PP - r w i . HSK NIG ITT EXTRA THE WEATHER Fair ntiilfentlnued cool tenights light frost en lewl.iitMJ Saturday fair itntl ieiiiciU'f.t vrniincr' modcrnte winds. TKMt'l'.KATt'KK AT 11ACU IjOUIt, r"s i II 110 HI 112 Ml 2 I 4 I p"j "SnTnii ir.n r.i na is:, fii . X VOL. VIII. NO. 33 & SllffiF! ORDERED Hi DIVERTED, 1MM SAYS Entered as Gecend-Ctnus Matter at th Foitemce nt PhlladslphU. Pa, Under the Aet of March 3. 1ST9 PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1921 Published Dally Except Sunday. BunrtPtlpn PrleJ 10 a Tear bjr Mall. Copyright, 1021. try Pub'le Mder company PRICE TWO C.ENTS "Bootlegger Ring" Here Gets- k Whisky Cargoes by Juggling Pnrmits. Is Charge ir SLATER AND BENNER SUBMIT fO ARREST AND FACE COURT McConnell's Fermer Aides Ar firmflfl With Alleeed Heads of "Beeze Trust" L PLOT WORKINGS ARE TOLD Supposed Mythical New Yerker f I M.nl n fnt- U5BQ 113 -iuur iu wws Contraband Stuff Jehn J. Boyce, truck driver, nnd the UeTcrntnent's star witness in the prose- ration of five alleged mcinbers of tlic "bootleggers' ring," and two former mferccment officials, testified at the Federal Building today that he had been I pirsenally ordered by "Sim" Singer ' L ..1.Ih1 u-lilnl. ltn tiH,li4- In OlTert HIUPIVJ nun... no u.u6m, w Ills city. Singer, nccerding te the witness, hud fen four different occasions met Boyce bp,woeninnu avenue wncu ui miivt lii coming In from Baltlmore with n ItrncHead of whisky, nnd hed told him te take it te ene of five places. "I de'ivercd fifty cases te Maurice berta In Camden," the witness testi fied, "MO enses te Emanuel Boekbind- i'r', near Second and alnut streets ; Rfhr ruses te Jehn Frcdrieh's nlaee nt fchh street and Itlslng Sun avenue; KSO cases te Rebert McCarter, 1812 Rirner street. Once I left 250 cases In vacant heuse ut Sixty-fourth and ftlarket streets. 'When I would go south for a truck- ead of whisky I would telephone en my i-ay home te Mr. Singer and tell him rhere I was ut that time. He would hen meet me personally and tell me rhere te go. "On one occasion Sam Blumbcrg, his artner, was with him. I have known Ir. Singer for many years." Herts is net one of the defendants b the present action let. All the ethers pentieneu by Boyce arc. Tney were arraigncq for a turincr earing today befere United States 'omtafisiencr Manley. They were ar eatcd last Monday, en Federal war tnts, charging conspiracy te cheat and (fraud the United States Government diverting whisky. The whisky seized various raids nnd connected In one tay or unethcr with the defendants was 1 sold, according te the Government, m a New Yerk man, a holder of n Class B ' permit, which permitted him lebuy a'l he required. One of the wit- ctses hinted thut he believed no bucu ttsen as the ostensible holder of the ermtt ren'lv existed. j A. F. S'ater, State Prohibition Dl , ecter McCenuell's private secretary, j ntll he was summarily fired, and II. v, Benner. discharced n little later an ermit p'eik, were present nt the hear ig. under arrest. Warrants were vern out for them late yesterday, but ey could net be found. They walked I and surrendered shortly befere the wring began this ninrnlug. and were ijen into court. Their nanicn wcre llled bv t lie fieri.- Illnlli. ivllll thii nllini. lefendants. 1 Slater and Benner seemed nervous ltd Worried iliirlni- lin nrwrnullnn. ley spent much of their time trying te mm the canieremen nnd frequently hid r faces beliind their hets. BUter, Le was Prohibition Director icCenuell's privrte secretary in the nUnud en Vnee Twenty. five. Celainn The IAST0R BECOMES MEMBER OF CLUB HE ATTACKED 'v. W. E. Robinson, Brooklawn, ' Told He Mau Stamn Out PuIIb The Ite Villlum B. Robinson, pas- r of the Brooklawn Methodist Kpia- . Pal Church. i,nB become u member of ' ie Brooklawn Community Club, which nau attacked for many weeks be- !m ct Su"lay Lesebnll nnd Sunduy "icing, The ,n,ll5,Pr was im lte(, t(( nUeni n ,' .11 iS0,,the Plub 1"ftt "'Bht, and ex mined a letter he read tu his purifh wr a Mk age. wr. HebiiiMiu told the members of the 1V.w.ns11'"cvecnbly opposed te Sun-' en full,,,ml l0 s'(lny dancing, i 4h. flaa '" tl10 dances. i inV '.!' minihr w offered a - "ffiaM Ji"lS ,1"' C!ub mI t0''1 ,mt i? K 1'0.' c.eu.ld l merc te Hloi ian Hi.," ... r "u wnB "I'l'eseu te edinM5,."' a,'k from without. He im S I,u'cntei ''Is MHine rind was ! Emild smallpex'cases ' 'section of haddenfield Th8 Pel"t" Quarantined, Schools , . Closed ae Precaution Mne mil.i . . 0verel in s 0l t """ I'0' ""e li'n oel ,, '!l'!!lnc'!. "I' Hudder 1 subml T. A' ",.,l y ? ."c '" ?wn the cemmm,- 'T " vumiiut.un iSSL Par,,!fut!' re whlte and .We hh..i nT"X,a wcre eriglna y lrtie;u,"!,'I,)11V:- Woodbury, in ,;;,i; .." Iy,1"' iyan.1 h .i,-... .""" ""' yester- A no. ... " .K".r" "'f'w "s sinalliiex. -HweLTn, Si0 .tl10 1!e-ush td et ii. " ' ,0" " S'""sc the ffeers were ..;;. Ti J-vele Hpeclnl l'nu,i i" ""'" "" ' no one wl I MM K.0Ut ui bcctle with Km a..S..,,re.I,,Pt,y '"ve prelec r t r ;,,:,. "',' l"'e" ,,mt "" "Mtc -iuuui n Hpremj of thu K . ACCUSED OF BlG RUM PLOT YOUNG MOTHER, ILL, TRIES TO END LIFE ledger Photo Servlce II. W. Benner (left) nnd A. P. Slater, former prohibition officers, nre shown nt the top ns they were arraigned today accused of part In ii huge liquor conspiracy here. lSmanucl Boekbinder, also a de fendant. Is shown below BARBER'S BRUSH SKIDDED WHEN GIRLS PASSED BY Customer Objected te Lather Diet and "Round One" Started Kmil Hertz, a jeweler, with n btere nt 101 Seuth Thirteenth btreet, re buked n barber today for poking the lather brush into his mouth. The barber followed him te the street nnd knocked him down, loosening bev irul teeth. Mr. Hertz had hurried into n shop nt Bread nnd Sansom streets and naked Frank Napoleeft for a quick shuvc. As the creamy lather wnR daubed ever the customer's face the brush slipped Inte bin mouth. Seme snappy dialogue followed. Mr. Hertz jumped from the chair, rubbed off the lnthr and left the shop. Napeleon started after the jeweler nnd renciicd him in front of the Manu facturers' Club. A hard right te the jaw knocked Mr. Hertz down, breke his ejc- glasses and loosened several teeth. Napeleon was arretted and given a hearing befere Magistrate Mecleary. Mr. Hertz said he thought the barber vtus- watching several girls pass tlip-tshcp when he let the brush slip. Napeleon was held in .500 ball en n charge of us sault nnd battery. CHANDLERS TO PAY 5 CENTS ON DOLLAR Falling Off In Security Values Cuts Assets in Half, Re ceivers Say MENDENHALL RETURNS PREMIER OF PORTUGAL SLAIN IN REVOLOTION Fermer Minister Mnla Alse Victim of Military Outbreak Lisben, Oct. 21. (By A. P.) An An An toneo (Jrnnje, Premier and M'nlster of the Interior, nnd Jose Carles Mala, for mer Minister of Marlnn and Celonies, were assassinated during the milltury outbreak against the Government en Wednesday, which resulted in the bet tlng up of u new administration. Newspapers here print un official netp from the junta directing the national movement which placed the new govern ment in power, vehemently protesting against the assassination uf these two .pub'le officials and ether devoted re publicans. It is asserted that such acts of vio vie vio Icnce must be considered due te the enemies of the "generous notienul movement," which is declared other wise te have established its government without Woodshed. The note adds that these guilty should be delivered te justice. Londen, Oct. 21. (By A. P.) Pe tal's of the revolution received here to day by the Cvening News from its Lis Lis eon orrcHyendent pointed out that for mer Premier Grnnje nttemptnd te re strain the revolutionaries by persuasion when they demanded the resignation of the Republican Government en Wed nesday morning. The soldiers, liow liew liow evcr, seized him and carried him aboard u cruiser as Si prisoner. During the night wurshlps had bombarded Lisben ami suhsequcnt'y it bernme known that former Premier Grnnje. Admiral Mu Mu chude des Santes, Cnptaln Carles Mala, former Minister of Marine, nnd Carles Silva. former Minister pf War, vicre assassinated. Only five cents en the dollar will be paid customers of Chandler Brethers & Ce., who were caught in the failure of the company July 25 last. Investigators who have been going through the affairs of the company have learned that the assets, originally set nt $1,180,000, have shrunk at least .half. At the time that figure was set it was announced that ten cents en a dollar was all thnt the creditors would get. The shrinkoge is said te be due te fall in value of the securities. This is also true of securit'es pledged from leans in various banki. ameunUng originally te about $200,000. It is even pebsiblc the shrinkage may get even mere acute. The receivers have been troubled very much by II. O. Little, manager of the New lerk brnnch of the firm nnd n part owner in the business. Hc lias persistently refused te render them an accounting nnd reccntlv answered one of their communications by merely V, , K. . "unl -ee across one of his letterhendH in big cnpltnl letters. He is nlse hampering them in another way. The firm had a number of peo ple who owed large sums nnd when these people have been written te and linked for payment they have, with u startling unnniminity, teferred the re re eclvcrs te Mr. Little. Many of, these people wTe women. Lnrl Mendenhall. president of Chan dlcr Bres .& Ce., who has been in Wy oming en n cattle ranch, returned te his home in Ardmore today. He has almost completely recovered from an Injury re ceived while hunting. His horse as he prepared te mount, shied, and n gunbutt brek two of Mr. Menden hall s ribs. He will attend the meet ing of creditors before Jehn M. Hi'l referee In bankruptcy, in the Federal Building. This meeting will be held In Roem SOS. FINDS WIFE DEAD IN BED Husband, Dazed, Carries Her te Po lice Station Mrs. Bridget Messncr, forty-eight years old, 1029 Spring street, was found In bed early this morning by her hus band, Charles Messncr, apparently un conscious. ' He became hyatcricel and picked her up In his arms and carried her te the Eleventh nnd Winter streets police sta tion, where it was found she hud died of u heart nttackv $12,000 IN LIQUOR STOLEN Robbers Bind Watchman and Place Him In Vault Pittsburgh, Oct. 21. (By A. P.) Whisky ulued at $12,000 was stolen from a warehouse here tedaj after the robbers had- bound the watchman und placed hjm lit a vault from which they were removing the liquor te li truck. The theft was discovered when the watchman failed te iniike his hourly re port. MATEWANTmALREOPENS Twe Charged With Killing One of Seven Detectives Williamson. W. Va., Oct. 21. (A. P.) Rec.-e Chamber nnd Fred Bur gruff went en trial In Circuit Court hen ledtiy for the second time en n charge) of being implicated in the kll'lng of M .1. Fergusen, emi of xeen BaMwin Kelts 'lelecilw., in the ,.IU hnttle 111 I Matewiin lu Muy, 1020. ' PENN STUDENT STOPS WILD RUNAWAY IN WEST PHILA. R. O. Pervls Dragged Forty Feet Before Halting Animals A pair of runaway horses, attached te i. Ay ?,nrbaSe wagon, were stepped by !i(.0, vlH' f New Yerk- " Unlver n J .of, l 0nRvania student, near ?n.nny"'Vr,i1 ."'J'1 Markpt htreeti. t 10:30 -'clock today. TllC hePRPM lft!n tifnn.ll 1.. r . . "em i i v v"" ".e.iu.iin in ireni 01 be'ted ct n thuy Ml(,(,cn,y The contents of the wagon were scat tered ever the street nnd the heavy cart smashed into an nutomebl'o owned by the Railways Company Bank. With the cart swinging wildly behind them the u,lZH, T,M1 ,1 n Market street und turned into Thirty-fourth Pervls jumped in front of them, wav ing his arms. His gestures did net step the horses, however, und when lyt,rCinCtl h.lm I,c. BtePPcl Mdc nnd grabbed the reins. After being drugged about forty yards he managed te sten n.. i.i "' Hp wiy net 1,url although his clothes were ruined. LLOYD GEORGE TwiuTsAIL FOR AMERICA NOVEMBER 5 Expects te Arrive en Opening Day of Armament Conference Londen, Oct. 21. (By A. P.) MriT.Anlis,,cI ,Tj,0J'(1 ,ivW !' 'lo 'le aded definitely it was stated todev. te enve for "Washington November i. en the liner Aqultunla. nrrivln" In time for the afternoon session of the Armu ment Conteicnce en its opening uay, November 11. It is expected A. J. Balfour will nc nc cempany the Prime Minister. Mrs. ijiej-ii ucorge prehably will wail with her husband. Jfr. Lloyd Geerge ex pacts te be ubscnt five weeks, Including, the time required for the journey te and from America. ' WaAhlHgteH, Oct. 21.-tllj A. P.) Lhe American delegation en the con ference en limitation of tirmumcnt tirmumcnt Secretary Hughes, Ulihu Reet and Sen Sen feters Ledge nnd Underwood planned te held their second meeting today In Preparation for the conference. Additional data, prepared by different brunches of th0 Government, was ready for their study, and It who expected that, thus equipped, they would make cussleT Pr8rc(ja "' their Joint dls- ANDHEIUSBAND'S Eadom St. Weman Sheets Him In His Mether's Presence, Then Takes Poison TUBERCULOSIS SUFFERER WAS AFRAID TO DIE ALONE CHINA W0N'TREC0NSIDER Reply en Shantung Will Be Sent te Japan Next Week I'eliln? (lnl "1(1V. A n China's note rejecting Japun's proposals for direct negotiations en .Shantung re- teply te thnt nete does net present ar guments sufficient te induce China te reconsider her position. This position was taken bv the Chi nese Cabinet jesterduy when it In structed the Foreign (Iffice te draft a, reply te Tel.u, which will probably .be. ticntcxt week ' A haunting fear that death from ill ness would seen icpnrate her from her husband 'c,d Mrs. Gertrude KMfer te sheet William Kel'er, her husband, at 5 o'clock this morning as he lay asleep In their home, 5330 Eadom street, near their two-weeks-old baby. After Kelfcr, seriously wounded with a ,38-calibcr bullet In his right side, bad been taken te the Frankford Hoh Heh pital, the twcnty-four-ycnr-eld wife went te the bathroom and swallowed poison. trhe Keifcrs lived with the husband's parents, Sir. nnd Mrs. Augustine Keifer. The husband had gene down stairs te get milk for the baby and lay stretched across the feet of n bed while his mother fed the Infant. Mrs. Kelfcr, the wife, who had been sleeping in nnether room, crept Inte her mother-in-law's bedroom after she heard her husband come up from the kitchen. She fired the revolver nt close range, the bullet entering under Kelfer's left arm, dellectlna: downward and lodging In the right side. Mrs. Kelfcr contracted tuberculosis been nftcr her merrlagc, in September, 1020. The true nature of her illness had been concealed from her for some time, but when she learned the truth and her condition grew worse she be came despondent. The wedding a year age, the wife's Ulncsi and the sheeting early this morning were described graphically by 'the wounded mnn'e mother as she sat sobbing in the parlor of the two-story frame dwelling. Nature of Illness Concealed "Nene of us enn imagine why she should have done this thing," Mrs. Kelfcr said. "We were nil se geed te her nnd my boy was a model husband. I ought te knew, for they lived here with us. "They were married last September a year age und my boy never uuspected she was in tills condition. He does net knew it yet. She started te cough und became ailing very seen after the wed ding. My son took her te one doctor after nnether. Nene of them told him the truth. "We obtained the same dlucnesis from several physicians, but we never told my boy, Mrs. Keifer con tinued. "He had had no experience in such matters nnd never suspected the truth. "Well, ae J wan saying, she became ailing, and lajt August she asked my boy te take her te the mountains, which he did. Hc paid $17 a week for lief and she teemed te improve. The doctors kept telling her it was nothing terieus, nnd she kept up her spirits until ene doctor. Inadvisably I be'leve. te'd her the truth. Then her spirits drooped. Baby Weke in Night "She went out yesterday te make a call, nnd when she returned last night 1 met her as usual and geve her u glass of milk before she went te bed. Sim occupied n room te herself, of course, juft Itnvlng had the baby, nnd I waa taking care of the child. "About 4 o'clepk this morning the beby weke up. I nveuseil mj en nnd told iim he had better go downstairs and get a bottle of milk for him. Hc went down, nnd I could hear him rat tling around the gas stove, getting n pan and heating the milk. "My laughter-in-Iaw was apparently asleep in her own room. Sly ley came up with the bottle of milk and I gave it te the baby. "The light was turned low. Sud denly there wns a Hash of fire and a shot. My seu rolled ever suddenly with n bullet through his body. We did net knew who tired the bullet or where It came from. We sent for the doctor, who took my boy te the Frank ford Hospital in his automobile. "We went te tell my dau?hter-in-lew as she was lying in bed. She said, 'I did it.' " Mrs. Keifer yesterday vislied her mother, Mrs. Mar Webb, 2822 North Third street. She get u revolver there without her mother's knowledge. Feared Sanitarium "My daughter has been ucting qucer lj for ome time," Mrs. Webb said to day. "She told me her husband's fnm. il meant te send her te a sanitarium. I told her she could come and live with me if she didn't want te go." WEDDING GUEST HELD Is Charged With Driving Aute While Intoxicated A jelly wedding breakfast in a house at Thirty -eighth and Baring streets this horning indirectly led te the arrest of Frank A. Starr, 1M7 Lnnehnm avenue, Camden, en u churge of driving u nie- lercur wiiue iniexicuicu. Starr, a guest at the breakfast, was driving his touring car eust en Market Strep. U'ltll NPVftn ntl,ri t.nD... I Traffic Patrolman Samuelwltz halted th. machine nt Thirty-second street. Sanuiclwitz told Magistrate Mecleury Starr was drhlng straight toward n telegraph pole when the auto stepped. The seven ether guests were ullewed te go, but Starr nun taken te City Hall Magistrate Slecleary held him in $000 bail for court. NABS "LIFTER OF WALLET Finds His Pocketbook en-Man Who Jostled Him In Trelley Jetty Brown, twenty. eight years old, who gave an address ou Seventeenth street near Fitzwatcr, was held in $1500 bal' for court this morning by Mauls trate O'Brien, of the Twelfth und Pine streets station, en u charge of plckine the pocket of J. fT. Freeman, 1010 Seuth Paxon street. Beth men wcre passengers en fin castbeund Chestnut street car. Freemnn man said he felt Brown jostle him ami then start te get off nt the next corner He felt for his pocketbook centuln'nc $1H) niul found It wik gene. H0 jumped off and grubbed Brown, heldlnc him until n patrolman uirhc.l. Fm,; man s pocketbook was found i.i I5".wn' yuuwi, (IVUI'U Oil" nrtYtu.AAci.ua vriitJ Bv 'BBBBBBBBBBM wSi'i v.' KT5JWTVS?ia i&&Cui COUNTESS WEATTY She accompanies the distinguished Briti.Mi ndmliul who arrived nt New Yerk today ADMIRAL BEATTY WELCOMED AT H Y. British Naval Here, With His American Wife and Sen, Arrives AMERICAN LEGION GUEST By the Associated Press New Yerk, Oct. 21. Admiral Rail Beatty, of the British Navy the gal lant sea fighter with the Nelsen touch landed today in New Yerk from the liner Aqultanln en his way te Kansas City for the American Legien conven tion. Rising at 0 bells, the here of Heligo Helige land and Jutland Bank was waiting In his full-dres: uniform te meet the baud of notables that journeyed down the harbor en the tug Vigilant te bid him weleome te the New World. Admiral Beatty, his Amciican wife and their son hoarded the Vigilant, the tug heisted the udmlral's Heg nnd, es es ceited by seaplanes nnd destroyers, the party dashed te Battery Park. By the admit ul's side was Ids heiuirnr.- aide, Rear Admiral Hugh Redman, who com manded the American squudren thut served with the Grand Fleet when guns were flashing en the North Sen. Thousands of persons were mussed ut Manhattan's tip te greet the sea here, who was welcomed by Lieutenant Gov Gov ereor Wepd. Te resounding cheers the admiral metered te Citr Hall, where he was given the freedom of the cit-before continuing te the 'imiic eY Marshall Field, whose guest he will be. While the Admiral was taking leave of t nptain Charles, of the Aqultanlu, at quarantine, another demonstration was going en in honor of former Pre mier Venizelos of Greece, also u pas senger en the liner. Half n1 dozen croft bearing Greeks eircV-1 the ship, te th cry of "Zeto Venizelos." On the way up the harbor. Admiral Beatty steed en the deck of the Vigi lant chatting with Admiral Redman like old cronies. Near him was his jeting son Peter, who announced emphatically that he liked America. Turntne te newsnaner mi. th- ml. mlrtln told them he hud net seen the I'nltcd States for mero than fifteen years. "It Is u great pleasure te icuVit thi great country, te whicli we are se much indebted for assisting civilization te maintain itself and save the world from disaster," he said. Then, smiling he continued : v "I place myself in the hands of the Amerlcnn press. I leek upon them as my friends and I nm sure they will net let me make any slip." Of the armament conference at Washington, which the Hurl will at tend for n short time, in an adviserv capacity te the British delegation, lfe said : "Everybody Is Imping for great tilings. Certainly we are entering it with that idea.'1 Explaining that he would net be able te stay until the conference ended Ad miral Beatty said with a smile that it was necessary for seun- ene te go home and 'keep "shop. Eleutheries Venizelo-, t' nierly Pre mler of Greece, termed b his admirers "the modern Ulysses, " ulu was a fel low iwssonger of the Admiral's, was accompanied by his bride for hh American honeymoon. M. Venizelos married Mis-, Helena aciuuzzi in j,ou(leu, .Neptetulier 14 v She Is a close friend of Princess, Anua- tasia or tirecce. TRUCK DRIVER SOUGHT Man Escapee After Accident at Bread and Parrlsh Streete The police are Linking ler the drhcr of a truck who died In the machine after knocking down Edward Gilding, of .r73S Wayne avenue, near Bread am Parrlsh streets tills morning. tillillng vus tnken te the Hahnemann Hospital. His condition is serious The driver of the truck did net step ufter the accident slayer Attempts suicide Physician Prefers Self -Infflcted Death te Legal Execution Ueseburg, Ore., Oct 21 - (By A P.) Dr. R. M. Brumtleld, facing sen-" t( nee of death for inurdtr. attempted te Commit Kllll'ldn Inn. nlclil I... ..).. ii.. his threat. ' "' """"" Sheriff Stunner found Ir. Brumlield lying en his cot in the jail cell with his threat cut. He was semi -conscious. cecil leitcFleads Nine Up en Mrs. Hucknall In Belle clair Gelf Final New Yerk, Oct. 21.MUS Ciell Lelteh, holder of the British, French nnd Canadian women's K0f champion ships, today had n lead of il m, vcr Mrs. Themas Hucknall. of New Yerk at the end of the first eighteen holes of Bellcclnl Invitation tournament. fa Hucknall had enlv en hole te k. credit. "" NAVY OUSTS FLIERS BECAUSE THEY FAIL N SHIP NAVIGATION Pilet Who Guided NC-4 Acress Atlantic Among These De nied Commission L AERONAUTICS COUNTS ONLY ONE-TENTH IN EXAMINATION By CLINTON W. GILBERT St Jiff Corrmpendrnt KTfnlnar I'uliUc Ltilarrr Copvrleht, toil, lu 1'ubl'c Lnlatr Cemvanv Washington, Oct. 21. The plucking of mere than 100 naval aviators In a recent examination brings up aguin. as did the controversy between General Mitchell nnd General Mcnehcr In the urmy. the question whether a genuine air service can be developed ns n part of the ex'sting arms of the service. Senater Calder has taken the subject befere Congress in n resolution calling for the re-exnmlnatien of the plucked men under different conditions. The men rejected are reserve officers who applied for permanent commissions in the air service of the nevy. Anion these refused coinmiss'ens were the pilot of the NC-4 in its trans-Atlantic flight, n former commanding officer of the air station nt Moerehend City, N. C, and three heads of departments in the ex perimental naval nlr station ut Hampton Reads. Many who could net puss were among the best fliers the navy has. Se lone as the nlr service is net sepa rate the army nnd navy men are net tested specifically for duty us Hying or er iiccrs. A candidate for a regular com mission must be fitted te command a ship. Practically he Is nn officer of the navy who is temporarily assigned and who may be the next moment In n sub marine or executive officer of a battle ship. Only a man, who has pursued n course of studies virtually equivalent te that given In the Annapolis Naval Academy can be a llyer. Flying Counts Oidy On.Tentli In the recent examination eleven subjects were included, only one of which had specifically te de with Hying. The ether ten subjects hud te de with navigation, stenm engineering, seaman- shin, ordnance nnd the ether technical questions related te operating ships. Of tnc eleven subjects candidates could cheese ten ; thnt is, they could ignNre one. But each subject counted ten points. I or flying u knowledge of nvia nvia tlen counted only ns much as a knewl- jedge of steamenglneering. J In effect, the candidates were exam- lined net ns flyers but as navy officers. Naturally, most of the men could net pass, i The examination was held under an act of Congress permitting tlte commis sioning of 1200 of the volunteer fliers . ur naval officers. Five hundred of them I might be specifically flying efkeers. ! There is a definite need of naval fliers in the tint. v. But the difficulties of the examination barred most of the possible candidates for the 1200 pesi tiens that Congreps 'eft encn. Onlv 244 faced the examination, nnd of these enlj lStl pa'-ied. As a result. 10S w.-re Continued an I'ACf Tnt-flic. C'ulumn Tne Latest Developments in Railroad Situation Conference between Laber Beard nnd "Big Five" chiefs failed be cause the latter had no prevision for suspending the strike as pro posed by the beard, unfen circles report. The beard proposed freight vate cuta corresponding te the July 1 wage reduction; that the reads re frain from asking further wage decreases for present; that the unions suspend or withdraw the strike order. Union circles believe strike is in evitable en October 30 Unless Harding takes initiative with some drastic atop. A walkout has been called te begin In Texas tomorrow. Washington believed the Laber Beard will be called en te make a new compromise move or Hard ing will present a new plan. Eleven "standard" unions continued meeting te decide en strike atti tude. Beth- sides lushed preparations for prospective struggle. 11 BE WING ALONE CI HALT ST IKE Declare Walkout en October 30 Inevitable Unless President Takes Drastic Step BOTH SIDES RUSH PLANS FOR IMPENDING STRUGGLE Say Laber Beard Conference Failed Owing te Lack of Pro Pre visions for Suspending Strike WORKING RULES BIG ISSUE Federal Tribunal Proposed Freight Rate Cuts Correspond ing te Wage Reductions COMMUNISTS PLAN TO TERRORIZE U. S. Radicals Threaten te Cause Trouble if Italian Murderers Are Executed PARIS EMBASSY GUARDED BILL TO FUND FOREIGN DEBTS BEFORE HOUSE Cancellation of War Lean Net Con templated, Says Fordney Washington. Oct. 21. (By A. P.) Opening debate in the Heuse today en a bill for creation of a rummls-ien te fund i or convert obligations of foreign gov ernments te the I'nlted States, Chair man Fe-dney, of the Wiijs und Means I Committee, deelnred there would be no I settlement problem had the Wilsen Administration complied strictly with the low authorizing war-time leans. "But I nm net here," Mr. Fordney continued, "te criticize the former Ad ministration for net strict! complying with t''e law. because tlie-'e innv have been obstacles in the way at that time. But. whether right or wrong, we are confronted with u peculiar condition. The Secretnry of the Treasury contends J lie is net clothed with authority te settle the foreign debt beyond demanding pay ment." Mr. Fordney rcttc-eted that cancel lation of any part of the debt was net in the thought of the Administration or Cengresi- and that no headway could he made without additional legislation. The bill was taken up under nn agreement calling for a vote before ad journment tonight. By the Associated I'rea Paris, Oct 21. A French police of ficial asserted today that mere than 100 members of the young crtmmunist or ganization in Europe had "lipped through the immigration lines and reached the United States within the last two months. Their avowed pur pur rese, the official asserted, l.- te 'vius- trouble" if the two Italians. Sacte and Vnnzetti, aie executed for the murder of which they were convicted in Massa chusetts last summer. Many of these men. the official -aid. had npp'ied for imsperts te the Amer ican Bureau in Paris and nad been re fused nfter inquiry into their e:ics. but later were able te get te Anierien by ether means. The police are new work ing en the theory that some of these communists who failed te get through the lines ufter having been refused passports were rspenib'e for tile bomb sent te Ambassador Herrick which blew up in his home en Wednesday. This theory is tin tesult of a threat made by a yeuni' cemni mist, who said he was an Italicn. nt the American passport offices here last Monday, when thd officials told hltn they could net give him a vise for America un'rs- he con formed with the regulations. The ap plicant, who gave his nge as twent twent twe ytars. became angry v hen re fused, exclaiming: "Somebody will get killed for this." The officials induced him te give his address, but both this and his name could net lie verified, and It is assumed they were false. A guard wus Immedi ately placed at tlie entratice t the office. This man, the police think, may be one of the group responsible for the bomb sent te the Ambassador and the threats made against American officials in France. Ambassador Herrick. when he re turned te his office this morning, found Mxtv. eight additional letters of pro pre test in connection with the Massachu setts ease, two of them containing threats of repiis.ils against Ainnrienns If the execution tk place. The guard nt the Embassi nk Increased today, and ex cry pessihl, precaution has been taken te protect the passport bureau, the Reparations ( .lun.lsMnn offices and the A merlen u Consulate. The communist i.uiv mreutig of pro pre test ngalnst the conviction uf the two Italians, called f..r tonight in ,. of the largest halls ..f I'nrU, i. causing some apprehension, and tin republican fe'iiiiru lias ueen eiiled i ,t t.. k.. ,.p order und prevent deiiinnMtrntieii . of an kind in front of the Embury or the' ether American offices. K. li.'.s and Men Must Obey Laber Heard. Says Esch Sew Yerk. Oct. 21. (By A. P.) Jehn J. Ksih. a member of the Interstate OVimmeiee Commis-slen, in n 'etter ti the Merchants' Assocla Assecla tl m it New Yerk, says he under stands it is the jmrpesf of the Ad ministration te see thnt the findings if the Li.bei Itenid shall be obeyed, both by the lailrucds and their em em peoyes. "As ,ne of the nuthem of the Transportation Act of 11)20," sayH the Itter, "I naturally feel a deep interest in the pendinz railroad labor situation. Congress created the Laber Beard ns nsdiinterested body te adjust differences between rail road empleyes und the carriers. The findings of the beard should be obey id by- both parties. I under stand that it is the purpose of the Administration te sec that this Is done " EXTRA LABOR BOARD WARNS UK IONS NOT TO STRIKE PENDING HEARING CHICAGO, Oct. 21. The United States. Railroad Laber Beaid today, backed by all the authority of the Government, called the railroads and the five big unions here for a hearing uext Wednes day. It solemnly warned the unions net te strike until the beard has heard their, grievances and rendered a decision. The beard's action means there will be no strike October 30, uules the unions choe3c te defy the government. BRIAND STILL HESITATING ' KANSAS MAY RUN ROADS Won't Attend Arms Parley Unless Chamber Backs Him Paris. Oct. 21. (Bn a. P. Pro Pre mhr Mriand took the fleer In the Cham ber of Deputies this uftfrnoen te tub part 'n the debate en the iutcrpcButieiih regarding the Goernuietits foreign pel'iv. The Premier said ut the eutei that the important question In the debate was httiier or net lie should go te Washington te the armament confer ence, lie said he would net go unless he hud a sufficient mujerity behind him te make bis pes'tinn and prentice bitch s le si t., hu Has Power Under Industrial Court Law, Says Governer Teneka, Kan., Oct. 21. (Bj , p. - In event u ruijreud strike becomes effective, the State (Jm eminent in Kan Kan ses will operate the no within the Stiite, if It becomes nece.ssnr, under the Industrial Court law, Goicrner II. .1. Allen announced today . i.tinlVmT eV"' tl" rai,r""d man tigers w II be given an oppertunlt te operate the reads. ' , . "Jin ou thtnl: of wrltn.r By the Associated Press C'hhage, Oct. 21. Luck of any pro pre pro vliien by the unions for suspending the railroad strike called for October 20 made it impossible te ueivpt the plan enere.l by tee I nlted Stages Railroad Beard yesterday, it was sui, today In union circles. The strike authorizations prevjdf only for ending the strike, presumably nfter n settlement, which, union leaders have maintained, must involve mere than the question of the July wage re duction, en which the strike was technically called. The beard, it was said, presented three proposals te the presidents of th Big Four Brotherhoods and the Switch men's I'nien. They wcr" : First. The railroads te make a re duction in freight rates corresponding te the wage reduction of July 1, less such reductions as have already been made since that date. Second. The reads te refrain from asking tlie I'nited States Itallroed La La eor Beard for a further wege reduction until the( last cut bus been translated Inte rate reductions. Third. Tlie unions te suspend or withdraw their strike order. These proposals made no mention of eertinie and ether rule- promulgated under Federal control, nhn-li the em em peoyes seek te retain in tete. and which the iMiurd has been re ising. Th brotherhood chiefs derlure their strong ' st fight in any :tn';e settlement will l made en these rules. .Settlement by October :trt or Strike The tiif union presid, nt- were will ing te ui cept the first two. but declared they had until. no urraiiRi menta for sus pending their ink . and any settle ment must be mild" before October 30 or the walkout would autematleally be come effective. The beatd, it wa reported today, assured tin- union leaders that the rail roads could net Ket a division for month. fn if ihev tiled their proposed request for a In per cent wage reduc tion iminei'lir. 1 . The beard is under stood te bine peiniisl out that ease Uew en the iiecket would prevent tuking ui) the ruilreiid's uiipl. catien before neia March, und thnt the bulk of testimony naturally i peeled in a ease of sucH linpertiiiiee probably would stme off the decision (or unethcr sii months, niak ing It highly improbable that the reads could get un answer before next August or September The proposals submitted by the beard followed rl.isely the udwiuce predic tions of the pi, in they would offer, and the railroad hroiiiernenil lenders, who had alrtady dei 'ured the plan impos sible, made he i (Tort te uuceul their disappointment that the beard had noth ing else te offer, I'liimis l!ellee Strike Inevitable Yesterday - optimism was noticeably abscut m '1'iti'ii ireis today, nud in its place wus a seeming r signatien te the belief thai the strike new Ir in evitable, unlet. Prefldent llurding as sumes i lit- imitative with some drautic ittep Meinliers of tne L.iber Beard, how ever. r.nid thut tlitv "new fully under staid labor's 1'W in the mutter," and. while tot I'll v ins' any lieliulte plans us yit ure of the opinion thet something mnv et be .lone by the heard. Te that 'lid they held an . lithe meeting to day ut whirl, i he hit mil ion uns gene ever thoroughly TIk iHiurd sent a full report of tht conference te the Wli tc I Inline, niul mi) thing further untile public must eeuie Irem President Harding, beard members .ild. Laber rhif nre pushing their plan for u general walkout. Officials of the earners ure mm ing nt double time In their preparations te cumbut the pro pre posed strike Beth groups ut the conference nre i-envlnced thut they are "fightlnir fe-i their lives." Tlie labor chief te!- iMier'i that the lives of the unions d pen; led en the handling of this crisis. Iho eleven "stundard" unions Continued en r.tce Tirtntr-flTc, Celurar 1 '-, H r" Vll .f -.,., , t.il( .,,