Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 18, 1921, Night Extra, Page 21, Image 21

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    ".Bitv. t - j.. 'MJ V t ""'tC SCl JJ
I ft"T"
Ffeihk Bruggy, Philly
Southerners Hnve Anethor
Great T6am Helsman Drills
Second Team Backs in Defense
Virginia Military Institute, ha an
other great team till year in spite of
the defeat suffered last Saturday at the
hands of Virginia. The "Flying
Cadets." te judje br the comment of
the Tenn players nnd coaches, because
of their reverse, are net te be taken
tee lightly and may pull the unexpected,
1 as they did last season, when Penn wif
' fered the first defeat of the year at the
bands of the, Lexington collegian.
The Red and Blue scout who wit
, n6scd the cadets iu Action last Satur
day brought back reports that they
hav! another tricky eleven, one similar
,te last year's, which thrilled the natives
here and about with their spectacular
formations and forward -pass plays.
The fame old three men en one i-lde.,
an open space of about three jards and
then the center, nnd three linesmen en
the ether side, with the four backs dl
played behind the primary defense, la
used again this year, and with much
success in spite of the defeat of last
"Virginia Military Institute ha a
treat. a minute with Its fantastic for
mations and plays." said n I'enn grad
vesterday. It shown an attack that
In ta versatile as last year's. Us
forward passing is the best in the
Seuth, while its trick plays are
'enough te upset the most, time-worn
. Eurprlsed at Defeat
"I was really surprised that the'eadets
'were defeated. They secmeil te me te
'be outplaying their opponent, but just
when they neeaca a icw .vara mum--thing
seemed te go wrong and they lest
, the pigskin. I might say, however,
that they have an exceptional! fast
back field and a line that, while a
trifle light, has all the strength and
power of a much bigger one.
"They miss Jimmy Leech n let this
.year. The slippery little halfback of
last season who made menkev out of
'the Penn team when he started his
famous runs. Is nsslstine with the
coaching this season nnd giving the
flavers the benefit of bis knowledge,
underhand that he vas in Philadel
phia en Saturday nnd witnessed the
Penn-Swarthmore game. The Red and
Blue will have te perfect a forward
pass defense during the coming week or
the Southerners will repeat their
triumph of last fall.
Taw lev, nt quarterback, and Shannen
and Coftelle, at the halves. sr. new
men tills year, but all are fast and
hm assimilated a let of the keen foot feet
rail taught by" Spfuhan. their coach.
Hunting, the huskv haekfield star of
Inst seaien. is -still back of the line,
hitting the opposition with. It seems, a
little "mere force than lift did last sea
son. That fellow Bunting would make
a rejulr.r place in the backfield of any
one ef the bi3 teams In this section,
lie je fmr. can Mdearm and sidestep
like a much lighter man. and can bank
a line like Ren Derr did in his palmiest
davis en Franklin Field.
Summers, the big tackle of last year.
is the captain of this year's aggregation.
Hl caliber i well known by the Ud
and lilue players who faced him last
venr. Drewry. who scored a touch
down against Penn lat venr. plays his
end pest again., while Miller. Harrison
and Hunt, all of whom sew action last
rear, are en this season's eleven. Wes Wes
cett, at left guard, completes the vet
erans. Rldgley, a new man. Is en the
ether end pest. Miller is nt center,
Harrison at guard and Hunt plays
"That completes as fine a team as can
b found In the Seuth in an institution
boasting of the student population of
V. M. I. It Is a great little college
team and Penn had better beware."
Scrimmage Drill Keen
Yesterday Tem MeNamara, coach of
the scrubs, taught his team the Vir
ginia formations for about an hour, and
then sent them against the varsity. They
carried the ball but a few times and
then with but little success.
Heisman. after a short try-out with
tie Virginia plays, stnrted the scrubs
and tecend and third elevens in a scrim
mage drill that lasted for almost an
hour, and which showed that the Red
and Blue team is coming along fast The
backs In particular looked geed yester
day afternoon. Krall and TVltmer each
scored touchdowns en the kick-off by
using the straight arm te advantage and
by following brilliant interference.
Temmy Krall, the former Lansdowne
High Scheel star, was back in harness
vesterday and ripped up the scrub line
time and time again He showed a let
of power in his driving through the
line and it would net be nt all surpris
ing te find him In Saturday's game.
Langden. who was the fourth mcmbei
of the backfield quartet, played u
sterling game, getting off scernl long
runs that elicited praise from the
It was a day of rest for the varsity
yesterday, although tcveral of the vet
erans took a workout by hurling for
ward passes and punting. Bill Grave
was en the field, but net in uniform.
He experts te get started this nfternoen
and says that he will be fit te enter
Saturday's game. Mike WJiltehill was
given the afternoon off, but the reaches
expect te see him start against the flying
The Hospital List
Johnn I.ukas, the Shameklu lad
who had te be assisted from the game
en Saturdaj , walked around the field
with a cane yesterdaj. the resuU of a
badly sprained ankle. He. like his two
rarslty brethren, expects te play Satur
daj afternoon. Johnny Thurman, who
has hfen suffering from a bad knee for
rueral weeks and who saw but little
action against Swnrthuiere. is another
veteran who expects te get into the
Same Saturdaj
Happy Day. the varsity center, has r.
bruis'd shlnbene that Is causing him
'11 kinds of trouble. lie Injured hi
leg in Saturday' game, hut continued
te held down his pest at center In spite
Jf intense pain. According te Dr.
Uftht. the team physician. Day will be
hie 10 plaj nt the end of the week.
"hlle the he.pitnl list Is an Impos Impes
lag one. the reaches nrc net worried,
for they leek for everj man te be remlv
"J Saturdaj. With the experience th
jwewl hacks ie getting dally the will
ripe for uvular dutj shortly n ml will
Be able te relieve the regulars in the
lehnny Hern, the Salt Lake Cln hoi .
mar be out of the Rnnie for another
7 week, as a result of water ou the knee.
Me recovered last week from a frac
ii. .u. ",(pr an,, Mectrd te see ac
tion this coming week.
Barahet Ready for Werk Today
Annapellft Md.. On 18 -The Navn
t th,.n'hl0!llb,! M31 hec.l lule ln.
tturd.v ..r2 ".".' wMr' Princeton en
kck iV." n-i "."" wh0 w Injured ly
thV fiS;.rr,n,?,en cMln. leek ii rt for
lEJuy " en' but ttl" 1)9 rat)y 'r work
lliriSitu .. l"." "r-
'i iirn ii,tv rannrian inc niuni
- iwi I'ieubiia
. -
Heisman Dreps McMullcn
Frem Penn Varsity Team
Ed McMullcn, who started at
end against the Swarthmore eleven
last Saturday for Pennsylvania en
Franklin Field, wa dropped from
the squad yesterday by I lend
Coach Heisman, While nothing
efficlnl has been given out concern
ing his depesal, It la said that Mc
Mullcn did something that could
net be construed as sportsmanlike
In the Gnrnct game Saturday,
He, was withdrawn from the game
at the start of the third period by
Heisman. nnd Sullivan, who later
caught the forward pass that
enabled Penn te tie the Garnet, re
'loved htm. Ne reason was seen
for the change, but It has been
whispered around since that Mc
Mullcn was withdrawn ter feiiic
unspertsmanlike act. It will be
iccnlled that thr referee chased
him from the Gettysburg game a
week previous for an altercation.
NTredyffrin's Resurfaced Putting
Spaces in Fine, True Condi
tion for Guilferd-Hunter Tilt
The clean-sweep due of the recent
national amateur golf championship nt
St. Leuis will appear here tomorrow
for what is expected te be the non-phi
ultra golfing treat of the jenr. The
due is composed of Jesse Guilferd,. he
wen the nmnteur championship, anil
Francis Ouiinct, who wen the national
medal when he set n new course record
out there. As n pair they wen the
American Gelfer Trophy against all the
ether national club pairs.
Fer the rebuttal appears Willie
Hunter, champion of all Britain, paired
with Max Alarsten. Pennsylvania cham
pion, who had Oulmet three down
after the morning round nt the na
tional. Marsten holds the course record
at Tredjffrin, where the match will be
This is the second golf treat of the
year provided b this hustlin? cluh nut
.there In the heart of Pneli. Pa. Last
time Jim Barnes. American open cham
pion, nnd Jee Kirkwood, Australian
chnmplen. played Marsten and Beb
Barnett. tin club pre. It was a highly
successful affair, the only drawback
being that the greens were net in the
prime of condition, due te the various
maladies which have hit everv course
virtually all ever the country this year.
Kirkwood scored the best that dav with
a total of 140 for 30 holes, but failed te
break the record.
Mushroom Seil
Right after that match work was
started en the greens. Every one of
them has been resurfaced since then nnd
the course in general nil cleaned up and
pressed. The greens, were treated with
mushroom seli, nnd today they nrn ab
solutely true, se that the putts are ex
pected te drop this time.
The )UtfMig surfaces, however, are
tery fast, a little tee fast, tome of the
members think. Fer instai'ce. they t,av
.it the fourteenth and eighteenth sloping
greens it is possible te roll clean off
if you get te twitching and evcr-cap-pinr.
A feature will be smie of the notables
In th" galhrj. Among these will be
Governer Spnul. a golfer, and Majer
Moere, who will hnve a rhaiu'fti le Vee
what it s all about. City Solicitor
David Smythe will b. present and Gen
eral Jehn A. Johnsten, of the Thirty
fourth Division, will represent the
Tlie-c notables will all be the guests
ei wr. .1. Jtiair hpencer nt his country
home about a mile from the course for
n lunrlieeii between the rounds of the
thirty-six-hole match. The p'njers
nnd members of the cemmitter in dinner
of I he tournament will also be guests
nt thla .iffair.
Club officials in char?e of huce gal
leries such as are present at national
championships and the bis inhibition
matches in this country are gradually
swinging around te what is deemed hy
the puffing galleryites as a w-lse move.
That is, the Idea of repea is belug
Ne Ropes
Thers wilt b no ropes at the 'jedf
fiin Country Club tomorrow and pleas
ure nt thK announcement should be
Instead of repjng them hi nnd having
a great tumble of humanity fighting
le get an uujii'lding grip en the life
lines, a small committee will have
charge of the gnllerv. holding up I he
hand like a Nere te ask for the halt,
and murmuring "fore" in orderly man
ner te cemmnud attention for the next
Fans are asked te respect these orders
and forever. ban re;ics into the discard.
J. Cepe Morten is in chnrge nf the
whole nffair. There is n woman's com
mittee In churge of refreshments nnd
this, thnt and the ether. One thou
sand Jutes can be : arked out there,
and a tremendous crowd is expected.
Willi. Hunter arrived in town today
and will give the course a tling this
afternoon. Oulmet and Guilferd arrive
at A. M. tomorrow nnd will be
whlked direct from the West Phila
delphia station te Paoli.
Cec'l I.ltrh states In nn urtli-l that,
nimmarlzliH" thf p!ay or American weirifn.
ftif finds It b romp""W of -joed swlnfts.
lack of lilt m'tr-awlnxlnr Irons nm In.
cenipMenc v'th the rlte'i. This Is "roughly
taklnir," according te th artlel. but
fairly accural.
Tlie triple tie 'n thi Anient and Honnr Hennr
hl tournament for srend prlrs -as iron
hj H TV WejmI Atlantic l"it. en Thursday
with 891070 A B Stott Krankferd
was nsxt with 0(- 12 S2 and Them M
Flt.Trrald. I.Unerch. v Ith tOfl 13 S3.
Mr. T1ttli lMTMrr flltnn, formerly
of Old Yerk Head rscsntly wen the dub
charrplenahln at ri mouth In in flnl
round she defeated Miss Kathnn Scheldt.
lr. P r. II Heffmin Is the latest mHnl
"nkman with 4 oed claim te eligibility
In the "Ilnle-ln-One Club " T)r Heffman
elcd iml al the seventh hole wh'le a-arnlfinir
one day at rUixboreuch All su'h neephvtaa
Hr a hnx of trelf IihIIs com In it te them
b sendltiK tbelr attested cards tn the
f.elf rnmpanj donating
lee f';blf lnwerd the course toceni un--Tlclalv
si fobs Creek when he and
Hamilton placed Paul Tewkbur and O. v
flievn Cehle. had a 7fl Aaralnet a 77
whtih lh say was the old mark.
Pie rlvnlrr between w. H. Gardner and
n Clarke C'erkran came te a head at Man
"he.ter this summer nhen Corkran net hack
it Oardner. And el hack se etrenrly. that
in-.lner pluved the decldln hole with a
ntbllcl, In feurtern elrnkes
i'i,e second ""'I elulilli rrsn at rine
Valllev are said te 1 In n slate nf
entnlAscenca aa the result of haUii lieen
tern np and resurfaced. Thsv are cemlnr
around flne. Tear after next Pine V: i
expeeted te est the national amateur championship.
-!.n r '" .(i sMtt.tu''"' '
u', ": ' ": e r.,v,
Backstop, Fails tes Score in the First Basketball Game of
Visitors Engage St. Martins Te-
'day in Practice Shew Fine
Stickwerk and Spoed
It will net be a case of meek "little
lambs led te slaughter" when the St.
Martins team me'ets the All-F.ngllsh
women's field hockey team this nfter nfter nfter
neon at the Philadelphia Cricket Club.
The St. Martin? team, which Is in
reality the Philadelphia Cricket Club
second team, though playing in the
first division of the local Heckej League.
It all jet te give their overseas op
ponents a geed tussle, outclassed though
the local team is acknowledged te be.
The Ensllsh team, which has eight
International plajers and stars picked
from all sections of England, had it"
first workout at the ("lermnntewn
Cricket Club yesterday afternoon. The
jeung ladles dashed en the Held lahlng
out with their hockey sticks as young
colts leap with kicking herls into a
field of clever.
Spirit of Youth
First te burst from the dretens renni
onto the field, like the spirit of youth
and joy rampant, came Klttt" Lidder
dale, acclaimed as the greatest woman
hockey plnycr the world ha yet pro
duced. Hhe is a comely little maid, with
sun -kissed cheeks and her blend hair
made blender by censtnni life in the
out of doers.
This wee nthtete was dref.ted jn the
uniform the English girls will wenr in
their matchf. here. Simplicity, you
might say. was the keynote. Of course.
they wear cm snort tins enr, out t tie
English girls are wearing 'em shorter.
Their garb is a bright red tunc net
even approaching the knee. The open
neck and snort sleeves ei tueir wniie
blouses peek forth from the sleeveless
tunic. I he color of which wa chosen le
represent the English rose.
The Yankee team ibis car will adept
the English style. Jake Uray. who is
(quipping I he locals, had hi women's
designer ou the job je!terdav and the
American costume' will be out In short
order. It will probably be a blue tunic
and all the rest of it.
The English plajers wear a shield en
their heaving besoms with the initlnle
of their team ami Hie hngii'.u rose
Jelly T,ltr.
Miss Udderdale -nr snared away
from the practice a few moments and
tniUeri enthuslasticalb of the jelly
time they expected te have ever her".
It was great te ic wivm-u "uu
nhe said. "We vc only been Here a
day. but it a wonderful.
Thn English nlnjers den r go in ler
tralnlnz in the American sense of the
word, but they hnve theh own way of
keeping fit.
"On the beat we hail setting-up ex
ercises every day." explained the Utile
star. "Seme day if was regular arm.
Other davs we did n few turns at a run
around the decks. We just cat what
we feel like eating all the time, no
regular diet or don't eat this and don't
eat that. With some of us en the beat
It was 'dinner without' and with
etticrs It was 'dinner 'n th' puddln'."
she grinned.
Thev believe In "keeping their
hours" and for the ret of It. thej
keep in physical condition hy their!
practice. They go into it with a zest j
and abandon that show better thani
words their love of the game.
"Alwavs nlayed It." continued Miss
T.lrlilerdnlc. "Started when 1 wa
l"n .
years old. The girls play it m i-.ng-
innd as seen r.s they're able in lift a
Eight .Months' Play
"We play H eight month in the ear.
They play It in every ehnel. then In
college and aftr (hat the glrN join
cluhi nnd keep en pming I go te the
Ladies' College, at Cheltenham. We
hnve 850 girls there. About S2n girls
play It at my college, that's all The
reason the ether thirty don't come out
for the team tee Is that some of then:
have weak hearts, physically unable, or
else they are day scholars and have te
catch a train tee early Field hockey
is our woman's national game mere.
"We also play la cresse along with field
hockey. The ether four mouths we play
tennis, golf and cricket."
Asked why she thought the English
players bad the "edge." en Americans.
Mtss Lldderdale said the answer was
"Because we have played it se 'eng
and because we have played since we
were girls eight month") in the year,"
she replied. "At our college we have
five coaches. It's sttcmatlc training
that develop teamwork and stickwerk
mperienre In se many gniiie puis m
en te leti of tricks net de eloped ever
here yet. Rut the girls b'-i-e are .splendid
athletes. Thev learn e cpncklv and
they are se enthusiasti' (. dear, I
suppose we'll sedri be outclassed in field
hecke, tee. Dut that'R for th" future.
Right new this international plav is a
wonderful thing for the game and it's
a great honor and pleasure- te be of as
sistance, te tench anything we knew
and te piay such geed sports.
Miss Lldderdale said It was admitted
that the English team was a little faster
than the All -Philadelphia team that
went ever there larl .veir, "but net
The Hip Turn
"We practice speed, 'he slid. "We
have a way of turning, tee. se that our
backs can catch an opponent almost as
seen as she has passed Instead of
turning en the hips your playeru run
around in turning, loosing time where
we gain."
The English player hare varied and
sundry tricks of stickwerk our players
have net developed They use their
feet te back up the club in stepping
the ball almost continuously, turn the
tee down Instead of playing with the
sole of the club en the ground and have
Other elecr stunts The best of these
Is actually picking up the ball with the
club, ah one scoops a tennis ball, wheel
ing and earning it en the face of the
"It trains the eye." exclaimed Miss
Liddertlnle, "and it often comes in
handy, if ou can de it. We picked it
up from the iren. O, yes, we play the
men In mixed matches when they "come
down for the helidnis. It's real sport
If they are geed plajers. If they're net
Skillful they're tee clumsy and rough
for fun. Thej hump us with their
shoulders and think nothing of our
peer shins."
Miss Lldderdale holds down the mntt
important position en her team, center
forward. She had a geed chance te
size up the American team last cnr
"I think we were able te beat be
cause they have net learned our ,htpm
of short passing." she explained. 'They
use a long pass and open plaj which
we have net found 'the best. Indlvirln.
ally they were fine players but our
teamwork and bunhed play seemed te
. .j ' '.,,! v.1a tk
-. . r : ?,. x
English Heckey Star
I.edRer Photo Serlce,
Mlttj. M. b. CLAY
Mm is goalkeeper of the Mtlng
team which plii.ts a nrnrtlre mat ill
nt .St. Martins today
be nieie s.iiccC'Sfiil We were delighted
with the games they gave us though,
and ire unite cra, mer a chance le
play them ngiln
Off Again
The l'ltlr tt.ir could rlnnd It nn
lunger. All about hoi lhe were kick
ing lb hall with lnstv swipes. It
came near her Dung! She rmacked it
for ,i re. of Imnic rum. arid tore down
the field like the red cow of a comet
darting arms the heavens
Watching the pl-.y en the sidt lines
v-as a dignified iiersen who might have
bfeii the Enrlisn ment" r of the team.
Jake (i-R . nf Spelling's. for it was
indeed he. .'ons-enteil te be Interviewed.
"This i the coming American
v omen's came." beamed Mr. (iiaj ever
a long cigar "I knew. Ihls for n fact.
In ether ,nars wc might hne a de
mand for a hundred or se field hockey
sticks. This year we hnte nlrend old
"UUO. There is tremendous interest In
thce game Our local girls are nat
urally nthlelie. They are taking te this
game like duek" le water. It's great
for errcsc. it has science and excite
ment, ever thins that makes It a line
sport for women. We can't get out the
meterial fasl enough.
"The girls are even getting set te
haie a public field opened In Falrmeunt
Park, and then I'm sure the game will
take like w ildfire "
Mr (irnj paused a few moments te
evp'aiu the intricacies of the club and
br II the heeke.. ists n-c.
Leurle. Garrlty and Snlvely Rejoin
Princeton Grid Squad
J Pi-lneetiiii. V .1 (let 1R The
..,,.! c. t.( I I..I .,,, a, .... '.. f.ntlmll (.(-.itn.1 tic.
I II llll V'l A .l.l.T-l.'.l - IITiUIIIIII -,1!, 1,1V
full again fir the first time in two
weeks, and the Ticcr rooters are hoping
ngniiist hope that In the future the
Orange nnd Black hospital will be nn
unknown thing.
Den Leiiric. Hank Garrlty nnd
"Whoops" Snivcly. quarterback, full
back and end. respectively, bobble
around the Held with mere or Ies ngil
ilj. and II is possible that nil three will
be able te plav in the Chicago game
Princeton, without exception. Is tak
ing the Nav, defeat philosophically.
and there is none te gainsay the state
ment that the Middles clearly outplayed
the Tigers. Captain Stan Keck declared
that the seamen were altogether tee far
advanced for his men and had a dis
tinct advantage all the way.
Ths condition of the team after such
a hard battle lb excellent. Net one
pla.iers is suffering from anything mere
seiieus than bruises.
Intersections! Catholic Club Meet
ing On for Tomorrow Night
Although defeated in Its opening
game by Camden, the Kayeuln Catholic
t'lub is net broken up ever the reverse
nnd awaits the next engagement tomor
row night when it oppose St. Elizabeth
Club. The "Lizzies," as they arc
known, was the eiilv team te administer
a defeat te the downtown club last
Jim Coffey, who handled St. Columba
when that team wen championship
alter chnmplenship in the American
League, is at the bead of the St. Eliza
beth and can be depended upon te have
n geed attraction. A fast and exciting
game should be in store for the faus.
In a preliminary game, the Fortieth
Ward lteservcs and Kayeuln Reserves
will ceme Together. .liminy Rumsey
will de the referpeing.
Fermer Lafayette Grid Star Signs
With Quaker Eleven
' Hull" Lewe, one of the greatest
linemen ever, produced In this section,
has 6igued te play football with Man
ager Lee Conway's Quakers. Lewe
made a name for himself aa a member
of .lock Sutherland's Lnfnyette eleven,
where bis plalng did much te keep the
EastenlaiiK near the top of Eastern
college football.
He reported esterday te Captain
Heine Miller and will be In the line-up
when the Quakers meet Shenandoah nt
the Phillies' Ball Park In the opening
contest en Saturday afternoon.
West Philadelphia Eleven Schedules
Week-End Game With Firemen
The members of the Fortieth Ward
eleven arc all excited ever their game
with the Darby Firemen next Saturday,
at Darby Several changes will be made
in the West Philadelphia line-up.
C. II. Drowe's Darby team U get
ting letti of practice under the watchful
eyes of Stanley Hunt, coach of Radner
High Scheel, and the tire-lighters await
the Fortieth Ward battle with keen In-
tercst. Wcstvllle will be the Darby
team's opponent after Fortieth Ward.
r -"iv " "ft-r?TF '.t
" ' - (u'.jnii -. -- - -
i'r-"rt vY: .M ;.
'-.'1..15 '.-yv-,: .
While Net In Sympathy With
Rule, Say Laws Must
Be Obeyed
New Yerk, Oct. 18. All doubts as te
what position the owners of the cham
pion Tankers would take In the con
troversy between Babe Ruth and Judge
Kenesaw Mountain :Laudls were dis
pelled when Colonel Jacob Ruppert and
Colonel Tllllnghast L. Husten issued a
statement te the effect that they will
iinheld the rule which nrnhlhlte. Wnrlil
Serlea players from participating in ex-
btmnen games.
Although they
ey are net in srtnnathy
.11, kK MM..l.t .l i i 1 lull chsii ?ei; v lut- acuu'fl wuiuu
with tne regulation, the local owners'.,.
I...!.. i. i. . v "..- ... r "
liiaini, mui it mum u raiercru UN HINK
the rnnks of organized baseball, or even
If he In suspended for anv period, his
abence from the Yankee' line-up will
mean a considerable financial lean te thr I
two colonels. Denite this fact the '
owners of the American League rhatn -
piens. who hnve been among the most
leval supporter of the Conimlssiener.
will endure the less rather than allow
their players te welat" any rule of
The contrever.v. therefore, resolves
Itself into nn isvie between Judge
Landis and Ruth When Babe and his
companions en the barnstorming trip
are called te tnk thej will have te
reckon with Landis without the wtppert
of the owners of the club; rather the
support of the two colonel will be en
the side of hte t'ommissiencr.
The "tntement isued by the owners
of the Yankees fellow :
"It is regrettable that the n)i. nf
baseball prohibiting members of the
World Series tennis from playing oi ei oi
hibltien games has ben violated se
defiantly by eme of the Yankee players
nine .mage i,anui lias
no nlternntive
but te. meet the tua,le firmly. I
"lis rue annenrs te he i.ninut ... !
many respects, but a-. Ions ns it rrlsts
: . . -..j-.- ... ,
it should be obeyed The plavers made
the mistakes In net petitioning for a
modification of the rule.
Crimson Coaches Give Team Llaht
Practice te Start Hard Week
Cambridge. Mass.. Oct. I5. liar
vard's football players had an c.igy time
yeterday en the Stadium field. Pos
sibly it was the calm before the storm,
as. after Saturday's lack of drive and
exhibition of costly fumbling, the
n'"" V,,"U, ";..'," ::L".V"
.A, tn. ;- V-f- .i v"m """" "
some fast pacc before thev consider '
it tit te match Huge Bcsdck's Penn
Staters this week. '
Heart Coach FMier. while he deplored
the many error, in the Oeercia came
feels that what was te be regretted ment
was the mental nttitude of the team
early in (he game
There was only a short run in the
locker building before the men went
onto the field. There was no scrim
maging merely Individual coaching and
a general smoothing of plays
Seuth Phillies Have Fast Team
Tha Seuth Phillies ha slcned a. number
L,&r,.J'Is.L.f.er 'l.r .,.rA,t'r,.5?Ln,!.'"-r
teami. mciuien in in nn-up nre .lenr, '
Orv. Greyiteck. r'amph'!!. Menitr 1
Pud'ey and n Dudlev St rutrli-k Nelan ,
Si Patrick (Meme H' .Uine. of Central i
Church League Hnri "rtLsnn and lietmeml
?X STrlnman; F", ; K.m,'B J'ldresa t Clcme. i
OJ niswater street i
nnu ucpiiv " ui" -n m' ub ' i , ' u 1 1 i i ai-i :i xttt
- -
Rosenberg Outpolnte Bleem '
New Vnrk. Oct 1 -Owe Rosenberg, of
Manhattan, outpeinted Phil Bleem, of Brook
lyn. In the t!llar t'el-reund bout at the
Broadway Exhibition Anoclatlen. Brooklyn.
In the ten-round reml-ivlntup. Dannv Reen
etepped Semmy Pelcer of Bre"vnli;. In
the fifth fre.me with a rliht te Ihe chin
Sni W S..1' .nT im t. ' 'a'1 nfti much e.nje.vcd Manufacturers Meet Tonight
heir omnletenner? L IZ mii.S. S,at'' I-"" fn Iast gcnen "ml I Tl"' Philadelphia Manufacturers'
wV dchTdee I nmKiJhf ti. n?HnJ two fermtr m"mbers of the lireslin cir- ! I-eague will meet this evening at Yennb
te .nunlsi i thn T'effendh l-3 ninre, c,,if w involved with a galaxy of, Hall. 2727 West Columbia avenue
A cigarette is knawn
the smokers it keeps
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Ce.
., Y
' ..!"-'.''v
Scranton and Cealcsville
Lift Lid en Cage Season
and Gel Atuay le Geed
The eleienth campaign of the East
ern Basketball League was ushered in
last evening nnd te dale the season has
been n howling success. Beth home
teams wen and this is all that Is neces
sary for the magnates te enjoy a pros
perous fcasen. The results were:
I: Wlrkcs-Barr, 20.
Hnrrisburc. 20. One
m t... i. ...uiu ..
me rieme itnms.
whole have
leeks te be one of the best in the cir
X' ,"s ,'J 'L "7 " , mC',,I Wll n"i'P
?'aTH ,0S"ther for a long time. Dch-
cuit, as they have five men who have
, S' "".' ''"' rrret v" 'TVa,SJ
' v 'rjmsjead mmi center, and
'"l H ""i K,n,K?if ,at .?" ' rb.r
, 'out played geed ball, although be is
"'" "' IU' "'"cti pieyer in me game
Bruggy Falls te Scorn
nn .Mn inn r nrnrr vni nn n i tvs
i np winners n nreri ine neiter rarap 'uiiiinvn teiuijik: mr- -iii.uiL iui u;r i
i and en the
Frank Bruggy, the Philly backstop. ' en his team
failed te display midseasen form and' There are several department stores
did net score. Bruggy wa :low nnd , ensiderlng placing teams in the cir
dld net show hi?, usual speed. Wilkes- ,cuit and If they respond the League
Barre had beside New-man and Kin- should enjev its most prosperous season
kald. Mnlene at center nnd lleffmnn ' I" 'he meantime there are a couple of
nnd Trautweln at forward. The latter i araneiea.
is also a Philadelphtan and played the Information Van be secured fin"i
best of any of the Barens. 2cttine two James Hunter, of Hoopes & Townsend
of their six field coals. Thp score at
the end of the first bnlf was tie nt 11
A number of changes have been made
In the Scranton home games ewinsr ie
the hall being ind for ether purpose
J ur- .1 1 - .
Afnnflrn- (.aIiak M ..i.-u 1 ..
r,..::.rJ.r- v- '"I '',ucl. ui' .' "a"S ..J . I"
'XK:Z:??J-?in L'i:
'"" l..1 :"' . "' -"' " 8"n
m . ennnen
November 0. with
Leatesvjiie; Menda.i, November 14
changed te Wednesday. NV ember W
with Trenten Monday. December 20.
changed te Tuesday. December 27
with Reading. Monday. January 2.
ebanged te Tuesday. January 3, with
Camden : Thur'dai . February 2.
changed te W'ednesdav. February 1.
with Coatesville. Thurdav. March IB.
longed te Wednesday. March 1". with
f 'AttAnnille.
Schmcclh Stars for Coats
Carry Schmeelk, captain of the Trainer Jehn Mack will start no men
Coatesville five, was the big factor in against the Army who are net in ?
the 37-20 ictery of the Behney clan , celleut physical condition This ap ap
ever the capital city tesscrs. Harris- Pl'rs te O'Hearn, who has been coming
burg has a weak team with two of the I en well, but who has nef complete'. re.
!" .: 1- nnd CashmsD. en the
suspemled 1st ter failure te come te
,cr1! ' . ,
The contest marked the return te the
s'aft nf Ward Brennnu n referee and
nis worn vai nicniy cemmenuea ,f
half time Coatesville was leading bv
20-10. the visitors making -even field
baskets in the firt twenty minutes.
The defense of Coatesville ..was im
pregnable in the final half and the m
Iter- did net regifnr a single held toss
nnd Coatesville coetinued te ".core at
will. Oarrj Scbmeelk wa high scorer
with five baskets, while Jee Berger was
net with three Sam Moorehead. of
the Dobsen team of this cltj. played nt
guard for Hermburg
Th- newcomer'.
iuuu .' jmur wupresainn.
"SkWtS Wright Signs
,, n-,,,, , .,
Manager llllam Mjeis i all -et
for the npeu.ng of the local Laftern
i .,,,,. .,.,, .n,n ,. ,h. v.i i
. -,
l.llf,i!' .11,.- . l-"ll ! Mir .KIU'MIUI .1
.... i.ieieinii an'i ( aineiine street. en
i Kridav e. ninfr ThK morning's mail
breu-lit n liniK-desiri'il inl9slc. It wn
from "Skeets" AVrik'lU, who up until
I thnt lime had been registered among the
I holdout'.
Wright, announced that after censid-
u Nothing esc
but taste the difference
rent.Miiie i ' (t'l.oeo ndlnc . n e .oeo
Hcrnnten 1 e l.oeo Trenten . n () .000
riilln ..0 0 .000 lle.rrie.b'ri 0 ' !j
Camden . e 0 .000 llke-B 0 1 .000
Tomorrow nlrht- I'hllsdnlphla fit Camden.
Friday Reading nt riiUadelphln. Coetc.
vllle at Trenten. .
at WUkta-nami Camden at 1
nainrdftr scramen ni iwiinit, irrmun
ering matters Iir had decided te sign
for the season nt the figures offered by
Myers, which are decidedly in excess of
the consideration of last year.
Tn the opening game the fans will
see the old GreyBteck guards, Cress and
McWiUiams, working together again
after au absence of four years, while
Temmy Diinleavy nnd Chlckle Pataen
will be at forward
The local arena is one of the best In
the circuit and the largest crowds will
be well taken carp of as there are -1000
reservra iseaw nnci me geme ran i
from any part of the hall in addition
3 having the beat llghtlug facilities of
ny of the teams
learn thati'aven. Te date Dobsen. Flelsher.
Leem. Monetvpo. Belber Baz and Trunk
Company and Philadelphia Terminal
Diil'lnn are certainties
Dobsen. Fleishe.r and Monotype it
holdover from last year and have ex
ccptmnallv fast five Art Leem ake
should be in the running, as the team
will be managed by Heward Weed,
veteran Hancock star, and he has as
sembled a bunch of well-known ulsters
Cmpner. phone Poplar 220. or v
uiving a aerate .at 'Be meeting
Grid Beard Says Only Men Physi
cally Fit Will Face Army
New Haien, Conn.. Oct IS Tal s
I'll" up m the West Point gamp will re
main undecided till later in 'he week.
1 according te a statement given cu bv
the football association. This statemeut
alls altentlen te the numerous miner
injuries and Illnesses which have taken
lead'ng candidates from the field and
which hae led te the decision net te1
i Mart any player wbe bas net tun- k
I em ercd
Th f-tatement folle-af
"Whether O'Hearn will start the
came against the Armv a question
It is known that Head Coach Jenes and
covered trem tne attack of hav fever
which kent him awav from thf- held the
first weeks of practice Tt also up
plic ie llarrv Cress, the b:g 21-pe'id
guard, and te Al Norris, a premising
candidate for center, who plard en the
freshman tesm last year"
Hard Workout for Columbia t
eir Verk. Oct 1s Darrlnr a fi- miner
fcru!t-e the Celurr.bM fOJibal! triune Bur-M-'l
'h N T I garr. In -Mie!ent fafhi"'
rp-j nei en of the reular was m'tlp
hen Cei-b Bury. O Nel i ca'ied f- i 'i
en Seuth Fl:d eeterdv, .
Willi the excptlOi tt '--trmiatinj-.
Coach O N'elll eent hl ifjd threueh tie
fuM rrerram and it vas Ions afr dirk
hetere tre uarrlert mad their iv te th-ihexe-
room The ,'rji gi th urn'
men porno Mnt of what i i.j rem tb
"! ." preparation f)r the V 'n- h
;m e next SatlIrda
Fordham Lads Have Secret Drill
Ne Yerk, ' l The Terdl'am -nt!-
lias put in h Ai'-'id afternoon of ynrk
runara'len for Faturdnj' Kam w.nn
Lafette at . pole Ground The Marien
lads had a bit of eiervthlna Turk Sulll
"I started them with -i lenp blackboard
talk in -hl--h he pMn'ed out the wakir.,
if their n.a' In ih 'IIIanea came He
, I ia"i(jiar e-iphae'' ..n ih Ata) nep '
.v i.)-hMm, dffenne. Tr mn 'v.n
ih' "1 ejt ti the Pjrdhani Prp s' d ro
an 1 r'j.ilee) the?, in ''ri ler ub,u' ir.
the Season
inilurd Arrested ler
Consenting te Rcfcre
Wichita, Kan.. Oct 18 Richntd
J. Hepkins. Attorney General for
the Stale of Kansas, directed Sheriff
Deug Simmons le arrest promoters
of the Cibbons-O'Dewd fight, who
be said had already violated th
State law regulating prize lights, In
that thej hne promoted nnd ndyer
tlncd the fight te be held lenlglll.
(liblmiiM nnd O'Dewd nre tcclinl
rally charged with training nnd prc
paring for n match nt which rem
pensntien w-as le be incned nnd lid
mission charged
Jes Wlllard. fnmiei heavyweight
-boxing champieu nnd referee for the
match, was one of these arrested.
The promoter and officials wcri!
charged with aiding and abetting
the preparations f"t Hie match.
Aquinas Opens Tonight
I he Aniilna lial "hi iii i will nncn th
,P,, O,;;",,,,,,,, H, -. rhnmat' HflK
' Eighteenth and nunr rei Th viftttnp
ii vifitine
("i'lillc OInS
! iutnt win '
"Pl, ! 1'., h
-n imbu tint
pe.t i.. e.M I 'I- rn'iT,i a dieat In
On the Bench Frent
Axerlcin Plin Entlnly. Ihi) Opti
9tel ( Raaeirjc Wter S3S ft
Roem 7 PriTitc Biih JCleJiS
Doaele ( RaeaiEg Waut - 166 '
Beem ( IMte Bitb . I": te 18
Deable riem, Prirtte Bt&
Oern comer. t9S per week
Ovnmhtp Muugetnem Phcma 1466
! jjii cciijy- en. uvc uccaariDiu.
i' i.
cr"e winter ratat.
ie y of 1'rlneen.
B lierhs Qrcjtesr ffetel Succea
SENATOR ViL: rrtr pneea. FU
A 'erlean tJ a F'rap'oef T'rjt hetsl from
n-nrdna k e-i V rcnla Ave Booklet.
Hetel Boscobel
ra' tei-r ! ea p
' .or ' ula
1 -e e-
l'T A
' nr baiea
able Med,
R te 3SO Guests'
Jen. 28 te Marcli 3Q.1922.
N st btterc has there bece offered
e opportunity el vIcitlnR the atrange
lands and stranger people of the steal'
Sea of History and Literature in such
luxurious eomfertot appointments and
atrvlec as will be enjoyed In the com
Ins Crune of the Cunarder Ctrenls,
Under the exclusive management of
SI'S 'niith llretrt i lleim. Walnut Street
I'l'iiiuMiilil i
Ht ' y fsitlMj
I Msuiy an extra $1
B dollar is picked iffifS
I up en the side by
I playing in the i
i I band. We'll show
1 I you hew te get lM
' W en the inside jLm
, 1 WurlTKee? II
I H 'WM sJJi 04wV jf Hftil
niiim i m i in
I m Jk, xjc 33 jl if urn
i u American r onrieieioi yisnnemi 4
I CAPAOTY 6CX3 r,r , , E IB f
I garage TbI(cr7.Buzy If If.
miraiMiiKisaiBimjtri(aiaainiriaiaB')0 !)f'j
, 8" c r'
Lap Mf
SKY 61 Dav &
, ''i'"-"ineir Crime VC
Sailin.Ncv rk. rei llthJ'
I Amtrusn firtcMi i iffemal
I I 'Wr n, n' , (. ,.-. .H.U.JI. I
I p "rinea'i hi, I -he Or - it imi. g
I e 1 ' ' '"I" If 1 I
UJA A.VLr :' iv "EbSCO.AV
Veikll I,- - ,,., , S
i TrMH(Mls KI"!OllTR
Fer flaliliiere K We'htpztaa.
Sin li.lL ..,.1 ,11k k..,i,l.
I. V
Oallr hertlie etiept Miiiii.!. 1 re. till mnt
,.",".., 'leeli i'. M.. baturdu.
TIMMIfll' Mllll VS
' 1- IU -
1 Ml A'..- i I
" .jluli
I ti !
' I
' i
1 1 1 K I .
"' I
ii , r. it. -r
M f run r i i
1(11, 1M ellIATus
1 1- 'J US '
Merchant & Miners Trans. O,
Her B t. Delaware Ae. Trl l-..mfrd IHli
H 5;
I l
i 1
JHmP' i 'ivPA
' i
351 m
s- ,Yi