. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1021 e ft. I 'V .'. JSS. 4THB MILLS Penna. State Tax This tax .should be com puted upv v the market value of enr securities, net upon their par value. If you will consult us, we will furnish you with the proper prices upon which te base your return, and supply the forms necessary te obtain the refund te which you are entitled. Cadtmry, Ellis & Haines Investment Securities FRANKLIN BANK BLDG. SPRLlT 7W2 niesi s BACK 1941 The Consolidation of Railroads System Se. 3 THE OWNIJRS of practically all steam railroad bends will be in some mea-urp affected by the P'an of Railrwui consolidation, tentatively proposed by t he Interstate Com merce Commission. System Ne. " concern the Balti more & Ohie, New Haven, Reading, Jersey Central and ether properties. Helders of bends of these systems will be interested in our resume of the subject. IV e invite conference en any cur rent investment matter. HARPER &TURNER Investment Bafker- ittmbm of rhttail. Tp'iia Stock Ercranv Stock Exchange Building re nun Philadelphia ni.une HKH MONEY HALTS TRADE IN STOCKS Six Per Cent Renewal Rate Makes Market Sensitive te Bearish Influence New Yerk, Oct. in. Resumption of trading in the Meck market after the holiday showed no material alteration-) from rfeent Irregular tendencies. Do De mettle oils of the tevcral speculative va rieties continued te feature the con cen con .fnietive side at fractional Rains, but Mexican and Kurepcan oils were heavy Itejal Dutch losing lVs points. I'm'' sptTinltles. notably American Sugar and Seuth Pert" Rice Sugar, showed fur tlmr wenkncfi, Ilrekerx who were concerned in the tradiim tluritis the first hour sitrl t hut the money rate and the complete alienee of outside interest made the situation niie netnltlvc te bearish Inlluenee. nii.1 that the only nctlw' speculative element cnntlnu'es committed te the short fide of the mnrkct. Htinines broadened during the morn ing, but the movement wav entirely at the expense of quoted value. The for eign situation, ai Indicated by the weakness of leading exrhanges, and n continuance of the (! per rent call money rate, cncenraKcd the shorts te enlarge their commitment". Mexican Petroleum forfeited .'I points, and independent -leeN. as mp'1 us tubai ces, tealers and liiitl.e.s. lest ! te 2'.. points. lleai mess among Junier rails became mere marked, Southern Hallway pre ferred and Seaboard Air Line eommen and preferred being under especlnl pres- MUIO. '1 he steel industrials as a group were among the vakest features, Republic falling 2 points, te J0t'j, and Cruci ble Steel selling down 2'i points, te llflii4. United States Steel ranged from n te 7'i. Railroad stocks moved dev award with the industrial-. Read ing bidding 7s. te TO1, nnd Nerttiern I'aeltic dropped ever 1 point, te as. American i'lK were in except ieuntii c I ileniaml and muiutaitied guins made In the e.irlj trading. l.ibcrtj bends were steady, but slievved little of their recent activity. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS RAILS AND TRACTIONS ! SAG UNDER SELLING We Own and Offer Fe -ewnes Bres Ml.'i S. IHJii Phillips Petroleum Ce. t p H, :.. iy.ii Joint Stock Land Bank ." limiii rne nf II 1 1 M iinl ."" WlDINM BUM, PNIlADilWIlA filtvWrSvcEjnmt atwveiK nilxirrx. N.J. ',i,iii.Mi'rtiiin I? ' niimtin in Sun. HMJlllUI.IU Oil,,! WHU ( .SK.y ply. but Price Shows Little Change tVkiUN lfl Competent organization Cern Exchange Nat. Bank I E.liLC,larR$ee. UAMiXUat Dealers in Investment Securities Urtiilra ,V(w i erk and Fhuii iam Hleck Sxchanat 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Selling of the shares, of the 1'ennsil lanin Rnilread f-enipany was the con spicuous feature en the local e change , 'Hid, despite the f'ict that there were 'arge offerings of this stock, the prie I eld fairly tearlv. The opening sale ( uas at a fractional gain, but Immedi ately the stock began te come out if i 'r.rye quantity and the advance wa- 1 isi, the quotation for the remainder of I the session rnnging between 00 an 1 Ti'i. Lehigh Valley was in limited Tctutt and it also sagged en less ex ex tensive iluallngs. I Next te the rnlliend group the brunt I uf the selling pressure was uirectcil against the local traction issues, Phila delphia Traction lei -Ins greuj. and be fin neon n consMeinelc aiimunt of the -teeI hud cone out T!,f sfi,. at ."! ri-ndiwil ,i pent of its i ei nt cam 1' lid ,t liia R.itu I Tr.itisii v - "IT m u'ht - sales, I, u.i- u'-ii 1 lien 'lt.ii - n A vmp! nf h.id'el .ine-. e Tlll-teell''! ,lnd I'lfti-i'l.Ml Stpef I'm-.cmv i Hailivav st.i. k ehar.ged hand i' K"i1 . 'luehi.nged In tile remainder nf the list there MUS little of interest te record. IJusi nesa was cemparatlvelj (uiet and price changes were for the most part Insig nificant. The common nnd the pre ferred shares of the I'nited Gas Im provement Company held at recent lev els, ns did nlse Philadelphia Klectrlc Tonopah Mining nas off en few snles. V transaction in Insurance Company et Xe-fh l.lliv ' Jll 'I ll i Ii.e America, nt 't H 1'ev igi 'li e nf a full j.,. ..l. plncerl these levl for the ie.;r preiil llier the In t Sales aoe tee tee 100 400 100 noe tee tee 100 100 300 400 100 100 laoe 3000 400 300 noe oeo 1 110 ."en J00 ten 1700 tee ttOll 1000 tee ten 100 400 100 200 1300 tee 200 JOO 200 200 2510 7000 500 noe 300 tee ion .tee 100 lnne 2011 1200 2300 tr.ne 1000 tee 1700 1(10 12110 1S0II Alie 3210 ."en nmi I 0.1 son 700 100 200 2000 300 100 2030 500 1300O ; tKen 200 tee tee tee 101) 100 100 100 tee 100 200 Rtli) 100 200 300 2200 100 200 ten - tee 3000 tee 400 1400 inc. 101 lee IS' ll 1 Ml 'till 2011 seu ,0(1 20'i 1011 1011 10(1 400 1200 3000 r.7en 100 2nn 7C0 Dlv. Ill ntnh .. Adams Rxpreis "" . . AJex Itubber . . Alaska Juneau O M . . ) 4 Allied Chem Dye... ' 7 Allied Chem St Dye pf . 8ftH 4 AIllB.Chalmera ss .. Am Agrle CTiere s Am Acrle Chem pf... 1;? 4 Am Hank Nete .. Am Besch Magneto.. ' 7 Am Can pf 'W 13 Am Cur & Pdy "9 .. Am Chicle 10 . . Am Drug Syn " Am Hide A leather pt .. Am Internat Cen...- 8'n .. Am Linseed ' 7 Am Linseed pf J" 0 Am Loeomotlve 85,, .. Am Safety lUier ' . . Am Ship & Ce-n ; . .. Am Smelt S7J 7 Am Smelt See A ' 8 Am flnuft pf M 3 Am Steel Foundries- ?4V .. Am Supxr nef s t Am Sugar Ref pf 7 Am Sumntra 37,, 0 Am Tel & Tel ,os$ 12 Am Tobacco ,2- It Am Tobacco B '? fl Am Tobacco pf new . . 02 7 m Woolen '! Am "Writing Paper pf. '4 .. Am Zinc Lead & S pf ' .. Anaconda Copper .... 4n 4 Ame Pry Ooeds 3'V4 Atch Tep & Santa Fe. '': 7 Atlantic Coant Line... SO .. Atlnntle lerult " . Atl Outf (SWISS,., -f'Vj Atlantic Pet 9W 7 Baldwin Locomotive,. ROs .. Baltimore A Oljle 3'H 8 Bethlehem Steel B 04',j Brkb-n Ripld Transit 7'i . Bu'te A Superior Cep. 14H ButterlcU "'5 . . Cadde Cen'ral O & B. 53 2 Tnl 7,lnc & Lead 4 .. California Petroleum . 42'4 7 California Petrel pf... " 10 r-irinillin Pacific . ...!Hf4 . . Central Leather ""-J rentrnl Leather pf . . "1 Chandler Meters 40J4 .. ChFPfBle A Ohie... 34JH Ce rro-de-Paece 30J4 rhieace A Ot West. .. T, . Chi Mil & St P "MV . Chi Mil & St P pf 39 1 j 5 Chi & Verthivetem . " . Chi B 1 & Pa-- "'a Ch B I & Pac 6. pi. "' Phlle Copper ,?l' Cl.lne ("epnr ' U Clev Cln Chi ,t St I. . !n Coca-Cela 3I Colerado & Southern . 35 Celum Oas & nice 61 ' .. Celum Grnphopheno 3Ji . . Cel Oraphophene pf . . 1" 7 Coneelldated Gas . .. "5?i .. ConBelldated Textllee. 1?s 5 Cern Products Btf. ... '7V4 .SO Ceeden ft Ce 31 Ti 4 Crucible Steel M'i .. Cuban Am Sugar .. . HI'S .. Cuban Cane Sugar... Ofn .. Cuban Cane Siurar pf. 10U 9 Delaware & HudBen..lOI He Detroit fnlted Bwy. . 00 1'eme Mlnen 1SV? Pulu'h Se S A At 'n Duluth Se S & At pf.. 4J4 Ullt Hern Ceal 1" Ji Hlk Hern Ceal pf 34 nndlcott-Jehnson .... t3;i Krle " Erle 1st pf 1S!4 Krle 2d pf Sli Fnmeus Players L. . . . 18 Famous Players L pf. 70 Fisher Bedy of O pf.. 0CV4 Flak nubbcr 1H Freeport Texas . ... I Gasten V?mi & Wlff. . H General Aspball MV General Cl(?ar 50 General Ectr'e 125 "lereral Mo'ers - 1" Goedrich B F . . .. 31 . i;rnt Ceitern pf ... 73e ITjfke'l ,t M i-:.. r Car 5s ID'.sten Oil ' . lIemest..Ui Mln . B Afi li .. a- P.' f.-i.-iR t"J.i llcllaen .-. Hit.-, rg . 3J4 Ini-p'rat en Cen Cep.. 35, Int AgTlcul Cerp pf . 37 Int ilarvi-flter ntw ... 76 Int Harv new pf 101 j Internat Motertruck . 20 'b Int Motertruck 1st pf- 55 International Nickel.. 135 International Paper .. 47 15 Invincible Oil Cerp... 12H Island Oil 3 Jewel Tea l"'i Jenes Bres Tea 23 H !Canai c.tv SuU'hern 2.'i Letv 47'4 23 li 45 M 89 V4 33 n 34 1V4 &m 33 82 H 12S or 5 50 31 23 48 8 ri 8Ji 371I 74 Vi 85 24J4 34 74 3014 10H 125?; 124 M 03 74l 21 33 40 32 VI Hi Yl 80 tVi 2014 tV 5?i 3714 5394 7H 14?a 25 13 t 42 787a 11214 2(1 J4 30 39 a 54U iW 7Ji 25 as 94 r.7 ' i 32 34 07 12 25 J4 II 341, 35 01 li 3'i U'a 89 Ji 10 77 3094 C0i 11 li ten 101 ion no is 1.; 24 4? 17)4 38 f3!i 13 181i 13 K2 70 no 10B 14 'i 53 51) '4 ' ? 9?. :iv .2?, 3 s i.4H .,(; in . 3 94 54 n r. u 94 li U'a 14 1 14 l!30 Nat P M. Wlge 4714- Hi 22 T4 .. 88 W -33H 34 -6114 Ui 33 -f- w- 128 - 10 8 - 80 -81M- 24H au 48V4 1 89 -414 A 3714- 7814 -f 85 2414 8i!- 74 37 108J4 83i 124 02 7414- 24 33 40 - 3214 8114 86 214 5014- 1014 ST, 3714- M94- 794 1494 25 -13 1 4 I 42V4 ! 14-20?4-5U -30 94 - fiV4- 2014- 71i- 2.i 3ST-i Dlv. ln lllirh Kansaa City Se pf . . . . 61 Kansas A Gulf Ce 7i Kelly-Springfield Tire. 4214 Kelscy Wheel pf 00 Kennecett Copper .... 22J4 Lackawanna Steel ... 40 Lee Itubber Tire 27 Lehigh Valley 14 Loewn Ce 1394 1 IO ft Candy 0f4 . . Mnlllnsen A Ce 18 . . Market St Itivy pr pf. 33M . . Market St Itwy 2d pf . 84 .. Marltn OH 2414 2 Martin Perry 14 18 Mexican Petroleum .. (294 l Miami Copper 2394 Sale 100 4 1600 700 4 ,200 7 1400 .. 1700 200 2500 8.80 2300 ,. 200 1 100 300 10O 800 100 35300 700 1800 i.e Middle States Cerp 100 1000 400 1000 i 14 v, 14 14 14 14 'i 114 U 1-, 1 , 14 U H a 'A 1M 3 A '4 1 14 - 1 .... , 3tifs 70 101 'a 2014 65 t3?; 7J4 1194 354 10 li 25 254 07 14 -324- r.7 -12 .'4 4t'-- 34 54 35 -6115 3 IS 12 S3 9 1'4 77 1 3194 6114- 11 Vs- 0 10U 101 - me - no 4 1814- 294- 4J4- 1794- 3S C39i- 13 1SJ4- 13 -6714-70 co 14 1094 14 - 54 53 9J 50 124 X 10 31 'J : s : .Is ' ' I.JI4 .111 K'?4 - 3?; 33! i -30 Te -70 -10114 f '20 Yz 63 -13i-4714-13 3Ki- 10 Yi 25 J4 254- 1 0 l4 ft 94 14 Hi Ui 94 1,4 !i 4 '5 H U ?4 'A X tee 100 200 200 100 200 3200 1100 100 700 300 3000 100 000 100 14800 (1000 2000 2011 700 200 200 100 5000 1200 500 200 3JO 300 noe 700 100 100 1300 2.W0 100 200 300 4100 500 22C0 5 I3I0 ion son 1100 1200 410 200 85 10 4 200 n:en 100 tee 200 700 100 tee 100 5330 310 1200 300 15700 2230 3)0 200 8 ill) 300 930 2000 3830 2C0 200 000 400 400 1U0 2301) 50n 1.10 0401) ie;j isoe 700 IbO 21(1 200 1U0 100 300 200 100 200 100 ion 100 100 5C0 200 100 310 12 Mldvale Steel 23 M Minn & St Louts 7Ji Missouri Paclfle 10 14 Mi) Paenc pf 42 Ji 3 Mentana Power 84 . . Montgomery Ward ... 19 0 Nat Hnam ft S 4014 .. Nat B n of Mcx 2d pf 494 .. N'ev Cen Copper 1194 NO Tex & Mex 02 8 New Yerk Central.... 7315 .. New Yerk N II & H.. 14 1 New Yerk Ont & W. . 20 1 North American ctfs. . 4034 5 North Am ctfs pf. ... 3834 7 Northern Paclfle 781-j .. Nunnlly Ce 1294 .. Okla Pred & Itef 294 . . Pacific Oas & Elee. . . 6S94 .. Paclfle OH 4094 6 Pan-Amer Petrel .... 4114 6 Pan-Amer B 39 2 Pennsylvania n B..... 394 Penn Seaboard Steel. . 0J4 . . Peeples Gaa Chicago. 5014 .. Pere Marquette 19 4 5 Perc Marq prier pf... 57 '2 .. Phillips Pet 28 . . P'erce-Arrew Moter. , 1 1 .. Plereo-Arrew Met pf . . 23' Pierce Oil 714 Pierce Oil pf 4514 Pitta Ceal 37 V- Pltts 4 West Va 2514 Pitts & West Va pf... 75 Pressed StPel Car.... 66 14 Pullman (13 Pure Oil 2814 neadlnc 71 2 Beading 1st Pf 45 . Bern Typewriter 1st pf 40 . Heplegle Steel 2214 . Benubllc Iren ft Steel. 51 .. npublle Meters Hl2 .20 Beyal Dutch Amer... 4594 .. St Leuis San Fran... 23J4 . Saxen Moter 2 . Seaboard Air Line. .. , 414 Seaboard Air Line pf, 8 .. Scn.s-Beebuck tS14 .. Seneca Cep Cerp in 14 ,74 Shell Transport 35 .. Sinclair Oil 2194 l Southern Paclfle 78)4 . . Southern Ball 20 Southern Buy pf 45 S Perte Blce Kuirar 2794 4 StnjidHrd Oil of CaJ... 7014 5 Stnndard Oil of N J.. 151 7 Standard Oil of N J pflesj; 7 Steel Tube of 2 Stewart Warner Speed 7 Studebaker I Submarlen Beat Core. . . Superior Oil Cerp . . Tcnn Ced & Cliem. . . . X Texas Oe .. Texas & Paclfle 1 Texas & Pac C 4 O. . Third Avenue fl Tobacco Products . . . Tel St L & West ctfs. . . Tronscen Oil .. Union Oil 1994 10 Union Paclfle 121 . . United Alley Steel 27J4 0 United Fruit H9 United Befall Stores.. 30 'J ..US Feed Products. 4 U S Ind Alcohol..., .. US Balty & Imp. . ..Us Itubber a f S P.Ubher Igt Df , , . I S Smelt & Hcf. . . 5 U S Steel 7 l S Meel pf S Ltat' 1 epPT Vanad.um Ceip C Va Iren Ceal & Coke Va-i nr Chemicul . . .. Va-Car Chemical pf . . Wabakh . Wabash pf A . Western Maryland . . . Went Maryland 2d pf. . . Western Pacific 4 WeBtinKheuse B & M. .. Whevllnc & L E 4 White Moter .. White OH Cerp Wlckwlre-Spencer Stl. 1.1 .. Willys-Overland 3 94 .. Willi s-Overland pf .. 20 7 Woolworth F W pf. ..112 23 Wright Aero 71; 80 331, 71 " 4 794 7s no 34 :2J4 20 1 13 '4 C44 It s , 1214 44 J4 , 5134 , 9114 .12 . 70, .110 . 53 ::i)3, 3 . 21) 'I . 78 1 4 . J . 21 . 014 . 17 . 21 44 8 5-3 35 1014 T-ew 81 094 41 V, 90 21J4 3914 2794 64 1314 94 18 3314 8 94 2314 14 oeii 23 13 J4 13)4 714 1914 4214 54 16 4014 494 1194 02 72Ji 1394 20 4014 33 94 7414 1294 24 6034 3934 4094 38 '4 30 nv; 6014 te' 571 j 2714 10J4 23 714 45 Vi 5714 2514 73 5014 03 2814 JO 45 49 22 J4 40 8(4 44 V. S2J4 294 3'J 14 r.7'i 19!4 3414 21 94 78 10 45 274 7014 151 ir.0(4 co 22 lj 70'4 3T4 7'i 7 fl& 21 '4 !5H lr.f-, 1314 ll Mi 19 ' I10&4 27!i 108 14 49 '2 12 4i; 6194 79i Ul'U 32 8'i tin DEMAND ON CURB FOR OIL SHARES Met CTlRO. ..FH - It Vi 14 4 li - 1 1:30 r. m 81 6J4 41J4- 90 2 3914-2734-84 - 1314- 94 16 3SJ4 - 94 334 - 54 2414 154 14 194- 23 1314 -23i 64 19 4054 494 1134- 02 72- 1394- 20 4014 - 334- 7414- 1834- 294 5934 40 41 - 3894 30 - 014 5014- lVi-6714-27j - 714-?- 43V4 -50 li 113 2814 40 - 2214 - 40 - Sli-' ';- 2214 i - 354- nu - (734- 1IU4- 33 -21 li r 781J- 194 45 - 27i4- 7914 151 1- lf!4 1 no - .,1 1 Cities Service Common Feature of Greup Industrial Stocks Irreguar 194 14 14 14 'l4 54 94 S's "3 5 ft 114 54 14 14 ' 54 34 14 l'-i !4 ' 14 14 14 94 H t' l 1 2 55 54 214 T4 14 '4 l4 11 '4 14 '4 1 1 54 'A 1 New Yerlt, Oct. IB. American oil stocks demanding most nucnuun in im--, trading In the New erk curb from, tlie bcprinninB of business today, these stocks being in such urgent demand hh, te increase the impression that pre-1 (hieing nnd distributing interests have, come te the conclusion that they roust depend nlraest wholly en the domestic fields for their crude oil supply. Cities Servlce common, which n hert , time nge sold nenr 100. wiir the chief feature of thh group. This stock wns in scant supply nnd rese from 1C0 te 170. The Henkers' bhnres ranged from 18i, te 20, nnd the prcfercd Meck moved up te W'f.. Tropical oils wcre heavy,) Mnraclabe" falling from 24 te 23$, , nnd International Petroleum from ltiTft te 15'i. Slmms Petroleum, Hkclly Oil nnd llyan Consolidated were in nrisa iinmnmi nt Arm nrlces. Standard Oil t of Indlann wns strong, ranging from 7494 te 70'i- Merrltt Oil rnnged from 8 te 0, and Omnr Oil sold nt 08 c. Industrial "locks were Irtcgulnr. l-ar-rcll Ceal sold at ls nnd Itunis nroth nreth em "B," when Isued yielded te .IcV Tobacco stocks nlse were heavy, Brit inli American celling nt 11. Conti nental Candy told' nt 2."c nnd 20c und Sivecta Company wns steady nt 1. IMIl'.STniAT .T 21 9 17 21 44 35 ion 1.1 65i 20 112 7'i i- 70 34 314- 7 34 T-i-".954 i 21 J4- 13 - t. Hi ll Hlj- 10(4 120 -27 14 . 110 -44 14 -'134- oeu- 32 - 181.- III) - :-n- vn 14 7.1 n :' -21 - t!i 17 21 -I- 44 8Ji 38 iei 13 - 694 20 112 -1- 73; : '4 14 !4 H nuii . vn r,i' . us 94 Acme Ceal . . . Allied PucXItiB Ilrlt Amer Tet. coup. Hums Jlres 11 . . -; California Crusheil l'rult JJi Columbia Umerakl " Centlr.viilal Cundy -;,, Karrell Ceal " Ultuon-Hewrll .i1 U'llette 3 H ''! l.ocemobllo ioe V) 11 O pref se Perfectlea Tire ON Jle Cem 7I ItuiUe Cem prcf 1" Seuth Cu.il nnd Iren -' .Swift i'7, divert Ce ;; fnltrd rreflt Hhp.rlni: ... ! 'ayn Ceil 1 1'et Knd Chem ... ' MTANUAItD II.S AtiKle-Amcr Oil .. .- 17' Htand Oil of Ind 0l lloeno Oil 3D lluatun Wyoming S3 Carlti Hynit H Cltlre Herv'ce old) l.d CltlM Hrrilce "If etfs... Je Clllca Srrite.! pref ... fi3'-i Udniundu OH 1. Hilt Darin I'M n1) Englncem Petrel 37 Frdsral Oil - iniUUnd Oil V.' tllrnreck Oil t'j iluffry Olllrsplu lla Int 1'rtrel 1J' Lynna J'rt 1 MarjfHlbe Oil -' ' fnirltf MM P Mexico Oil 14 Mldwrtt Oil - I Mountain J'reducH U Neb;.. IS nhlii I'.anerr I' Omar Oil U") Itj.ii' Cens UN .i ! Cr.i'k Cen . ... i-"i Minimi l'"t "j, W.i-llv Oil "J'-J 'lce -' 'lU'il.nnr 0 HVHltirn Statrn 4'J IVneilburn 1 Lew nv, 114 27. e;. is 20 133 70 SO 00 H7 m i 1,30 V. M. 03 ft'i IIS '"'$ IS 20 1'4 1414 133 70 SO (ID 2U IS 2U 0: 2S IS 1H - I 54 ti Y Oil Southern r a H MIMMi Alahlta l)r Columbia HW l.edKn Hosteu i. Mentana C.ilfdenlii MtnlnK ('et'i' -r 1 anyen Ceri 1 Sllir Cl Kl4",U lie'.d Hun lei 1 niin'ii (!iil.l-l.l I urn lin llnniilll ln il- . . II,. . 1 Mln.nK llml i- it ... ' i 1 li li'ii M. ' in -r , Miifcii. 1 1 1 I'uili " i 1 1 Mei 1 I . ' Mmli r l.il r. Null 111..I Vln Nip, inli. k- Pitts Ml hl..uta lt.-x Cun . He Am I & O Tonopah Dlildu U H Cent United Kaatern Wrnt V.ni Cen - IMINIW G.1 17S "IS 'J 11 SJ is is B3'4 1 11 30 IAt 2S US tr.s 1 2!14 SS a v K in OH OS ISS TS OS S3 flit 42 1 On October 15th, 1921 the U. S. Treasury Will Pay- Over $135,000,000 Semi-annual interest due en Fourth Liberty 4A Bends. Over $385,000,000 Principal and interest due en Certificates of Indebtedness. Reinvest your share of the above in the World's Premier Securities Liberty Bends and Victory Notes Ten Payment Plan Commercial Trust Company Member of Federal Reserve System City Hall Square West I7S 73S 1! S2 DS ICH 1DM, 33 M. 1 )!H 30 K'. lit HVi 15S ii 17 in US s 12S ' US h ilti 12 I CO U'S 10 31 IS II IS hi 'i'trt 4i. 13 I1. S!) 2 In ii IS 8u IS 13 I'. r. is 3'l js l 11 IS M) IS .'111 I-, 13 IS II. -,l,l. I,; I . II' 'J'!', , itiHthiiiB nmri t Kli-rtrii- mei point ni Iiii 4 Wc offer a selected lint of Municipal, Railroad and Coloration Bends. STROUD & CO. 1429 Wnlnut St., Philadelphia 43 Exchange Place, New Yerlt tivT -an IJii.iu a' -I. :m iii ti n l"t an. 1 tnnn a l.iimlml sluir' - i ase Battery Kii-rlflri'd n lsends uijri' rather i u i t . flic trans-ne tiens bcinR mide at about the prevail Ing price levels, Philadelphia Stacks HUrti 7." 2i Milk Street, Bosten 21 1 Colerado BUr., Washington J North East Township Erie Ce. Read S'jh due Sept., 1941 Nen-Callable 103 and Int. te yield ever 5.25 Townsend Whelen & Ce. 505 CHESTNUT ST. Jiemt'- s .' i'iin.1 .St'jrl; Urch'l. 1 Wanted $10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Consolidated 4s BAsRStr Bre s. &. Ce. 1421 Chestnut St. Philadelphia 11 Am ?tr . '-'Am Hji me". . . 1".I. rl I.n,- ; n-ift & s i.f mi i i a- I, i.ik- . n i 'ii .' Slur lii'S -i) (.mi A"pli .-.."li, HI t Ce N A HI JKt I.pii Vtil.. ,V .i North Pa IOtPup Oil.. Ml! Pa It It.. GO phi In Ins VIrc. . 5 I'liila Ce cum pf.. ft.". PhllaHler. 17." ile prff.. 2(I',i -nil PhUa ItT Hi i . (i.Vi PhilnTrne .".1 .(itltep Kt.S r.e ."nJSiiii-talr Jl "s '.."ill Tin ii Mm I1! JdO ir.tli-1T,th PitNiUv.ir.l HO Cn Tr;n :;i'.. jir. re, i... :!'.--.s 2 i!n pref l'7H etrastpei 7ii Mi", .'l'i Ill's 10', nor. T.01V 7 ; 'jm. IIS r i 7, N-t 1R in'. Ml', - i, :, :--,- , 10 Ui - 1 .-..". 1 4 .-,;'.,- ',. :u :it -ri .-. r.l'i- r.s im-; -ie'; it :ms ;iijj8 l '.e r,e . . v.i :n:i', - v. '2's 21."'.. -'(., l'i;1,- mi i ti i , i., .-I " r.i i "0 .ll -11', -I 'S .is- 's NEW LOW FOR MARKS German Currency Breaks te .71 2 Cent in Exchange Market New Verh, Oct. 10 MnrLs broke te .71' this meriiinn in line ultli early l.eml.in enbleb. The elesins prleis here en Tuciilav naa .Sl'-s, nml today h new low record rempuret with u previous low record of .78 en Kepteinber 28. At the mul of the flrit hour there wa a Reed rally virtually throughout the ht wltli a new high record for guil ders nnd decided strensrth In Swtw v hiinxe. Merlin nheiwd it teenver of ."" .. 1.. (In. fiiipnlni? te It n n-li - ifiii-. n". -. "-. 1, ,' iliem i-vn with Iueiia ii.etutlnlis inn-- Sterling ;', s-.i,, deinunl "i '''" - hi ,. , I,,., ,s 7 Jl'j Bui d r n-t .-.n" rheeUn '.V.'- t"' . Mi'IrIii" 7 17 Ult'ikt, 7 Id. .lie iilhl'" s" J , he, ks " sTi; mink. .7'"4. In (Vntriil llun.pean exehange, OreeK reeevcri'd somewhat. Quotations II- low Uuninninn, .7H ; Uulgurliin. .(!.); Servian. 1.02: fJreek. 1.5 : Polish, 0210; AtlKtrian, .0(J; HuiiKiirian, .HI: Czccho-Slevnkinn, IM: .luge-Slavian, 41 ; I'lnn murks, 1 .12. The pi-iinlum en N"'M- f""' fmi'l" Ir. Montreal today uns O'i per cent, fnn- adlnn funds In New Yerk were fc',3 per 'cnt disoeunt. ItESDATS riV.M. OfOTATI' m.r Ini- Krnnr. ri.mar : . - .1 sis Commodity Markets t In I VI ir LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS ( I'ir.i.-.u i HI) I i l. - l Vl"ir.l Itpielm-. H.i-r kUiih UHtu nil:,. 1-... ... hiun i Tun M'url new. U' 1.1. nvernx,. ,. ii.iuiidii teri Ijnv-peui . ntHHr J11.35. ii,7'.hl',"tie" ,".f,1, h' it-n 1. hteady te nii-'nr. tint uiintdi . i.., ., , Ihlifhi r! Lull, t.4dy. Valv-nV.". te BOe nun-r; Kiiea eicrH te inekers. ?ll nteek urn anl f,ilurs. jSe te 2s0 hUher -- - - u u v iru v imn r.iiir Am b lOe te 13a lower, bull, de- (lull. rilli'es ,-, ll'. 1 .ill 1 s ((ll les Kllllnn GRAIN MARKET Chieajre. Oct. 111. The wheat mar ket wan heiivy. The sharp break in tin.' mnrket at the start wns dun te the lack of buying and pressure lndured by the break at Winnipeg Teterd:n and hedging by heunH ulth f'ntiadlnn .waitS7 ti '-!$!& connections. IjetuIs weiu bullish and 1 nr.r.v- Tioceirtn. is nne i,i. wiiu tt iJiiiiiu-K tiijiL-i mill r-uiiiniM'si ui,i"rn nri-neu meniiy stfftilj.; nvntn WftHk' cash markets stronger they bieight en '',;''iVVl,",''l.l,,'' iL'!"" "rii- s v.-.: iuai the breaks. Every bulge brought out . V sU" h wifn fent'1,1' rc,!,Hr,T, JV KHiiing by neues liclieveii te lie aetim; j; ,, ,,,r,7 "'' """' ' w '"idr inml.i m.m m.m fer a big elevntur i'itetet. ("asiil '' . pfimiumh were unehang..! I i'iitiMiritli, i-n.. n, t 13 -linns it- .. n-. Shipping siilcn neie 10 (1(H) In. -.1,1', "i'.'i" I'll Inspt If.-,. .f.. js.-.n'ii'i T! ,e,il)u.ird l"pi)ltei in 111 1 mill. Illlil j , i"rerh. 1 ifl.T iiirlm. nnq , !-, $( ';,' tn 2 0(1(1.(10(1 bushels iiinl.eii im ii.ii siu 1 i wn r.Asms ifpnipfd toen tnustly Miwiitebat.. hut im ludi-l :'.()( 1 ',,' ""' Tup hhi.-. .-,:;, ten.nnm. niisiii is 01 imruins. a 1 ' i;s - n lit. ine hcail The rern mnrket uns ue.il, under T' " "' lir..li.,.. li.llLDtll-ll linl fr.itll llPOll lliTil.w I .'K ?"'.. "rr.rr ..;: 1 . ., :. - " :i -. ni. n- X lit' UUOIl liuim u,-- ! .-'.. .-..!- lit. TfllpTS. rt.'.l nnftd Allied rnkr On Aluminum 7m w 1 . ... 1 Amer Tel (In lii24 . . . . . . Anaconia 1- ejipei .n . . Anaeenilu Cerpt-r 7 10:'?. Armour " . I.nrncJilp i ll-ili St.". 7 I'.'ja l'l-Ili Str--' 7 I'M", Llilr.iji Cl"' til . , l 111 T'l i- 1 ii,j-i.'i i: ... t s. ,. I 1 ,)i. 1 I 11 1 s lij4 1 JIHHI 1 i"il 1 ss IHJ 1 (iali-nu 7s tluuJllill 'llm 7n llulf Oil 7a Uuml'ln OH "t Mmrli 7is Nat IxtttlK-r b N Y N II '- H 4 . Si-urH-ItiichurK 7n 18JS Seuthnrn Hm rt" Seuthivnt 1'tll Stnml Oil N Y 7Ss. Hun Oil 7h Bwlft "h n'23 Snlft 7s lliSI. .. . Telnln lMInen ,n fnlieil oil I'rn.l 61 Wst.rn r.lni 7s . Aiirnntir" 7' Ili-rlin li UiHinnn I'-a s , . . li'iriiiin (I ii' ' M.imlui- 1's S.us r, ias I'Oliirflli li MONEY-LENDING RATES Mlltlv ! I'.. I' 1, , i,i, il', 1,7 117 ii7 .-.'. . aj tj yj 11 n ii i' i' i'i 7H 77 77 4H 4H 4S 2j 2. . (II Dl 01 32 f2 Ti2 lll't OlH 914 US'1. UbW ObH lit 01 in ne't ne1, uns l'Hl 110 1110 7' !i7'; 7 (id, llSS U" in , tins fKi H I H34 C.:i -i II II ll lei I ill let 1M ini, lul- liil!' 1 IOJ 1 le-' 1 H7". 1'7'v 1'7S f.". n.' nr. (III. 1111 r' till'. us', iii'i in. 1. lOtl !01' lDlJ H7"i U734 H7i 05 us e .. 07't (17 Ii7' iiHS ns, us' , Ph lilt HHH .102"; HI2Vil02. , 84', IM' HI'. ,1H04 100 100 ,100 ltn ion . 7 'i l'7'i 1)7 ' .till 101 lel .mi1, iei4 101 1 , .004 ti'i4 im Hi in. hi. in j ! 1P4 u hi . s 7i 71 j .!0 DO !hl One of TODAY'S r Investment Opportunities xcttipt from Federal Income Taxes Cleveland, Ohie Scheel Distrid: 6 Bends Due Serially September 1, 1924 te 1936 Prices according te maturities te yield 5.50 te 5.35 'Detailed information upon request. Write or call for circular (l'A-26) HALSEY, STUART & CO. INCORPORATED i.ard Title lildff., Philadelphia. Tel., Locust W) CHICAGO NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA DOSTON DETROIT MILWAUKEE MINNEAPOLIS ST. LOUIS L One Man's Opinion ? One man's market opinion might net he worth the paper it is written en. It takes a multitude of opinions, both pre rwl con, before you can intelligently form a basis for n tangible conclusion. "ITS AND DOWNS" our markut review, represents a concise consensus of opinions, and the net result is given te you, whether a bteck should be sold or bought and at the approximate price. If you are interested in reading a real, live, logical up-te-date little review, ask for a copy. It will be sent with our compliments. Alan A. Alexander & Ce. Kry. STOCKS and BONDS COLONIAL TRUST BLDG., PHILADELPHIA Knee OMOi Hell: Locust (lM0-1-?-3-li llranrli Offlfr, llrldcrten, N, S-aJ . IiltiK huph weie urn, uuu mmiii'ii, in clii'llnc 70,000 btishelH tn expurti'rs. The eatb luarUct was. u oak following ether Krnltm. Tln ensli b.isH wns im . dinged. Shippiiiff --ales wiiu ."i.",i)()(i biisheld. . O t 1.1 CATTl.r. iiiiri'iv niphqv raues, i'" r' '"'' at""!!- isOin..ie, niie eipr ll,.nv llflit 'irkr and tliflO ill mlited. yt.Ti.rrn. Pl. 10; reuehii. 17. I ituitii. S4WB. fn:i:r and lamiik rt.ripn hm lira.i Slew. Ivamb'. 2r,e T nml,. J tTi 'j ;:, I oilier iimhnnKi-il ..ij ,.i ii-i i n ' imih cla--ei i)flll ui il VrT 1 1 nt n 'ii'n I nfl l'i IM ;;P. 70 l'i l.'.l :!ii4 :t'ji,'. - 7!1 - mv I,n at 1 Nl ll'il Hfii 11 Dl'IIMXii ClfOTArii H s'-rilmt I'ra.ics r. r Uui a 'ii. ;n n J n i ; ir. ail ,,' New is fiiii-nlliK ' i iimniini; 1 1 ti .rtaving. lhwith f afety AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE EXCHANGE 007 I'llKhTNTT STKEI"T "llTldfiid-l'ylii rellclm" Pajenger Commercial tNt chuns mail. ti r, mpirlnen wlih sale en N"it Yerli Ste'-k K-irhamce rilll.MM'.I.I'HIA nONDsi rinone i.ihertv :i.i i1ir "is Vine Liberty 1th -1'is "IS . . L'000 Hull Ti'li-plinnn 7s. .. . 10(10 r.'pi-ttie & I'eeplc'i -In. . IIHIII Iestuiip Ti'Ieplienp 1st 1000 T.nki- Supfvidi- in" .". IKMIII I.nke Supi'iiiil' ine ."j..lf ."(HI I'i-nii- Kfiiiia ".- '.'Dun I'l-nn-j h mini (i1 j- ."iiie I'liila i:ii'ctni' ls"t ."s, . . Idllil 1'nlteil Huilw avs "n . i 'am fl 2S !C 7S 10(1" j "(i ' .t fisl, ' 17. Lackawanna Steel Reports Deficit Tl recert of the Lack.ft.wa.nna Pie'l C.im urn f .r the third (juartfr nf thn jear ijhewi a. di-tl-t aft-r nil taxe iiml i h itj of Jl . Oh 275 This compares with a ileflelt 'if in si 1-7 In the jireti-'l nic iiunricr ami pmhti nf J3 282 H4. or JH 3! u ulinre, In th eur r.-i .nillnit purle.l of 1020 Th Income c r i.nt .hnwn n le .iter tax-i nf jnsenjt), which 1 iwbIIM te th total iiintlin.d nl,,. by (nttrset 1-harnun of J25H 110 Hr..1 il. i -.-" ,- .i of l.ini i.H I'" (I-. nlii ;' i" i i ar nii'li-il with ept(inb-jr, tlm tletlclt vv.lq J IS-Jini. in '"nil,.' ...... ,. i ) I 7i 4 l"ii ';r xl I I- hliai nine nmnthii of Jii'JO Iri trio COTTON MARKET Yerlt, Oct. 1.". Tin' ...I'm. wan notnewlifit irit"j;.iliii tln tln nltlieuRli KCtn-itilh .'! tn 17 nuts liiuliff, .Ittiiuiirj siniiiii; i pinu- ilti-iiiiP. t, allies wi'u- ii mi iniiii nut-, titnl .Inpancbe interr-its ami Wa.l Str.-n liiMii-lit. There was li'n "cllinf bj tlie .Seuth, however, anil tin re ver" rather Uheial offerings en the. rail by leailitiK hpet Interestb. At Uie eiul uf the first fifteen minuted the lint was nulte hnn nml about 10 peiuti net hitrlier en lending eentrnetK. I're rus Cl .se Onetl ... .1(1 33 1l fill 1ft 10 111 IS I'I iS 111 1(1 " IS HO 18 00 , . . is is m si '"' lh mi Is is XI '.IV (Jl UIHIll I I. I "I for I- iiiln .""J 1 l'IU1.AIi:i.riIIA i ..11. fi per tent time. 6 per cent, c-eir.murial papr, three te h.x muiiths, e Per ceii' RAILROAD EARNINGS CANADIAN I'Ai'U'IC 1021 Increase J'lin i'"ii Oitelwi Sl.'ls'inoe (H73 nurt Jan. 1-Oct 7. .. 137 751 000 M2 32S hoi) Dfiirea't. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Refl"ed SUgSr Reduced te 5'30 Cents .. ., , , , s.v,incu VfB nr(. ort 11 a -uis rr.nfr.11 .x anenui TiU'im iummi'" im&rter:. 1 pecteil. tlm local rt'innn thin mernii.B, lt'i' ,,, n .I'li.Kii.u niii i --j nor ri.m ,,n 1, 1 un, exi' .lilllin. In IllJUllei I, I nr . . u iii).'n iinii.-.tv m I leunwiir'i inn .miiiuiiu 11,1: w.iii, 1 Listed and Unlisted i Bends & Stocks in the following markets: r Service and Stability On ilier riec-nrljer .Inn iary Mirdi .. May - l.iv l Jul l-nn r .t in 2:1 1H ')", lh 7A IS 3.1 prf.ri1 fommeri N I !'.' tn Mm K lit In .r 1 1 l.r mil. I : I Inn u. I ihf niifrii)il N'mnnlu ;te te ttock'ef n i ( ril Ne ember 17 Wish Motern 117.1 en irfrrr1 i.n- hl N Mrnli'-r 1 te ntiiik of ncer1 Oetulipr 20 aii.ih mutter i runimny nunrtirlr Hi pei .-nt un prefirn-.l p,iai,e Newimler 1 ie iiicK'k nf receril Oi lebei 20 Iluiler llrelhera, tjuirtvrlv ,1H rr ePnt. raiahle Nemlr 1 te tncl of record Oc tul er 14. Amirloen rtmlliter rempnny. quarterly 1 per cent en common payable Deeemher 31 "i Btei-k of record liecemlicr 1, and i per i-nt en preferrml. paiabU November 15 te eti" k of leenrd November 1. ThemiiH a. 1'litnt Cunruny, lnlil.il nuar turly $1 75 en flret preferred, puvatili (Jcto (Jcte licr 31 le htei k of record O tub r 17. 1'. V Vuolweitli C'empnnv, fiue.rterlv 12 mi enrnmen. pnvnlite December 1 te ftwk of lei-erd Neinili r 10 ie: Hi Mil ST McGLINN & CO. Ss Member N. Y. Stock Exchange Orders Executed in all Marked Widener Bldg., Philadelphia. en in tte L'nliel Mate, for the, (etti enileit en October S I in.' 7ne bar- 104 and Intereat. 21 tr cat e a. In centraat te 1 15n iloe barrel. In th ' laaua durlna- th leir? year a ireceiUnB- week, or an Increase of tllC'O bar- I 103 and Interest. 2n per ci e.i Tin estlmateil dally averaee rrertuq. (eurth year at net eceel n 1 K ( iRGdrtieiul & Ca Ntjr Yerk PhiladelphU Gain In Crude Oil Output Ilia merlran retrelcun Itmil'ut eetl matea that the daili aerag. xreaa cruda en prnuucii wet pr tien or tne i aninrna name in the v,e I i n'len en uctener s uh jie une barrel lilitrease of ft00 bartele (n the nrei-eitlnff wiek The etrlke of oil flenl worker In i rin ralifnrnla flelde U e'Hl leflected In the total reported for thai State Bank et England Statement I nmlnn. "" i3 The M(, tatiT nt of h Fl-irK or i.nwuiui anewn tne re lew.nv .nKe Te al rnere unrein U (I.Oni.lidO I ul.i'iei. ilecreaneil ll.nis OOU, bullion In- rraeed 17718, ether recurltles rtecral 14. (.77.000 ether tlopealta Increaaed 7.017 000. uublle iltpealta decreaeed 4.251,000, netei reserve lncreaaea ii.Dns.ttiui iievernment te. curitlM inereaaaa tu.Biu.w. ine proportion of the bank' reserve, t) liability this waek " Chile Floats 8 Per Cent Lean Nru erU. '1' la--at ie'i" "i w i"' ulin tl.e-year S rr rmi Inlslriar fund i: .1 i.enle of the Jlepuh.te of i hi'.' tiM ben i ur i r is d by Hii'lr A . I"' and thu liase -.untlea Corporation A featurn of the ImuM la the lariie alnkliis fund f r the r demotion of the benda at prliee rant-Int: rem 104 te 101. Th achedu.e prevldea for !h retirement of 25 per cent of the total laaue during the eecend year at net (xcreiiin- at net exceeding cent during the 02 and Intereat. nnd 21 p.r cent uurinir ini laai year ai net exceeding 101 and Interett la 14. I pr eenti laat ons.njet (i bioSe. i t wee 1t Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official redlecnuit rate-i at the tvreHe l-il- I eral nefwrve IlanUs are a loiiewa i Treaa Lib Cem'l UKri cifs imnna paiw-r accept. n n R rVi ll (I il wm 14.40 pr Husten New Tork l'h.) delphla . Cleveland . ... Richmond .-. Atlanta Chicago St. Ieuls Minneapolis . .... Kamaa City ..... Dallas ......... Dan irranclasM, ti ri (l BVi II n e a A A A 1 r, ft ns (i n ii A n r r, e a A A K U NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET Xmv Verli. Ort. 1!'.. Uipeits of i-nlil wf'nthfT nml ff"-t in t" illMruts in tlm Stnte of Sae 1'iiuJe fnlleil te brlns nut new btii)iR i tin- leftte fuluie markets this meriiliiK. nml. tinder ii'-i-Hiiic of trnde wllliiB In Dcreinbcr, priccH worked te 13 petntu loner en the efienliiff call- Thi-re nlse were med -crttte effcrines from n commission house. After the early flurry most of the nctlvc months rallied 4 te ,ri points en i moderate frcbli demand und, ureund midday, tliese gnlnn had been main tained, with the undertone holding very steady. The few new firm effcrH re cehed in the rest and freight market were nlient iinchaiiKCtl. I'rev Plese December H!5; Harch 1-6087 Mar 7.005J01 July .::...... 7.07008 uiili-i Hid rlmiKli prices 20 iiulntx. tn l i nt fei i iiih f'M til ntlnetf Mltli llm i x f-uuar Iti-lluliiK I'wnii rut navis. in. l!n.,'hi rs re Im ii,K .Hi i ent-i K ks 2 lii.inu'uieil All I pilen et tin Am, i "s .ir new en n .', niirKit inuis uii . I i-l ' Open 7 (18i70 7,7.TS'7I) 7.81W63 BANK CLEARINQQ Bank elaarlnjra.f vr cempartd wltn ef- reipendln da i" WUIa, JORM .101j v,bm iea.t:T.: U.S. Certificates and Treasury Notes Int lime 1 i. .IHi 1'.", Matiului; JJAIB 1H21 1022 1022 11)22. 1922 lti22. in22. 1024. 1(124 Exempt from Federal normal TAcceDlas e ler nayrnent or due en data et maturity 4S'J 1T.I4 vr.'i -u" I)e let) . Mnr.. SUr June Auk . Hept.. June fept, Til 5keJ yield IOC KIIIJ, 3 7ll tui)i 1O0S I 87 llinlj lOniJ 4 ;,7 100 7-lfl 1110 0-1(1 4 .18 loes ninv. 4'.7,-, IOiiS, lOOti, 4 H3 100 ft-ltl 10(1 7-in 4.82 101 7-1U 101 n.tn r. 14 100 13-10 100 15-10 5.10 nceme tax, ncem tax Liverpool Cotten MTrrpenl, Oct. 18. Rpet cotton wan quiet today with erlcea eas'er en the basle of a deillne of 17 pelnta for mlddllnir at 18 24d j lit, n.iirn wrrv iwyu (,iljc i nere were no receipt Puturea were aulef in ti ..,tu duallnxa. Spot prlcea were Am-man mlddllni fair. IB B4J. oed inlddllnu. 14. Hd iuiij ,i,,i.i,iii,, ,a mm (iiiiieiinir. I , l Jin middling 12.09d, Beed ordinary, 10.04d ordinary. 10 ind " '"u,u low and Trsfde Unsettled en Parla Bourse rurU, Oct. 18. TradlnK was unsettled en . Oeu today. Thrfper cent rant... S5 anc 7D eaniimas. mnuiiv. .. -v- ?x iaa tf JSlKatSS' fl 14 fraee I ettha, - rJellir wMrquetJ4 with Cutma uuui.h at j, tents, tin (,, ireiK'iL. e4ui in a n-iiip, niiiy pa u in addition te the sitln ruperlnl by the Cuban huiiar Kinnnce Cnnimltlen en Tucedav tn thu Warner f'empuny. that Iwdy alue kuIi) 111 nml nutfa, aeuui uun n i-iiuuneipuiu basla te a refiner. en th Bum, French Bank Statement Tnrla, O-t IT The wtekly Miatemeni nr thu Hank of l-'rance ehewi. the follen InK chartrea Geld tn hiirM tncreiieed 177 (nij francs, ellver In hand Incriased 201 OOO nntea In circulation dccrean.,1 180 n07,iiie' 'I re.isur di-Deslts Inni'iisrd 1170t.itnri ..,. ernl dipeslts Incri us,.i :,j hr.ii.00w. bl H ds- n unteu im-n i i.m umi, ui ,ir.' , ,if. iieuned an.liS.l iHlfl. Uihanc-H le the Klu( reman ur.t h..i i.td tit 2e I00.one.00u frum s Canadian Car Dreps Dividend Montreal. Ort 13 Director., of the Cana dian Car and l'Viundry Company, I.td , ismM a statement veati-rriav nulnK they hid "aui -petidc-d for the present the paylmr of the September dividend en the preferred stock ' The annual dividend la 7 per cent. FIRE IIVifERILSJAMILY Qlrard Avenue Restaurateur, Wife and Children Saved The family of Jeseph Kimklns, pro prietor of the Majestic Itcstaurnnt, at 11)20 Glrard avenue, was endunxereil by n flic in the restaurant kltehcn thi morning. Simkiut, his v;ife nnd two children live en the second fleer, A peik-ntrlnn paKstns paw smoke in the restaurant, turned In an alarm, and tried in vain te reuso the family. The flrcmca brek down tlie deer and led thefarhily te Mfete Tin flrjkwaHiA "the .Htcheu. S Atlanta New Haven Augusta New Orleans Baltimore Milwaukee Bosten Minneapolis Buffalo Philadelphia Charleston Pittsburgh Chicago Savannah Cleveland St. Leuis Cincinnati Springfield, O. Columbus Terente Denver Washington Detroit Wilmington Havana, Cuba yt'ecied by our Private UVej A. A. Heusman & Ce. Mnnhvrs -Vtie l'erl- Stock Exch, 20 Bread St., New Yerk llllI.ADKI.rillA WASHINGTON AMSTKIIIIAM. IIOI.I.VNI) '-iiute ii(r( te principal cltiej Our Duty te The Public lias always been a domi nant thought in shaping our policies, The service we seek te rentier is a helpful nnd constructive one te YOU. And we strive just as much te retain your busi ness permanently a.s te secure it in the first instance. Integrity Trust Company Fourth and Green Street! Capital SSOOfiOD Surplus and Profit. . ,$l,830,ew Wt Offer '1 $30,000 Phfla. Electric Ce. 6s Due Fab. 1, 1022 Price 99 ?s & Int. PRATT, BREHM & CO. BOURSE BLDG., Phila. Vi. Conservative Investments MaeMeekirj & Williamson Jr'!SvWua,K&1 nance. Lehigh Valley R. R. Wc have issued an Important Itt' ter en this company. Send for a Free copy. SMITH, REDPATH & CO. Hrrelirrt. I'hlln. Sterk I'.JrlinnH 11524 Walnut SU Phil". rbenrai Spruce U0 Kar tl Ranidlv Expanding Manufacturing Company iiosireus ei Aficurins' aaamentu vv 5 tt T!ct lt(it rontummatlen of urnxwcjfj w crta in buelne, lUr opportunity L i'Uiiiivg lt(llt TTI11I LAV nil" Ti"( jfCk i 7T cent, i r -i.