RljJJfDBs'y ;WVJ B1H5WTF5 Jfr r, lifer--; ,,, f jTi. 73 f'""f"j AV" "l '"'' " Vtr'- i"'" "-., irtt,i.TF-t' -yr.r ;i ep'lV' " yw ' TVf";irf'-"' --''y '-'. -u-i , 'V' S . I- I HTBAMSnir NOTICED FALL EXCURSIONS BY SEA nAPTAM AND $23 HUdlVill HKTUI1N WAR TAX ADDITIONAL v$& pa AND hrA I rjiiutj.,, .iv.w.ii,iuLrA- "XintlH ON HTBA.MKK 1J1UI.U DUD i' ntiit ini'r.liulA . HAT., e.nn l. r ' ,Mt'8 I10STON MON.. 7:00 A. II. .iPavk iiosten . . .. Trns.. n.iw i m. "WPIIILAlint.'A .THURS.. 7:0O A. it. D DURING MONTH OF OCTOHER rUI-t 'INFORMATION ON REQUEST Merchant & Miners Trans. Ce. Pier IS " letawr, A,r Tr'' 'nilinril 1000 ""Baltimore te HAWAII nnd return mlllntt nt Ilivn.i. Panama Canal. ie Ancflen, Pan Francisce m: i.i xi: stkasikii HAWKEYE STATE ... llallimere for llnll Nev. Jfllh maTSON NAVIGATION CO. Maniiftl" Agents V. S. Slilnplnr Heard M Houth Unr Mreet. Da Minera, aid. " iiu local steamship uceni. Vis Plymouth and Boulefcne-sur-Mcr i ITNDAM u" nor. in uec.24 , AMSTERDAM ..Oct. 22 Net. 26 Dec. 31 hOORDAM Oct 29 Dec. 3 feTTERDAM ....Net. 12 Dec. 10 PaiMni.r Office. 1531 Waleul hu Plula. KIU'CATIONAI. Until "4cx.es Pre -Accounting Course for Men and Women "cntbil of Hnekkeeplng taught In 10 weeks, llirre evenlngi. a week New Class 11 glnj October 17 Intensive clnss Instruction. Tuition rate BeJ'-n r',rni nv Pert scnelarifctjij or evr-seniVe men YW5 ffc 0ntr.1i i!-.i JV, 10 i. tS .irrh S. ADVERTISING (7 Months) $22 RETAIL SELLING (15 Wka.) $15 SALESMANSHIP (7 M01.) $27 Out mero nut at your Jeb Wanamalter Institute Evening Scheel J31I AMI W1I.NI T STKKKTS PARFNT5 DD't send your son. or daughter ""u lntt the business world without a bulnes tral.Vmr A little relf-di-nlal en your part will mean tna difference .ettveen succn and failure for t'lam Investigate rur Cm see nnnkkecptng and Accountancy; Stenography nnd Secretarial Day mitt ijve lu ' r my tune C.ip or wrte for piiil,v. nfsiNiws cni.T.Km: nntl College of Cemmeur 1017 J'hcMii nt s PhllHdrtphla WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY CIlAMItEKS .NfVHiI'TK. Fall cIid form. las, m n am' mn, Phnii.. 204B Arch . Shady Hill Country Day Scheel ltH3n Crefeld SI.. Chestnut Mill ' Ti-I. ('. II. Slim llrlrn M. ti'NHII. Trtn. TRAYFR'S T," Ilf'" Munliieaa rchuvl I'm tlen cuimm'il. rn'ir new liny or nlaht. Yennic Women und OlrU flic COWLK8 C'Ull01y UeardlnB and Daj Bchoel for Klrli fruin klndrncartrn through BlKh Scheel. Llttle Ikjvh accepted In Prlini i (imrtment. KMMA MILTON COU'l.lM. fi lleiid of Senoei. (Inkl nne. I'lilln.. pnJ Yeiunt Men nml I'.etn Itcfere tlerlil.nir upon a hcIkhiI for jour aen. wrlte for "Thn I'ennlriKtQti Id -i. ' Km boys and jnun? men Krinrln IIiiruv Qrren A, M, I lit. 1.. Hendtnaiter. Unx 70, l, n MnrttQii aclviiil l'l'iinl" -t .n, N. .f mai'M uii)ii !ciiet)i. ren heys l'm!w I" l.lmlleil numner. (Jeid table Trer'itli li Meil. rate. likit. J c. Short Shert llil"e A II 11 in , llex 2l7.DarllnB.Dal.Ce. Pa JITSIC I.INsjJlITTION 5IOT10N riCTt'BI! CtlCKSE CemrU' uuuiae for ereanldm. includlnR ty anl type of niulc used, planning tousle. il program te fit picture viewed Op portunity te plav for picture. Phene, call or write for Inforrca'len. Y. it. C A. SCHOOL. 1121 Arch fitreet Ltm..t '."iHO Race 7001 IAfrS()Nl Teacher of tinging. 1710 Chut ,jm.lYJVJlTI n-it n Wr- fur liuervir IN .MI'.MDIIIXM MVr.rtH. In levlni; memury of Tlir.O IWKB AIIHAM MYlinsf. dl.d Oct 1.1 i oie AN HVIvK. In memeiy if my i.,i,n .1 mother iH.si:iiii.r. nii.km van jjyi;i: who iU.ui ,1 from thH life Oct 1.1. IH.'i. iieiw ii: lut forgettrn by her leviim diuihter, MAUJAIIUT. liii?hVMi'E?,T0ct- J.1, WILLIAM nilWAHD. fVi.nrtw u,f Su!"'n, v- H-rnm. Kelatlvea and ar. in.,i.tt'i"0. ,-'niuleea of Schuvlktll Araenal 5L iite'' '?. "ervicea. .Shi.. J.SO P. M.. at rr. Ia A"1'"1,1 ,"c- -320 N. llltli t. Int nfi-,,! flyids may call Frl.. s te in 1' M. wiv r.'rir,.'rn"llI,"':' " Cct- i". is2i. nt'- n i Vu.' 1,,al("I Jr Sitme. i nml inter r I, V ?', Jnta the Lers. Friday nfier- nVIi.yfn"TVnvft,f,.1. I'm'., .:. ,,,-,.'Ner" ' N'Kh rn.t Ht clml hUr'h 10 A M- lnt- H"'y Jl"lmn nrtAv. sud.ifnis, Oct. is. rr hkiiman th.A.'V'V" of, J''u,"! Hrav.ni.-ed 61 tela rvlc., lvrnJ.'! '"-';" t attend funenl reliance u,W i-' ,', Prv""-1"' .at hl" lut" Uu'rIS' c'S? .nd'.V'o'mrt'-neiVer, A'h S'S!''. ner ft lnt" M i?'1 ,'""?."." h'" "'I. -'0. Niin,.".V .MtM." 9rni- (Sloters will tj at newtewn Se. btt. 1 und M -"lock.) MIILiIM'i,iIii."'AJ 22."". AmLir " Oct 10 u i, i .J-" ,wf" of "'er1f.' (I llmeer i1Kid hMi,MiU,Vv', "d frlcnda al.e ni.mbers if At ' m "'rliualut Church, lnlt..d in 9-rvIceH Hu.nuthL M- l'arl"rH of tleher 4 Heuliiuer. SrUali II'1?, ftvs' '"t of Kr"nt " lnt fiXvwn? (iv. of v ' Ccnu vi"w- PhoIebeI'i,,"??fiti i. Y'if''AM hinbund of all .ueien CMi'1' . ?'" inJ frlendi. and xi.S i";'" of which he .i a mnniter In l.tJ4..,Mruneral ""vice. Thura" IP. M.. iivl ii , ' Ja.brlel' I L' flmrch, Frent ,L In-lends -nav call Wed. ee. N01tw?f",TrOc,L- 1,3; n'OBT A. CON l.trdl in ,;V.1 ,n? lllt9 Jnrnea Cenner I'M- Invite I q , 1-h&h ."''.'. ''"" a ineiidHT -r Illlner ,'t ' h3,0 a- ji- lalv realdence. 150S ''hurVl. Sf s. Mmi! lnAl". .'. requiem at '" Cem. Munlca A- !"' "ly "uijVTtATi'2.2-?.!, 1J0Wnr?, " . 'VI Cull ncr1. I LjViLr' n 'V'r. wlfe of frlendV , r' ft,. .? y"1. Itdatlveit und lyiifi.iM "V"P(1 '" h 8erlcea. .n Frl pair 1 1, re,t1 7""!"cl. '" lhu '"t 1 li r iufi "," fhfatnut at Interment at fhurir ,'',,V'M"e,ery- ITItnds may call " C mty (ini"n1reti "i"'1;18 e "aidner). nj H.i, v I"-,B"-' "f the Su-red Him it "W nV.Ve'f"," f ,,:V "wrtUa?1 ile " 'AST aV-' l""wV," 'V " "-'! ''A'nA 'ltie, ,! '.'"."' n.nw Leabler. I0". n Thii,llv ,,";' "Ml""! '" ltl" "" tr iai J.1, ,.'' Tft-rnii.ii at - e'c m-lt .1 mentor Fern ' ,?"" N'"'"k "f I iter gl(vl,.'rr'""' 'Vmeleiy. Vi.,liilt W.d- l?!"'"''S'Mi.1''iiuli!n !U21' '-""'AltO. ,a. J.rl . H a Vf . rnnil. i.wid 117 .lm.nl yWch li a M 1, u'ni """" -s Ji'ienli-; a."." """'- - 'a'J l"" 1,,r'e"d' 1 !0 'un. riu s, 'i' ',".' -: " i InvitH ,,-, ,;' 7 ''' A M pat 1 ut 1,' r.-'i - f'rihag, ,. ' '',"', AiigeN1 in t ht f I'fm ' "urrl' l A M lnt HI IenN V 1' I "ini 'w, 'r "'-"NAMIJ. husband 111 , 11"" -V lOUIlll) R llltlvii ., O l(l V N.llllil M i.l. .Ix I. , -sinci 11 1 'l.a,fr1"""" "ftMlngtei, Uted'","1"!'.. -.; .128 I'-ef-A.-.r.-fn '.row hi. i.?."1.'"!11"11' "T"1 :w A M HOLLANft i AMERICA UNE 0 New Yerk te Rotterdam 'a re,rl IT. "'vme. jinrinuni llVO IIP V III.ii KKfi ''"by. D law are C'eunlv Wwtk ,n,ie?ull!rn. m" St. Andrew's fnulsi' iir,Sx"'. '."'I. t A M. Int. Bt. Wln2l-8lWUA.B 2" m"' "" " '1 k nwATnn ,.0.AMjA.enEn' Oct. It. 1031. CATIIA "J"3 J1'.. OAMJVOIIKn (ne TledgerT), widow of Murtha Gallagher. IlelatlveJ nnd e'ini." t" Invited te attend funeral. Bat.. Si. 111 "Jreln .fcildcnre of her daughter, Mr. Allce Franklin. 13.11 N. 1.1th at. Bei in "a ule?,.lnA,? ai. "' Malachy'fl Chureh 1" A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem, AiAi,TliNvr0cl' '' I'LI'A. wlfa of late .!', "i J- Oarton. nelntlvea and friends In vnl'..t0 .fu.ncral "ervlcca. Bat.. 2 V M. SM0 K at, Int. Arlington Cem. Vlewlnu Frl. 1,,'nIriI':r0.0, . - nniiEccA ir. oilten. wife of Frederick C. drill, nged in. Fiu reral erlcra at Kirk A Nice. 0301 Or Or mantewn ave , Thurs.. 3 P. M. Int. pel. vote. Iterenln mav be vlewd Wd. ev ti!.ritAWl;0D 0ct-11' ieai. liAitniKT llANLLVn. daughter nf the late Alfred and l.yilla llmllnr. Services at Oliver II Jlalr llld , 1320 Chcitnut at., en Friday nfter. rten, at 2 o'clock. Interment private. 1IAN80N. Oct, 11, ASDHGW II.. hut. band of Hannah Hansen, aged 02. Ileiatlve tnd fr end; nre Invited te attend funeral services. Thura.. 2 I M. erecl'ely. at tin) jar ors of Wllilam 8. N'eff, 13011 W. Ox ford st Int. Mt. Peace Cem. Remains may be viewed Wed.. 8 te 10 P M irAnn Suddenly. Oct. 10. 1021. ELLA J. "AIK. wldnw of . Warner Hare. Berv lve 1 Thura.. 2 P JI.. nt renldencn of her son H Thornten Hare. S370 Wlngohecklnar ter.. Oermnntewn. Int. private, II.VZATtD. Dl-d nt Friends' lletm, New. tnwn Tenth Menth 12th, PHT5PE ANNA HAZARD, wlfe of Reland II HiUiird. for merly of Irrlatel, Pa,, na;ed 01 years. Rela tives and friends Invited te a'rend funeral, at Fallalngten. Pa.. In Frlenda' Meetlnit Heme, fllith-day. Ten'h .Menth 14th, at 2 e'clcrk P. M. Triln for Me'rlsvllle leaves llrend St . Philadelphia, 12'0D P. M.i New Y'erk for Trenten 12 M. HIOUAaf.-MCIIlcil In action while flghtln In the Arsenne olTnBlve France. Oct. 2.1, HUH. HOWARD II HIOIIAM. Jr. nac-i 23 Relatives and friends, nlen Htekes Don Den sal Pest A. L , and all ex-aeldlere. are In vited te funernl, Sun., 8-30 P. M.. from the rreldencp of hla parents. 40 Chestnut St.. Woodbury. N, J. Int L'allnaten Cem. JAMI1S Tenth Menth lath. MARY J. T wlfe of William M James. Relatives and ft lends are Invited te attend funeral services, or. tteventh-day, inth. at 2 I", M , nt her late residence, Hill Chestnut at. Int. prl- KINDKLGN. Suddenly, at New Tnrk en Oil 11, 1021. JULIA A. KINDKLKN. formerly of I'hll.iCelplila TUrm'tm ms at Bt Jamen' Church, 3fith and Chestnut. Thursday morning, U o'clock. Interment prl- 1.AVDIS Oct. 10. JACOU. husband of jeniiiu i.nniiia. ageu m yeara tnce iiltfn hardt). Relatives nnd friends, also member nf P O H. of A., 370, are Invited te attrnd funmal serlces Frl., 2 P M, late re . dence. 1303 Williams nt. Int. private Friend mav cah Thurs. eve. Ml HAOn. Oct. 11. JAMI2S E. httaband of ilnry V (nee Hemple) Ln Haen, nf 2?3:i N1 lHth st Relatives and friends, and em-pliy,- of Henry Dlssten'e Sens, of Taceny: Ki'iatone lleneficlnl Aso:lntlen' Hnrtnnuv Iidne. Ne, 52, V, and A M. Inuted ti eerv Irea. Sat,, 2 P M-. from Lafayette T.iyier Hld . 2034-30 N. Hread st LITTI.i:. Suddenly, at Oc.in Cltv, N. J . en Oct. 8. 1021. WALTER W. LITTLC. of 2M21 H. Hicks st,. Phlla.. need 74 jtars. Relatives and friends, also Pest Ne, -til, (1. A. M.i Washington Camp, Ne 30.1. P. f j M. of A.j Camt Ne. 1)8. P O. of A., are Imtlcd te the ne-vlces, en Thuredny after noon, at 2 o'clock, at the OJiver It, Hair 11 da.. 1820 Chestnut St. Interment nt Fo-n-weed r-emetery Viewing Wedneeday evenlnir I.TVINOSTON. On Oct. It). 1021 JI:aN"3TTB. wlfi of David A Livingston. It latlves and friends ere Invited te the fum ral en Friday morning, at 8 3i o'clock, from the Olive1 II. Ualr lfldj . 1820 Chestnut at. Il'iih mas In St Francis XiiMit Church at 10 o'clock. In'ermnt private. LLIiWIO At Onklyn. N J, en Oct. 8. J!i21. IRMA MAY, enlv child -f Floren. e M LinlvwK iServlcea en Tt.ursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver H. Hair RliU. 1820 Chertnut st., Phlla. Interment prltaie MAHLDY. Oct. 11. 1021, MARY A.. d, 1 lighter of late Francla and l)rldet Afa body. Funeral services Frl , 0.30 A. M-. Convent of Geed Shepherd. Chew st.. Oer Oer mantewn Int. nrlut. New Cathedral Cem. i. AX WELL. Oct. 10. ferimrly of 2B3i A'mund at . DAVID, husband of Margaret Maxwell Relatives and friends also em pieyea of t'.ie I'ert Richmond Grain eleva tor ure lnltcd te funeral aervlces. Thurs . 2 P. M . at the parlors of Oeerga W. Har riett , I'ark nnd 1-clituh axc Int. North Cclar Hill Cem. Friends may call Wed ee MeNICHOL. Oct. 11. 1021. WILLIAM F eon of Oeurge and Sarah K. McNIchel (nea .McCrystal). RelntUea and friends are In uted te attend funeral. Sat . 7 30 A. M . from hla parents' r-sldence, in 1,1 N. 2d at Solemn requiem iasa at Bt Mlchael'ii Church in a M Int. New Cathedral I'em. MILLER, -At Mi late residence, 11723 N Carllsla at., Oct. 11. Gl ORGK M. husband of I'annl.. Hue I Mllier Relatives and frlenda, also Ledge Ne. 2. 1' nnd A, M : Mary Cemmundtry, Ne. 3d, K. T., and all ether organization of v.h eh he was a member, are Invlted tn funeral rervlces. Sat . 2:30 P. M preclsely. nt the David 11. Schuyler ilulldlng, Iliead and Diamond ats. Int. private. MOOPB. Oct. 11. 1021. at the Methodist L'ldjcernl Heme. Mrs Bl'SANNA D. MOORK, aged 70. Funeral service at the Heme, lielmem nnd KdgWey a via.. Frl, 10.30 A. M tiricl.iily. Int. Wilmington. Del. MORRIS. Killed It, action at Marcn. France. Sept. 20 1018. Lieutenant WISTAR MORRIS, eon nf A aaunderi nnd Elliabet'i It .Merris. Services at hie parent' reil dtrce. Hnvrrferd. Frl., 3 P. M Int. private. Ccrrlngns w.ll meet 2:15 train from llrend Bt Station Ml'I.LKn. Oct. 12 CHRISTINA, wife of N i-helaa Muller aged 71 Relative nnd friends are InvlKd tj nttend funirnl serv IceH, Sat., : P M at the residence nf her (laughter. Mrs. Fran.-els Luuuet. 133U In In In coraell at Int. private, Chelten Hills Cem Friends mav call Frl. ev. O'DONNKLL Oct. 11. MARY K O'DON N10LL. Relatival and trlcndi are Invited te attend funeral Frl. 7 '3D A. M. parlors nf Martin Cey Sc Sen. 2800 Diamond at. Mean at the Church of the Most Precious Illoed A M. Int. Cathedral Cem. ORR Oct. 10. .MnllY A . widow of Wil liam Orr, aged 73. Relatives and frlendi are Invited te attend funeral rervlces. Thuri.. 2 P. M, at her reldmce. r.711 Reach St., Crescenlvllle. Int. private Fi lends call Wed., 8 te 10 1. M. Omit (lowers. ORR Oct 12. SARAH, widow of James Orr. Due notice, from 274S N. Hemberger street. P.UIR. HAMUKI. DAVIS PAtlE. husband of the lata Ie.ibel O. Wurta. nt Summcr erest. Chestnut Hill. In the 82d year of hU age. Fun' ral a.-r,ce nt Bt Peter'a Church 3d and Pine ats Frl. 14th luat 12.10 P. M. I'ltise emit flower Richmond, liiltlmere and Washington papers please PORTER. Oct. 10. 11)21. SARAH ERVIN. wlfn of the late Charlea rurter. in her IHth ejr. ut her late residence, the Fairfax, fiermantewn Service and Interment prl- RACCH. Oct. 11. 1021. JOSEPH M.. bus. band of Emma Rauch fii"e Mergnnthaler). Relatives and friends, also all societies of which be weh a member, n e Imlttd te ul ul tend funeral. Sat.. I P. M.. from his late residence, 703 N. 44th at. Int. private Re mains may be viewed Frl., 7 te 10 I. M. READ On October 11, nt '.'340 N 10th et . rilAN'CIH A. READ (veteran). In h'a HIil Jenr Funeral servlcea. en Thureday nt 2 o'clock, nt parlera of Geerge I'hundler Paul & Sen. 1321 N. 13th st. Itrtermant private tlmlt flowers MFNTfCHLEH. On 11th Inst . WILLIAM 1- RENTSCHl.ER. Services at the p.irlers of Sechler A Magulre, S21 Olrard ave , Saturday. 1,30 P. M. Interment private. RETTIG Oct II. 1021 WILIIELMINA K REITIft (nee llrm). wife of Martin llet tic Itelutlve and friends are Invited te attend funeral m rvb ch Thum.. 2 P M riMilini'e .'144 W Oxford st. Int private Frlenda mav call Wed eve. Lancaster. Pa P.ipth t,lene cop llIi'HARDHilN. Oct. 10. 11121 CHARLES II RICH MIDSON. aged 87. Relatives and 1 1 11 nds, also Hem ral l 11. ltlrney Put. Ne t'3. (1 It . ale Invited te attend funeral ? rvb,.K, Inte renl leiu e. 23.13 N Lnwroui'e nt Thurs., 2 I' M puclselj. Int llllUlde "rtt'T'I On Oct 12, 1021, MILT IN H l,ua'..ind of Kitherlne E. Ruth Hervirr i.n rrld.i aftornenn. at 2'i'ilrcl:. at tin niier II Hair -ildg . 18J0 Chestnut nt Inern ent irlvnte. hi 1IANTZ Killed III action, mar M. unt Faucon, Sept 28 llllh. FRED S sun of Dr. William S and Emma M-hnnti. aged 22 l-'unernl servcis, Sat. 2 P M. at Hie lusldencv of his parents. .1100 Warnock at Int Ninth Laurel Iltll Cem. Ch.ules E Hewitt Pest of Legan, and Anvrl' an I. glnn am Invited. .. , SCHHi'H.- Suddenly, Oct. 10, JOHN, hus band of late Kather'ne Schnch RelitUea anl trlends are It vlted te attend funeral, Thurs 2 P. M.. from his late residence 201.1 W Hareld st Meinnlim may be vi.wed ,d eve. Int. Net Hi weed Cem. HCIIOCK Of 18,12 Huntlnu Park ave Oct 11. HENRY J. Hi'llui'K Ri lutlvea and friends, and nil organizations nf which he vvni a member are Invited tn attind fu i.eral servlceu, Tliur.i . 2 P. M ureclseh nt David H. Schujler lllds llread and Dia mond Mts Int private SHOEMAKER. On Oct 12 1021 CHARLES II SHOEMAKER, af-'d 81 yeni Servlcea en Friday afternoon, ut 2 o'clock pnclsily. at his iate rctldence. 2SM jlrnd uve Inlerinent private. aMITH. (Kt ID. CLARA, widow of lehn T Smith aged OS Itelatlvea and frlendi me Invited tn nMend funeral srrvlei.s Thurs , 2 P M UMldeti v 20.1.1 H OKth et Int iirlviile. sl ect 1. m-i. i.,r,wiiiij. 1. Iiiuli.ind of Ella Jai ksnn Snillh. 1111 d In I It lnt yen and f.-letule aluj 1 mpliivea nf De'fi 1 File vvnrkH are ltivueu 'u nil. ipi iiiiiituj Sin 2 P M r.Hl'leni.' .'A lit N llnii M lnt prlvnle. We 11 Laurel Hill (' 111 SPANn.En--lii'l li I1ENIAMIN II . son of Harry U and Marlen Spangler. aged 23 Funeral sei vices. Thurs. 3 P M. at his liamitV ii'ildence, 311 hhvdaker st. (lor (ler iu.intnwn. lnt Chelten Hil Ciin Remalpn may ! vlew.d Wed eve. STRAWI1R1DGE On October It 1021, (UtIllH HISIIAND SI'RAWIIRinOE wlfe of William J. Sltawbildge lit iitlvee ul friend" Invited te fuiannl services, cm I'rl day muinlng at I" n'clurk. nt fie res ib lieu nf h r mother. Mrs. E 11 lluiband corner nf Philadelphia-pike and Dsrny loud. Clay Clay ment Del Interment private. Mndly emit llewers. STRAYLINE Oil II CHAI.I.ES W hu ibnnd of ibe,laie Marnh It Siriylne iiged 00. Rr'ativts jnd frl. nds nl"e I'l egress Ceunnl. Ne. 3n.', O d I A m 1 i mii',ktki;k 9MMMwmwmamimmmmwMmmMJxrrmwmxnmmmKMmma a iW BROAD aip I W t DIAMOND 1 irimammmtmummummmimmmmtmmmmi w 1 1 1 teVJatflNG- PUBLIC LKDGEJRriHILiVDlDLPHlA, .THUKBDAY, nnATUB rleyes of the Water ITureau, Oermantewti District, are Invited te attenl irtinerel. Thura., 2 P. M. precisely, from the funeral rarlere of W. J. McCleldrlck. 3423 Oer Oer nisntewn ave. Int. Hillside Cem., via fu neral car. Remains may te viewed Wed. BTREEPER. Oct 10. LILLIAN VS.. wife of Jesse D. Htreeper. Funeral Service Frl.. 3 P. M . from her lata res'dence. 8218 Ridge ave., Roxbareuph. Int. Roxborough Presby terian Grounds, Friends mnv call Thurs. ova. TETE. Oct 10, HANNAH NHWCOMU wlfe of Charlea Tete and daughter of Jamea ir nifl Harnli T V.wrnmh nm.1 fA Iteln- tlvne r.nd frl nda Invited le funeral Frl.. I 1 P. M. precisely, parents' residence. 6240 Dickens ne. Int. Mt. Merlnh Cem. Friends' mnv call Thurs. eve. ....... THOMPSON Oct. 0. 1P21. T.AVINA, daughter of Rebert II, and I-arlna Thompson (nee McC'ayJ. In her llltli year. Funerai services Frl . 2 P M nt her Iato residence. 1140 E, Westmoreland at, lnt Ml. Pence Cem Remains may he viewed Thurs. eye. TICE. At Wllllamstewn. N. J . Oct 11. .7 NEL8ON1 TICE aacd r Relatives nnd friend are invited te attend fun-ral. Frl. Oct. 14. 1:30 P. M-. from residence. Wll Wll l'ametevvn. N. J. ...,.., ... TICKNOR Oct. 11. ALICE C TICK NOR (nee Cenner), wife of Jehn fl Tlckner. Itelatlvea and friend Invited te ntt nd fu neral services. Frl.. 2 P, M. late re.ldence PO'i B. r.lat K lnt private I rl-nds may CftTREtVlNo'lect. 1. 1018 In France Prl vnte TRANK M. TREHINO. Ce. O. SIMh Inf.. eon of Deminic M'l the late Catharine Treblne. nged 32 Relatives And friends, also Jam J Cochran Pest, , V of 1' W. and War Mothers, are Invited te attend fu nernl, Bnt 7 30 A. M . 1214 N. Rrith st Reenin High Mara at Bt Gregery's Church 1AC,MNE!,ni:-.,H",yierT CLARENCE TCR NEH S'in nf Geerge W. and Annie Turner. Relative nnd friend, nlse Cloud l.d Ne 101, V and A M . Slle-im Chapter. Ne. 10 11. A. M.i Cyrene Comnlanderr, I. r.. Ne. 7; Excelsior Consistory, Cresr-ent Temple. Mystle Bhrlne; Gleucester Chamber of Com merce, nre Invited te funeral. Thura. 1! p M , from his late residence. Broadway and Somerset nt , Gloucester. N. J Int "rSarrL-ltiddenly. Oct. 12. RUDOLPH L.. eon of Amin M nnd Inte, Eugene A. Unger Relative nnd friends Invited te scrv te" tint 2 !'. M . lleltnent und Levering MMl' reaii Train leaves llread St Stntlen fVr Hnrmeuth 130 V M. Friends may call IrveNDERSMlTH. Killed In netlcn in Fran" en sipt. 7 1018. Bera-ant STEPHEN W VONDEHSMITH. of Machin-Oun Ce . ltOth Inf. 28th Dlv . son cf f'tephen J. And Mirtha M Vendersml'h, uged 21 year Re'atlves and friends, also survivors of MnchV-Oun Ce., 110th Inf.: W'tnderllch Int. Jehn Wlnthrep Pet. Arnerctn Lo Lo Le teon. Army Leanue of Upper D-irbv. War M hre orphans' Ile-t leilge. I ' O. F nnd empleyes of Darby Oas Ce are Invited K tlu services, en Hundny afternoon, -it 2 r'clec't a1 his parenta' residence 81 'ichoel nvn. Upper Oarby. Delaware County. Pa, Interment nt Arlington Cetrelery WALKER. CA-t 0, 1921. ANN WALKER wife of Th'ima Walker. Sr.. aged 80. R-ia. tlvea urd friend Invited te funeral servlc 0. Tbur 2 P. M.. late residence 111 It Tnenny at Frai.kferd Int. strictly private North Ciilar Illl' cem Friends mjv call Wed. eve WELUTE Oct. 11 ELIZARETH L v'r-ew of Merris M. Weldle. Relative an friend are Invited te attend funeral aerv Ice. Frl.. II A M. precisely, at her lat r.sldence 3234 N. ISth st. Int. private WHITE. Tenth Menth. 11th. ALICE F WHITE Reiatlver and friends Invited te funeral Fifth-day 13th. 10 A M. 410 W. lirltighurst t Germantown WILSON Oct. 11. 1021. WILLIAM ,1 husband of Harriet M. Wilsen (nee Gunman) Il'latlve nnd friends are Invited te ftineni' service Frl . 8 P. M-. at hi late reel dence 8021 Pine read. Fex chase, Plilln Int. rrlvut" Rese Hill Cem , Ambler I'u '""WOLF Suddenly. Oct. 11. RICH Mil) A son nf LewU W. and Sephia Schmidt Wolf aged 7 Service Frl . 2 P. M. parent' reeldcnce, 2.132 W. Sterner st Int private HUlsldi Cem. Friends may call Thurs. evn ZIMMI'-'R-IIAN - Oct 1 1. ELIAS I.V1MER SIAN Relatives and frlends are InvlKd tJ funeral services. Thur.. 8 P M . at Ida sen's residence. 7000 Frnnkferd ave.. Holmesburg. Int. Bat . 2 P. M . at Union Depolt Pa. PARCEL POST S " $-a .se A UP Men's Overcoats' Walter's Pawn Shep; 904 VINE ST. .. I'ONDI'n TO THE LiTV Medel Ce., 2d & Market Sts. Right en the N. E. Cerner Second and Market S. roots ESTAllI.IBHKD OVLIl 30 1 E VMS FAMOUS Di-TOKIC P.ERLIN $65Eruubirsi8 nluc PriSlTl Our I'riCB Binoculars Ill-Terlc Berlin ure strongest and Ilne-rt IJIussra Mniii MKIIL1N f-.siksk V?kAa & J- - - - . powerful, srul SO rails tnga, li rr , usj or nignt use. lairs gr. for hUUllnS. bird llu.1v. trail.i-. betan its. hi rsptidns, UiJithieue keepers, astrencniers and fOT r- t.iu,.. iilvie test raiiii nsrt im llt Rind of rlMMS. Adjustable for d'JTerent strenjili at ejn for short or long dlvtance 11111 terul tjy eiprel en reee'nt " yni., ,1. .0, vz nm ifni u. u. II. Drtr nru?s. 01 exara'nticn, rrpre-,. iwu 07 Uf. A truly remarkable hlgh-pew-r glass and value As v ou enlv huv a nini u'sr one In a lifetime, It pays you te get the very best, which Is lil-Turlc Ilerlin. Guaranteed brand new and perfect In . very way Heware of Imitation Illneculars with out prisms ihey liave no name en them, which ave sold a little cheaper, but are no account Our 'ilnecularu ar genuine Hl-Tnrlc llerlln Prism Glasuei, the best made ledel Ce., 145 Market St., Phila. This New 88-Nete I'liDer-PInnn .'0 Iti.lU Music and Hindi $335 New Pianos, $250 te $585 Vew Pl.iver-Pinnes. 833.") te 587.i 'Inbv C.raRtl Pianos. S325 te $1395 Reproducing PiayerN,$8.-0 te $1500 Pre-Holiday Piane Sale 'llui. in iniiht be mule lit niue te at -commedate mir new 102J inudrls arriving from the fiirter.t dills und mir entire stock of plane,, plijer-plune and liuliv "nnd plnnnn nre belli.- effi rnl nt n grr.'t i-iicrlllie In prlre. The list below villi l,he SOT ,111 lib I of ll few of the lllilll) i li-. ilM,iird In n'T biwriiiiiiis, 10 Stcinway upriRlitH. (i Ci-nnin (hnni uprights. t lilafiius uprights. 3 Emerben 88-nele players. 1 Chichuring uprights. 1 Knahc uprights. fi Lester uprights. 5 Ileppc uprights. '.! (hcte'ing HB-note players. 8 AVt'berfield 88-note players. 'X I.udivig uprights. 10 Hu ward Vincent. Iht'sc luslriiiiiriile are In ilr.rl.it,x iiiiilltlnii Priced Frem $75 Up .mir mm il Willi a twn-ve.tr rxiliiinitr r 1 1 1 u r . r .irrnngrd rtmr trrins, Cull ut nnre or ernil for catulegur Jpen Mei.t Wed. and Fri. Evgs, HOWARD VINCENT 83G-838-8I0-812.844.81G NORTH SIXTH ST., PHI.LA. M iTRLJju .! fiwiv b-j. 1 pTnn ffji llswH i PAltOEL POST PT. f Plans polish for furnllere. J fce pianos nnd nutomehUes. 00s per rani 3 en for SI, postpaid. IIOWARD VINOKNt. 83-3-ll3t W. fltb. WINDOW SHADES Sei8SE ell Phene: Herace 3S70 Will send man with samples te estimate 1 Furnishing and Ranging (all grades). hf.taii. at wimi.rHAi.i: riurRN en TRANSMITTER MFG. CO.. 2018 fANHOM BIG REDUCTION Deuble Seamed; Extra Heavy 3 Gal. ta.KO .1 (lal. S3.9H 8 (lal. tS.Ofl i'urccl Pest nnd Insur ance, 45e Copper Tnblng, lOe per II. Unions, lfie J. JACOBS HARDWARE SUrPLY 103 N. 8th St.. Phlla. Open Ercnltirn 16 3 bid Belltd copper ROOF PAINT $1 a Gallen nrnu'n. Venetian red anil I.I irle cement! give that leaky reef a coat and forget nbetlt It Geed iiuallty. mends small leaks, cev-era ,100 suuare feet, tu gallon. The blnck Is espednlly recommended for rubberized und slug reefs. Will Inut for Wm. e. hinch (OPPOSITE NEW MILLION DOLLAR STANLEY THEATRE) 1919 MARKET ST. 1919 PHILADELPHIA Guaranteed Ne Ceal Tar R ORIGINAL STOPS LEAKS FOREVER 1 COAT WITH nRI'SII. cjime us Gev't Just tot fiOil llb.s.' Different ns i'ialk la from cheese from army or cheap ter -d nd Im'tutlens belmr offered REAL ROOF-FIX 1IUY NO OTHER Wears llki Iren. Ne danger of na-' ,i r down the spout tin first rain. One gil (for -e ,, ft I ill e irnl tr, .1 in In unl . JSS n gal.. 04 gal . tl 22 per gal. Emlilre Ce.. LVIB C'limt. i.. I'hllii.. I'u. ewe'en Ccc.urnes Are Ready A. nhiiAl. eiini,Hf.nila! a y i tnem te snow yuOil m Many new nne, nilile,). . ...r .... 1 ins jeur. r i..i .. - . ...!. lower than last Hal leween, 1 Cosmetic, masks and ether livings. Heffman Cycle Ce. I 3010 Kensington ve. 3015 F M Telepliene. Gitrtleld Olflli Artificial Ceal Gas Burner stism sect, mines rtink and h s t I n . itnii. bum lnt t" '"' ii. I ari'llcm veil f'r less money tbin yij csn Bujf c e I for fun laforrae Ien wrlu Will oil nn' demonstrate GIRARD BURNER CO. 212 E. GIRARD AVE. KENfeiNuiUN J Mil Open Evenings und b'lndujr EYES EXAMINED FREE . NO DROPS T7SFD Bifocal Glasses 5f Geld-filled Frame Hpeclul Vnlue 16.00 All iirvaiiiouehs It led at a savlwj t 23 te 00. aUawM nuid est Ibt premUes while you wait. MYERSON OPTICAL CO. 8 NORTH 9TH ST. Open Mdb. & Sal. Etc Till 9 P. ML Jj:iAL m EKTIS.MENT it' .1 . . li li. i, ill. til I III, ,lll i; rilil'; J Of Stephen II. Llltklll te cmnmnnl . fT ..'.. I -.. n-..B. .. .-.. . .IT. ciilu at nnce vv th Geerge Tiffany, counselor ceunselor counseler nt Inw 3.10 Fulton st llrnnklyn. N. Y , concerning his metlur'e estate LOST AND FOUND CEHTIFICA TO Lest rnrltilcate Ne. 123R of t'li OIJ Hickory LMlldlpg and Lean Asso ciation for (J ihare of C2 ei les iippllcntlen has ben made for duplicate, Fr. derlrk J. King SeMeta- in Frank f jrd ave CERTIFICATE Lest, crdtincate "Ne. 220 of ii Oiture Uiilidlnu mil Lean AeaodHtien for 7"n shares of the llth series., applica tion has leen made fcr diipilcnte Frederick J. King. Scrct.iiy 30n Trankferd ave. I IN Li it, dlainnnil "eucln pin. one "large dinmnnl TiifMlav A M betvem 13th and I al Mkt Liberal revvard 23.14 N, Park ave 1"c.;'-lrT1''1"' diamond ring. In Genea ntTiw-n i. , C' V. '''"'nend In odd platinum (t ting, siir.'eunded ly tiny prnrls. icward Call Giriinntewn 117b. PERSONALS "'MAN I.ESZCZVNSKI 22n.-,"7fhT17,71rr F-.inkfer.l Net r.spenslb.e for any debts miles feutractcd by m.v.df HELP WANTED FEMALE RO.NT.ON DIPPER Want' 1 Exrwrtenced benlrni dipper Apply .'."ireau of EmpluvMen- WANAMAKERS t NDY Chncolite coaters eK, experlenceTl packer Shine's He Market. ' r""'c"" VSllll.R.fnld.-age,Pw Jinan, ner"7r". Pennine for retail haberdah..r. experu in-e eseiitliil: boekkoeplng ixpcrlem ..,,'.. TT.1 '7 JleUI: ""c""'r" tllltl - O n.M nf huiTveu in k while, coeiFcook GIIJI. Wanted a number of alert vt.it bied l.ls, HI le 17 vcars uf - te n i insltle-is efferltiB a geed future, pieferene will I., glvii in thtise vvhii huv a Mm ., t e nf high rlioet i1ucatlen. ' Apply llireiu ur Emple'iiiet t W ANAJIAKER'S HOUSEWORK Whit girl tj general linns, w 'rk In ejliiirl, N Kith vt Locust 2213. lilts. st wl'll f Lit at Mr, LADY who ..ADY who can sw leven, en power sewing machine nnd fin de tspewritlng our ,,f Ci Is lie.ir llrnnl Strei t Stutlnu, state .nil ll, at ens A .134 loiter Office Ual" .MOTIirit'S HELPER Wblu. girl for iu.iT, w.irk Appls 34.1 E. Main it. Moere, town ljhine tjlbl.. -vioeres 'PERATORS nn innrhlriei. AimT," "itnl.ii TI t Sjns, 7th i.ndCliv Ine, fhlta "0"",ll,,r UI'IIOI STERER. ini.;freV8 iTiiT"laT,le bird expirlfiiced en drain u wuru Ap y m2i s..ne.ii i Ari' woman, ii ilimmm.it. imaiui. Nurture Ci.ursi nten sling unly te sef.reilint i.rgellc I'liiesunt wbu wanu nertni.Jeni work 11. edutatleiinl ll. Kl .t,.h", K .1 0x1.1 fi;. 1 dull . im. me d'-penils ,.11 1,1,1111" ut imsitl n itiulri.i 1... , worth ;,i or inen tn eturt Phene Wyoming SilOU ?, U. 'ntment into 4 " fleneral 1 IVII. MER ICE exiiniltiai.ene, .s'v Hn., Dee many vacancies, a,ar.v Jlleii-iH''1 write for sample test. P 1421. ledger err' lEACHERH. mjii, wanted for scuioels and cellwai M-rrVi. C"U wltlt.g. National Taachfirs' Aei UT tarry jJitu" PhlltJ 1 Tv Hall vWP w&r mi r : nri u. -SHyf at bone. SPECIAL SI sni gtBWW 1 HELP -WANTED FEMALE General WOMAN FOR TRAVELINO POSITION Bales manager of successful, established Chicago corporation, doing natlnn-wld bust, liess, will be at the Hetel Adelphla for S days beginning Monday. October 10, for thi) rorpeso of Interviewing 4 or (l women anx ious te obtain Permanent position, with splendid opportunity for advancement! ap pllcnnta must apply ln Persen and be between i.7 and 40 yearn uf age, have nt least high school education nr.il feet loose te travel ex tensively: applicants must leave Philadelphia within week, ne'exiierlence or Investment ro re aulrcd; vvn will pay railroad fare, salary and commission from start: position worth 7d per week; only woman with personality, culture and refinement will be consul redi no ennvnsser need apply, out-of-town appli cants give details as te age, education nnd telephone numle-r. Sea Miss Katherlne Edit. Hetel Adelphla. MAKE MONEY AT HOME Yeu can earn from II te $2 an hour In yrmt spare time writing show earda; uulckly nnd euslly learned by our new simple method, net canvassing nr Bellcltinx; we tench you hew, sell your work und pay you ash each week; full particulars and booklet free. Wrlte today te American Shew Card Schejl, 280 Ilyrle llldg . Terente. Canada HELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANTS - A large nrm of "pub Re accountants reuulre xi-rlentiil senior and seml-snIer. appll. atiens only coneid- rei irem ineee navin miei anouriiuiie e")l IVlll." 0,11. ni.,iiiu n.i ,'VUri .PCM nnlary reiulrd M 313. ledger Office ari'j i f AUDITOR Yeung man, cnll-geVraduate. about 23 years, who can fiuallfv for exe, p. tlve tiosltien, knowledge nf h.iiuii n.-i -aury, de net npply unless partlcuiiirly cuil IPcd Apply Thursday eftlce manager, the Great Atlantic and Pacific TV-i c,, llread and Somerset ats, CI'TTURB EXPERIENCED C1TTEIIS iivvni (is mtfahv PiiHiTi.vL'A FUS.".. I M 3l" LEDGER el'rV'B ' ' APPLY Fi 'REMAN, EXPERIENCMi, WANTED" ON ' " "'.'"'. O'rr..."! I'.: A RLE T" MANAGE DEI' MITMEVT AN I MAKE S V.MPLEH INDEPENDENTLY. ST' TE EX PERIKNLE, REFERENCES A.Mi SALARY EN1' i'ECTED. .11 ;ill LEDGER i KFIl K FRAMERS EXPERIENi Eti FKA.MERS 1VA.NT1SI1 l).N IVUII.H- HANUIAGS straiiv positions, api'lv ii rnr. i Vii GER OFFICE. I.N. LIIANCI'. LIIANCI'. delreua of -Exp. Industrial Ins, a future With new district ef eefnbllshed company. alv, 10 cir erd nf emple ment. 1 1 380 Iidg. "fn- i LINOTYPE OPERATORS, en" orator, stone man, murt b mir) nlt op- iv-1 aieauy werk: 48-hnur shop. The Ce.. Cleve.and, O. I.u, minting' lfl-?VAn rlit-entft1i1lMh,l mnlnripn.i. nn- t II ""-- --- ...-. -. ...., -u.,u, r '.,,, rnny. having reccntu promoted u imler ' """ v 1-iilwi.iii'ini,,,, piiniinii piiv Ing Bubstnrnlal silarlns, desires nun 2.1 .111 e.irs te nil me place or tn..e tr.vn. ,,,., . iney may le-come ectjippcu i ir similar prn- mi.liens ai eariv umre en .Mr. Jlnlln n IIESSEMER MOTOR TRUCK f'n 1300 Iieu't st 'FERATOHH EXPERIENCEl, MEN AND WOMEN ON LADIE.V SILK AND LEATHER HANDRAGS. STEADY 1'nSI riONH. M 310. LEDGER OFFICE PERATORS en iniichln- Apiii,' ReSMtlr. U Sen Ce 7th & Cltv tin- I'll. I.ltl- Phlla 1 iCKETRODK CETRODK MAKERS'- EXPERIENCED 'pWZm KV'KitSlJiV,;?,!. .vie:. I-fi .NS STES ENGINEER WE REQUIRE 111E ."TRVICES OF A SALES ENi.INEER Tn SELL PUNTS AND PRi 'CE :s:. KV11I SALE INVOLVING .in.0'ii T" 31.111 mi i MUST HAVE GOOD ENOINiJKRINll TRAIN ING AND SALES EXPERIENi E IN MEET INO RIG MEN AND HANIiI. M! i-rji DEALS. PREFEHAHLY NOT OVER 31 YEARS OLD, SALARY AND AMPLE Ci i.M MISSIi'N WILL HE PAID. PLEASE Du NOT i ".'I.V UNLESS Y'i AIM. Hli.n,, QUALlFir.D FOR THIS WORK. P ir,30. LEDGER OFFICE SALESMAN In Philadelphia Is an ergintrattnn t'mt will give you the opportunity tti make r,iH)i te J'.I.OOO a y a.', nlther as a brmh tninager or dlstr et iiales manager. Yr.u nre ,:len this opperturrty tceiuse we have ,i big propeslt nn, we want men who .-ih-.e ,imbl tlen vision and are looking tu build n up nn organization uf werld-wld- ueip.. Yeui tiresvnt eerv.ee wt be In iur dive'epment dep-irtrrrct.r. Yeu need have no t-revleus ex perience. iur I rnpea tlerr wl'l appeal te jeu because It is a PI iladelph, a In.lnsti y backed by the Pbi;,idelh!a public and K l' ycu the oppor tunity te become ii bullder of jour own des tlnv. with the Hsilstnnce of our own eTperl en. e. iir.iwlng account, If vnu make geed. Sei Mr Cerrv. Roem 341-2. Victory Hldi,. 1011 Chestnut st SOllEL MULTIPLYING-neOKKEEPINO A MACHINE COMPANY SALESMAN MOTORTRUCK SALESMAN WITH WHOLESALE EXPERIENCE WANTED HY WELL KNOWN MANUFAC TURER TO TRAVEL EASTERN PENNSYL VANIA TERRITORY. CV1.I I.NG ON E.-.TA1I-Li'-HED DEAI ER ONLY M" WITH EX CELLENT REFERENCES AND RECORD NEED APPLY WRITE lETlER STAT ING PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE ND Vl ARY DESIRED. M 311). LEDGER eFFli E -ALh.SMAN Rel estate sHlesiuan win'.d In Flc.rldi s fastest-erewlnt city, tourist .I mine ln l,v thmmn.h no djll time here, exrect 100 000 teurlxts this season we n'e lern : operators, have bet locatien: llbeiai commissions, you must be flret-.;la ei.es man and own sour own car this Is a hlsh class preposition spend your winter In sun shine Instead rf Ice nnd allew: wlw or write for full pjrtlcul i ': It will p.vy vm Charles I R Hall fitit and Central a-e . Ht Peter-1 burg, Fla j SALESMAN te M.U courtesy ml ivl ene iiccu-tnmed te m,etlr.- the r-ib'e in their virleus mind. vvnn nn niwuvs l. diplomatic and untie under tl... treet n lv-i ceiidltlun mu't li man of gi .1 stature married und ln lcii.tr iur a .ruii-nt iirn.lt. able i, nn. nmi R,.il bv letter t.itlng agr nnd pa' .ntinect en P ll.'d f.eli-, r of ,e SALESMEN V in want 1 rr nie we , nill preducti" n. be one uf thn. t ir'ijiating In an iiiiiisuhIIv l.g hive and get veur hjrr of pruftis mm rcadv tu aerk bard , un mak from $1i te JI0O In 2 week' t'm Columbia Graph, ph.jt e Ce . 4u N llth st See Mr. Fudnadlleff bet v, en 0 and l'l A. M SALESMEN Prominent N, Yerk'Tuiii- pany rcprescntlrur cbaln-stnrc svstem having an ufflce In Philadelphia desirous of getting in touch with several high-grade salesmen, ciperlence tu our lln., ret necessary- P le'.'.l, ledger Office SALESJrEN wanted, men with ability tu pell appllnnces, vacuum clein..- wahn,r mnchlne electric Irenets etc.. ran make big commissions, rice Mr. Shekell Carrell Elec- trie Cu Washington SALESMAN, real , state in Htate age and expetbrr" ger Office. lentrel office, P 143H I-d SECURITY SALESMAN wnnte.i te ai t 'n nralstunt tn salt minnser with , view te bfccmlng iles tnt.rager hlmv'f it a snert time l.rrause of eeveril rtcnt vn.mcles. Iirmeiiinti returns te tr.) rli-l.t i i s,m wh can qualify appl cant must hnve at bast 2 je.'.ry euff U lent .up rieiu-. ,m, umiuestlnne I refetetici P 1320 Lxlgir Office SOLICITORS and "co. lectors with Innurance exp.. nnlary or em . n . 10 A. M te 12 M. Mendis Wi.pi-dav and Frl. lis Roem 1uJa s wcpr -Otli and Swing Gaide-i He SUPERINTENDENT W ANTED ' NATIONALLY KNOWN iUERM.I. i'n. l'ANY. ESTAIIl.IsllED 21 VE Wt-, WITH UACTllRY IN .. I'EHN PENNS I.VAI V I MANUFACTURl.Nil OVERALLS. KHIltrS PI.AYSI ITS. ETC WILL NEGOTIVTE WITH MN WHO HY EDUCATION AND V HIHUMFNl" IS DUAL IKIED FOR Till. I'lKHI.'N 0 SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 1 1 IS V HEAL OP PORT UNITY Feil a K' crony i:EC I'lIVE WHO II S INITIMINE PRA" TI CAL EXPERIENCE N1 THE MIILII' TO FIT IN WITH A PUOHlirSSIVE lllt GANIZATMN. ESPE'IVI. 'INSIDER v. TION WILL IIP. GIVEN A MAN . i SIMILARLY ENGAGLD Rl T HAMNt, SUFFICIENT AMRITI.I.N ID INVKSTl GATE OUR PROl'esi n.iN LE1IER nl' AJ'PLICATMN Willi H ill' .UID DE SCR1UE FULLY PAST AND PRESENT 1 Kltn'ltMAM'i. WILL HE REGARDED srillCTLY CONUIDENTIAI. M'ATE 111 ADDRESS M V.11 I El"! '.R OFI'I" E SUPERINTl-Nl.l.NT-"West. rn iin.li fc tnry. mitklnii hl.li i, I enetal line of fera gee it tiiisltlnn te man ,f 4') vcars , r under us plant superliitendi in si e Hart Itig 20 vena age this fa, teri hi. ftrjt,ve,i excellent repututlen ati.l ilv h'gh t use nsei iited uipl niiHwer gvibg retnr"iic" and experleiu- M JHO ' "lr nfflie W ATH'HM VKER P. niinei' i"iti.u, r ,, tnim ii' ' ustnmeil til.' I 11 1, If wi.ra V ji( 1, Mi Wiuhi IJ'. I .- ti - ' ' YOUNG 1AN wiintel -i t. -I 1,1 .1 a,.n. mem b ar.l in return ler ten in- M 312 Ledger eftc 1 ttenerul TEA. HER.. 10i0. w.i.t.d f 'i tldlfk'S big ! cult w.il Mil, V,, 1 Teacbei' Agencj H27 Penv ll.dg Ph ndl 1 al 1 CIVIL SERVICE eitiuiliiati .1 . Nev nnd D c . nint.v viuaiifiei nt. j M 10 . Msne write fur sump!- tet. P 'I? 1 -d t,v - -- - Z SITUATION! WANTED FEMALE CiitlK I'usi rla, all Miule. f 'l.i'ik . , tulle baiue of Mb In 11 e.t.il untiring iiim If reaui'd. cHunlrv 01 U mtli 1 U 11 f.ueil V McD "JI .tuiuce ,t I SITUATIONS WANTED MALE YOUNO MAN unman lil whu lis b.,,i 3 t.urt ei I eiice In e' ill e!ltng end re tall ',, i". mi.iin.fnin nt In ,1.1 .. 'ii,,r i nn. slvania tnwn. in inns and wetmi, e ,,,, piti el shut'k buts. e'l deelris pnj ,,,,. .. sitli sinan t.r ither ti'.elt 1 .f trm and '!, Speueiuilliv . wiicte liaia t t i i. , tl, , tf y , . wlime ha id i geed salasni'imhlp will bu le. ngllixeil wii nif.'eraie hiv.ary. Geed reftient-ea m tu chaikitrr Hlv. Hill! l te Who will give me a chance te demonstrate? Address P 1118 Ledger Office. OOIHJJJEB 13,lggl SITUATIONS WANTED MALE nll.l'u l.-vr-.l'IITIVE Desires connection as salesman, ssles man- Bger or business manager wnere ins ep-i i once. ability and loyalty will command a commensurate salary. 220 Walnut st. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANTED Competent help Tri every eapao eapae Ity; ref. req, 1019 Halnbrldge St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i GENTLEMAN. In ene business for 35 years need $50 000 for one year te use In said buslncs, van furnish m-cunty for the amount nnd will pay uu exceptional amount of In terest: business new ep"ra :ng under court at a profit of tl'iUO a week, production 'Beld ahead one year a I d. tulle open for Insiw tlen and verification, no promotion experts desired. A 007. Ledger Office. FOR BALE One of th lendlnrf moving picture nr.il vaudeville thiattcn In Chester, Pi. SWEENEY & CLYDE Ti21 MARKET Hf CHESTER PA I'ltlNi-IP I, i it, r store te rent flnet In- ' cetien. "ii town, nultubl lntc-eted. e. I Inrelti HlchW'l :y. suburban business If I for nnv re-tall bualnens i t nme. Arthur r. lewnsen ri LANOHORNE PA WANTED, .ti en establish"! leal estate nnd lnsuraf.ee cifil pnrtv with iMpHal sales man and solicit r preferred JI 803. Ledger I If flee DRY r'LI.'ANING RUfllNKSS. with fully (lUlpp' d plant, whebsale and retail, 10000: reed reien for ,elllntt geed epp for 1 or 2 bustUri A '1' ledger Office MUSICAL 1N3TKUMENTS Elec. Reproducing Player-Piane Jn!Ullln' " re'n music scarf and bench, ln uflM only 2 me, cat $lf.00 party forced accept rnay term. Call at '.nee for ilem- onitratlen. , HOWARD VINCENT b30-B38-80-842-S44-8IO N Oten M in . Wed, and Frl. 0th. Eves 'n.i - iir nniklll nliMlt .., D A 12 V ilRANri PIANllS '' erai ....., .., .make ln satin finish and highly pellhed, "- """ '' ! r J3LM 'un I.,.n'. i." l..-'.r""" ,.".j...l vnli.es llnvn.nl VlnA. ",. "',:. ":.:vjn.5i:;44.84Tr n. ih ' ii .n jrr Vvii . Fi I eves. p.YER-PIANOJ'aneriu 2.1 rr.lls musk", bench and scarf. 2H'. ,, , , e.d.d baiKiiln all or end for "" , " IIOWARD VIN'-E.NT S3i) M3h- r7A'"...riji ej,i V llth en.fi Mnfirl.-iv. W..I 0-...0.- V-- - ---- ...I.,., renu. m,. resdav an i i rm .-.vn.t.Hn. IJI A Mfllieiiiinui ,i.-iim. rlAINU uprlKl. In line imvlltl, ihe.'cns Jill), bl. monthly. Open Man Wed . Fr eves HOWAKU VlMLhlNI 83a.84J-&4'.:-Mi-S4rt N r.th HAVE V'J J heard tr.e ,. i ,t n- pnermgiaphl Shew ii rns. 1727 leitnut et BUbliN.t.&a J-r.n,auiM tlAj. DIAMONDS BOUGHT BUSINESS PERSONALS AND PAWN TICKETS KEI LY ft CO . ,U2 21-'-"-1 sec, ml roer, FOR DIAMONDS Chestnut St ever Child ' Rist. li DIAMONDS . "",- fllce r,31 Reul Rldg.. Ilrnad Uni IPHTand Chestnut sts . a safe neigh DUUvjn I iKirhnnd te .ill Hrs.J0 te4. " DIAMONDS D0UGH1" HARRY W SMITH "7 BANSQtl T FOB SALE TYPEWRITERS i f at a special price J1.1. 10 days' free tti m dein r. nk s eole. great value as low as tr.n! 1 .or guirantee BUNDY TYPEWRITER CO. lie 1 rllKiTMT ST WAI.NI1 ".874 ' BUSINESS MEN "ATTENTION' ir I for pric n'. item te, m ob en. env-Ieies. le MrheadS m i luiittt im Aut'inint i pr. -aes nive your money Hreckc: r dgi- 21tiNf.th OFI ICE FURNITURE" I.n em let of-desk snfn. ill. s. enblnets and gtn nil ..fflee furnt'ure .i ire llxtures , We buv ell nnd efhange. I PATTEN FURNITURE CO . LOCUST. 4 07ji 1127 ARCH ST. RACE 4201) .ii.llil Dl.MN'l-llO'i .1 SUIT I-X5R 17,1 Trti-plif Ametlcan walnut perle I dining rtmni suit, klais tup for table and serving ta.de. Ub"d very little, owner letivlnc its C I Poplar 7IHHI FUR COAT I.adv wishes te .'! beautiful ihM coat. -length, never worn 17.1, also hnrulsnme full-U r..-tli de min 5. , wonder fu birjnln i a'! d-v r t 1ub Mr Ml hern It ',7 N lreid-t 1 1 -n. r M ,ver IIKDROOM. SUITE Vmerican "w-nlnut. 10 t leces. nle Ulteben et. thirgaln for quick ltier. 1 !'i I'ep.ar M. II ND EMIlRiUDLKED linen tinndk t nl.'f ,,l .ibis Ml. nhlel.v II. I,, phtilie W .. trd 1..11 "el.'T I.C.. Im -".i eND HANIi RANGU.Snnt-alr h.-ater llrst-clas condition Vpjily nt hutldlni; i perditions K. cer ileth and i hstnut t (HAIRS AND TAIII.ES fet ifdtauram. and lie i renin parlor teuVei ami 1, untnln steels. ChaJrEicchange. for Jlthnnd Vine '1 IPEwitiTERS of" fiuilltv levveir price rh.. RR.ilile Etfhange. I'i7 S luth mi ANTiejUES a'l kin lfe,,tiir lsdii Y fea-h" r,i. big prU"n Ule N Hriinl IVji. ajei fi TAH. I." hi TV - Id. lepnlrctl Life Kiafer. 3.". W n -' .iv Kenn I'll,". CONSTABLE SALES i n.VSTAHLF S SALE 1-rldai It 4 4023 R.uen" " - M VXW II blismeig M en werk-encbe. arie t.r c t.ijls ceppet vy I re 1'icli sine fu pj I. art i g ...,. ti.isjtien wirler nnd dh. i WANTED vl'E WANT at once, be uaneld furnlturs" store fixtures off! e furnliure; pay scot cash: norreat van e Phene u about it. Le- ut 4214 O'.dC'hu-rh cur 12tb i. Chsrrr Wt't'Ti'D- ll n ul i n.i de ivrv wn-i",ij" !'.-" di i vi .V ' I7IH Klngs.-tts.r..- H e- nh 'ne V' ' 1 . 'd 711 I J ANTIQUE china 'u n vi geld silver Tip, meiids, "ArNtljU". ' 02' Chestnut Wsl 7020. MACHINERY AND TOOLS MACHINTRY AND TOOLS MACHINE SIMP I OR nAI.E (RETIRING URi'M IIUslNKSS) PROPER : AND EUl IPMEST ANY OF 'IHi: I oil OWING Toels I1E Hel'.HT .-EPARVTELY JSxll S, hum.. -h-r ,i Huvt. latr. 14xs c arrt- ' .1 i it i 1 it'i 'JOvln vrkltie I at 2' ln Slid I "! i'r, 3't-ln M'ie.1 - Rf .ii Dr.! Pr. -M irvil llbch Si.-l I' aw i ut 11.. . 11 II P. Whit- A Mlddleten Hue Ll'tle luvld Air l'l'il I'nrlable I'rjni- c,iutun Ne 3i l'i rti"le "ll-irltut Pars and t-quiun..-hllei) in N .ngliii v art-sui 2 Steam Eng'iie !nd. at .rs .ind PUr, n. t r 2 tti'i Yale ii row ik Chun ll . fit 2 ti n R i."'-, l'v,,r"'.', U '" Tune CI .. k and R.i. k uin n.in et r.w) Olfl. .. .iiii.. it Ml'1' l-'l.'. Nit i electric vi. meters mv.chi.ne r.ei ., ) eWEIl 1 OUII Ml NT O HRIUN MACHINERY 1 ' 11 N ID ST : half I'UI ELY.- hiin. ,.il .- Mi. Ex li int 327 N 3 I PRINTING TYPK. presses and cutters, big bargains. Phlla Printers surpv. It s Mli st. STORAGE AND MOVING lT M'LISIIUii i7j CONTINENTAL ! STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th Si. b Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING' ORD-NTM V.M1 l'i .'h . no RUGS AND CARPE1S 1 I E NUD i 'I LE ' - ' i . .1 ' LONG DISTANCE MOVING I nil' 1 -r 1- '.. t irr pk NT The BIG 4 TRANSFER CO., Inc. ' ''i?!,l"', V'.,,', P'"'n. Rir'ii l.'OK ' ONi: MONTH URI.i: l.slAlll.LSHED lBHa' THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CO. 14-M) N STH ST P1MN.I IlIAMett-'tt e.-, I PARA l'l. Rut Mts I'Ackl.ld ft MOVIMil ' CA.lL ANi' -N,, r l" ' iiiimuheI VICTORY STORAGE .l.i'.l ri HER I utiliiat 1'ie 1 Phet r 11. ' V khk i" "t 41170 f(,r WALLACE 2.1 J 1 HI It' '11 101 N . I VNU GT.N "I '1 ST ' leaning -1 1 1 ge 1 a- kltig '11 'ill.' 1 pel 1 III' MEN l.l. 1 VDS 1 Stert" 1 11 kl te.- in tna, , am. ll.-- Ml I AM ASl FR VF Wl .vTtN XI. 1 II "nl 'll 'nl 1. ,lv; 11 R A V AUTe l lt , . I'll 1 1 , XN s- 1. Xi, K PA' KING I.i N . Dlk,' iNi' VHiVlNi PAINTING ANDPAPERHANGING PAHERIIANGING done reasonable l'a-U.,1. l'apsrhang.ng Ce 4I70 lendy nv Re" 42-3? STAMPS AND COINa ! . AROU HTAJPH-.IliJY OU"blE: USED AUTOMOBILES USED AUTOMODILES BERGOUGNAN 28x3 30x3 30x.T' 32x3'. 31x4 32x1 33x4 3lxl 32x-'. ' '. 3:5x4 ' 34x4',;. 30x4','. KGxlVi! 35x5 --PitTf-" ; 3$r I jTirTTX . - jyv-t t II j&5&VsW, 3' VJy' QvnDW 30x3 NON-SKID... 80x:.''. NON-SKID... 32x31 ii NON-SKID... 31x4 " NON-SKID... 32x1 NON-SKID... 33x4 NON-SKID.., 31x4 NON-SKID... 32x1':. NON-SKID... 33xU- NON-SKID... 31xl':. NON-SKTD... 35x1 i.T NON-SKID... 3Gx4". NON-SKID.., 35x5 NON-SKID... 37x5 NON-SKTD.. SPEC I 35x5 AIu Q. D. N. S., CORD.... enli'i-s promptly nllee. vjbj'uct te your examination. H drieTireCe. en MARTIN-ALEXANDER AUTOMOBILE PAINTING i h- Martin- . -,BPdr Hakln rr' ! 'v.I, i'i.'i'ri p irtilrary le klntf 'ar into ftn ttf i), y biutifu one pr ..rvl"r hi itreus flntnh hre jn x x x poure te h it at.'l ,"uld fr nn it. iefln ti tlm I a i 'aj'UPt; ft- us rtt all tlm- I. w v -rk MARTIN-ALEXANDER ! roMep.tt.E PAINTING l'.'H !.! 130 Riud 't t ".''.1 Mnln Ttll APPERS0N 7 paea. latest mede1, Cal. Penlar ' i.i Mr ." Mir ha ' 1140 Peul.lr t . , ir, top r.. A . . r 1 lU'P'K II..' 'I Oi'.nler ilex nu' t- r IJ i"ie rrl fe. tlr.Jtl0.. Jeb,, Hart-nst.ne. .14 U M .In Nerr st-.w n Ta CADILLAC iinU?-a"-TSKr "no a,n M- MiMlfha-l 1.148 Poplar st TADII 1 AT "' l"' '"A' Tiedel.iruar A-l meli.tw Ce . OH) N lj.lfidt Pep 7S20 i ip.--i ev CHALMERS ?-. .!.. Mi'hiel, 1340 Pep.ar st Cal' .Vlc- OLDSMOHII.I-. truring 1U20. ft.rvl. newiv painted, in-th i-rfe. t ma . uirt-r ll'll' Ld anon iiv.. ,J(h n. in' t.",.".s w priv . wner ciIEvlleLE'"' fi.up.-." I'U m idl c d cur, i 'heap Plior.e WvemipK ni-7 for mtciw DODGE .'"-; v. ,:.-- .-: '' J. i u ',r.' It ,ES v t I't i i i r.18N Iilt'iAJ. PHQNF ipi" , i; 2'30 STUTZ ' '-" '"J." " V5 P-e III I " 'ertn .irriir.-il GI.'dR,,:-. I .' 1 Te in 33 N HTtevD PHONE I M'ltl''): .'110 ' ' i. A. A KRu H 112.1 l-i i-aengr ""pnrt ! Ill ,te ll w te wl.flh I, I. rein h Sll" - . tr-vn fort ' r, I ,f wh' h art brand new car .Jh-. u:np. t -ij nv.'i..iii. ht.d rupatr.'e.l .ttiwr ttl.. st'l. f,n.eirt ..- ...I t. ..... . Rt. .inn ii r .u'ir.rf i r. ,-i vijlue. l'ner.e I Mr Me fl 1 W it 2H' 7 bet v.-1. 'J A M s" ;;'!'. - peel ll .,e ,i."r e!T.rs"ll'.'.i touring ! i f. ' i ' Mra tin e .balers ' 1-1 .r,. I .'"74 It for ,,. . r.trinr DODGE ' -' ""--r1 -x-ivnl '' At TO '" .'13. N liRexp PHONE r no ' ..:n. DODGE ::rV.s-r ..tt tn I rl n- 0 1. N iv v. r ' ii ..ii i FORD tr 7. ii l'l" ii i bii..ness ear, ve-t ' t ,, p f.,r coin cn bt- .en h t f..r.iif '" i .ii 1 l.ust-'iif 1 i HU Ir'. 1 t i wen dMVt. star ,. 1 .'i-mu'ir.iui'.t en. h.. v v abstirbT, he 1 it. Ktni,. I'j;'1 ''"-' Heverf 'rd ave j'l'IweN I -,i i .' p ieer,gr. IH21 mud d, very low pr' . IJi Hunlfr OO'j N llread t Pb lie I', ; jr 30J HMtTI Afvln d, ii aril ftiu:,e laieit UMNLA1NU ,redc ,lir rANLKV AUTO CO lilll N lieil P. 'l:i- 7SJO (ivFRi A'n u ur'n! 11" '-"""" v' 'LlL.1lle t.rley Aut , r . 010 N HiosdPep T e flVPRI ATl " " Pasi.-u.-f 131). . n I UIL"lu,lw 1 ... - i.'-. !' I m ' r.i.. HI,. r it 1 II ivni Fit ' ' v ' - ' 1 -. APPEVRvN, ' IMl .-.neli , . isn sv. P.ll H E I e. IM'11 l'l I I. -ll ALL 1 . n 1 ; 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 n 1 v . . . , , Pi K lt! 1 w -u 1, I tMa. 1 h, - i . . . Kr l'ig- r .U-1T u' trt' M' 1' ' tot. 'Mtte. ri'iE 1 -it , lllil fni . Agencs. . HUl. t ! S. M I dil'l .V llr a I i STANDARD ; ' U Mi'XI I 1. ' ' I. STUDEBAKER L 'JL! N " ' si 1 rz t .1 . ,,.; I ti ar 24.1 1 1 i. -' ,' Ai.'e '. Ir , -' 1 ..v ' me St . . I . . . I - ' f I . ei..lt'"i7. 'IT" tt-rrc 1 - ' ')3i N 1 tllOllOlg'l t Mititin.. . 1 ,'r 1,. - 1 1 CHANDLER nr- id I HI". vll ' 1 I f 1. 1 , '. . w . e. 11 int. r S' R . I 'I ene tnl . Mr Hi,' N l.r. 1 DOGS AND BIRDS W NTFD- I'M . i' 1 kr ,wn ,1 L'h li.. 1-... " ' ' " ' '1i 1 hnrnpst.n r vi t.v l-U'l n. ".- I I II l.l M tl t ,ktu e I r I ri.a e- t Jttf II l Vv jntr 2 ' 1 "I" il. rr ROOMS FOR KENT Rftt'Vl' N ''i- Vil- t 1 ,11 ' el 1 : 1 i-eti ti r.i,.ra CHE-TNUI ..lb D. -r. 1 1 .'-.I R jjli- m - iii. 1 ' r ,t ii,Mit ba'h DI VMONO fit . ,,,,, .' I" ri -t, . 1 .'tal. I . I '. if M u . 1 til. . 1 b le 1 -- t 1 1. hatiu 1 . ' Let t'ST l"J. fl. I u .' ' e r. tine ' 1 . 'f fur" .. pel, .' - UK' 0. WAI.Nl I T . 'JI tn 1 1 urn -uites 9, Ml k ren 11 ! I in "i itn f, nil g, .1 ufllf t..l ..'i.M.n n.a. ..,,., , a ' Wl'1 I'M 1 1 X DI I I'll I V,,,.:r.Y;.1;,,,;'':;r'i;i, ri..-rj' AW) BALTIMORE AVENUE ...1. 1 k tan i? -t-tt .... ' I.. . .. ... . .. . ... . 11 1 1.1 .1 'a'. - t 1-1 iv III1 . ll..,,. tifu' turn epet ak-. .. --. . dul aid we. k. t-.ean e rv . ' 1 ' allitl mi l'i- hi ru a He, 1 1 bes hc in fur IM-llVr N ti r tie tb di 1 1 ' rum erne I. 1 '.M1 1 1 e 'Point . 11 1 -r I'l-nss'tejit tn.fi u,. , ma I tn r-ii mil 1. e, t hrnnit Jti v 11 XNDHOME! f iinin',i 1',, , . t, .. inn nt. Mit, h 111 .!.( ne ittft t Ji ' ....... mi ii : un,, miuil. . In i'iU In I P i. ... j ...... . ...- - ' -" -111 l in Ii h.l t..- 'l" T ' ' .! ' " t r ul us ii g, .i . n . r,.. pi, al, iit iiif, n (Jll Vlll.Vt iivi ' n-i, ,n,i. nil, t. kpg 7'.' I il' v t no nu v inut ,,( Hl.'l' Pllll Mil. I Pill V 1 T"gL' 1 1 WliutTi. 1H Hrn, and che.rtel ra' r&witliJ ftlftf&Sfi: A 26 - TIRES . Genuine firsts, benring name and serial number, wrapped In the origi nal paper and guaranteed by us. FABRICS 6000 MILES CORDS 8000 MILES FABRICS NON NON NON NON NON. NON-NON-NON-VON. SKID $7.75 8.05 9.G0 12.15 13.45 16.15 17.00 17.35 21.60 22.30 23.00 25.70 26.00 SKID SKID.... SKID.... SKID.... SKID SKID SKID.... SKID. ... SKID.... SKfD.... SKID SKID.. SKID.. SKID.. . . 28.25 . . 29.95 Tubes Guar. 1 lfr. SI. 75 2.00 2.20 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.65 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 1.75 CORDS . . Nelle ..Sle.75 .. 19.75 , . . Nene .. 25.10 ... 23.M . . 2'.55 .. 28.1(1 . . 29.00 . . . 2SV0 .. 30.35 .. 31.50 . . 37.15 ... 39.00 AL ..$30.00 C e. 1), All e i ders shipped Put lar 03 10. 709 N. BROAD ST. Open Evctii:i'C and Sundays KOOMS WANTED IWe or nvn ,i ,r t 1 tr 2 I ..tne with ,r Til- - ', .ttr. . ii t j;i nlieun. Iia" I' '.il.l .l t.n 1.. .Uit I Iff it e pii . in it n ,-i wii" n i.i iwe retima, ith or .Mlt. ni.tr t .. li vi. Ir.t Kitten- ' Iti ti,i pi .fer..-.' ..I ..n 1 . dg t Of- life HOARDING HM.TI.MeRE VI .t I. .ug -." II f, r men -m ither I.. I I nri-e ii . .tv tin l,.-r .1 fi I'll miT S 40th j 'uriU.iett attractively. , m )i" i. . t nt Ivblvir- " . ' iiniij i te eenter ;rj It -,-' .th- ' tl II MI1U I- it I Wn.lidi i Ml. ROAR D I NO I I vv Phtla. te i. n,. i r nc'r-tin. t .- -.u .i.nlie in e et iiB 114 i 'sag' i.e 1 h. h Ii if Pins 1 TT" . . . .. , ... .t... . t i. .. .... rl"f. ;.Vr',V.r: "'?.' "".h. , .. ",'":.r"', '" ' " - " COUNTRY BOARDING CHII.DRF.N l.ll.e u-lti. i ',. t s Mdres . . ."J n tn) arm, of retxrenc ' APARTMENTS APARTMENTS FOR RENT I, O G A X l-l't N. I'.read St. . I I Q G A l.'-'S Vi-nanje St , PHILA.- 3 "t)i & Columbia Av. LKNTKAL- 1003 Pine St Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. im ii s. ciiusr.NUT srs Nejir Rittenhouse Square I '. . .' f tn n ,i ii le ti i' 1 un uwi . n a li jt. I ."i -- tpaitn.'ii In 1" itii i . I. .iit.ftii i I..I i,ii- tiems. a i n L. ' ' t, i .id .h vet s lore li - l t i t r i .ri . i, Ultf 'it-tin, . -n" r .' t '. i- ke 'i ' "f I iur tl i. i ? I. , n i C l.,-s ' ' . ' til SlOu IVr .Menth .LBERT B. MILLS APARTMENTS .'; 247 SO. JUNIPER STREET , New Fireproof Building pi: iiih i i' )'.i i , i. CARciiUUT Al'UUVI.M Gt -ii t.""at 23. 1 i Melt .ng I' I i ii r.itrnmunt Pirki- .-!x spitliii 'ii, nl .,ih with . rr c g,. a.-e .'a- i n . i . , t), nmughly ' ' ' i , i i i t 'e In- i - . v f . ' i ' Snr ' ! 1, .-L( Vltl 1. i 1 -'n 11 I 1 1 vt 1 1 1 1 lib 7 'I ui 1 ri 1 1 kn ' . ' . .eek". ping e n r.d bath. lull 1" H M ' fl e'- 11 li nt b w . ter e,c a d ui .v..y cjr.. ". let Phlla u " bits. APARTMENTS r'.-,-r..sf, . 1 - ' 1 f "' med 1 bt ruse ins D.ni ,,Kr 1 .. - . no ..air 1 ,. '.nb in I , r III. I 'iv I M ' i'u ha th. tier lit at. 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