Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 14, 1921, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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JiiVJiiiNliNU I'UBJUlO LElNiUlUi iHiLU)JiJLIJHlA, 1IU1)AY, OO'i'UBJiiK 14, 11551
Weman's Life and Leve
s. sAttebtu
nAnrnn i 'Or rr
Fifty-seven Varieties of Husbands: Idle and Geed-for-Nothing
THE town loafer niiil drunkard in nnv am, de of tins lil nlreus linv. Of course,
cemmunis is (!i.ihmm1 and shunni 1 m"';l ,"M1 '"' ",f ktiew the Inw exuded.
Yet. by n Htrimse niietnalv. if In- is pre v nn.l decent met; wen .1 net have availed
entca. en t ii e .,... -W,TTOW, ," "" ' " '" ," '" " lT?.. "'""' . , ."
in ere ii was, mr me iitmiuuiKc m ,n
r probates wlie beat up their wives
eve. Suturiliiy night, nml took their
wnsei from them, net by force, but
by mnjest of the law !
There Is no roinen why a wife should
net support her husband. If she Is--fronts
and husky nnd he l nn invalid,
or If she Is brilliant nml possessed of
a Mg cn-nliiK capacity, nnd he In torn tern torn
;ienuil.v tinomple.ved through tome 111
fortune. The only teiiseti that society
i ,-m ilec reed that fnmil.v support I the
iiui'e duty is that women presumably
vw-ie hearing elillilren, and the care et
several young bal les precluded them
from nar'niiiK a livelihood. When con
ditions are the reverse, the man is HI,
or In trouble, any reasonable and af
fectionate wife is Hilling te meet the
omuieti expenses. Hut for ii drunken,
lying, shift :s spouse? Never!
Every town and village has a few
eiamples of these male parasites, nnd
the great cities have their quota of men
living off women. It Is usually such
an apparent tragedy that the com
munity sympathizes with the wife, and
If she is very peer, women nstst her
with oppeitunltles for work and i''i
oiet" for her children.
It Is singti ar. hev ever, that if the
d-iih'.en iiuifcr changes te have a souse
of h.,iner. nnd iituusi-s folks, or a weal:,
ad smile, and appea s t the svm
tines he Is cend ned a little, at least
by hi ma ! contemporaries. The wife
eftet. i believed te be a scold or u
One fault begets another. Of course
If n wife is slaving until she Is ready
muge ne is ne. ne.
leved by thou
lands! Years age Itip
Van Winkle was
Jit immortalized by
r Jeseph Jcffercen,
mnA ...Mil..-.. -t
nitu uilltlwjin Ul
respectable, Ued
fearing persons
who In real life
would have
h u n n e d the
reprobnte like the
placuu, wept and
unlled and con
doned his fallings.
Recently n similar character ha been
presented in a piny called I.lKhtnlnV
which ran three years en llrendwav
without a paue. Literally millions et
wen and women Hocked te see a dls
reputable, geed-for-nothing husband, a
liar nnd n drunkard, supported bv Ids
admirable and energetic and long-suffering
wife, and shed tears when he
fzuerienved had luck.
What the psychology Is, I nm at a
less te tell. However prone the female
Population is te condone a gn b'ade. a
Den Juan, who lends a fast hut f'is.
dilating elsteme, it never wies m-ii-timental
ever the slnfr .-. dii r . tobacco-chewing
old sebher. m nn town.
let put linn nn the sing, nnd' let hi
wife turn him out of doers utul there
Is net n dry eye in the li..ic:
Perhaps It was lnrgeh the sweet
personality of Jee Jeffersen and his
modern prototype, Frank Haeen, thnt
i-npiurccl the hearts of a Mist populace
Hnd CnUSed it te reverse nil iimi-nl te ilmn Inte lier I'nii'n ulwt la r,n
nianearus. nen the martyr who war,
unfortunate enough te be the wife of
"LiBhtnlu Rill" was divorcing him.
ns he deserved te be divorced, the au
dience almost rose en masse at his en
trance wenring the G. A. R. nnlferm.
Radiant, lndpcd. were the society ma
trons and debutantes in the bees and
jrallerv girls, and suburban f:imilles
when the fina, curtain showed him as the literary and philosophical world
medi 1 of amiability. The peer are
often lrrlfab'e from sheer Inability re
end'.'e any mere.
11 -non affords na the famous first
loafer whose wife bore the reputation
of b. ing a celcd. because she was se
tired of having him hanging around
doing nothing but asking questions.
feer.ites happened te he a genius, and
ngnin the recipient of love and protee
uen. ?vet a wem.in In the audience,
however, would have tolerated lilm as
a husband !
Without being unduly intolerant, or
believer in Puritan stoning of one's
fellewmcn, I at least insist that one
need net maintain a husband who has
no virtues but a senile smile and an
aptitude for sponging en his wife.
The world Is full of women who are
supporting their husbands Pome of
them are heiresses of American tnultl tnultl
milliena res that have purchased for
eign neb'emen Others are jamtrees
and washerwomen who are laboring ten
hours a day te earn feed for their lazy
spouses and ten children. Until re".
cently many States in our enlightened
republic have had laws permitting hus-
uanus 10 cencet tneir wives wuces
Please Tell Me
What te De
What te Say When Introduced
Dent Cynthia l am a daily reiirte
of your wetuU'rtul relumii Yeu have
helped ethers nnd l feel that you can
nlse help m What Is proper te say
te a boy of seventeen when Introduced
(I am sixteen yearn old) nnd you are
at a party 7 When going home what
what should I pay? What shall I Bay
when t see him agnln at another party'
What would be an Interesting conversa
tion te engage In with him and also
ether boys" I will be very grateful If
you could answer these questions ns
-een ,ii e slble.
What would be a pretty way te re
fuse te rtrirce when you nre tired?
Thete in net anything special te say,
dear. Speak te a boy Just ns you would
te any one else. Try te forget that you
want te sav something special and talk
of whntevei ou think of Simply sav
when Introduced "I nm very glad te
meet you "
Have Plenty of Friends
Pear Ovnteln I nm a bev of seven
teen nnd iilieut a y ar mje I met a rlrl
and went te see her once n week. Ho He
etntly when I wi nt up te see her she
told me going out te parties: nnd dances
I etc would never get me anything and
nsUed me why I did net git mm te.il
i ii'cu girl nnd settle down At piesent
1 ui fititn 's very uncertain and when
J 1 tel.l her -die said she would nRsii- me
111 any wa she could
, Vew de veu think she was right nnd
should I take her advice and pick out
one gin meaning tne one mentioned
J. B. C
Yeu are cntlrelv tee young te be
engaged and have no riR-ht te monopo
lize one. girl's time unless you nre en
caged te her The young girl Is r'ght
In saylne thnt a continual round of
parties will net get you anywhere, but
a party new and then will net hurt and
you should have lets ..f girls for
friends, net one enlv
Slams the Girls' Clethes
Dear fynthln I am a silent render
nt your Interesting column nnd Mrs
X A MPS has forced me te interfere.
Heplmr tb's will net take un tee much
of your column.
I don't see hew Mrs X V MSS
can make such a statement Yes I
nm a dance fiend I am a geml modern
nnd stage dancer. I have been gelne
out with p'nty of elrlB te dince halls
and enhan ts I am no wise nuv I
'en't ' -il, I knew It all When I go
te a dance hill 1 nr net particular 113 te
whom I dance with.
1 :. n-l. ! . ler a dance and 90
per cent of the times I get turned
H BBanEw , ' wkm H EH
IHI .V Smmm
mmm IfflHH
0 Ifm'gyjfg ksAkTfskUts 9H
m KH jzry-K-yu-'t - VMM flQ
"CBBMfea,--,-. svW
wiit,nrfKifimii 11 iiiiiii ejftjrcyrc -, x
Adventures With
a Purse
weekly! New Yerk was a shining ex- I are pretty hard te llve with
decided that his "nuesfienlni's" hrenphf
out -eme el the profoundest phllosephv '
ever extiresserl, succeeding generations
forget his shortcomings nnd voted his
wife Xantip'ic the most famous scold
and nagger of history.
We would like te hear Xantlppe's
sble ' We suspect that she hnd te hustle
in some way te sup-tort h'i 1 in ! e
ness. while he lay around the stinnv
marble walls of Athens, gazing at the ' down Sy these unmilnted r
blue ocean, and pestering his centem- I iei1. , ' "m fercfd te Ket ,f
neraries with ipie-les ns te their view
points en pe itb-s and ro'lglen. Women
did net have many avenues of liveli
hood in these days, unless they were
slaves or heterne. But we feel sure
peer Xnnttppe had te earn the living
somehow, and that Secrates never came
home en time te meals. Idle hus-
bands may Interest outsiders, but thev
Autumn Weather Brings New Vegetables
Which Mrs. Wilsen Strongly Favers
t Bread, Meat and Potatoes Should Have Brussels Sprouts,
Onions. Spinach or Cauliflower Served With Them
te Ferm Nourishing Diet
Cevvripht, JSII. Vy Mr, V. A. Wilsen. All
riehts r3trvtd
WITH a keen hint of frosty days te
come, the autumn market stalls are
In n blnzi of real glory with mother
nature's offering of fruits nnd veg
etnbles. Fresh country t-ausage is be
Klnnlng te mine In and the new- buck
wheat looms bis in the efling. Plan te
purchase a basket of apples this week.
Can a few jars of apple sauce and then
let the family have a real treat. This
is the time te think about laving in a
few bushels of potatoes for winter us.
Turnips. Brussels sprouts, onions,
spinach. Swiss chard and cauliflower are
te be found in the. market during the
fall and are rifh In the lime, iron and
ether needed mineral salts or vltaminev
These s'leu'd he included in our dallv
diet te keep us physically fit.
A diet if just bread, meat and pota
toes and gravy during the fall and win
ter will make Jack a dull hey. indeed.
and will bring a host of Ills that urn
peculiar te this eaen.
Seak stale bread in cold water until soft
nnd then turn in a cloth and squeeze
drv Hub through a sieve and then
pince m a newl
Thre' cup of prepared brratl,
CtiM cup of Unrlti chopped onions.
Ore and ene-hnlf cup, of finehi
chopped preen tepi of eelen.
Clue hunch of wup pit-cut.
One 'eaipnen of ta't.
Otie-hnlf tcatpann of pepper.
One te,!,p00n of 'nge.
One-half teaspoon of thyme.
Mix nnd then pack in the cut open
ing of the rolled shoulder of perk. New
add te the balance of tilling
One eup of flour.
Tire featpoeni of biking pewdct .
Mix well and then form Inte lenf
shape nnd place In (l pnn wjti, nlPnt,
Pat three-quarters cup of flour into
meat. Place In het even anil as seen
as it cemmen e te brown reduce the
heat te moderate even nnd cook one-
e painte
up (101 s
Th' "e unpnlnted dells are net a bit
soclab'e, and dance h ills are made for
pleasure and net for ornament When
veu ask these girls for a dance thev
say "I've premised, m f-t iiehe I
am tired and I don't feel like dancing."
Hut first they give ou the once ever
and then thev talk like that
I am noted as a geed dancer If I
am willing te take a dinner en n cr p
ple. svhy aren't rthers? Yeu talk
about Humpty-Dumpty suits thnt's
what men call style If some of you
girls would enlv knew ' our opinion
about sem of your styles there would
be an awful argument. I. A T.
She Won't Save
Dear Cvnthla Yeu have helped se
many people nererc tnnt I am wrlt'ng
te you fei advice I am a veung man
twenty-thre years old nnd am engaged
three months te a girl four years
younger than myself New I love this
girl very' dearly nnd I knew- that she
cares for me Vew. Cvnthla. I am
only a working fellow and don't make
very big wages when I work She Is
work ng steadily, making prettv geed
wages I often tell her te snve a little
of her wnges te help buy a home for
us but she does net trv. telllnc me
that It Is th" fellows place te furn'nh
the home I told her we should both
ave for 'he future, but she does net
inlte am nt tempt te de it New. I
told this girl I would marry her In a
vcar or se If I was In n position te de
se and she said she was willing But
Cynthln. I doubt If this girl Is true te
me. as she gees out pretty nearly every
11 srht and spends most of her rrenev
en clothes U.VDECiniJl?.
Yeu Hiirelv cannot mean that you
hne asked the girl veu want -e marry marry
te save her money for your heme''
Ne man should ever take that atti
tude with a girl If she wants te help
him an.5 offers te. that Is n. different
th'ng but he should never expect It,
much less exact It
The autumn
bride will prob
ably want te make
some of the dainty
lingerie for her
treusscnu herself.
There Is a fascina
tion about this
kind of work that
mnkes every girl
long te be able te
de fine sewing.
Friends of the
bride will nlse
wnnt te give her
.some hand -made
garments te put In
her chest. The
petticent (dtp
shown in the pic
ture Is of crepe de
chine and lace, te
be worn under one
of the straight
wnlstless frocks
that show the least
little wrinkle or
division in what
ever is worn tinder
them. Belew are
some hints thnt
help with this kind
of sewing.
FLESH color in crepe de
lovely nnd the trimming
lilet or Valenciennes lace, with some
hemstitching, plcetlng or hand em
broidery or a combination of these.
Feather stitching also ninkes a lovely
finish where hemming is used.
If the main seams nre stitched en the
machine, the felling should be done by
hnnd. Where there Is gathering there
Is nothing se lovely as making ns nnr nnr
rew n rolled edge ns possible and gath
ering this rolled edge, then whipping It
OW this tearoom is different ngnin
from any of the ethers I hnve told
you about. There Is n certain some
thing about it, its air of quiet com
fort, its nice old mahogany furniture,
Its bread, stntely window, thnt will re
mind you of nn old English inn. It
Is what slmll I say? slightly mere
formal in its suggestion than the ethers
I have told you about. Here you find
a dignity nnd reserve well In keeping
with this charming place. It, tee, is
just around the corner from the center
of the city, nnd here you will find de
lightful lunches and dinners. If I re
member correctly, the price for dinner
Is si.r.Q,
The weninn who loves theso hand
made handkerchiefs with the colored
(breads nulled through them and the
colorful designs In the corners Is In
mere or less of n predicament if she Is
I net skillful enough with her needle te
mnke them herself. Fer nt most shops
they ate qulte expensive anywhere
from $2 te $2,7(. But there is just one
shop I knew about in town thnt has n
lovely asseitment for Sl.SJi each. One
thnt especially nppcnled te me hns n
bit of lace around n cluster of brightly
colored flowers, and the result Is the
quaintest of old-fashioned
The Greatest Mystery te a Weman
Is Hew Beys Ever Live te Grew Up
They Receive Blews That Would Seriously Harm Most MertaU,
They Take Frightful Chances And Get Away With It
WOMAN, it is snld, Is the eternal
mystery te every mnn.
This is rnther difficult for the mere
deadly of the species te understand,
sometimes; but when she knows just
hew simple and easy te Vtlem her
sister Is, hnvlng successfully cstnb Ished
the bluff, she Is net going te give It
nwny at this late date.
But, be thnt as it may, there is a
mystery te woman that is even grentcr
than this one seems te be te mnn.
And that is bow nnd why boys ever
grew lip: hew they ever live long
enough te become of age.
With each new invention of science
the problem grows grentcr, the mystery
deeper. . . , , . . 4,
Yeu bce one, a boy of eight, starting
out from his house In the city te go te
the store for his mother.
He must go three bleckB te get there,
the first one trolley-less, the ether two
equipped with tracks and frequent enrs.
He walks dutifully along the pave
ment for a whole block. ,
Then, reaching the first Inch of
trolley track, he veers sharply off the
..nveoient. tnk-es te the street and con-
corsage nues ppr(,0iy down the exact middle
of the car tracks.
I saw something tndny one does net . .. ., . uttcriy inconceivable thnt
often see a dainty square- cellar of , z ', , , , . ,,,. j. ,..
madeira work. The material In the A -e M1011 d reach borne n
'cellnr is n fine batiste and Is finely I Inrn trip without meeting n friend iif
scnllepetl and embroidered with delicate
design. The surprising thing is thnt
the cellnr wns only SI. This is a
special price, I understand.
Fer nnmes nf ehnps address Weman's Pan
Editor or rhene Wiiinnt 3000 or Main 1C01
I.!- ,... ntrn
It is equally inconceivable that they
chine Is
may lie
In 'hcms'tltclilng net mere than three
threads should be drawn, the work
looking much daintier than where the
space is wide.
In basting insertion en n curved out
line the Insertion should tirst be basted
around the bottom or larger line of the
curve. Then n thread should be nulled
up in the opposite edge of the inser
tion, making it fit perfectly. This
edge should be. carefully basted te the
cloth, neing sure thnt the fullness docs
bv baud te the part te which It Is te I net bunch in any spot. The material
b'e attached. Atwais put luce en by is cut away en the wrong side, nl owing
hnnd, if nn edging, holding the lace ' about one-eighth inch mnrgin this, of
next te veu and everhnnding without course, nfter both edges of the insertion
trvlng te get nny extra fullness in. J lie nave ticcn nemmeu uewn te 15
mere fnct of holding It toward you in
sewing en mnkes the right fullness.
Where insertion and edgings are te
make n turn nt a corner the lace enn
be mltcred and hemmed down without
cutting it away and seaming.
terlnl. Then this cut edge is rolled and
A monegrnm or single Initial em
broidered en each gnrment is always
liked, nnd it adds much te the beauty
of the garment.
The Heart Pirate
rccuHeht. till, bv i'"Ol(c Lrdeer Cemsant
Even theueh the fresh ve?etnhles nre nnlr. nellr P" Pound. 1'erk must be well
an additional and iiinterl.il inoreise ,n "k nd nfter this ment is rolled
the cost of the tnble budget, new. for lc,, !l lt " " rP1"",, three nnd one
safety sake, rather economize en .some- half hours in the even. Baste fre-
thlng elhe and have an nhundanre et """. -' "ihi, v ;,irr,
them daily, particularly during the fall.
Serve creamed vegetables for the neon '
luncheon for the ihlldren during the
week. They nre healthful and satis.
Here is a suggestive Sunday menu
for three meals :
Baked A pull -
Sausage and Het Cakes
Sirup Coffee
Vegetable Soup
. Home-Made Itelish Celery
Roast Shoulder of Country Perk
Brown ftravy
Apple bnuce
Bweet Potatoes Mashed Turnips
Custard Pie Coffee
Petate. Celery and Nut Salnd
Sliced Tomatoes Celeslnw-
Apple Sauce with Swinge fake Ten
The market basket will require:
One haikct of apple-,
Green Reppcra,
Bircet potatoes.
Twe bunchci of soup greens.
I'achnge nf pancake flout.
iSVl'di mid eiif half pniuiih sheu'di
H teiii(7 count 1 i 1""'..
One pound if fush iitunliy eimnui,.
And UKUiil weeklv staples.
The shoulder of country perk can be
served Brownsville stvle fur Monday
nvenlng dinner by cutting in thin slices
from the left-ever shoulder and dipping
the slices in thin butter and frying until
golden brown. Serve with gravy and
baked apples. On Tuesday serve emlm-e
of roast perk, by cutting sufficient left
over roast perk in Inch pieces and mill
ing one cup of celery, cut in Inch pleies
nnd parboiled, and
Cice iifcen peppers, minced fine,
OtIC union Tn'cd,
Tire ''" " "ii'-d I'fiiiii Mince, iih'i'
OnC'hil'f 1 up nf rtiir; minciil pin.il' 1
Ilent te the si aiding point nnd thou
serve en toilet with slices of fried apple.-.
Use the bulnuvc of the perk for petple
Iter Wednesday evening meal.
Beast Shoulder of Perli
. Have the butcher bone, roll and tie
shoulder and then wipe with a damp
' anu prepare me. following tilling :
Just a Little Jet
But Se Effective
Until Richard Itlakcslce kid
napped Theodora Caldiccll, because
he did net trant te give up hit privalc
secretary, Thte herself knew very
little about love. Sie thought she
loved Jimmy liland, she was sure she
iranted te many him, but alone with
lSlakeslce en his private yacht,seept
off her fell finally by his passionate
leve-makini, she xras conscious of his
stremlh and of Jimmy's tciakuess.
Xcvtrthcless she remained loyal te
Jimmy until when she relumed te
him he reviled her, and sheiced his
teal iclf. Hurt te the soul at the
things he said, her pride rose in arms
and erected a barrier between herself
and niakesler, although she had
broken her engagement and was quite
'7 Want te Meet Him"
he had never hnd time te piny and her
answer about the weninn who could
mnke him forget himself. Wns he en
tirely selfMi? Did he think only of
himself? Did he love Thee enough te
1 give her up te the man she loved, te
watch her pass out of his life entirelv
without puffing out a hand te step her?
His senses cried no, but somewhere
burled deep in him something cried yes.
He did love her that much, but he had
te be sure, he had te be certain that
she loved this man, and that he wns
worthy of her.
I He rnught her suddenly bv the
I shoulders nnd her henrt died within her
1 If he crushed her suddenly In his nrms,
Mf he sought her lips with his demand -I
Vng response, she felt suddenly thnt
nothing else would matter. She would
give In. she would surrender, nnd after
ward when it was tee late she would
be sorry all her life.
isiie caugnt her umicrnp Between ner
Read Your Character
Up Mafal Phillips
Bulging IJrew and Sloping Chin
This Is a combination of character In In
uicatlens which Is rnther t-nre; nlse In
It has ben shown In previous nrtl
cles thnt the fnrehend which slnnts
backward Indicates quickness and vigor
of thought, combined with varying do de
grces of Impntlence nnd aggressiveness ;
whereas the forehead which is high and
bulges somewhat denotes virtually the
opposite thought tendencies. It indi
cates slower but deeper and mero per
sistent mental processes, with nn intro
spective rnther than nn objective trend.
Likewise you linvp rend nf the chin
indications, which are illustrative mere
of these thought tendencies which nre
connected with or res.ilt in lotions The
prominent chin indicates a personality
slew te net. even (heugh thoughts may
he racing. The reeding chin denotes n
tendency te quick nnd impulsive notion.
It Is net hard te understand, there
fore, thnt when you find the combina
tion of the bulging brew and the re
ceding chin you have found a person
who will he interesting, If nothing else
Slew nnd sure of thought Impulsive
nnd probably inaccurate of notion It's
n combination likely te keep you guess
ing. Seme people make mistakes, hut
ever realize they've made them; hut
these t)(snrle always think of the clever J
or the appropriate nnswer a couple of
hours after the opportunity is pabt. But
if you want te eMini'ite, the true vverfh '
of them, den t mnke the mistake of .
.nidging them by their mnnncr or np-1-enrancc
or hnsty notions. Judge '
rather by the evidences of their matin e,
Tomorrow Vcitlcnl Handwriting
The Question Cerner
Today's Inquiries
1 In Texns what is the surprising
number of the farms operated by
women? . .
2. Hew enn new elastic be rapidly
run through n piece of under
wear? , ,
3, What novel method de
Chinese use for removing
stains from clothing?
4. Which -fitnte is called the Mether
of Presidents? ...
r. On serge nnd Canten crepe alike,
what makes a wonderfully effec
tive sleeve?
0. What does a New Yerk actress
wear te take the place of nn eve
ning wrap?
Yesterday's Answers
1. The novel custom of filling her
pockets with brend, which she
hands te every one she meets en
her way te the church, is con
formed te by manv brides of
Sweden ; each piece disposed of is
supposed te nvert misfortune.
2. When fine lingerie is being laun
dered a few lumps of sugar drop
ped In the rinse water have the
effect of starch and will enable
one te iron It beautifully.
,1. TTse. black oilcloth te make a
striking-looking cover for the
card tnble nnd paint a bright de
sign in one corner.
4 The Koh-i-Noer Is n Oolcendn
diamond, valued at 5025,000,
which Is one of the largest in the
world nnd is new a crown Jewel
of F.nglnnd.
,". An effective cellar for the winter
cent is fashioned of the material
with vertical bands of the fur
set en and it fastens around the
neck in (linker style.
In n pretty overbleuse of gray
georgette a long cellar that is
caught together in front with but
tons forms nn unusual vest.
should part without first ..i. .
affectionate blows, and tl i"5f
"ft cue
"d Pars
within hearing distance. ""Wedy
ether down forcibly en the hnra J.J
with thuds that sicken aUhX
Yet, they both survive and seem t,..
fcctly happy nheut It 1 "m per
A boy can take chances thnt are ei.
2 nor cent in his favor, nnd get a "'j
unharmed. uwaT
Twe of them get into n car ..
playing .football . all afternoon. T
tired, still in their muddr ele.s.. net
There wns engine trouble and It'lnM,
n long time te fix it. While w.uK:
for results: they snt down en the curh
and at last, worn out with their effort,
stretched themselves flnt out upon damn
grass nnd cold pavement, until sems.
body enme te help.
Most human beings would ham
caught pneumonia, or nt least com.
plained of a strange stiffness and co-M
In the bnck the next day. cel(1
But these, being boys, went blithely
home In the r mended car. and an.
peared for school next morning as will
ns ever. ""'
rnilEY fall off high plnces, climb all
J. eyer one another, sknte en thin lee
dive Inte shnllevv water, travel in Wkr
hunts nnd smoking cars, defy lightnlnr
battle, murder and sudden death i
thousand times n day and get away '
Why is It? Hew can a mortal fall
out of n tree, pitch headlong down a
flight of stairs, get thumped mercilessly
In the chest and llve happily er
after? ' "
Hew can n thing thnt has j,t step,
pod playing with fire engines an dchoe.
choe cars go shouting down n hill en s
sled, step shouting for n minute when
the sled hits a tree and sends him Inte
the deep drift, then take up the sheu a
loudly nnd try It nil ever again?
Why is It thnt he can de this threa
nnd four times In n winter nnd manaw
te struggle through te voting age?
OH, WOMAN may be n mystery with
her changeable mind, her unstable
eyes, her butterfly heart.
But she'll never be se unfathomable
ns this vigorous, noisy, lovable little
1 IH.-IUI wne iiikcs ins nte in his hands
, every time he gets nwnlce. throws It
1 carelessly nwny, and hns it come grin
I ning back te him with a handful of
J health that it has gathered en tin
11 II i
A Real Honeymoon
In the Island of Khndes honey Ii
still n factor in the morrlnpe rlt..
After the wedding the husband dips Ml
finger in honey and trnces n cress ever
1 the doorway of his home before the
1 bride enters. Meanwhile the spectators
cry out te tne inu.v,, "He always geed
and sweet ns is this honey."
Things You'll Leve te Make
Cream Vanilla
One of Eight Flavers
Hair Ornament fet
Even.lW'jj Wear
Apple CustnnT Tie
Line a pie plate with plain pastry
and then pl.-ue in n mixing bowl
One nnd one-half cups of thick apple
jaucc sweetened te taste.
Our cup of mill.,
) 'Jk i of ttre cans,
F"iir tnhlcpenns of flour,
O ic-hn'f teiiHpnen of salt,
Oue-hnlf tiispoen of nutmea.
B nt with dever egg beater te blend
thoroughly and then turn in prepared
pnsiry ana tinne m n slew even for
th.r'y minutes. Place the whites of eggs
in a bowl and add two-thirds glasH of
apple jelly. Beat until mixture holds
Its siinpe. pi(, en p,. when cooked and
brown lightly In het even.
Petate Celery and Nut Salad
Bell seven medium-sized potatoes In
tb'.t kins and then peel nnd cut In thin
s'ns Pla' i- In a newi nnd add
" ' 'Jin une-hnlf cups of finely
chin , . ' i 1 Ii ry
I , cij, ,, rinrhj chopped nuts,
lint (n 1)1 union, grated.
dm -half 1 up of finch minced pnr-lrp.
Cever wiih dressing made as follews:
P'ni e in a saucepan :
Ihrec-fnurths cup of tcaftr,
Ona-half cup of vinegar,
hour tablespoons of flour,
One teaspoon of mustard,
One teaspoon of sugar,
One teaspoon of salt,
One-half teaspoon of pepper.
Stir te dissolve the flour and plce
nnd bring te a boil Cook slowly for
lx iniiietr- (Hid then add yolk of
oil' ' ig .i'hI I'iri" t idle puens of drip
HI' .ef fr 11, 1 t'e' - i-'lge Coekei f,,r
hi. la-- I " t uh ti of eg,- .1 n . 1 1' en
lift v 'nt 'f s' nn di-e-Mtig mid use a
liivit st'e egu', ,iier te blend. Wl,,p
haul and then pour salad and let cool
and herve with crisp lettuce.
Remember These Parties!
The mysterious, shadowy one for
grown-ups, called "THE VEIL OF
MYSTERY," with Its witches, its
flray Mystic, its unusual favors and
its shaded lights.
The cunning little, one Jut made
fe- ihildrcn at which "MOTHER
;i ((-!:" will eti'eitiln her Utile
,1 1 -- t.inl give t.H'iii all kinds of
Inti I -ting thiii-s te d" like feeding
Mether Miihhiiid'f dug. and helping
Eitile .lack Hener with bis pie.
Send a self addtesied. stamped
envelope te the Editor of Weuian't,
Page for the details of these two
parties for HALLOWEEN.
7 OTTTftl
THEO finnlly trusted herself te speak. , ftn n " '" " 711U101 tne storm
' , . , ' v, i m l,, el emotion he nreused in her. but he
"It's useless te bring that subject , (1(, net (,rnw hpr ceicri ., gimply ,,,,,
up again. We settled lt once and for ' t,.r and his voice was very low when
all. don't you remember?" he spoke te her.
"Yeu settled it. but if veu think back , "Hear, I want you te be happy, mere
1 en stiuiu ... -mi 1. . tjmn nothing else in the world I want
you will remember thnt I refused tlint nt j ieve T0 tee much te give
definitely te give you up. When nre 1 you up te nnether mnn without seeing
,li. ...... M tflflimit tYienKiirln., lilu H-nrlli
you gelnj: te marry m ..... . yuu ,., , .-" -:r V" - "i ."Vl'"
you have? Have you decided?'
"I 1 " Thee began miserably
"I can't answer that. Yeu have no
right te ask me that question." Her
head went up nnd her greeu eyes met
his full. . . , ....
"Will you give me one right?
"If I can; what is lt?"
"Let me meet this man. Let me see
him I want te knew him. I want te
sec the man who can held veu iike tins,
I who can inspiie n woman like you
with the feeling you scorn te have ler
"Oh. no, no!" Thee's cry wns in in
veluntarv. She thought of Jimmy ns
he renlfv was, his shifting eyes, his
weak mouth, and before her steed the
man of her dreams, the king who, re
gardless of everything else, had suc
ceeded in forcing his way te her, of
dominating her entirely. She saw his
Thee shook her head .suddenly nnd he
felt the shudder that passed through
her. Then in the silence thnt hail
fnllen between them, there cnine the
Jangling sound of the doorbell!
(Tomorrow Twe Men nnd a Maid.)
A Comfortable Bed
The bed Is the most Important piece
1 of furniture In n bedroom. Heme eco
nomics of the I'nited atntes Depart
1 ment of Agriculture recommends thnt if
only n limited amount may be spent in
furnishings, It is wise te economize
elsewhere, se that n geed mattress, and
springs mny be purchased.
' TVin mntffaQB ulimilil 1vl.- Itn nu-
tei-ted by nn unbleached muslin slip
which can be washed occasionally Next
comes a lightweight qul'ted pad, nlse
washable, for further protection und
smoothness. I tils can be bought ready
Uel-e is
' I
The ideal bread
for growing children
ehiirmlnc HAITI OIINA-
something of the Russian ettfCt. Cut a
11 cue et black net the i-linpe shown
Wire It en all edges IJeud it with Iri
descent nnd Jet brads, ll.ive a long
tassel of the beads handing at each
wide. Bend the net te fit the crown of
your head. Jein a beaded elvet band
te the net, and have It clone at ene slde
with a snap fastener This HAIR OR
leek stunning with one of the new vel
vet evening gowns FLORA.
Semd for one -tellind
hew te malte
fine desserts
? .with,
Condensed Milk
2ks BcrcUn CcmJiamy
Berden Duildintf Nr
ii Victer I
If Bread j
I Big C I
I Leaf f I
s I
a At all our Stores i
f tnnimrnniTinnmiiiimiHnuiiiiinniiiiiiniimiiiiiiiitiiniiiitrinimiifTnhnninmnminifmi
Junier Packing Ce.
' 'Street-Arch ieFib&rt
granite face, the hard line or 1 is j.iv, mme ()r mn(Je of musl,n nm, ,, b t.
his piercing dark eyes; she .felt .in or RI1 W i,Kht-colered quilt 0,
of the fnct that hhe fought ies , lui .ly , blanket mnv he used.
i.e tl.e influence he exerted ever
l,fi the power thnt radiated from him
' It' (Vied her with sort of a exaltation
-),. felt a ane of personal pridi thnt
I'ifr.d her nut of herself whenever si,
I1...1...1 e, i,lm She could net leprcs-
a shudder when she thought of the two
men standing side by Hide. She did net
wnnt te go through the ordeal of com
paring them, hhe could net bear that.
"Whv de you shrink like that from
the Idea of having me meet him? he
persisted. "Are you afraid I wen t
think him worthy, are you?
"There's no reason why you should
meet him. and he wouldn't understand
Oh. please, Please leave me alone.
Haven't you done enough te hurt nte -Don't
you ever think of any one but
veurse'f? Think of my Mil;1 "I " '-'
once trv te inm-tine what I would liki
te de .mil l"t- nn de it
Thee liind'y knew wnni n- " - .
,,. mil she wns oeiimioiis
th it be
iii ai.'l sue wns i-uur. ,.,- ......
we.ds were almost Incoherent, but thev
hieughr te Ulchard'H mind (..;ncm
words of laH evening. His remaik thin
Six-Persen Services
Prices Begin at
Our Bip Openfn
Fer Ma
Rump and Round
Best Cuts of
ale Continues
Pinbene Roast
Leg of Yearling
Wright, Tyndale
& van Rnden
1212 Cheitnut Street
91 Armour's Star Earns 23
Best Half-Smoked Sausage
Rack Yearling Chops
c wneie
lb. or Cut
Lest we for jet Is c. rtaluly the re
cessienal of the hummer of l!i,l. The
brilllunt black trimming beloved of the
I last generation was never mi much in
favor as at the present time a fact
te winch the lute millinery and frocks
testify abundantly .
llevvevii, tin ri is little of our ferme!
jet tei'hiil'iue vl-ib'e in prr-'iil ininb ininb
(lene -ire I In mii-- leriiiatim which
mule th. i lui .-y yoke umi i m ru-tn-i
ions of our in i lei .nn I 1:1 iih'lin'iilii r .
Tednv we iipplv tin- M limning vviib
gleilt solt-'-entlol
The effectlveiies of limitations un
observed in the above little model of
black and white checked taffeta com
bined with blnck of the same material,
r'er the jet buttons- together with the
vestee of white organdie extending down
the front of the skirt form just tat
right touch of ornamentation,
i iky SHARP CHEESE 25c lb; 4 lbs. Kc m$M
St TABLE COCOA 20c lb; 5 lbs. iff B WjH
Hiinn"- ififilReast H
I IiUlljJR,ast 1 p !b chBcli"""" g
ii.ii.iminrterii for Mmirlre Itltrr Ce Oyntrrs,
All Kinds Fresli
10-12 S. Dd aware Ave
tomb 5110: Miln S925
Boneless Stewing Beef
Best Lein Yearling Chops
Fresh Ground Hamburg
Fresh Spare Ribs
Best Lein Veal Chop
Small Lean
Fresh Country
&v ik SAUSAG
All Other Fresh und Smoked Meats Said at Proportionately Lew Prices
Stalls 800 te 812 Reading Terminal Market
lOpen This Evening Until 9 P. M.-Closes Saturdays 5 P. Ma