wr-J &te&ffl&. EVENING TUBLIO LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1921 15 LITTLE BENNY'S NOTE BOOK By Lee Pape MARY W ATKINS 1 The ky Is fnlr tft K"20 llpen And the eccnn is plcmnt te sce, 5 xltc Mints get I!im 1 iimlle ?,',? ltc of MnryWatklns, 0.0! ... i,nJr Is lone mid yclle if trcth urc clier nnc white, Vii 'i,'u mnl trreuml the height. 3 Rim's bewty looking en week tlnys And en Stintle8 even mero, And If "' 11Uc t0 BC0 beiS en deer Ieek en hers and ou 11 hoc 3 or J. 4 qi.. ioek wnmlcrfill In hrr ultr dress d nbiioetl gmtc In her pink, 'id m she puts en her blue mie Yeu tlent bnrdlj knew unt te think. G Tlie stars nre certi-ny n bow thill site u,n tliev eome out nil together nt nite D,it m IB Mary Watklns The sw leeks gmtc as it sets in the But blceve me boy wen nhe's washed and dressed go docs Mary WntUns. Resume of Weman's Page Ofar M uliiim P.ui' u int tlil" Isn't H nwful' V-s 1 lmj iiij- wink immenH. ten I'lense When "The Heart Pirate" takes tlieip reamlanil itJicntures nnd Rets nail for 119 1910 ei lifn nnra nu jeu r-j wrccrcea wen the son of doubt Just skyrocket this PK for n cnance. im, only "Twe Mlnuti'S ec uptimlBm" firings a pilot thaM ntwnn true by nenclltiK a wireless te Cntlila, Eikmne I'ithuc linueBi. j'ltnpe it'll me wmit te Je. "Second Vernc " If there's what's what In the "quostlen cornel". And jo'i've had sad adventures with a puise. RnA 'our character In seme bygenii jetiT(li'fi unfiwera AnJ h.ink Mrs Wilsen that It wasn't we-sr Coutse cry woman's llfe and low Can't W iliessetl h C'erlr.nc l.ewc Exchinije tliliiRH eu'll leve te trial, When etir daddy sajs "re sluv KENSINGTON' I - Fashion Will Plait Everything Plailable II ILIlftnfrl MlvVr ititllil llijllWUivKvSij TV Mtlfftf l i put 1 1 i w li Islui By COIUNNE LOWE MBHhrf&flP" Typical Conversation By J. P. MeEVOY Twe Suburbanites at i Mystery riay Mrs. 8. (watching burglars work en stage) : Are you sure you locked the front deer? Mr. 8. : Sure, I'm sure Watch the play j don't talk se much. Mrs. 8. : Yeu knew it's jiirt like you te walk out and leave It unlocked. I'm se worried. I bet you didn't lock it at an. Mr. S.: I tell eit T did. Listen. Mrs. 8. : Oh, I left the ranary'h cage en the radiator. Uh, dear, he II be "mothered. Mr. 8. : I wish you'd watch the play and step worrying. Mrs. 8. (making gallant effort) : All right, but if I didn't worry, who would? Mr. 8. : Nobody, I wouldn't, that'H a cinch. Mrs. 8. nervously) : 'What time is tt? Mr. 8. (glancing at wrist watch): Twenty minutes te eleven. Mrs. S. : Oh, dear, we'll have te stmt pretty seen ec, we'll mini the train. Mr. S. : Oh, we've get a little time yet; I want te see who really killed that feller. Mrs. 8. : I knew, dear, but we can't miss our train. Mr. 8. (detective sheets another) : Gesh, this Is thrilling. Mrs. 8. : De you think we'll be safe going home tonight? Mr. 8.: Oh, of course; don't be be silly. MATTRESSES BWH RENOVATED $ Brass Beds Relacquered NOTV We guarantee oil workman ship absolutely equal te new at 1-3 the coat. Fenthtr BtrrllUed Made Inte Muttrttaei llex bprlDKn lle-iphel8tred rlinnri I em. 4703 Kiit. 37 m. LSICHEL'S Vft,8; HAT? CLEANED ftemedcled 'n (be Dwiil napr for perta and outline wemr. Onr 40 yrnri of rxprrirnce la at tout ttrjltr. Stesai cream 54 N. 7th St. f'henei MurUrt 2431 Branfh tnrnn l!?r Werkn 107 H Itth UiKwK e WfiUk The. "Feed-Drink" Quick Lunch at Heme, Office, and Fountain.. Atk for HORUCK'S. &F Aroid Imitations & Substitute Mrs. 8. (mere nervously) : You'd bet ter leek at the time. Mr. 8 (hastily) : It's a quarter te eleven. Mrs. 8. : We ought te be home new. I bet the pan under tlie ice box is runn.lng ever and flooding the kitchen. Mr. 8. (intent en play) : Let it, for the leve of Mike. (The play it new lending up te final ellmax. The villain it about te be unmatlied. Everybody is en needles and pint.) Mrs. 8. : We'd better go. Mr. 8.: Oh, we'vn get a minute or se yet. Mrs. 8. : Ne, we'll have te go new. We'll miss our train. (Rises nnd cuts off .stage for five rows behind her). Come en. Mr. 8. : Oh, darn suburban trains. (Internal chorus of people toae have been out off from ataae: "Dam suburbanites.") Mrs. 8. (nt denr) : Ilettcr get a cab. We'll miss the train. Mr. S. : I wonder who really shot that feller. Sirs. 8. : Don't lie silly. Hurry up. We'll miss the train. Things You'll Leve te Make SltarTl&Me Girdle jCk On 11 vcUet eenlns kewii and elvct will be iiulte popular for evening wear this winter-make a HILVER-TIBKUH OIUDLi:. Head a twele-lnch hand of Bllver-tlssue with Iridescent bads. Then crush the band and stitch It around the lowered waist line. Make rosettes anil long ends of the beaded and ptaltcxl tissue. Attach ene at each side, two near the front and ene at the back of the Klrdle. Klnlnh the neck and wlda armholes with bands of the beaded tlxsun te match this handsome Sll.Vnit tishui: cnwhc pleha. Mr. 8. (sadly) : I'll neer knew who really shot him. Mrs. S. (In c n b 1 Oh. dear, be's slew. well mi!.s (he tram, mire. Mr, 8, ; Ever since I moved out te the suburbs f've spent most of un time wondering hew the lnt act came out. Mrs. 8. (dragging husband upstair in .station): Come en, come en; we'll misK the trnin. Mr 8. (with a flicker of his old-time f-plrlt) : Oh, ceiisarn the train. (Mus ingly) I wonder Who shot that feller. Doggone the luck. A Rese Tiara One English pcercas haH a tiara th'at Ih most distinctive. A inn' made of diamonds K no linelj polled that it mines upon Its ntcm as a iciil (lower would de McCLEES GALL'Rf!& 1C07 WHlnut At. EXHIBITION Amtric.n PAINTINGS Fereiit Inst I'nbllelifd I'.tdilnrn by niten A llnnke) KenterlnE unci I'rumlnr 11 Hnrclnlly Brnre flTmniTrnpmirn rimiiiiwr "iti'inm"rnmir imr mirvm n"-n r itnm iinrnrmmiin irirrTimnrni mwrwmmmvfsmu'mmVft B Miiirimii'iiiMitiiMiii'iiiiiiiiiimiiii'ii'im 'tiii'TOiu n n in niniiniiiir' in inwMiHtm.i'wiiitMfflitiimnfiiti wimir uiiniuniiManur. If gini trim ii ' ii'Mitiin ninimiwiimi uwnnii ' nii'Wii 1 ( Snuirtcat Moden in Tetvn Lenbert Street and Afternoon Gowns lliff i93Sel9tibSi. SI Qm) 1 mu n-i- rii X.W ' il Swapper Ten Coats i I fflfe 00- r fl 5S?S5 i litE 3. Hi "S I Mp ,Jttji ej 1 nai inimiiauic I III JPl Londen Cut ill I'ft I III I n . w -k . 1 . m IS nWk. specially friced if Medel 9 A IfOgj F t Cl 11 raKnBOffwr SS vclainc 4 Hii Devera, Marvella, il Mr ,JC55?Sp rvrib1 -is Wolf WLJ-4 SMARTEST FALL shades II I vJIl rr t Ir IP Trimmcd V-tWi Other distinctive wrap 11 t WP? 2 at- a a il creations are priced up mk NO COOKING fi'gf N fwM ter All Abb. Jilitfc 7TS(?I '4M urn 5 jaii!iiiiii i i i Rvv xuW&um yjt .hi im i iiiiiiJii;iriii j 3 f liiMitin 2 & raBK.LBsia!,it - -' ? yfr! ; .. ' ''' mmm Hfe(MpM kill HATS 1517 Walnut Street FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Introducing Our Unusual Twe-Day Special Values Fall Hats $25 $30 $35 Medels 15.00 GOWNS BEADED BAGS Repaired ' Rrlined Irlnit un your HniUaif or t'ef ketbenk. W ile di-nrrnl rt'in rinK -I'enrls u- , i. - i ' if r v HRgH J' paired llemiiltcMnp I'lcnltnn f. It'iKtlng MARCEL BEAD SHOP Vs. iHiOrhestnut St. Spruce 7996 I R t 4, rrec ks also Blouses Youth Grace Style nnd Valui' prodeminnto in our ini tial and diversified Hhewinc of Autumn Gowns. Tlie niateiinls and Hliadua arc approved by the latest vogue. 25-00 te gg.se LENBERT 1328 WalnutV e t M X J SiHSKHij 3 mwm&ii si fimmmMLmmwffimm WiMa-ritfthHi., ..JliMWIOTHMIII WIHTOJI SB W 3B 'Let Our Stores Cever Your Floers" i 1 Automobile Delivery Anywhere NATIONAL CARPET STORES HI 6i5 MARKET STEET jMsjjgrcu.iii; "A Cash Stere Saves Yeu Mer Prepaid Mail Order Promptly Filled Chddeff Gowns The very newest of Chodoff ideas and Purisienne copies are included. TTHI.EPIIONK: Sl'nUCn 2058T Fer Business Meers Fur Storage and Remodeling at Extremely Lew Rates LUIGI RIENZI CORRECT APPAREL FOR WOMEN 1 714 Walnut Street WOMEN'S TAILLEUR SUITS Developed en Strictly Tailored Fur-Trimmed Medel. Frem the Lines Frem High-Grade Fabric i Foremeit Paris and American Plain and Embroidered ., , Deten"- ii p . -.- . Moderately Priced 37.5049.50 te 95.00 105.00165.00 te 395.00 GREATEST VALUE EVER OFFERED TWEED AND MIXED SUITS, $35.00 COATS and WRAPS SHOW FASCINATING NEW STYLES Plain and Embroidered $69.50, $87.50 te $185.00 pur Trimmed $95.00, $150.00 te $275.00 JUST RECEIVED Copies of I WONDERFUL FRENCH FROCKS BROADTAIL CLOTH DUVETYNE CANTON CREPE $140.00 $165.00 $200.00 S2.A nn Wel Dresses $37.50, $45.00 te $165.00 Canten Crepe $33.75, $42.50 te $215.00 Evening and Dance $89.50, $105.00 te $195.00 RELIABLE FURS vei- i:w:u pay Menn at hikv7i-s TiiimwiM, H..1 'MUltt vttHMMltlMIUlMBillWi "I Values in Fleer Coverings Never Equaled in Philadelphia Retailing We are absolutely astounding this city, as we have ether cities, by the sensational bargains we offer in America's highest grade fleer cover ings of every standard make. The tremendous buying power created ey our chain of stores, our low-rent locations, our strictly cash buying nnd cash selling, our enormous volume of business at minimum profits enable us te undersell any fleer covering store in America. Here are items that speak for themselves 500 Linoleum RUGS Genuine Cerk Net Merely Tar-Paper Back HALF-PRICE 3 ft. x 12 ft. NOW $2.SO A4 ft. x 12 ft. NOW $3.75 6 ft. x 12 ft. NOW $e OO 75 Axminster RUGS Heavy Seamless Size 9 ft. x 12 ft. Regularly $65 new $400 Best Grade with slight misweaves that de net affect their wcarahility. 500 yds. NAT0LEUM Fleer Cevering New 25 per sq. yd. 200 Colonial Rag Rugs 27 in. x 54 in. New 50 IMHONAL CABPET STORES -623 MARKE' PHILADHLFniA. hA. TV. . . i ,Vn"r ?" Tj m "'"''?T?'-T-'''')''''''M''1' J mwsmmmmm: 'MmMtimmmmwmmmmmwiml fry)? m mm il m m mm Si i 51.3 i Si mm SSiasi A Man with a Mop Thousands of people tramp back and forth, every day and evening, ever this fleer in the cor cer cor iider of the Bosten Arena and at night a man with a mop quickly re stores its spick-and-span cleanness. The fleer is Armstrong's Plain Biown Linoleum. This fleer is in expensive in both first cost and upkeep. It never needs refinishing. It gives geed wear under the hard est usage. AnArmstreng's Linoleum fleer made chiefly of"cork is springy te the ticad. Such " floer.is quiet, non-slippery, comfortable te walk en and stand en. 8 If you arc planning a public build ing or an office building, if you arc going te lay new floors in your store or office, talk with your architect, contractor, or any geed linoleum merchant about Armstrong's Lino leum. We shall be glad te send him data and specifications for laying. A geed way te install Armstrong's Linoleum as a permanent fleer is te cement it down firmly ever a layer of builders' felt paper. A fleer 'se laid wdl remain as snug and smooth as the day it was put down. All Armstrong's These Pajamas Will Stand Wear N ffif? M Sir " Ten Thousand Sheets for $2.00 Four rolls of 2.500 sheets each-big sheets, standard size, oxe inches. Almest a year's supply for the average family. A. P. W. Satin 77c IhJfeTJSX psps lhat r ye? - -n ws iiiiii tjiiji in rnnninnie a. f 1 , . v..wigiujua Ul I It needs very durable cloth te make sarisfacterv paumas, yet it must be com fortably soft. Fer years, Fruit of tlie Leem has been found the ideal material by women who make pajamas nnd nightshirts for their men-folks. New leading manufacturers of night wear are using Fruit of the Leem, and veu can bu" these articles ready-made at the stores. Loek for the Fruit of the Leem label in pajamas and nightshirts. Garments se marked are full-sized, carefully made, and give exceptionally long wear. Fruit of the Leem nienca s anc&A&nrk Linoleum is guaranteed te mthfbwUpbxk give satisfaction. Armstrone Cerk Company, Lineltum Departmhwt, Lancaiur, Ptnniyhmta New Yerk Office: 212 Fifth Ave. Armstrong's Linoleum for Every Fleer in the Beuse V IffVTTlTIOII HlMita of liemekceperh the leader in the familv of AJfW QUALITY PRODUCTS HiaW f"5 tl,Playing A. P. W. SATIN TISSUE , their window, and en their counter, THIS WEEK rwteiL.tM !&& XSNiK?UKa ill PJimtj and NiRhuhlrt, 2 00teV50 At geed terei ever) mhet. Muslin t Fer Ecventy yean women have been mak inK sheet" and p.llew cases of Fruit of the ?m-ii " Can aIs, buv ready-made sheet! and pillevy cases of this standard muslin at most geed stores. Fruit of the Leem is all muslin no chalk ' er. It launders perJectly and keeps it. tine finish through long, hard fcemce. Whether you are buvinB muslin bv the van or ready-made articles, ask for Fruit et the Leem and identify it by the label. CONSOLIDATED TEXTILE CORPORA'nON AM.k.r.ofWlml.erCt.-pc.ndOth.rria.CottoaF.bric Court. & Cemp.nr, Sltmt ApmU 88 Werth 8trt.i, N.w Vetk A,,f;,W?PAPERC0"Albanv Jm v Ml BllQliln Il.e..l. 11 V " .' rr "" " '-"'"n rrent at. .PJ a p '" vlpKis & ty44l&lu