' A're t''v " T V EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERJ?HII;ADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1921 'JftiMfj'- - --t T" ROOSEVELT HEME AS FORUM OPENS Raymond Robins Gives Intimate Details of Great Amer ican's Life 2000 HEAR ACADEMY TALK Tnllnvifi iMnlh of the life of Theo Theo eore llffl'MPveIt hh seen by one of hli clesp't friend mnrltrd the firt nlfiht of the first mason of the I'liilmlclphln Forum nt the Academy of Music. fnrn than 200O men nnd women ns- nernbled te Inaugurate this Institution Inte the civic ami social life of the- city and te hear Raymond Robins, of Chi Chi eite, gl his impressions of the great American. The enthusiasm with which Mr. Reb. Ins wes greeted and the heart? welcome that was given, te Reland H. Merris, former Ambassador te Japan, an chair man of the Feruin, nugured well for its future. The ProgrcMve Party leader spoke from a text taken from the messages of Theodere Roefcovrlt. It was: "Aggrcwdtc fighting for the right is the noblest (.pert 'he world affords.' Mr. Reblnt said that men nnd women reach the age of twenty-live years or tetter before Uiey upprtciute tlie qual ities of Geerge Washington or Abraham Lincoln. "Rutin Thcodern Roosevelt," he con tinued, "we find the here of every lad from ten nnd twclve years up. Ills great outdoor llfr- upon the plains, hlN areer as n ieldlur, ns n statesman mid 11 nppfal te the youthful mind." Mr. Robins then spoke of the frailties of body that beset Roosevelt as a jeuth and hew. through sheer ferce of will, these handicaps were overcome and hew he came te curb vigorous nnd robust manhood that with n bullet wound nbove his heart he delivered n forceful uddress ajalnit the advice of Burgeons nnd friends. , Theu Mr. Robins speke of Roose velt's great love of and his ardent preaching of the dortilne (if equality among the people of the Natien in the forming and running of its Government. The tpeakcr decried clns gevt niinenl. ALIENISTS TO MEET SWARTHM ORE HIGH SCHOOL SPEEDY HOCKEY TEAM vxt km.-'." .i.. i iW.niMf '4A i viOTTT7rir'rnw,"TrrMfriMr1'nTTirnirr' l Muix&r.Tvt wmmmrrc-'i. wk ... u. t -tv.-wk k.iibibm iikim.ejTTnyj ti:x.'j r eiaft-fflgyaCTaIWIf mfSSUm. .Z' -ekk; 1PARD0NBANKTHIEF IN 0VERBR00K CASE Ramsey Freed en Doubt Guilt After Serving Nine Months of &ftK K8 ELSSBaSSSSESESS .. , .. . . .. ....,. I.cdctr Tliote Crrlc Under Uie tutorship of ret Watcrsen, ilicse Delaware County tfrls have been able te stave ort defeat se far thte season. They are the Misses It. Sliarpless, E. Paxseii, E. Hardesty nnd I... Hen (bach row); I). Allisen E. Sleane, II. Morten and M. Watsen (center.); M. Walten, C. Watsen, captnln, and V. Plumb (front row) ACQUI MIL BURN T OF TAKING BRIBES all of his goods nt once caused Jacobs ! te ask aid of the City Hall police, hater he ucctibed Lieutenant Mllburn of work i ing in collusion nlth the thieves nnd accepting n bribe of $000 from Ellas ueerge, who is new said te be in Tur I he commissien's1 vcrdlet elenr .Mllburn of nil ehter charges with the exception of his using "bnd judg- ment." The latter opinion was net Civil Service Commission Finds8""?'1 by cltv neli,'e j'"iii;. however, ns they snv net ene-lmlf of the pnmls i stolen would cer be recovered if the police were net allowed te use "round about" methods in dealing with criminals. Annual Meeting of Experte te Take Place at Norrlstewn Lieutenant Didn't Take Prisoners' Meney FREED THEM FOR PURPOSE PLAN TREAT FOR CHILDREN Special Mevie Shew te Be Given for Main Line Youngsters A moving picture cntcrUtinment for Main Line children will be held In the Rryn Mawr Theatre tomorrow nnd Sat urday afternoons, under tlu auspices of the S'ecinl Service Department of the Main Line Federation of ChuroheM. The picture will include n new "Wizard of Oz" film, nnd nature pictures. A group of Mnin Line debutnnN, in churge of Mrs. Paul Thompson, will act nu utfhcra. .Teiep'i Ramsey, Twentieth Mri't be low Moere, cenvlctcil of complicity in robbery of the Overbroek Haul:, six tieth nnd Master streets, was pardoned yesterday after serving nine months of a flvo-jenr scntenc. Ills conviction retted upon Identifica tion b.v n bank empleye, who is nllcseil te have mnde rnvernl conflicting state- , tnrnlN. The jury v.ns loekel up two days before renhing n verdict. II wan oil the grounds of possible mistaken identity that the petition for pardon wem presented te the Heard of I'nnlenn by his boyhood chum, Hurry P. Fe'.ger. nnd Stute Representative lienjnmln M. Cieldcr. J They appeared before th lwnrd at IlnrrlHbnrg yrsterdav. Their plen wan opposed by ARWtant District AUernry! Charles I'dwln Fex. He inserted Ram- ' scy had had a fair trial and n new one bnd beeli refused by Judge Finletter, the trlnl Judge. , Tastimeny nt the trinl shoved feur1 men en Nevcmbei 4. 1!)20. forced em em peoyes and depositors back ugnlnst walls of the bank nnd e-caped with ?1.'I,000. Subscqucntlv four men were arrested Ramsey, Jehn Hegnn, Hugh Dougherty nnd Jeseph Fergusen. Fer gusen, tried separately, is new serving live yearH In the ICastern Penitentiary. The ether three were tried together, but only Ramsey was convicted iinTivfi re rn oeiih McCLINTOCK BROS HEATING ENGINEERS Illtb nnd Uw Frtnnurr 1'lplns Steam, Het Water & Vapor 521G WEBSTER ST. T'lunmt Wenillunil nr.in Henry Krajeski Heating and Plumbing Specialist High and Lew Preisure Werk Steam, Het Water and Vapor 7ns ivpnnr.AN'n avb, wm. oeia. The Civil Service Commission has exonerated I-ioutennut Jehn ft. MIl- The thirty-eighth annual meeting of end of State and Incorporated i,os. , burn, of the Hftcentli Mrcct and Snyder pltnU for insane and feeble minded avenue stnuen. et tuc ennrge 01 nccepi- 'iK ' iptrjf uiiuu i jiii nt w ii finvti .rill be held today at the Norrlstewn Slntc Hespltnl. Tlic i rientlflc .program In the after noon t ill Include papers bv Dr. Francis . Dercum, of Plillndelphiu ; Dr. J. M Welfare, nnd Dr. Frank M. Weed bury, head of the mental health pec tifin of tlic Department of Public Welfare. Dr. N. S. Ynwger and Dr. Oiren Cepe, of fli Pennsylvania Hos pital, will participate in the discus-tens. TO DISCUSS CITY PAVING Symposium te Be Held at Engineers' Club Today An exhaustive -jmpesiuni en clt;. paving will take phice before the I"n glneirs Club tednj, under the inm "iees et the Department of Public Werki, the eh 11 engineering depart went of the I nherslt of Pennsylvania, lne Chatn'err of Commerce, and the Baltimore Pnlng Commission. The program will be divided into four rcctiens: Administrative problems, repairs and maintenance problems, new pavements nnd foundations. The meeting will conclude with n banquet in the dining rooms, of the club. LOWELL REPLACESTAFT he neted as an intermediary with per sons implicated In the robbery of the goods In question." t'liarge One Year Old The charges en which Lieutenant Mllburn was brought te trial date back te September. 19UO. At that time four men in nn nutomebllo drove up te the lr.ce shop of Jacob Jncebs, Tenth nnd Reed streets, nnd stele goods nlleged te be worth SI 2.000. The goods con sisted of seernl pieces of imported lace packed in two grips which were left standing en the hldewalk. Mr. Jacobs in reporting the rehberj te the police told Lieutenant Mllburn he suspected a man known ns Klias Conrge. Lieutenant Mllburn arrested Oorge and later u pugilist by the name of Telnnd. , Reth men denied they were impli cated ln the theft but nic alleged te hne acknowledged they knew where the goods were stored. It la said a deal was made w hereby Telnnd w.ih re League te Enforce Peace te Meet leesed and a few hours Inter $0500 While Arms Parley Ig In Session I w"rt!' of ,1" ht,",p" l,rnI'rrty wns lcft v. vj, i ! -A mm i . en the station house steps. cv ierh, Oct. 13). I he League te Enforce Peaee jesterdny elected A. Law- Gtcs lMirpcse of Release -nee ivrcn piesnu-nt te s.iccced Chief ' Lieutenant Mllburn. at his trlnl, tcs-.TiiHii-e intt nnd ete-l tobeld n ita- tilled that he only let Geerge nnd Te- uum.i -uin.-.iui.ii m uiiMiiuuien wmie , ent , erde- te recover tlie goons hs Armi.ment conference is in session, and then round up the four men he mis Ac purpose of (he coiimmuIeii, it was pected of engineering the crime. That announced, will be te emphasise the method of dealing with thieves, ns ac ac fibllKdieiis, of the Liiitcd iilntea In cs- .knewlcdgdl by the commissioners them tab.Wilug world pe.ice M,)vtSi is 0110 of the eldest used by the t.-orge W AMekerMinm was elected police of nil lurge cities in recovering chalrmnu of the Lxpcuthe Committee btulen prepertv. te Micwccl Mr. Lew-ell, who warf ap- . "(Jive n criminal plenty of repe nnd pcinteil chariniiti of a committee te I he will hoen hang himself." was the n,n-r.i ut,"",s e,x,Pre;,i,i!iK the league's proverb which Milbum said directed nwirociittien of Chief Jui.tice Tnft'fi Mm in .Tnnlin win, , i hin,.. ffTrtt-tM Ilk I t J l.nlw.lC ... ' . """V Vi ! The failure of the llcutcnnnt te recover IMPULSE SAVES JEWELRY Valuables Secreted, New Servant Girl Thief Only Get $40 Mrs. Charles F. Tayler, wife of a ' Colllngsweod builder, who lives at ."15l J Walnut street, this city, advertised i for a heuhe girl. A yeuns woman, neatly drebsed in a brown Hhirtwalsst and pluid skirt, answered the adver tisement and was put te work yesterday morning. I At 0 o'clock, actinc upon un Impulse thnt proved te hnve been most fertu- i te Director tortelveu. In whW; i the? ! gathered up mere thun WOO worth el ' Mild Lieutenant Mllburn is guilty of jewelry, placing the urticlcs ln a bmall niivrilirilliuil -e. l" i'S w i.i.ii. , un(; W-11C11 Pile PUt ntJOUt Iicr I1CC t nE,TINO CONTKACTOKS He hnd arrested the men following a ?H.'.000 lace robbery. The commission, sitting nf. n Police Trial Iteurd. lined him fifteen flndly. of the Department of Public I days' pay for using "bnd judgment" ln rplf'.entiifr (lie two men nfter ther bnd been arrested. The commission in ex plaining its verdict sent n special letter .V few minutes later she cnllml tr, fi, girl nnd received no rc.pense. Hhe went out into the back yard, found the gnte open and the girl gene with a handby containing $-10. 'J lie police informed Mm. Tayler that i Kt-1-riiiii.-giri unci answering th scriptien Hie furnished hnd nlrcad loeueu uiiccu neuses in a similar ner. Poplar U35. Park 2917 A.McClintock&Sens EN&INEERS and 1937 Ridge Ave. Members American Society of Heating and Vcntilatinu Enfjincers GEORGE W. MORRIS REGisTnr.nD Plumbing and Heating Contractor W Itutull American Hadlater Product 822 W. LEHIGH AVE. Peth Phenei HOT r , VAPOR WATER JlXDertS VACUUM STEAM AjArgl l HEATING john a. McVeigh 20BI Itldxr Air. Poplar ftJOO f Itihtnll Amrrlrnn Itnillnter Preilucin ARPOI A lna'al!l In your home, efflc fid hrafntr In n.l hrnnc'ir Je eit prkca cenfc.sfsrt v. .th ninrtiy Plumhli-!! Insl.ill'iit a: i noeO ver.c. i nenrnT c. wi:m 2S7 V.-. Ulrt-i Ae. r,lf-Mn lien? Pa-Vt ?r,X' I iCTCAM' utO" 1VII1 e tic- ftfJrrrrri.'r'hn 111 I E 1SI y i rVJn"i?UCK Hl"ll I BU H- 'VACUUM Q I IhITIB IllilJ E. V. PACKER HEATING EXPERT Steam Vapor Het Water i:timai 1'r'f TItie Paj nwnls, Phni, nclment 1040 "i n sn st . t '?j 4&i "'""iii.'M'HIIH iiiiiiiifiA niKTvW Sm Telephone Your ffMll J&2&3 L PVK Heating Engineer ill B e SXaaSSj li jfliJ ffKvLasev tellyeu hew little ji J iB; mSS gER-?ilr W.i'lv. and haw quickly 3l(L JffiJ !,Ttc,0LJ3 3fllB k 1 '&i&JMZt mh it can he installed W !gj? ,liaiBBSFrilS Si fE 8i 'sriff i in your hern: fli gf mHPJHHK4 1 JK g H JH jjl jt MWSm Ijl fij 1 III p-4-l!! 1 v ZinHiHHfiPiMwIiV 9 I'1! IIeH i ill . ,ilSBff ;, n'LM Brown Scotch Grain or Patent Leather Mella Sandals With Stunning Squared Tees no A Walk-Over orig ination selling by the thousands among really smart women who take delight in wearing swagger sport clothes. This is ARCOLA Week Many dealers stores are keeping open evenings se that you and she may see Arcela together YJ?UI? Heating Engineer is connected with the kitchen tank -RCOPinAg Week hC3ta yUr Watcr dl Jt S S; eek-, Yeii Ae your whole house. are invited te go together te see ARCOLA. . Accept your Heatinc Engineer's invitation. Yeu will see a heating outfit different from any you have ever known. ARCOLA nrfrte frnm It means money in the bank for two te five times ita cost te the you. Fer ARCOLA will reduce your al.ue of yur home just aa IDEAL fuel consumption, room for room, 0,J?ra and rger AMERICAN And what does this invitation mean? an average of one-third as com pared with stoves or het-air fur naces. Yeu can put into the bank one -third of what you have been putting into the fire. It means a warm-all-ever house instead of a house het in spots and cold everywhereelse. It means all the het water you want for washing and bathing. Fer ARCOLA, Tir1Qti-l " . . 1 n t -,wv ejcma aaQ 1Qr lr)0re than their cost te the value of larger buildings. It burns any kind of fuel and under the ex pert direction of your Heat ing Engineer, it can be de livered, set up, and put te work at once. (tjxy a. 8ce ARCOLA Today or Toelsht you Arcela. Loek for It in hi, window. lue; who con ahew It will pay you te consult him twice a -cnr si veu rle vmi, ti. sa&f'tsjts :ssa- -& sssss An NrtrrKrKt tmVtMtrr. I VnmDiviDvm IllFUaCeONDKT ( AxsCeNrrnr I Vff CAUwTran I 1 caAuwv STRAWBRIDGE CLOTHIER. Hundreds of Men Will Be Here for Suits and Overcoats Te-morrow! It will bf an inspiration te men te come te this Cletliin,; Stere te-morrow or Saturday I A visit here will show that BUSINESS IS BOOMING in this Clelhint; Stere, nt least. It will de any man geed te c the stirring business ac tivity nnd it will de him mere ceed te participate in the advantages this Stere's customers are receiving. These advan tages are In GREATER VARIETY, BETTER STYLE, SUPERIOR QUAL ITY nnd MATCHLESS VALUE. A year age we were having wonderful business but last week's business ex ceeded tlie corresponding week of 1020, and this week-end we expect even bigger business. WE HAVE THE GOODS our own exclusive WICKHAM Suits nnd Overcoats; the famous STEIN'-BLOCH, HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX and ALCO Clothing. Jein the throng of men who faiew in this Clothing Stere of Con stant Activity, te-morrow'! Men's and Yeung Men's Winter Overcoats, $33.00 and $44.00 A Inrge advance-season purchase of fine o-rceat fabrics i3 responsible for these remarkable values. Ulsters and Uliterettes, beautifully tailored with half-belts or belted all-around, in handsome, rich fabrics. Men's and Yeung Men's Wittier Overcoats, $25.00 and $30.00 Twe notable PTOUDt. of Ulster, and T"Krr.tti. rm-nfuiw ,,. I -fc 4 A ri J M a J -. tl . t . . .1 - juicu gi uiuiusenip an-v.oei overce styles of the season. TW AyA unci UMn-etU" tings m conic of the smartest Men's and Yeung Men's "Wickham" Suits, $30, $35 and $40 'Wonderful values in a wonderful 'ectien of new style1?. Pin stripes, checks, neat mixtures and soft brewn and grav fabrics fault lessly friilercd in the smartest style, v e've seen for many a dav llieie ANickham Suits set new stnrdards of clethef-aluc. -i Htrau.v. 'no I c !u V, Sfcnn l'l-. - I. ft These Phonographs AT REDUCED PRICES standaiJ, wi-11- These Pheno- turned from prices have A geed nsr.ertment of desirable styles all known makes from which veu ran rtifl pVinn... graphs hae been used for demerstratmg, have born re imitcd rentals, or are slightly "shopworn." Thir been greatly reduced. Instruments Made te Sell for $25.00 te $165.00 New $18.00 te $115.00 FIVE DOLLARS secures immediate deliver'-. The balance ca,'bi:f'd m monthly amounts of T3.00, $1.00, S3.00, J6.00, ?7.00 or $8.00, if desired. amount of S5.10 may be added without -- St-A"--r 'X i -e'hVr l-i'.h 1-e,ir. V.'eit RECORDS te the increasing the terms. A Fine Showing of Coats With Fur Cellar and Cuffs At $55.00 and $65.00 Tine ele-irs and Bi,ha , tu.iercd en beau tiful lines, ('! urud throughout, uui f.nlshed iui ueep cei.a.- a-, t .'. of rat ji-al Coats With Fur Cellar epi.sujn. $30.00 Belted model, ethr-- sem'-fitted .n the bad; with belted loei f--ent; deep cellars of dyed ceney or opossum. Fine Coats With Beaver Cellars, $75.00 te $120.00 Yeleur Ceals Without Fur Trimming. $27.50 In black and dark kM-, s.lk-lined through out; deep enpe ce'lar, all-around belt, S27..".e Others in plain and s.tvertene eff.cts, P33 00 le v?65.00. Coats With Fur Cellar p& In black eni, ; si.n.-lined ih; cellar of dyed ep.i tar . . - - Hiravl it,0 s, , s . . (TOA 00 ui; (L-cp !228 MARKET HARPER'S Ubfr0t& 1022 CHESTNUT OHOPS Makers of the famous IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators 115 North Bread Street Phllnriiu: . -wmu, -cnnsyivGrua These Suits Loek Deuble Their Price $30.00 "I timer i-Np-.acd te ;;et a Suit of thi i'...ra 't.-i at 330.00," esclat'iied a woman, a- hc .. ntemplated herself in the miner. 'Ihcc Suit, ha iLe svelte, cleans ut lines of a thoroughbred, and the tnileimg is bet.ti',u1 all the b.auty and distinction of the model sketched is in ita tine lines nn: tlie otiaerdinnr .; ..ihi iti the t".eed. Otheia are of .oel velour and Mheiene, m various belted ttniijcht-ln.e and unbelud scmi-iitting eftects. Black, nn y, brown and oxford gra. Fine Suits at $40.00 Developed in wool M-!our, t-uetine -ind -il-it,. Medels en rather elebe-f.tting lines, smartly fltt" ever the linisr Mmi.ij.nn,. ..i..i. .. .. . ' iiumiij, .... .. "I'uria Itn 10 servntne tailnring- inu -JO.UO. bowing all the finish, ng, enn- " "f line Mmw Other Suits $25.00 le $;7J, Extra-sizv Suit u $5.1.00 te yt00.0 V (Jl lW , .ke i t I lit 1 ue J u ' .' v .. r., h Strawbridge & Clothier L'lUHTII STKLLT MARKET S1REKT FILIJLRT bTREET New Velvet and Dave tine Hand Bags CHIFFON VELVETS, striped velvets, dotted and moire chiffon rivet!'; tassel, frill, shirred, pan nier and plain-tailored styles; some funcy Evening Bags with plnitinga nnd rufllcs beautiful l mines, some jeweled, and ex quisite linings and fittings a wonderful assortment $5.00 te $85.00. DUVETINE BAGS of all kind", colors and hhupes, plain and fancy, some with handsome monogram nnd fancy buckle catches $5.00 te $-13.25. Straw brldue & Cle'hter- Aisle fl, Cntr Feet Hurt? Maybe the Wizard Light Light feet Appliances can relieve the trouble. A scientific feet expert will be here all this week te tell you whether or net you can secure relief in this manner. Him -li-Mrn & C.o.hlor C.e.hlor C.o.hler IJ.eh'h and riifccit Strmts Y1 .- Reller Skates, $2.00 Union Hardware Ball-bearing Skatrs, extension btyle, te fit boys' and girls' hoes in any size. Special at $2.00. s -a 1 rMtte ' ofh( efh( Kujrth nor. Xrarlcct St root Chinese Rugs at Such Lew Prices as These Remini "cnt of the geed old times ,ii" the new low prices mat ed en the hundreds of beau t.fu! Chinf-se Rugs assembled here many of which have re cently armed from the far East. S.lxe.l feet ?100.00 D.lxfi.2 feet !513."..00 0.10x8.1 feet $175.00 9.11x5.1 feet $1S0.00 11.10x0.2 feet S105.00 11.3x7.2 feet $113.00 11.11x8.11 feet $225.00 12.5x0.9 feet $273.00 13.10x10.1 feet $325.00 MxlO feet $350.00 U.J11.8 feet $400.00 15.2x9 -1 feet $495.00 ll',2 feet $050.00 Scores of ether sizes, ii.duding t.,e very small Rugs, such as 4 22 2 $26.00 a.5.ie en 42 $22.50 3.1x5.2 $42.50 S'rml.r'liiK s, i ,etht- Te ir 'i n i -, Went Blech Pullman Baby Coaches, Save V factory clearance of high c as, desirable CYyi hc a Hinall v ",i... at a remarkable saing. ilard-ome models, beautifully lini hed new $32.73. Chariet Coaches, $22.50 SI rollers new $19.50 White Enamel Qf rf Weeden Cribs xpi7.0J li'P M(.c-; 24xlH inches. Com Cem p t'e vuh mattress. SirmlrMce tt C et ,lr -1 'li J r ( ir, i entr New Crepe de Chine Dressing (TO en; Sacqucs 'VO V f'Ttuwite jiunhase of the I'aintie-t of Sucijues m pink, light blue and eiehid shades, all hi- pr. ttirr fur an idging of soft late and a hem-I ribbon fub trnmg. .mh.Ii lovely SacnucH usua',,. :,- i.oe mere than these in this remarkable group 'I'r.iwl n.!u 1- r,f,i,,r T '! lloer, Kll(,rt fltreut Wt Umbrellas, Special Fer Women $1.00 Fer Men $1.25 fe-nrel with Murdy cotton (Amerirm, uflVtaj, mid iltted MMieusly with wrist terdn In Plain .,, carved weed handles. Oi , cm Men s Umbrellas, miaalen N.oeti hook or creek handles. h i.iwi ik ti 1,'inlliLr M'' 7 Mn'ket Hlrmie Valaze' Madame Rubinstein's Skin Treatment Simple nnd effective for rough, harsh or irritated skin. Valaze Baume Iilanc Balm for irritation $1.82. Pink Medicated Treat ment Use before retiring $2.0R. Valaze lieautifying Skin Skin fend Alternate with the Pink Medicated Treatment $1.30 and $2.C0. Valaze Creams Fer cleansing and massage $1.04 te $3.04. Valaze Special Skin-toning Letien, $2.:U and $4.68 And as a final seething and pretectee rncaure, before using pev ilvr, apply Valaze Baume Vert, $1.82 s--.iv ' -!Ji,-e & t j hler Alue 0. Centre HALLOWE'EN! Is Your Costume Ready? If net, nev is the time te select it from a wend'-rful assortment of fascinating styles for men. women and children. The old favorites and distinctive new models. Maxlta end Neise -makers et all kinds. btrn-b-l5i5e ,!t C.ethler reurtli Fleer, Ontre. AIsIs 0, I'llbrt HtrKt, and Alsl in. Centra r