'- ,'tV' " ''," 4V v Ky j - L &2 .CZ,i,J .Jk-- ll-i iMii&ii-a k--.w ixu 11 -j Organ Plays at 9, 11 nnd 4:15 WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S WEATHER Unsettled ,istt' Stere Opens at 9 Stere Closes at 5 ClilmcR at tioea There Is Always Pleasure and Profit in a Visit te Wanamaker's "Blew,Wind,and Crack Your Cheeks," Mr. Talkative but you cannot budge roots se long growing and se deep down. The little, new branches of the lice arc gentle and yHling and net likely te resist, but each has its threads and counterparts far down below the surface. Only when well rooted is it possible te stand the storms. Were this sixty-year-el4 business enterprise all en the outside it would only be a show place. The grace and beauty of the outward structure has an equally enduring super eminence in the high favor awarded teit by the public at large during the- pasjt three score years. Signed October IS, 1921. QM ymfe A Purchase of Fine New Silks te Sell Very Lew Indeed Silks that women nre buying te make up into afternoon gowns, the useful separate skirt, foundations, linings for wraps, in fact they cover very many of the silk needs for this coming Winter. The prices, however, are the smallest at lehich ire have sold silks of this qual ity for many years past. There are printed radiums in most attractive designs, 40 inches wide, at $2 a yard. The always-popular pcrika- dotted foulard, 36 inches wide, at $1.50 a yard. Beautiful new plaid satins in dark, rich colorings, 36 inches wide, at $2 a yard. Fine multicolor striped taffetas, 36 inches wide, at $2 a yard. Blue-and-whitc or black-and-white striped taffetas, 36 inches wide, $1.65 a yard. A handsome black-and-white striped taffeta en dark colored grounds, $1.85 a yard. 36 inches. Lustrous black' satin, 36 inches wide, $1.50 a yard. (i:anl AM, mill I'lrM I'lenr)' A Fine Weel Tailored Gewn Is the Mainstay of Her Wardrobe If limited te a single new gown, a wise woman would cheese the smartly tailored cloth street dress, because she appears in it mere frequently than in anything else, and in it she is always well-dressed. Tomorrow we shall have 100 Such Gowns Specially Priced at $50 They are extremely smart man-tailored models of finest quality tricetine. Peiret twill and wool duvetii, in beautiful shades of walnut, tete de negre and brighter brown?, midnight blue and black. Seme are finely braided, ethers hand embroidered in chenille, ethers ornamented only with a bright girdle. They have the three essentials of a well-tailored street gown simplicity, quality and style. And the fact that they usually sell for from $7.50 te $15 mere gives thorn the fourth important qualification of economy. There are coat models, redingote models, tunic models, bloused models and the loose-fitting straight-line models that require just this perfect tailoring te give them dis tinction. In the sizes from 34 te 42 will be found fashions that suit every diversity of figure. FIrM Fleer) An English Velveteen Clese te Half Last Year's Price It is ?2.eO a yard and a Viy line, beautiful quality, fast col or, of course, nnd 27 inches wide. Alse there aie a great many of the most fashionable shades for dresses, evening wraps and childieii's coats. Cordovan, walrus and Havana brown, laurel green, garnet, damson, mahogany, gobbler led, ever green and all the arieus blues such as electric, N'apoleen, papjihiu- and na. (I lrl rlenr) A Werd About Certain Coats That Many Women Liked The;, are some very lovely fur tnmmcd behvias and silk-and-wool duvetyiis that have been se popular we have had te ask many women te wait until we could order mere. The new shipment has just arrived and all the prettiest stylet, are new here. In colors there aie black, cinnamon. Malay brown, tortoise shell, navy and taupe. A soft warm belivia trimmed with a large cellar and cuffs of mole and panel pockets of mole reaching te the hem. It is $125. An unusually pretty model in behvin with narrow strap belt nd cellar and cuffs of beaver or wolf at SI 50. A beautiful wool duvetyn with most effective stitehinc the new wide sleeve partly closed, and a dyed s'Uiiiei cellar, ""$176. And a giaceful. fulNsleeved wrap of wool duvetyn with tas sels finishing the sleeves and n huee cellar of wolf fur, $175. rirt I loer) Silk Nightgowns Wf have just leceived two prelrJ. ty iy!cs of pink ycrepe de chinc; nightgowns for large women, a talleied model at 58.50 and one wtli a geed deal of lace trim ming at M0 i I lilrcl I luiiri New and Bewitching Sports Hats and Scarfs Eliane, of Paris, gave our milliners their initial in spiration for these smart matching confections. Tomorrow we show some of the most delightful ex amples of the vogue. Eliane's scarfs and hats were of knitted and plaited wool. This mode we duplicate. Ex hibited with these are hats and scarfs of silk duvetyn in lovely old Paisley colorings ; of bright cire satin and wool and beads, of French wool, and ether materials. The new high-colored felt sports hats from Paris are also shown; and the most original and charming Eng lish models in wool and velour. Celer is the keynote of all this new sports millinery color that will make a vivid note in town as well as country costumes. (Second Fleer) IGl "Syj "'A French Neckwear These lovely new things from Paris include cellars, cel-lar-and-cufl" set3, vestees and "modesties," nil of organdie and exquisitely wrought by hand in bin d and eyelet work. Cellars arc $-1 te ?0. C'ellar-and-cufT sets, .?(! te SS.50. Vestees S3. "5 upward. Modesties, S2 te S7.50. Main I loin ) -4 Girl Could Net Find Better Blouses than these metly waists in fi te Ik car sues that have just come mte Hip Girls' Stoic. lhr air mi'de tight and blouse ju ( mmich te lie girlishly piet'v Of wniic ihina ailk or mi tin a I pentef ilk with pleated fJ?e t" .nllar and cuffs nnd (l'dlel n'rat down fient, at Of tiiu , Inched gingham or l pint, hiup or white seisctte will, r,,M-ergel cellar nnd tuft ,,. .,-., "'mnil fleer) These $32.50 Tweed Suits for Yeung Women have made a fine reputation. The tweed i of excellent quality, herrma bone or mixed, in brown, blue, russet or gray colorings. They have the new longer coats, with either high-buttoned et Ien. notch cellars, big patch pockets, wooden-looking buttons, lining of goon peau de cygne and interlining. The tailoring i geed, and they have altogether the snapp line. a young woman of 14 te 20 demands in her street sun, lUit win", h an seldom found for $32.50. (ernil Fleur) Women's Fine Washable Mecha Gloves A mocha glove that washes 'il.e the.se i a tieas-uie. It is n leas soft or beautifully colored after it tubbing than befeie. It took j ears te peifcct a colored mocha glove te thx point, and "Hi customers apnrecinle them. One-clasp. eiit.cam--ewn, with Londen point einbieideiy, $1.5u .4 paii. Hcautiful shades of fawn, sand, pastel, gray and white. I M n In I lour) Spencer Weather 'I he?e changeable days of early lull aie the time- when women like thee warm little jackets te wi-ur undei coal e wrap. Lung'-bluevcd veisted -penceis with purled wais and buttoned fient, ?2; puiled uai-t and sur plice fient. .--2.."D. A variety of toleis in both style-. A little let of mohair, alpaca and zephyr spencers in aiieu ioIeis aie marked ,e each, which i- about half price, because there hip net all cnlnin in eai h style, i 1 ii 1 I limr i Pointers Annpe, of han h0u,e-cleaning nSFian'1 i''-ing of mirror "'PM'iif frames, and will clean no le-line m m.im;,, i.mi "uert "'" l,e f"n,ished"nn re. 'I Hill riunri nrli.ff f"' buieu. Mdebeiiiih ttl5n",p P',"'- Th(,.v bve h'avy tlim0flVli",: nnd rip lai-V thrtt ,. ,nR "nwUmPa colored. "' UC8. nrlcna .'la,. i ( ;':... "'' ""'I Alll) A New Sweater Is Made of Chenille Yeu must see it te realize hew pretty it is. The chenille has a high luster and the. sweater is the slip-en stie with a deep V neck. It is entirely hand made. In a golden tan, navy blue and bright green at $40. (FlrM Fleer) New $5.50 Overblenses Are Unusually Pretty The material is a soft crepe de chine and they aie made in the slip-ever style, opening a little way down the front and trimmed with fageting. The cellar is one of the new features; it can be worn either buttoned up closely or turned down low. In navv, Mohawk or bisque. (Third Fleer) Women's Handkerchiefs $1.50 a Dezen ney shipment is here. But l is only fair te women wdie wftir thise handkerchiefs te say flu I they go qui almost a seen ap they arrive. (VfMt Al.l.) Hundreds of Fresh, New Coats and Hats for Children Arrive at Special Prices Beth hat and coats come te in ir icmarkiihly Inu prices because it is the. end of the maiiulacturi-i s' season, ecn while it is the beginning of outs, and because the coat wote made te our order from ends of mateiials The. hats are all of the desir desir able beaver, and aie -ailer., pel.es, short-hacked sailor, every thing, with streamers and without, in all lbi geed winter i is but especially browns. Their -ir.e-, aie two te eight venr ' nd their prices aie ,3 7." te SH ' The coats are chinchillas, hroadileths and suede ilelhA in the fashionable shades of blown, besides blues and tan. Thev te mostly deuble-breasted and aie all sturdy winter coat.-., 'lined and interlined. Senu- of the finest aie fur trimmed. Sizes are two te six vents, nriu-s $14.5(1, $18 Te, S24, vin and $;i.". i I'lllril I lour i Beautiful Leather Goods Vehet calfskin ni tides from England, exqui.-ite in their ,nft shades of mode and tan. Uandbugs, 'kerchief Uhcs, wallets, caid cases, cigarette cases, match rases, cellai bag, trawling mils, jph-pI rases, traveling ca-es and many nevelne. Prices lange from $1.2") te SiUi, x (Miiin Fleer) Twe New Letitia Corsets They aie for .-lender women, and consequently aie vnv light and almost boneless. One made of a pink maleiial opens w the back enlv and is topless; also it has horizontal lines of blue emhieiderv The ether is also topless nnd has a narrow band of e!wtic mound if.' Each is $4.50. (Third fleer) AH of Our Famous Anatemik Shoes for Men and Women te Be Sold at Once for Half Price We have been compelled in the interest of our customers te change the maker of our Anatemik shoes. They have always been well made and honestly these famous health shoes they are as geed as geld and our customers tell us that they find them worth their price two or three times ever for their comfort and their excellence. But since the demoralization of wartime indus trial conditions we have net been able te get them finished with the nicety and excellence that we require. Therefore, we are changing makers. They will be made henceforward for us in what is probably the world's most famous factory for fine shoes. nr F e Im) w r MM fi i f ACf m J Mi f m& If 4 m xm '( vlUW' FVT..rEB..20..ta JI But involved in the change is the disposition of a few thousand pair remaining in our stocks. We are net going te mix these with the new shoes when they come in. We are going te dispose of them at once and we will put them en sale tomorrow morn ing at just half price, as follews: L Women's Anatemik High Shoes. Half Price, $6.25 Women's Anatemik Lew Shoes. Half Price, $5.50 (Flrt Fleen Men's Anatemik Lew Shoes (Three Styles Only). Half Price, $6.25 Men's Anatemik High Shoes (Five Styles). Half Price, $6.75 Beys' Anatemik High Shoes (One Slile). Half Price, $4.85 Net every style and every size for everybody, but geed selection throughout. (.Main Fleen Men's Gelf Jackets in Camel'S'Hair Celer ' Light-weight coat sweaters of all-wool which arc delightfully warm and can-be worn beneath n coat without bulkincss. The price is $10, which is de cidedly moderate for a jacket of this quality. (.Mull) Fleer i A Man's Reflection Looms Large m this magnifying shaving mir ror, which is especially geed for a close shave, nnd it can be made te either stand up or hung uyen the wall. Traveling men paiticularly like this mirror for the little space it takes up in the grip. It is modet medet ntely priced at ?4. Other shaving mirrors from $2.50 te $11. (Uain T'loer) Useful Sterling Silver Gifts for Almest Any Man Belt buckles are always wel come. There are any number of very pretty patterns from $1.75 te ?15.50 and this in cludes the leather belt. Cigarette cases are another geed suggestion, $10.50 te $63,' the latter having geld stripes. Safety match box holders, $2.25 te $6. Collapsible cigarette holders, $4.50. Cigar cutter and pocket knife combined, $1.50 te $6, Military brushes, $21 te S42 a pair. (Main Fleer) Fer the Best in Beys' Clothing See these Norfolk suits in 8 te 18 year sizes, at $16.50 te ?30. See the fine collection of suits N with two pair of trousers, at 5-16.50 te $28., Alse the wonderful as.seitment of overcoats, in ". te 18 year sizes, at $16.50 te $38. And see any ether smts and overcoats that you caie te leek at. (rrenil Hoen Geed Towels of Pure Linen Just Opened It is wise te leek for linen tow -els where you are suie of pure linen. All of these ae of puii1 linen nnd they are of geed quality. They aie net "bargain" towels, of the doubtful quality that comes .-e high in the lone iiin. They aie towels fei people who aie looking fei genuinely geed ones at the most reasonable pi ices. The shipment brings heavy, full-bleached Stelen huckaback towels with hemmed ends, sire 19x38, at 7ec each Huckaback towel? with neat damask borders, hemstitched, size 20x36. at $1 each. Fine huckaback towels with damask borders all around, iize 20x40, at $1.50 each. Belgian towels in an exception exceptien fllly pretty combination of the huckaback and damask effect, and in generous size, 25x40 and 25x42, priced at $1 75 and 12. according te sue Guest towels of fine huckaback with hemmed ends, size 14x20, are in the collection at 40c each. Other guest towels of hucka back with hemstitched ends and medallion borders, -.ize 15x22, are 75e each. i Fir. I Meer i LewPriced Bed Muslins They are of geed quality and weight for this nme of year and thei'e are .ill the met desirabl SI7CS. Pillow Cases Nippon Tea Cups and Saucers $4 a Dezen A new special purchase of goods that have been very scarce of late. They are of Nipponese china, handsomely decorated in feui different patterns and colors characteristic of this distinctive waie. The price, St a dozen, is much less than the tegularlv prevail ing figure. 1 1 eurili t lour i New Lets of Much-Desired Oriental Rugs at the Lewer Price Scale Beautiful pieces, including Chines' carpet of fine, beav quality, in iich, striking blue, golden, taupe and peach-bloom tints. K.xquisite Persian Saruks, in mat sizes suitable for doorways and thteshelds just such little piet e as hase of late been se scarce and ought after. Small Kermanshahs, in delicate rep, blue and iverv shades, lovely piece for boudens. And, in addition, we har the recently unbaled let of extra heavy Mesuls in their led, blue and ecru shades thesfin sizes, 3 te 3 6 bv 1 te 5 ft. ' " Eveiy piece in the cellet tmn. from thn Mesuls at .V37 up te the Chinep carpet at $205 te S12.", gift or hcaut and enduring worth. i m cnlh I lour i Blankets of Quality Lewer Priced Than in Years Tneie are mere blankets of an inrenei quality in the market today than there have been in cars. The wei-!t thing about man. of ihm i that thev leek sightlv and t heap at the pi ice. Rut as a mattei of fai t, the . heaper the leek the deaier they ar. If you pay a reasenablp piee ter a blanket of long, staple wool, ei of long, staple wool-and-cotton. ou aie going te le mere for your money than if ou paid les for a blanket of sheddv Our stocks aie full of blanket-, of real quality nnd they are priced lower than they hae been in yeais Individual blankets of all-wet I. 7'M inches are heie at $10 each. The-e aie believed te be the be-t nil-wool blankets in America today. at the price We also luue tine, ail-wool bUtikfts n the pair at 3I2 in thu doue'e-bed Mzr, which tre unexcelled (ioed, part-wee! tlankts double-bed sup. begin at ?e" a pair i -l tit Fleer t w' HEU! - - ," '- II Bolster Cases ? X 72 IlKhM At 4 :r im he t Sheets 13 x 90 M x 33 72 90 7') j. 39 II X 3D (1 X 39 Inches nt tnchM inches m inches at Inches at Inches at (Tlret Fleer) .r 10r 3Sr $1 1 tl in Sl.in II 10 The Wonders of the Ampice feet ivppidia in"; piaivi ni keep enr- -inmn'iii rpiiuir.., rd ipcti-p tht in? flitluult te describe in Ampu en the ground, .se tn ne.iU Te de msticc te this in;ir'leU m seprn extravagant." Unless you have heard an Ampic ,,la ,Hi can have .,., concept inn ul is pemers. It is net enough te think of n as a ver.v line plavor-mane. as its reproducing principle i totally dihVrent f,,.m anv of these The Ampice reproduces the playing of the world's greatest pianist with such absolute fidelity that no. even a musical exper.can X j h ?nnL2nflPrTS Uyeen l,he Pl'rfrmnc. of the ms.n.ment an "r fermance ei the artist who made the roll. . .hV'l!,kf man' PlR;vp,,-Pn- thP Ampice give.- I he fulle,, ,atislarnen te thebP of musual education and d.scernmen. , well as , ther . fn ar" ipss demanding ' ,u tuaJhi" fAmpirn, ,s sSateil with fne of America, greatest mHnn and ihese instruments are found in WanamakerV nnlv m Philadeiphia- Chickering-A mpica H nines Bres, A m,jice Sehemacker-Amnicn Marshall & Wendell. Ampive and the Celebrated Knabe-Ampiee it 850UtettVn3,n81 f thcSP in Cithr fn"1 pu,np or p,p,1-'' model, at .beU te $4000, and en convenient term-, if you prefer. leciiml llenr; tll 'U m