Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 18, 1921, Night Extra, Page 18, Image 18

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-Va!'J, p,L,J?JW
ril '. 1..i'ME'Y, g
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ptgtty!''" J ' ' V'SaST
fa Mi
1ft I
j Letters te the Editor
Economic Readjustment
Te Ilia Editor el the hi iiinn I'ubln I 'derr
Blr Te a. public amlnusH heplnn for
improved mpln ircnl rnnilltlnp" th Wash
ington cenfersm en unemployment prorrj prerrj
lis. lmmdlsti rrilf .ispiirers ht fur
ther snceursmnit this hntv bi publishing
the opinion snfl nhsn aunns of special
writers lend n ie hnw liulnm l ibetlt
rttdy for another bnnm.
If tha pub.le antlclpalfs sreat rnults
from th Washington cenfsrpr. H Is ilue
for a disappointment In ni opinion Or Or
nlllen of th Natien s leadership for
overceming: unemplement n hr nir a mile
relief, but In Ihla rpi"it no forced march's
are llkelj te nei'nke ami rermanenils de
feat the operation of natural economic law
.t leait net until human nature u dllferent
frein nhat It la nni
Fer sral -eara the e-.l en?aeil In
tsarlng down and niter n eeiMhn and
In spite of the adance iMlU-u en undoubt
edly made deln It th- rebuilding ptecea
! bound In be slower thm the one of teir
tne den It has n wax laKen hrh
necenltv cheerfillv .lurnl rati i i"
wiser. sa it seeir te me tha- ra' leadenhlp
should aim te die ji the fei and present
ttfcm Ia Ihi r,rr hil 'h TV them net
ter as an-l sirtiih.n,' the morale
far endunn th re ie I ' i d u mi'
If natural ii' i si -nu a'ert lrt'iU n l
the" will funci n fin e- thin i mtutal
Trices wlil esierrt nv" i I 6 en -ir mini
aaatn On a lh i ! scale ronlltten
of the list t - will temporarily ra
pist themes if tesu.tmK in a reiare of
the erderl prnces"S and lirtnutnt: stl 1 worse
eneetiuencei tm i ar b-ine .un.-r.-i t"'v
NeTipaper editor- knew t,il T in heuld
explain the fac' te thet rub I- rh
can point out rn is need'd te r-tler
eenditiena -' r nu'eu
Phlladlphu ivteber K lt:i
Where's $1 Swell Restaurant?
Tttht Editti of the Ft emus r-lbilf I ede"
Sir In rep t . rKft e 1-tter "iwhch
the aecua'3 euns mT of be nB ch'dr hat
! ate loeklnc fei a ceid time a- eme one
e!e'B expne- he co- te Ittice. -era'
tlmee alone he si"
one eculd care i
type. She iiiji
Let(m te th Kdlter should b n
bruf and te Hie point nn pos bl.'
ue,dnir anthlns that would open
.i denominational or sectarian dis
union. Ne attention will be paid te anony aneny anony
meua letter. Names and addresses
h2 n,fS ilJ" P,1,heu8h names will nn
tbheJ,rbStemlHedr'qUeS, '8 mai,e ,,iat
The publication of a le'ter la net
ne nor uilt manuscript b? Wfi l
1 ion t ihlik an
ou' with I'egltv
be ime vamp 'It' must
!..--. an unh nm d.Oftltlnn Pv 'h S t !m-
because no en- mrn u rnl lella- in
her and take hp n t rMiu-an ''
the dance, fien 'ae br lern n a ttxt
and sm ii fir ' i- doeiatep and n' Reed
nla-ht, addltiK Iei- I l.l ca f'r vcu
next cdre1a nsh- or h'iwc 't n i
Vleate vei
Peer ' res"ir -hete is iur in!pen1enc
Don't veu belens i rav ' nub" Y"u
elieuld Insteal of 'eia-p mero man pay for
your p.eaaure I have 'u rtturned front
Europe and knew uhat T am -pealtlnu abtut
Over there ou aet our mere a er:h It
I the rlrls (some but net a'P who - cbeap
and net he mn Who wejldn 1 be chap
when ou pep i "ur w 'k if en ft
Btrl and be lau;hc. at fe- belnp eaa or a
peer flah" Vea it "' ne a e. Iilla' If
you den t i'-h mar tr e he' I fe'-
Philadelphia Octel-r M 12'
Who's Who for Employment
Te the Edllei of the 'ine Pub te l.rdjf
Sir After r-dinE the artlc'e b M R
T ' In the Teop e Forum en tne mann-r ,
In which the erk 'or the unmpU"ed heu d
be doled out and te whom I ou d ad 1
this ausEest en
That In 't of 'h" recent conference V
Waahlnfften en the unempiewnent situation
and the appeal of the I'rcaldent te th State
ard municipal au-heri1 e rndew- no "J,
that be' te pet therrie'ie tes-ther ind
open up work en pubic mpreemen 'ne.' i
hae been iv ns 11' lrc tn entr of ihe
Urlted Stttai trt th- V.'r'd a' an I th
old 'pewe- erp '-'loe. heit vas'
rrepertles reel mpre-nen' ard -epa ra I
without doubt la Mmeh and could p'ace I
thousands of n l lne we'..era tn a portion e
keep the te f a respectable d atance from
their doers l
"it R T prefers that eurh emp'eyrrent
eeuld be Ele-i te Thllad-iphlan' 1rt Kut i
he ieea net define lust what a PMIad-1
Bl.lan 'is
In m bumble "Pin en i TnHde.phia is a
eitlaen he'dlnK a 1 constitutional -IgntJ H
that I mean that before be i an cla-m. rsa (
eutltenahlp tie must oeteme a etr and te .
an Interen 'n the attain of hu ce-nmunuy
and hla indiffererce te th.a dut sneuld be a I
matter of renfrn whi imr'"!- ese-cia v I
It It be the municipal ., nn I It ejld be
a eid tlmr " teach th i ' ' Phila
delphlans a leien n clt 2enhir t- penr'
tzlnff him b -ef jsal te e-np n h m ard
Ble prefererce te th . w no ire-en1 t pn '
tax recetpt as a ce-tlftcate e' right a a
citizen te be emp eved tn wnu for the t
county e- -tate
If thla pol.e would b" 'el owed r e er
oemnur.it the fleitera of wh h f
It. T.' complain would be reduce 1 te a
minimum but th--e vi I ee- be w th us
eAen after eer tliiien ha ben auffht ht I
le5ten Vsaln the fea'er ma have a I
better excuse for fettlns ihji M Sen i
Tetln Citizen t"1 ha- fii bmnK a r -n
seter Fach of thee has te ie never'he f
less, but a a chat.se-rient for clvl- tnd f
ference let the e np t zn b tixe-i ca-
of by the munf palit w no receive i
taxes, then le ihe oemtno-t reii'er i ife ri k
if need b' rerre rex - nd ths ar 'he
feater ' ust c- t' the--e 1 enr.jh
are round T
rhllad-lrh , i'" 1-. n.'t
Doesn't Trust Men
TO the Ed te- of -h ft ei 113 li r I edf
Blr I quite asree with TIT In
hr vlewa of veuik men I rave f-und no
arentlemen among t mar fedi J I
have a wld acqau ntance m"r r
lows. I hae traced censid-'ab nT-i
have had the opnertunltv ' m - r , -t
of the se cal el bet er c as but th -
tare none amenif thm I wrud are ej 1
for as gentlemen
As te bra'ns I thin-t I - n -ja'e n
elatmlna te have as manv b'a ns h-j en1
average- eunT man "nd mavb a ' m-e
even If I de have mv hair bf-ibej and war
ehert aklrt I can be jjst as soed '1 h
few clothes as 1' bundled up ' the neck
Tccjnt men if v u th'nk the' w p'r
are under ob pat'ena te ou fn- taklnp us
nut ou btte- s np .nd nave antl e- th n
if you r fs capab e c $1 -.t e h p-1!
of teda " m te -h ne eat p - 1 a-e m e
te be t 1 at 11 as he p Ar. V a It
I weu 1 ra h-' ."v 1i.a '-oet i ail
spend tn n m "e ,r m we r a--u'e
They nm 1 1 d--n seem te p ab 1 te t a a
lrl as a pa JL'r tWEM"
Phl'adelphli ' "" 1" -l
An Incident of Charity
TO th" Editor n 'hr h eriii t. b IC L'liu"
61r There e r l " 1 phhses bu
what t r-ad of 1-elJ upe l. nandlts -' 1 (r
out In erteltn automebi 11 iird f m"n nd
wcraen belntt wa-lald en their vi h m-
or their hindl-ass b np uninml r 1 t-ter
we Inveigh .m-dns 'h" peer pel "r pro-e--tlen
and blame ne p.l ( e dpartm-n' frj-r-th"
euperinten lent 'un re tn- pn at md
ehare them wt n due c e 1 bu v. de n 1
try te solve the nw of h mi int it
dttlens Jne 'f 'It 'fltisrs '" P-e" en
dltlens ml 1 Pel evn tne mi 1 ije r,n
bu traced 10 i-neiip e in" 1
Bupcr- iducel bv huiBet h- ve v 1
forcibly b-- u-h' hrme 1 " ' " '
ae whllr I" iht vicinity ' 0 if -n h ari
Mount Vernei "tree s titnir .v "mien i"'
. e.-. ih ftnn iv unci I a'i einpln
' "
I was accosted by a vunu irm
., .tn-ti.rl that he imsh L
i-rrjk.v. - - - .
of th theaP leds ns house mm if ' i
tenderloin lit as-d n ' ' " " ' ' '
Jspevrtrur lia' 'he tn ernv e' net,- .1 ,
vflth the menev pv.n 'hem I -us'i .1111
New right her 1 want t. m -eat I i
forced 10 be a v 111-M te an hc of sa f
itNtlal and learn lessen h el- I te
seen forget The c rtumMar e. ate ni se
After -efus tit, aid te th.s ve.np n ..1 he
approached at ...I man h. w.s e np
card witn ''.-" " - -
doers, from tna 1 which I w . 1
. t. .. e-liu h tn nnc 10 -,. n Pit
ipe Qia iH'i m"-t
hand In hi. picket and l "WJ""1' ' '"
out ni" " -n niLi"" nr"' "a' ;
kr'i? ?h. i'i- i" "" " '"ll ;- h"1
hevrr sen h ' '"" "!" "n"w"1't ,,'
Mid te him 'ha' I thought lie was ver lb
aial 'Inl" ""' "'! " " ""
"H'hJ tin '' f " '" ln H r"'"' ,'"'1
..-.-. i i.ii i he 11 readv te leinnii
ISSTe."- dertl... h,n fd
h faee and I am lust tUI that I could
MNirt.lri- ' f"'""'U '" f "l l??
the atiect -."'i " '" "r'""1 "l"" " "' gc
aienr. d" ""' "1"' lf h' ""!' mte "
Mloen, and pu. hused liquor with the money
s.re.ati!dr7e'rUK" fr 'a X weu,d him
,...!?.. L."" . but nt te con
eni.r.. .1. ' """ ntlataken He
u flsh n.r ll house T returned
' ,!'h1 m' boners pd meeting the old
m.-n I learned that he had been out of em
arrTeM" ,0 "hl men,h" 1 thit Tn
? .ml. J1 " " " ""' hartll, W"'h " l
,n, ,or,werlt "mil th. -.euns-er el
irent w.r)t placed
had "?J.V ! 71""" 00d ,h' "hinbutlen he
, , ";.'' ,n, ,h0, "una; man I refused te
and therebv keep .eme en. frcm commit
,'.. L'm" ' nl urtt'n 'hla tn vim,
, m eN! 'um" "' sour '"''era mav have'
s me wer whkh ihe, ,eud be ab - te B've
tc rem. e' ,, peer Ml0M, nh k
lma upon th- .t eet fe- I have been con
;'r.dehnV ,h" V "0t " bWf nd" a all
hi haid n.r'.J"1 ' C,m'rt ",nt'' "'"'
a our w? f ," "Ut f "P'e-m'nt nd ,
b.", in n""",n f m'rc rt" "' 1ve
Ph ... u M1.E1JHN
i ni ade ph netib-- 1" p;
Married Women Working
Te th. ffrf.M e ,h, F eatap p,.b(ic f.fdae.
Sir-If sheu d be exenbndva aim te bet
er cendi- en. and te help these who are wtll
inp n work bjf can find non When we
court the manv mar- ed women working who
hav- abehed rd irnlng huabands therebv
deuftinp income, .rm, B imt. that this
'heuld be This state of affairs has been
prow inp until new women mirr and keep
right en a' wer
Then husband aisum-s no respected po pe
sitirn a. f- head of the house and no
reipenlh n le makes Mollies out of men. I
'ad the cr- Vhe-0 a-e trie homes we used I
n have where friends and kindred path
ered areurd Imij" festive beards- Tfc.v
are new '.ted 'n pr I -corns or hole's or In
restaurants where v.ibaret and dancing pre
val s Heme circles are no mere Chi dren
are net wanted e- enl te erated One-reem
kitchenette apartments are at a premium
Th- married wemtn la preferred bj many
business men b-cause she has mere cheelt
-nd Is mere aggressl. She Is conscious
' b- n better deie. and this has a
bearing in th s pime n' grab And while
the-e are hund-eds having the b-nedt of
thes. deub e ln-emes there ir- thousands
whose 'amil es are huegrv This condition
Is bad M-n and women who need wen.
should rls. ur In a bed and demand the
dlscharg. cf everv mar-led woman who has.
tn able-bed'ed husband
Phi adelph a October 11 ID.'t
Questions Anstvered
Our First Meney
Te the Editor e' fhe Er rit.iie Ptib'ic Ledger
" r Pleas "i m as re.- as possible
when the firs, me-lcan ce'naie pf mer-'
was accempllseh.d H W I.
Phi ai'elph'a O-.ober 12 10JI
The earliest Colen a coinage vras In ina-
' chusefs In pursutnee e' an e-der of the
Curat Court passed Ma 27 lfllj whl-h
established "a mint hej m Ponten The!
order r-nulrad th coinage of 'twelve perce t
s x pence and 'hree pence pieces which
shall be for feme flan ard stamped en
the one side with U. C ard n- tr- eti'r I
side wi'h Xlld VId an1 Hid a-cerdlng te
th valL" e' oath c'n
Auther of Quotation
Te Ihe Editor e' the rtritlitn Puh'fc riiec '
Sir "A"h- ts rejpen-lble for the expression
Te be prepared for wa- la ere e' th mos mes
rfiectual me-na of preserving rai.e "
I C. I
Philad'iph i Octetvet- 1J lOJl
This s a I at i proverb th- authe- of
wheh net f w i 1- was used bv Gen
era! Uashtngtnr n t ap.ech t-i Congress e-Tenj'V-
s lTin and is frequn t v ciedi e.1
tj h'n In i di-eeurse de iversd i fv
"'' v ' h' Aaren Burr prcs.den' of th.
i J. of N.T !--.. en Juput IJf,.;
he said The wav te have peace in the
pnicnt cause Is te make a speiI and Hg
oretis preparation for war
Origin of Expression
Id 'hr Ed'er of Iht Et fiiine Public Ledeei
Sir Pleeee tell me In our People a Forum
the origin of the expression ' Mind veur P's
and Q s ' H W O
Philadelphia October 12 10'JI
This expression Is said te have originate!
with a sller of beer In Londen who kjpt
the accounts w'th h'a custeme-a with n pl"i e
n' chslk en the back of a deer P steel
for pints anl Q for nuarts When the old
man was called avvav he would sav te his
wife who assisted him ' New, old vvemin.
attend te the customers well and mind veur
P s and Q a
Procedure In Adoption
Te the Fdlter nl the Etenlne Public l.rdeei
Sir I expect tv adept a child Hew dn I
proceed" ri v .
Philadelphia October 11 1021
When It Is desired te adept a child thete
is a s siuterv proceedlng and It Is essential
te alwavs emp ev a lancr A petition must
be presented te the Court of Common Pleas
If th child s parents are I'vtng. they must
give their consent and If they are dead the
consent of fee official connected with the
Buresu of Charlt cs is desirable The prep
aration of thr p Hen should he intrustel te
en .M'ernej
The Old Night Watchman
fe the Fditnr cf the E emtij Public f tdeer
!r Pl'ase tell me hew the old maht
watchman of the seventeenth century pa
trolled the tow v and protected the people
t he seen f picture of these watchmen at
th" Pennsjiv-tn a. Hlste'lcat Secletv
Phlltdelphia October It 1021
Ph'ladelphU up te 1T0H wae unguarded
a' nleh' when en .lul 1 Councils estab
ushed a nlghtlv watch Citizens were as
signed te th's duty at first and there was
re pa d watchman until 17M Heurlv
rtunds were made by tre w itchmen calling
t te t me of n'ght nni the condition of the
weath" I'ach watchman carried a lante-n
a rattle and n club tbe -ai'le te be used te
call asslsjtnce t.t rati of need Uateh bexts
were also p-ev Idf d which were In use until
1M x law establishing a police syaem
fe- the citv and districts was psesed b th"
I egls atur In ltH anil the ss-t-T-i was re re
erganUed and 'mpreved bv a subenu'nt act
Ptss-d In IS
Slang Army Expression
Te the KC ler e' th f trump PuMtc I rdiift
Sir W hat Is meant b a 'sheestr rg cer
real ii irrav a'ane" H V 1.
rhttndrlph a October 11 1021
A shoestring corporal Is a sling n
r-easlen app 1-d te a lance corperil who
wea-s t single stripe en his arm
Lease Renews Itself
Te th Editor e the Ernite Public Lrdect
Sit-On Junii 1 1920 1 leased a flat for
elp' en month, e- until Apr. I 1 IC2I When
the 1'ase expired the landle-d ted me tha:
he wis satisfied and no nvv Jrape n-a made
s i T kept en palng rent the same as beferv
On September 1 en paving mv rert the
landlord gave me tlilrtv das retlre tv move
Must T move at the end of thir" daVs or
dees mv -ease he'd ever until Miv 1 in22
Philadelphia October 10 1P21
In ibsenc of rebutting cl-eumstanees th
lase weu d renew from t te vmr si
tha' r-'the- pert could te-m nate It or
a"er ' s -erms except bv ssrvlrg ncilc. lxtv
divs before the end e the vta
Cnn't Be Answered
7e tt e Editor e' thn El f-t 10 Pvbl c L d je
-ir Can von tell tne hew n-.arv wb te ptr
sere ir the Vnlted States are mere than ini
yesrs n d" Whs' Is the record auth-rtl-cull;,
of th. eldes- while ma'e prcdu-Ing
cMIdren" Wh.it la the "ge cf the c'des
white re-son In the United States te be
ktewn ajthentieillv or h official re.-or "
h H r
Philadelphia October 10 1DJ1
Ne en- of veur nuejtlens can be accurately
answered Plrtn registration Is compu'.se-v
In en'v a 1 mltcd pon'en of lb" cruntt
Ore burdred v.ars age verv few States hid
arv b h reg'stretlen It nn 1i C'
ee-s mv thin 100 r.i-e of pe di e 'r hr
Cittb rep strat in tree Tn s would -1
ate t.ia tht nunber in th nt -e I n '(
ht-te was well ever 1100 rtut th s s-i
r. en mej is that tht' hp u B r n he
death cr iflcate s.cce-1 r n U'vt
t es out e' each 100 (VO ben in "i- 1 z
f ate- wh-re thev ha e had b -'h ep s it n
fe s Teut tim fe t l e te pas- I'M ve.rh
of age Th-s f is ba 'n ou ns ps
sr m wha
Apartments at
the Rittenhouse
Renovated, refurnished
made spick, span and inviting.
Outside roem1", bright, cheerful.
Pick from these:
Twe Reems and Bath.
Three Reems and Bath.
Four Reems and two Baths.
Rittenhouse Hetel, 22d and Chestnut
ts )
h a
The People's Panim "III appear dally
In ih Kvr Irg Public I.igrr. nrd als..
iCeuaalng " tlnirlr lenlra will bl, printed.
m SreU 5 rV"ue.ed peeii.s. and questions
Jf It "e?M Interest will be -n.wrrt
yT wad stivtJ fT
V BCtT I '.
10,000 Depositors
and practically all of them keep
in close touch with our officers
en financial matters. Their prob
lems are ours. We urge them te
make full use of this personal
service we render. They de.
And they are mere than satisfied.
Continental- Equitable
Title an Trust Company
Twelfth above Chestnut
Deposits Ot er
H, 000,000
Poems and Songs Desired
Auther of Seng
Te ine Editor of Ihe Evening Piietic Ledger:
Sn -In i.ply te the appeal of "V. XV.
t, ' In relation te the authorship of the song
Me I merlca " I would av that t h.
a com- of the aeng. In which Hsrrls.vn Mil
lard Is given & the author of both words
and music Millard sang It ery often at
patriotic gatherings Just prier te and during
the Civil Wir.
Philadelphia October 111. 1021
Who Wrete Peem?
7e the Fdlter of the Kictiittp Public l.frfflrt
""r Who wrete the poem and where can
It l secured containing this xeise
Alike all ages, dames of ancient da a
Hae led their children through the mirthful
And the gay grandslre kill d In gestlc
Has frisk d hneath the burden of four
score j i, n
Phi'adelrhis, October 11. I0J1
I'he first Hn of this ere is the '.'itst l.ne
n' Oiinr Goldsmith's long poem Ihe 1tn
eler rhe poem Is included in tJeldsmlth s
collection te be found it nni of the public
Will Oblige With Peem
7e th- Editor of the Bi en'ite PtiMtr rdeer
Te HOP Octtiber mi!1 who
wani poem of 'niack Tamel Death I
wish te sa thl Is one or a collection of
Atab.nn poems I have said collection and
vvl I oblige 'HOP with same O
flit Kerpe- street I.awndale Pa October
11 1U21
"Sermons In Stones"
7e the Editor el the Elentne PtiMIr f.rdnct
Sir Where Is the passage In Shak-speare
aketi 'hermens in stones etc
r w r
Philadelphia October 11 1P21
The rofcrenev referred te Is In s Teu
Like It. Act II. Scene I The passage Is as
"rd this our life ej.mpt from puhli.
Finds tongues In tre-s honks in the running
Sermons In stones and geed In ev.rv
thing '
Auther of Peem
Te fcc Cdller of the Evertna P' Mi I ede-r
Sir Pleose atau w-ne . the au-her of
the poem containing- the I net
' They taught us hew te live and eh tea
The prien of knewledge1! ttught us hew t i
die mjis f y K
Philadelphia Octehei 10 1P2I '
1h.se lines tire from Themas t , h i .
On ihe Death of Mr Addison
"They swy they are relnr te sheet you,
Old mil, but don't you fret.
Fer the fellow who dares te meddle vrllh
Must recUen with mn, xeu teM
You're a peer old horse, Old Hlllv
And you aren't worth much, 'tis true
nut veu've been a faithful friend te me
And I II see you safelv through,
Phllidelphla October 10, Ifl.'l
A Sailor's Seng
7eMi Editor, of the Evcntnn Public Ledaer-
Sir Havlhg noticed a renuest In the Pen
pie s Forum for the following erees t (ake
great pleasure In sending same for publica
tien I commuted it te memerv about tvren
tv xesrs age from an old seaman a tog vvlill.
stitlened ln slatle vva'ers when serving In
the l'nltd States N'atv .
Philadelphia, October 10, 11121
a HAii.en s FAnnwi:i,i.
Walt wait, ye winds, till I repeat
A rartlng signal te the fleet,
Whose statlenls at home I
And watt the seabey n simple prsver, I
let It oft b whispered there I
When In far climes I ream.
Farewell te father, tevetend hulk
In spite of mettle aplte of bulk
Soen mav his cable slip.
Put while the parting tear Is moist
The flag of gratitude I II hoi.
In dutv te that ship
Fnrewell te mother first-rate sh
Who launched me en llf's ete'tpi 'i
u1 rigged me fore and afi
Mav Preldence her limbers spare
nd keep her hull In geed repa'r
Ie tow the smaller craft
Farewell te slstr, levelv rncht,
fttit whether she'd be manned or no'
I cinnet vet foresee,
Mav some geed ship n tender prev
Well found In store of truth and le
And take her under lee
, Far'wtll te brother Jnllv beat
And all the little craft afloat
I In home s delightful Lav
I When they arrive at sailing age
May wisdom be their waathcr gauge
Te guide them en their way
Farewell te all en earth's wide main,
Perhaps we neer ma meet again
Through stress of stormy weather.
Hut summoned by the beard above
We II harbor In the Pert of love.
And all he moored together
I. M Shepherd asks for a song entitled
I II Always He Walling for Ten " fun
reader supplv the words?
i -.
' Mrs e 1. I,.' Tile tine.
Ihe llglu Hint ntver whs nn land or ea
The consecration and the poet's dream"
wire bv Wordsworth It was eitRt.esUd bv
a picture of Peele t'aslle in a storm
C M (' ' dtsltes W W lnM s pnm
which starts as fellows
Speak hlsterj ' Who are life s victors"
llntell Ihv long nnnile and snv
Are they these whom the world call the vie vie
ters Who wen the success of the day""
Autumn Leaf Excursion
I $5.00 Round TriP $5.00 1
'fr-"wv' Including Wnr Tax sij' - w v
S Giinp; nn Oppertunit te Visit the Famous Lurn Caverns
passing through the Cumberland and Shenandoah Vallcji
leaves Ilrend Htreel, Vntnrilnv Mght, October 22 11:00 I'. M.
Vest Philadelphia . .
Arrlies I.tirnj
lenves I.nrn.v
1 1 : nn p. II
7 toil . M.
nir. p m.
Supplies Lines
,.,n'lnie?hJ,"h.AhJ:":..h'A'. Next Sunday. October 2 e
" "' - v., uiivb iiini wr iiFirrn ev I bbm V f
"i .- .,. tuui ifaurrji
Nea'h the lake where dnepn ,n. r
Leng time age
here the lock threw back tie im r
Prighter then mew
Pwet a maiden. lne,i and eherlh.!
By high and low
Put with winters frost sh perished
Ixvng time sjte.
Near the lake where drooped the vril'ew
Murmuring low
Plrd and bee and blossom foregather
Leve's spell te knew
Philadelphia, October in lf21
"Old Bill"
7e the Fdtlnr nt t) e Ei rut -a Pub ic l.etl-j'i
-ir- riease publtih r- p-em Till
! It centa ns the fe lowing
S2S rrsiieclnl rnte for ntlmlsslnn te Overtis, .15 renls. Indutllng tin T3 ISS
See flyers !
Consult Agents !
1 ln
i I i
i Vi
Our Celer Ne. 3
Style Ne. 131
The smartest light
shade russet balmor balmer
al that you will see
in all Philadelphia.
CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut
Established 1868
Pier 19 North Feet of Vine Street
3. S. Springfield
Sailing Oct. 20th Direct te
Fer Rates and Information
Agents I' ."? Shipping Beard
136 S. Fourth St., Phila. Phene Lembard 5791-2-3; Main 7781-2
14 days) Ie Kebe 22 Iny te Hend. Ken4
IIS days te HlianiJlial 20 ilaya In Manila
New and Palatial U.S S D. Paitenger Liners
33) feet long, 3i, oeo tern, speed 17'i knots.
"xs Kevctnnp lnle Nev. ft c. hllvcr lnte Nev !
S s. I'lnc Trce M tic Il't. 10
Farei, mcrvdhent, etc., apply te your heel rtuheuder teuttit c&ert or
Hugh Gallagher, Gtn.E.Agt., i7StatcSt.,NewYerk
Ihe Reute of thr ltrentlvvny I.lmlled
Ir i
During this week
we will show, for
National Six LJT
new 1922 National
A few of the improvements embodied in
this wonderful achievement of National
engineering are:
A gasoline and oil economy previously
unheard of in a large car.
Ne oil pumping, no exhaust smoke, prac
tical elimination of carbon, which makes
possible full engine efficiency at all times.
Deuble engine life.
Negligible maintenance costs.
Ability te outperform any genuine
stock car in the world.
The 1922 National Six combines features of
economy never before offered in a car of
this size.
Make Us Prove Them
Factory Branch: 675 N. Bread St.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Our f nrmer dealer had en hiiiul a limited number of ne 10UI National
tars. We will depose el these cars this week at ei.v low pruci I hese cart,
are net, neer hainp; been Btd antl ut present prites are IIKL liareains
'Ihej won't last lenp;.
"Ship by Water" : Via Panama Canal
Receiving Pier SJ,, Seuth Phila.
.Oct. 58
.en. :9
ren ratks ami PAmiri'LAii. aitii
114 Drcxel Bldg., Custom Heuse Place Lembard e474-."
e VjWPMsentJer A. Fre1dht"Cr'7
PAsentJer A. Frelflht
Services from NewYQrk.
III' III MIAIIIA . (let. Ill
AQflTAMA Oct. 21 Nnr. IS Iter. 13
CKMAMA Nin. H Dec. 3 Dec. .11
I'ANNOMV . (let. 21.
I.IIMV tnel Nei. I Dee. Ill .Inn. 11
SI'ITIIIA ne) .Net. M Dec. SI .lull. J
aiiAu.itii net. u Dec. H
LONDONDEItriY AVI) er.Asnntv
rAlIllUOMA (lien) Oct. SJ
.Oct. Sll Dec. 3 Jan. 7
Ne. .' Dec. Ill
Nni. IS Dec. .'I .Inn SI
( 01.1 MIMA
l'NMI.MA )er, i;
V10O fJlllltAI 1 Alt NAPI hS PAT HAS.
nt unevNiiv. tries ie nrvB
nn en :t
I a&dbakfcfc SAILINGS
IlOM (Klnlfi J J I)'cen4ber 7
j' rKltOM No(vmlei lt lanuwrv 10
. Ie Mffjt(rr anni) , nd at 1 Per
I Mfldeirn CJliinttai Alc.fr Mnn i. n mn
lerat Onna, np e (Heme) P.ilri V rnPii-i
'AtliniJ rrlete v.inrlrii ii'u u find tht
SumpMJeuhl ijipe ntci 'aiffpst nmi ffr
uiifxc J ?ri n i i iilt-in h nc i v
rOOTTlH llh bl til i!l 1 J-IlSUll H IRH IO
flliv pert nni pprfert fi rlem t t ifi
Snerf exiurniens if it-1 red it Ne u i
Mfiil fur IinlrpenJfnl Trnrl
('iiiuird and Am her s(pumhl JJnen
I'lih-tpmcrr Ofllre. 1100 W ilnut l . Hill...
rretfcM (nire, Itetirne UUx . I'lilti.
Sailings from Philadelphia
HAMBURG S. S. "Kcnewis" (U.S.S.B.),
Sailing Oct. 22
Hudsen Shipping Ce., Inc.
Hi II lllrlilinill'
l.dll'llMIl! .1(11
Keiilene lilephnne
Mlllll :mi
fe white Star
One of the well-kneu'n ste.wly-Reing
White Star Liners, sailing from
Philadelphia te Liverpool
Oct. 22 and Dec. 3
Abeaid the Haveifeid you enjoy the
comforts of n modern hotel and a
cuisine and .stewaul service interna
tionally famous.
International Mercantile Marina
Pnsientje) Office, 1.110 Walnut St.,
Phila i
V, eight OfTue, 0J nuiic Bhlg.,
dicHmdnir' unts
Cerk, Dublin, Belfast,
Londonderry, Waterford
ss"ohkesir..ist 12 Nev.
Moere & McCormack Ce., Inc.
Philadelphia Manager
l.'H HOI (S, .)(, , pun
" I (' fain 71?
S S "Pert of nnuleRiie" e. 8
') H 1 l -i t I III 111 1 1
-I 1 11 Mlii Uei 1 I 11 i
S i. I ISI 1 ls I . 1
or p. own sn:.Mr.us
Earn-Line Steamship Ce.
H!) south I tuirtli SI . PI11I.. Pa
I r I ' 0 1 ' nt 11 I 'l
A ) 11 1 or
Three Star Line
lc I ITr lr -, l;,.,,, j.
- ' 1 Hi il-i- l 1 t 11.
Dixie Steamship Lines
Bristel, Manchester,
IJMtl. 0EMm:K
I- I (IM 1.1(1 Ml l( 1 1 ,
Harriss, Magill & Ce., Inc.
U.j l.afayctle Hldir , Philadelphia
l mallard ;,iie-l Mulii IS.'u
Steamship Lines
Rotterdam, Antwerp, Amsterdam
Seiling Oct. 25
ler Unlet nml I'nittculara apply
I'lill ulrliili 11 Aisciitn
10 k sin in mi sr., run. 1
I iiinliiiril SMI Miiln Hi .Ml
New Yerk te Rotterdam
Via Plymouth and BouIegne-sur-Mer
N.AMSTERDAM Oct. 22 Nev. 26 Jan 4
N00RDAM Oct. 29 Pec. 3 Jm 21
ROTTERDAM Nev. 12 Dec. 10 Apr. 8
RYNDAM Net. 10 Dec. 29 Feb 4
Paisenjcr Oflicc, 1531 W.lnut St. Pbil
mill return
( iillliii; ill lliiiuii. I'liinini.i tiinil.
I nn nurlek .rtii Iriiuilini
III MM vl I MI l(
1 1 ii" ii iii i mum i- nn ii iii.iii m rM
I MiiiniEliiu Kenli I s Milimlni: II mrd
' 'JU Miutli (.11 xtri'i-l 11 illliniiri-. Mil
nr um lerul nti niiililp iistni
I'll' 1 "l MM'
S S NERMtill Ni"- Ij
UICE, UNIlllIl & L0.
neiitsr. in nt.., rim a, .
I.amtnrd 5001 .Mil" "HI
k"j! .,,