SiOWSKB W . v?".. .,' T JF73 ,"tTr'l JRf t-,,, 4 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERr-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY,' OCTOBER 19, 1921 r I Orga Organ Plays nt 9, 1L and 4:45 WEATHER Fair WANAMAKER'S Stere Closes at 5 WANAMAKER'S Clilmei at Noen Stere Opens at 9 WANAMAKER'S The Better Goods Are the Better They Sell Especially Right New rjRtTTStfi An Honest Man Is Nene the Worse because a deg barks at him, se says an old and true proverb. Peer men have frequent discouragements and 'trials of which they never speak. It is no fault of theirs at this time that they are out of work and compelled te fall back en the savings that they wisely laid away for a possible ra'iny day. One of the most remarkable facts of this geed old city of Philadelphia is its large amounts in the old and safely guarded Saving Funds, like the "old Philadelphia," the Western and the Beneficial. The habits of saving they have encouraged and protected for se many years are of great value te the entire city. Werkingmcn knew that it was an emergency of war that required extra work and extra wages, as well as advanced costs of living. It is net fair te workingmen te say that they preferred te keep up the war te keep up their wages and that they are net willing te reduce wages. A Werd te Ge slew begin by letting go the lazy, careless, "I don't care," selfish people and add te the wages of the most productive workers, if any have been overlooked. De net strike heavy blows. Give your people a chance te volunteer te work for lower wages, instead of shutting down en them and throwing them out en short notice. Talk things ever softly without uppishness en either side and find the fairest way. Signed October JO, 1921. Seme of the Cleverest Gowns for Yeung Women Are Made of Broadcloth Broadcloth was a favored material among Paris cou turiers this Autumn. And some of the most effective new gowns in the Yeung Women's Stere are made of this satiny cloth. A cape costume of midnight blue broadcloth conceals under its demure cloak one of the most delightful little frocks whose only gayety is in its vivid sleeve lining. The costume is $68. "Down Dilly," the captivating shoulder-cape dress, also appears in broadcloth, and is especially charming in midnight or mehawk, with Contrasting cape lining. Price $45. Smart new wrap-ever coat-dresses of fine broadcloth with wide silk braiding are $65. And an effective new broadcloth dress embroidered in dull geld threads is $48. The sizes throughout are 14 te 20. N. B. A new group of "Diana" dresses in navy blue tricetine with grosgrain ribbon trimming have just come te sell at $25. (Second fleer) Yeung Women Will Like These Beaver-Cellared Tep Coats The golden russet of the deep-piled velvety coating is se pretty for autumn and winter wear. And the golden brown at the beautiful beaver fur cellar tones in with it se well. It is a full-length, smartly fashioned top-coat, warmly inter lined and well lined with peau de cygne. And the surprising price is only ?58. Sizes 14 te 20. Anether very geed topcoat in the same sizes is of deep-piled belivia in nankin blue or malay brown, made in an unusually pretty fashion and finished with beaverctte cellar. It is $45. (Srcend Fleer) The Latest L. R. Corsets te Arrive make a very representative group altogether including, as they de, models for .slight as well as for large women. Fer instance There are three new girdles for college girls, one short and nearly all of elastic, two of broche and elastic. These ere $1.50 te $3.50. A topless model with long skirt and bread elastic band is $3.50. A fancy pink silk batiste with a very low top is $9. An L. R. for large women has a graduated front steel. vl2. Anether for short, full figures, $6. k A topless front-lace model, $6.50. (Third Fleer) The Magic Influence of a Bit of Fur 's felt throughout the entire world of fashion this year, and everything, from the most severely tailored costume te we most frivolous evening gown, is likely te be fur tnmmed. Bands of all the furs ubed n here, including natural Jjnd black caracul, monkey, waver, Australian opossum, nutria, squirrel and ninny ethers, from one te eight inches wide, with prices from 1 te $GG a yard. (Main Fleer) Lingerie Ribbons Frem France '"en-yard pieces. CCc the piece for Ne. 1 We 7r Slfc- 70c the piece for Ne. 1V4 c ?1 the piece for Ne. 2 11 an . s'ze MU fl.60 the piece for Ne. 3 2 ize. ?2.10 the piece for Ne. 6 ( size. (Main Fluer) Employers 9M ffaemfc. On a Dainty Weman's Toilet Table Queen Mary perfumes and powders are almost certain te be found. The exceptional delicacy and fineness of these preparations make them the chosen toilet aids of thou sands of fastidious women. Queen Mary C h a r m e d'Amour extract is $1.50, $3 and $5.50 a bottle. The toilet water is $3 and $5.50. Sachet, $1.50. Face powder in white, flesh or brunette, $1.50. (Main Fleer)' Women's Bathrobes of Corduroy This time they are lined, and the corduroy is of the wide-wale persuasion. They are cellared, pocketed and belted, and the colors are light blue, cherry and wis taria. Price, $6.75. (Third Fl.J.r) jfHeumittg Ne millinery requires te be chosen with greater care than the nil-black or black-and-white hat or bonnet te accom pany mourning attire. The extreme of simplicity and distinction is achieved in the collection of hats, toques and bonnets of this nature new in the Mourning Salen. Many are from the foremost (Rerand The Tunic Blouse Has Certainly Dene It It has wen ever every woman te the advantagcef the long straight lines which arc se becoming te every type of figure. With the addition of a skirt, it is a costume in itself and one that can be worn suitably en many occasions. Fer this reason it is a most economical garment for n woman te have in her wardrobe. The new tunic blouses come In the most varied materials, in plain crepe de chine, in Georgette crepe and lace, in panne velvet, brocaded velvet, satin striped duvetyn and in black "Spanish" lace. They start as low as $8.75 and go te $42. (Third The Black Caracul Ceat Is a Favorite of Fashion Black caracul is among the most fashiennble furs of this year. It was extremely scarce last season, which may have something te de with Fashion's emphatic welcome te it new. It is a supple, soft, satiny fur, and se beautifully arc the glossy skins in these caracul coats of ours worked up that the desirable moire effect is obtained in even the most moderately priced garments. Huge cellars and cuffs of lynx, skunk, Australian epes (Srreml Women's Weel Velour Coats at $37.50 and $38.50 These are particularly geed coats at these prices. They are a very nice quality all-wool' velour and warmly interlined. The style at $37.50 has a wide circular cellar of near seal (dyed ceney) which may be worn high or low, and a very pretty long- (I'lmt A Nevel Jersey Silk for Overbleuses at $2 a Yard Just Imagine a heavy grade of silk jersey, printed in the quaintest little Japa nese figures and ether equally picturesque designs se decorative in character that no trimming whatever is needed. There are about forty patterns. This jersey silk, more over, has all the suppleness (FirM 1000 Yards 56-Inch Serge Special at $1.50 a Yard One of the best serges for geed, hard wear that we knew of. It is every bit wefl and it is the sturdy weave that is used se much for men's and boys' suits and women's suits and coats. t (W Quaintest Suits for Littlest Beys Nothing mere dclicieusly quaint and becoming has ever been designed for chubby little lads than these Ceppcrficld and smock suits. Made of cliam bray, satin, poplin and kinder garten cloth, they sometimes have colored trousers with aiiitc shirts and sometimes are colored all ever, Sizes are 2 te 5 years; prices, $2.75 te $8. (Thlnl Fleer) L I fit iffcf 1 I 1 Y jUliUmevy Paris creators of mourning millinery. Tfyi tendency of French milliners te lighten with white crepe the somber sember ncBS of all-black is very evi dent. Frem the tiniest bonnet or toque te the largest hat with its becoming brim of plisse crepe ornamented with flat rib bon roses, each is unusual and charming. Fleer) Fleer) sum, natural squirrel and ether contrasting furs are used most effectively. The beautiful lin ings are a study in themselves. Indeed, one could net well cheese 'a handsomer, mere practical fur garment than one of these black caracul coats or wraps. Prices range from a three quarter ripple-back coat, self trimmedj at 2-15, te a coat wrap with great cellar and cuffs of brown kolinsky at $785, with an unusual variety of choice between. Fleer) pointed panel effect in stitching at either side the front. It has a narrow belt. The ether model at $38.50 has a shawl cellar of the ma terial, a stitched pleat down the back and is belted. It is silk lined throughout. The colors are navy, black, brown and deer. Fleer) that the new loose over ever blouses require and the col ors are charming. The width is 36 inches. The best part of all, how ever, is the price. Ordi narily this beautiful novelty silk would sell for several times the present price. It has never sold for this price before te our knowledge. Fleer) Beth the weave and the heavier weight make it an especially desirable serge for Winter. It is unusually wide and a remarkable value at $1.50 a yard. In navy blue only at this price. Aisle) A Favorite Chamois Lisle Gleve for Women Seme of our besWoeking chamois lisle gloves have a fancy contrasting stitching en the back. On the fawn, beaver, chamois, biscuit and gray this is particularly effective. The two-clasp glove of this character is $1 a pair; the meusquetaire 12-button length is $1.50, and the 16 button length $1.75. (Main Fleer) Silk-and-Weel Sports Hese "Seconds" for $1.35 Geed news for the women who wear low shoes all winter. These stockings are all in geed heather mixtures, and at this price they will go out rapidly. If first grade they would be nearly double, (wait aui Hiw)MXAKk5BikKuM r i -Jt a PARIS HANDBAGS Paris is ever a word te conjure avith. When a woman thinks of a Paris handbag she thinks of a bag inimitable in style and unique in design ; of colors combined as none but the French would dare. Here is a collection of Paris handbags well worth seeing just for the joy of it. Silk and velvet bags wonderfully embroidered in steel beads or ornamented with colored leather. Hand-crocheted bags in drawstring style, ornamented with cut-steel beads and with tassels of these beads. Little dinner bags of steel beading ever silk. Flat pocketbooks, beaded all ever. Other drawstring and frame bags with allover beading in the most artistic designs. And such colors! Seft, gently harmonizing effects or bold, striking contrasts. Celers for every costume. Prices range from $7.50 for the little dinner or hand crocheted bags te $125 for superb copies of antique pieces in which the blending of colors is nothing short of marvelous. (Mnln Fleer) You'll Need Dance Records for Hallewe'en We suggest the following can be played en any make of Ne. 50G5 Ma, I Wabash Blues, 11 Ne. 5061 1 Stelen Kisses, Cherry Blossoms, SI Ne. 2125 f Sweetheart, I I've Get the Jeys, 83c Ne. 2024 f Just Like the Rese, Echoes, 85c Watch for New Brunswick Records- Ready Thursday Brunswick records, as you knew, can be played en any phonograph. This release includes net only dances, but a wide variety of themes. Mail orders filled, parcel postage extra. (Second Fleer) Prices Halved en All That means all of these famous health shoes new in our stocks. Net every style and size for every body, but wonderful val ues for these who are fitted. Women's Anatemik high shoes, half price at $6.25 Women's Anatemik low shoes, half price at $5.50 (First Men's Anatemik high shoes (five styles), half price at $6.75 Men's Anatemik low shoes (three styles only), half price at $6.25 Beys' Anatemik high shoes (one style only), half price at $4.85 (.Mnln Fleer) Women's Silk Umbrellas at $5 It's hardly necessary te say they are colored ever since women discovered hew much brighter a dull day could leek under a rich-hued umbrella they have almost foreswern black. These are navy, purple, green, brown and garnet, and they have various handles weed with white tips, weed with leather loops and bakelite with bakelite rings. Alse, in some instances, there, are white or amber tips or teeth. Price $5. (Main Fleer) rpHOSE chil d rcn' s J. siveater sets cap, mit tens, leggings and sweater in each set which se many mothers have been waiting for are here at last in sizes one te four. Seme are of bruslied wool, prices $8M and $10; and some of knitted ivoel, prices $5 te $9J0. White and beaver brown are the favorite colors. (Third rlner) snappy numbers, all of which phonograph. Ne. 2030 Whose Baby Arc Yeu ? I Someone, 85c Ne. 2129 f The Last Waltz, Mississippi Cradle, 85c Ne. 2130 Saturday, I All By Myself, 85c Ne. M21 f Canadian Capers, I Dixie, 85c This extraordinary op portunity may never occur again. It comes new be cause we are transferring our Anatemik shoe orders te another factory and intend te dispose of all stock en hand at exactly half the regular price. Fleer) $1 a Pound for the Wanamaker Electric Iren Weighs six pounds and sells for $6. Heating element guaranteed perpetually against defects. An excel lent iron, constructed espe cially for us and at a low price, tee. (Feurlli Fleer i These Newest Chinese Rugs Are Just the Pieces People Want moderately. that fUl"nish We" and serve we" and that are I,riced Fields of various blues and golden shades are enlivened with floral and hgure,patterns of a refined character in contrasting shades. There is a wonderfully increasing appreciation of the value of these rugs in effective schemes of furnishmgV tne present time 10-5 x 8' " 5252 12.2 x 9.3 ft $341 12 x 0 ft t 12-19.3 ft $320 10.1x8.2 ft $247 2 ; j ft ' 12.3 x 9.3 ft $340 ' J J '" 9 boauUfSTeol." l35fU ,0 3 ft' b'V 2 ft" 'y """" '- ' ' A J?.w."KS3iril ia;(5-in . I BE 1 Men's Geed Sound New Fall Overcoats at Lewest Prices Our new overcoats every one of them brand new are the best that we have seen in many years. They are also at the lowest prices that have been known for some years. Last year, as all men remember, geed over coats started at $50 and went up te .$100. This year the starting point is $30 and en up te $80. Se that there is an average saving of $20. But there is also mere than saving. These are better overcoats than we had last year, better than we have had at any time since the war began. And they are truly better than any ethers you can find at equal prices. Every one of them all-wool and hand tai lored, cerrecf in fit, tasteful in their designs. New is the time te buy your new Fall and Winter overcoat and here is the Stere that you can depend en. The Sert of Handkerchiefs Many Men Like In ether words, handkerchiefs that are net tee fine or high in price te be used every day. The kind that are of generous size, narrow of hem and a linen that will wear well. Under such circumstances we recommend our geed $4 a dozen handkerchiefs which fill all these requirements. (Went AIkIc) Seme Points About Irish Point and Other Point Curtains One of the interesting points about these curtains is that they are of a particularly geed quality. Loek, for example, at these imported Irish point cur tains and note the exceptionally fine net en which they are made. Equally excellent are the point de Paris and point de Gene curtains which belong te the same family. Anether interesting point about all of them is that their prices are approximately one-third less than they were last year. They are new marked $10 te $30, in long and sash sizes, and come in both white and ecru. (Fifth Fleer) A Fresh Batch of Weel Quilts Fine at $10 This fine new collection brings a choice of wool-filled quilts' in sateen coverings, in practically every pattern and color combination that any one can desire. They are filled with sheets of lamb's-wool, and for service and comfort it would be hard te excel them at th price $10 each. iMvtll Floeri America Bicycles at New Lew Prices These bicycles hae the latest equipment, including coaster brake, heavy read tires, front and rear mud guards rear stand, tool bag and tools. All are beautifully finished' tee. ' Men's and women's models, $45. Reys' and girls' models, $37.50. (TIip (Srrnlli Fleur) (Thlnl Fleer I Oiillrrj) 1 m -p -M .1"