-" KMBtvnfiKM 'jQfJ&fy v SJrrt ' ft , r grx nB 18 EVENING PUBIIO LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, tfttlDAX OUTOBEK 14, 1921 EXPERT APPROVES TURNBACK SYSTEM le Used in All Large Cities. H. M. Brinckerheff Declares NO PARALYZING EFFECT A trnflV pxperf exprppl Hie opinion tha "turnbnrV wf"in en tlie Mnrket strw't "I," I in pffiiiPtit inrtlieil of operation bofero Snmncl M Oment Jr , Public- Seniee Oinml-sinnrr. Hi told tl)i i m ! in n en i-li'Miteil lines In nit Inrce i'itie. The ultni n- H M Brlnelter Brlnelter heff. of tin- linn of l'nrvens, Klnpp. I'rinr-lir-rhnir A. PeukIh Mr Hrlnck Hrlnck Hrlnck orheff -Blil lie hml ml ren-liWnhlp rc rc rc prrlonre in trnffic stuck iiml was tin" pntctitPc et t'li tlnnl-riili vtcm which in bclnc oprrnted throughout the rutin try. I If mmli n plijslcnl nWrtntinn if the piTtitinri of the Mnrkt Mn'Pf Mibwaj- nnil "I.." nnrtlniliirh of tlie turnbnrk ut at Sci eml nml nt 8lxt -tlnnl i-trci'ts nml found It te be uerKUif: "iiei pifnll , hi "Jilil Asked If the dlwrtniK "f trnhis nt the two points im-ntumri- M n" m onvpnlenrp te pntrmi". h nM tlie in ilhlrlunl nlums leek out fir hl por per por ennl enpiiPiin'. nnd !tn nmt'iliu iiitcrfpri-s vlrli his 'Iimxs thi'i" 1- likely tO llP I letlM "Is n -iMtis of .'I e- t' ppr ipnt in tin nppr.m n nf the line tv rmsim of turn Inc bsitk e' tnm n npRllciMe .ilnK In tin "j" rii'ien of ii biif poi run n ikd KrPilpri. I. Nnllnrd. iittntney for thp V It T "I vli u'd n that It was larue. was Mr I5t .ii. k rlieff n-ply "Hum i nliiprpil any piiralyrms pffppt mi liu-i'K-, ar building dpxolop dpxelop dpxolep input ui it h l;t -ninth street l rcaxeti nf tin- turnback sworn'" "I .h. n'ti sin net from tin develop develep jiicnt th.ii l taking place wt.Ht of SKtt ninfli .'rept " Continuing the wltni" vtatf 1 that nil the Milium and elexated lines in New nrli Ii isten, Clin ime. Itroeklyn nnd et In t it ex line adopted the turn back .M n heeiliie It i n'C"-lu v ill order te r mil it.- nil In I'M'i the Illinois r iblii MTien Commission direi ted Hi svstetn te ! inaiiEiirated en the Iiiip- in t lmiui b explained On bfinc einss.i xninhud In Pheni i Rnelmrn White - h i'prPM nts the inteipst opt ntnig Up turninj; hi k of trains ill n tni-. .tiled that is fur us he li 1 I bsiiMil tli aieiazi rider does nit eliiiet te In int; transferied from lie ti i in te another, prewd''iK the "-en iep i i tlii i" nt jii I he i en n in Ii his ih .tin itien ipui 1U lie nNe .inl p.is.encir. en the Mir Ket fctrepf lines e m'd nep with mere comfort it the plntf inns at the ,irleiis stations were enlnrd Tl is, he ex plalnpd. weniii p, i,r the eerapany te operate mere i a-s te.a train The henr inj: "rill he resunud tednr fried nnd happy before what you ara sewInR en wears out ' If I belleud that- Kliner be an with ii tin kuis smile "Hut, of i nii.e It nonsense superstition a" aie I in net .0 -me lle-is said teas itiltlx "SeniKe Is litidln,: out that a luap of mperntltlen. se ealled, are cur l.n e indli.ltiens of liniertant fiiet-. ' Hew ridleuleiis" from miner Deris went en ietleetiel: Suppose .emithitiK inlde ou powerful eneush te caplixnte a blu man was nlse pertei -fill iiimtgh te make join thread electric jeu knew almeHt eventliini kecs hack no te electricity " ' 1 don't knew nny iich thins, and 1 wish Mm wouldn't pninile thi fait thnt ou de Yeu innke tin head a hi worse, and its bail i nmgh at het I tilpt I sit h'-lp sdinehew this tub 'dsln tlunp ' touching hi i w eik scorn full.', "will ticer get denu In time nor lie fit te leek at Stepmnuiii will hi'p If 'en ak er niceh , ' I (eris bantered I'linnr spiHin; up. ftnmplng lur feet iiigr tenrh tloedlng her eheeks.. "Yen knew I went nk her I mnt.' sk sebbitl "he eiik'IU te de It without ashing Inking in niether's tilnce nd von. rai own cousin, ought te help." "like hea'cn we hlp these who help fhemsihes. leriH letiirned Kliner Hung herseli nciess the bed crjing hard Ilut nt the sound of hei name, spoken in a treng. eung Telce I plow stnlrs, the tears censnd inagicallj. fter some little busimsH with the newder puff sbe tripped .iwny, a pat t rn of April unshine I'llner iiishid Imik. crying: "Tut en Tour hnt De Dlik wants u te go metering i"u knew I can't unless jeu will thanks te n stepmother We f te he gene all di bin b .it iuime swagger "itntr club and dine nt another j,ni -.tppnieil.pr 'en knew, tins plan n it t ' ti ii h no nnnlns this .ittci no u Kiti sn ml ng it n the kitchen, with -i cb W n n 1 e itsiil III spit of hitler judgment Ierl. went Me iMisiuilly snrr for Pliiier a hndli .peii'vl child, niddenlj In .g! I under a cuih strict if kindh attii nilv fl was iinhiipin Mnrrlnge was i waj out t might also be a win Int wii-si ml men In-tlng i nhnppin . Db k Hr urn was a- spoiled as II n r is he ul-Peng and extr.nagant II would n ilk- hi k. and diakes of i d cent InlientaiKe if nin hei ked rinier would net i hi ' In in Hut. said Dens te herself, lulling w hiiu.l' alh "Wb it i geed time the will lime ependiiv in Mhing tetrdher The trnn yu ked up should hn-e wirned Pi -1- le was no dei-p-died i cleric, pall i almost te anemia and hoi- mii fhmi'i d nil iMi'i'trr-iPOTiaiiQaTPi? d It dws what jroed e(Tec i should de satisfies ernn as en ew-1. Ha looked, Indeed, much like thp bird of wlmtem, peering tlneiigh liugp hern-rimnipd glasses mi astride a bealcj nose nntertnlntng tiim was eas it lnvnhed no mere than plajing audience Hut liis droning an swered te iunk the ameinuH dialngilP In full blast en the front seat Lunch eon nt the Country Club reduced II te the terms of blushes, giggles and bends tembing as the bent together evr the menu Still Deris was obtuse It was, she thought, only the rebound. Klinnr I-id been held nt home sewing for the two dnva past. N'aturnllv, accumu lated affection broke out new. Hut piesently as they ripi1 past a readsidn .tone Deris knew thnt the were in another State. Then she be (anie utiPiis- Mils neighbor State was a Oretnn Orepn for impatient couples in that the had quitted. She touched Diiks vlienldfr, nsklng, "Is this an elopement or what'" Net i.et but seen, ' he m.wpien with n grin "We'tl see Higbv in about ten minutes " "1 say net." Deris reteited. "Yeu don't mean jnti'II try te peach'" Dick dcuiauded, llushing deeply "I won't te Kliner perjure herself," from Deris. "She la net eighteen ee 'can't marrv without tier fnthet's con sent "She will, all satire " Dick snld in i idiulli "ret. if Mill tl te b in K the game right here is where you get off IW'ii' no use for treublp-mnkerw, Itilcss miii jirinilsp te be geed, out "U go tight hcte and new " 1 "Oh. Dick!" Kliner protested, hiding her face "Yeu ou mustn't " ; "Hut I will," from Dick grimly, checking the car Deris gare him e cutting Millie. "I wonder jeu don't threw me out," she said "Hut that might make , double later. 'Kliner ibar. come with me." "II- knew T ought te -but -but I can't." Kliner w illed The car shot ahead, the predestined parson wating his hnt ilefcipntialiv te Deris. She looked about her Thirt, miles ftem home, a ftranger witli Just a bit of change in her ling Thn case seempd disperate. but she rose te It gallantly. Half a mile off s,he snw n handsome house 1 'ar was turning In te It she I n'nl il ..tying breathlessly "i'lease take me- in there. It In important I will tell .ou .hy later." Later b some two minutes sha utoed before n telephone, xvhlch the wen-1 derlng tad) of the beuse hed cheerfully put nt tier service. She get her num ber nlinnt nt once held a brief con versatien, at the clrse of which nhe nt down weakly, covered tier face with betli hands, and let tears of relief Hew nut becked between her fingers. The license clerk looked the npli cants ever nunpnsslnnntely. Kliner was m appeallnglv pretty, no trustful, evi dently se much afraid. He cleared his threat, saying with kindly gruffness te Dick : "Toe Inte by just seven min utes, young man. I've just bad tele phone orders from your glrl'si fnthcr n might fine man, Majer' Lane te re fuse you n license, as she Is under nge, nnd be's dend against your having her and te detuin her until he can come for her " "I'd llke te sen von detain her." Dick burst out hotly. The clerk looked nt him steadily. "Yeung man, there's a law ngninst kldnnpplng. My wife will be here in a jiffy te' take, care of the veiing lad until the Majer cemesi " Here Dlik sprang forward, his face de- i loeniac. malting te strike tnc ciaer man Something stayed bira Kliner, soft nnd clinging. Swinging hard npen his nrm. W cried clearly te the efficial: "Tlinnk you, sir nnd (led and Deris for saving me"' ntul promptly sank In a dend faint The thwarted olepenicnt turned out te be n providence. Majer Lane nnd his girl found each ether ever again. Dick effaced himself i best of nil, net n word get abroad. As for Deris, ibn ,... r' appealed le took her fiii-'iS X Y were 'r, ""r, et";:. appealed le toeK her heinn IT. "i8-! And before Christmas they wSfW'rt rlcd-te lne happy ever aftr .TlN J hope i . I I i mtipatien? rN s.. f is itiJi. : a , i.W. st THE DAILY NOVELETTE n ct of Providence By MKTH. M W7I.U.VMS t"jlrKUC : Hew I hate sewing!" Ai- Kliner said ppevishly as her thread snarled for the third time hi a minute "But net quite as much as .eti love new frocks prem ones," Deris in wcrcd adding with i smile. ' rawer mind the knots n s sure .gn when jour thread tis p ,, eti'l ? rnnr- Coffee At all our Stores -ii tT"iiiiiHii'jtrai.TLiir!rjii,,iin'it1"' "-fiiwriwisiw r t it Si la S E i g ! ? REUEVES CONSTIPATION . BRAS COOKED"RKnDWi; READY TO EAT Ji,eAiiiuCi4,wf mSSSSSSS lAnuw-z- Yen need IIQG$ BRAN just about as quickly as you can lay hands en it" a? the nearest greceiy S?Y Insist upon Kelloggs "the eiiginal Bran cooked andkrumbled in the fh-een and red package Free Six Aluminum Dessert Melds, each embossed with your initial The latest idea in dessert melds. Free te users of This Week Only See Coupon Twe Surprise Gifts In addition See what you get This week starts the dessert season. Se we make an offer te you housewives which we never made before. Buy at your grocery six nackages Jiffy-Jell. Send us the trade-marks with the coupon be low, and you will get three gifts. First, the set of Dessert Melds shown nbevc. Six individual dessert melds in aluminum, each embossed with your initial se it shows en the dessert. That is the latest idea in serving Jiffy-Jell. Have your initial en top of each serving! This set where sold sells for 75 cents as much as you pay for six packages Jiffy-Jell, Wc will send in addition two ether valu able gifts. Wc de net announce them, for we want te surprise you. Send us these six trade-marks this week and these three gifts will come. Ne money, no stamps just the trade-marks. Werries of constipation will be off your mind permanently if you'll accept advice and eat BRAN Kellogg's Bran, cooked and krumbled. Kellogg's is delicious! Kellogg's Bran is nature's feed and an ideal cleanser and puri fier! Bran mechanically sweeps the bowels! Unlike pills and cathartics, bran is net habit-forming; bran causes no irritation or discomfort! Physicians indorse Kellogg's Bran for constipation! Kellogg's Bran, cooked and krumbled, can be served with all cereals, its nut-like flavor adding zest te a meal. Kellogg's Bran adds greatly te the goodness of muffins, pancakes, macaroons, etc. Kellogg's Bran, cooked and krumbled, eaten regularly will relieve constipation permanently! tmsnJ mtwnJJ ; Oy-JeH Queen of AH Desserts Jiffy-Jell is the real fruit dessert. It is the only dessert with the real fruit flavors in liquid form, in glass. We crush the fruit, condense the juice and seal it in a bottle. A vial of this real fruit essence cones in every package. The flavor is abundant. We use, for instance, half a pinc appl c te make the flavor for one Jiffy Jcll dessert. Se Tiffy-Jell is rich in fruit, as fresh and fragrant as though just picked. Simply add boiling water, Real Frail Flaver in ClaitDettUt One package serve tix then the fruit juice from the bottle, and let cool. Fer children's sake Fruit is what makes these desserts se de lightful. Other like desserts have flavors in dry form. Jiffy-Jell alone brings you the real fruit in bottles. v t va T u Yet Jiffy-Jell costs no mere than the old style jell desserts. Get six packages today and send the trade-marks for the gifts wc offer. This is just te start you for the winter en the new-grade jell desserts. Please don't forget. ARGOOO CHOCOLATE CO. 219 Seuth Bread St Announce the Opening nf Thrtr Enlarged Tea Roem Friday. Oct. li Brenkfaat Luncheon Dinner Mime-- Dancing Souvenirs the original BR AN - cooked andkrumbled 10 Flavers in Glass Vials A bettlt in tack packagi Mint Rupbarrr Pineapple Lime Loganberry Orange Cherry Strawberry Lemen CoKae 2 Packages 25c Cat out the trade-marks in the circle en fronts of packages. Send six uith the coupon. "SECf." Mail This Waukeaha, Wii m i i i i i Enclosed find 6 (Jj) trade-marks from fix J Jiffy-Jell packages. Send me the meld set with J my initial and the two ether gifts. i i i i i i " '" " i i i i 1 rVWWtfWUWVVlf'iAAAnnj'.AfV WV M iT BTeTSI rK Wfc B sj CM m Sf VISMi n m vi ? fA-UTUKl Frem Our $190 American Walnut $ Dining-Roem Suite at . . SALE .00 Beware of Tender Gums Unhealthy soil kills the best of wheat. Unhealthy gums kill the best of teeth. Te keep the teeth sound, keep the gums well. Watch for tender and bleeding gums. This is a symptom of Pyorrhea, which afflicts four out of five people ever forty. Pyorrhea menaces the body as well as the teeth. Net only de the gums recede and cause the teeth te decay, loosen and fall out, but the infecting Pyorrhea germs lower the body's vitality and cause many serious ills. Te avoid Pyorrhea, visit your dentist frequently for teeth and gum inspection. And use Ferhan's Fer the Gums. Ferhan's Fer the Gums will prevent Pyorrhea or check its progress, if used in time and used consist ently. Ordinary dentifrices cannot de this. Ferhan's will keep the gums firm and healthy, the teeth white and clean. Start using it today. Brush Your Teeth With Forhan's--Hew te Use It Use It twice daily, year in and year out. Wet jour brush in cold water, place a half-inch of the refreshing, healing paste en it, then brush your tcetli up and down. Use a rolling motion te clean the crevices. Bruh ihcRnnding and back surfaces of the teeth Massage your gums with your Ferhan-coated brush gently at first until the guns harden, then mere vigorously. If the gums are very tender, massage with the Wer. instead of the brush. If gum shrinkage has already set in. use Ferhan's according te directions, and consult a den tit t immediately (or special treatment. 35c and 60c. All druggists. The Iren Feed for Vitality '.'ipfltT ! ' t. I IMMsTiaa'l ' sa I i I , II I m ifUJVJMiKyy True vigor and vitality depend en the iron m the bleed Real Raisin Pie -you don't knezv it, unless you've tasted this one. Try the recipe and see Raisin Pie Urn art quxUy rtfrukei at night bw a dmirt Itkt thu I eupn Sun-Maid Sedad n-ililm t cupi water ' teaspoon a t 2 tablespoons lemon Jul s 1 tablespoon rern surcli 1 tablespoon sugai Wash the raisin, put In saucepan with 1 cup cold water and bring slowly te a bell Add suEur, salt and corn starch which has been mlsed with 1 eup cold water. Dell 3 minutes, add lemon Juice I'eur In pie tin which has been lined with erust, while het cover; brush top with cola milk and bake In moderate even until brown All inrnr irptnenta for this recipe are level WIILN made correctly it is easy Raibin Pic rules in its own right as the Pie Su preme man's favorite food feed dessert. De you Ubc a recipe like this one have you eer tasted rai vti pie made c.vtcth in this u a)- ? If net. eu're unfamiliar with real raisin pie the flavery, energy-producing dessert that furnishes the bleed with feed' iron and helps te keep totality up te par. Yeu need but a small bit of iron daily, yet that need is vital. A million workers probably are refrc-hed daily by the di gestible, quick-acting nourish ment and itahing iron of rai sin pie. Whether you work indoors or out, jeu need this vitality. 5 S IAUTUIV3N FURNITURE (flf;? 5 Beaut if il Suite, with 0' inch Ballet, imp ubi' 'v Iue r, m.i - tl 3 8 tiiij S Semi and in. 'ant ( h ria If -et A i M I $210 American Walnut &4 M m j Q mm' i Bedroom Suite, at . . . "frSl I mm $ - , i . ,,-gL ' ' I 1 Formula cfR. J. Ferhan, D. D. S. II I flTr. tf4t $ Ferhatl Ce., NeW Yerk Ferhan's, Ltd., Montreal KTIaLHl mW r-s-)J yejl VV i'rVl,,",,"V1?-uTrl J " VM ' - - SViiT "Vj ' LtLI li C7T CT J T taU i t m . i wmw 1 ML&wilttUFEa ft i Most bcuutiful Walnut, with full unity Cue, larKe ( hitleretu, p mamWBLWsSSjZS S fc V, ' l L J J l i l L'l Hf '! Dresser and Hew-end I3ed. Noteueithy for its construction nnd j B lIBl nraM1"' "' ''"'""'""' S- I ( ti a iHBfllBHHijBHBBiHLHHBHHHBBEIHHHBnHMHHiLiHI npu- Wtnw w 9z t " --ITaTaTaTaTaTaTBijaTaTaTiaTaTWiir-aBBjMaaajBBBjaBjsjMaBaMaBBBBBlJIiTMIaTaTaHaaaBBB HnL9rEcJa.Vi-rfH rSllliJS S Dl"rt I rrm Our 1 uiterln, te ieu Dlrert 5 BiiiiSPliM ?W SLWmmWSSmWSmwlLm HsHH M t-, wd'S vctur Ur k,u ,hr lurniuirr w.- m ,i,r i'liierr J VHHHnBn Pi m m M Vtrsk H hK--k!sBhKMiBB KWVM (3 Delicious raisin pie Hfiaf iieprernittttiie it irscm inn . 5 spETTyJiiSrJ(5 ifwiriTy aaJSKKl&aWmW -p-, ,v in Wi. B M and raisin hrcad are HI : PI!ILAS! rlilfl FyEHITMKE EXHIBIT I tammSfSWamf Free,Jr WMM ',''' Hi : me in 10 lT eU r, WMifl & 1 13 ?$ffl H S I 5WTW WtU IS ""P" "J a f book i(H where n. of tlum K, epcm me... 108-10-12 N. 8th St. o.ir,.Uen. mXJjffiML&jmjLgm inyene who maili coupon. MRffCT te save baking at m I !:'.??.' Adjoining N. W. Cor. 8th & Arch Sts. '? ' I Hn7?S7miil7i7?1V KBlGi hetc' K " NjH'HHfr MaaaaasaBBaaaaaBiaaiiBaiaHBaBaHiwasaiaHiBBBaaa)BBWMMHWe(lalH 97 Hr VWWWVVWWWWVWinnWrWWWWV. bHHHIHHBMHiHMaaiV1' mamMaaaamamamaammmWammmamaammaMammmmm,. I Ctjr State SUN-MAID RAISINS Use Sun-Maid Ramns, made irem California's finest table grapes merlLall raisins, processed and packed immactilately in a great modern California plant. deeded (.seeds removed); Seedless I 'ji own tnlheut ieeds); Clusters ic tee stem) Alse a line, cicr-r,'ady desbeit. Raisins are cheaper by thirty per leilt tliail fnrinrlir KI,. tll.1t VOH -"-t -"-.-uicai get plenty in your feeds. C VL1FOKNIA AgSOClATEIJ KAISIN CO., Dcpt. P-418-23, Fresne, Calif. m.mmetnnv ii.oeo Grewn I 1 I JiyTJTfllS OUTJVNDSKNDJT. uliriirt.lii Nnurluli-il It H I-In I" II. Til 1, MS -. I t ..111 I ' -i i" I" 1 IB . I Tl Ml ), I llll! I'leaae nrl trie ropy of your free book, I Hun Muhl lULii.i-a I Name. .. -I I Htreet . . : . ( .--J