!,f,i1Tifp-' V lV"-1 20 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1021 ' '' THE Letters te the Editor Condition for Canceling Debt Te t Editor el the Vvatlxg Public Ledger: Sr There, Is Ulntr ealrl a Brest il-e.1 these ciy ulieut plans and auaRcntleriH of run run erilitlen of the Allies' debts te Atnrlcu at th forthcoming illsci-niiimerjt conference, te bMrin en Armlsttee Day tn Vahlnxten. The llltft Of ClltlCell.ltlAli nf anli n liliv .telit Is TirepOttereUa. If (rrnnfe.l lliwlr nr. ' dlnnry circumstances, ti weulil It Mupl I Jt would limn te tslie our people's money and vxuu It without moral rlaht or con cen nclcnce. And yet the cinrallvlen could l. tnvle th rea.lel irlft of the nebleel VutlO'i In th neediest hour for in loftiest purpose In the nervtce of humanity for neiiomtleiis te come If it were mule conilitlemlly te the ItSln down of urmi of evrrr .Ictevr na tlen, aimed by thorn as a iruarentc. of fu ture peacv and geed will net in rl irffl". Mi nation could efl-r a Blft even theuRh for the abe-. e Oak T the Editor of the I'reiUrg PubHr LtJstr Sir Net ler.if nte t "nd an idlterlal I" The fo'lew n; 1, mj crei'e ac'eun: pe menth: - ..' 51 '' ( J 1. 00, 5-rn ll.OO I I" . .S.01 Balldlns atd Ina Water rent ind tnit,.. Innurnnce Ledirei, rel'ef end union atllV: Church Oaa T.curdry ft, 00 It hurt,, that veuld .nuel it ' ..'".',"" "" ""'i "' l ! bi .,... i.i ...- -r ....,"... benefll of ,uff.rlnc nerld If th I ."'" U"J' . ,VV"-' '" t""e'le a chance .. . " ' " .' "i .""" "'"""" .r rurpe.0 ,,re fumilM. column, f Is, V'reug'1 ,:" '"'"f fliaf ri w, Willi" ' ' x,J-r .'"-' otter euirr-MLv.,. ,r.,... ,lt ,, , V V Tlie Temple Theatre nnd l-ptian Mu.eum I will K. t.. .ut...wt .. .'.. .'- '""". vcre burnt.! tu th.. irrnnn.i .n nu..k.. , Smal Waae of Railroad Men rM...i:i. 'u,. . "JL.... " .V--N,r- t.vf.e Th. th..tr. ..... w...V' . ,:,''.-. baraly manaite te Ke- c'en en tlt-PO per , ," "" ' ' '"'.' """'We U4ir-: The fntr.H Thair. which occupied the week. e theunht f would wr't te mu In tle I ..,vil"" fr. '" .""' '" M,,,-l,,!n '''' t-aent ,lt" 'f th- I'aglnn. v.-n, l.u-r.ed -n hew jeu would priit in tour rpe- 'e-.J n, " ,rV r "'T1'', C'"'.' """ le D.ai. . 'r n'Rlit of ,r-d S7. IMi" Six -erfermri tiie railroad cxpecia a frn-l'; te int ale::.-1 .1',,, .J. , . . ''"Han c"leiy we ' of tht "leMl AuctMn" ponreir w-re en Juat n. few dollar, mire. ''.. "' "'" '" ""klrc this ,l.,lt a bur ed elive In Mi. falling wnlU. arl .... Mr huaband has worked ''. f'e ra'.lr.xid ! f ,. ,,',T, . '.. '.-', lhe ' """ "PP'eelatlen for ' '"' 'f " eudtence . er. fatallj Injured, twenty rear.,. M hae l-.. marrel th'r-1 "',," A. "" 1 " ,M "" mat-h ln ' ,hl ",-,!"'' " f1" Central Theitre teen yeara. and have thre- children. r,.ik- I TMr ,', "V "'"" ''".' 1'',r, Uepr'al nm, , " ' '"1 I"'" ft- ' ef re- Vertstle,, Irgj five in fam!l te preM.le Ter Trev .eue J11;,.'0, '"'if T rCVJ " fn'' In!,,n' V'hl'' "" t,',rrr,J ,r' ,Tun"' m7' t July 1. 1P21. he a eernirB , salary ? J T, -Zl "i'' V 'T"" m'je' M ", ,,ft!' ., i. 17 ' . 15.10 per da;. .lii!y 1 M, vane e- c-it ' 11 W"' " '" '' cem'ns le our, Memberehlp of Legien tr. e-m. an he-jr. n- .:(- c-n', n day J1'' "' r" n,,r ' S"- '"s 0.' our reapect . r ,. Kd . fA, p..n,7 ,.,6.. ,,, . brlnnnff It Cem, te J4 3t r'r Ja. or KO.Ifi '? ,.' .lu' of . .. . '' '- "J te-i :h. n-enib-ihle of a week. .T am ,-MnKeu ,h- -..J... bn.i, I p .r' l, ' ,h. ''."T.- .r ne-lcr.-, t,,.,.r t, n,;,,.. u le uui I'll- r ir iik 11 ".v n Kin v. Tun jui.it- ir.. lji... .. ... .. - ' out we tret pai'i nvt?e a r- the m ",.,," . ... ' .. ""u i-M men t i Ihlrti-ene-da." month h, e-. ter--nln. "Tf. '"' .' re"V Tl? "' K "' ! PHI edelr-a vx lr 11 iem ' ' a,-a. maklra- Ji:n.r,4. Ti thlrt-d-J I X", l""- ;. mar t re" '?' "' r J' , "' l' ,"' "' month he work, t-aents-elehi a:a. mkin; ! " "B;. ' ""' " ,'" ""en b ..'.f.T ?. .7". ,:;" Am'r",n '":i um,. thm, !.. b'ca'ien the riAJe-lt:. hm t h.-r ''! ' tie ', te'ai rrld-up mmlv-h'-.i jiw.i.- i-.., ie,.r ie, -en, p- ..." .. j..i.it..re th.; ha d-a M.id ili3 .if our ha ice .'iurm; me summ'r'. .... a . h.n-. A'l...J t,v1, a ve, a 1','anc f l5r.-0 1 thlrty-ene-da.v mert.i ar.d J5I.I0 !n a t: 'rt: da men'b Vea oil of th'a ba'a.'C. ' mur !?.' t:- ttb'e fe- a rr.- nh. pa n - cut, a. Ji.i.." , d c'ethc. a'ae -epi!r a tin !e?...r bill, pp. " ' - '" '"' um-"'' ;"u .:-- inm.i i.i- ''" i" 'mw run m nt-w. en; cn'-i Hi U 1-we.l fc Jst .muc'i te b,- teem n.ea-a;::. win t-n twp.i i: v n.f.,,, u!.nu' i .'.:u-at i- e.'i -n hi, hsn.ir. ba-.d. .iie !nurenc euM amu' n , .. ,. . , ,....., ,.. tr..t,., ,h. tout j:n00-n- tee much 'li.t.n ;ej hive three am,1! chtld"in in -al,e 1 lek I would aet Jia per tk In resmrd te t'i laued-' t am - ' af te de It a'! :i account of rr. a'l'i fdje . i-:-.- ,0 in i te net havlra; proper ca-- .v!i m- chM d.n wee bern1 r-fii the ! e' .!a un- I-'.Je'-t:l t! a 1 nt of Ortebe '.se r-'C-aje.i .:-.....- pa. ra of v.'eperj fe- th e t'lrcn. fi'.-i ;. tat of October 1 ha. e beirht .h-ce p,.s of hoes for ram. Ve-c. ae jr. .. .me.l fam ily compare.) le umi who are letting the lima ware, We l-new 't ., net tr. thl s te hj-e mnr than txe ertldren ar.'- me-e, by" If ', i.f'er. itte Juit ih ea-ne. N-e-v tht: wir: M e-j". lh mn'i waiie, ivfi mire, n'.d the cb'lc la In armnr.ih, -:th ihem. Vbvi te m-n werr c'-.p '.ha'.r n:r?3i". a couple if ;-'., ace. '-e'..:!" pnd rn.,a-;-rates v..- licrei,e.i sccerif.nil;'. b-i -vhrn the cu. c.ime fe- t;.. i.i?n O'e f-e!h ard r-iaenr r -ate, 'jt. e r"ducd. a-.d i -y claim tin ir.ei mu,t N iut mere, -.a thes can nduee fr:ch; rate,. A. rall-ead atrlke 1, a d-adful thlr te thtr.i; e. p-.nl I rep np.i r-r..r .11 -.e. eew.a te tht. but ca i ej or th" pul b!.vns tn.. for .entim.- i d.e,t.. '.l-.-jri v.c e the' rr.a b!. the1-' fam'l'e, a d-.. home aid t'-iel- ch.ldre.i a f,' eu-.in and a c'ia.nc tr n-aWe ae-rethlrj? of lem- a;,? A nILP.O! MAV1 V. IFX. Th.ln-i'.ph..-.. (Jo:ebr ', 1?:' I' I Enforce Prohibition te the Limit Te thr Ftii'cr nl th Kvnin I'ni'tr f.'da'-: S e The Prohlbltlei Law, ;lnc ka, be come a ei-t of our Corslltutle'i , teu d be erfereed te ,ve lim'.t. h. no-" Adt.-.'n'rtra-t'en hi , bee- dele .end'.r, in the .-.i'1 tlrje ttn. l.'v have be"n I" c'.a-er bur the should et te tn. '.er" ten of r.i. w'veie thlna th.. ff)tintaln head Km e .-!' ''v1! linuer De i into the salr'.i, n-1 ru.; raihe, i ie pub'e. I'he re'ir a-e '-i a ir-e t in.if.- - tpar.slb'.. for the cerd't'...-., and fe- tie r.t- reason thr th-y n-e ",P'-n,!b'e fnr I' nnr- er.fOTeri'en cf the 'a in r u.rv '-..pci. They prt. brlld ti k.u wnr Iti.'e-miiVn the: ha 'e te th.nrt.'e, e -.her t'-ro'irje none, e- the p'evhllns; i lver.j te 'hem. Oni reed -ve.y abiu '. wej'.tl t that order, b-. ffi en ty e.f-: i.-'.c. wtn'en in tha cf: tut ib.-: " '' b li ,1 r.,r'is!b for the .nfe"r.n..r. rt t.;. t n -be!-dlatrlct. end f ar.- aaloen.. ri '!' '"s o e o beotlejrffir.T ', 'eund le ih'r citr'.' '.. heads of i'-e tti . .-CI be 'nej'-t'l-dcpe,e I ar I "", I--. d?i-rirel. "... .j.. eer.fel bed: e m-n ce'ild 's.t '!: .'.iffere.T eectiei.s. e le r.'l r eth-. ar.d dl.'-tr if the law li l.e m rrntv-r,: ca".-d ou. As a private rltlser. T l.ne-v of iler.er, of places vne a-v l,,"tcl.ima.e lirjue- bu': pias N ltr.ir lendu.-'el e-1 I ,ie y p '" aearh of sg:li lnfn.-a.ier : l.t '.n- ' ae TaerH itl-. -'.e'lted 'he th in'e-'in i en cemev te ou wlthevt l'Hiklrt; -'.e" n- t except'enslly aid's In th'i. reafer b'i ,i , the nlichber. are faini'fr.r .' 1 h t i .-e-.. dll'en. I' "e a.j v'rp te he e .'i, atltutU") ."I'd be ffO'i'T'l I. !. ., n . i ' crdlnat'ca. tti pheu''i b. t." .. 'i . mt va". eth.r'.vl, ear (.'e 's'i'utien ', . b accffe.1 at. Ii I, I'v .tut" of . e- pi 'it. eltigrn v ha ri' putint.c In'e e-i'ir-na te vl'e-e an I il- ' t triff'j ', ty "r; "-a rled en te rerun 'e the au'lii-ii'e. In n Fe0vr.it liulldlru, ' order thai ih- ... et after tin ..o'e.-l , p ! br'n e-l- . j Of t1'" P'esei'l . haO" ' .T'tFi r pi". i; Ph r.de,: '.. n;'i.b- IT. '&2! The Coming Verld's Fair ; Te ihi t'd'.ier of th' r;ueeiij P'tb i f'-n-: , Sr VIJ1 -.ou no alii j.ii.. -ead'', ti five full vert as te v mt a -e the ix-at tl.lrta that can b e .i bj ihe "tt.sei'a arl tha official, te mike, t'' eeniinsi Smpei. eentannltl the most i ice.p.fu' '.'i-!d s fair I that baa ever neee h.hi, n.iude phuns r.''.-r deea thtngn by lia'f when Hie- set star;..! i They are a little alew H-imi'ilnv t-i wt'fj tart1. but thtr ire unually there at the batrinnlnr and at the (ii.ish. ' While this fa'r la ell I 'be 'ear, of. it' la net tee earl" te begin ne.c, si iv,. -v.-.n the ttrre emea te ere. i the 'a'r ever-ih'na telll he 'i readin.'j, lni.tehi or r. Has been the Lire w'h Mil fa'.r, he'il In t'i's ceentrr aepi- month, a'i allowed tj elapse before then . .i cenn.'e'. eh'b'nen. I The loeatien fe- this fa! - . 'he 'r-t ' thlni tha' should b" ..mder.-d. i- e-1 r that It w ' II be held .1 a p'r.e thst ', n-' venlint for eversb-Kl" There khr.u d b i declaten at one. at Icaal a, te he nutnbo nutnbe nutnbo ef main bulldlni,-'i (nnt ae n r , and the riem plan nf the cnunrts ehf jld he mnde and the lo-atlen of tt-e lultdln. '.e placed It I" i' t me . arlr te Inv lt u '.r , rations te bectn their pnpi-.''.ers fe.- ,. ilblte. i Tne fa.' eheul 1 b ."ndur'.d e . .i . ' -, Tile Proeli.'s Poreni villi iiimetir ditlv In the Evening Pnldle l-der. nrd nle In the Sunday Pulillc I.cd'r I.Htir dlaruaslna: tlnielj trii'm villi h. printed, a nrll na rrqueatrd oeems, and quest Inn of cenrrul Intrrrst vrlll he unanrrril. Experience I "or mere tmin 2S enrn I hnve lieeti ' It'iirnlnr" tli .'mil h'lKl nes. Mltilnc, .lebb'tii;, whole whele sullnir nml I en In the rinilllrir of ciMvl Iivir.v vi rklntf lny of the )our I i nit tlieic years of ex ex perleiu" mte the iiuu-hime, mlc untl iltxtriluti'ii of u.il in Wet l'lillailelphla. J. E. KUNKEL Let t nl InJtptndenl Ceal Dealer in Wett Philadelphia C3d & Market 5 lit & Cray PEOPLE'S FORUM I-uttcrn te the Editor rheuM be as lirltf and te the point nb pesmtilvi. avoiding anything thut would opeh ii uennmlnnttennt or acctnrlnti uB uB vjuhsIeh. Ne attention wilt be pnld te ntiony ntieny ntiony meu.t Icltars. Names nnd rulilreysis must be nljfiied us an evidence of poed fnith. nltheuh'h named will no be printed If request Is insula that they 1), emitted. The publication et a letter la net te bi tnken ns an Indersement of Iin v.ev.-i by thin pnper. . nuiintii -.rntteiiH will net bn re. turned unlr-M an-Pinpsnlrd hv pert-.-lire, nor will manuwerlpt be mcd. p,ane. and ultli ns lit;!. f ,,, i,ic.,nett about tt a t)eMb!a. fcnf i....Kn.i i. - jlUnllled exhlblimn of vb.it Ihu Bn n.r;,-fl of .'iMibam. the Knijllrli elate brought abeui In the 1,, ,lr, ,)f 1((1 ,,,,.,. 'a ipevch mid.- cn-einber 1!", 1777. enc-. Rvery cltlien of trn.i.i...i. -.-".. f.iel a personal IntrruM m ,!. ,... .'. . . . . . " ...in, i-'.i Coming of "Man of Destlnv" ccm he- ,!. net . bv te iP-e.l. Unsilah 1'u'. eenslder'nB tl.elr condition, ibsr ni.ik . i le bvmmlt:. -.,..,.. ....-' "?."' Hwu' mreunn Ilia Te thr Kdlter ,- the Evmlna I'ut.H. t.A. - - - iM.i.ui.u.n,-, UUIUUI r I Til' I - r ivvmm ; HVIIIUl ' '"" ve': ""' ' ;'-ub'e. but. en th I ''ai'' ui' "tin. .' liter- art eitpeeted te p.-n i the- ;-.!. r-. n Brent sou-e, cf btns.lt ' utl b- ! t'tr c' the TRt..n .otve-lieii and r'-riijr" -e ui. jh'c' ml! , he'd I. KffMd C't; 1 1, ie-er III The I'll'ans a'e c",.-.' .'r, of n't ,r.','1'1 v,''m'.-e- i. Ti--e 'i n t'.i n' 1 eiler r-ur'.- nd It im ir them mje.i T,,J" "r ,f l":'" Wr efllcrra nrd thtr te happliew -.ou'! I... tnk.n et of ej' I ""''en.lan:-. lf.e. Th-r p-evld" r-eit cf our mu,l" frr ' I ua. a-d !' ' i thm we turn if e 'lantl iinv.- -ms:h'rj: ah-iu- .trl. In r.'Wt'-' ,r.-.",t b ,!ld.nn at.: e'h-v! I....A lvn e' iT'i' el.t. te ?,.- Ntttli". Put It t, nut ft fl.. t.r.n. .'... .. ft.ll.n.. ...I... ..A ..j .--.. iv .... .t linn ... t n.iw ii'i... c mi ''rtre hi' b-n te u. a'one that th pihlt-. genera:, hoeid rejpend. , ' The ier,m ' riiinu i, ira i e ' i. tr ewf, t i t'.alia neet ie a jet h c-at.'.ud- vuleh tht: cm pay. 'f only In : ,.,; v-c:., n rtelni; I et"r !e Cleneral li'as r.,,.r h. cenwu here by rMns I lm u ter ...... coo-e p, . wr'ilil .ij ... er.. the ,...,.., c. etl,er ril,l3n . .-,,..t" us. I :.. I , ... n,i n...v-2 ... .-.i b , un,i0r:e tu ,'iew en- e-v:., arrr''i'e rr nia ae.:ee tie ii-, ar.d i-j' ' ',pect 10 trio - ... i t t.illa -'n help a , c.t; 'i h lii . . . i u, n beca' ie sreit i' . vi.ve'-nn. Cbr- 10. 'i:-. I . The Railroad Strike Parley Te fi lidltef n' th, rti..e ri'b.'l'" Ltdatr: S'- thi n Ire.id 'n'.-r', tivt.ii.r.e-) at.-.rfe ', tA".:i;r ie':ce Hi band eirlr -1 !n the ; prepc- wa: . ar... te a.'d a panic'. y cendt- .'en tha tveu'd .be e'9a,t"ur. every er.e f rhu kjrt a coo! Mid and di u.l tn..- cr .i b"'nir rteu' a Nit'-afaein-r ..ttlo ..ttle mr.: r.nd s'-I'ruck e-i d' : b:r,t flra" cat c-lie, tt-it re pnbabl. ha e v-r a'.d 1; s a n.est lnce"i.".'.ab.e " 'ia li "ejil tr.in i: .he a"en I al' tees, -a'.'.read men reuld detcPtl", le vvn,:. ou !-. .. bed', thereby tilnc up l-:"rer;,-i:':n and rhlp rhlp p'ef. It veulu Elfic, the ;:a".e"i in a Ce,-p-rr.tr 'Kel'e'.. anv 0"e tut. easi j iwpd', I than he rri' .-.reat Wc-'.l War. 1. mJnh Uitrti .lanpTi'eus ti .-il" .'i.3ter"v as a Na" n. 'e 't veu'd d. '"de ou- ret'P'J In ,u;h .1 r,v r, thy v- -c dl.'.d-d :.-. ej- i'.'C Wi", cr u- "r" '. i th- be'd '-ent bat pushed . -ece.-t - j- .) '.(.i a n'erKus ccnei'ielii:'. Whl e a ni den r?;irid ni-1 Tlfi1" b r..el''d, ." .veu ' b" tu a ema 1 pa-t f th -r" mat -n : 1 be nffec'.el In Cljil'li" fel' f.im!!'e a'.d f.-eid,. rv "J ra'. et me-e tilll'e- , ''.. v.-ou! I tv,""T ou -' er ij.'e.. net'' ': . ir '.'..ie,. It :t p.it's Ir in" cer.'.f, a-e -'c' a''.J tv'th pa'.!, .1" -i"J. .'" 1' v sue'1 - irnJ -Urn ex bs 'he t.n!; u. -a'.vc Is 1-. I:"p ". cool lie;.) ard te c'e e.-y'l.l: e ; osr.e'." " b-.r.-j nteu n ar-"-a'.'"i ti vv-'. l tell part!" '.V ' n:.".- en1' .-i th" p'.nusn ' i, n t.. k,a I th.t '. .i ' v d: il - a'.re,phe e a;i l.e c'".ved a"l tea t . r.. n . as ,"( P. i -.-' 1 l1' " Pet.1 : . -vble 'i--; nb .' e 'e't lT,t ll '. .t 'vac ''3'e li'.' '. affi-' the 11 Ir M.' I'.n a pe 1 1 ' 1. c ar I the r: ' - '" "''" '' " " u' ji:i:j uiiuti ' ii tee;. ... m:rtv ". cir.i-. Th laCe.p' .. OOU'- !!'. U1"' Questions Answered Earthquake-! in California I i 'or e' flM ' "'ru ' ';.' I 'f.: r ' '. , r. ' "''IfiT i "e for" !' i a.1.'"'1 S:W e'he- ir . 'is ti Nm LftV-"d t- n Su'in '.e pre."' 't-.Tixc '-en- if .,-,-- .1 ' I. f" .. ; ,.: i' '.'." te : l:-i" .' i eTe te mr e" t , '. ' ' ! I e h e'ev- vv . 'c't -r.'.. quakes c .r '-" ' -v a'n'.-'' ''' r.ed ' f'i ' I0VERC0ATSS3UP NEWMANS ! S. W. Cor. Frent and Diamond TEA ROOM THURSDAYU.00 DINWER -". i ,J - T'lc - - t ) ' .Mr !a 'tf j. WlitM Vi-r n Mm r)jn.pB.f.' rSauc-7 ".rfn Vnl Potatoes M-xca-enl Tial'an Krerh rVas M('i f '.ctlij e t (T !,, H'js' -,i I -.5lnr nr . - n ' -'Ann M-"ir.i I'J K: i'i t c-.i t'fw-r :tte I.tt .?.- t. re . IOdt'1 WEI IIj ri-ATTWls. 60e Ill. BROAD AND LOCUST STS. Caused Burning and Was Disfigured, Lest Rest. -- "I was troubled vith an er.ipt.en en the side of my face in t!ie form of 7 '- n rash. It caused me cen-yferjS-v eliJrrable annoyance en i C, eceunt of the burning H ' sensation, and when I r scotched it, It was worse. "k5te1 MyfawvraBdiariiruiedBnd v I could net rest at night. "I had fcren bothered with It about a month when a friend told ma r.beut Cuticura Seap and Ointment. I pur chased some and I wns completely hraled." (SIGned1 Charles K. Miller, K.F.D. 2. I3e 14 A., Newport. I'd.. Jan. A, 1921. Use Cuticura for everj--day teilu purposes. Bathe with Seap, seethe with Ointment, dust with Talcum. Ssnlttr.kekrftftrMall. Addren, "CirtliaraUk. erawiiM, Dap.. X, Meleea it, Uii." EeH st.rr. wh HeapI3, OlatmeatSSandrOe TalrainZA, W Caticitni Seap hav witbeul nai. CUTICURA HIS HASH (I FACE fernln nnd wis partly euaeaafiil. The ect knnwlcdire of thrae fault lln-s makes , ll txwiblii te avoid placing many structures where they tir, In dnnuer. Ilulldlnc heunes of weed re trier than of brick Is considered inn itm protection acatnat varthquaKi. :-annnuai;e tlnniaeliea have den- little drnnr in California. It. tins usuallv been i tire or senw e'.litr c.itnstrcphi fetlnwlnt; in- rr.rinyuaiii mat old must of the dam ac. Auther of Famous Saying ' Te Cii Editor of fhr :-''entng Publte L'daer: I sir- What Knlshtimn seld: "If t were en Amarleen. da f am en nrmtlihmari. while, a , forelun troop w-.m UrMed In my country I i rover would Ins down my armsnever, ! new. revi!' ? it. r. nsnnn i I"ilKdrlphla. Octeb-r 11. ItlJI. lll'a e.tere'nn iti.M n..i ... ti.nn- if camutii In The Temple Theatre Fire ntre-t tlwcen Seventh nnd ricluh. Wll .era spene r s "I.ltlle Tycesti" wss belna rre.?niei O'l M a'-'Cu1 l.mor.ey ae. tnai b-ut fi mr. ' numb"- e' meml ' tr- en the reSn hu. n.,t le riUEDana ana Wife . 5 Uf IVi'tr r ' iv r, .,. r,,i,... i ,j, .-. - - i rri..n-h" r'adlns w t'ie hse a err r-': ,'rt'ment In tn form of .i.'.vlcr .'- h.'at..... ...t .. l ..... . . ... ..... ...... . . u . ti 'f-t, r-d j.riM i: ., th- P-eple's r..-ut? r. ''. v. H. tt'I!. P:. '.ad '' ., . ii..-, , i-i'lb.i thai : ou n-.a- t.i 'j.iuv- . . OMT) ht-'ie :ejr n-.i ,t.t. ...i ...... !.' pn f,l)(-' n n. ..'..- .. .....'. .. BflBer eer .-...ume tn cr.r.i !.. .. . .... , ,,,- ,u. , ,j. .orre-v , tnat l jns l" :".)i ' i a'e-e. .. . '...ii nij:-i lie p bj 1 .p .,,ur ou,.( ' et inivnerti e a'.r..-itn f i-... .11" K. t-M. .... .. .. ... .t-:: ,, ,.:... :'''r" " ' no nover. . " . "u. ....- iiv: i . ...... ... -.1. ....- ' p I't""" !. the inerre-r , . .n .. i e-, I c. c.' 'ni rt :, Ket.e nrJ renr -e;i'- ' i-.- . . b-e-. incp..- ir.-l--.el ., the' vn ci '. M-enRc.- ti a i death '! Lj tr.:j one." ai 1 'P. , R."....i.r,3 ,- r. n ln'cd Mitet .icnntn- fru-., t; (i 'T '' Th. evtr-tm" '' v a, lie! eci. 1 frc. i.- 1 v, i um b.n ettlin,t"j a: th ti ,..- lenj-.h ai '-cm .ion te ;q ;fl ' "v T.ab r Ha- !e rcije.. .. .., , '" .. Str'e a ' 'I'er 'i v cap'lr." r.' V. ei.'.ir.T r u.l t.ie l':,'.;-t "" . I ' w ,,. 'le-, .jf) I, r,n . .. fy ai.eeif.ed 'i'rth r.f tin e. . -. v:il la a!.d at ::', dei''. "P I., f -Thi 1. 1 f"'!' i Pi'llltlR'.d as I ba .ks. ' ' w. '. 1, errnp -.e.'. e.ir r- rj U53. ca i Pepnis and Songs Desired Patriotic Poems .( I'l'O' ', "JT'iri. Q p 4 h , -' -1 lm r h'r .Mr. ' en Tn ); i: i,r-ef th Trt cr .r 5 a-c FREE EXHIBITION AMERICAN PAINTINGS nr -r iie',) vt rr TRUER A INI.'tl&s ri' sr. s!nv. IWcCLEES GALLERIES '50T "lntif :.t. Kodak Films Gdp.ed ' ou lava :n "''I f'nr'nl: T'l-i Fa nnt '..nloeTrjio. 7u T;'pe. or DnpucrrcetiTtr tha' ..)-. i"ni'f cejit'. j, ice i .rt i.e t? '." i, , neie yVi iria' u't'ac-t-' e j.lrturcs ran be ir.cju'e "jiii (Tine old treasures. Photographic Prp.irlintn) KEENER CO. O'JVl'M.VS 1713 Walnut Street WITH FALSE TEETH? SURE! Dr. Wernet's Powder KEEPS THEM TIGHT Relieves sere gums, sweetens the breath. A white powder. At best Drug or Department Stores, 30c, 60c., $1.00 or write direct te v-sUDnUlMf.';.,1153!intnSt.N.Y. Swelling8 usnally mean inflamed ti3sue. Abserbinc, Jr. gently rubbed en the swollen part will quickly re ducethe inflammation, and the swelling with it. Theufjh powerful, Ab Ab Berbine, Jr. ia absolutely n , harmlcr.i, sntl can be used with safety and comfort. ii ia m iiepi'nuauie anu srptic and germlcide. Keep it handy. 61.25 a bett'n at most driiURi,ts' W. F. YOUNG. Inc. Springfield, Maauchuaetta rv---- ili-S'S.-i' ",'ftriir-" ii Li .iiVT ft w-r'- J wsm m (I'&MMh A. ret out In araicli of freedom. The last lines of the' poem nre ns follew: "We are outward bound te an.lt tlie neat Until we nnd a better world for niau." I would also llke ,ett tu print n. short patriotic iem vvhleh I hne tinrd oueted recentlj. The laat line Is an follews: "O America, apeak, nnd we will dare." There. Is a poem en the new age which I would llke le ties In your column. The flrt Una Is: "The new erc alands out nualnat the eky." I,. W. I'Yni5STj:n. Philadelphia, Heplember 'M, 1021. "My Rosary" Te (lie Kdlfer et the r.vrnitie rnblle t.tdetr: Hlr f think thla Is the little eree deMred hi "T. f. D." It Is called "My Jlei,ary": "I allp lietneen my flnitcra ere I real .My resr.ry: lla beada count one by eve; I name the frlenda of all I love the bM, My diar one near, until my tnali la done. H'hen t have raid for tnuh a Utile prajer, May t add one mere nntne and crunt jeu thre? rBCtt.n T. (IP.AHA.M. Plillndetplila, September 2S, lP'Jl Suggestions as te Seng Te thi I'.diter et the Kvtnlna PiiMIc f.idei i'f Sir In reply te Jane Phillip.,, who nska for tin. words of n .senc rntlled "Seldl'V. Soldier. Will Teu Marry Me?" the word are the mme aa the lines published, only use nrtlcka of clelhlns as fellows. Second ere--lfat. Third verse Ont. Fourth verae Vest. Tlfth vere Paula, Slith verae Shirt. And the last verse: "Ah! Hew csti I inarrj- ouch a p.-stt, maid a a ..ou Whim I have a wife and alx children t home"" . SAIIAH 13. riIOMV."OS. 1 hlle.dlrbl. October 11. l:l. Auther of Llnee re tAt fdifer of tha Kictif.li I'uliic .-.'.'ci : nir- The linen. Th-y are elav-e, who will ret cheese Fcefflnc, hatnd nnd abua." ete.. occur In stanzas en "Kreedem. ' b" .Tames P.ua.ill Ixvwell. p. f. ivil.U, Ttr: ii Athyn, Pa., O-Kb. II. Jliill. "Imagine" Te th'. i:dite- el the K.trAe Pnb'f ' nle'i'. 8le Pnder the tl. of "Im.iclne" the follewhir dlfriculfles cf thj KnalHh latisbace are irlven V tirck of ahlpn , calif 1 .i fl-e'. A fle..t of ehtep Is called a fm A V.-v.'.t of slrls Is ril'd n I. v A rfy of welve. Is raped n pn.'k pack of thieve, I, i "cii n ice'K. A car of anirela Is call-d a his'. A host of perp.il. a i. c.'."".l r!.c'. A aili.lt nf bufrnlee., I r. Il'd n herd. A herd of chlldi-ei I, ,--'t I i tr. ei. A troop of p.irtrl.lrfs I ml'id n co-e civt.v of b'.iulli'S i, i ..lied a itutnt'. A Bjlny of ruffian, li ..vied n li'-lv A horde of rubbish Is .'Mied :i h.p. A heap of even li . ille.l tl d-evr A drove of blackiruard, '.. relbd ti iin... A treh of rpialls I, rolled rehoe A vd'oel cr wershlpirs Is ullfd a iet- 4,'reirttien. .Mn."-'. tl '.. I'KWAHii. lh"a.:elrhi. Oi'teb.- 1C l?L't. Vants "Up a Tree" , Te the Krt.tcv of th- I'-r -inv I'ub.x !.:'.- : ' fc!-- I V'M ap'.vrv .tr I i nn" r' :ej', rud'-s ' Ml send l'i tue pe-ni e.it i. r.s ' thes" l.n-s: j " v lser t: eui?l' a ;i - ,v.a" .M'.ht;n I'm up a cc ' Ik i i Pc. ."' Irll a. Oc'ebrr "' 02'. i Robinson's " amiai li Zti'ZL' "Z, lSlS - i-STM Live Netet Only Tear Out When Attended Te .eavlim I, e I.flrv Onli. '. 'hrujsh fhe 'ift. i ". re i i for lin;a i .V .. i". 'v'l!, IVnc" .-. e : '.i Hriiu'i'le ivllh Eitra ritlrr II Yit. r: tli'1. ..en ratlie '.f s Craln ' " e',..l,. a fsK' . ..'..'. 'ennine Mere-1 u. Jer"::': fi' ni . , . . .lleru T..lt!l" '. . . i "c'v In i ei'.r,. n.'ii . i.r.a ? .M) ft .-;, '.' I'll I Ml .'.Mi i ;.-. 3 00 '' 'ill :t :.. : ::. ...rui l.-Mi i.r-e In ' VI l.i.Mti-ei I 'in ,'.e'i ".. 1 -T roil S-. !' 3 EXTRA FILLERS pena te iia,ij. 1.70 rei Sl7e 1x,'. in. 4 .'j.-., tu pal.'!!1. $.T.'i j... dei. !-e JSlT I" HI . , jf.,,1 le rase' ?' ni i j Stationers Printers Yee & lukens Ce. 12 N. 13th St. .719 Walnut St. . Th .t n ti. i icstinqe of tf ' ' h er fro il (i is f (iff. of Ooed ' a '.ca Ta'l a'll A t'lici' Cleln' ip; for t'e Ki lire fi'ii.li; Fer Women and 'Misses Hundreds of Smart, New COATS & SUITS $15.95 te $37.50 $17.50 te $39.95 Ip-te-lhe-Mlnntr Me lloun-te-tlie-Llinlt J'rlrea A Remarkable Sale of MEN'S SUITS at $22.50 H'.' f.-uit'i 'm ; cartful tn.IIi.i-.nt; . p'i. tilnr rmileN ; l.irRe nsserttm nis Men, Tomorrow's the Dan te Get a Geed OVERCOAT I'ltMv ut irenil unci t'l i heu". fi.n HKIti;. VauiU VMV. s I.ii $22.50 and $27.95 lieya' All-Wnnl Suits, Overcoats & Maclcinaws Im1 .vtl1, Jiiulv vvell, vv ejir v"i;. $7.95 up A R eminder -t !kM- iHni MPIE0 "The Bridget Yesterday" Te tfie rflfer et the HvcnUw i-ubi(C Udn-: Janr! WdeL',, TlWA T Itrldje of ve.,crdy.' 1 ue'".".,,' 'he Over the brldtn of )eslcrday My theuahtn have turned tenluhi, And out of llie fr.0rf dlatance Cernea a lender, itlewlnn light. A'"' " around n frlendahln ihoeeh It" 'r'"11 ",ruue time nnd tide, ,hZh. 1' cli',ne" aml "'""Be of fortune Ilaa eevercd our pathways wide. U,,i' I'. tl,nl Mrth'w tomorrows Held for tl III) llleclll.T ,,in(;c. It may be that only hjavet, t ahall meet yeti fare te face. ""An.Yi. Si)",'""'. "frk'' n fie.isant trip I And tl,e choice of pathway come, Apartments at the Rittenhouse Renovated, refurnished made spick, span and inviting. Outside rooms, bright, cheerful. Pick from these: Twe Reems nnd Hath. Three R001113 and Bath. Four Reems and two Dntlis. Rittenhouse Hetel, 22d and Chestnut KmTAjriONAI, Yenng Women nnd (.Iris lillllllllllllltlllllllllllllIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!llllllllllllllllir' Become a 2 S ' S ' J pj ' i I " J i I S ' I ' "Z j I FItEK TUITION, and nominal The scarcity of trained nurses tcady empleyment: nnd this ll!ir.t nrul nurliiln Qiii.re-iq. of stcadv ffl sn 1 s rsan -. mI -..--if -,.-.-.-- -". ....lle .ilill UCTLillll hUl.i;tiP. Ailrleniu D..1.1.'- T I T..1. ......... '""" uunt i.v.'uj;ui- r.uui;ui.iuiiiii uuruiiu ier uciuui'u iiiiurniii- tien, or communicate directly with any of the following hespitals: ANN MAY MEMORIAL I iiiiii.il miiri i ai.. i iitniirn, :., .1. MONMOITII MLMOHIAL HOSPITAL. Iritis llrnnrli, N. !. (IH.WOE MEMORIAL linxpiTAt,, Oratute. V. I. NOIITII IIVDSON HOPirAI. AS.HO., Wcehnvvkrn. N. J. 01'.R1.00R HOSPITAL. Summit. N. .1. .Minni.ltfiFA I.F.NLRAL HOSPITAL. New Rninli k. N. .1. JERSEY ITV HOSI'ITXL. .lernr.v fltj. N. J. EPISCOPAL HOSPITAL (leteev ( ltT Helchtsl, Jersey tils, N t4etf tT If Jlkf ltT A t v.. a. & m niRisr .riii it tt i in' 'i ,, .irrnirK, . .1, HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL Ol' ESSEX COFNTI . Vewiirl:, J HOSPITAL FOR WOMTN v; fHH.DnEN. Nevvnrk. N. J. rnr.sHVTr.RIW HOSPITAL. NevrnrU. N. .1. On veir I'l:'' Sehn.. i'f tu'reii . .Teree' Hnsn'i's ST. LIRE'S IIIISPIVAL. Ilelhleliem. V;i. EASTOV IMI-PITAL. Iisten. Ph. (.001) SAMRITV IHPvPITAL, Lrlmnnn. Pi CENTRAL HOSPITM ("Hd A ...111'l.vrvi. -.11. .1.1. I. WEST PI Ml lll.r.TT HOSPITVI (( nlerrd) OSTEOPATHIC HOSPITAL (Ifflh unit a 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m m 1 1 Until SeTre S:2.00 t'Jich Aiir'rt'.lii F.loiilllen Plan Uearilni; nnd Estimating I'ulillr SpenkhiB MO.Ofl Each Pennenwlilp and Corrcupenilenre lluslnrss Arithmetic Trench .KT VI'VIH t'A0HK . ,ii".iin ni.FK PRINT IIEADIN'O Rl.l.dn ril.'.NIl AND INHEXINC... . SlS.nn SW.EKMANHIIIF S.!7.(VI VIOLIN S3'.'.i)t) Wnnamakcr Institute Evening Scheel ".III .vvn MAI.NIT STItlET EI.OllTHIV i flernceti) .... iZZ.W " , ,,,, liOOIilvEEI'lVll uiul inetNT.lvrv it t i' i" vv no ai'j.i.d ude-!e..l Hoe!i-.epl.,a;. ..ur n.,ok lteoe' .it . I .. -.u fine, te'irv. v 111 tl! 1.1.1 lit ue I arse or any s nn nrd l.,'.""r.r fndl- idual i ! Ihi-e 1 mi . time. Pltn.X. lllM.NE.st. (01 LEGE mid (ullcpe of Cennnerie 1017 I lieslnnt .(.. Plillndelplili Wireless telegraphy fllA.MIir.ltS INMIfLTE. Pall -iasats fern. Ira. i.i' n nnd vrnmen. Phene,. L04U Arch at. STRAYER'S "lt" "" 'na sdioei Position ruariint'il. Enter new. Duj- or nltht. ,P1l MNnEOJ(TS ATLANTIC ('IT N. ,t. A nneuncement ,X lf 's The en the ocean front ATLANTIC CITY iviBhes te announce a reduced schedule of iuinimum rates for the cernins winter, effective until February 1st WEEKLY RATES INCLUDING MEALS 1 Persen Single Roem with Running Water. $35 (JO 1 Persen Single Roem with Bath .". 4500 2 Persons Deuble Roem with Running Water 60 00 2 Persons Deuble Roem with Bj,th 7500 F. P. COOK'S SONS n-seTKaE ,T ATLANTIC CITY On thei Iteinrh Frent PRK WAR RATKS Hisilcis rim Entlralir. tlwiyi Opsa Slttl. ( Hue. .In, VT.l.r . . tit mt hm Beera lrri.au Diili-li! in IU - -D.ebl. j Bennlr. VT.l.r . . A " " n,B j Triffl. tilth. 172 ie lit - -Dcuhle Roem, l'rt.l. llalh Ueeae eoreer, 1)6 per weak Ownenhlp Man(mcnt llvena 1455 r.viiiiBirtw,Hai03cvAL'avVt?;.viit'Ara reaueSlSS g ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. i c Directly or five OceanFrcivt t J An American PhinHetcl of Dist met ica s r CAPACITY aoe . - , , s V earage IiZiMcr.fJu?Av aiaiiiicaeaHiaauniaaiawaaiiiMinianiraiaaie'Ma ALEDOH li i j ..n si pet. i inter rKtei. M ' r-t)nm fnrii't I' nf Iirn-nt. 7ATRAYMORE ATf 'OJbrlds Greatest Hetel Success HOTEL RAVEN R0YD Huunln.il'r,. lrl.lllH llfli' rt ' nU 1 inv r tn 4 Hetel Boscobel MA::- ii' Irt.l rstee Hie'-nleT. I'h. 7 f. MnlON '2;i (Mi'srHl. '. vlll'.M I T I'lie ur I." unen- ' r II ii. Ill n pivnuuiit hmnc m tin. c liie tf 'i si Oheatar, Jloilern ren. unlit i, , let trie liKiiv. 'lui'VYHter nnp. ai.- 'i n, Mel or IS i- ..d.l v iivnvui I i 't y' RAN H jfrtSP$jn4sti$9 I et. C'ti.ir I (jd r.ini I choiae the brldse nf yesterday Te the days when we were chums. U. I.. Mel! AW. Philadelphia, October 111. ll'-l. "A Laugh In the Church" Te tin VMer el the Uvcnlne Vublle l.cdutr! H!r I Inclese herewith the poem recently renucMcd by "It. C. ." which Is entitled A l..iuih In the Church." O. W. Ia Philadelphia. October II, Iv2l. a i-Auait in Tin: ciiuncu MI.e nt en the nlldlnir cushion. The dear old woman of four; Her feet In lher ahlnlnic rllpiera Hunr: dancllnv; ever the floer: She meant te be reed, she had premised, And ri with her blir brown eye.1 Ehe alared at the m'ellnp-hotae wlnde.vs And counted the crawllnc (lie. I HI'e looked far up i t the preacher, llut h theunht of the honey been I.renlnar away ut the bloafems Mi In'llllaallr'lHWuS t'.MTTIOSAL Yenne Aomen nnd (.Iris TRAINED NUR Heard and l.edRinrc sum while Ienrnincj. nssurcs any compelont graduate very scarcity also assures liberal s .l I.. 1.4.'l...l !-S HOM'ITAL, Snrlin: Luke. N. .1. llllil'll vi r-.iu .v i nrsmiii Ml.), Phlleil-lnhlt l'i IAI II IIOSPI'IAI. (ISM N. ISIIi St )V IMilleileiiihl.' IM S HII.X. (.EMi:L HOMEOPATHH' HOSi'itVi ' ' ' M2i N. Mlh St.. Pbllndelpliln. ! T' '' tt.fr ii , ..lrrtttl .ne v .... ... .",. "- I'lirstnut SI.), Phlled-i,,.,, l"02R Jdlll M.l. I'hlln.lnlnl.l. r. . Sprln Harden Sls.i. Plillade'lpliIaV i. 1 1 1 if i r i m 1 1 1 mj m 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 iT. Itetli sr..PK .COST-CR A.- EXECUTIVE Till FH.U'TIC ti. SPAItTIME COIR. ni.;) I uev nd ceinp'..- i. ', V vcliet,, elehi month, rer Accaui..i.C C- rT ".',?" ni ,T.',,.i!,?.n!l1 Accountants Sec cty Ml MTIinNER DMlll,, PIIII.AIH.I villi 'lindiC'eiinltv IHdT.. it.."din' GREGG SHORTHAND-" I I HP WORIJi'S (llMP!0 STSTI'M ' ."-"-I i Met. i'i ,.., The Tayler Scheel "hllicle '' Ci-et-t hint-',, ,v s.l'-e'- lliise, fnr '1 -t'l'.-.ta rr,J ; Sehevl 'eures n i .Vet.IV, ' .' J . A ' vh i . r, . , -it ; Mone V;ir.n s.lt I the T.wi.nu sd.'oer l"'!- Unkrt St Shady Hill Country Day Scheel Tel V il ihu ..". "'"""" "'11 711- J-L.IL--1 HelenM. e'Velll. rn nnnn rf imii wf - .. .... f rivate Leasen3 '" titri. r: penf?t7na. "'fik' faMl n r -i.-ri-n- ' VJ. ' l''ii 1 'At . "I'-ici, c 7i(i T.fiffr ( ifl-j, MrsicjU: ivgrrtr n ion ALK.SUtN1"" ''- f Itiffi'iif. !71n , t,.,. " ni : Wrlift f.-i latervlew -. ALTJ'JI. . n.Kt-nn rs ATI-jlIiil.iiil. n. "j." ! lOSOUMIM i STKAMUDATs -Itl'SmiTg I FALL EXCURSJONSiaifEgTAii BY SEA BOSTON WAll TAX 9T A'-U COO '.TI'IIV paJ iuuiTrii.Ai, Merchant & Miners Trans Cr. '''-' IH s- Jl'laware Ari'.J , ,. I.e,,,,,,,;,,', w: ERICSSON ONE I'lir Il'illlumre .V u ,i.iii,,.., .. ., J.'; Nn,,"" J""1 tin- s.i I """"- Tfll-U'. a mi; Mfi.sT'iN ... . MiiN'fnrt ' ;' R i.rA'i: ii'isTiir; . . iVVii ' l.?, ,V M 1,1 V..!'".l:,.".,.,'-!:i'.,A . .nu.7 0 IT! 1- IN! i'KMTTOS fiv nrr, -J,.. ,. 'y, Mediterranean C'rulie Vf V &'S'(fmnl"vCa.rilUn.) VffLX exiling Nw Yerk, rcB.Ulhvl ! American l.'xpren Ce. efr.-raa i I I twoiueniht'Crulictotlir Metli. I I I 1 t'".enea" a,"J "'e Orient, Ilm- I , . I J ItWtesSOB'iesta .03endup. Uj ' f ' "" " r ' "r Voia (? i VA AMERICAN EXPRLSS CO. vr' v,,l.';!l'1is'll'i,il!,t5 VONj ""' ,,,rl1' "" "yOejv That whltenrd the cherry trees. Kl.e thought of the broken bnkel Where, curled In n dtiHliy heap. Three tleek, round piipplc. with frlncy ears, l..iy atitutBlcd nnd fast nalei p. Huch mft, warm bedle te cuddle, Huch quiet tit tle heart te beat, Kuril Hwlft, round tongues te kiss, Much 'irnwllnr. cushiony fctt. She could feel In tlie vlacplng (Infers The touch et Hie satiny akin, Aril n cold, wet lio.ie rxiilerlnsr The dlinplcs under her thin. Then n midden rlpple pf laughter Itan ever, the parted lips, f)J nulclt that she could net catch It With her rosy tlnecrtlpe, 8TKAMKII1P NOTltfHM AT PUIII.IO At'CTIIIN" t Carolina Shipyard, Liquidating WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. VALUATION $4,G00,000. ENORMOUS QUANTITIES MACHINERY, METALS. NEW MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A TO llli KOt.il tv Ml ITAItl.t'. ril.YIIK 103 ACRES IMPROVED LAND, 25 BUILDINGS & IMPROVEMENTS SMITH & JAFFE PHILIP SMITH, Auctioneer Sells by public auction en premise CAROLINA SHIPYARD, Wilmington, North Carolina Commencing Monday, October 24th, and Continuing Daily Until Completed ut II A. 71. eiirh day. Mutnlnrd lime. UllAHIBTIMJ "r INOKH.SOLL.KAM Trre rre "PRK" S Ne. H 30W 0 furnace Scotch boiler Glehelt vertleal berlns mill, plate.pundli tables, pipe machines, presses. Fewer hammers, blower, urnace. axlnders. pumps, head planer, rotary shear, rivet - mnklnn machine, lnthei. radial drills, elec tric weldtr.B eufflK and drills. SOOn tens of rlveta. slnej, 130 meters. 1 te 2n0 h. p.. A. C. and V. C.j O. n. power and llghtlns transformer, rotary con verter, acetylene Renere ter plant, lnrire quantities of pneumatic air drill, hvetlnff. chipping, caulk ln hammera nnd delIe.. Tens new rope, new lumber. YvGodweiklnK machinery planers, knife 10,0(111 TONS LLOYlMNSPKCTF.n CIIANNIILH, TOOL 8TKEL. 1IILI.ETS. Hei Hound linr n-iii tvlieet. MATERIA I, ANI E0.l7ir.MKNT. KODAKS. rilOTO Ht'PPI.IES. Ilnormens qunntlllra of pltimblnK, etentii flttlnB material, electrical equipment, i-nliea, hnrdnnre, brns nml flipper bur, bras nnd brente calln-j. eterl. hrns nnd copper wire, paint anil oils, etc, Larre 'iiiiintlllr. or SHIP rilANHLEKY or nil kind nnd descriptions. riVE MOTOR CARS ANO TIHTKS Lnml, lliilldlut nnd lnnreienirnt Mill lie Sold SATI'RPAY, OCTenEU 10. at 1 P, M. NOW OPEN TOR INSPECTION" nnd rentlnuln te day of enle. Per further particular mill ei'tnleaue write or wire Mm I! A JAFFE. Aiietlnneer and Appraiser'. C Vest 4nth St.. N. Y. C, N. Y. rAHOLIN NIIirVAHU. Ill THIS ATlVERTtSEMENT wmm $mmmv- go., inc. "Ship by Water" : Via Panama Canal Te LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO. PORTLAND, SEATTLE and TACOMA S.S."WILLFARO" S.S."WILLI'0LO" FOR RATES AM) PARTICULARS. APPLY WILLIAMS STEAMSHIP CO., Inc. Ill Drcxel Hide. Custom Heuse t i Pier 19 North Feet of Vine Street S. S. Springfield Sailins Oct. 20th Direct te SA.N DIEGO, LOS ANGKLES, SAN FRANCISCO. OAKLAND, SEATTLE. TACOMA, PORTLAND. ASTORIA AND VANCOUVER, 11. C. Fer Rates and Information NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Ancr.ts t S. Slilpnfitf neanl 130 S. Fourth St., Phila. Phene Lembard 3791-2-3; Main 7781-1! ANEW FAST 12 DAYS FROM SEATTLE TO YOKOHAMA J't ilnjrn (e Knb S2 lam In Ilnnd Kenil 1H dnranKhandIiiit 2(1 day te Sfamllsi . is'aw and PItiaI U.S.U. Pjanng't I.inrr JJ5 feet long, 21, 000 ten, speed 17H luau. - SAILINGS ss. Krj.'.tene Mule Nev. n !sh. Silver Slnlp Nei. "0 S H, Pine Tree Stnte lir. 10 r Fates, teimantnt, ttcctply la lour leest railionjer tlvu'it atmt cr Huc!iGAiXACHEH,Grt.AWg.Ii7StatcSt.)NcwYerk Oc Di.eender A. FrelSht Service ffem New. Yerk. l.-liniUtOl'Il'. AMJ sufl'llAMlT'-iN AQL'ITAMA Ocl. US Nev. 15 lire. 13 I CH MANIA .. "Vnr. .-.Dec. .1 live, at ! I lVKItlt)LH. I I'ANMI.M (let. Id ' AII1M mm) . ni. :t Dec. Id Jim. II S( 1 rillA ti'i-vi . .Nev. l'i Dec. IM Jim. liH t'LVM'.lCni ANP UAMIIlTl-.a PAXUNM lift. 10 Dec. H . I 'M'HNDc.:riY ANl.i lU.ASUOV'. I r.Mi;U(IMA teeivl.drt. Tl ' I AfeSVKIA (let. 5lt Dec. 3 Jan. 7 ' I til.i MIIIA Nev. A life. Ill AI.tiKUIA Net. IU Dec. 21 Jan. 31 UJSUOS ! I'ANNOMA Drr. 17 viae. mimii.TAit. naj'i.es. i'a'iiiah. i uteit'.v'N-i:'.. 'riitcsTB. FiL-:.r: ! II ALIA . . llt-t. 2D , I 1'itit iii:i.jwrv th t.r,.'nv ' ui:ii! ei. ie 'SPECtAi. uncui i ciuAiNi:AN asm SAILINGS "i'AIIi iv I a ii,,!.,r;; l. ernb9r7 "I. VMi.P'iM.V . 'j-eif- 1U Janai: 10 le Miititerriir.,ii nri'l Aclrin" Ports ' Madelri. Olbrnlln-. Alslsri Mn-iac". (Hlv-1 Isrnl 0-ni'ri N'spies Tteme', I'n'r'i.,. P'rneus (Mhersi. T.-let,. Ale.ianilrlii tCu'.re nrd tlie ' N''. I Strni t'leus, Hrpeln'nl In-Be s'.esmprj offer ' unejcejle'l gv.'vlea unit cul"lre. siniile rooms, ! eoer.b vvl'li lirvth hurt etisulte Uenktne te ' iin pur, ant p. -fee rree.ern of aetleii. I Pnere cxc'irst. .is if ustred; nle ntop-evors ! Ideul for liiilepemlnit 'Iraiel , ( uimrd enil Ancher steninslilp Lines l.ieeniier Oilier, 1.11)0 Wiilniit St.. I'lilln. i reiKni iinire. iieurup inritf , I'liHil. S. S. HAVERFORD Ont) of the woll-knew'n ateady-Being Vi'liit" Star Liners, eailing from Philadelphia te Liverpool Oct. 22 and Dec. 3 Aboard tlie Ilnvcrferd you enjey the comfertn of a modern hotel and a culsinr- nnd steward BPrvice intcina- ienally fntnexi. International Mercnntile Marine Company 1'ttt.senger Ofjicc, 1.111) Walnut St., Phila. Freight Office, .',1)5. ',!', Bourse Bldg., rtiila. PHILADELPHIA te NORTH AFRICA, BAR CELONA, GENOA, LEGHORN S S 'Tort of Umileftnt)". . Nev. 8 I'm 'lull mil- .1 i.iilnm (or .i.l p. ri-. : Sislr. Mur ,i A..crm. 'liir..la. I'ftle, Mc". i,lli.al-..r I .Mir. & ilieni TRANSHIPMENT VIA Ol'U OWN stf.mi:ks Earn-Line Steamship Ce. VM) Sni.th I'nurlli Kl . Ihil'i.. l';j i ii i ni 'ip i ' ! m ,i :i?,i April's ji Three Star Line Sir. In AfTrrleur llinula '.U llrlilutjk, New "erl. . txmsmm 1 Vs' J&r jr rStrfiUifS The pcirpli whlsperlnc "lles , ...,. As inch are wnkcil from n imp, ' iiui iin ucnr "in woman mil iter fae.i Ker Bhnm. In her nntlier'a tap ' 5oethinq and He&linq Fer Cub. Burns,5clds htkambiup NnTiriw LOTS. WITHOI'T LIMIT OH KRKF.ttVl'. nnrt 8UI.MVAV AIR COMPRERSOKS, I1KT IIOVHINO IIRNDINtl ROLLS .-. . m i np an trlnle.nnnansletl en Haldwln Alteena loceme. tte, flat care, elandard eaua'c: locomotive crann, chain and Iddgcrwoed h e I a t, electrle trolley lielat. nteel deck and weed atlff-tetf derrlck. booms. electrle galvanizing; plant, office furniture, hotel equipment. urlndera, band. eavva. aw tan:, meldsri. rTKEI PI.ATB ANOLI.B. 1-II1.A3I8, Wlininaien. .-vnrtn vnrerna WILI I. NU1 )T APPEAR AOAIN Ocl. 29 Nev. 19 Place Lembard 5171-3 AMERICAN SERVICE is- COMMERCIAL eicHmsmr Lints PHILADELPHIA ie CORK, DUBLIN. BELFAST LONDONDERRY, WATERFORD S S "Oshkosh" 1st h Sew SCANDINAVIAN & BALTIC PORTS " Strainer" Iht !, Ner, Moere & McCormack Ce., Inc. E. W. STRINGFIELDn 1,11., M3r.) 42B BOURSK nLDC. PHILA. I.emli. 03S5 Mill,, 7.118 , r Dixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA te Bristel, Manchester, Glasgow USSBSS"OPELIKA" EXPECTED TO SAIL EARLY NOVEMBER Vr CO.SFKHKNtT, ItATKS Harriss, Magill & Ce., Inc. I'.'D Lafayctte Bld, Philndelphia Leinbnril e'l'JU-l .llaln 7520 Steamship Lines REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE PHILADELPHIA te Rotterdam, Antwerp, Amsterdam S. S. EASTERN SEA (USSB) Sailing Oct. 25 Fer Haiti awi Particulars (ii'ply GEYEL1N & CO., Inc. I'lilludrlpli.ti Aeiitn 1(1H SOI TH 41U ST.. I'lIII.A. I.emlmril Silt Main -.a'.t OLLA AMERICA UNE I New Yerk te Rotterdam ) Via Plymouth and Bonlegne-sur-Mtf HI. AMSTERDAM ..Oct. 22 Nev. 26 Jm. 4 N00RDAM Oct. 29 Dec. 3 Jm.21 I ROTTERDAM . . . Nev. 12 Dtc. 10 Apr. RVNDAM Nev. 19 Drc. 29 Feb. 4 1'iiicnger OfSce, 1531 Wnlnut St., PW' I . BALTIMORE TO HAWAII v ms j nml rrdirn I nlll'iii nl II t v ii ii . I:iii,iinii (nml. I Les Ansclm, Snn Irsnilscn 111. I.l XI; hTI'.AMHIt 1 HAWKEYE STATE l.eii'i II. Illiuiiri- f..' llnn II IWcinlirr IvlATSCN NAVIGATION CO. I Jliin.icliii; Aki'iiIi. I , h. Miltiplu.- II""' tO bniillt (Jit- Hired. Ilnlllr.iurc. Hi. or nny Incul sUianiklilp ultill. ,('