rWMy&W'ppV?w Pll, t S I I- 1- w. PARCEL POST INSTALLATIONS Of ALL KINDS Eillmalf" Oltrii. Werk Guaranteed1. BISHOP & CLOUD f nih St. Phnne Wnjnnl 372f Phonograph Needle g2tifcr Flays every make record. Every word cltiir and distinct. Ten clearer and sweeter. Will net Injure any record. Last twenty tears with average use. Satis, (action guaranteed. Price $1.09,' C. O. V., 10a Extra. UNION SALES CO. ,!&. AUtP lO kYAil ,,. OUND la the Attic Thle Old,, Jjrtkrn TJe'l It Wi Re. rralrtxl Ttira I Wr Hy Xtn mte . HMDS. BUOA. JB&B33L WO, SNYDER'S MAIL ORDER HOUSE 808 (W) Seuth St. Philadelphia, Pa. FREE SOUVENIR FREE Mntten "Public Ledger" when order ing hr mall nr.bulntr In store and tet souvenir. Deuble-Barreled Gun, Hammerlcas BIue Barrel Price, $23.00 . Tted with nltre powder, malted ex linilnn rib; rlttht barrel mertified: left bmel full choked hatnmerless; top lever and belt In one piece; cell sprlnici, rase Ur4(lted frame half pletel grip, check red, rubber butt plnte; 1L'- or In-gKtiee. Mid. hy Ntevrna Arms Ce. 12.Gaugc, 30-inch Bnrrcl Hammer, $18.00 Tarrel Pest, Mc I'.itra Firker double-barrel hammerlest, I3X0 barrel SA0.00 rtlD, II. hammerlesa. 1230.... 8.75 L. A. 8mllh D. H. hammerlcas. . 40.73 Ithica U. It hamtnerlets, U :tn li'.Ou Flin D n, hammerlese. '"tn MUte $30.00, 25.00 Etivtnt hammerleta pump sun. 1SM ........33.00 Wlnehnter repeating ahetaun (1S071 jn en fKinintten lihfunierleaa I.'-euiiBt ' rerin!r .helmin .. 4s,ne ElDirle.barrel shotgun, 1210 gauge a.OO Hamilton a2-cal. rifle 3.00 fttvena repeating 22-cal. rifle 14.00 nlncheiter repeatlnr 22-cal rifle 22.00 Parcel Pest en all above. 23e extra. Bey Scout Birgles Imported from Germany, eelld brass. Complete with A rrsl bueie mil tnn.t l. bAn . i ppreclaled. """ '" "' PAKCEI. POST. lOe llXTn. Price, 98c $3.00 Beys' Bexinsr Gloves we n u 1 ne leather. Mlh well re-enforced Full nEP0!"1""', VALUE. $.oe !;: IS is'"ev" " "o'lenal fight PAflOKL TOST. lSe F.Yrit I-R(IE n , . ------ HI7.E wiuning eng Qenulne leather, double stltrties. wlta Pure gum bladder. Will stand herd wear and one of our " bargains. Loek Just like cut. Price, $2.59 Heys' Slxe. fl.ea Canvas material. Parcel pest. 10c extra Rugby Football n u I n e heraeMde etner cnv.rlnr ulth n parsnteed pure rum JiV11":. w made '? will stand hard "ft. Leeks like cut. Wir at once. Price. 98c Belter quality Burhv $1.98 ' UAmiln. ...... n ..-- football. lliJe for the government Price. S3.59 PABCEI POST. 10c EXTRA Soccer Football or Basketball Oenulne leai'ier covering with nure gum bladder. Well re-enforced and protected for hard play. Genuine bargain. 1 u!l site. Price. $2.59 W ."COLLATION SIZE. I8.B0 PARCEL POST. ISO EXTRA German Imported Draughtsman. Drawing Set 1.1.1'ieen n e,. TnJIruJj'l! .'V? $." box. ..... ...,. ,ur, nccmacy, . Price, $7.98 Piece Imported drawing JL: !". .. .....$4.08 '"" iniDenea ctrnu-inn- let 'J'ec imported German sill 1.19 r winK set 9.49 'Piece imported dra vine; itt Jlece Imported' Vet' '.'.' 2.98 .95 "W lest. IQe extra en .ill bore Imported German Watch lL,rf. ' .. real time. .' tn h,A.,.l."."" wrr M Bltln "",ni' ""', Price, 98c 3uJ I a. .. R0AU,aU Lrder H0U8 8S?,W Seuth St. erd.,JIade,Phl". P. CMM..:iar Diemntlv .11..4.. .. .. r ' w "tit. thkclt or WW order! -W" Ci J, mil N- " S 8B (j "VP r ." if If ' J " eama, JWU !5r B reed pad- irVKanaalB !lc. Coys' 111 T M 2.49 ZiA & MnTrk. ttm Si7 r ! IPSA AND rOUKB "'.J-lVn!'0.'' ,,fra lu B 2" !-" Mt. ma'pW. Mf.. ninra,l O, P.. L.. EARRING- list, Thursday) Oct. l!i. cryetal .. .".''. HI p. "appnire earrinc. newara u turned te Cnldwcll, t .'' HHHVPII, . jiu.-vBir- -A Hum of money wai found at the tnedlml nie;ilp(f nn the top fleer of the Rellevue-Stratferd Hetel Wednesday after ".!!": T .ywner m"y recover earns after Wil llntincntlen by communicating te A 833, ledger Office. ""AHl; Lest, aniall mink acarf en Spruce '.between 20th and 2lat t.. Thursday morning, neward If (returned te 100U Bpruee nurrti Watch Lei WATCH .watch) it. it, h m -.' rncn.faee eM I numb.r stamped In case 18543, iKUVrAn nn 4II. , -.... .! mm ntit !, of case IE. N, U. A flberal reward If r. lurnen 10 j. ,t. Caldwell Ce, PERSONALS r"B , OYSTKIl BUSINESS of Jehn T. wiinV,h,B.01?. Mh ' has b8n sold te W ".Wl MJer. Present bllla fop pay "!?".' .,b.:.ferB, Oe,.t 2nt- te William Itearden. -ti.-.'n:il ,'. Allegheny ave. lOUNO WOMAN desire assistance from re. .- . W'P l0 rntlnue study of music: fil.,rurn'"!? b"t of roference. both from -..-...-I mm ninrr. .m in.a. i,n,r nrnet. "AVID APTEKMAN. 111? S. 21st St.. sold his grocery store te Isaae Levitt. Credit. or cn.ll 334 W. Olrard ve. till Oct. 27. HELPWANTEDPEMAIiB CABIIIEll We. reaulra the services of several ther "uanjy experienced cashiers; will tav high will Dv 111 Kit Apply at once, eder, nth and ;'; i cwinpenni women. Apply at once, ....(Mujiirub utuc?. tt ranK eei ..nirwrt Bl m . UIM'.D?u5fll0 T Experienced white Prst- J?I5nV. w?!SSh ",JnflUhi full care of ;-I",.ldif,ftl1 en.atrcs best rtf Hill Navallne at.. Chestnut "JOCOLATH COATEftH. exp. enly: aieady .v..n.,.iUu ny, t:nring nig. 3B43 waeai a, CCi?'li? n1 dewnetalra work, colored; ref-i.i5.- t'"l"''l- 200 Wynceta rd.. Jen- ' DIKTITIAN and housekeeper wanted at once Office 8Ul,urban ne'Pltal. V 203, Ledger aim., exp., required for gen. housework; reference Apnlr 12 te 2 at 14.1t Hnruce t. UJHt, wantd; small family: aeartment. AP- My m.n ierK roan, pnone Wvemlnc nil HOUHJiiweRK airl te work 2 flaye a week. .whW.J?r ceJfed. Frank Hlegfrled, N. W. cnr. I nth and .Tohnslen sts. I.V3PECTRES8ES v J.rAnJt 9.t(Ser requires the services of sev ers! Inspectresies eer 1,1 vears of ae Ap Ap ?1l.t,en,c "'end fleer. Frank & Seder. 11th and Market sts. .?' aTaduate. with operating room ex-,-?S?!t?0 .,0. assist physician In office and r eni r JiSr nnu ear Kraauateu. r gefl. Ledger Office. NURSE Operating room supervisor wanted t i.. "SS.,1 ur "uuurean nespitai. 1 aue, ....-..i . m rn. OPLRATORB -- 8eamers en Merrow nnd Union Spec al machines; clean work; pleas ant surroundings, RnJnbew Knitting Mills. i-7 Ashmead t.. Oermantewn WEAVERS' experienced en tape and nar row edgings; learners taken. F. W. VVJU'T ?n" Ce" 4a:i Vayne ave.. near mtn and Oermsntewn aye. WOMAN FOR TRAVELINO POSITION falfa manager of successful, established Chi ?. in0 OfParatJen. doing natlen-Wlde business, will be at the Hetel Adeiphla for several ?.!,!. r thr fUffO'e of Interviewing 4 or .1 !im ".iJu"'0!1 .V. mal Permanent ronnec rennec ronnec tlen. vlth splendid opportunity for advanc--ment. applicant must apply in person and u.,?!liw'n 2Z ft,n1.4( veara of age have at leaat nigh school education and feet-loose te Phn!&.h,n,l?L1!i Pl'nts must leave i..liJ.uLpJ,.,"J w"h'n week; no experience or Investment required: we will pav railroad .,?: "alftrv.wB1'i fommlstlen from start: position worth 17.1 pt week: only women with personality, culture and refinement will be considered no canvassers need apply, out er town applicant clve details as te age. fl'S.'SVSH.J.'J? .Il'fEhenT number ee MISS KATHERINE EDIE. Hetel Adeiphla. WOMAN, oducnted. wanted for epare-tlme . 'n: aiarv while learning. A 824. ajT-UHll li lUTJ. Wu.MEN. publicity, capable of handling list of prospective customers of hlch.rin.i. i.i.n. toaraphle atudle. Call 102B Chestnut lit. eee- .. nr. .ir. u -Hinz.r. YOUNO WOMAN with automobile te call en .? of Prespecllve customers of high-class Photegraplilo etudle. Call second fleer. 1020 fhe.tnut st. Ask for Mr Dleslnger. (irnenil CIVIL HERVnu cxfimlnntlens. Philadelphia. November: posltiena tMflO-llU'lO: nirn lA inward. exprlents unnccresary. Fur fro lartlculars, Instructions, write j. Leentnl r-fr,r.V?,ti CJ" jti.I? Examiner), il2 Enultable l.tlu . Waehlngtnn D. C. WOMAN of education and social poise for a position gf responsibility, advancement en "-erlt immedlntP .lutv A 7111. t.cgsr fiff L.IV1L SERVICE exemlnatlens Nev. and Dec. many vacancies; ialry J14li0.tl00 vrll for sample tests, p 1422. ( office HELP WANTED MALE A OHNT -Wanted generil ntent for Phll- delphla -in! v. inlty for monthly pr'm'upi sccldent ami 'lealth deptrtment of the ulilest company wrl'lnqr all forms accident, health Ond life 'niurllice. reeiitree il m.r. .i. i handllne business In every particular, ten -mission contract mly. ptrt-llme eetvlc- con cen rldercd. Addms c H. Heycr, Manager Casualty Department. National Life In surance Ce. of the IT S, of A 2!) H La Bftlle si.. Chtrat-e. 111. rJnUVoe3ncl.;!,utl.m,wr'lf r'w,rr,B- DUREAU OF ADJUSTMENT A position awaits a man aheut 3S years of age In a large department store in Haiti mere, ne must ne courteous, of pleasing personality and thoroughly capab'e of ad Jiutlns complaints; department store exper -fnce preferred, cite full particular of em. Plejment, referentes mid salary expected. M 101. ledger office. BUMIELMAN wanted: steaiiy vTeri canable min. 3(11.1 Wecdland ave. tu CHORISTER waiite'd for a church chafr nut of the city. P 1335, Ledger Offlcr DYERS wanted, experienced en woolens and woolen knitted goeds: geed salary te right ?SrtyV W,rlte te A"ltlc Dclng Company, 100 Jewell st Brooklyn, N. Y i OREMAN Wanted. hlgh-clis wallpaper printer te net as foreman In a large open shop In New Yerk state, geed opportunity for it man of ability and ambition. Address iiniiriii i.iiiiiin)irr 11. . men rails, re. y FOREMAN fet fur nresslng establishment; Addres M 320, ledger Office LINOTYPE OPERATOR, flrst class wanted. no ran neip out with nand compesition: r.un-uniun man; reterence require,, a cemi opportunity for right man. Adiess Poetefflca I ex 74 l.anrasler. Pa. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS. FIREMEN. CONDUCTORS, TRAINMEN AND YARDMEN APPLICATIONS MAY HE MADE TOR EMPLOYMENT TO TAKE PLACES MADE VACANT RY SUCH MEN AS MAY LEAVE THE SERVICE GIVE AGE, PREVIOUS EXPEnu-'v ir ANY. NAMES OF NOT LESS THAN TWO REFERENCES. OR INCLOSE LET TERS OF llECOMMENDATION. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION (AT EXPE.vflE OF COM PANY) IS REQUIRED ADDRESS A. M. PARKER SUPERINTENDENT PHILADELPHIA TERMiyAL DIVISION 32D STREET AND POWBI.TO.V AVENUE WEST PHILADELPHIA, PA LUMBER SALES MANaOER Wanted high-grade tiien te m.triei i. . wreda nnd hemlock of PeffheFn mn't.', -ernpany own their own band n n LJ timber, give full particulars prevel ex perleni-e and alan wanted- all replk" con" Udered cenndentlal A S2U, LediSi- Offji"" MAN We commission pr"enTn sltlen for middle-aged man entering pwK .ytan a, mus work up clientele and be s?t?: Is ed te aiiend Beine tlme and money which will eventuull) bring steady and pe?maJJI, returns, this Is buslnesa and If ou m.iV! I.uslness. write us, A M21 Ledger Office. 'thoroughly" ftmliKr'Tl'.h ' Ku'W n"? pSM' Hhe can tk off uuantllles of doers sash and interior finish, price same nhd make out shop ei ders and dctu covering material, netid: state ur, natlnna ID "'"" perlnice In thla line ealnry expected and ulien atallnble M 33il Ledger Office. MEN All eid-csiub iKhcil mntnrtruca-rerii. pany. hating rccmly promoted a number of mtn te Inipnrtuiit exerutli positions nay. lug eubaluntlnl saUrlex. deslrea men 23 te .In ear te fill thu places of llieve men that they may become e,ul,md for similar preniu. tlein at ,Htie Hee .Mr, Behnlng. IJESSEMEIt MOTORTRUCK CO. M A VJ Ml u ni-L .,tl..,.i . . . . - i awtt iiurun hi. MEN Five capable men wanted te sell te school beards, A 823, Ledger Off lie. iBJVKNING PUBLIC HELP WANTED MALE MAN Wanted, first-data mar. for upright molder en cabinet and mill work) one who can. run sash sticker and tenon machine. P 202. Ledger Office. OPnriATOns wanted, 3 experienced eper hfn.a tnr m.n'a ...III ...4 .. Ttrntmr. Afn.a fnr n..nta ...III ...4 bB. nmtmr ip uamqen. cietninc ing. Inc., 410 wan . ....n ., ..... v...r, nwvi. nn-t, .... - Inc., 410 Walnut, i:amien, N. J, PAPKmiANOEna, a, wanted. Kanaem at. Apujy 1831 PLUMUEH3 II hour! steady pesltlr.ns te y p i St. cempetint men ion 21 8ALB8MN, wanted te tell In Philadelphia and vlilnlly, strictly en cnmmltalnn, a new lubricant or cooling compound : previous experlenee with, lubricants or machinery necessary; exclusive territory and tlma con. tract te right mam should be fine upenlcK, aa article should sell will when nnca Intro, duced. Address P. O. Dex (S3, Mobile, Ala. SALESMAN wanted, te sell high-grade office equipment specialty; previous experience In relllng filing or Indexing eaulpment desirable, but net necissaryi only a man with sufficient pep., confidence and te be willing te start en commission basis need apply. Write for appointment, giving brief outline of expert ence.' P 200. Ledger Office. , SALESMAN, real estate. In central office; state ag knd experience. P 1486, Led ger Office. PALKSMCN TV,0 NOTION AND HEADY- TO-WBAR SALESMEN Men with eitabllshtd trade te cover the fol lowing counties In Pennsylvania) I'erha., .Lebanon, Lehigh, Northampton. Schuylkill, Lycemlni. Cllnlen and Center Counties. Bubmlt sales for past ft years and write te Jehn E. Hurst & Ce., Inc., Baltimore, Md. SALESMEN If you if ambitious and desire te hulld up a builntrfi of veur own, come in and let us tell veu the opportunity arrenNd by th Moere. Haven Sugar Corporation, 1228 Widener iJidg. SALESMEN for office appliance; atralght commission baal. BO N. Bth. secind fleer. STENOORAPHER. hardwood lumber busl- nes experlenee. wanted ; must be rapid In taking dictation. Anftwrn. .111111. aIapv flu. aired, giving geed refs.. A . Ledger Off. TOUNCI MAN with college, education In busl nei, econemlcj. hanking, accounting nd allied rubJecH, wanted te assist editor of monthly publication; permanent position; give dettlled Information of education and experience anl slate starting salary. A 62V. Ledger Office. YOUNO MAN. 18 te 28 yeats: must be geed writer, qu'ck and accurate at figures; com experience preferred; In reply state age. ex perlence and salary expected. V. D.. post pest post efflre nex.MOl. Philadelphia. YOUNO MAN. educated, wanted te learr, selling; salary and commission. A 822 ledger Offlre. fleneral SELL UB YOUR SPARE- TIME Wei will train you te write show cards for us; no canvassing or soliciting; v.a supply reu with steady work; dle'ance no object; will pay you from JIB te IBO n week. Wil son Siemens, i.iu., uepi, 4 u 13. iiicnmend Terente Can. CIVIL service examinations Philadelphia November; positions- 11400-ttflOO: ase 1a Upward: experience unnecessary. Fer free particulars, instruction, write J. Leenard, (former civil service examiner), 962 Equitable lyiig.. iHsningmn. if. u. CIVIL HERVjJE examination. Nev. and Dec: many vacancies; salary IHOO-Mflne: trite for sample test. P 1422. Led. Office SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE LAUNDRKHH. first claas. white, very clean thoroughly exp.rlenced. best refcrenree. "nihi ivuBiiuig 111 ner nenie, a iuu Office. ledger SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTINO ard auditing Uewera Metz. OSI l'ln-i St.. (.'imrfnn. V .1 .. counting and auditing, corporation an-nunt-!ng, practical cost systems, tax mutters. special inventiaatiens, ete.; expert servlce: roasenaon rates. AUORESSIVE minufacturers' agency wants te represent responsieie ractnry In Chicago en commission. Address Floyd fchert Jfc Partners. 80 N. Michigan ave . Chlcagn CHAUFFEUR, elhele. while man. age 80, desires position with private family; com.. try preferred, references. A 8H, Led Off CHAUFFEUR. Swedish, age 30. single. 12 yeare' experience, with first-class refer- encqs. umres pomtien. A Ol.l. Imager Office. YOUNO MAN, 20. mimed, educated bus exp.. desire position; opportunity morn Important than a!ary A H8X, Ledger Off EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES EDUCATIONAL St Demei Kmp.' Club re moved te 18 H, Ilread. Trained help sup. FOB SALE FUR COATS SACRIFICED Your opportunity te obtain e Kur Ceat for lsa than you pay for a cloth coat. HAnLE CONEY COAT ti ELEGANT SEAL COAT Je, SEAL COAT SQUIRREL TRlMMED"10t HEAL WRAPS Oil DOLMANS .. , J if AND AN ELEOANT SELECTION OI' OOROEOUB FRENCH BEAL COATS TRIMMED WITH REAVER. SKUNK OR SIUERIAN SQUIRREL 1140 All these coat are made from tine select skins, evenly matched and richly silk lined, nnd manufactured In our own workieoms In New Yerk. A chance of a lifetime. Don't miss It EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED NORTHERN FUR CO. 123.1 MARKET BT ONE FLIGHT U P WINTER BLANKETS AT BIG BARGAINS TOR INSTITUTIONS, HOTELS. APART MENTS. PERSONAL USE AND GIFTS. SUPERIOR KINDS ONLY AND AT PRICES MUCH UNDER THE RETAIL STORES. $2.65 te $11.00 Pair ALSO THOUSANDS OF YARDS COT. TON DRY GOODS IN REAtNANTS ETcTETc011 SEWINU SOCIETIES: w. h! SMITH & SONS 014 WALNUT ST. FURS N. Y. manufacturer sells In e,,r Phlla, showroom direct te public h..?hl ellmlnallng middleman's profit; gJnulfie .. coats. t00; skunk trimmed. ti: "leim.ii1 183: ether bargains: all aempfe-m.rt. .?,. aample-made. lined, deposits aceenteri: silk Walnut, Roem 3. "ien tin ii. I'OO fPEIVRITERS of all modern makes r . special tirlce great value; as low as Via I das' free trfal; I year guarantee ,13, BUNDY TYPEWRITER CO IQ.-i CHESTNUT ST. WALNUT -..' 1110.1 EWELRY STORE flxlures -."vT- .....r. showcases with tr wan rases, nanel OFFICE 1riinvrT.T..T Laire let of desks, Hafa, men , ,!,. , aenera, tipST """ PATTEN FURNITURH i'n LOCUST 4070. 1127 ARC.r Sft" rV"..,. BUSINESS MEN. ATTENT IOnT .axe you money HreckenrM,,'.0.'!,1 r,,:"a T.Aisen lr.4 ilniliu ... j 'He dining-room suli T: M,k'. . lerga nikhil..nv . . eniai and arae waiinV, r. . "' (emllv mnvlnr et "If.. "alllUl ardrobe Vrlday and Saturday, l Tii.-i v? 'K? """.. " ....,, .-, . rjttM. .. REFRIGERATORStt- sired. R. T. Randall a fn..it8i"V? Seeend'st ANTIQUES, all kinds feather beds & feath- ers. big prices, lam j rtrn.V. "w 'aV' SAFES, fireproof cenns out me vilgbtlv used: all slaes. tv nial"e 70 N FmiVh iyi',11 iiAiitr nirlestal and chllrcK l.nw... i-ii.iit I-.AI'IIANGT; rtth and vine ruin, i aiii.i:m neught sold repaired. Laf Keafer. 320 W Qlrrrd aie Kens, sail M .'i,r ''lA . 'i. p',rler '"U"' n -'mil value" J173 I. reel Furn'lura Ce 10.10 V ...!' ""o.8le.10DN'rd, 1"' up- "r""1 I'u7Te MACHINERY AND TOOLS ELECTRICAL MOTOIIh MACHINK TOuTfi POWER 1 QI'IPMEXT wl""' O'llRIEN MACHINERy Ce I III N. 3D ST ui,,i,ii' inn eiiafi-iK in i Ing, nr,. Mem- c,r(n,, :y,-j y. ,,, '' half MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS "... " '-a" iia.mi, gee,) rendii en 11 Wevmsnn s n line. cietnui t OLD GOLD old geld en Gobi ller. platinum" i"rf1 dla. r ,,ir -in , h'Hl ert at STAMPS AND COINS AlIOUT SCAMPS 111) Y OH Pll 1 1 TM. "O 00 q 1 HE I, Tlf PA INTING PAPERHA HOI Nfi 'li'.Nl2h(,l'',0n" r,,0"bl' HIHHL, til i..A.. ...i.... .... - riaet nr fixtures: wonderful oppertunltv W.l fine quality very cheaply, giving , ?! WM.A'er:,:'1 f M """M" Fed'S tSEDGtESB RtnADBLpRlK, FRIDAY, USED AUTOMOBILES SPECIAL VALUES IN IIOTH OPEN AND CLOSED CARS YOUR OWN TERMS IB2& CADILLLAC COOPK, MODEL B0, WESriNUHOHBH BHOCKHi LIKE NEW. 11)10 CADILLAO SEDAN, RECON DITIONED. 10J1-20-10 STEPIIENS SALIENT SIXES 4 AND T PAH8.. AH LOW- AS HS0. inlfi HtinSON 7.PASS. SEDAN. UPHOLSTKP.V LIKE NEW; A-l MKCHANICAL. 1020 OAKLAND SEDAN. LIKE A NEW CAR. , 1020 KISSEL SPEEDSTER. CLASS ALL OVEill tlAKi, urruu Alse Onklands, Maxnels.Dedges and uulcka; prices nam e.uv up. Open Sunday. Poplar 8169. bBARON'S, 640 N. Breac AUTOMOBILE SPRINGS 10,000 IN STOCK NEW. FOn VERMAKE 0P CAR OTBTgc? CAR READY FOR DELIVERY LOWEST PRICES aUAIlANTCKD WE MAKE "EMI OPEN SUNDAY Sattler's Machine Sheps laei.lfi SPRIMO PARPEN ST. BUICKS BUICKS 1021-l3')-ni0 touring cars, roadsters and sedans, overhauled and guaranteed; easy terms arranged. HEADQUARTERS FOR USED BUICKS GEORGES AUTOMOBILE CO. 338-40 N. Bread St. PHONE HPRUCE 2130 A RECONDITIONED AUTOCAR represents a better investment than many ethr makea of new trucks: we have ready for sale a few sruaranteed reconditioned Autecars which sre newly painted and In excellent mechan ical condition; bodies te null your needs. In cluding hluh-llfl. coal and rotary duinpsj reconditioned Autecars with bodies as low as 11000; we guarantee every reconditioned Autecar. Call, write )r Phene Locust 0230, TUB AUTOCAR SALES AND SERVICE t'O Market and 23d sts. USED' DEMOUNTABLE RIMS AND FORD REAR WHEELS AT REDUCED PRICES BATTLER'S 1C01. SPRING GARDEN ST, IlUICK roadster. 1020: J20O, balance terms. nreailway. wen --i. tirenn t. PHAI MPRQ' COUPE, late model, like V.UII1.II1U1W new. 82." 0 down, he! I.rm. Royal Met. Ce.. Inc.. 020 N Uread. Pep 0030 CHANDLER n?0t ?!.' """' uevai .Motorcar Ce.. Inc., 020 N. Bread. Pep, 0030 Open Sun, and eve. ONE JITNEY HODY (will seat about l?7paV; eengera) for Ferd rhails. ultn l.oce tour ing body. In geed rondltlen Husley-Huber Aute Hedv Cerp . 10th and ,tt. Venmn st PAHIF I AP Sedan, late model; guar. A . ... .:c" ". Stanley Automebll I Ce eiw .-w. irreaa st. i'ep 7R20. DOLlGt"",an"! ,H,C models, fully equipped "terms. Open evenings. Stanley Aute Ce tllli N llreml si Mpar 7H2H OLDSMOUILK. roadster, excellent condition, fully rqulpped, t4.10. Hlment 3400. CHALMERS tour. latr. m.-ilcl balance terms Ureadwm sni sac. $17ft. N. Uread, CHANDLER I,"u:il,ril,r.r,rel cend;! Aute Ce 33S N 'Y.'r'e'a'.l y.-fa'gggg Cele Aero-Eight Touring Z guarantee,!: an ,ceptlemil opi) I. H BOM I. US CI) . 241 s- HHiiAD ST Cele Aero-Eight Spertster current rneAbpsT- '- B- U0WKn8 csKsA n. FRANKLIN ;"",'"". h"ndeme job. J80fJ. Ce, in. JI20 N. firiVrfiwn WnX Franklin TeunnR "!-", medl'i: tire. L. H nnWEnbrcY!,345- 5" l?r" wire new cord roan st. HUDSON L'et'''1"- "'!0. beautiful Jeb: Ce inc il-n v rl,"Tl.ncV H,0aI -Motorcar i-,i.. 15? !ii'N uread t. Poplar 0030 DODGE ,;e,'HB '"-""o'iir2Re.-hai N n.ead Penrmir,in"A"' 5,n,r,r Ce, 020 ?. Ji'i!nyJHULlfil',.J2rMi .f.indj?uiida- Marmen Sedan " .r,lB," ";'', "i: ",,," '-.''' lvi!' u-r. rerf , '- t rm Urnedwav .n- Poh bare OAKLAND J9B,0Mh.;,.,n"ppy '"" f. i n.i. . -'"i,v" iin. nn. . ....,, i uii . ... .1 ... lirn.n. Poplar 1)030 i-irAiuj twin ij senan 11)20 perfect renTll tlen owner Phnne nnl. .,u, ..,..-l l cendl- after 7 lielment 1BSH j. te B. REO "K0A-V- llka "" 8.10 cish b7 020 N Uread Poe fiOSfl" riU" ra " l -. ' "." . .-" . -. ,, nmi una pv scnirpH-noeTH, i ph Ui-. ..., i WANTKp Kerd teurlnr. T--r-i rn for my rhvrelPt M!.... V i ." ' for ITIV ChtWrrtUr u..t.. l t1 -.! ."'"'"" "'! H vi'Mi iimi nviiiur irrrHPiv k lUMIJI- W wfS'tfl8" !" WfZTnW' gen.y. 1110 N. Rrearl , '"" htutx Wanted WANTED Second-hand -,lan Packard lr Bulck 1021. B-cyllnder sedan 5 rassanair' state condition of car and where they Van be seen and lowest cash price that will he accepted A 718. Ledger Office BTJSINES3 OPFOItTUNITIES WESTERN New Yerk hotel and aanatorlnm aanaterlnm excellent community, catering te hlVh. nfm'bee"6,?"',1'' Mee'i.fully e'Sr'alrf for,ha number of ear. direct route. New Yerk Chicago Buffalo. Cleveland, etc . exceptional preposition te acmilre control of common I"""1"- .I"11 management by nxperlenceil and ..v... ani,(i(i i uriHimi nn l. r Huffaly-. N Y LIM0ZAINE "THE BUSINESS BROKER" 1011 CHE.4TNUT ST SUITE 8I4-S1.1 AM IN th market for cheap cigar ami lighter, also sparking stone, she full particular, mall order. M 401, Ledger WANTBb by an establli.,l real e.t.i. ... insurance iifnce, imrti with cnnliai ..ii.'. man arm solicitor nrefcrred from kecilen P 10 Lrdger Dfflce northern BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS ".Pchaone BOUGHT ynutn.,.,igfaa DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND PAWN TICKP-TU i-nr, . KELLY & CO.. 082 Chestnut st Srlte 21-22 eccn,l fleer m". e" !".' .? I I'Aiui ei j or i ties ring te make i.i.. . Flerida by auto can migaie cemfnr .h 2 private tar driven by eivner. Fer SH,TW jiMress P 133, L", Lrer Office Particular DIAMONDS BOUGH! iIATIRT W HX.TTIT 7!7 i ,VflOi e CHILDREN S clothes of dlstltiL-ilniT m. i.T order French Shet. 40 H '-.2,1 H" m,m ,0 aw , - - I DOQB AND BIRDS CANARIES Mated ?,rJt''''r-"- . rellsTrsT. warbler. full song un 1020 Chestnut, nn,,,,, in Tit. ''."". Take elevator. STORAGE AND MOVING LONG DISTANCE MOVING THE BEST IS THr CHKAPFT The BIG 4 TRANSFER CO le .,. ... a, ..I... V,u.. .. W 37111 and Market. none n.rl 120a VICTORY STORAGE .5:,n,nm,,;el'U-1er'ce.Ar1rS?v,vn'n.1"1'"" for WALLACE SM I'sMrC.NT. gtn Storage, parking miv lngrarpet cleaning MllLBOURNE n ,r. anywhere Qoedhlnaured lnrn"Tl. "m'J- TDK JOHN WANTED WA.!i?JJlT.?.,l!,".".d "i"j "! doer71o7 ''.! nviaeuu 3v.Al.IS CO mill i i.L vww ..11.11 RHOADS c nienige, veteiiia, mevinaj, cains. ...... 4i,i7-ni lan'casVer AVi:., "vest PHI nf- lleVAltcu STOHAeiTch :in7Trr.vrrrA.' TEH AVE AUTO HKRVliV mteWS' MOTORCYCLES AND MOTGLES EDWARDS & CRIST CO. "SPECIALS" REBUILT MOTORCYCLES Bame guarantee aa en sew. Largest assortment In America. All makea and models. With or without sidecars, EXTREMELY LOW PRICES New Sideenrs $05.00 New Bicycles 30.00 New Moterwhccls 75.00 We handle everything In the cycle Industry. THIS IS BARGAIN TIME ' COME DOWN NOW COMPARE OUR PRICES Clese dally 7 1 . m. tiaiuniay 9 r. M. ID AVE. Pnnfee VOI11 lain uuiAiu. Write for Ilutletln Ne. 3nA BOOMS FOB BENT CHESTNUT BT.. 2000 Large single nnd qoueie rms.i pnuinrrn exp.. running water, CHESTNUT, 203C Deeirable vacancli gl or en eulte, with nr without ba sin- CHESTNUT, 300O Jne or 2 des, unfurn. renmsi near hathl dining room. LOUUBT, 4048 Atlrae, rm.. med. private heme: shower; breakfast; near L It car 42. leTH, N., 180, HOTEL RURIL- Beau tjtul furn. rooms, spetlees clean, alee.l dally and weekly rates; ennv, te stations! test acenm. fi -traveling people. Spruce 104 10TH ST., a.. 401 Twe furnished rooms and bath) would share with 1 gentleman; references. OWNER of property In fine residential sec tion has a very large eecond-atery front room, furntahed southern exposure, abund ance e( light, het-water hen,t. 1 nr 2 refined gentlemen can find a real home Phene Pres ton 2320. HANDt-iUSUJI.Y rurnlsned room In largi. modern, private home, electric lights! 10 minutes te Cltv Hall. Phen. narlrg OMfl. FIltST FLOOR. 0 rooms, furn., until spring, with or without garage. 113 Ulckley ae,, Olenslde. Pa. WKHT rHII.AnKI.VIHA PINE ST.. 8084 Furn, shed xecond-sterv rooms, new and neat, electric light, 13 and 50; reference. PENNSYLVANIA HlftU'BIIAN I3DGEML,RE., 010.1 YORK ROAD Large, uell-furnlshed room for business couple, open fireplace; with or without meals, BOABDINO WEST PHILADELPHIA WALNUT. BliOS Nicely furn. rm.. excellent meals: elec. het-water heat. Pre. 4237 w. NEW JF.RSEV .Sl'IlPnnAN tlADHON HEIGHTS TWO DE8IRADLE rooms, with beard, In an attractUe suburban home, big deep win dow, open flreplaeta; city conveniences, beautiful surroundings; convenient te train and trelley: reasonable rate, gentlemen only. V 110. Ledger Office. APABTMENTS CARCOURT APARTMENT. Oreen it at 23d (adjoining Parkway at Falrmeunt Park) Six apacleu roemn and bath. lth private garage: Janitor service: thoretirhtv modern; we Invite particular people te ln- erect: open dallv nnn Sundav APARTMENTS, centrally located, furnished and unfurnished: housekeeping and other wise. Call Locust 0087. or aee Whiteside ac .in-'imiiiiiiwiii ..flu iiii l'ln-i WE HAVE a great many most attrae apart- merrl. both furnished and unfurnished for rent at the present time. Sherwood Apartment Acencv, 133t Walnut t. "r""q 10TH. N.. 1414 Apartment. Third-fleer front. 4 rooms and bath, unfurnished $.13 ri month, KITH, N.. 1414 Apartment, third-fleer back for rent. 4 room and bath, unfurnished, wi a month. APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central apartment a speclalty. Sherwood Apartment Agency. 1334 Walnut st. AIT . second fli or. 2 warm unfurn. rooms, private bath, kitchenette, het water 313 N 34th at. 14211 ADLKOHENY AVE. Five rooms and bath: second fleer. Hechstadr. 132U Arch 6004 YORK n,Dfrn-'Tro1,JePEna bathi ,U0' 3001 Yerk rd.' Wyoming 4337 NASH. 1.127 SPRUCE HT A housekeeping 4 re'tm nnd h.tth "i-i iin--i,i v i.-in. iiriKiit nnu cr.eerru elevator service 24TH ET.. N., .113 Apartment. 2,1 fleer. ' warm, unfurnished roem: private bath kitchenette: het water. i iiiisr.s'i'r uefurnl.hi'd IH2I Twe r..em ell renienlenee and buth. .MODLIIN. 2 rooms kitchen and bath. 0u. 1"-"' I'lre st Albert Mills Lnenet B7,-,7 HUNTING PARK AVE.. 2237 Entire 3d flr'.'. 4 nn nrlv liath elec 1H Tlmrs 1.1.M WEST PIIILADKLrifM CHESTNUT ST.. 4348-30. The Edlnboreug'h six rooms and bath: all outside rooms southwestern exposure; elevator service hl.h ..lata Tt.n. I, . ..?. j" . -r?'VJ CC . " " -""- ...." ..eniff ITtlll IT U"Ef .aiV"'.ES.-. 31:-'N. 83d-Slx room, and bath, Janitor eer k- Jehn II Maaee Heal Estate Tru.t Rl.lg Walnut "' ' 5108 SPRUCE ST. .1 and U room apart- mania 1 at n rt A 't.l Ana ", OERMANTOWN linn ,iouerii niiiciency neuseKeeplnr apart. kfeplnr i hfgh elev ment, l acre of ground, ,-atlnn! ngs: cc within club and 18. :,:T,"L'r"Y"1" "...'. a-- a blocks te t 'i,",ne7'","cA c'(y center. ilread ami chestnut t. N E. rENNHYLVANIA-SrilfRIlAN NARHERTH i.X,eryu,nu,1'11 ""nf'""."1 of 7 rem plus bath, Inclesed perch and open perch, larre roems: very attractive greunds: old had; a most unusual opportunity te enjev the ad vantages of a, large estate without the e. penie and responsibility of maintenance; JIM) month unfurnished. 1173 month fur nished. HOriEflT .1 NASH 1214 Ijoeust st Philadelphia Branch Office, Narberth Station Phene Narberlh 1710 ROXneftOffiH MODERN apartment, beautiful open sur rounding; 0 rooms, bath, hardwood fleer electric, het-water heat Include,) nmienlent ,,, .-,i,.,,n, .i.uii-iit;p, eie , ,-, nr- month Mra C Btruee. 347 K Hermitage r.MDP, EXCEPTIONALLY fine Housekeeping. 3 very large rooms ami bath, plenty of Pght and air, 3 exposure. Ideal location convenient te center of city $121 per iwnlh. jearly lease. P 111, I.ed(er Office " FURNISHED APARTMENTS RITTENIIOUSH SQUARE apanment, 4 boil rooms. 2 bathrooms. lar-e living room dining room, pantry and kltcn-n iiandHemely furnished, frum Dcmtr I until May l, en eleventh fleer of modern apanmrnt house at 135 H "At&Ny'iiMJiir.j'""'- iinu mm ttiec , I'nilw 1 iphiti 4039 BALTIMORE AVENUE Handsomely furnished apsrtmeris 8 rooms nnu unin 127 fl. 10TH ST (The Oeneiai t ,n. suite with bath, wen ni,-ed heart of the famines dlsim t 2-room In the PRIVATE family. 2d-floer small furnished apartment garage. Phene Varberlh 3l" HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THREE nOOMS bith and kllchen haP,i Sll I til A fill 1,1 il Art - l . It11l reasunat. e te adults. Apr CO., 1120 Spruce. unruinlnheil, ARMSTlNtj 11122 N HIIDAD $U3 te lieu fura"nTu7: furn hskpg. apis. 4 le il rmi m, 447s j hIfiVlrS.r',ilM81,h 0,0,", n'-"!K" APARTMENT HOTEL8 THE GLADSTONE 1 1TH AND PINE STS. ABSOLUTELY HREPR00F APARTMENTS FURNISHED MVO AND SHnTSTEri;r 7TOK.HB0 HOTEL BARTAM Thoroughly renovated ,-, 1 .1.1 and t t reme.l,.,cd uniurnisneil apts 2 room and ,lh t,. . i,",iiis anil uain, 91., fh 123 per month. HOu te Furnished apts . I1O0 month. 11.10 p,r Table beard Phiv.e Pie.te.-, i1n CHARLES B PRETT MAS' ..".,," Mls FARLEY Manvger New High-Class Apartments In modern apartment 10e. dining room liedroem. kltihen and ban,' peiches. harilwnui floors electi ,'in c rooms. attrartlvclv J tnltnr 'e. 1 hamilton""ceurt 3UTI1 AND Clir.STNUT 3TS 2 rooms and b.ith ivltn imvnte rT.n heUMkeeplne. fun.lahfd or unfit ilih3" yearly tease) dining room "'"uiiiiiBed, It II. TtlMCHKU .M, PELHAM COURT PHONE OERMANTOWN 4800 wi: OCTOBER 21, 1021 AJPAXTMENT TJOTJ5L8 HOTEL COLONIAL SSftT 1.2-8 roemt and bathi parmanerrt or trmn. ,ltncl. PITMAN RAKE-"- -Tr - Manager. THE DELMAR-M0RRIS W. Chelten Avenue OERMANTOWN . .. ,20 M1NUTEB TO I1ROAD BT. STATION He'el or unfurnished suites, heusekpng. apti.. SPRUCE, 1012 (Holmehurst 1-3 rm. apts.t private bathai some housekeeping apt., furn. or unfurn.; all med. Imp.l phone; En- rnpean plani tlOU unward. ilOYAL A1TS., Ilread and Olrard ave. Furn. or unfurn. suites noted for Its tine tahla and aervlce: rrerence reriwren THE LITTLE HOTEL. 22ft B, Ilread at. A geed Place te live whlle In Philadelphia. BEAL ESTATE POB BALE CITV Braiiiiiniiiira LOCUST STREET There hns recently been listed with ut a fine Colonial home of 12 room, reception halt, etc. Fer the buy publla or pro fessional man who must at all times be near the center of the city, there I no finer place te live than the Rlttenheuse Square section, Thla section of fine homes la an eatln of exclusive refinement In the heart of the great city, WAeti r7ueafinr; nnpolMf nnpelMf tnent fe examine, ptcate ask for Mr. Carter feH.WiLS0N&Cb. Aerris Buodine iiMiiuMJiiiiEnm'iijraiiMiiiiiiiiiiiaiHrjraMiiiiiiiirjftS P FOR SALE 139-141 MARKET .Modern double front. 4 story and basement building, In excellent condi tion, steam heat, electric light and elevator; will leave 70 per cent en mortgage, Immedlate possession 0. & B. MAGUIRE Only $250 Cash te Buy a Heme Anywhere in Philadelphia If you want te buy a home come and pee ue; If you have 8230 we will make veu a lean te Fay the balance en your house PHILA, IOMB BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Roem 30.1, Keystone Aid Society Illdg., S E. cer. 10th and Lembard sts., Phlla Telephone Oregon 0204. Office hour. H A. M. te f. P. M. . THREE STORY building; modern; M.dy Nev. 1: business. 280H square feet; suitable for any JOSEPH FELDMAN 200 Lincoln Hldg. 2213 W. LOCUST ST Three story, 11 rooms and 3 modern bath rooms, electric lights, excellent condition. Ter Inspection apply te EDWARD T. FLOOD & SON RROAD AND VENANGO STS. CBTA1N aalea list by mall see owners di rect, no charge, an" "action REAL ESTATE LISTING CO. 1828 CHESTNUT ST. WALNUT 3138 IT YOU WANT A PERFECT HOME he It la. 2000 block N. Tayler at 2 story 7 rooms. Dutch hall, electric lights: perfect conditien: owner will sacrifice, leaving Uty. THOMAS. 2317 W, lyhleh av, ONE large garoge. H prh.'te Berages, 1 8-room hnu. ell cenveniences: 2 fucke. en a let 6dt2O0; 1104.1 Gltmrn . Wlml Wlml nemlng. Ape'y 3423 Hewell at. Phene Frankferl 2293 W. f 4341 N. 'JTH ST. Per h. O rooms, bath, hardwood floors, electric hn'-waier hit. leundrv tuba: reasonable. HAMMEKE. C80 W. Allegheny ae. Tl-ga 7383 FOR A QUICK SALE iwner will sncr.dce i his home, leca-a iuii c. 1 101a i., imme diate poessslen. JOSEPH H. FIET. 123 DUirnnd sL LITTLE CASH bus 0 rm., all nv. . laree let te rear st : price 2730 1 pay't a rent: 022 Chestnut at. 2.133 E. Dakota t. owner second fleer 27TH AND DAUPHIN Twe-tor factory about 13,000 square feet, large let. boll bell era, engine te. 17 s. TOMLINFON. Jr Lincoln Hldg lliOO N 13TH ST Tuelv rooms laiae let tacant can be financed H. K. II men. 1012 N 13th st jTiiili CASH REQUIRED Perch front. 0 room tile bath: open fireplace electricity and gas- het-water h-at, .1442 N 11th t Knr Particular call Woodland 41)14 J. TWO 4-STORY brick dwel'lngx. 21st and Chestnut sts.. rapidly Impreung In alue Jeenh Feldman 200 Lincoln Illdg 1443 N. MYRTLEWOOD ST nejr VMth and Jeffersen) 4 nn", and bath, geed cind. . va ant WM. I.INIIEU 132S f hestnut st ONLY 4380O Will flrance, nm inaa , 3327 Amber (ab. Alleghem). large side let. "r.. bath ex ennd 2d fleer. Owner. 022 Cheqft. DAR1EN 3740 Vacant ii iu,mie, p.iieh. hot het water heat nlertrlc beautiful home for small famllv SHOEMAKER. 7th and Erie ;920 W. THOMPSON ST Icer. Myrtlewood st I rms. and bath, J ster) , im, nesa. L1NDER lHia Oitnut st. DARIEN. 8740 Vacant 0 room, perch, het-water heat, e'ectrlc. beeutlful home for mall family SHOEMAKER 7th and Erie, VArANT'1"01"'3 -RTH A'" oxford. Vrt'i-rtll 1 8 HOOMi 2 BATHS HUGHES PENN BQUA'E HLDG 30O.1 N. RINGGOLD Deslr. home. 11 roeu.a bath, perch Inandry, het-water heat, elce' Hl'TZKL. 2M)l N 2.1th st 2.100 BLOCK. Turner at. 7 hnuacs. rent, S3.1 geed condition, financed. Empire i rusi i ii 1244 N JltTH ST Thre-.siery dg geed condition. Imm"dlatu teasesslnn WM UNDER I3.'a Chestnut , 2832 N 38TH Beautiful modern. 4 large bedrooms, owner vacating wll' sacrince see today. COYNE. 21th and Leh eh. 2000 BIXTK Btlllman. Dutch-hall dvnliTnTt iJaOd WKSTNHY 'It Llbartv Kulld ni J710 H MUl.u. MT,- H x rm, and bath laine Phillies 173H Snv-.ler ave perch 742 M. SMI.1JI.1-Y 7 rms . iikkI S,riu WALTER H PHILLIPS. 1J30 Hnvde"", 240 SNYI)ER AVE Or X. b . ies rTlT WALTER If PHII.Lll'H. 1780 Sn'iier a'v. ONLY IflnUO. .MI28 . VOIh. elec. lights rear percn. tine home u nn 1.117 Cii.umhiH ;iiiii n.-ai mvii rrnni a sine perch 40x1 te Modern Glenn. 1.117 Columbia ave 132.1 NORRIB ST 12 rms . 2 baths "e'lr?" light. Glenn 1,117 Columbia nve 012 LYCOMING facing Huntlnw Parkr7"T" tneiniisniy men menu 1.117 Cnlumhl 0TH .- P.iRRlfll-0 rma , baTh, Inwn7lc,r Hughes CIO Penn ?nuM Hldg Snr f.431 lliialneaa Prepertlee and (Mere 1110-18 20 MARKET f-T Fplendld business locitlen. illrrc'lv ct nn, new pest ifflce kit .17x214 t i.i,.nr. .' .. 1 rlc .mil tr"i model ate. iiijuiiuis A. ANHLEY 121S CHESTNUT ST Desirable Central Property Approximately POOO s'l ft Suitable for light manufacturing ,' r mm, house purneses C. J. MITCHELL CO. jiace ii.iia win Lincoln Bldg Spru 1323 CHOICE BUSINESS LOCATION JA)it;i WINCHELL N- W cer 17th and San,,m MARKET ST ?-iJDi'.!,?J ?M'A WALNUT, HT JAMES. F HARF.4.12 WES r I'SI.' TRUST t OQH tirtm in Ufa. t.e"TT. fc l CM.tM,t:Y 0tl H 4th or lift "'ii bath. ynctorleHWacheiiKea. Mnnufne InrTnn- n Factories and Fleer Space J. LEE PATTON I.1NCOI v 1., ,1.. i 1; miv ; n inmniai., ti. . . ndu.lel.l l,lii'.'.: ..'.'..' " . '"" " - """'" 111111 Mte without railroad Whit le , u nil vv'. 1 uim i,tt ny 1, , ni. FACTORY, hiat. elec ty . let wixjnii if am f I .be, t ,0 lll.u West 11 INDUSTRIAL PLANTS AND I AND -VKVENHON A SON u'MiVffiS .f; .! J. I. - - i - - .- jj.jzJL: f 1 1 lVF-!n' PHILADELPHIA BARGAIN FOR IIOMIjHntTYERrT e,r leaving city, must sell 11 ............. V"fr nich hull 00,1,1 ii:i. :,".i"' """ " '" .-.... .,...,, S,.w.( WW, ,,,, I, ,1,1 I.,:, I I Sickel st 110 I 1,812 O.aAGE AVIJ -M" 1 5322.mvw.i son ,.,43, leiV""1 rsni FLORENCE AVF Me.te n . ....... Wa . IN.ine Vvers X u.. i . . . r" -. . . .rr. . . ,. . -- ."''" v- neetn ut. tieaa iv ii.i.i'vv .- AVi;. 'Ii' ace. lncl,..-.l pnrcii, ?'j i i, - Sen. Ilelmenl a,,a.. ,.u..,. i-1 .-.i i. . ,e r. 0111. init - "" " h. an.413 V i"I bith. HAVE several geed Ilnna. for II. t I'aini 11. ,,'. '.'.li'tl'"' tl V - I Hum . . ' '" -a' IO """"""BM'i-Titll TOs'tVeaW REAL SSTATB rOB SALE wkht rim.AtK,rnA. At 69th Street End of Elevated New Side-Yard Hemes i i i -": :': irw rsssi Three Stories for $9500 Wonderful value. A new three-story home, only 16 minutes from City Hall one fare no change of cars for 9G00. Being built at today's prices. Most Unusual homes containing many new features n breakfast nook open stairway te laige finished third-fleer room, all-copper gutters and rain spouting, a kitchen that is most complete, with many new devices for the house wife. Entire house beautifully finished and decorated. Only $1000 cash required. Open 9 A. M. te dark. 69th Street, Opposite Elevated Terminal Jehn H. McClatchy Builder of Hemes REDUCTION AT WYNNEFIELD I am about te start the erection of a new operation and liae rleeided te sell the balance of in holdings at the following reduction Fermer Prlcei JIS.OOO New II.7B0 Saving ytu $1,260 en a heure 'hat reuld net be reproduced at that price These tfeuars ere Uren f'encrilrd te Be "The Last Werd" lit tlnme Construction and Cemplctenesi FURNISHED SAMPLE HOUHB OPEN DAILY Two-Ster) eml detached hnmea with 4 and ft bedroom mid 2 baths -making 2 distinct suites. I-Arge garage mald'a room wlt'i bath, distinctly apart from rest NEW IDEAS IN LIGHTING ri.VTt'REI Pass north Dai -ir en 32d direct te ftllh and Oalner read. I fare. Near Wjnnefleld ststien. P n. R HANIin F HOHAN pnr.Dnu ev premises UMN1LL C. nUvjAlN :,4T AND OAINOR ROAD OKItMANTnUN THE GREATEST REDUCTION in Houses That Has Ever Been Made in GERMANTOWN JUST THINK OF IT ! HOUSES BUILT TO SELL AT $8500 WILL BE SOLD AT $6850 A SAVING TO YOU OF $1650 FERNHILL PARK HOMES WITH GARAGES Beautifully finish U .very modern feature 0 rooms and all-te btth. with shower; semi-detached Inclesed-heated perches l.eieeed stud, electric light, vacuum outlets hnt-wster tieat hardwood fleer enen Irep'nce Furnished Sample Heuse Open Daily and Sunday Take train te Wane Junction Ifi mm. from Term 110 train a day or car Ne. .13 en 13th at. te Wayne a. a. i- Berkley st . walk west 2 blocks. BERKLEY AND MORRIS STREETS FI1ANK A. MOLTER. Prem sea 1VT.ST PHILADELPHIA aCfSfc. AN. JnrTA. $80& L0C .-. -s iV in A WYNNEFIELD 64TH A GAINOR ROAD HIGH ELEVATION Facing Beautiful Hemes With LARGE GROUNDS 3-story semi-detached Hemes Pas north en 32d st Dala car for one fare. Near wmneneid station. William T. Field Builder A Owner FOR SALE 5 LARGE PROPERTIES 33d & Chestnut Streets Clese tn 3 2d t railway station valuable Chestnut ut frontage 90x122 ft. Excellent site for Improvement GEORGE WATSON 3247 fhretnut ft FOR SALE f, I.tltMK I'ltet'ETlTlfl 33D & CHESTNUT STREETS rierf tn .11' 1 M rtnlUvrty Hlnllnn. Val unbi h"r.tnut Pt frnntdue 90 x 122 FT. GEORGE WATSON ,. H OWNER vv 1 rlfl, e- m,i ffer with garage detached eten duel,. Ing havlrg living m nn 1323 open flreplaie. dlnlPir mom 14l", I l.eil rwjni. lJxl.i 1 e tjnth and .hewer maid's pKiin .fr'i' in en third fleer, si-reens shs'le. and awnings metal weather atrlppej throughout let 40x80, J21IMI lean than 'her. In vicinity i'al' it 27 i -rh II ruad 0!th and Market sts terminal of Market st elevated or phone e nlngs Overbroek 707ii jnn ."teSTlll V expense nn ,j,h Ne. 3.1 N Fell m st , heaper the , rent, '(, bi,k from il.l.l 1, pnr h h frent tienv vmh tl g,nl-iz.i r., ma ami b.ith. e e, tri, 1 hia, ete4n, beat Appl S.iturdnv nr Hunlav t owner en it. tin.... r phi-nn iise iise iise broek TUTtt jfler 7 p .M $23 24 PER M N I'll Nmnll cjh p,y. ment and nu et u Cecil st inrst street earn .if '''Ii M ) ready t, m,ne Inte, beautiful I ' liui .mriM' -, f,, all cenvenleni b 2"il s i. 11 n op,n every diy Sun, 1 1- r u,1e I I'iLlI.IP s s HfeLD r.'til 1 huiut. V'ri.i ii 1 beautiful ) " nun lrHiK unf h 1. lv fi r' 1 lt lllli tn in l,i ' '' n if iitimihi -v.iT-iirn i f.- -i ini""iTTnnf or j"m tl.rtt WM. M. KNATZ. ' t I Ir Inn ' INC. 323 1 IU'iXI l."U , tleiirs. Dm, h lia elf. id ,i,t HURWITZ & THOMAS r,002 Spru "-' T'ru. I'wiii,,,, 0.711 RUROOK H3..2 Srer i, roe, I , a,n , In-, J23 mm IP. .,., ., ,, ,, , ,chi, mid .1 . , hiimte-ie 1.1,1,. v.v I. prl stone mid mw geragr, central ije. central he.,! .,. tk ,,, , k statlJll the ,Mt ,,,,,, .b. brook statlJll ,,M .,... ...... . '-.- ...en u. WM M KWTZ u e.iihan,l lrvin t LEI) All aVe 'IhriM iuri ,ie ,,.,., '.' b,- &f?"s& fe:r. H "few J0S. ALLEN POTTS ' mi10000 , ll.iltln.ere ave TWOHTORY Ii li-k 'lue.iiiig. lnroVedi,e.. T het-vvater heat e ci trio i.urn" , men , T" 10 ft wld; tiMln ure. , i(i5( "' "von ha. 1 IJUb. ALLbiN mils ,; r,- ate "lis aiej undr "lib t Apu.j 12:17 HUN.HTiiN Ti;ilRi K S v buth. het uuier I, .-at b,,,.n 11." ly i.ei'i.' tin, lillllil,.! heu niedriu and 1 llrsi ilaaa ,erullu, en premises 1IEI.MAR ll.,tl(A rooms , ml 1 11, I. 1 Ii .1.1 Ii" k) - 31, '' Ii , 1 1. ,v,, ..1 .eit ,, no. 1 a, net-wat.r tient el ' 11 Sill ... 1 'J-;i MeDIJItV PliHiTl WIWfMlV "(11 1 VACANT ..,,. -lf I' EDW. M. GRAHAM ' 1 1 i 110 '-' 1 H n. 1 fi.,, in... a . 1 Che.tnut at, Uclment 3970 "" 09i3 20 R&AL iBSTATft 3T0R HKL )vnnt. riw.Anftf.r.iUi'i- sftxdskftsWM OERMANTOWN I ..WK'T PHILADELPHIA Prices Reduced STONE HOUSES 3 AND 4 fUCDftOOMS 2 BATHS AND GARAOE In Overbroek One of the met beautiful spots In this exclusive, eeftlen 65th St., also Marlyn Rd. North of l.ansdovvne Central Plant Heat At a cost no greater than veur ordi nary coal bill Mess & Tayler (KM. eirvateij or surface car te rtftA et rass north te I.ansdewne ave Walk one block west Get Busy Selling Rapidly Buy an Enburg-Built Heme IN A GOOli i.rtrATmv meAS,r,!;': FBIAT CANNOT n..J?.L,.yi ATED ELSEWHER ,W,UUt'In WITHOUT OARAGI EVERT KNOWN iO.VENIENCE Prices $6500 te $8500 N'l CHARGE FOR FtNANCIN'l JAMES C. ENBURG, Builder 57TH& WARRINGTON AVE. Car IS en Walnut te Ofllh . Che '", uiuca norm, or nuth st t" 38th A Warrington. 1 block car j Six Reems, Bnth nnd Garage. I 2076 North 62d Street ! HEYMANN & BRO. - -. ii 1 k MKH DLLj!iiUi' (J 3127 LOLI-NTrHl ' Attractive em -detached iluelipe- rcl'ent c-enillti,in het water he.t , ectr .- nflht JOHN B. MAGEE '.al. KS1ATK TRUST III. DO tjKIIMANTinVN apiirjiaamiciiLiitH !riinKHinTrM.ii:imniicmia!Jri.U5m riixhUH(raiiiEsi5 SACRIFICES! Last wek w advertised flv. lirnieriiee ,0 ne ,nii at ac r.r.c this week we have but "i-ee , ailvernse linn.k.i . vve urge you te leek ever these One home- which can be pur chased at uch low prlees Location In the best se,ti, of Oermantewn. convenient te trains and ' I v i h,;e 1 nur, hes etc TRIi 11 - 113 300 te i.'K nnu I. a 1 I fin a need '"ariiali.N Imme- 1 ale 1,1 or V- Tr,,;,, Mr B'U WmH.WiLsoN&Ge. Merris Duh-dine PlMiirniiiMiiiiiiiii.iniiirai'iiira.irjii'imaii'iiMi'ir ?jKiraiiici. iiiinaiiaiiiiif iiiiHiinii. w w a r fe H j 1 S IS IDEAL HOMES WITH GARAGE petachefl cr em -detached stone dniiiings modern electricity oot eot oet water heat parquetry fleer, large lets reatrlctsd leaidentU!,,n convenient te ijermamewn ave. ur j Chestnut Hill trains 1 S. C. T0URIS0N j 7014 Iler st Gsrinantewn JIlMUillWW Fishers Ave. & Fail-hill St. 33IHI hlei k tin III! ', I,,, k ,1,,, f ;,,. r.'--". l1'1,,u"t nnHleni hemr. ,n ,t,,,v,. Ince .1 nmri a am! bat' atone , ,e carrylnj iharg. i,,it n, ,,, finance. CARL METZ Tllli .' r e-, . ,r ,,r ,,,, c W TCLPl.llfit KEN HT Fifteen loom. 2 all.. t 'H,. ri,e.oen, n.eiil tu train and irr.llr. ai, be u..d ,, n "IE V urlvr Rinri." ou,,, ' , '.' !Y fv'Nt-J.lJJ Oermatitewn v dU HIiAKKMdnlS HT flTtn., In in .lea ', financed; 14200. I.xnnnn A nllly neW Yerk read. Oak Lane 1008 '"'" "0! V '., 1' . ti- .ii ? 1 1 if . 1 1 ; ! VI i m . 1 m mti - 0i ') n A j ljt-rg'1- " 'Waj-llsii, , . aVsL-BL- 11 V ' ' ....Irl. ".' '; lJUtne.4 e... . ,. I . ) B - - -'" 1 , . sTaisTsT .11 I-...., :, ,' '- a "ai- MMpMpMpMpMpMpMpMpMpMpMpMpMpMpMpMpM - - '-wfc.ftfjaj