: IHSPl w.i .i-evi... .... h a.i v. .i erv j vMJW, ...... '!ltP5PW"-v fv "' iL si- F u e i 26 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHIIAIBLPHI A," imiDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1921 I fc 'V The Action of The Bend Market is encouraging te all in vestors in conservative securities. The factors which are creating high cr bend prices are fundamental and the days of high yields from long-term, well-secured mortgage obligations appear te be passing. In view of conditions it would seem as if the average investor is justi fied in employing his liquid funds at once te buy bends of the first grade. Upen request we will submit definite recommendations. Write for Circular E-63 Hemphill, Noyes C& Ce. Membr New Yerk Stock xcAanj0 Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia New Yerk Bosten Scrmten Buffalo Albany Sracuie Baltimore A First Mortgage Power Bend Yielding 7.20' ( Appalachian Power Ce. 5 geld bends, due 1941, are secured by first mortgage en its entire property, including hydro electric and steam plants with an in stalled capacity of 63.000 H. P. Write for circular Bonbright & Company 437 Chestnut Street Philadelphia New Yerk ChlcafO Bosten Detroit NTEREST SHIFTED CJiBMBBBMBBBEBSMlHIMir. Knew Your 5 Securities s Keep Careful Data en Every i Investment We have prepared a 3 , booklet, tastefully bound in leather, for your cenve- nience. It fits easily in the '! pocket, and contains a JJ 1 systematized arrangement for recording your held- ings. A table of incomes from various stocks listed in the back will serve as a valu- 5 able reference. g Jet down a memer- andum new te call or write 3 for this booklet today. Ask for L-2. P. It GUTHRIE & CO. S IIANIiKKS WD TIROKEHS Members of PhVartrlphte Stock Exchange Jg 1418 Se. Ptnn Square. Philadelphia M'lTE 800 5 Krpitene- Race 48J7 5 PeV Phnnr: Rnnic 07HS 5 BBBBBBSBEBBBBIBBBBEBBIV If There Is a Market We Can Find It We held sales of stock and bends every Wednee day, charging $1.50 en. trance fee for each item. Our weekly catalogues and postal card service reach every ma ket. We tnke pleasure la furnishlnjr quotations. barnes & Lefland lock Brokers and Aeclluma 147 S. 4th St TO SPECIALTIES i Market Community Still Hope ful of Settlement of Rail road Laber Controversy New Yertt. Oct. J1. Despite the tlN tlN nppelntlnc results of the rnilrend Inber conference nt Chicago between the Rnllrenil I.nber Heard nnd the llrothcr llrethcr llrothcr heod chleN. tedny's innrket gave n Reed account of Itself, mnlntnlnlne tin undertone of consistent strength. Spe cialties were the renl features while mere or len Irregularity nttcndrd the movement of th general list. Trading was rather dull nnd te a large extent confined exclusively te professional and senil-professienal contingent. While disappointed the market com munity refused te give up hope of an adjustment of the railroad situation. It was pointed out that while the first conference failed, this did net mean that the deer of settlement wns closed. On the contrary, a number of ether conferences were looked for. notwith standing the seeming stubborn attitude of the contesting forces. Jut hew the present deadlock was te be broken, no one was willing te venture an opinion, but the rank itntl file In the market eenimiinity maintained the same opin ion voiced all during the week, and that Is the wulk-eut of the railroad workers will never occur. As naturally would be cxitcctcd, the strike situation overshadowed till ether onsideratlens. Fer that reason the further strengthening of the reserve rutin of the Federal Ueserte systems was nil as a market feature. Neither the continued easy money conditions cut much figure. But this was all entlrelj logical when the professional caliber nt the market was taken into lull in the trading in the general list, consideration Taking advantage of lull in the trading in the general list, a number of the lesser peels trotted out their specialties, which were marked up, while the mere representative shares j marked time. The only exception" in I the latter were some of the mere closely held oil stocks, and these were made j the leading vehicles of speculation. I Selling of the rails en a modcrute scale attended the early dealingB, but outside of (treat Northern nud North ern Pacific there wnB no great amount of pressure, and as with the steel group there were net offerings te speak of at rhe lower levels. The sugar and to bacco issues were Inclined te be heavy, otherwise, after the initial dealings, the list showed a distinct tendency te ignore unfavorable developments. Such spec ialties as International Paper, May De partment Stores, Haskell & Barker. Associated Dry Goods, Burns Broth Breth ers and Famous Ilayer received mere attention than most of the usual pop ular leaders. Heyul Dutch, Mexican Petroleum and Ban American featurede the oil group. Mexican Petroleum, making a spirited rebound midday, when shorts endeavored te take In some of the outstanding commitments. STRONG FRONT PUT UP BY THE LOCALS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Dlv Poles- in t 809 00 .100 4 400 7 00 4 100 T 100 00 4 100 s 100 100 7 700 12 400 1100 , ft 000 ., S00 7 700 100 200 e tee 300 400 8 oe 1100 7 MOO 300 7 1000 e 400 if 1200 7 100 7 14D0 l0t 4 300 8 1700 0 300 2000 4J00 7 1400 .. lsse a 100 100 1700 ie 100 100 100 1200 3600 10 1800 1200 500 300 100 1000 1400 eoe tee s 100 7 eon 304) tee 2400 100 tee 400 a 300 100 1100 7 200 3300 S 6000 2 SO 1T00 4 100 200 i no 100 2 36 loe e tee 400 S 1400 JIM 1000 6600 8 200 g 100 g 300 100 600 6000 I Bulk of Operations Again Were Made Up of Odd Lets Edward B. Smith St Ce 1411 Cheatnut Street Member New Yurn .I'vi I'mmdelphia Stock Exrbaneej Investment Securities Philadelphia New Yerk i insiili ring all things, most of the local stei ks put up a strong front In today's market. There was net much done In any of them. Among the pure local issues prleet. were steady ; in the majority of caes were fraction ally higher. The railroads gave some ground This, however, was merely a reflection of the lower prices for the same group in the bigger market, and f- be expected, in view of unsatisfac fnr ending of jesterday's conference at Chicago. 'Hie sluggishnr su of the trading in the general local list, as in the recent ses muiis. from a sentimental viewpoint, was offset te some extent by the broad bread ening edd-li't tiansactiens in the so se called New Yerk stocks. This innova tion bus proven one et the most suc 'rssful and lucrative moves mmie by the local members in a number of ears. It s astonishing the matter was net i.iiiiichfd months age- Tie dealings in the local stocks lucked individual feature, although in the case of flie increased offerings of Philadel phia Electric 'amnion recent intima tions of 'iew financing negotiations which were denied, apparently has caused seme uneasiness among the smaller holders The stock had geed support and offerings were reidlly at "rbfd. A strong position was maintained hv the American Stores at the best prices ( the week, and within fractions of tne record prices for all these iFsues. American fias lest a point en limited sales, while Pennsylvania Salt was up '' '. I' I. had a much firmer mar ket reaching X A few shares of Uectric Storage Hatter were taken at '-j point higher at 10t!, 2000 7(10 300 400 4110 300 100 tee 3490 J00 13JI 100 330 30tl 1000 400 100 400 30C0 100 400 100 1300 200 100 390 S00 1700 900 100 300 100 Hlh Lew Adams Express 0 40 AJax Rubber ' 1W Allied Chem & Pye... 45H Y Allied Chem & Dye pf. 87 H ' Allls-Chaimera 34 31 Allls-Chalmers pf .... 16 76 Am Agrlc chem pf... H H Am Dank Nete & "J, Am Hank Nete pf . . . . 47ft 47J4 Am Can 36 26 Am Can pf 85 8J Am Car ft PAy 138 138 Am Chicle 10H 10 Am Kxpres 131 137 Am Hide AI.eather pf 4V& 48 H Am lee 64V4 64 Am Intern.it Cerp.... 31 ji 3H4 Am Linseed 34 31 Am Locomotive 8!$ 8tH Am Safety llaief 4K H Am Ship & com K Am Steel Foundries. . 2S$ 23'4 Am Sugar Ref 514 504 Am Sugar Ref pf 73 74J4 Am Sumatra 35H s4 Am Smelt Sec A 78 11H Am Tel A Tel 108 108 Am Tobacco B 124 1234 Am Woeltn 74H 74 Am Woolen pf 7'4 1i Anaconda Copper .. 38 SH Asse Dry Goods 34 32Ji Atch Tep & SanU Fe 85 85 Atch Tep & S F pf . . . 81 80 Atl Gulf & W 1 S S... 26J4 264 Atlantic Pet 31 31 K Haldwln Locomotive . 86 H 85 Baltimore & Ohie 3!i 3Js nethlchem Steel B.... 531 52JS Heeth Fisheries 3H 3H Brltlyn Union Gas. . . 6H 6JJ Burna Bres let Ji 108 Butte Copper & Zinc. . 4'i K'i Butterlck 24 24 Cal Zinc & Lead 3ft 3JJ California Petroleum. 43 41 Va Canadian Paclnc Ill 10t,4 Central Leather 27 4 26 Central Leather pf . . . SOW 37H Crro-de-Pasce 29 28H Chandler Meters 41ft 41 Chesapeake & Ohie... 44 ! 63 Chi & n 111 pf ctfs. 1H 1 Chi Mil A St P 23 239J Chi Mil A St P pf 383, 38 V-i Chi & Northwestern . 60'4 C6J Chi & NerthweBt pf..l00 100 Chi R I & Pac 31ft 31K Chile Copper 11 Chlne Copper 24 24 Clev Cln Chi A St L 42 Vt 41 Cluctt Peabody 30H 3H Coca-Cela 35 35 Celum Gas & Elec. . . . 61 61 Celum Oraphophene. . 3'4 3'5 Cel Oraphophene pf . . t2S 12H Consolidated Gae .... 90 U S9 Consolidated Textiles. lOJj, in Cern Products Ref... 80!i 79?J Cesdcn A Ce 3: 31 Crucible Steel 60 594 Cuban Am Sugar ... ll'i 11 i Cuban Cane Sugar... 7' 7 Cuban Cane Sugar pf 16 4 16 j Detwers Cens Mln Ltd 10 16 Del Lack A Western. . 1U5 183 Elk Hern rna! 17H 17H Endlcott-Jehnson 61 64J5 Erie 12 ll'S Erie let pf 171J 17 U Erie 2d pf lift 11 '4 Famous Players L. .. . 3ft ClH Famous PLiyers L pf. 79 78ft Fisher Bedy of O pf . . 67 87 Flsk Rubber 10U lnft Freeport Texas 13 13l Gasten Wms A Wig. . li a. General Asphalt Si3 3"4 Genera! Electric 1383 125ft General Meters .... 8Ta 8'i Goedrich B F 31 30?, Gray A Davis. ... IlKj II Great Northern pf 714 70 Great North Ore ctfs. 3!i 39 'i Granby Consel M A M 1H IK Guantanamo Sugar... 7 7 Haslcell A Barker Car 69 ?, HemestaVce Mining . 50 "0 Housten Oil 66 H 63 1 2 Hupp Motorcar . 10ft 'Te Indiahoma Rcflnlns .. 3(i 3U Piternat Agrlcul . 7'4 7V Int Harvester new 75 74'i Int Mer Marine pf 4Bt, 4d4 lnt Motertruck 1st pf. 4b 04 International Nickel 13'i 1.1 ' International Paper t ' 7 Inter Paper pf strd. . . 69 9 Invincible Otl Cerp... II I0"e Iowa Central ... 6 B Island OH 3 2ft Jewel Ten Ilia lift Jenes Bres Tea.. .. 26'j 26VJ Kansas City Southern 23ft 23H Kansas A Gulf Ce ... 6ft C Kelly-Sprlngneld Tire. 401, 30tf Kennecett Copper ... . 31 20Ji Kresge SB ! " Lackawanna Steel . . 39 3S Laclede Gns of St L. 47i 47J4 ft 1:30 Net 1 M. Chse. 49 ft- W i 45 H 87 3JH .. 76 B1 65H- a 5SH W HX .. 36 - K 85 128 10 -130 im- 644 31J4- 24 80H 4K 5 33 W- 50ft- 75 Vi 34W- 77(4 108 134 18ft 38 - ft 33 1 I 85 - ft 80-1 264; .. 31H 66 35 ft- 53 -SH-69 ft 109 -f 4 54 34 4- 3ft 43 -- 110 -2ft-57- 28H-Ift-53 - 1H 22 H 38?4f 6ft 100 31ft HJi 24H . 42 t 39 ft -35 61 J, 3ft- 12- 89 ?4 16ft 4 80 ft 33 59 - 5 14 ft ft "w ft ft 14 ft 'H ft ft ft J'a H ft ft ft H 1 itt !4 ft tft H ft 4 1 ft ft 1V4 I ft 1H ft ft 101, 16 L 105 - 17, 64H 11ft- 17 ft-11ft-62ft 10ft T lft 4. r -11K-71ft-29 ft -18 7ft r 50 C3H-10?,- 3 ft 7'4 74 i ft -r 13 ft 8ft -f (JO II 3 llft 20ft 23ft- 6ft 40 21 160 -3 47 H '4 '4 ft V ft ft i 2ft ft H H 1ft ft i IK ft , ft H H ft . 1ft ft ft J Pales 100 760 100 300 100 100 1300 90709 400 1700 500 200 100 600 000 1000 100 300 700 300 100 160 200 209 100 700 1100 4500 100 100 300 100 14600 6000 1500 400 100 1450 300 2000 1300 100 100 1400 2600 700 100 100 100 100 100 300 100 300 3500 600 2600 800 1900 100 1500 4100 100 4200 I 100 100 500 200 800 240 2100 300 6200 1600 700 1200 60) 200 200 4200 100 700 100 200 5400 200 3400 200 1100 2300 100 2300 900 100 SOOO 400 200 400 7300 000 2200 100 300 200 100 600 100 60U 30ft, 205 100 300 000 lene 300 200 300 coo 100 Dtv. Int t ltlhX Lee Rubber Tire 28 S.fiO Lehigh Valley .s, 61ft .. Lima Locomotive .... 73ft .. Loe we Ce 13ft 1 Left Candy 9ft 1,15 Manhattan Shirt 27 8 May Dept Stores 89 ft It Mexican Petroleum .. 97 H 2 Miami Copper 33 K 1.20 Middle States Cerp... 13 ft .. Mid vale Steel ,. 33 ft .. Minn A St Loul Oft .. Me Kansas A Texas.. IK .. Missouri Pacific 18 .. Me Pacific pf 41ft . . National Acme 14 1 National Biscuit pf. ..110ft 7 Nat Cleak A Suit pf . . 54ft a New Yerk Central.... 73 . . New Yerk C A St L. . 53 8 N Y Chi A St L 1st p& 01 2.80 New Yerk Deck..i.. 37 H .. New Yerk N H A H.. lft Norfolk A Western... 94 Norfolk A Western pf. 68 North American 40 ft North American-Df.. . 36 Northern Pacific 73ft . Ontario Sliver Mlnlnr 4ft 2 Orpheum Circuit 18 8 Otis Elevator 15 . Pacific Gas & Elee. ... 00 . Pacific Oil 43M 6 Pan-Amer Petrel .... 44ft 9 Pan-Amer B 43 . Panhandle 11 . Parish & Bingham.... 13ft 2 Pennsylvania R n.... 35?t . Pcnn Seabeaid Steel.. . Peeples Gas Chicago. . 33ft Pere Marquette 18 3 Philadelphia Ce 38W 7 Phllllps-Jenes pf 75 . Phillips Pet 28ft . Plerco-Arrew Moter . . 13ft . Plerct-Arrew Met pf. 28ft . Pierce OH 7 ft Pitts Ceal 60 6 Pitts Ceal pf.' 88 . Pitts A West Va 24 . Pressed Steel Car. ... 65 . Producers Refiners . , 21 ft i . Pred. A Ref. pf 38 , , Public Serv of N J. ... 61 8 Pullman !i . Punta Alegre Sugar. . 26 8 Pure Oil X4 . Ray Cen Copper 13ft 4 Readme 8ft . RenTlnrten Typewriter 20 . Republic Iren A Steel. 46ft , Republic Meters "ft 7 Reb RelB A Ce let pf. 7 P Royal Dutch Amer. . . 43ft 1 St Jeseph Lead 12ft . St Louts San Fran.... 21 ?i . St Leuis A SWIIR.. 23 . St Leuis Southwest pf 31 . Seaboard Air Line. ... 3 . Seaboard Air Line pf. 5i . Scars-Roebuck 06ft Shell Transport 33 Sinclair OH 31ft 6 Southern Paclfle 77 .. Southern Rail 19 . . Southern Rwy pf 43 4 Standard OH of Caitr. n 6 Standard OH of N J. ,148ft 7 Stand Oil of N J pf..l09ft 7 Btudebaker '3 : Submarine Beat Cerp. 3ft . . Superior Oil Cerp.... 7ft Superior S.teel 28ft . Tenn Cep A Chem. . . . 7?J 9 Texas Ce 40 .. Texas A Pacific 21 1 Texas A Pae C A O.. 25 . . Tidewater OH 15lft 8 Tobacco Products .... 64H Transcontinental OH 8U 8 Union Bag A Paper pf 66 Union OH 20ft 10 union racinc !' ,74 Union Pacific pf 67 United Retail Stores.. 53ft U S Feed Products... 12a4 U S Ind Alcohol 44 U S Realty A Imp. . . . 58ft U S Rubber 48ft U S Rubber 1st pf . . . . 89 U e Bieei n'4 30 U S Steel pf Utah Copper Vanadium Cerp Va Iren Ceal A Coke . . Vlvaudeu Inc Wabash Wabash pf A Wells Farge Express. West Maryland 2d pf. Western Pacific Western Union Tel... Wostlngheuse E A M. White OH Cerp Willys-Overland Willys-Overland pf . . Wisconsin Central . . . Woolworth F W Worthlngten Pump. . . Ex-dlvldend. 110ft 53 ft 30 ft 81 8ft 7 20 64 ft 16H 20 82 H 45ft 13 3H 25 H 25 ft 130 ?4 39 ft Ixiw 28 53 ft 73 ft 13 ft V 37 86 H H 23 ft lft 23 ft 6ft lft 17 ft 41)4 13ft 110 ft 54ft 71 K 53 01 37 13ft 64 68 40 35 H 73S 4ft 18 94 60 43 43 41 11 13 ft 35 ft 8ft 30 ft 18 28 ?; 75 28 12H 27 ft 60 ss 24 33 21 ft 3S 61 S3 25 29 ft 12 i 68 ft 20 43H 894 43 ft 12!i 21 ft 22 31 3 5ft C5H 32 ft 20 4 76 ?4 183, 43 7Sft 14S tfl0'4 72 3ft 7ft 28ft 39 H 21 24 ft 151 63ft H 66 20 118 67 33 ft 13 ft 44 53 ft 464 '4 77 ft 110ft 62 30 ft 81 8 t 30 68 16 H 20 82 44 12 ft 5H 25 H 25 H 1184 39ft 1:0 Net V. M. Chse 28 63 ft 72ft 13 ft tft 37 88 96ft 33 ft 13ft 23 ft 0ft- lft 17 ft-41ft-13ft- 11014 54Ji 61 -274 13J4 94 -68 40ft 36 18 94 -60 42 H 44 -r 41 34 11 13 ft-35ft- 33 ft 18ft -28 M -78 -f 38 13 27ft 7 ft 1 154 H ft !i ' 1H ft ft ft ft 8 1 'a IK ft H H lft "V4 H H ft ft H ft 3 ft 1 V 3 60 88 24 55 21ft 38 61 06 --25K-20ft-12K-68?- 20 -46ft Oft-f 7 43 ft f 12 ft-21ft-5-32 i 31 3 3ft 66 -S2ft-21 76 i-18ft- 43 e 7ft 118 ft i 109 ft 72?. 3ft- 7ft- 28ft -r 74 39 ft- 21 - 24 ft-151.4- f34- 06 f 20ft 4-1I8-87 4 52 ft 1214 - 44 " -B3ft4-47H- 84 ; - 78 -110ft-62 30ft 4 81 4 8 7 20 64ft 4- H4 20 - 82 - 5ft4 12ft 5H 25H4- 25 ft 4-118- 39 ft- H 1 ' lft IS ft lft ft ft 154 t 154 ft ft 54 H ft lft ft lft 54 54 ?4 H t ft ft l l ft ft !4 ft ft 1H 4 ft ft 54 3ft ft H ft 1 3ft t'.i. n 01 There wns a .sew iuiii. vvn :"-". ; falling off In the volume of business to te day In nil security trading markets and .. i i l....lrt0ii ii.nti nrnnetineeil uiLS uecrrnscu mii"i ""- , en tlie New Yerk Curb. Offerings were small nreund prevailing nueiuumw . i. i i (h ., tetfltnfr flemnnfl te li. requireii em. " ....... "-:.- cause advances In n number of Issues, but comment was niacin even mn. ,i ...!.- .t.n....wl ttrenetli about the KICK of bullish speculative sentiment. .. . .. .. - n nmst iHinllv fnr account of interests cenccrntxl In Mm M..4lAa na In StWPPtfl tJOITl" pany of America, In which , there a action in connection iiu i" s. -of two banking men te the llenrd of Directers: the stock, however, was un changed in price uireugn uic i' .. " t.i.. "Ti" nfnelr wns nreml- nent nt times, moving up from 20 te 60, and there wns n smnu umiuin ui "" newt in Farrell Cenl. which was un .i i ,... notnrilnr'e rtilimr nrtcc. Glen Alden Ceal showed a strong tone with trading nt 40 te wjnu T Safety Hazer was traded in nt 1U7 te 101). Tobacco Exiwrts cnangea mums at 5l4i U1...II.- n.rnn tn(Mrfinpnt 1 WCrP TC" corded In the petroleum group. Heal- Inge in tne . uics eerviti- --"" -light and there was virtually no fluctuation in three c a l tock during the first half of the day. Miirn- calbe was faliiy ncuve, '", "i' """ 23i Tte 'J3-,. International Pctreleun was in moderate supply nnd declined trem lii'i ie ie-'ti Commodity Markets L Philadelphia Stocks INVESTMENT SECURITIES Elldns, Merris & Ce. Land Title Bldj:., I'hila. New ,rk a. h,n, st.rk Kxchamre Ijew It tlEWOUER. HENDERSON & LOEB Members New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges 1410 Chestnut St. Foreign Exchange Explained Aat for Free Uoelilet f.2 Wm. H. McKenna& Ce.! 221 Sculh 15th St., Phila., Pa. j It'll l'l'unr Imimt I77H New Yerk Pateraen i T5 C. S. PAT i ON & CO. 3t) A nil'TM'T STS. BANKERS iii it'kMr in HAII.l.K HTKVItMlsO.N Hum), unci -li'iUn IxiikIiI mid Mid .ltmlier I'lilln MiifU Pxrlimae iliVh 170 Am Str-. 7ti 7."ii ltld de ,ref .lliHin 103 ." Am (Su . .'IS 3S 20 1 A Sum T Z ,'I4' 2em &. n no x, "tCornPred ) li) 2.". Klec Ster.lOfl' lfMi, letrnml'ln l!2- 2',4 iiii cieti .hpii JOtlJen Met nelsl Oil ., l.'l I Ce N A 12(1 Key Tele l.'iO I.eh Val . fiOtMex I'et lr.t.Midvale. .V.tNer lac 041 Ia II U.. 2." I'a Salt 20 I'hila Ins Wire .. .'. I'hila Ce cum of . 37." I'hiliiKlee l.'l de prel . 20 UK) i'hila & w ;ivi lOTriillman. 5tSt. L & Hwn .. 10 fn Trac DO I'lll . IOOtI'S Steel fiOtWubash pref A.. N-t ChtT1) i.r. P M. 7(1 le:ii.s- l,, M 1 i, Iiii 10 . 20 "I'N no i'l'h 73 H DO eO 31, 22 O.'.H 21', 31 33 , 78 mi ie 2!t 7Va en 23 7.1 3,Va 00 50 31 -i HMI',4- 2i-r ,ViU, 1"t 20 ru, - im 3 V,- - li T.'Uu leL .(.(', 2f5 U 3V4 i nsu 21 i 31 331 J 7S 00 -CO .. 31.. 22i,i . 20 't!, 3Vj IWV -r 21 14 31 .. 33 7S 6 mecKwgII. Wilsen Lli Certified Public Accountants Und Title Bldg., Philadelphia I 201;, 0014 20li if. Net chans" mud.- b romparlaen with laat aaln un New Terlt Steik Eachana-.-. PMII..lKI.nUA IIONOH !(7."0 Liberty 2d -I'iK '42 02 r,0 2000 Liberty 3d -IVi '2S )4 7(j .-.-.( Libert v 3d 4V,n '2H 0-1 SO KWKI Lllien.1 3d IV,N '2S 04.70 000 Llbem Ith 4'',s '2H 02.00 ."ilillll Amer ("las kt Electric 5s. "7 1IMMI Klectric A People's 4s. . ,'i7 20011 Klectric; & I'eeple's 4h . . .'(.ly, 2IMI0 Ijniltublc fins 5h. . . 100 lilMIO Kiiiiltalili. (ins "ih. . . IOO'h 10IMIO X V Chi Ht L !( 78ij 1000 Peunsvlvnnln Os 101'. GRAIN MARKET ' Chicago, Oct. 21. The whenr mar ket acted strong most of the early ses sion. Commission houses were fair buyer- und shorts covered, while a tea ture was the paucity of offerings. Around top prices, un elevator Interest sold. Locals were mainly bullish, be cause of the light offerings. Expert sales of 2.'i0,000 bushels were reported, but Spain, Greece nnd Italy were re ported in the market. Hcd wheat pre miums were lc te 2c higher, while bard and spring wheat wa' unchanged. Ship ping nales were 20,000 bushels. Cern was firmer with wheat Trndc wns exceedingly slew and featureless. The cash corn basis wns unchanged. Shipping "ales were 200,000 bushels. North bought December and sold May and Armour did the reverse The cash basis was unchanged. Shipping sales were 00.000 bushel. COTTON MARKET ' New Yerlt, Oct 21. I'nfin. .ruble '.livclepments in the railroad labor sit i ntien furnlfhei' a bn-is for active sell ing of cotton nt the start teda , at tended by a drop of 20 te .15 points n ,r:cfH Weakness nt Liverpool end In euirlties here added ie the bearish feel- ng en the flnei. The best buying was l.v the trnde. Japanese interests sold, and there vn- considerable resiling l.v operators who covered earlier in the Vek Vt (he end of the firt lifteen n.inmes the list we- fairly steady at cbeut 10 points above initial levels. Ilecelpts nt tin ports for the day ,.re estlnmtH at W1.000 bales iipaiii.t 13 003 bales a week ace. i.t.lti.l Dales n year age and 33.74 bale- two years eee. 1 rrnvlnui. . 'Ien OpiMI is SI Jtrrmbrr tjcnu.iry Mirrh Mny . . July NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yerk. Oct. 21 A general dciwnwnid swins s noted in ceiree future prices this morning, with n scatterei' deiimnd en sule .lewn. Most f" the curb nrvuu w,i- in the March lesitinn nnd the-e offerings cm ne prin cipally from a bnd.et believed te have I been operating fei -ttlier Ilrnilian or Kurepean account. I'ncc- en the call u'ere 2 te 0 points le-u'i Around mlddaj. (he iimrkct was do ing a Hide better, Mtirch and May advancing point-, with 7.3." being 1,1,1 for Dccelilbei Tiitll Kin epiailK en Londen shows mere, siaiiiiiiy, int market here is likel te rellect mere or less irrcgularitN . and being se nar . nnler- ellliei- wav eflsllv Inillieiice ..!...... .... n i nil n pre.- ti' " ......... I) i emtir Mur. h May July Hi4 34. 10, 13.27, 23.25, 12.05, Ht.J FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yerk, Oct 21. At the opening of the foreign exchange market this morning sterling was ,i below the pre vious close. Marks were off 2Vi points, while lire were unchanged. Francs also were down 2 points from the pre vious close. The quotations fellow : Sterling cnbles .'t.O.V'. demand 3.05; franc cables 7.33. checks 7.32; lire cables 3.1)7, checks 3.07 ; Swiss cables l..iu, checks jb..m ; gunner cu-mes checks 34.05 ; peseta cables checks 13.25; Stockholm cables checks 23.20; Norway cables checks 12.00 ; Copenhagen cables checks 10.20; llelgian cnbles 7.11), checks 7.1H; marks, .05. In the second hour of business about the only exception te a lower range com pared with the opening figures was Swiss, which advanced 5 points te 18.41 for cables and 1R.3S for checks. The ether quotations were: Sterling cables 3.04. demand 3.04i, ; franc cables 7.20, checks 7.2SVs ; Bel gian cables 7.14, checks 7.13; lire ca bles 3.05, checks 3.01; marks .00 of fered. 'l In' nremium en New Yerk funds In Montreal today was a shade easier nt 0 -B'10 per cent. Canadian tuncls in New Yerk were n shade firmer today nt 8i ner cent discount. The Centrnl Kurepean exchanges were steady today. The quotations were: Humanlnn .70. Hulgarian lisi... Serbian 1.30 Czecho-Slevnkian 1.00 Slavian .359J. Creek 4.52. 1.02. Polish .02"',. Austrian Hungarian ,14Vj. YnSTEHDAY'H I'INAI. UevrATION.H Starllnc Kranri. I.irr Oullijara Calil"" . . a.M 7 30 8 .', 34.01 TODAY'S OPE.NINQ ClUOTATIOS Sterllm 1'rnnrn Ure Qullilera Demand . .08. i ?? ? . 3 0B tables .luge- Kinnlsh .00, Financial Briefs 1hII.J T)ll..a tni..M.( f. , utli.cq ll.,ia.D .tiicD.iiicil, V'Uinpttny (UIB leiuuu ,ib .iiiiu.i iviiuii .vi me JIBCU1 Par ended June 30. ahewlnir total Income before taxea and charsra of ll,T62,flSn. asalnst 11.730,718 In the preceding year. Stockholder! of the Virginia Iren. Cel and Coke CemDani wilt meet 'nv.mlj.r i at Itoaneke. Va te autheriie an lnrr.e.. in ilJ'n?SPan!,H.L'ftpl"11 b' ,he lnauranre of ru.uuu.iniu et ir t"ni ciunuiative preferred ateclc. The company new linn no preferred and $10,000,000 common ateck. ""rre DIVIDENDS DECLARED Producers and Hednc-m Corporation, q'tar terly l'i per cent en preferred, payable No vember 7 te ateck of record October 31. Droe'Kbn Gdlaen Company, quarterly 12 payable December 1 te ateck of record No vember 18. California Packing Corporation, Quarterly Jl no en common, payable December in te ateck of record November 30. OFFERINGS OF CURB ISSUES ARE SILL Lack of Bullish Speculative Sentiment Narrow Move ments in Oils INDUBTMAIS Acme Ceal Hurna Pres H ( T.lirht Chicago & Kast Ills .... Columbia i:mernia c-aw&n rnul SlbBOIl Hewell len Allien Ceal Gillette H II Lincoln .Moter" - l.afa.tlnn Tlr,) ........ Phillip Merris Southern Cenl & Iren. . Sweets Ce Teb l'red Hxn U S Ij ft H ttnlnn l?arbtde Wayne Ceal wea: iina tnera STANDAHD OILS Ansie-Am Oil ln Atlantic l.oDea ; Imperial Oil Can ej Seuth Penn Oil 202 S Oil of Ind 7S4 lllRh .. r . se , l , 13 .. l'. . m. . 15 .1 4CIV. .1(111 . 12 .. 00 :4, . r.'i . IN 4?a . i Lew tr 211 l 18S 17J 40 11)7 10 01J r 2H 2Ji ii n i 87 .02 78U 1:30 P.M. 85 30 lk 40H 108 10 ae r, 2i 2' r.'i 1 42S l ins OS 88 ' 2D2 78'. IMKPKNrKNT OILS Qas . : 3.96S 7 33 3 1174 34.10 t8 77 IS r.3 ' s a:. 17 1)7 17 M is r.n 1H .Vl IS 2.1 is or, 17 CIS 17 3.'. 10 P M IS.40 1R.11 17 02 17 (12 17 12 pre- . eldhe cirn 7 S'i 7 3C11JM0 7.33 7 At 7IIH102 7nr.7 . 7 70f71 7.0i7 Raw Sugar Market Steady New Yerk. Oct Ml The iaw lUBiir mar ket this mnrnlne hail u. M-kdj tone with further ali" t Cuban b the i emmlltee te iiutperia at 2Vjc, com and frctcht und u small Invoice of Perte UUr.t iifleit at 4c. c I f. delivered limine Iniermi for prompt augar at slieve prlrm continued but no neurb leta arc available. It generally eiiwctid that the rnmimttee will seen be In a position te offer rulnn t"r prompt clear ance Latest Iju-lnes- Im lude,i inelrea of Cubaa for prompt shipment te N w Orleans. A close Interest aheuld In ehen-n by refiners genernlly In early shipments ter their future tequlrements. Orterlngs of Philippine centrif ugals for middle nnd s.cend half of No vember arrlvala continue at 4i- dellvert.it. Silles confirmed by the Hugar Finance Com mittee were 110,000 bags Cuba lentrlfugals at 24 c coat and freight, basis 01 degrees Including 15,000 baas for prompt shipment. New Orleans, and 13 000 bags te Philadel phia te the American Sugar Itellnlng Com Cem jury, and 30.000 bags te i-reflnry w.ire house In Philadelphia te the McCahnn Hug.ir and .Felassss Compans Prlre- of the renti er for granulated rennln unchanged at 3 20c te 3.30c, less 2 per ci nt for each for granulated, the Federal Company only quot ing at the lower lnvel A mederatu te fair business la reported Lew-Grade Weel Tending Upward lloHen. Oct 21 -The Cemmerrlnl llulle tln tomorrow will say "There has he. n u fair amount "f business done In the Kant, rn wool msrketa this week. Including I.r th fln and medium te low wools, as well na greasles and sceureda. Prices are ntrady, with '! clruhlc low grades tending upward The goods market la without material change. Ferelan markets are strong, and AuatrallH nnd New Zealand have advanced at the re re tuinptlen (f tales this week, mere or lass In line with the rise In price In JAnaep. .here price have been firmly maintained," MONEY-LENDING RATES NKW YORK Meney en call, both classes of collateral opened today at 4 4 rcr cent for lendlnjr and renewing. BfcOO per cent, commercial luper. three te six meet i)i. Mi (?a per rent Federal Reserve Ratios Washington, Oct 21. ltntle of total re eree te net deposits, and Federal Fteserve note liabilities combined, for the twelve' Fed- tint nrpi tt j in (inn rtliu (1)6 Pnilr" BVftf fTT1 as of Octptr 10, 1021. compared with ir. 102C1 Oct 22 31 1 3D (1 32 3 32!s 4S 8 40 f. 30 3 41.3 30,fl 42 B 40.0 44.0 Til Arkansas Natural tloene en Bosten Wyoming Carlb Sn . . . Cities Sen Ice (old) . . Cities Senlce "11" ctfe CHUM Service nfd Edmunds Klk Ilasln ret Engineers Petrel Federal Oil atlllland OH (Ilenreck Oil Int Petrel Ke stone Hanger .... l.vnm Pet . Magma Oil' nraracalbe oil Merrltt Oil Mexico Otl Mountain Products ... Omar Oil TJniH llettners Salt Creek Pred Mtmma Pet Skclly Oil Texon Tuckeney Wilcox Oil v nn Southern It It .MINING Alaska Hr Columbia Alaska. .Mines Aiardo .Mines Hlg l,erig est & Ment Canada Cep Creeson Geld Dundee Ariz Uureka Croesus Oeldflcld Flerenco Oeld Status Howe Sound McNamara Mnih.r l.ede clt National Tin Nevada Ophlr Nevada Sliver Hern Nlplsslng ... Hex Cena .... Silver HlllH of Nev St Antheny Oeld Tonopah Dllde Yuken Geld IIOND.S Amer Teb 7s 1023 . Amer Tel tin W22 Amer Tel fls 1024 . Anaconda 7b 1021' Angle-Amer OH 74s .... Armour 7s Can Nat Ky eg 7s Can Pac, Q Chicago Kast III 3s . . . Conn Gas Klec Iln.Ue 7a.. Copper Kxpert 8s 1028. . Copper Kxpert ks 1023. . Cuban Tel 74 Gen Asphalt e Ooedr eh 1 re 7s Grand Trunk 4e . . . . liumeie una 7 .... N V N II i II H Shawaheen 7 Sears Ilevbuck 7 1822... Hears iteebu.K 7s 1U23 . . Solvay 8s Southern Hy fls Stand Oil 1 Y 7s 1827.. Swift & Ce 7s 1031 Tel Kdlsen 7a Texas Ce 7s Tel Trac 7s Un Hy Havan.i 74 s. Vacuum en 7s Western Klec 7 West Va 34 s Argentine , nni, Swiss 34 h ... 03 vjeus week and a tar age, follew: Bosten New Yerk Philadelphia . Cleveland . , . Hlrhmnnd Atlanta, . Chicago . St IxjuIs . . . Minneapolis .. Kansaa City Dallua San Francisce Total . Oct in 70 0 M3.il 08 4 OR 1 44.7 40.3 70.0 (13 1 80 2 33 d 30 H 71 1 Oct is 70 8 77 0 72 a 07.8 3 2 II. II 70 fi 114.3 41 7 (1.1.3 38 a 08.2 08.3 Reerve Banks' Discount Rates Offlcl.il rediscount rates at 'he twelve Fed eral Itesrrve Hanks are aa follews: Treaa. Lib Cem' I Hkra ctfs. bends paper, accent. Ilesmn .... ft s (i New Yerk 3 S a 2 Philadelphia R 3 ", 2 Cleveland 3 4 3V4 34 su Hkhmend n n 3W S Atlanta 0 i) n J Cli.cacn . . ,0 ti i n St I...U a ... tl (1 fi .w Minneapolis ... (1 n n ,! Kmiiuhh City ..a it ., Dallas .... A ft e ,1 ban Francisce 04 SS 8 4 34 Paris Deurse Dull Purls. Oct 21 Trading waa dull en the Heurae tedaj Three per cent rentes, 33 francs IS centimes, exchange en Londen, 34 francs 10 centimes, 3 per cent lean. 81 franca IS centlme-j. The dollar was quoted at 13 francs 71 centimes Products Pays In Scrip Nw Yerk. Oct 21 The Toburre Predurta llThU lAt u"VA4J alA Ben.al.b ..u Tobabcce f '.. nnr, nn .,,,,...,.,,, .,.,. .,,-,,,v, i, in i rn Ulll T mir' terlr dividend of II 30 nn the ommen stock pnable n twe-jear strip bearing Intereat nt the rate of 7 per rent per year, payable Nu. vember 18 te stock of record October 31. Bank: Clearings Hank rlsiirlnsa today compared with cor responding day laat two yearal 11)21 lfi'jn mm Phlla VI7 000.080 188,687,717 184.108,712 .10 0Ti 91i . 20 27 20 i , 81 78 80 . .5 I'l 3 .170 178 170,, 1 . 10Vf 10S 19S I : B,? 5?$ 61h f , OS tl OS . 82 32 82 . IS 1A IS . 8i 3S 3S . IS tS IS . 134 134 IBS . IS 1A IS , 08 08 08 J IS IS IS J 23S 234 28i , 10 10 10 IS 1A IS "1 . US OS OS 1 ,10ii 07 07 44 14 44 .J 12S 12', 12S jM 7s 7 7s wm OS OS 8S T 72 7t 71 70 70 70 3 3 3 73 74 74 3 2S 2S 37 37 37 n e e 7 7 7 30 34 33 Irs 1 I 81 31 31 IS 1U 1 01 til tit 88 38 38 42 42 42 3d SCI 30 2S 2S 2S 13 18 13 13 13 18 03 08 03 30 30 30 7 7 7 r. r 5 t N 8 03 .03 .03 22 20 20 70 08 08 IS IS 1H ' 101S 100S 100S 004 00S DOS' Oil OhS 08S 08S BU4 DOS 102S 102 1024 100 HHi ion I i 102S 102S I02S I 1 I 08 U8S OhS I I 03 03 03 11 07S 97S 07S L 101s 101S 101s 102' 102S 102U UBS 03S US' ' rees 100s loes , OSS OSS 03S I jl. 005 U0S tl0' U8S US'i US'a I ni di 61 084 084 1184 a4 004 00U 085 OSS 08S 10CIS 1004 1004 Ul'S 00 (je 1034 1034 1084 100 100 100 084 08S 084 1004 1004 1004 085 08S OSS 07S 07S 07S 1035 1D3S 103S 1014 1014 10H 80S 80S 80. New ftMue $376,000 Westmoreland County Pennsylvania SV2 Per Cent. State Aid and Highway Bends Dated September 1', 1921 Interest March 1 and September 1 Coupon Bends $1,000 each Series of 1921 Principal and Interest Payable at the Office of the County Treasurer, Greensburjr, Pennsylvania Free of Pennsylvania State Tax Free of All Income Taxes Ne Certificate of Ownership in Collecting; Interest Required Legal Investment for Trust Funds in Pennsylvania FINANCIAL STATEMENT (as officially furnished) Total Assessed Valuation (1921) $164,211,380.00 Actual Value, (estimated) 400,000,000.00 Net Debt (including this issue) 2,014,650.68 Ratie of Net Debt te Assessed Valuation. ... 1.31 Per Cent .Population (Census of 1910) ... .231,304 Population (Census of 1920) ... .272,000 We offer this issue if. when and as issued, and sub ject te approval of legality by Jehn Hampton Barnes, j Esq., arid Francis B. Biddlc, Esq., of Philadelphia. MATURITIES $37,000 due September 1, 1932 37,000 due September 1, 1933 37,000 due September 1, 1934 37,000 due September 1, 193S 37,000 due September 1, 1936 37,000 due September 1, 1937 37,000 due September 1, 1938 37,000 due September 1, 1039 37,000 due September 1, 1940 42,000 due September 1, 1941 104.14 104.42 104.70 104.95 105.19 105.42 105.64 105.86 106.06 106.25 and interest and interest and interest and interett and interest and interest and interest and interest and interett and interest Prices: Te Net 5.00 Per Cent Biddle & Henry 104 SOUTH FIFTH ST. Harrison. Smith & Ce. 121 SOUTH FIFTH T. The Information and statistic contained herein have been obtained from sources which we bell. te te be reliable. A BANK that offers construct ive banking service based upon its own experience and that of its customers in various lines of industry and trade. Cktntral National Bank of Philadelphia Chestnut Street at Fifth Capital $1,000,000 Surplw and Undivided Profits Earned $4,400,000 I iw ft 034 HOC 113 li LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOl'AII STOCKS Cash Hey Jim Dutli-r MacNamum Creseent Midway Mlzpah Ext . Mentana North Star . Rescue Kula . Tonopah Kxt West Knd . . West Torepah Allied Divide .. Alte Ulvlde Hatcher llelcher lixt Hen Hur HreuKh Divide .... Divide Kxt D'vlde Cen Dividend Kast Divide IUrmlll Ilasbreuck Divide . . High Divide (.. Knox Hevert Divide . Iteseta Silver King Sutherland Tonopah Dlvlde Tonopah Ilasbreuck Victory Dlv'de . . . Verde Divide Zene Hid 03 C17 13 Oil It Wl 03 03 18 .... IS SO .00 DIVIDi; STOCKS .01 .01 02 .01 .eti 2.1 Oil 02 01 .14 .02 OS 02 01 III c'- n 12 01 01 11 OOI.DKIKI.D RTOc-Ks Heeth . 02 Comb Fraction m Crackerjack v Dlamendneld Ulue Hull ... Florence 43 Oeldnelcl Cen deldneld Dev 01 (Jeldnelil Deep Great nend 01 Jumbo Hxt cm Kewanaa 01 I.nne Star 02 Ore Ited Illlls 02 Silver rick nn Hpearhuail 02 MISCELLANEOUS Amparo Arltnna Urrited . Caledonia Kden Kmma HlUer . . . Kureka Crneius , Kureka Helly . . . Ilncla Mether I.eile . . . vvu1,i Hill Suvadci Wonder Success Tecopa Mlnlnir White Caps Wllburt S.I .01 .en .10 .01 3(1 4.011 .OH 01 10 02 0.1 .0.1 01 Ask .05 .en .18 .08 13 .OS .03 05 .21 l .03 .02 .02 03 03 01 .08 20 03 04 .02 .111 03 01 10 03 02 02 .03 .70 04 .02 03 1.1 03 02 e-i .01 .41 00 .02 .01 .02 0.1 02 03 01 .03 en 03 n.i .10 07 is .02 .in .Oil'. 4.: HI 02 20 O'l in 04 02 BAR SILVER Demestic bar silver was unchani.-..,! 1,, w.. TV tniCiv at Un nor fl i! . .!!.. " " . "I t'.ii' ir--..5;h.iTrt. fja-L'-.'L' '?r flM, ,......-.. V-f. -- ,",, waa unaiterea ai tu;a. den the price A First Mortgage Power Bend Yielding 7.20 Appalachian Power Ge. 5 Geld Bends, due 1941, are secured by first mortgage en its entire property, in cluding hydro electric and steam plants with an installed capacity of 63,000 h. p. Write for circular, Bonbright & Company 437 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia New Yerk Bosten Chicago Detroit; Circular PL U2 'ICONOCLASM, as much as need be, regarding The German Mark may serve te clear up the situation responsible for its continued fall. We discuss the intricate and debat able problem frankly. . Walter j. Schmidt c& Ce. Mtmbtn ContelUalcJ Stock Exchange of Nev Ye t PHILADELPHIA. IJU WALNUT STREET NEW YOHKiSO DROAD STREE319 FIFTH AVENU", JgnM tv A . tu iwlktH.. jv .