' t'tytf 'Iwv r -i -' 1W.l!W,IiAlJLU.U.,.l..-J.RfU-- rcm'iWV$W!.mX!,tf 18 evening public LBDaBBr-PHiLADBLPHiA, Wednesday, October ie, 1021 College Football Teams Are Hoping the Threatened Strike of Railroad Workers Will Be Averted w RAIL STRIKE WOULD PUT KIBOSH ON SOME BIG FOOTBALL FRAYS Scheduled Inter sectional Battles May Be Canceled if Walkout Takes Place Gridiron Clash at Phillies" Park Ruth Batted in 166 Runs in 1921 H KOIIKKT W. MAXWELL. Sports lillter Kvfnln I'nhllr Idirr WHEN all of the big Kastern oeIIpro adopted n bread -miiule.. ,,! in nrrnnuinB the 1U21 foetbnll schedules mid Included en or mere intei-see-tlennl jennies the gridiron sport rereive.1 n blj boost. instead of confining their battlcR te scctiennl tilts, ns bus been the ease In the pn-t, every one vvn invited te come out here nnd hw wli.it they mid. Team-i were brought from the Went nnd the Seuth, principally the lntter. The gnme hoi nine mere popular and there was n chance te cempnre the lending elevens In nil sections. It wni fiRiired thnt In these days of rnpid transit nnd limited railroad trains teams reuld travel a thousand miles or mere without feeling any 111 rffectfl from the jeurnev. In ether word the teams out West and In the Seuth were just ns clee as tlie-r up in New England when it came t. traveling. Harvard scheduled Indiana. I'.curciu and ('nitre Celleges: Yale booked North Carolina and Maryland: Princeton tnk m Chicaji. : Penn invited Vir ginia Military Institute te come here ter n same; Pittsburgh "clicdtiled e contest with Nebraska; Dartmouth with TenueM.ce: th- Army uith Notre Dame, nnd Itut?ers with Notre Dame Seme of thee games hne been plnve.l. but a majority are vet te come Therefore, with the big railroad -trlke looming lti the offing, what Is te become of these games'' If the mad" suspend business n let of athletes will be left high nnd dry, all dressed up with no place te pl.i As the strike is expected te -tart en October HO. the travelers en October 20 have a swell chance te be stranded. On that day Centre plays Harvard at Cambridge and devrgiii Te. h meets Penn State en tin Pole ('.round-. Virginia will be at Princeton and Washington nnd Jeffersen at Sjrn. n-e. It is doubtful If these games will be earn eled if the strike i livlnred. Inutile the tuinis can leave for home en the night of the '2'Mh and the through trains will complete their run before knocking off work. However, it will be different en Net ember .", Nebraska cannot pnsxililj make the trip from Lincoln te Pltfbmgh and Notre Dame will Mud it difficult te reach West Point. Maryland can reach New Haven by beat, and this game seems te be the only one which can be called certain. The following week Dartmouth can get te New Yerk te meet Penn and the Navy and Penn State can meter te Philadelphia The big games will net be affected. Yale Hurvanl i nd Princeton are in the same neighborhood anil a let of students knew hew te run their own ear- rf'7' (Ac bia thxnti te he remidricil is th' tiifcrtcci p rl ennl lehcditle. If that geei Jioexr Ixrnuti of 'A( tlnkr. nmr m( rcitina game iriM be misted. Here's hepinu thire won't or any strike. Independent Football Season Opens en Saturday LEO CONWAY takes pleasure in announcing that his gre.it nggregiilie" of gridiron warriors will make its debut, take pu in.nal bow and other wise open the independent football season at the Phils' park next Saturday afternoon. Mr Conway also announces in bis niedet quiet manner thnt his team, which Is known a- the 1 nien A A or Philadelphia Quakers or some thing' like thnt, will men tin gieattst best teughct. 1 -ml- tight ins team In the State of Pennsylvania nnd the game w.ll be well worth seeing. Shenandoah, champions of the coal tegien. will mx wifn the Quakers. and if the up-Staters play anywhere nenr the '.inn displayed last year n real battle is In prospect And. aee rding te advance dope, they have one of these old-time team". Jee Sepauler the intrepid manager of the coal miners, has taken his pen In hand and dnhei oil the following "Shenandoah. P.1- gridiron chumpinn of me nnthrn'lte region, ev.p(., ts te retain the title this year with a team that . mted evn Miiinger limn last year's. Se far tin ea-en tin team ha- ieied l!Hi point- m tluee games, n n n follews: Fifty ugam-t Ueading. 11 agaiu-t I'reelund and 45 acamst Lam as ter. The team has net been -eered en . far The e'llv team te -core en Shenandoah in two vears was I'lu-eniwille in . game lu-t unr "The team's schedule for tin- pn ent -easin fellow- At home Octebei 15 with Mount Carinel : 1'nien A A I'lulnde'nl.iii Hall Park. October -U . GUbcrten at Cressona Park. O. tuber '' Cnaitla'e at I.an-fetd. November 11 "Hush is considered tile fastest fiillb.uk .n the coal region-: Crltls at helfback is a former i rlversitv of (Jeorgetewn star: Denuvan. the veteran halfback, is a great line plunger. Mem- nln- at quartet, with Heheniek. Toomey and Sta-Uel"i ns utility men. The line average lO pounds, nnd i fast and strong "Kutsko, the liuskv quarter, is known throughout the nylon as the slllOti Beauty. Sanders and Cousin play the ether tuekle positions, while 'fiddle' Hayes", the well-knew n boxer, piny- at guard Lukas. a brother of Jehn Lukas' halfback en the I' of P team, and Hans .ire th" ether guards. Tin center' peult ion is well taken care of hv Sunlei-. Shepp e and Syinbal, and the ends bv Angy and Yiuluskv CO.VIPII has a ijitnt iiann ' players alia, and will live aim mm a hard battle With mm hhr l)iisait, Hull Law. Clarence link. Jee Xpitnnu. hud Wiay. Siccdc Younystrem, Leu little. Johnny Scott. Sum Webb. JehnMeLnughUn, Stan f'ejall ami Captain Hume Millet in the Jim -up it dorm' t leek if any position could be im proved upon. Rutli i'.s. Landix THE -tnge is n. 1 -ei fei the final icrei, i m the Uutli e- l.andi- ipurrel. and from whne we are -itiing n 'enk- i .t the .ledge would win the decision en point prim i'ialli legal The P.nh. N playitip with his all--tar- and the .Judge i- leading hn-eball lav- '11 ear old puhlie i- anxious'. awaiting n ruling anil when the -uspen-. i almost at the breaking point the big news will be di-lied out While xv e an- net given in predu H"ie we would UU te venture a guess that Kuth will get all that i- coming te bun and perlmp- mere It Is tee geed an opportune te net leek and with a man of Uambine'- standing openly violating the alie and te'.llng the high eommi-siener of the game where te get off, Mr Lnndis is all et te sock the home-run king for the long ceuiu Then after the decision lin- been bunded down, the mutter can be threshed out and ami'nblj adjusted before the -pring training trips begin. The best time te have trouble I- in the winter when the players are deiiij? nothing Hut the Pube will have mimv supporters, and tht is net strange or unusual. He is in a cln-- bv h.msif in the national game nnd the flgure flgure preve, it. Avoiding t Krnie l.anigan 'h- bgge- filbert. Uutli created a new record in batting in iiins ,,.,,, , T'nable te beat bis wnlkin' renml m l'.Cl. the riabc th.s year surpassed all previous marks bv batting in P.ti run- ter tiin innKees. ",i mere uinn n lreve in the previous -easen He - '.red himst.f W times nnd sundry ether persons, Iteger 1'eckinpaugri pieiiamy eiun.-i. iui um uu ,,,1,1 ,.1-11,11!,. -cut home 1." .eiinteis ..n bits nnd 11 the lntter being St, land raked inak sta JOfl ceunteis Ruth's Batting IT .s Consistent i I'TH S single- wen- geed for -'-' tnlue- .md Ins triples ter li In the seceml inniiis at Detroit oil l-ruhis M.n M Itutli showed thnt lie was nor Miperstltieus. for then be tripled ngiiin-i llewnnl hbmkw. et the llgeis. anil scored Schnng. Harper and Ileth ,,-,,.-, Anether three-bagger nist a- a wide a- thni elitn.ned efT Dnve Keefe. of the Atb'eties. in the ninth in Phil .de plun en Sntu-din SeptemU-r 10 The Yankees en the b-isi - at thai tune were Mnvs Mil' r nnd Peckinpnugh Coming up again m the same round, Uutli singled against Yeung Freeman. from Kalnmaroe. his batted ball hitting I'e kinpnugb and retiring the side unateinlcnlh nnd automatically alter nine runs had been made Ruth's doubles accounted for 10 inn- his Infield outs for & nnd his fliex te the outfield for 'i Once he was pas-e, with the basei full bv Davenport. and under tn "6 I IE n PLAN THAT GUILTIEST FEELING F OR HARD GAMES Princeton Lead3 Harvard and Yale in Open Style of Play, Says Strubing ELIS' VERSATILE ATTACK Ily .ICK STUflUNfi former Princeton Qimrttrbiirk With n little ever two weeks until the first big game en their scheduler, the "Pig Three" are beginning te tnlte en dellnlte form. Yule Is the only one of the trio that has net bud a really hard game, but the prowess the Ulue has shown makes Haivnrd and Piltico Piltice Piltico ten rcnllrc that it will be a very dlf feicnt -ort t,-: ten m from New Haven tint, year than In the last two years, Swirtinir with a wealth of geed mate l al te build upon .lenes has de eloped a ersatilc attack this year, which in cludes euntliini; from the center te the sk O'llearu. Aldrlch and .lordeti are three stars in the bnekfiebl and they all are capable of am uut. This adds tii.iteri.iMv te t h Ir value en account et the threat Put by tar me me-i mi iiett.iiit lmiirevemeiit 1- th eilhi a- .1 In llllH started te rnl-lng of the -tandnnl of football iiu'm''"" The h trnm of the la-t two ycais were net a' keen and alert as Priiiicinn or llarxaid ami mi n. i th.tif downfall Princeton -.sired the winning touchdown i.. ..,.,,.;,, v.,,.' . fumble Neslll ,i,d end with a lateral pass Kemptc n in i"w . i,.i. I l'be iijss went wild and rolled lat al.: the gr-und (!ernt. " ' and Uavuiend. of Prlnc.den. and NeMlb nn.l Kempten. of Yale, were all in pe siflen te recover the ceNeted hegsh le Put here Princeton showed her alert -. ' L.tn.,,1 ,,f .,11 three men Irving fee the ball Pay mom! took out Ne I 1 . r.nrritv t.-k out Kempten and nl 1 t he clni.cnted , l-.s-r bid te de wn- pick up the ball and hl- heels A week later Y.ib had the Mime ,.,.... at Cambridge but four . fell en the ball Then the Yale ml lUt'V'K 1 -n.- " 11W Ulll' "ll , II I I , I - I r V fX have Te A flTL Th.s flF TLTi I mglle gsekge CXC05E Ma V, guv eusht ra I r-ecK tub .'"l M- You're JeiT J SseRfle M- Takg. up wRiTIMG, I . T HB. . TZe I Tua Guv i'm this is 4J , twas. fet a J tVZ??'. we J I LOOKING FOB- FUNNY I eSrJ I UvyiKJG.. HQ V fi RIOT- - W1' VE A LGTTCR f HARDLY PROCGlSD- l(3wS HIMSeTLF I HU JAYJ - C- ( f 0l. ) r76'i A IrLOOB vWALKaivl few vwcu- IP " Feb HeyBMS OAKe. ' ewqR. AT RtTji' Veu'v MUeeR M-"lNTYRe- escnr 1 I fVBAM Te Ten. Mt; I YeO'wc seeW him- j seerJ HiwlfiT J I ODD MINTVRtS - r- VeU COMT KM01J J Tftu-.IWCHSr TvCG IT DROP- YOU'RE i f Yeu K-neu; mim ODD MfpOTYRC ? JuY - VKcass Jest The first Sr I TOU KNOW MIM 1 ".- (ruOORM.Wari I I ItvKR MGT rvj.-..! s j ' Trzrr ucw ,me mac incm --j I e it- wwt'sI ) ean" ( MCa STATE HAS TWO HARD BA TTLES THIS MONTH Facing Harvard en Saturday and Georgia Tech tha Following Week Are Ne Easy Tests for Any Cellejge Football Team KncliiK Morning Face te the golden morning, Loek te the rising sun; Fer the night is black and the twilight truck Is dark where the shadows run; Face te the highway leading On te the dawn and dew, Back from the night te the morning's light ll'Acrc the white of the world breaks through. f . K T. Tr " WLNONAH I A -e.T . I ne , . .. .i:.T.....,t atO! V 1 S II Mill--,.-". . ,, , . ,, nh -uci-e-tuuy enm.- r .'ii attack, but displaced one , .,r own t niu - .- ."". blanched awnx trem uie ee. -" ;; i, ..II. I,,. , rue li nenru. in i' ,.,, ,,.' -f. , . ..,-r.v fw t lev lllllU" '-in SPEEDYELEVEN Coach Baker's Aggregation, After Twe Games, Is Unde feated Se Far This Season TO MEET WEST CATHOLIC u'e no g...,d p.l I- lis ll 1 fmcei tip- th ; f a red ! Ilanaid a Puzzle j Haiard i- Tbeie ale no ear. but tin- Criin-en tnied ream nnd Willi nt hi- . . ... .., ,, n arie.i it--". , ii. ..i . , l.li team i- "en n " Mimewiuit "f piiM e outstanding -tars this ha- a uieel nil i - With an ee en I.eurie. . .., rtn,. . S LUlll'l' li A'dic li and " near.,. - ""'"','. .. iui nuinii l ii i i riiLiMi - - mn Creckei. Kane. ! it? and . .- . . . i .11 l.xiei In. d 'el il.ier- linn' . n.i , I...1...... i,,i,. Inn u nuide Hi' li'iil P.f bv the way. menus., between .V. and lid Mild- panting, and '" lleft-foete.l -pirals-a diffieul kick te handle A . te her pe'icy of piny Mar i varcl has made no radical change- .iu-t , fi e ininreM'Mieni- heie and ' ''' .... i in... nl fll . line-te. iui , I hain mple but no , By PAl'I, PKKP i I'oetbitll. nt Wenonah Militnn A. u- demv. is In the midst of another sin - ees-ful -easen. Te date, the team ha I liM-d up te all expectations, plea-lng jeerv mn- attending the lustitiuieu In fait. nheni'UT the gridiron subject i i tneiiiien.sl. . veiy gray-clad cadet within I he.. ring distance Millie., n -weet -Inile and leeks se happy as possible Se far thi- season the Cauet- lave fail. I te meet with a defeat Twe game- have been played, and while both were net i terlcs, one was The ether giine ended ill a scoreless tie. The opening game of the sea-en wn pl.ned with Itridgcten High Scheel Tin P.ri.lgeten nam wns fairly strong, but net llnlshitl enough te step the big Weuniinh backs Then eiime the game with Pennington Scheel last Saturduy. Pennington. i c uisidere.l one of the strongest tcama m I .ler-e . was piiked by all the "wi-e nai Intercollegiate Indoor Meet May Be Held Here The indoor track nnd field meet of the Intercelleginte Association of Amnteur Athletes of America, which hns net been held since before Amer ica's entry in the World War, may be revived next year. The date set for the event is March A Four cities are in the i mining for the nttrr.ctien. They are New Yerk, Pbi'adelphin, Posten and Ititffale. All four localities nre being carefully considered by the officials, who will report their decision te the next meeting of the I. C. A. A. A. A. In th" event of the games coming te this city it is planned te conduct them in the lie Palace. A sim ilar plan is under consideration in the event that Hosten receive- thr meet. YELLOWJACKETS HARDEST WORKOUI Coach Geerge Jehnsen Drills Frankford Players Hard for Game With Vinceme PAT SMITH AMONG CRIPPLES ATiVE SON NOW AUSTRALIA CHAMP The Frankford Yellewjackcts wen put through one of the hardest drills of the season last evening en Brown's Field by Coach Cieerge Jehnsen in preparation for the big clash en Satur day afternoon with the Vinceme eleven, the big West Philadelphia aggregation that nlmest took Holmesburg Inte camp en Saturday when Yank Swartz's ag gregation held the suburbanites te a "() score. Mnnnger Heward Ilewker is none tee optimistic ever the outcome, with sev eral of the stars In peer shape ami with the possibility of Hig Pat Smith, the giant fullback, who was the maln-tay of the Iiuffale Professionals, en being en me sidelines with lit least two mere Sid Godfrey, Richest Antipodean , player.- Ilewker ulse confirmed the re . ,- l.repmt that Lew Kauffman, the full- Boxer, Had Ups and Downs ,ia.k. a- lest for tin- -easen owing te i ninnies recem-ii ill tue lleDait clasli Ily ORANTL.AND KICK and Georgia Tech next week, hasn't at. lectcd October a nn casy-geinir n,n.i Fer Tceh Inst season Van Xt'; t reng n Prlnccten-ccrtalnly Btren! than any ether Eastern team et Z close of the campaign. la A Few Forecasts XTALE ebeuld bent the Army en Sat. J- -unlay and Princeton fiheuld tn Chlcoge. Out West, Michigan ls m? most sure te run up a tfdy rn,,t . OKOinst Ohie State. Chicago deS leek te be ae Btreng as either Michigan or V iHcensln. who nt present nre "en" ference favorites. " Deb Zuppke, always te be figured in he running, fnccB a robust alBnment ' I In Htepplng Wisconsin, and thlBeentut sheu d feature the conference Bchcdul. for the day. " Wisconsin Is given a slight edge, but Zuppke is never te be ovejeoked. One, Main Carnival mHEHE will be no better game en any gridiron thnn the meeting of Pitts, burgh nnd Syracuse. Syracuse has another great machine ' one of speed nnd power. ' , And there Is nothing soft about Glen Warner's Pittsburgh outfit. Pittsburgh wns beaten by the hrnvj powerful Lafayette team, but for nil that is n factor te be given Kerleus con sideration with Tem DavlcB back in il. cost. These who select this Rpectncle for an afternoon's thrill will make no mistake, The Geat- Getter , A niblick in my brawny hand, A hcelprint in the bunkered sand Six lustg swipes. Oh hew I flinch Te find the ball ain't moved an inch! ' 117HIOH reminds us of somethlng. "V Ring Lnrdner, ever nt Englewoerl bad just found his ball in n trap egnlnn the side of a steep wall. He took U ' hifcty whacks nt it with n beavv nil.llv . I that looked like a spade and the ball kept ' " ' tllp I pepping back into the same gorge At , as we t(,H moment Tiny Maxwell stepped ue ' Face te the silver morning. We've turned te tha night tee long; There's light en the hill and a hurt te kill With the turn of a morning sun; Face te the highway leading On te the dawn and dew; Hack from the dark te the song of the lark Where the white of the world breaks through. UIOUND gained In football Is never H n decisive fncter. 'Pittsburgh out rushed Lafayette badly, If the proffered statistics are correct, but Lafayette wen. And last fall Georgia Tech out rushed Pittsburgh badly but Pitts burgh wen. THERE is far mere luck in the new came than the old. Which takes It further away from pure, undcfilcd equity, but gets It closer te life. rnHEItfi can be no eliminating the JL turn of luck. In spite of drab echoes from the Inner bnll, raw ciinncc is etten a vltnl factor. It has lifted many an Incompetent te the top nnd hns rolled back many a worthy soul. Saturday's Kelk-all PENN STATE and Harvaid, or Har vard and Penn Stnte (you can take n running jump nt your choice), will be the main Eastern football feature en Sattirdnv. unless Chicago puts forward n Kurnrlse. We haven't the vital .statistics tin of our (iinverlng linfgers. tnit recall the pomp nnd circumstance cen-nm w,ispered hearsely: nectcd with the ense neither Harvard i threc mere they'll thin "If he tnkn U he's werklnr nor Penn State has dropped a game In here." some years. llntli have wel -bunked systems te1 build en. and both have talented ma terial te see thnt the football is car ried up nnd down the field at stated In- Penn State, facing Harvard this week Covvrieht, test. All riehts rescntd TF PRINCETON and Harvard fall te - break their twe-venr tie this fall we lecemmend an extra period, with gun cotton or dynamite permitted Beets and Saddle The Chrncotetigufl Handicap, the feature race at Laurel today. giveB Ily- gene Days the route lie likes, and he Football Games Wanted The De Sales eleven, composed of Hi.'-peiin.I gridders. Is without games for Sunday. October 23, nnd November 0. Teams desiring games en these dated should eutlnst Bln7.es en n fest track. I address .1. E. Mnhcr. 5330 Dc Lnecer sircei. p.-i.i'ki.r te tni;A home the nitren lb., ipiaiteibm k nanui. w , ,, w w the Cadets nut up a wemlei-fu hull from . tnt-r i ."," : I brand nt ball and held the oppe-lng iu- ilun le .ted nie dite.1 pa-. ';''" gregntien sate. True, the Soldiers duln t vard -till -'and- b th- indue, t nut en , n tollI.lu)ewlli lir,(1 Real su(,.ty or en , 1,,-e fonnatleti- Ml "' , ''"; I n, thing like that, but neither did var.l's pl.is an- based eitbe, en m j,,.I)ningten Therefore, both teams are tien or hiding tin- runner. claiming te have shown the best feet- Ticers I'm- Open Plav 'bull ability, but the Wenonah fellow em Princeton i the Kuder in the wide-I knew that their aggregation was the I "f"n """"l ""if.i' formation or -nine Wenonah lias always been famous fi !"T n' ,r ,.,n c.ff.mse Speed and turning nut football players nf ability (,,r "1J--I"" ", '.;'; ,,,, flt,e best of these Is well known '""'",'"S' 'XmexLr,Xi, .11 Pl.ih.dclphlu.is in the t,nMhi.ll :""'"' !' ' ' Of .,mi-e pew-r i- wen,! Priink P-nml. inlielder of Cxm- !'.". ','',' i"itb i In- -need te he.p the nl.'- Ma.-Ulets, is the youngster W b, n -nai-gv bi.i power .- net the big a-,-1 p ,s "putting tb-ni where thev nin t Put ills demand- ab-eiuie ni.n hln-- l,k- .te. .tien and -e far Heper ha- net !.,,, ub'e te develop that I he men 'seem unable te be all plawng alt the 'urn.. (ii.e or two en each pluy em I te be '..' limit Snini.liit. Piimeten meet- Hilm,. . ,.,. ili,. nn while Ilartiiid will with State'- gentle l.unb-klti- Tl i- i. just iwn weeks trmii the 1 ilnee- ii.,-,. n,., fnr.i iiiKi tin e i u.u-. Before Winning Title RETIRED ONCE AFTER K. Ilcglstrnr should held the ethers safe for the short enu et tne purse. Thp wlllt0 Rtnr dcvcni whJch bMte Horses wen piuccu in eiuer i-uvv.s me. ,u n ',, te ti victor; ever the Merkl First Seletn, Miles S., Cenimniider A. C. of Conshehockcn. has several r-ti uecnn.l tthe Ticket of Leave I open (lnirs en its schedule and Is nn. Vim nine I- naturally elated ever the Steeplechase) Musty, Sebrlgiule, xieus te meet teams in its class Ad- I'.ie- ..- ""in. A-.iuiun, no A,iiirsuaii street, showing made aL'ilin-t Ilnlineshnrir i.n.l ,i ;, . .Klr.l Knillnn Mone Manager Swarlz will have the services .,ni 'u'e-si.. 11.. llfth .lean Itul- I Phoenixville Oer several players et note en Saturday l i.n.i.... , , in ioiiiiiien ... suiut- strong line pinys and cres- buck-, Vinceme is equipped tot. , , .., i.intlv .. e-e te le i iuiui . U.'L 1 lu 1." 1 i1 i ...1 ...ii i... v .,!. first real test and mucii llra.ill atrendrtl tlie .Jersey madenn wis leputed te be the fastesi ba. k en ,.u -.'lieln-lle gridiron hins. (ur.rterbacl. : Purd-all. l)e (ir..-a and Costllle are youngsters new at Wi-ii.uiiih who are out te ccpinl Pra ill's neerd They can all run like an telopes and nre great en the secendar defense (Viach "Specd" Pak-1 lui-m-iilled into his boys the meaning et bis ni.kname speed. And the military in stitution eettalnly linn a speedy irri gation The real test of the ear will come nn October 1M and then Wenonah will be The boys win nave te piuv 1 uith snlenilicl ..nil rims lit- Si,,,, ,,-.1.,,. . (ieerce .lolin-eii is deterniined te inm n Finm "Down I nder," where the I ht ,.,, IM.ri attack te laiineh If eon- i .iii.nu ii,... .. n.. .. .... mil, in- mil, ...ii ..iui L., Ije .11 UU OI - I...., ..... ..n ,...,...ii ., t. i icnsne. . . . , I In the tluee contests played te date latest and most reeent listic information , thl, Yellewjnckets ha,.- cenmlleil hie Sul Godfrey .' totals, making ever forty lwiints per game I i ein new en their onnenents tlve ,n te wear the Impound .!- Z'ZlkZ Heln lA'-U'" "h "r in lent country ter seven veins liming burg and T nien A. A i New Already ! lnnkfeid adherents are j '" iipire i.ii : rirsi race -nees talking of the games with Helme.sburc I "." ''.moiien, nayenne; second It LOllS II. .lAFFK "Down I nder," wh, kangaroo and tie uiishinan thrive, vvlmh of a new 'hntnpieri there light weight titleholder. i- rbe first na- dethroned Harry Stene limit. Cemmi CI, Iiribed Veter: sixth ' Explosive. Current events, l'crliaps; seventli P. (. King, Cnmefliier, Zed. At Leuisville: First race -Abadiine, Kapid Hay, Gev'ner; second Evening Stories, Prether Jehn. Lieutenant Colo nel , third Pongee. Pep. Miss Petite ; fourth Tbnren. Dartmoor. Pothera Pethera Pothera tien ; fifth Bud Fisher. Omnipotent, 15111 and Coe ; sixth. Humphrey , Herd Girl. Hndie; seventli Dltie Carrell, fnrniei erk.i. whu atiue.tid the laurels finm Lew l.dwnrds, a Welsbmiiu llu Helm(sburg i-IiinIi and the followers Hated ttie richest p'igillst In Aus-'of the Velleu jackets nre tnuklng even triilin, Godfrey has had hi- ups and ' bets that they heal Ileinie Miller's downs, having letireil nine after being eleven when they clash ut the ball park. kne. Iced out. but new he loom- as one of the gr.-ate-t glevemeu developed in Aquinas Opens With a Victory the Antipodes Heu- ale some flut-l rh0 A.iuln.iH lniHlniball tenm eine.l thn about the Australian titleholder. who .t.men last evrnlinc b tasllv dcfeatlriK thu V.ii, .I.... liny rs nine ne. ..r ivonHinKien b the Owing te a misunderstanding the Laurel A C, a ISfi-peund eleven In without Its home grounds nnd mtiRt travel In the future. Anv tenni de siring games with this eleven write D. .T. Davis, C01 West Meyamcnsing ave nue. The Marathon Football Team aver aging I4f pounds, is without Sunday games away nnd Is willing te play any team Its weight offering a reasonable guarantee. Write W. Wharten, 3302 Itluiwn stieet, Holmesburg The St. Mary's eleven, of AVilmmg- uud I'ninn Odds can be secured en j Gealer. Grav Gables, Whisk ; third ' Ien, Pel., is without n gnme for tint. Mnturuiiy, because et a centllct in scara ule and is anxious te get n game with any first-class gridiron team In tint. city or vicinity. Any team wishing u game from the Delaware team are asked te cniniiiucatr with .1. P. O'Kane, 301 West Thirty third street, Wilmington, Del. ledy, Aiapuhee, Wynnewood; fourth Miracle Jinn, Pullet, Ferge Ahead ; fifth Lady Zeus, Maggie Murphy. Split Grass; sixth Pavia, Fluft, Wedge-weed. The World Series en outs, three of .. ,.. I .1 K,. tin,- t cv r ,i lin h,.f m.erest wu ue ns l -' ,'., ,. ,' .,.,., foetbnll te win, for no ea-v time with the Georgia pea.he uii,i Seturdav State should be a geed bit hauler te handle lledek h.,- a pewnrtul tlghting team and he knows new te teach football Princeton, after her humbling la-t week, will be like a s..r...l..i.ked wildcat, anil niugg - Ceti.h Pretlier yuiilinn s ,-r iniin delplua Catholic eleven, one of the be-t in the city, ii te be battled UreMin or Uochferd? Ir i- ten bad that Lee Hie-liu and i, l.f.r.l sine foetbnllers of M de- " '"' . eti. l. mil,'- Prep and 1,11 r-ane i-.. may make an Invasion et during the ptesftit teu.-un tiedfrev begun ns an aiuaieui. mid did -veil as a bimen pure, but wlien he leek up the professional end of the sport bis pale, sickly face, anemic leeks and delicate frame ,ausid thn f.iiis in leek upon him with m'uiii re IK'ct Even though be leniumed te win ever mere highly regarded lighters, it was ,i long tune uejere the funs wiml lake him seriously. set eeiug mucii or a ui.ivviug cuitl m In- own (eiintry, (iedfrev sailed for tin core c.f BU te '.'3. The num.- ws rlnvtU n Aquinas linn liignnenui una tcrnen strecta anil nn , 1 npe crewil Lehigh Regulars Shifted Ilithlrlirm rr,., Oct 10 Conch Ollek h.. maile n numlir of substitutions in the J..,, hlsh team, wh'ch IndiCHtcii n prnhnble ehiike-up In the ole,en te race WashliiKten nnd Jpffcraen en SMurdnv Anre A. A., n 1 IB-pound football eievcii. hea rtnteii open for tcumn of the snnn, vvellht T IleylB, 110H Htate strfet M -ncrifii, 'lies He hn.i one of each of tte-i. ugninst ISo-ten ir.nn i 'tin age will nine men - - " ( '(l,,tiv,.lVi yi m,t meet en the gridiron, i-niiipptnc, wnere ne met the uite Knl trills nnd Viishingt...i The ..ng, -i l Ituth nit tins year was in i icve .r. oreuih ''" '. r-'" , ,,, , t I this vear ','"""' w-., ... un- iui ei in- X-iOUls nun i, iisin.iM. u in I . ...,,,..i, i,,,,. rl.,,, hn, the Cast, the .Ma- '"is y ur ..,. ,,,..... lern. t t ...i tlnin .m,l I,,. ,.iii,..,i ,.ir en Juh -M. nU Water Mall- Me was en mini wnen ins ,-,peau, r ....... .... --, , , Confer- here lias neen i uiu- ..........-.. - . . ,, , ', '"""" en Hei.' - , ,., fenni is net tee u.-st 111- eniei ,..,, -.f ,1... ,,, ,ni.tiri.. llie skmtiv i striillim 11 shut t mi Le It in Th,-. l.eue.er w... nei ,. sa;.m.env ,n,. ear, nn.duee Put they will be between , tne s u... ".; 'V v. is the best I TOls d-fea, se dl-C'iuraite.l (Jeilf.e, , I,,,, The enh thing I urh oyerleoKe, e ng en M,e euen-e in i, . was e r tt huVH tlJ ,llay en- . . - k R , bn ,,f, . ,,, f , , - , j , e a home r .n with the bases lull 11.- tn.ir bagge.s gave him a great , foetbaU t0 uln ... k ke, limn , f , tt, ttel,,in,, Ilt his Hade Like lleb riu- rt toward suui-l..ng me r.ser.l ter run- inifteii tn -.nee tin-, were goeu ter i '',". ' in7 .,n(i both are rated as Simmons, me-t famous of the AuMialinn Snaps About Scrappers R' This .1- i llsllr rtflcl hns i n lnvJi'l-rt l- .1 nht 11 jzt up-S'T' whu enit.B mrnBmle.1 lis l- iins-nt.miri i. h k. ntftv riitraan and nn- whi wl 1 m.., t , k ... y- ft. v lUn.v II l ' armim . irtKin., an Italian Irem Sen Cant r I'.. -rt .he US', 'no nom w uneiru ei .; mi, . , mm Mnr' hrether M's- 13 h'.ndll.i,' I iimun aspirations In I-hlUdxIphla in, . ,,r .,t 'he hea,lr '," bar-rad IjsltU i in re I'gslnen epp'nni .,! Onn Hu , , d i;..,ih t'hlp IsJth nt whom wei no .1 i , rt - n hrMs-ttve ten und nix round matitin, K-m... Ik lnlv 'me 5'cari .f s'" .tnd i I uuvhv ITS pound" ( linrli- (I'.Nell. Tiekh m..lit . sni sel . lx in ll-.lireiMri 'enn .Ne, -mtwr 1 K' ln, m- i V. in IDfTnian ,f N'. Vat A i aut . "! i.N'.' "HI tathl. A' Trim., tus ' at Hai'ferl .i.. i... I., ,i,n nlt.v : thnt is. along with fu-hters. (iedfrev was a blnck-initb .l.'.biinv Kniifmun.'ef Gennautewn High After working at the anvil for a yeui I a Salle and St. Jeseph's met en the ,,r mute, (itdfrey wns approached by tn Id even year until tins, nun in tne tie manager et thn Stadiums, Lt !,., C.w vears ivresnu unci "". have always played great gnmes agiun-t en Ii ether. vantage. 1 uith' neither getting the nd- This season both ate at their ..-t and both are winning games with . f .1 mrihtn tfnipj it ci-r. tl e mil et tlieir n. ...."- tiilnlv seems u shame that they will net nieer for one or the ether would be mi re t w-tn the gnme with a led geu . m urally. th" dispute would be ended and the best man proven. Swarthmore Varsity Has It Easy - I t, lsrf. Qi irllinu tn ,r, n wau none we" "- -'. with a pmpi Hitien te box a yeungstei who was just beginning te show n trace of form. Godfrey declared that it was in use abking hlin te return te the ring, a- be was convinced that he could nut make geed However, the piometer pievaileil upon him te incept the bout, and, te the sur prise of (iedfrey and the promoter as well, If drew a capacity crowd. Gnd fiev wen with a kneikuut in the thiid leiiiid, and fieiii th.it tune en hi c hi tinned te be a Biicces- It was only it-cent l.v that (iedfrev m x, ,11. t... & ...,i ...,... inn , Tiii-ri. it n .oiik'.e see. 117 miles Tills ineiins X-r nbatedfr or m. t n,.,uh, m..d, i.i w ii-t-,,.,-, e ,;.;;;. ,''"1JVW. f '" "'"' ""1' "' '"'eigh. nth """'One' remarkable thing about Uutn s batting for 102, was s consist- ;-rj; rHd.n.,,, t.l, ... t., ,' -i"- -'" .,,! Xli "ilvisnm"8 l l encey. The P.iIk- picked en no one team in par,,, ular when hammering runs H,rb , , elh,,f oeuf Temmv 0-, j, ' ,mn mm Va-ux -,.,, Hi (.' ' I" ,'ltI!1,,b' . across the plate. The greatest number of runs Kuth Knocked in In -e.,e- . ,'y, v. i-rrv r. u, ar.J w ' .fin ;! 1" b , ,. IMwnr.K and then in the unite Ii Was 2S and the smallest 21 -a difference of enh . betw.en the high and the K d ,1 .dman ,- rerr M. ',rn , illll( . Immaije. M;. 'huti.dOe .! j (h fQf mf) law figures He batted in iui.s in K7 games and failed te ii.t anv n re-sm h, - "; ,;,. feature of ih-.f-rthm. llll,l(!1 . ,.(JU, , step the foxy The greatest number of tallies hatted in by Uutli in one contest was four ."K,,1":,'," "ii.' SentiM, a .' A,.-..t. , ....! . I;., n, ,hjch K" "iair ., "ternn mi.i -., TJ.iHi'u eei-,1 In hnttinu in runs ast seasen: c it, inm.irrew lilBht . Tr- Mrm.Ti la pr. - ne , arrived thin ear Aiiin en - --- - - e.,r.ni4 i. come line rei m..trnii ...is Ii ; . J . - Aenlnst Philadelphia, 2S--On heuii runs, 14, singles, ft; double- 1; -"''" . - triples, I?; infield outs. 1. Against Detroit, 2(1 On home run-, 21 . turles I. singles. 1 Aenlnst WnHhlnBtnii. 2,r On home runs. 1,1; singles, ,1; doubles. 2. ins. 13 , triples, ,1 : singles. ,1 ; infield Itlplea, 1 ; Infield outs, 1 ; sacrifice tiles, 1. Agnlnft St Leuis, 2.1 On home runs IV cats, 3 : snrrlfiec flies. 1 ?, Aenlnst Rosten. 22 On home runs, 1(1; singles, 3: triples. 1. doubles. Vf 1: sacrifice tiles. 1. Against Chicago. 21 On home runs, CJ ; inneiit out.,. .. , triples, j. ueu-- blcH, S; singles, 2. Agninst Cleveland, 21 On home runs, 15. triples, .1, singles, 2; deu- rcuunehi I0!l. bu I'ublic l.iAatr Campait tr, bt O'DOWD-GIBBONS BOUT OFF lexing contest here October 25 us a 'result of Governer .1. II. A. Hubert son's decision that the bout would vle- tlexlng Club Officials Cancel Match 'ate the Stnte law. Following Governer's Decision I I''" fiht te have besn held in reiiunmu -w ..i Wieh Itn. Kan., but was transferred m Tubft, Ohla.. O-l 1" Ohclnls r f " Kaa efflp,,, had r- tbe Oil C'fv t 'ct . ("nb hf.v- nban , i,,.,,. t., ne'-mt the premnteis te held it ClnrL. nf Al.tni'.WI UK. h .,.,. n.r ,. '.- ., ,..,., .... . .. KfilH ,' Iluffnle N iTiuav nin. ain; I -da, nleli' he 'vt" 'tieeunlr Jvrl, r i, no- ' fan r"'-'r VIil"s I ..-I, Mr irrwi wti" wa" be.ievet tn I ,, artft'd thr ll,s I'. eln . v i i ' f fill fl) hOW Itp en a I.UMV battler i-rldav n unt i i . , - . At.. at Allentown. Hutui '. ntil t I-at I rail . ' '. I. "M "1 "" f ' ' ' ",, ,1' . ' M.c-irr..n fa. lehn.ii 'c enn a' Lancaster. I'd bv 1 .1 VI nu . , p , ' ; f t ti' mil li ' un I ,i i - I 1 h ,. - . i .1,1 hii i ' . I " '" is- i nl. be -l cue el T . r ,1,1 i i u Vi-.'-d ' 1 'e. a la t.. I .'h' .-nr a .,,'.. in li t'en Mennlnrf t.f'., .11. aal.l. t.iat a I thriw wn , ,l,l . nd ihe I 4H l,rP llnurnu a uinn i i.hii Vn prrt iircil'i i'h.'i n 1 T . B , O'Uevvil'MlU lubbeiis ty hf.v- aban . l ' .iiilddiewelgb unit uUiciaU. nnc-ied i. rile lpnls f-i' All iHintums art en the i.rei.,m of tl. p pvlut a bexlnvr show t'.moneH ntif).' lth two eui-nf-tnwn youths In tna wind-up T am i -lii v Dvrun Nw Ki-Klanti uti raw punchnr and Al VValk'r of Cnllfernla Tl 1 1 tin Vim k w Je Nflaen In the iuiiii j te. '" .. Uutta mm Jul Uk.'n' v .Mickvy Jterrla i jrM cerwE u i aveujcheiT ,:,, "notice I JiJ!iiSSiaMi"y''"",Tm'mf'J"'a'''"'1lr'""'""T TOMORROWrS MENU n mn tufi I Clam Chowder Choice of Perk Chops jff " f I Fried Sweet roiaieem, ,ss. - - - - - 1 or Halibut Steak (Platter) M I Rolls and Butter Coffee and Milk SQ T aSK.. CAFE OPEN EVERY SUNDAY ZZXlt matmnwsmmssmm "isifMv f -.'.- iTi'vA i r -.!, r .iiia I ..'.. ftl U.m ' VtrA P ..-'.;-ff:-:.-:v4 ,,',,.i!!JcJ,V,'"Wy A 'for -4 I 'lis W ii in me uintiii -,', .ii,,:.'.,y, M ie vveu easil.v , U '".'Vr''-Vs''s(it'.' step the fexv V 5-v.;r.V',,':,A'-?V .' I J m0:i8 i '; "7i7, J1P ffl '' a w&wm I special urucri ..v.wee a n f" "' .. ?rr w L.0Dllfri, b '.,.' '"n"7I) M st.k., I v;:;;:i$; I .auui, te., i :-:.v:.-:. :-i.w n DrliTerd tMjt :...V...,'..r.v.W pari of city. 1 :.:'"0:.:,..'i'!:f1?ti& 1 Nemin.i I '::':'.'.' ::.i:'iii B Deiif.rr -:;-: ::; ':'$!. i cb.n. ::.:.?, 'fil'. a m6 W&$M 1 1 mm 1 a !' f--f w-i luUt4 M THE BIG SALE IS NOW ON MOST EXTRAORDINARY VALUES EVER OFFERED n 250,000 Lord Baltimeres Manufacturer forced te sell at less than cost te produce. This brand has had a successful sale with us at close te twice our present prices. 3.25 Bex of 50 "Favorita," Big Pcrfectes, 2 for 25c Size LARGE INVINCIBLE 25 in a Bex $1-&S 10c Size "STRAIGHT'S" '2 40 Bex 50 i GIVF. US A TRIAL ORDhR. WE REFUND IF NOT SATISFACTORY BLAZING THE TRAIL TO LOWER PRICES PARCEL POST PREP AW r HOLT CIGAR CO. n NetSly 14-16 SO. BrOad St. Square wit r. iienng" vnm Yaaturaay until 11 o'clock. Dell Phene, Spruce t n & u, ,"h- J- A .".,; , ,, . .te-