Leng French lambskin gloves of geed quality, white only, in
12-button length at $3.50 and lG-butten length at $4.
(Went Alii)
Women's Pleated Plaid Skirts
Specials at $20
Curiously enough, although the material is a fine all-wool prunella
cloth Jn plaid pattern, the pleating gives it the effect of n stripe.
That is only ene of the new fashion features of tlie.se pretty sports
skirts. They are all pleated, some are knife as well as box pleated
and a number nre finished off with narrow belts.
The colors are lovely and the most desirable ones te bu had.
(First Fleer) . "
A Dainty One-Strap Black
Slipper at -
Patent leather or black satin, with low' French la-el, medium tee
and ene buttoned strap. The patent leather model is perforated en
Deth are uncommonly tlninty and well made.
triMt Fleer)
vamp or ulrap.
Half the Halloween Fun
Is the Candy -
There is a fine large Surprise
Pnckage that the children (te say
nothing of the grown-ups) would
just love. It is appropriately tied
with a bright orange bow and
decorated with a black cat for
luck and it centains:
One pound of chocolate-covered
One pound cream mint;
One pound chocolate-covered
One pound abserted crisp
Besides snapping bonbons.
. Ocht of 11 it only costs $2.
Other appropriate candies for
Halloween nre fancy clips in deli
cious fruit flavors and vanilla
crenm almonds, lieth nre 70c a
llluun Mnlr Mern
A $3.75 Manicure Set
Has Many Friends
Men ns well as women like this
particular set en account of its
many geed qualities and for its
moderate price.
It has nine fittings, all of excel-k-nPgrade,
and it rolls up com
pactly in a leather case te go into
a traveling. bag or grip. Other
lellup manicure sets, from $1 te
$13.50. . i
(Mnlii Fleer)
OlAM PLE undermuslins
kj from the Philippine
Islands include some un
commonly geed envelope
chemises and nightgowns,
all fresh and new, at
sample prices. ,
(i:nt AMej
Best Gloves te Buy
for Children
Capeskin gloves in tan, beaver
or brown, $2.1e te $2.50.
Mecha gloves in tan or gray,
$1.75 te $2.
Weel gloves, 75c te $1.75.
Fer boys with large hands (or
men with small hands; we have
a youth's glove in tan or brown
capeskin, one-clasp, at $2.50.
(Mnln Fleer)
Men 's Clothing Makes Its Own
Character and Gets Its Reputation
There's a difference.
Character is what you arc, net what people say you are.
Reputation is what people say you are.
Naturally it takes some time for your reputation te become the tame as your
character. It takes some time for people te find you out se that they can appraise you
exactly as you arc.
People have been GO years learning the character of Wanamaker clothing.
With the result that its reputation is new the highest in the country.
New Fall suits and overcoats start at $30.
I (Tlilril Vloer)
A Running Mate for
Jermyn Street
(That fine, soft hat for mc )
.Jermyn Street was a hit from the first. It
seemed te Be just the sort of soft hat man;
men were looking for, and t was moderately
Xew we bring forward a mate le it in another
fine soft hat of somewhat mere generous preper- ,
tiens for men te whom such a shape is mere
becoming. The price of this new hat is the ame
as that of Jermyn Street $6.
(Muln 1'lueri
Handkerchiefs -Special
at $3 a Dezen
Only one thing is the matter with them. We
can't keep these handkerchiefs any time in stock
they are se tremendously popular. Occasionally
that means that somebody is disappointed.
- They are every thrend Irish linen and luivc
a quarter-inch hem. $3 a dozen.
Hie! AInIi-i
Men's Half Hese at
Special Prices
40c a pair for seamless silk half hose in black,
navy, champagne, cordovan, Russian calf, white
and gray; "seconds."
50c a pair for shot-mixed silk plated m black
and white, black and green and black and brown.
Gec a pair for full-fashioned silk in lurdnvim.
Russian calf and Miede; "seconds."
(Muln 1'loer)
Men's Stiff Cuff Shirts
Pleated and Plain -$2
Here is geed news for men who like shirts with"
starched cuffs and ethers who like shirt- with
plented besoms.
An excellent grade of fast-color percale v
used in these garments, which are as fresh and
lean a let of shirts as you ever saw. The designs
and colors are particularly pleasing and $2 is a
small price for them.
(.Muln Meer)
Men's 50c Neckties
Net only plentiful in numbers, but plentiful
in choice. Stripes of many sorts and geed figured
designs, (reed materials in these neckties, tee.
(Muln fleer.
One of the Newest and
Smartest Shoes for Men
that we have seen in a long time has just
marched in.
It is a high brogue of tt.n Xerwegian calf--kin,
with soft tee that has a perforated tip, per
forated vamp seam, large brass eyelets, rawhide
slip between soles and low, fiat heels.
Any man that cannot tell by this description
what a smart shoe this is should have a leek at it.
S15 the pair.
(.Mnln Kloeri
Babies' Bed Quilts and
We have received some of the
lightest, warmest little uilt.
made in Japan, for bassinets ami
cribs. These of messaline and
Japanese silk an pink and blue,
fat and puffy, and sometimes em
broidered; their prices are SG.5"
te $10.
Japanese Baby Bunting.- are
also pink and blue and S.".5n.
Japanese wrappers for babie
are of a novel (lowered satin as
well as the usual plain satin aiui
Japanese silk and nve $5 te $y.50.
(Third Vloer)
Geld-Encrusted Glassware
a Jey te Gift Seekers
Wlmtewr is bright, pmty and -ji naiuental, but net expensive, i
bound te be popular as a gift.
Ne wonder then that geld-em ru-tcu glassware is se popular with
buyers of wedding gift.-, because it i- all of these things.
They aie delighted with our assortment, in which there are
delicately colored pities as well as these in uiicolered crystal, all beint.
tastefully ornamented with geld.
Cracker and iheisi dishes.
$5.50, $0,541, .10.75.
Handled sandwich tras, ?5 te
10 each.
Mayonnaise sei, .:,., Mi, SG.jn
te $10 a -et.
Bun bun dishes, $2.50, $3.50
md $5.
Flower bowls, $5 te $'J.
Flower vases, $6.50 te ?10.7.V
Water iutrs. St!.
Candy jars, $4, $G and S'j.eO.
Since Prices Came
Down en Leather
the demand for these bag ha
increased. Fer a while they
had lest ground te fabric band
bags. But new a woman can get a
geed ooze cowhide envelope
book for $1.50, or one of glazed
pin seal for $2. And from
there she may ehoe-e from
scores of geed styles, in vari
ous leathers, at prices ranging
moderately te $3.
Chiefly flat shapes, as fash
ion favors new, nnd m Autumn
colors as well as black
(Mitln l'loer)
(I'nurtli l'loer)
Pege Games Tomorrow
in the Tey Stere
All .lav-l,.mg Europe is Poge-ing, and America is taking te th
new game hilariously.
Tomenow's program of Pege Sports in the Tey Stere include- k
Petate Race, a Relay Race and ether annismg competitions, te be
followed at :J:ye uy a Pege Soccer Game.
Bring the cliil-ueu along -the games will delight :.eung and old.
i'mhiIIi rienr)
Children's Footwear in Black
and Black-and-white
Buttoned shoes with white buckskin tops and black patent
leather vamps, sizes 8.. te 2, priced $7.50 te $8.50.
Buttoned shoes with patent leather vamps and black doth
te'S'at $t!se. J t0 ll "' " WUh b,Bck k,d "i K lit
$5 te'$8a h,,eS blt,t'k "UMiU L,,llfskin' b,zeh 8is te II, pMt-utl
and kid tp! fii' ."St a!ltiVWtU lWnt lenther Vnm"a
Laced shoes of black Russia calf in sues -Ji... te 7, at $7 50
(Tint Fleer)
rt ' Are Beys' Suits
and Overcoats
Tliej are of the best quality known in the enu of rd'--te-wear
clothing for boys.
The are intended te appeal te poepie who believe in things
of quality and are never quite satisfied till thev hure found
These sUlu nilll ..vcr-ceat. are priced as low an the beet
ready-te-wear suits in America can be.
Norfolk style suits at $10.50 te $35, in aizes for boys of 8
t' 18 yenrs.
Norfolk style suits with two pair of trousers, in very geed
selection at $16.50 te $88.
Overcoats, a wonderful selection, in every shade, pattern,
style and weave, at $10.50 te $46.
Fabrics, tailoring, cvervtlnnv nimnr u ,
i, ,,fc , , " " "-" 'iw amis ,(uu o"cr;:eat s
Itettl, and prices much lower than in many ears.
! 1
(oecend l'loer)