Wt ftfc V, CTXiH i ai T VJW-i c .- - - -t ' f"w uwti " ;w i w " rfc a -" I miiilH I i A ' V3 ' r J J.iS''W " .,hV, it,".VJ'y;'.'Tf.;.'?r-;rTy?"T' An 24 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, FBlDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1921 Football Most Highly Scientific Game in Sports, Says A. A. Stagg, Chicago Gridiron Coach NOT GREAT TEAM BUT GOOD STA Ne Secrets find Ne Predic tions,' Says Chicago Football Coach as Team Arrives DRILL AT TIGER STADIUM n- EDWIN J. rOUX)CK Trenten, Oct. 21 When the Broad Bread wny Limited pulleil in here this morn ing bearing the Chlrnge foetbnll tenm which plnys Princeton tomorrow. it nrrlval could nlmest be compared te n bettle of home brew butlnn open. Coach Alenzo A. StnRg pepped out te the plutferm like a cork and the plnjiT" and baggnse followed like the fenm and sediment. Coach Stngg was full of vim nnd Vivacity as he bustled about rhuekins baggage with the rer en n trttrK. "I rinn't knnu- mur-li nbeut I'. I.....U..1I tM.. .V.I.. n.tf ' lin nnntnrl n AUUIUMIl lunula kllin j., i' ...- .- he grabbed onto n locker trunk, "se it s bard te make any compnri'ens between our team nnd Princeton. There's no wcrct nbeut iih, Iiewpvht We're going right out te Palmer Stadium this after- neon and everybixh in the world rnn , come have a leek We have n geed, linf nnt ii itmI ten in I never IllllK"' any predictions, se I went say who I think will win thin game " The veteran conch from Chlcnge paused te mop bin brew. He went through the facial contortions of a man who wanted te break n rule, make n prediction in this casp. "Yeu might bay for me, be added firmly, "that my boys will fight Prince ton every step of the wny Thirty Players The train nrrlved at S :4." this morn ing. The husky squad numbered thirty players, upstanding athletes they were, nlmest gigantic under the low trainshed In their heuvv even eats nnd generous Chicago bkj -piece-, The train made a ypcclal step te let them off. There were thirty-six In the party altogether. Including players, cen-hes, trainers and newspapermen. After the baggage had been plied in machines, the athletes made a grand rush for beats. Coach Stagg stepped forward nnd made n speech. ., "Off," he ordered. "We walk. They nil did, with Stngg leading the thrce-fiuarter-mile hike te the Stat- Trenten Hetel, where the pnrtj will park while here. As they were about te leave the station, Frank Dele, nn old-timer who admits he coached Penn in 18D4, 1005-00, and knew Stagg at Yale, introduced himself te the Chicago mentor, and they had a chat ns the parade stepped out for the hotel. Johnny Jehnsen, Chicago's trainer, hovered ever his squad like a mother hen guards her chlcklet.s when crewing the street, wnen asiseti aoeui uie cuu- Many Football Battles en Scheel Schedule j I iNTnn.sciioiSTie miaeu- I Otitrtil llth nt Frnnkfnrd HUh, Oxford Wlm nrat the hUh school. CATIIOUO LEAGUE i St. Jeneph'n lm nt W1 Cnthftlie Ulh, Fortjr-feurth utrrrt nml Parkslde nrenne. INTF.IlAGA.nHO IJtAOUK Hnvrrfenl Scheel at St. IeVe' Sehcml, Wnrnc. OTIIKn GAMES tlryn Athyn A-x1rtny t Weet rWlndrf phtn HUh, mhm Flrld, Twentr-nlnth mid Cnmhrift trret. Onmrfrn llhth nt NetUmsirI IlUh. North Nerth rnsf riflil. Twenty-ninth nnd Ctmrfleld trsH. 1ilcoeni Acnurmr t OMTUnte n rrlfnuV, (lrmntewn urenue mid Ceal I r . street. -nrthmer Fitp st rnn Chrtr, Qaem Inne. I FtIkihU' Central at IIiuMenflVId niith. Hnddenflfht. Ilttilnnr Utah nt T drffrln-EnttUm i Well Iliillrv Park HUh nt Media HUh. MM l I'nlm.'rrn tilth nt llnrilniten Mich, Itur Itnxtnn. (Irrmsntenn Apftdrtny at Clretnnt Hill Academy, it. Mnrtlnn. I,miInvne HUh nt Cheltenham HUh, 1,11. Ins Park. vnsTKnnAY's nKfln.TS IMOTHAIO, InterwcheliWIfl T.eMni Gfrmnntmm HUh, I8i Southern HUh, 0 secenn, Intrwhelntle Iceae H'ftt Phllndrlithln HUh. Ii Frnnkferd astern I HUh. t. ertnrnf iiisn. nj (ierir iintnwn III n, I. return! iiixn, 4i peutnrrn linn, e, OT1 1 Kit (l.VJIKS Ppnn Charter. 3i FrlrndB' iflwt. O. fllll!."' I'IKIJt HtMKKV rlifltrnhiim HUh, 01 (llearestrr Hlh. 0. CHICAGO FOOTBALL SQUAD AT TRENTON, N. J. ether positions, 1 cannot name one man only. We hnve some geed suti btltutes this year nnd T Intend te use n number of them. "New nt end, Strehmeier, Hellnday and Cii'ler all will be in the game at Heme tune or ether. Lewis nnd Fletcher will fake care of left tackle ind the cuinils will be pi.-ked from Miller, Itehrke. Dawhon, Hedtnen, Proudfeot and I.entlierinnn. 1'ither Itemney or Tet go will call tlm signals. Cele, Pyott nnd N'etT are the left hnlfbaek candi dates, ami llryant, llurlburt nnd Moe Mee eher arc the right Imlfs. The fullback will be Hiesen from Tlmnvcy, Zern nnd Hermes." The plavers in tlif squad are Captain Magnire. Crisler, Hermes, Hellnday, Tnlge. llryant, T-mme, Strehmeier, llvdmen. ('ole, I.iwl-.. Neff, Flnek, Zern, Dicksen. Lcnthermnn, Itemney, King, llurlburt, Dawsen, Themns, Fletcher Pyott. Proudfeot, Miller. Mc Mnsters. Meecher. Orecnebaum, IJvler nnd Ilehrke. MBMMMBWMBrJMBMBBMI'wnr'"'MMWMi ' ' ' pM , Bt,BHHH7Ci ,L m gCf V"L 7 tfi!!?lx'JBB1THBrM9KK!'f?Ftf- r Ts HHIh' KiMilHilHVwHfilH 'f ''1? '.Is b?vH 9Hr SR-39 IHt isHZ xvcsIWWHBBBk weft 1KV8HWBmBKBBBmBBBBBBB $! &L$tii&fu4yflHdHraHiHflBHK9HuucKHHHflHHHHHHHHrx& v9HIFuRHHtluV9HHHHHHHRr Sw Vvi Ki,jP TENDLER 2-T0-1 FAVORITE TO BEAT KANSAS TONIGHT Lightweight Elimination Contest at Garden, New Yerk Lew Tendler, of this city, will enter the ring ngnlnst Recky Kansas, of Buffalo, at the Garden, New Yerk City, tonight n 2-te-l favorite. This will be another of Tcs RIcknrd's lightweight elimination bouts, which he is staging fnr thn imnrtna nf nlnMnr- V.A tm. ill. J n ...tl. .,'e vi Jit.nn,jt mu 1UIV '''Vremisinnl-e I fee for Obamplen Penny Leon Leen Leon te put up the game of his life." 4ie uk- i nrd. Hie mntch is scheduled for fifteen surfed. "Thev'rc rendy for the whistle rounds. light m We 'laveirt vlajed a gnme i Tendler finished his training here for two weeks, se the men nave uau plenty of rest .ind everything Is set." Captain Magnire strode along seri euhly as he talked things ever. "1 don't see why they nake all this fuss about m elaying opposite tin Tiger captain. Keck, at tackle, he Mild. "Tackles mer play opposite each ether. I muy "imc in contact with Keck, but I won't be opposite him all the time. Therefore, it's pet possible te inukc any eompniNeus." Keck was an All-Aiuericnn tackle en Walter Camp's mythical tc.un last year and Maguire was cheten as All -Conference tackle. Keck has a big advantage In weight, tipping the beam at 1127. while Maguire weighs only lb9 Off te Stadium "Fritz" Crisler. a star en the Windy City team, was iaptaln of the basket ball team last jear and "Happy" Halladav is captain of the ragemen out there tills. Jeur 15'th plaviM against Penn two years age In the bnsketball championship games. They also played Princeton last JC'"'- Coach Stagg had an early lunch pre pared for his charge nnd bustled the oil te Princeton nbeut neon "Wu will go through l'ht work this nfternoen te get an idea of the Prince ton field," stated the coach, "try our iiuntB In the air currents, nnd Iren out the kinks of our all-night ride. There 11 be no locked gates and everybody nn watch. We're coming back te Tienren tonight nnd will go ever te Princeton early tomorrow for the game." Stagg brought 1en a ceui Ie of the ntslsUnt coaches, Nilt-en Nerdren. wh" used te cerrh the University of Utah nnd Awlstunt Coach Jacksen. Besides Jehnsen, the trainer, D. D. Meiander came as the team's physician Even Jim Tewlg, groundketper ut Chi cage for thirty -two years and th' "Sam Payne" out there, ccul l net htnv away and was en the job with all thi rest. Hareld Jehnsen and Walter Lcker Kill, former Chicago qurirtirbaek, were the newspaper men with the tnam. Chicago's slate thiH season is clean of defeats. Only two games Imvn U. played. The first battle resulted in a 41-0 victory ever Northwestern and il. second was a win eer Purdue. .i-0 The members of the squad which wire brought down fur the Princeton game tnmoriew ami their numbers fellow 1 Cart liiuire 10 Lmtnrrnn USE. Made In turi niriuD Srnlaxd equ pment en Art r! fnrerrmt earn Moter Part Company 1425 N. Breed St. M Aie iaiiHi'iuiimirj4:irnirHmH;aiiPHiiiHnm:iiiiirrarjrai(irnLBiLifniiicr5 The finest butter in America! a- -Crisler a Herme 4 HulHday tl Tatue 0 nriant 7 Tlmm R Strehnnnr tl Rilmun 10 Cel 11 1-wln 12 Nrt HI Klack 14 Zern IS Dkkaen 7 It- miy is Klnf 10 ltirlhu-t 0 Davan 21 ThemB 22 FUtcher 23 I'jett 25 Proudfeot sn Ml'Ur 27 M'Maattrs 2S Mneher 10 ilrHflnebHiim 35 rijl-r 37 Ruhr9 jtfjgBEERW& Lineup Uncertain The lineup for tomorrow's game is uncertain and Conch Stagg will net do de do clde who will start until the team Is readv te take the field. "Thore ar only two positions en the team that are c'inched " said tie iuuatty western t it r Tiiptnln Mi guiic Is sure te start nt rigtit ta k and King will be the rnn l'cr t At all our Stores JLMEFmum FBTOBCS CO. i fjllliiillll!iii!i.iiiH!lii linuilWIlllii ii inn u;:i,;llii;i!liU,!lJII!l,fll!IIHil!Ili;L1iiii iiei, i ffll Hi ft StTS ErwTWlHriiKwfcJ A fttiMftiifliiMliVH i., f uMiuvmu r v i ts - -g-----fai SKATING SEASON HERE OPENS TOMORROW FINEST, LARGEST AND MOST ELABORATE ICE SKATING ICE PALACE IN WORLD Scheel Pupil' Seiiien Saturday Morning, 10 o'Cleck Three Settieni Daily (Except Sunday) LOCKER ROOMS REST ROOMS BATHS Experti te Sharpen and Adjmt Skate Cafe That It Delight of Our Patrons Phene Preston 6106, Wet 1704 ALONZO STAGG UNIQUE FOOTBALL CHARACTER Chicago Coach, Active Tuter for Thirty-two Years, Is Noted for Inventions of Neiv Plays Started Teaching Football in 1890 jebterdav and left for New YerK In the afternoon. He was down te weight and said that he was confident the pound age, 135 at 2 o'clock teda) , would net handicap In the least. "Of course 1 expect te win," said Lew. "Recky Is a tnugh guy and I don't think It will be easy, but I am In shape te show New Yorkers that I am In a class with U'-nny Leenard." Jee Cervine, local timekeeper, will held the watch for Tendler. Jee Tiplltz, a stablemate of Tendler, will go en in another bout, meeting Jehnii Darcy. It has been announced that the next elimination match of the Rlckard light weight tourney will be held en October 2S, with Sailor Friedman nnired against Lrnie Rice, the Ilntlsh cham pion. ' Brlckley Lest te Fordham -V- Yerk. Oct. 21 Arthur Brlckley quarterback of th l")rdhftm Unlvnralty feet tall tam. will be out of the game for the rtmalrder of thn aen aa a raault of Wlurlea rocelved durlnic the game with Villa re, last Saturday. It ti atatad today Erlclcle, a t,rethtr of Charley Brlckley for mer Harvard lilcklne a'.ar suffered u dlB dlB lecated sheu.der and a broken nes Lew Schupp Whips Ted Bleck ' brrunten. I'n.. Oct. 21 Law Schupp of Lancat,T outfeuuht Ted Bleck. In a ached uleil len-rnund bout here laat nleht Lee Dillen of Philadelphia, wen from Al Weiss of Syracuae. in another ten-rounder. St. Jeseph's and West Catholic Will Stage Opening Grid iron Battle Today OTHER BIG GAMES ON CARD l.v PAUL PREI' The Catholic Scheel Football League race will be inaugurated for 1921 this afternoon. Vcst Catholic High and St. Jeseph's I'Ati will be the opposing teams The gSme will be plaed en the P. R. R Y. M. C. A Field. Forty fourth ttreet and Parkside avenue, at 3 o'clock. Beth teams are old gridiron rivals. Lnst season St. Jeepb's wen the League crown by walloping West Catholic High in the crucial game. 11 te 0. On paper "West Catholic ITigh seems te have the advantage ever the prep school eleven. The Crimen nnd Cray wnllepcd the Oermantewn High ag gregation in the opening game of the season. We.t Catholic defeated West Philadelphia High easily West Philh later played Oermantewn High and had Just ns soft en assignment ns West Catholic High had ngninst the Speed boys. Therefore West Catholic leeks the best, according te comparative games. However, comparative games mean nothing. A team never plays the same against one eleven ns It docs egainst another. One day it might be defeated by a mediocre aggregation and the next win from the best in the city. On cempnring the teams It is very peculiar te find that the average weight of each aggregation virtually is the same The Blue and White bolds an advantage ever St. Jeseph's In nveragc height, however. Te Enlarge Pole Grounds New Yerk, Oct 21 Plana for renovation and enlargement of the Pole Ornunda which will lnrrenae the aeatlna; capacity from 118 000 1 1 '' 000 have been completed under the dlrf :, i of rharlea 8tnnh.im prcal dent of the N'ew Yerk National Ltaeue Club The work will tesln In the late fill, ao ae ao cer line te present plans, and ulll be rum Dieted In t me for the opening- of the lOi'2 Icarus season Stars te Play Twentieth Century The Vlrxlnla Stara will Play the Twentieth Century Club tomorrow afternoon nt TwentN sixth and Master streets The batterlea for the Stare will b Kreps and Spehrer and for Twentieth Century Kuhrln and Hlklna nrnaur The Western gridiron team which plays Princeton tomorrow will step overnight In the New Jersey capital, where they arrlvcd'thls morning. Belew are shown Couch Alenzo Stagg and Captain Maguire Statistics of Players in Catholic League Opener west catiiet.ic nieii MrTnnnKhy, I.. B. . c.lhlln. I.. T IteiiBhrrU . I.. O... (Jejer. O llerkeiT. It. O I Hake, It. T , Nutlie. II. K ' Mnllln, Q. II llrrnnun, I,. It, n.. merlin R. II. II.. McDenirtl, F. II. Are . 17 . 10 . lit . 10 . IS . 17 . 10 . 10 . 17 . in . 18 YVelilit KrlKht 150 100 103 ISO IM 170 112 1SS I. It ioe 105 Aerair K.08 B.10 3.11 n.ei n.n o.e.i B.07 .1.11 R.07 S.08 H.OO 17 2-3 lfllVi CIO st. jeseth's rnnp i Kune. I.. 1-1 lO'Nell, I.. T I Contmuithten, I. O.. . I llntler, C Iiiimakla. It. (,. i Oallnchrr, Ii. T iln-uv 11. 1J. Ilrrlln 0. II. Tally. U II II. lVenern, B II. II. (lelieme. r. II. . t Arerares . ir 17 in is 17 1.1 10 10 in IK 18 Weight Uriah m ISO 2B0 17S 10.1 US IBS 1.1.1 IM ltl 1SS .107 0.02 0.01 3.09 .1 00 3.11 0.10 1.00 r..07 3 0(1 .1 11 KAYOULA AND DOBSON Jack Kelly Will Jump Center for East Falls Five Tonight Kayeula Catholic Club, fresh from its victory ever St. Elizabeth, will op pose J. & J. Dobsen this evening nt St. Antheny's Hall, Twenty-third nnd Carpenter streets. Jack Kelly, the world's chnmpien oarsman, will jump center for the East Fnlh five. Kayeula will line up with Trautwcln nnd Stevenson, forwards; Regan, center; McCartcr and Kilpnt ilck, guards. Dobsen will have Bleck nnd hees. forwards; Moerehcnd nnd West, guards. In the preliminary contest Hensen A. A. will meet Kayeula Reserves, TT IS thirty-odd years from the days that Coach Ames Alenzo Stagg played football against Princeton until tomorrow, when he sends his University of Chicago eleven against hlB old rivals The Intervening years have made him the eldest foetbnll coach In the cenn try. In all this time his first aim en the gridiron tins been te "make men." ''With the right sort of coaching you can make men faster en the foetbnll field than In nny ether sport," said Coach Stngg in looking back ever his thren decades of coaching Just before taking his team East. "Foetbnll la a glorious game. It calls for the highest In courage and sacri fice, for the geed of the school and te win. It Is a vigorous gnme nnd In ccr tnln sense It Is te the glory of football that men will play the game in spite of injuries that quite often de come. "One of the chief developments of the Inst thirty years Is a recognition of the worth of football nnd of athletics. The war also helped te make people see that they are worth while In developing our boys physically, mentally nnd mer ally. Football Ideals Improved "Foetbnll conches have greatly Im proved in ideals. There are many mere of them today who see the real value of the sport. Seme still nre te be found who reverse its benelits ly trying te win nt nnv cost who nlay the game crookedly, who set false Ideals before their players, who encourage foul tac tics nnd bad sportsmanship. "We shall never get the best grade of conches, In my judgment, until the ceacn is made a member of the faculty. He needs te be set above the necessity of Immediate winning of games. He needs te have the ideals of nn educator. He should net have his job depend sole ly en winning teams. I think this has been the cause of much of the peer tac tics some coaches have employed. Coach Stagg himself strikingly illus trates the revolution that has taken place in the coach's position In the col lege world, for he wns the first conch te be mnde n member of the faculty of his Institution. When he wns Invited te come te the University of Chicago nt Uh opening In the fnll of 189:2 he wns made, at his own request, head of its department of physical culture nnd athletics. Up te that time college nthletics were entirely sepnrntc from phjsical educa tion nnd the University of Chlcnge wns the first college te combine the two under a department. This department i Dempsey-Wlllard Still Unsigned Heiferee Tel Kln-rle. ywnrthmere. Cmplrr Ecklea, W'aiJiliurten and ,leffT' Chleiiffe, Oct 21 Tex itlckard. ftiht pro pre moter left for New Yerk without having alKncd Jack Uempacy, world's heavyweight linxlns' champion, for a match with Jeaa . wiunru out witn tne announcement that 17 1-8 103 1-3 S.00 S-.t , lempey definitely had agreed te fight Wll- taru anu inai me ueiaua weuia de gettleu eenn ! Head Ilneamnn VTortlilnrten, Vlllanevu. time 15-minure peniwa, 1 Them n, letter In the tperta depnrtmnt I rf the Evbsine Public Lttxjitn for nay lie Carn-v. M WIGS-MASKS etc TO H RE LUmilR-CQSTUMlERiM 236 Se. 11 St. Phene Wal. 1892 lt-JWllfiffl MEN WHO KNOW Strike While the Iren Is Het Genuine WeriMlbO 0vercea,s Made te Your Measure $45.00 & $50.00 Whitney Worumbe Lined in Skinner Satin $55.00 & $60.00 A Din Selection of Suits and Overcoats at $35, $38 and $40 SAM KEAN fcr 132 S. 52d St. 753 S. 2d St. r w w w wrwm www mv ''il'WiL ntww Wajiiii wrjyy ai reinemei-s tmttrf ii urn in nn ilu-' . ---t iiih . 1 I I 'y"cZ2X I '! Ill eSaW"' J Sf 6a , U' mi Jig KyioBeM Stales lllack or lroen .Vonefoian orern find C e r A e van cal. Snappy Iroenies or the mere cenieriatli r xtulcs. Hi ' Here is the Guide te Feet Fashion a short cut te economy and te Matcldess Shee Values! When it comes te creating hnappy, exclusive shoe stlea our competitors "take their hatH off" te us! nd, eh, man, what a anet we've cornered! Eery pair of thche nhees is cuntem liuilt, Ruuran- teed 100rr solid leather nnd the nriei- fiirnn.H nn ileal a te a a a r r l ei.l ., .,..,,. ,,.0 ...... r. ee Hroeutt. tan Scatrh I, '"" niuu-nuvti -i-ii"iiij uiinin, MTta vuu H will . prciln; OTIW,1I or IliecK te S.r of your koeiI money. That's a Having worth cordovan; uni or while and se are the bhets. Xew is the time te rre"",r """ pick from all. Ptela'aBest $9 ie 14 Shoes W v n 5j0.85 O LYMPI A Bread and Bainbridje SIONIAY EVKNINfl, OCT. 24 TOMMY JOT. MURRAY vs. DORSEY IIATTI.IM. KII.I.V MURRAY vs. DEVINE IIATTI.IM) JOHNNY LEONARD vs. BROWN HOIlOl.n 8 IlnuniN I'KANKIK FAREESE vs. DALEY MAN! El. S lteunile .IOK AZEVEDO vs. TIPLITZ Kenta en ulp new. Hetel Walten buffet, llreurt and I-erimt hla. Krctilnr I'rlcea. also took ever the management nnd coaching of the Unlvcrblty's athletic teams. Until then all collegiate eperts had been mannged and controlled by the students. Star Pitcher nt Yale Stagg wan Yale's great pitching star from 1880 te 1800, the winner of five baseball championships. He was nlne selected en Camp's All-American foot ball team of 1880. Entering the Springfield, Mass., Y. M. C. A. Col lege in the autumn of 1800 he 'really started his coaching there. The college had never before had n football team nnd Stagg started te build one, succeeding se well that at the end of the season It wns able te schedule games with Yale and Harvard for th next year. lie played football there these two years and also organized the college's first baseball team. This makes Stngg's actual coaching record thirty-two years long and In continuous service. TIiIh year mark ids thirtieth football season at the Uni versity of Chlcnge n record unique In length nnd continuity nt the same In stitution. Going West In 1802 Stngg arrived In Chicago after the Westcrri football hensen liml opened. Only fifteen men answered his call for the team and ha had te play a bnckficld position himself Ills position nt Yale was end. The first games of the University of Chlcnge, which tomorrow perhaps ar rives nt Its 'highest pinnacle of foetbrtl recognition in being the first Western team te break Inte the Eastern trio of Ynlc, Harvard nnd Princeton for a home-and-home series, wcre played against Chicago high school teams. CUT price: shoe repairing TWTTrTf l-Ki QUALITY WORK AT REDUCED PRICES. FOOTBALL Chicago vs. Princeton Palmer Stadium Princeton Oct. 22, at 2:30 P. M. Tickets en Sale at Spalding's 1210 Chestnut Street PRO FOOTBALL First BIG GAME 0F season a uei viu Hntnnlny. 2:S0 P. M. PHILA. QUAKERS fFernifrlr Union A. A. All-Aincrlinn Ttnm) SHENANDOAH AT PHILLIES HALL PARK Tlckrt. nt Conway'. (.ImlicU' Simlillnn'a Come in Today, Tonight or TomerroivDau or ' Night White All Medels Arc in Your Size! m 80.H3FBL lys&y y kj u I PM I lB 11 I WAff l'ff w II II f v tjh. Aw I 11 III- h. vitvetu rtark r&M lU W IIIIJIIIIIIII fin calf, blade u liLUU II or DreuTi Corde 1 4 AlLUfMwifflililllill "HI. in li tee W K' JVlillU shapts J JT XJ Ik 1 1 II I 3?TisyA ii A ill ii inn inrnrm mww 'SJnm mm i mr rfflNfl miwi9mm nVa yffliMl H si iV j l II 111 l IU Ifllll 11 Ml If i , j 1 1 mm ii i mi nn inn ill ti iiiiiiiiiiii nn nn r x? vicr jf'nsi st. w z i mm y 'xf' xK- YA vMJJr y CJ I Tw x s- jC imi u s . I i Al IIII II jrf. A Amumv.'s s ? jw LKMdM W'M 'mM i iiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiii m DIB H ne "'" llltu tu uuiuv llllllll III ' das'l imported Scotch I m T I (ran or Cordovan lllllllll e&&. ''roDue, In blnrfc or tfin. I 111 "'yw " ',H ,.,. llllllnl IJ 'vies te cheese from. FOOTBALL Pennsylvania Virginia M. I. Saturday, Oct. 22, 2:30 P. M. Reserved Seats $2 and 51.50 General Admission 7ec TlrkfU en nalt ut Frnnklln rifld nnd Cllnitttla . A. A. cnunenH rxdiunicruble for thin mme, 1'HKHIIMAX OAMI1 hTAKTS 12i30 I- jj ROSE TREE RACES Tomorrow at Media, 2 P. M. GreutCHt CronB-f'euntry Hnriirii In yMt i (rni.-('eiililr Itium Ills Track innrrk In lint ItnffH AdmlB.len. 2 00, Ornndstand tl in A,.,n ftdml.slen. 11.10 Parklnc aplc', .,A'"H llil 60, IncludliiK nn iidmnn,,ri te imund. nd grandHtand. for which apply te leinr. W Orien, an feiif! lO'.li t Phene vBj in na'tieKa'a'a" hATUKUAV HVKNINd. ()(t. l'AT l,( K "" BRADLEY vs. McCARREN KKIIIT Klll'Mls FOVIl I) 111 Kit hTAIt liens BO ;i:NTS ANI 1.0U no IlKim-li TlfKKTh AT DOXAtlllV'S, 33 h! 'nth ST ! ! ! FOOTBALL ! ft Swarthmore vs. F. & M. Swarthmore Field Next Saturday 3 I'.M. AIIMIHSION xi nn $20 fil'KCIAI, IIOXINO CIHS L'lc.li Itrduclnr, Iledr Iliilldlni unil Ileiln: FH1LA. JACK U'UKIEN lfiih &, Chmtnut Htn. t I ! I Sfli ! FOOTBALL ! Frankford Yellow Jackets v.. VINCOHK. of .t I'hllii. IlflOWN'H riKI.D TOMOKKOW, 3 l j Oi(urd I'lkc Near HIkIi Hrlioel "JfiPJfiSEAT BELOW MARKETST. OPEN EVENINGS FOOTBALL CHESTER at CONSHOHOCKEN HATTltnAV. erTOIIKK 22. 3 1'. M. CA.M11HIA ATIII.KTIC CI.I'll KKN8INCITON AVK. ANI NiniKRHIST I'KIOAY KVKMNn, (ICTOIIKIt UI8T ANOTIIKK PUTIN hllOty 5 TAH 110 UTS IJ Hurry In!! TOMORROW!! Take Advantage of This Big Saving I 25 Styles in Finest Worsted Seilings Absolutely the Finest $40 and $50 Qualities Enabling Yeu te Order NOW UIT Made te Your Order At the One Flat Price When the tremendous re sponse of last week continued we hurried out te make new purchases te continue this offering. We hnve done our best te outfit every man in this sale but TOMOR ROW IS THE DAY YOU SHOULD SHARE. There is no profit in this sale te us we cannot con tinue this offer for any length of time. If you have missed it eme in tomorrow. Worsteds Silk Mixtures Unfinished Worsteds mjifm r nil Ii I liiilli Bill Pencil Stripes Blue Serges Hemespuns The Favorite Tweeds In nil the browns, blues, grays and mixture effects. Every suit ordered will be custom tailored in every respect individually fitted and cut te your measure. The saving is of such extreme importance that you can readily sec our price is even less than ready-made clothes would cost. Ne Extra Charge for Sports Medels for many of the young men prefer them but you can select tne two and three, button bingle-bieasted or double breasted model you want. Remember, we guarantee every suit will be perfect fitting and the tailoring te be absolutely the best. Remember the entire 25 styles as mentioned above are here for your choice at. this low price. And tomor row is THE DAY for you te mnke your choice. Don't miss it come as early ns possible! Overc Made te Your Order At a Positive Saving of a Third and Mere! A saving that is surely worth while taking advan tage of immediately and for a limited time only. The co d snap of last week surely must have given you an inkling of the cold days te come. Are you getting ready? Select from the finest medium and heavy weight overceatings en the market and have your overcoat made te your order nt this small price Ci UnmK. AH3511 "" - AJKAjr tuF9 Philadelphia's Largest Exclusive Men's Merchant Tailors 1617 Chestnut St. 18 Nertli Warren St., Trenten, N. J. Open Saturday Evenings Until 9 o'Cleck I ' M Vfu,.r , . ,., t it