- "vjSr 15RJV., dsfAw -t"v w n - P '' 'wTS?Vi -T ?'. v . Sr JJi"- K' 'V I 'If Tf fff ,0f'rt 1j Af V "' 4,U EVENING PUBLIC LEDGElV-iJHlLAUELPHlA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1921 Camden Is Off te a Geed Start in the Eastern League Basketball Raceby Trimming Phillies i 1rft( HEISMAN IN A CAPABLE WINGMAN J?ith Grave Out of V. M. I. Game, Coach Is Drilling Grecnawalt and Feley for an End Pest Probable New Faces Saturday Jehn TV. ndsmnn, coach of the TJnl rersltr of Pennsylvania football team Is In a quandary. He needs another nd and a ceed ene te send Inte Biitur day1, game with Vlrlglnla Military In stitute. The Southerners known far and wide for their brilliant open nttack nre caus ing no end of worry te the Red and BIue conches who have been at their wits' Mils te devtse methods of cembatlnu an aerial attack from peculiar fonnatfens. It Is up te the wlngmen te nld In a !rge measure in breaking up forward 's plBys and the end material at Penn h net of the best. Bill Grave, the veteran, and Carl Br tressTanif. another of the same ort, hare been playing brilliantly all Hcaoen, hut at the present time one of the num ber. Grave, Is en the injured list and net expected te see action en Saturday. Ertrcsavaag will start at his pest, but who the ether wlngman will be is n matter of conjecture. Several substitutes hme been tried and found wanting. Sullivan, the re ceiver of the forward pass, that enabled the Kcil and Blue te tic Swartbmerr last Saturday, Is net in the best of chape as a result of n back strain, and It is net thought likely that he will start. He may, and if he does, will mIvc much of the problem for ilels man and his aides. Jehnuy Thurmnu, the husky tackle was tried at end en Tuesday, but he in jured his ankle nt the end of the scrlm scrlm mase and is new hobbling around the fir'd. Ills playing In breaking up the V. St. I. formations as used by Me Namara's scrub eleven Burprlicd the ptajers and Ecrlbes and It was thought likely that he would get the call en Saturday until his Injury. Grecnawalt Shines Walt Grecnawalt, the lengthy eub tititte, was tried out yesterday and shenad exceptional ability In pulling down the plpkln In forward-pass at tack plays. He ocered hcveral times for the var<y with Rex Wrny doing the signal calling and the pasting and nay, if he continues his present form, get the call for Saturday. Feley, the husky lad who was used at center up te this week, was also tried nt end, ami he, like Grecnawalt, showed considerable. The position is new te Feley who never played in any ether pett but center or tackle since starting the game, but if he impreves, and the coaches arc of the opinion that he will, some part of Heisman's quandary wilt b felved. Teley is tall and heavy nnd built along the lines of Heinle Miller, one of the greatest ends ever te repre nt Penn. If he learns the fine points of playing the wing pest he should de velop Inte a star. Hinge, the former scrub center, seems te have that pest clinched for Saturday. Light and net the ideal player for the pivot position, Rlnge has shown an ng sressiv encm end fight that has im pressed the reaches. lie leeks like a capable tmbstltute for Hap Day should V. M. I. PRACTICES FOR PENN Varsity Given Stiff Drill In Defense Against Helsman Shift Lexington, Va., Oct. 20. Deviating from the gcneral routine, the coaches held strimmage for the V. M. J. Nuad as the first Important btep in the week e' preparation for tiie Pennsylvania game. Tlw rsity lined up egninst the hcrubs, und In four fifteen minutes wcic given a btlff dilll in defensive pluy agaiubt the Uelsman shift formation, with which the scrubs displayed a cer tain degree of familiarity. The squad seems te IiaM rallied from the cITicts of the buttle against Vir ginia mid Is confident of giving Penn a merry tussle Saturdny , en Frank lin Field. This attitude was evidenced by the iissresmenefs with which the varsity bquad tore into the scrubs. In ' this phert Oilll marked Improvement In ' tackling was shown, eanble at full tack was cspeclall conspicuous in this, inspect. The Kljlng Squadron leaves lxlngten en a special car tomorrow night and will arilve In Philadelphia I noeut i e clei'K Saturday morning. SOCCER AT HAVERFORD Opans Season This Afternoon With Syracuse en Walten Field Ilaverferd College soccer team, which finished in third place in the Inteicol Inteicel Inteicol legia'e League series last season, is all primed for Its opening gnme this nft nft nft erneon with Syrncube nt Walten Field, Uari ford. M though Sjrneuse It nn unknown quantity mound this bectlen. according n advance reports the New Y'erk maters have n strong eleven coached b a former iiitt division English League tai. IlnvcrTerd this tcasen is morn fortu nate tlinit tl e rest of the Hastcrn col cel legis, inaKiniu'li ai the nmjeritj of Ian year's pkijeii arc available. And Thm it is u called Hint at the fng end of the m'iikiiii the Main Liners were one of the Mtengcst teams in the dr um, it imi im galheied that Conch Oatcs iins whipped together n strong v lev en for this nfternoen's contest. HAROLD PIKE HONORED Presented With Diamond Ring by Montgomery County Baseball Fans 'nsdnle, champions of the Mont Ment BOmerv County Hnsebnll Leaguci was Presented iln t(u )el permnnt bv 'resident Hareld C. !ike ,,t the annual r- or me orgiinlznllen held at the , "alf.ii isl nll;,ti More ttn tW() futiitie "S "'"1 enU"inls uttended the! Oh1'r0?l(1p."t P,ke "nN tenbtmnstcr, mid n?. . ',' of tl10 'uderten club, was I MMented wh u .llninend ring by .1 I ten T" Zc"(lt- Prcfldent of the Houdei- ! iVreVi. r"?1, c W'""n ". Dlclill, vice I Sffite'XWc. was given u1 ili,ni,r.r"sp? J"? n,n,lc 'J William II. I it Pn?' r'f 'lohteHii! Samuel Jen- Preklili ..( r 1 i ''tx'iice i.evvni"., We ec'1 "I V' f'"Jale club: Jeseph Wtci." IKlc!it0W"' d Hotelier Ql0 Sick List at Haverford be l' rji ftr,mA .? "'' ."1 reult. Tull "' Mill ,,u "r',,s, 1,,,W N"l hanrre r''cltd ,h ,',,"'. lh.i Itne.un hut It In t'i- WlaunniJI r .""r'1. ,n reif In i ,., il"u "fir' h,i""n0n" JJurS ,1" nlnuVy 'lr Twe ?n."n',i1, vlLhl" "r'' 4Hn. lh rj,j' " lln-U9 njilnsl Unlaw nre ba NEED OF the latter be unable te btnrt ucainnt V. M. I. Day wan out In togs jesterdny ter the first tlme this week. He rnn through a signal drill limping ttllghtly. He stated thnt he expected te piny en Sat urday unless he Incurs n further injury. Johnny Luknn issued the same fttnto fttnte ment saying thnt his injure! nnlde was standing t1x tttrnlii of running n ml that If It continued te de be he would fctarl Saturday. Mlke Whitehall hobbled around the field yesterday for the firet time I his week nnd showed that he Is in better shape than was at first supposed. He booted the pigpkln around for ever n half hour nnd spent the remnlnilcr of the afternoon throwing and receiving for ward pas.cs and running around the Geld. Al Vegelin was In togs, but did net de any work. He has n ligament tern In his lex thnt makes It almost Im possible for him te walk naturally, T.Ike the remainder of the plnycrs nti the crippled list, he expects te start Sat urday. The conches, however, de net feel as optimistic as the players about starting en Saturdny nnd there Is every likeli hood that new faces will be ten In the line-up. Grcennwnlt mny start nt one of the ends, Hinge at center and Hlhn and Krall In the bnekfleld. If SVbitehill Is able te ntnrt then Bhn wilt prob ably take Vegelln's place. There Is n feeling among the coaches thnt they de net want te tnkc tee many chances with the injured stnrs for fenr that they will be hurt permanently and kept out of the big games remaining en the schedule. Pitt, Lafayette, Dart mouth nnd Cernell in the order named nre jet te be met nnd all four hne rcmnrknblp trams this season. The second and third string players have been showing up se well during this week that the conches are Inclined te start several of them against V. M. I., net because they feci thnt thf Southerners de net hac n geed tenm. but becniihc of their fear te fuithcr injur' the regulars. Aitethrr Spirited Scrlmnugc The freshmen nnd the r.ir.it,r in dulged in iinethcr spirited scrimmage yestcrdnv with the varsity cnrrjlng the ball at nil times. The jenrlings put up a stubborn resistance for a hnlf hour and but for scvcrnl forward pavscs would have net been scored en. As It was, the varritv was given the pigskin en the freshlcs' 25-yard line nnd (old te rush It ever. They did several times, but only nftcr a large number of downs. According te "Jee" Sheehnn nnd "Mike" Mallen, the ticket venders, the advance snle for the Virginia Military Institute game exceeds nny previous sale this bensen. The brilliant plniug of the Cadets Inst season wen tliem n host of admirers In this city, ns Is evidenced by the demand for tickets. That the Pittsburgh game ie going te draw a mighty throng is shown by the first order from the Panthers for tickets. One thousand were miked for In the mail jesterdny, and it is expected that at least BOO mera will be requested before the game. WORLD'S BILLIARD TOURNEY Entries Announced for 18.2 Balkllne Championship at Chicago New Verli, Oct. liO. The entries for the world's championship balkllne bil liard tournament te be held In Chicnge November 1 1 te 10, Inclusive, have been nuneunced by the IJrunick-lialke-Cellender Company. Instead of limiting the entrants le six. as was originally plnnntd. It wan decided te permit eeven plavcm te com pete, nnd In this wny include nil of the outstanding players in the quest for the crown that Willie Ileppe has worn for sixteen years. The named of the players entered In the tourney follew: Wlllle Heppe. of New Yerk, werld'a champion; .Take Schnefer, Chicnge; Welker Cnclirnn. Hnn Pranclfce : Kdeunrd Ifercmnnti, of Helgium. chnmplen of Kurepe ; Ttegr Ceutl. of Paris, i-hnmpien of Krntice: Ora Meniingstnr, Snn Diege, i nlif.. and Geerge Sutten, of ChHige, former cnnmpieu. Aquinas Plays Nlles-Crane The Aqulniii bn.eUetbn.il Iramn hive I ve hird runvi fehMuled for I'll evening nt thMr home hull. Iluhtenmh em) Merr' treet. The lulnr qulnlnte will l. n,e Nllei-Crane nnd tlie Industrials hiue n number of well-known plajers In ll'el- llr up. BlackEtene Tr.nvelers After Games Th niailcainn t'eirn a re. ini "'urn trav ellnre nulnte' v euM lUu te Kcliedule K.tm"s with nil t(.'-nie. In or out of t mi riie tenn-t hH In lt Hn up Km Wnlr Kraxeff an I OeldbUttt Seuthtrn HIkIi itern, teseiher w lilt Hcln-n-t-. un i Ceiiint Ker icumeii addrv-ss Sam nablem r lilts Seuth Klshth alreet. Theodere Starr Club Reunion -ramtemenU hnve hen completed for the roun'en a! 'hi Tliend-ire ht-irr fl'ib. of Seuth I PhlUdelphlr at fctnir tlarden l'nrlt S.itur- i day evenlntr MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S SUIT Jp hJBbkJHh Peter Meran & Ce. Merchant Tailors S. E. Cor. 9th & Arch Sta. Open Mtin hnt. V.n, Till 0 o'clock AT inr riit'i I.Alt nut us NATIONAL A. A. M.VrntIA 1HKM.NH, OCT. !.'J BRADLEY va. McCARREN Klt.llT 1101 M)S 1(11 It (llllt.lt hTAIt 11(11 Is HO fl'.NTS M I.OOM) IIKIIII'.U ntKKTS vr nnNAdiiv.s, aa s. lui, h r. 19 HeundH In u Dirlnlen In Nrir erk LEW TENDLER & ROCKY KANSAS Ttcktft for sl nt TKNDI.KR'H IIIM.IARU PARLOU. 730 Mnr.j Ht Ifd rioer. J CHICAGO LEAVES E Thousand Students Alse Speed ing Eastward en Broadway Limited for Big Game EXPECT HARD BATTLE Chicago, Oct. 20. The I nhcrilty of Chicago football foam left here this morning en the llreadvvny Limited bound for Princeton, N. .T., where the Maroons will clash with Princeton Uni versity en Saturdny. It will be the first eugngement In history between these two instltutlenn. About a thousand students left with the tenm. A special rate wnsi grnnted le undergraduates by the Pcnnsjlvnnln Hnllrend nnd n campaign here lasting mere than n week recruited n full thou theu baltl te fellow the football plajcrn. According te the dope spread around the campus here. Chicago will (hew nn open gnme ngninst the Tigert. The Maroons wilt give away about ten pounds te the mnii. but it Is !ellc.ed that the weight Iinndlcnp can be ever come by ferwird passing nnd punting. The Mnroens nre net nny tee confi dent of taking victory with thein back home. Only two gamci have been plnycd this season and both rcaulted In triumphi Northwestern was walloped In the llrst game of the campaign, -11-0. nnd a week Inter Purdue wns benten, 0-0. Iuck fntored the Stngg athletes in the battle npalnst Purdue. Ne game wns plated Inst Saturday. The Chicago nthletes believe thnt the defeat handed Princeton by the Navy Inst week will serve only te -ipur the Tigers en te grcntcr effort ou Rnturdny. loetbnll fans In this city believe It would have been better for Stngg's team hnd the Orange nnd Bluck wen ever the Middles. Then there would hnve been n dinner of overeenfldenco among Ileper's plajers. Chicago has n team that averages close te !82 pounds, a fairly heavy ag gregation. The line is strong with two ffll-conference plajers in the first de fence. These are Reclmen nnd Captain Mnguire, betii of whom received honor henor honer nblo mention by Walter Camp nt the end of last season. Cele is one of the best quarterbacks Chicago hns had In recent jears, but he isn't In the same clasg with Den Leurle, nccerding te these vi0 have seen the Princeton gtnernl tit net ion. Cele is n geed open field runner nnd nn excellent Held general, but docs net possess the all-around assets of the Tiger pilot. COHANJVIUMONDEAL But Insists He Will Buy a Majer League Ball Club New Yerk. Ott. SO. Coe-go M. Cehan, who sailed en the Cunanl liner Uerengariu for Southampton, would neither deny nor nfhrm the rumors nlleat that he hnd purchased a major leugue baseball club. But the famous comedian smilingly admitted thnt negotiations were under way for a big leugue team and that the papers might be signed en Memlny. "I should likn te tell ou linj t, the whole story new," he remarked, "but T cannot de it. I will admit I huvc been negotiating for a team, but vvunt the status of the dcitl Is ut tliH min ute I am net free te tell. About next Monday, when I am In mldeecnn. jeu will perhaps knew all about ine nnd baseball." Kayeula Trims St. Elizabeth K" eula C. I" defeatel St KltaNt 1 i a eletelj contetted arnma laet nvmliiK it f-i ntheny' Ha'l. aenre. u-1, "tevc .n.i with three jreals and feuf fenle was t'i . Mar of the munn wh'le Hill Bine t "-ai tli lillth (werer for 8t Klutfcetli with j pai- of double dockets. The eeore at the roniluilen of the flmt half wan 10 te 4 Tomorrow evetf'nc Kaveuln clashes Ith J J t'ob t'eb t'ob ren, with Ja"U Kolh. the caper ua-sin-in pimping conter. Hunting for Grid Games The lluntlnc A A .t first clans t-avtllnn earn ha? r fev open football ilV's iri Ne lember und would like te hear from i Ifteu lleluhn, Illvernlil" Atlnntle A A llrtdnn burK n'ltl Mrlreew or Vtlartlc P It games remn Lnlcnte with J T M.nd Iniow Iniew el.' Its Urnpu street '!i"n,jni r'tllje nhla Pa or phen 'ta-iajunk l'MO Lefor Lefer iO A .M or af.r U P it J Phlla. Reserves Have Open Dates 1 'llif Phllclelptila i tintern l.varfue lt'vra nlll open the atusen tern irrew enlrc aa ii Dtellmlnnr te the Phllidriphln n vl ltn.l IriK uaine at the 'itlenal Vthl "le 'Ijb Tie llne-jp cmnlslt et nlatnenl iiid s.Ba i of lnnt '"in taii K Merph and J Muinhs of Firnt Duteli. nnd (Irfcn. ill- chelastle nuarl. -t Riuttnrn ItlK t"ei arntnee nt lietrin rr Rit ndress WUI'arii HcE.il. 710 feu'h Ulrv enth nlrcxt Varsity Expects Geed Season I'l1 Vartiit, V V apervd t -"nscn ei Saiurdiv bv drfillrtf .Medli v A tl 0 Th teum li t-apto'iieJ lu RusiM Ocrtrn former Central Hluli ard Ilctlil'itm Pm. 'Hin-ter nnd v?lii n liljc m im i llnnvs hiive brrn arAnced rltli Oler-lrt n' n, Mount lieUi K.rnac WtIpm "1 vipr,t of .Miami Clt re elVBii Ii romne" i of former Hihelame Mars r rd .Ins tkh in n" with tinni of ttr aline- of thoi thei thoi inrnttened Addr-j ll.-rhert It Ilaelirlc 174" North Twcnt ltlt Bit ! Chicago vs. Princeton ! Palmer Stadium Princeton ' Oct. 22, at 2:30 P. ML i ' Tickets en Sale at Spalding's ! 1210 Chestnut Street PRO FOOTBALL First BIG OAK OF SEASON PHILA. QUAKERS tl'ernirrl I'nleii A. . II-merrnn Team) SHENANDOAH AT PHILLIES HALL PARK TlrkrtM nt Cenvviiv'h, ttlinln N' f. HiiiIiIIiik'h ROSE TREE RACES NUiitn.u, at 'ir.ni. s v, ii. 1'iiinuin llertri In Hl t'l.tt nml Creitscaiintr) IturrH. AdiillHtilcn, fi. (Inmil Stnnil, SI. 10. Auln ' ntiniinnieii, cii.nr. iiirKinK nil ircN, rTj nnd VI6.30, Inrliiilliu hit ntlmUnl(iiiH, fur vvhlrli niM'ly te dferxr , Orten. 30 huulli lOtli l'l-nnr, M nlnut 117 1. ! ! ! FOOTBALL ! ! ! Swarthmore vs. F. & M. Swnrtlunere Field Next Snturday 3 P.M. AHMI.SSION Kl.iin Dunbar A. A. National A. C. I ITH AMM'ArilUIIM' STV WIMMI R KIlMIl OTiM lll T.s ' Bat. Chuck vs. Chick Kansas J'nlerrd llnntniiinrlslit Hl.l nilllmn ( hiniplen of tli. World (.liitniplnii FRIER GAM TRIO OF FRANKFORD GRID STARS SlS'PERKIOMEN 'PEPS' rail FOR PENN FRES! Captr. feliiiie kM'""' FrankferdBWgM-ijI tk&Z0 Mmmm mm WTs.er'iM wi'.,irsi en r rank in l eld VSS iSffcv. !wdf Coach Mm , &x&kp smi;i t.'. ADAMS En5. FrdnlFeT'a Scholastic Sports en Today $ Schedule rueTnt.r, Intfrrhnlnl!c I fiicii r,rmantevvti lllcli at seulli I'lillidtlplilj lllin. secenn lnteri(liiiliiHtlr I msr Retitlicrn IIIkIi ut f'cntriil HIrIi NnrtliKist lllch it (iiriiiiintmtii IIIkIi Urst I'lillutlilnliU llttli it I'rinKfnrtl lllKh. (ttltrr (jiimc Venn Clterlfr ut Krlcncls' Sflccl. YESTKIIII.WS Riyil'T.TS re Cettntrx Went riillndclnhli. IS: Nerthut, 50, .nifuiiirrp. ars, t entrnl, iOi Gcrmantavrn. 38; rrunU frd. 0. SOCCER SCHEDULE OUT Penn Varsity Has Eight Hard Games te Play This Season With only two nienilvrs of last jcar'ti chnmplurisiiip iluvn bn U In schoej und me of them injured nnd uunble te play for u while J'cnn fate" a btupeudeus tnt-l te retain the intercellcglnte title von ln-t .vtiir. Graduations took the fcturs of last year's eleven AVnellu. the former Geerge Scheel' plajer. and l'eul Pntten, thia venr'sl 'iiiiain, alone remain from the chain- i pious. I'nttuti itutireil Ins knee last "cHsen and 'he iiicuib-r has net re Hpeiidi'd te Irentnieiit nml tlie skipper Is undecided nbeut pla.viiu. Te dnl'i tne te.mi lint- wen one if four games, losing re l'lelschrr, lont lent clnir and tlie t'ricket Club nnd defeat ing the lust named. On isa(urdn the seccerltcs meet Mentcluir at Mentclalr, N. .1 The ri'tiinlnder of the ichedule follews: Ortebei -1. Ilnrvnrd, nvvny; Veveinher i", Sv incuse, awn : Vevem ber 1, Ilaverferd. nwnj ; ' November III Primetun. nwn.v : November (',, Cernell, nr hiuue . lecember .'I, Yule, nt home, a ni lie-ember 10, Nnvj. awnr. Rugby Jersey 2.00 te 4.00 Pnnts 2.50 te 7.50 Shee 8.00 Helmets 2.00 te 7.00 Shoulder pads 2.50 te 6.00 imrtbM. i ess . Ll tfl Jt Basketball Jersey .75 te 3.00 Pnnts 1.00 te 2.50 Shoes 1.75 te 4.50 Knee Pads 2.00 te 3.50 Ankle supports .75 Pure Worsted V-Neck arskall E. Smith Sc Bre I'nrenxirnlrtl) Men's Furnishing 724 Chestnut Street the secret of i blend jjtaBlESfchw that satisfies ! il1 III I1 111 ' i Ji iilii ' IHHWIlii W I IJIi a Maul re&&ft8sMUSrP thnt Ktrtis, 4y(&p!z!i3kti SMKBsmsWLwsWisWssW iMBtfi Qy3ffinltf5MiBliiBsiiByrrnwiB t lE C h Jr&sLswisssssssssWmVS st I jtr 4mjjkJiLxJuA0s 10 Sizes 10c te 3 for $1.00 KISKMAN S(H.. MVHUS.. rilir.. I 1 M , ,,,, . , ' Pennsburjt BOVS Will Tackle i . . . .. Red and Blue Yearlings H.,.rt cllr(.inx Here fcaturaay .. GERMANTOWN VS. SOUTHERN uuiiiiinniu.iii.e.uuu.iiuni By TAUIi I'KEP PerMemcn ScIioeI'h football team, mm i ennsDurg, i-a. is rap.uiy reumi- Ins into shape for the gnme with the T-.-t !!.- Tt 1 1- t,'-.l. .nMn v iiicrsiij- ei 1-uiwi-jiv-Hi.m i '""'"' Hnrtman. nftcr vievvin? the .1... it. ...... . ..v . ... - 7enV'Xtr1g l!tit ! West Chester gnme nt u......t. .t-i.i.i .i.- .i. ;,,ii Mine belstcrlni. His rjunlls were wnl loped -1 te 7. and the team looked weak. The work of the sreendnrv de fense was net f.'itisfactery. In fnct. the regulars plnjed r far below form that many of the sembs were tried in their positions this ucclr. llunning with the b.tll. interference, line plunging nnd fervvnrd pnwdng were explained by the mentor nnd the boys were kept bus with these drills. The work of the green linesmen wns a plcnn i.. -.. .i. .. i. rvi.- lllg ieutiiri" or ine ifitin n worn. .-'". Vi . rU. Z X ,, ''ss. The Tcikiemen beyi nre pinning their hopes en t'nKsltly, the big fullback. vv itn goon lntericrenee. ncceniing te the I'ennsburgers, he is one of the bnt j feature nt neon was the luncheon In schelnstie ninks nml will be hard te ,,lx'rn tbe pi,ncrs nnd em- of the of top. Newitt. left end. also is looked f!N b, 'j,r j mar Spcn.- r mid upon as one who will de much te ruin tlie record of Jack Keogh'.s aggrcga M'MI. l'erhlemm certninly will ha'e te step Ti --t te beat the Red nnd Ulue fres'i m n. Keogh has another vvenderfitl vturllng Icni.i Alse, lie lifts gre.it hopes of going through the bcasen un til fca'cd. Keogh las scleral stnrs en Ii.s team thin nensen. "f"ii,ek" Ilebb, star end et Teledo-Scott High Scheel, of Ohie. Inst Eoaen, is one of the most bril linnt Hecrntlv. when tiie Trcsh pl.liiU the nrntv. Itebb Hhe-v"d se well en betii di fen , n'ld nffensive t'nt 1'es.s Miller ,il ,rn ,.nll,n t.. . iirtls for the tfznlir . was forced te , tl v the ether sne of He line. The two l)ewhiirr brother'. TrnnV, nt left guard and Jimmy, nt fullbirlc. hiive shown in the t'nct- games plnvcd thnt Hol.vekc. Mas . produces goetl ; gritliren matcr'al "Hip" Krtresvang. i und Nerman Wiiltchtll. brothers of the ' I two vnrs-Ity stars. n'e nre pit ins a I geed gnme for Kieph The bejs nre I flint and fhuw pleuty of miap in their! v. erh ; Gcrmnntnvn Jllgt i b inked te plai Seuthei n High en t e 'atter's field this afternoon in nn Inters, helnstie leag'i till. This will innrk Southern's tirfct lencue frav of the veir. i Oermantevvi lh tlie favorite, accord ing te the dope. The Plivedeiis hnve ' n better collection of players than the , Hed und lllnck, und with their mere pcrfectetl team phi; should com" through. ' The IntcrFchela&tle Soccer League is, lioekeil te lift tue lid en the seitsen . tl is afternoon. Three games are I scheduled: .Seuth' High meets C-n-trnl, Nirthee"t travels te Germnn- i town, and West Pniladelphia will be entertained by Krnnlferd. Get our Estimate en your Club Outfit Soccer Jersey 2.00 te 4.00 Punts 1.00 te 2.50 Shoes 6.30 te 8.50 Aluminum cups 3.00 Shin guards .75 te 2.25 Sweaters, $6.50 Athletic Goods its popularity I 1 "One Standard of Ounlilv" L U. S. Champien Drives 296 Yard Croen in Tredyffrin Gelf Exhibition Hunters Fine Iren i WINNER'S FINE BEST BALI-! SANDY McNIIJMCK When the fatm nil gethcr under whnti you might call the big tent for the show, It's the athlete with the brawny arm nnd the big wvtit thnt cnrrltM Tnc it.. u it t,,l i hn In the nll-Htar Clhl- billen match held ever the rolling , Rfrefches Ol llic 1 rt'ii, i . ". v ; ritib for today thev'renll talking about stretches of the Trertjnnn e". ' GUI FORD STARS AS LONG HITTER the prodigious swatting of big .lens viiin-,at ford, amateur geit raaii"u" " . . te ..i .atnii ni i ni-m: get held of this one. It traveled low iim , fnr bounced out there some pincc iin- ",.,',,' i. ., nn r.ihiei.lan preach- i ci-V bean nnd never stepped till It rolled right up there pin high hh putt for i an eagle '-' all but made the grade. Anv- I i,,..it was n bird ".. nnd npplnu.e rnt-I tied all around. I , . .t . S,lert IrHM . . rr from' Willie Hunter wns playing first from , Ithedrive nenrlv everv lime, but lie mnut'i I up for IiiH Ktiert weric ny urin.u"i, , I shots which had the ctevvd entliu-nnMic time and ngain. His snort weru -,, f, , hert of mnncleiif.. " "' - '.,, , ., rrc ivflilng fhert ei mnncieiie. In the merniiiK he sank from all places n ,l.n MAur. II L...nnifv1 nttd WHS ClOe ' I' I'" "" P " .1 . nn (l, -rP4.n. It senied. nild wns CIO- ill! in.- ,.t-t-ii. . .- , - lit,- .!,. nil .la. ftn. nnnrenclllnz nild ' iMnTV nfternoen of free hlttinsfrem inf nip were mc i-.nu..-. v. - trent. . . The emciils of th-'Iredvltrin t UHi tie- rerve nil manner of praise nnd get it for this entertainment. It brought the ciiain. niens of two lnnds h"re. who would net ethTwUe lmc been ten. It wns tin educational, emotional, eciiing event Net enh was the golf of the iuiest brand, but the crowd wns handled in the tinest manner. Ne rope were used te keep them bnck find seldom hns there Ki.n n nifM-n nrilerh e.lllerv . though nt times they did prevs rather c!fc-iOte the did prevs rn lier c.n-ie nn There was lets of pnrWmg itil'ivcrs (space for mnciiitici mm him ,,"'"' lllUl tile inin(;r throng nt neon wns Imntlled wun ense , T.rr. aH pXOu n table for the vMting m,.einen nnd it v as kcpl Mrictlj for ,t, ..iia, I wife nt their home iicnrbv. (.everimr i Sproul and ether notables wre ptcted. but business tiuiirs jircvemeu it v us n pink ten. von niielit snv. nnd wns a huge success, cieclully the pink ten. The one who worked hardest for the success of the golf treat wjh .1. Cepe Morten, chairman of nil llic committees nny everv tiling. As an erganber of exhibition golf this Ren.sen hereabouts. .1. Cepe Morien deserves the luurM chaplct Itest Hall G7 7 '-irt . .1 ... 0, Dilll lit srerc" ,a tM c i erning Mur-mm no. 1 ,J,,?1eH.,s. i .t.i, v-rnm-ls Oulmet ')est amateur pnlrs In tl.- country n id tl,,. Mime team will piny ngnlnst the Oullfnrd. pnlred vvlth Finn' 'J"' ' t) trop i.v for Hub pairs nt St. pi.llndeliilil.. n,rrWn tnZ, i,ih nimlnitt Mn Mnrsten and WUHe lln r , ,, ,,,. iii ilntpr unw l ""a,Irl'""'1 "'cn-ens team, wbleli Iter. IlrltMi champion, only wen a Bin-j brlnll)t 0, ti, yesterday njid ,el,rP'1 knglnnd Ial fall, at the 1'hlln- ,gle hoi", but ge'-h the vvuy lie we' i, Mnritten w(i) j,tPflfiv n tlin ,ilnP dolphin Crit l:et Club. The match tedav It wn the thin in th,!t'lli".",l b'Pt , combination lmid te bent as the Bosten I il begin nt :i .clock in order te glv ) ,2n0.yarl Ptretcl. t1"1 ,:?"" Jitch te Wh found. U,e I'lilladclphla Higli Scheel girls .1 down the middle and then a l""-" , (;ufr( nm Oulmet nirlved ,i ii , t.mn,.,, f K(,clni. the game ZZT lnur",fp hnd nlnved thnt hole before 'hour before tl.e mutch nnd nftcr n- The Kiiglish plnjcrs took a .lav off imPJ In t,n mn,,, nJ hn "nmi ort the Hue will hurried birakfa.t. vent out te plnj n nfler their htren.ieus prnctl.e en lues. 'HJ ' let hrhlTl n tfeck of reel. Icing luck , course the, M never W, n before. hnrd dnv. I.t the loci ten... pe.it considers rTll F l "St . .i, T M the Htnlwnrt ft of golf under nny conditions mnl nble tlme u pructlce ve-terdin for le- Ll U ."'tnf- S,0n,.t1Mj:WBndlfflcwl-r,,p,H,"n "f" traveling nil night. The ,,-, I11!ltch. It i the first time uti llennteulnn decided te nveid n u m- i erCPni, )ia, net yrf j.een restored te per- i Lngllmh tf-nm Iiun ever ti tvc,l i tl i 1 rnreMi rntd'ihnfciubteni : YoUle( r con,,,i,",,,n r :hreriH of n-.i iZi izsv;j;M s rnrNHlhlm k' iw Sllew' belt and .club, whl.-i hns l.n.l nil ranuncr of ' BrP nnxellll , 8r,. lf tllP p,t,h e I IlLul I let he- ft, hi,,"' trouble with them this nr. ,,,,, MlpPr,)P , . ienill ,,iner-( 1 l-VH I let her ti. m!ir. ., n,ti,Pi t,.,,,u ,,,. Mi,, ,h,ki, n ,ir f,,r . t. i,- t- ,.. .u ''..'. . . ' .Tftce i. it Mniri. rnn tu'k ' ... ....... ,.... ...n ....... ...t e.. . . , --- . --..... ,, ,.,u. i m- if. t-i -,-ti-i iciii i Las! Call! MUSICAL Prices Cut One-laalf and Mere ..!!1,mSi.ren"",!"l.bl opwrti.iiilm.-iffcrel. Viilm. m, Rival musical oseerls 44JLU Clll ll.t:il. I III nwri'lMllMrY nMti.. ,- r 4.Un t " l. i ttf , M1n eii and Orchestra Instrument, sold te us by the United Mat,- XaVv Jural months aw re close them out we have cut each one Mill lurthcr-cleun te imhean!-eJ r co " -T' C?2nlwfr!FS'iS'?vubu f"'mti nUh MirwUenal reputation ' 1 i j "' . i,Ttlllard Hdsan lires., liuesclwr. .. II'. Yec, Martin Hand fenze, Muclcr&Preufer.Wurlltscr. etc. In addition le this, eve r en "had l measure up te l.S.Xavy rigid tests. These instruments are brand new never used and are still m original cases just as theg came from maker. nf , Wnvl?i ML lheni,ncfl striim.nts made. Knn e M.mijHil U. S. N a su.PmP of the World War. Ihejierns are triple Mher plated. u.emi $ $200 Baritone r ' && m CerneSsfifl saxophone $85 Off new ggj; $ aa tSBiMasSm Alie Ml S15TBT 1 Hern Jlf fiOe 1 ' i 1. A V S120 Flutes '""-" , 1 1X2 vv rn nn !$ 0. , ""J" ' llnrlmi .iriu v vJJ.ti'l I ft ca Mi tl St 'lt n "nil' I" ( S&Zsh .. . v W P M Bfc awA ulHiwI" mas9LwMsWmB9mm " 1. J (Sl vLUiQaatf!Se. ;twgl S75 Slide "' Trnmlmnec fl A a $30 Drums, lO-'n T. Mndf 1 n of Chirr i I r KiinK pre'if einrr -HBP $50 Bass Drums, $OC r v W u - itr. m M"MHiWHW IHf Wrl'iUiiiiii 1 nnV " l. ;, r';i-SSM ,' ' ?30 Violin Outfit $75 Piccolos $20 Piccolos $27 Cymbals Ii 111 A, cemitate ufii1 leather carrytnj eusc, r, .. $10.50 " 1 ' m;.'7! OI'KN Service Football Game Legien Meeting Feature KuriMW Clly, Me., Oct. 0. Ofli. clnls In chergc of arrangements for the nnlieiial convctillen of the Ainericnn Legien here October "!, November 1-2, today reci'led n tele grnni from Theodere ltoen-vrlt, As ulstant Secretary of the Nnvy, un un neuuclng that n foetbnll gnme be tween picked teams from the army and nnvy would be plajcd here Oc Oc tebcrr Jll. The tennm wil be made up of the best plajers from the en listed personnel of both brunches nnd will be chosen under the direction of Secretaries Weeks and iJinby. Hunter wtepped for luncheon, ft up. Oulmet nnd (Jnilferd hntl hnd n bet I, nil r 7.'t Tliev liettercd this In u Ulrelte in Hie nftcmoen Hlltl wen till' nfternoen eighteen holes 1 up. Ten iielcs weie imlv. d in n row in tin- inter lien-1 '-i i 1111 1 n n ,..'.......' . t . . . , . , een wl)Pn ciullferd and Ouimtt wcrciP"1 t- representing the pick of tln their linc ns n pair. .t They nre ndmltted le De one or tnc nei ie sn ernnic nui ter was get img wiein vvnn ni" .inn un -pes mho, the rest iwe net that In nel ns often a Hunter. Tills wus the hinge en w hid, th mnt-;, twui.g. (Jullferd blurted the meruing round Wt, a ,,uM inm , ,,, jfu llMt drive wns pulled, nnd his nevt. Tbe.v bad come, mnn.v of them, te hee in imr- Hculur the 15Men "siege 'give (ir,m ( rl(((, ,;u,fel.(1 tri01 ,iK biut ,)1t ,, al j,ti,,10t um ,, t, iB ones almost nil the wny in the morning. wjtl m,,,,,,,,,, pleU(, , j faPt a iirck-un s,evvri that Ouiinet was letic- est nom clglit el tne ieiii-kcii vmieik n lc)l ,r,c. but in the nflenioeti ,ul'- fnrr . i l,.,.cn .nil nrn.K ft. nr In.. l1...i est fiem clglit of the feui-ticn .;..-'t ...... , u v .,, 4,- im.ll"l . ferfl ,, OOKP nn,i nr,rK everv te,. vliel '.. -' .vwi. ii.... ..'.... v.'.j - -II' 'I ilia l,nuL-v . I.n .,,.,l,,t. I.li l,r..,,l. i, . , lllstIl. lch p,cr Ke)r " R11k.'.j -unimv e. in i u-j ineu.,;.. .-ini .Ml leir plnved their irons tinclv, lcit ,,, thK ricpattnient Willie Hunter hud the edge, 1ut(s Wt Seiiie et his approaches were deadly from :t distant n, und most of Ins hert enen were wltbin puttublc dilnu'c. geed prrcentnge of thr.e he drepiied He und Murston hntl n best bnll of l!7 in the morning mid ".' In the ufti r- .... ,i..:TT i ....i ri..i . .. -.. iii'.Mi .tiiiiterii iiuu niiilii't were i. nnd i". i lie course renin is , ". nml n h)irPl1, ,,rl(, as efTind te nev nl.tver b,u,.rins lt, A11 lbr ))1It,s w rp ,M),.(, but ihc b(it fcen nf the dnv wns t Tb ns tIiaiIp bi nntPlf Guilferd ,111( Oulmet. n,.,ieninlit . nn " rid . !. j clinmplenshlp is ntill uiulrctdeil. With the iirltlli chumpien un one snP l(ui trie ivincricuii en ine oilier, it m, thought the tlme and plm ah.j glbe.l lu. ISut it'i still 1 ti disiute. I'reni thi mn'-p of ligurcs in th c.iril- it nppe.irs thnt fiiiilferd nntl Hiinier. imiiv iduallv untched, ended the thirl -six helej nll sjunre. St. James te Play S. P. H. A. s Jnnif a. vf V rt 1 h ' ' h .. tl .lr .ftni nn K-idft' et'Mlnjf or '- r. ir at "iKtv-elchih and vvij.t,n' nir,u, P i y'nit thj V V A of the n r . a I- IRU' -. li'r- P.. i vp, ' ! -, , i "i - si v In., of s j,i, r i i n , i t.i. i t ,i f Z. -i l Hhmi r-i Si r l-T I c s J A b t f i M. & H. SELL IT FOR LESS Beiiilit $430,000.00 Surplus INSTRUMENTS r- h 1. . ... . f, 'w" tptw 1 .T1'V -fclB -" nii1Mir.r, ' nJ j..O --VR-, tin Inn. I i I'lirli I'l ! M ir'i'r II I u , , , Ml'frl I uil IMlrl. - I IVi'irl Murlt-r . I'm ft-r . w J A CZ. W Itr Jt'lIlrilll mim LffirwKfTr? Ji!!Lv llllKSffl?W7Hffl&ACM -mi ii . . rniMji It ImMMiiLst "I ilZMARKETST Ii JL THURSDAY jND SATUKDAY KVKNINCS ENGLISH HOCKEY GIRLS PLAY TODAY Make American Debut Against All-Philadelphia Team at Germantown C. C. FIRST APPEARANCE HERE The Ktiglish hockey lentn with seven international plajers en nntl four etlterj reprcentltig in nil one of the flnek Held hockey tenms ever nncmblcil, will muke llielr American debut this after noon nt the fJermnntewn CrliJtet Club, plnjlng tigalnst the 1020 All-1'hllndel- een pinjers int.t fnll after the inter- club matches wcie ever. On Saturday 'vill tnke the incnsiirc of vIhIIeM In Sntiirilnv ' inntcli iwe of the J'nglish tenm will be un able te pluv. Mrs. Ward wus Iniin-ed en benrd slup nnd Miss M. l, Aniet, ha-i brniicliin pnetinionie. Tedn.v 'h line-up . isiikiiiIi iiocke 'i. rti ii i" e . "r.T . .Mi?". f il ., " - . Eni". ll-l-tl Pt!0 .t s I h, ilelit fullhn. k Mm Kiu-hh in 0 ..-I" """ "',' f.ulih"' Menti! r N P-k- -ik',, hairbdrk Jlr n NhI 3 H i. A ninM it, i-t lihifbi.rf M ,-.ire I I' - in.f "' liilfhak i re..,tci t I'l k-i.Ih." f,iti hi mnl A T nenJ t; i. Mm W K W .1 HIV ii rj;HI Vim VlirtfHll I. ! tmi ii lil- i't M.,r jt, ,0 I .rft win,- Mn r H , ei 5 J. M& A Don't k Ferget K& 250,000 Lord Baltimeres j $3.25 fx 50 'M'aventJi" Uiu I'erfectes 2-fer-2.')r size (juoen loc f,ise $1.65 '.'r 25 Ise Other bizcs HOLT CIGAR CO. rnit'ii te n ri r.-s 14-16 S. Bread St. i in iim i sn I. m T Frem the Stock $115 Baritone ' 1 ' ri tl tn Bess Herns friVr, ., $110 " ' "' '" 1 '.ii il Makt ?l7.. $90 W '1 1 llaml ilul.r $5 TrianKles $33 ' 1 In $12 $2.50 F YPP ",""'""n' t'f' rymg cat with laeh imtramtnt. II you want te snare in thttt Batgatm you MUST BUY NOW. A ,mH depent wdl held any in itrument. Nail ardtri caitlally elltndtd te. Any One n Fine Xmus Gift $35 tbu JL I J Navv m i pll C