jif m'ejFrit ?'' W'Jw' t-,,'rr '" 'V JO"? imiiv" s. '"'' mv ''"'? t'jptM"' ---" ' i- -v EYENIKG XUBL1C' MlDaBK PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, -OCTOBEK 12, 1921 i) " 1 L J ASF GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Spealts With Great Regret of the Death of Mr. S. Davis Page She Tells of Happenings in the Debutante Set Weddings of the Week Till: death of Mr. S. Dnvi I'ape. nnr nnr ef tlic formieit (liir"" in I'liilniio' I'liilniie' rliln Jlf for ninie tluin f.ftv .venrn. will rfliicc vv lilc-prend rryvrt. Up vvn loved bv nil tliove neur te lilm. voipd-tert nnd Admired bv tunny vvlin did net Itnew Mm ncrnnnll.v. Ills Ions llfe vvni marked bv k'ndllnes-. reurtpvy. chnrm of mnnncr. devotion te liU fntnll.v nnd friend"", nnd bv mnnv (feed deed-r. Hr- died nnite middenlv nt IiIr bore In riiritnut HIH enrly ,veterdny ninrtVnir. Jle nml blx dnut'iter .Mrs. .mmr-i l.nrRe. i nnd bli nleee MUi l'n'iline Hewie, lived In f'lieMtitit 1TIM for the erenter pnrt of Uie w-nr. renilns into tlielr lmi"-c en Kenrtli Mi eet nenr S'iriiee only during the ie'iI wpntlier. Up Imil net re-illv reen III. I'ieiirIi b" lind been onfeebVd i for k"'"ie time, nml hi" f.iinll'' '""1 been B bttle nnxlnim nbent bis ennditlen. Mr. I'nee nnrrird Ml Nnhelln On- i fin'in. of tills eltv, In 1W11. Sb.. died in! IRfl". ipuvlif tbrep flilMrti Mr. Wll-I llnm H.'d T'np'". Mr- Hewnrd Wnrti Tnse ntiil Mr. .Tnmes t.nr;e. Mr. I'rnre j np(r innrrled nsnln. nnd lil dmicbterl Vvpil willi bini until ber mnrr'nec, when I he eeennled n beiltp pIerp by Ills. After I her Ini'bnnd's dentil "be went bnij; te i live wltli her father, nnd tlielr home hnx br-n the Rntheriiif: plnce for rplntlves nnd friendi for mnny yrnri. Anether of theip rnrp Rentlenipn of the old dnvi lins cone, but one whose mem ory will Ieiik be kenr fipsli In the minds and hearts of IiIh frlpndK. THI nrties nte remln-; en rntlipr thick nnd fast n wp near the inM dlr of Oelnber. nml there is one nffnir dfter another, stnrlini with the dinner whleb Sophi" Ynrnnll pave for her bridesmaids nt pvenin; nnd flip niiellnn bridge pnrtv wIiIpIi Mm, Henry Wilry. who wns .lean Mllle. yen remember. jbvp at her home in Ilnverferd for ElUnbeth Austin yestcrllnv. Hlizn Hlizn beth in a debiltnnte nnd is unlnfc te have one fine time, jndpintf from tlic ipiirtles that are te be Riven for her. Hit brother, Dr .7im Austin, will linve a buffet cupper nfter her ten en the. 2,"tli of this month. THH Henry Tlrinten C'ees Rnve n dinner Monday nitjlit at their plnee In IVtillwi in honor of Jimmie nnd Del phine Tremwell, who were the honor riiestR at the Stetesbnrvs' en Sntnrdnr. The Tremwells nre living with the '.Stetlmrvs for n while, nt nn rate, tlieiicli later they will build n homeof their own, I linve been tein. in'ipiiiiip 1 ntlrnctive nnd wears sninrt clothes, j ,Hcr dress nt the tea en Katurdny wns extremely Reed-looking. Tt was white. teu Vnew and wns trimmed with len: menVfT fur, which is te be sn much tiueif thi enr. Yeu saw it en n few ultra frwlis last spapeii nnd flip rreneh ones (Ms jear arp emple.vinpr the fur eitcnlrely. THIS nfternoen tliere will be thp- ten out nt Deven which Mr. ?.d Mrs. Rebert Ilenedirt w HI rWe fr their dnushter Alice. The Tlenedlct place I en SiiRarlewn vead nnd net bard te resell by meter. Alice is verv musical. She was eup of the first members of I the Junier Music Club, which Mrs. Tturten Chance. Mrs. Jehn Thnver. dr.. I Jfrs. Ilenedirt nnd seveinl etlier women en the Mnin T.ine started nlieut three yeirs nge, and whlcli hns been se uc ccful since. A most attractive let of debutantes will receive witli Alice, Including Vir ginia Ilickscher, Vlrglnin Smith, Mary Miller, (Jertrude Cinhnm, Mnrgic I.nrRp, Hnunali Kllintt. Rettv Wayne, Helen Micliell, Wnlburdn Heilly. l.e;nii Starr, Knrnh Ilail.v, Hnnnlng (IiniiRe, aney Little nnd thrie of last vpnr's dehutnntes, TCltn Heckscher. Helena Mitchell and Marjorle Oihben. TSAnnr, fuazhu. Aib i- i:ilcn McMlciinel, thr Alberta Ileal h and iree of the Rea son s IniilH, were the guests et honor nt n luncheon today which Mrs. Imnc Tntnnll Slarr, of Laverock, gave In their honor. The guests were of the debutante pet nnd the affulr wns iin extremely delightful one. Klleri McMlchnel is the daughter of the I'mery MeMiehaels, nnd n grand daughter of Mr. nnd Mrf-. Charles Ciitis Ilmrisen, you knew, nnd Al bertn Heath is Mrs. Kcnjnmln H. Jlfiith'H daughter. Her fatlier. Dr. Itcath, will be renicmhercd with af fection by nil who knew him. He died about two jenrs age. nfter n heverc illness contracted during the war. Icn bcl 1'rnzer is lVr.sifnr i'mrer's daugh ter. Her mother, wlie has been (lend it nunilxr of yenrs, .wns Miss Mary Welsh. They arc nil three extremely At tractive girls nnd nrc linving n splcti splcti difcreusly geed tlnm nt nil the parties. XANCY WYNNi:. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES The gueslH who attended the dinner en Mendiy evening whim Mr. nnd .Mi-. Ilenrv Hrlnten Cox gave nt their plnce In Ambler In honor of Mr. and Mrs James II. R Oemwell Included Mr. nnd Mrs .Tared lngeisell, Mr. .ind Mis Sceilelii AmlrcwH. Mr. nnd Mis W Standlt-v hteites, Mr. nml Mm Andrew w porter, Mlsa Mary V. (ilnullnnlng. Mips iil.uljH Fex Mi FiTincis T. Cliam Cliam ecis Jr, and Mr Stundcrs L Me.ide Mr and Mih Jesepli Rcllly will en tertain nt dlnnct en Sund.iv evening next nfter the muslc.uk te be givm that afternoon at I o'clock te prtseut te be- Vkeddin InfilttieDi j or Announce- Hwltriite I'rlrrs meats Write or Phene for Knrre.Hl or Trlnted Maraalen. ROYAL EHGRAVING CO., 814 Waleit St. HATS RE1V20DELEID All kl tide, of viemrn'N hut thoroughly rlcHiifd nnd rrnmdrled velvet, felts, I'fnveM, veleum, ete, llulrk eervlre. WaXi of Your Own Material A. E. BELDNER CO. Jeeend 1303 Walnut St. ".."j1! BEADS . '.' ,,u"Mln,-Orilliiury Hcli'ctlen AT tXCEPTIONALLV LOW PfliCES t;illlliOII).ltv.v KMin.VO AND I'tHSi: MILK " 'V',"A m.ii am cius'e ?.. ,u.;,?''n(' in rruNiiauxn ,,i''.''N a i'Miineini:iii a llr A fit . 12 Jil tii'i - ii ..Airniii .. NOVELTY EMBROIDERY CO. I"U 111. llllll bl, ----. T h i Ari'rnteit .! nA . I'.'.ll.ll ' "iim. .? 'C? h "nnifn who i . n1' .'"iiHiniln of thrm. Bl'iirV."1' "iV' ."J'!..1'r.t",'5,"" J)rilliiterv for InniiK.. 'nrri. I'MII - Kl.lill JOSEPHINE LEFEVRE CO. rain" N01"'" l'"r" ST.. l'llll .. .CvVvX..-" ssssfk. ibiiiuia ai bV-4 dailgliter. Miss "VVallniiK.i , nt tlielr home In Radner will Include the receiving Miss Ullzabeth Dvv.Kht CJnrrlaen will entertain at the theatre en Wedncsdny nfternoen, November 9, In honor of Mlsn fl.irnli Legan Starr. The KUeatH will be chaperoned by Mrs V Lynwood Unr r son. v Jllas Anna 1 TeulU. daunhter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllllnm (.!. Keulke, 24.1 West Tulpchecken ntrcel, Oermantewn, s RiiPtidln;? a few dna In Klwrten, wlieie Blip Is the RUts't of Mrs. V. Cecil Kltler nt the Anchorage Mr nnd Mm. IMw.ird Ctezerand their dniiBliters, Mils Menii HobliiFen C'mxet nnd Mies I-'lorence frezer, nnd Ken, Mr, I'd ward Prezer, Jr, who tmve been nccupyltiK their henif, 2128 Locust street, since their return from Maine w 11 leave en November 1 for their home in Flerida, where they expect te lemnln for th' winter. The wedding of Mips Mena Robinson Crozer nnd Mr Xenl WnlnwriRht will take pine In the fprinp. Mrs. dozer's n cop, Miss Agnes llohlttKen'OioFM, who bus bien vIsltlnR thMii, lias returned te her home In Beth lehem The enRiipement of Miss dress dnURhter of Mr Jehn M (Jross. of Heth leliem, nnd Mr lllchntd Lee Celby, son of Mr. and Sir". Albert Lndd Celby, of Bethlehem, was announced yesteiday Mr. and Mrs. Kdwnrd A. Bacen, of Mllwnukee. will arrive the. latter part of next week te nttend the dance te be given by Mis. Bacen's parents, Dr. and Mrs. lid iv in ttlrten (."inihnm. of 1713 Spruce street, at the Merlen Gelf Club, te formally present te ueclety their daiiRlitpr, Miss Cicrtiudrt A. H (Irnhnin Or nnd Mrs. HUMinrd C. Norris and the.r dniiRliters, Miss Virginia Nerrls nnd MIst I,euise Nerrls, nnd their son Mr. Rch.nd C. Nerrls, Jr , wlie spent the summer ut their cettntfe nt Cape Slav, have returned te their home, 500 Neith Twentieth street Dr nnd Mrs. Charles W Mncfarlane of the Rltz-Curlten, nre spending a few weeks In the Pecene Mountains. Mrs Macfarlane's cousins, Mr nnd Mrs. James Le Van Selfrldge, of New Yerk nnd Briar Cliff, have Just returned from a stay In the Poconos. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn B. Paul, Sr , of WeRt Philadelphia announce the engage ment of tlielr daughter. Miss Helen Vir ginia Paul, te Mr Harry B Fuller, of West Colllngsweod, N. J. Mrs. A. Wank Paul, of I.l.merch, pave a tea en Sat urday aftemoen in honor of her sister, Miss Paul. Among these assisting In le eelvlng were Mrs. Jehn B Paul. Jr. Mis. Herbert N. Paul and Mis. r W Held. " Mi. nnd Mrs. Wllllnm lSdvvatd Clo Cle thlei, of Legan, announce the engage ment nf their il.iuehtcr. Mlsq I'dith Marie riethler. te Mr Jeseph M Kenten, of Tiega. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Leulfce C Wagner entertained nt cards at her home, 3G2." North Nine teenth street, l.iHt evening in honor of Mis Hcnij (.'handler, of New Yerk The gucstfi Included Miss Bernlee Mc Vey Russell. MIbs Margaret V Mitchell Mien Hilda Frazler, Miss Deri" Adams, Miss Rutn Wnggner and Miss Hlldn Slmensen. MIhs Helen Leblang entertnlned the marnberii of the Winn club at their Mrs fall meeting nt her home, 1611 Kile avenue, en Sunday Arrangements wire made for the seventh annunl reunion of the WlaiiM, te be held some time next month, In the form of a thcatie p.utv nnd dlnner at the IAlglen The next meeting will be held nt the home or Mrs. Israel Snjdei, who wns formerly Miss Matilda I.evlt SEC fl RENOVA" RENOVATED W Brass Beds Relacquered NOTE We guarantee all workman werkman thtp absolutely equal te neiu at i-J the cost. readier hterltlied Mnde Inte Mnttrcnci llex Hprlnu Ite-iiphettered Our Aute Calls Et.einni.hrrm SOICnULJ ij,iNt- Kt. a7jr. V ii'ii win imyiMpaiiiii wTiwrnaii wrhi i elety their Knut lie ll.v The RUestH party. Geerge Allen, inc. 1214-Chestnut Street 1214 Announce a Wonderful Showing OF Charming New Hats at $15.00 Philadelphia's foremost millinery display is here at Allen', the models nre correct and exclusive. New materials, new trimniinjrB, new color tones till harmoniously combined. They need only te lie seen te be appreciated. Women's Allendale Union Suits 1 Regular Sizes $2.00, Regularly $3.00; Extra Sizes $2.25, Regularly $3.50 The fiibile In Alloiulale I'tilen Sultn Ih Unit of tti verv fine t vains A fjibrK (Ipfltrneil t,, 1 iued fei tlip extrcmes of celilest 0111. 8l.li. vveatlicr and evtrlinated buildings U will gladly Hr.id .. ,.,, of (Ii fHhrlj- mi iviiurnt. -Made In nil Htykn. )iKli, leu Uliri Hunli iii'tk. sleev rless, elbow lenfrth, or long slcevea, anKIu or Uini kim-di English Sports Weel Hosiery Usual $3.00 Kind at $2.00 a Pair I'llll-filHhlencd Hosiery of pure wool, caHhniete finish Tlu i . four colorings in heivtlmr mlMurcB with hand mtbreliUir.l niu alue tNoluslve nevclt pjiei'ta Btrlnes in unusual ffn.'i- lluN Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, 50c Each HnndWuh.'f.s for men, of pure UIhIi linen, bpiu rein In Mze ami unusunl Reed quality fei the price Any ileelred initial Women's All-Linen Tliesn nre the uminl 50c kind aic li.ind pilnted handkerchiefs In Just Arrived French Rosebud Dress Trimmings, 50c te $3.50 a Yard ei.v dainty in roleiiiiK and workmanship ,ue tht.se tilinminrj of tmj reirbuds, ntllt.ibld for he many kinds of t.iMy work ui irivlnc Hit iliihliliiB touch te inlladj h dancu frock, spk-ndld value A New Showing of Veilings at 29c Yard Many of tbese arc Vierth deuble rln and plain meshes In the best Full colon vnlucH we have shown for seme time. Twilled Dish Towels, Hemmed, at 50'c Heavy twilled nil-linen Towels vlth kttehen tevel veven In toil in th" herdei A lewul that wlh glve e.M.cllcnt Hervice Tbn nmmi IB Tic kind $4.00 Hersman Talking Dells, $3.00 1 g; (.pulal price en thcne fiimeus dells Tin' nie made with iln 1 vi bicak.ible heads and dieBsd in letnpura In Mali cute nttiuctive Mle i& that tliej prove iitiulstlble te old and .veuiiff alike Sjiiramiiiii'iraMiimm Makes Debut Today HEBBKSHk " - .-Sit Jib i Photo by the Phillips Stu.lie MISS A LICK BENEDICT Daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Rebert Benedict, of the Corners, Deven, who will be formally 'presented te society nt a tea this afternoon te he given by her parents GERMANTOWN Mrs. William Reatty Jennings, 6012 Ureene street, has returned from North ampton, Mass., vvhere she nccempnnled her daughter, Miss Martha Jennings', wheghas entered Smith College. Mr nnd Mrs. Leuis M. Wagner, COS Hast Sedgwick ptreet, who spent the summer and tnrly fall at their cettage at Cape Ced, Mass , have returned home Mrs. L. S. Harncs and her daughter. Miss Mary Banies. of the Delmnr Delmnr Merrls. nre spending a fortnight In At At iantle City Mrs William C Marshall, of ;i4 Met ten street, returned from West Point, X. Y , vvhere she wne the guest of Majer nod Mrs. H. K. Rice. NORRISTOWN Mi and Mrs Jacob U idler of Vbrams, unteitnlned nt cards and a kitchen shower In honor of Miss Clara Williams and their son. Mr Ilewnrd BeldlT, who will ha irnirled Ibis month There were tvventv-tlvq guests Mr nnd Mrs Jehn C Carsel of 502 Buttonwood street, have anneunc d 'he engagement of their d.iunhtei Mm Mrtle U Casael te Mr William IJ Raczel, uWt of this i lt ' PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM nemevDe.iilrniI-strpinlrFIllni Keiterei i.o:er and I Deciutr te Oar nnt. Fded Haiti vc. ana (iiure iTiinrntiv. .WIeet fMrm VVUcpulrhiMMie N.V Trrrrnrrm fflmwm V A-l Bcuuty Salen Expert Electreljclic, Super "'",u Hiiir vi'iicH Warn n i in Slitn PlemMieH removed, Mureln itrimTilr.K f rial imil Meiv'p tir.fi menti esrrt hair dyelns. per mnnent wavlns. ekln blenehtne. Arne (piint) r hlncuh nd ..n penrne rerenl trentnrntK KIlH A. hrsiis. Mil! Unlnul ( i' innier 4SHI S,(H mnuiixnniinnm - iHn'iinin niu iuiii uwuiiiiiiiiiiiii'iih n.in ii di'i i i ,in Handkerchiefs, 25c nnd the quantity Is limited Tin v attractive ilcylKu? and ioeriiihi the price There are detn, e. Tlicy aie the beat iil 01 i 11 Si kiih MISS HELEN J. H'OWARTH WEbS G. L RUTHERFORD Marriage of Miss Roie Van Praet anJ Mr. Daniel J. Patten Tlie mnrrlage of Miss Helen Jesephine Howarth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Rebert Howarth, Jr, of C33 IebI Thir teenth street, Chester, and Mr. Geerge. Larkln Rutherford, son of Mr nnd Mrs. James W Rutherferd, of Poland, Flo., will tnke place this eveii'ng at 7 o'clock at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Chester, the rector of the church, the Rev, Fran cis Tnltt. off clnt ng The brlde will be given In marriage by her father and attended by a maid of honor. Miss Char lotto R. Marlmld, of Ureetiview, ill., and four bridesmaids, who will be Mies Helen Hays, of Ridley Parle j Miss Mildred Velkhnrdt, of Chester; MIjs Sara RheacH, of Media, nnd Mis. Helen Mnrbeld, of areenvlew Mr. O Medwln Peet. of Delnnd, will be Mr Rutherferd'H best mnn, nnd the iiMier Include Mr Geerge P Denkyne, Mr Knrl K Lien, Mr Rob Reb eit Howarth, 3d, nnd Mr Snmiiel McC. Jacksen. A reception nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hewnrth will fellow PATTON VAN PHUTT A wedd'ng of Interest took place this morning nt 9 o'clock in the Church of St Menlcn, Rltner nnd Seventeenth streets, when Miss Rese Frances Van Praet, of 1944 Fitzgerald street, became the brlde of Mr. Daniel Jeseph Patten, of 2112 Tasker street. The ceremony was performed by the Rev Jehn Cnrr nnd was solemnized with r nuptial mass. The brlde wns attended by M ss, Helen nilzabcth Patten, sister of the bride groom, ns brldismald and Miss Lucllli ' M nerva ns flower girl Mr Harry Pat Pat eon, brother of the bridegroom, was I best mnn. A reception followed, nfter which Mr, and Mrs. Patten left en their wedding trip. After November 1 they will be nt home at I'M Fitzgerald street. ADAMS UORHKX MI'S Lsivlnln Cook Herden, daughter I of Sir. nnd Mrs Jeseph Lml-v Beideit. ' of Secnne, Delawaie Ceuntv, was mar-i rled qu gtly nt II 3ft o'clock this morn ing nt her home te Mr Fram's Themas Adams, son of Mr nnd Mr Willlirn , Herbert Adnms, et Wavne bv the Rev I Snmuel Thompson The liiide was given In marriage by her fatlur nnd attended, liy Mrs William Waltei Wharten, of I.nnsdevvne. Mr. Wllllnm Herbert Adnms, Jr., was his hi ether's nest mnn After a breakfast for the Immediate families Mr. and Mrs. Adams left for an extended trip through New Kngland, nnd upon their return will be ut home In Secnne after December I SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Jeseph Lchy, of 21." t Seuth Woodstock street, entertnlned Infor mally at her home Inst evening Among these present were MIm Cecil n ICenny, Miss Rosalie Ln"h Mbs Agnes Mc Mc Cressen. Miss Gertrude Brown Miss Mnry Tener and Mrs Jeseph Gibsen Di and Mis Themas Hillir have re turned fiem the Orient, where Dr Hll- Juliet C- J. Uwler 1126 Walnut St l)nr ""' IJ.AU VTUIIIUl OUnm ,.th 8, Charming New MAT? with n smartness always found in Julirt millinery, tieauti- ful creations. MODERATELY PRICED 1 i PRICED Utfm U !L I '- MV' tfSr?' 't-i.-TvBD jlKF-' BenwU Tcller & Ce' 5 E?1 5r7Rk' xvitheut extravagance in price sSZTti i I Furs and their Fashions ylASTER designers find " enchantiner medium fe Featuring Exceptional Values NATURAL MUSKRAT COATS 125.00 36-inch length, with shawl cellar. GENUINE LEOPARD COATS 165.00 36-inch length, belted tretteur type with natural raccoon cellar and cuffs. NATURAL RACCOON OR BLACK MUSKRAT COATS 225.00 36-inch length, of richly shaded skins. SCOTCH MOLE COATS 245.00 36-inch length, of fine selected skin. HUDSON SEAL COATS 245.00 36-inch length, of fine selected skins. HUDSON SEAL COATS 325.00 40-inch length, of selected skins, with natural skunk cellar and cuffs. SCOTCH MOLESKIN WRAPS 375.00 45-inch length, of fine selected skins. HUDSON SEAL WRAPS 'm ,m 43-inch length, of prime quality skins. NATURAL SQUIRREL WRAPS 575.OO 45- and 47-inch models of selected blue skins. BONWIT TELLER. G,CQ cia tSpocialfyxShep of Originations CHESTNUT A.T IS STREET llr wae enaaged for neveral yearn In government work. They will make their new home In Lancaster, Pa. Mrs. Hllllr will be remembered ns Miss Pauline Ullbci, of thin section, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Themns are being congratulated upon the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Themas will be re membered as Miss Estella Stfnsenbern. MOORE3TOWN Miss Mary Linten Is spending sev eral weeks In her cettage nt Iluck Hill Mrs. W. S, Rech, of Chestnut street, will HHnd the winter nt West Medford, Mass Mrs. Wllllnm Wallace nnd daughter. Miss Helen Wallace, have leturned from Vermont te their home en Chester avenue, Dr. and Mrs. Franklin P. Iefferts, of Delvldere, X. J., have announced the engagement of their dnughter. Miss Maude Iefferts. te Mr. Percy William J Levcll, of Htamvick. FRANKFORD The Women's Club of Fmnkferd will I held an Interesting meeting, the tlrst I one of the ticosen, thin afternoon In the 1 Frnnkferd Llbrnry Moving pictures 1 will be shown nnd nn Illustrated lecture will be given by Mist Gertrude H Shearer. At the close of the mee'lnir tea will be served. The Women's Club In the former Mether's Club of Frank ford, nnd nlnce their consolidation with the Women's Club their philanthropic activities have been enlarged te a much tf'J'J-XlT -" -Trf i i ' i I It n lUPOttTERS, DE81QXKRH AND .VAKEI18 OF TTO.VB.Vff AND CHILDREN'S APPARKL OF THE UlOnB3T CHARACTER FOR HORR THAN TWENTY-Bl.T TEARS 1Lfi;S OOWN3 WRAPS SUITS FURS BLOUSES IV Costume Suits At the Very Special Price of 39.50 We have selected many suits from our higher-priced models and specially grouped them at this price. Included are the new straight-line, long coat, hipless lines, se popular this season. "Harris" tailleurs are custom tailored in all but price the superb hand shaping, hand pressing and hand finishing which char acterize custom-tailored garments is yours, together with an inspiration of design which only a fashion genius can achieve. We Specialize in Getvns and Ceals That Slenderize the Larger Women I 9 ' rl in Furs lpr medium ter tnc expression ei their ART. Exquisite and graceful Medes, soft and clinging as these of velvet and silken fabrics, express in fur that elegance and luxury which nu material can approach. Capes, Coats and Wraps of a distinguished originality achieve rare beauty in the effective contrasts of two furs or the fur's own markings. greater extent. The officers Inolude: President. Mrs. Charles N. Sturtevuntj vlce presidents, Mrs. Charles Hesten and Mrs Benjamin Thorpe j secretary, Mrs. Bruce- Murray, nnd treasurer, Mrs. Themas Moere, The engagement lien been announced of MIbh Helen McOlaughlln, of 1749 Foulkrod street, td Mr. Albert Mor rison. Mrs J Coulter, of Arrett street, will be hostess tomorrow afternoon te the members of her card club. Mr and Mrs. Philip Shelley, of Ta Ta ceny and Tucker streets, nre en a thicn months' trip te Oklahoma, visiting their son-in-law nnd dnughter, Dr. and Mrs. Haekett. BFEkfii THEATIIB CHEKT.STT V.j 12TII IRENE BORDONI Wli'i I,i-en Vinvnra In Snnics VENITA GOULD GEORGE MacFARLANE Wllh Herbert I.e? Aceemnanlat BERT BAKER & CO. X Scream of Tarra Comedy FENTON & FIELDS I.mi Jfiin Archer Alma Nellaen At Ce TIrAr' Hb'p. At ,n-fti. Hnf fiihrr EZH 1 MILLINERY SWEATERS SKIRTS CHILDREN'S APPAREL CHESTNUT CORNER TWELFTH the most ' I fJ - - t rf '' "".- , Small Furs Jap. Sable Scarfs 19.50 Animal ctTccts. 5ienc Mai ten Scarfs 29.50 One skin. Daum Marten Scarfs 45.00 One skin Mink Scarf. 43,50 Twe sKih Kelinsky Scarf 'jgn Three skins, Nat. Fisher Scarf 110.00 Fine quality. Dyed Blue Fex Animal Scaff 75.00 Cray fox Smrf 75.00 Platinum grav Lucille Fex Animal Scarf JJ5.00 Fifth l'loer MAItKKT AT IflTIt RUPERT HUGHES' DATtlNO HTOIIY DANGEROUS CURVE AHEAD! Tim itimrwAT nrtevr is m t enb DAsviKitnt'q ri'iivn Ai'Trn AN'lTIIEtl -AIipKD ATTIIAI TIONS Teny Sarg's Latest Carteen World Scries Pictures Second Week Grand Opera Mtnnlv Orrheetra Mlxptl Vrirnl tjiwrtet STANTON MMUvFT Annvr K.TIt ii no i in i no -, te t i e no wit,' ini fnx i vi MJi.it !( ,r "tt iA H'.k l.V' IijiiIvd I'l.ll nlelpliK I rovntatlen rimt T,m. nt I p ili- I'-l rt Tin, Cr 'ilr ( rU t,f .I'l Ttmrs Ne Picture in Recent Film History Has Created Se Much Interest and Enthusiasm I' VII ,'- 'iJ A VT MAI ."fc 7" I.' r i- rvi V"nr l v. ,,. TI.-T '. II i.,. CECIL B. DE MILLE'S it Affairs of Anatel" ' Hit llr J'jVn wr.r.i k i:r:ii m.finiA v'siv' Tiii' it.nnrinv n n i: i.vnmi ' MiiVTI. Ill I i U A.N DA IIAVVII-'y at thi: r.i.i.evviNu fi,E,Vri,isKY PALACE ALLEGHENY BROADWAY COLONIAL 1214 MAIlKF.T FHANKKOIID A Al.l.nriHI NY tlROAD tr swiirn OCnVANTOWM pi i ' iv. i in-, ri:N H In pimi- i s . T ARCADIA rlVre7,,I, (d! KITH I.". P SI. tintL LLAYTON In I'l'visn VICTORIA CHAS. RAY MAHKET ah tiTII A T ii I) 1-. . j In "NiM;Tr:cv VNH I'lly I T. CAPITOL HWZ-' ri- "tlrr f lr, , REGENT "'iSW,' "I ITT1 - r i , 1 MI f"m n GLOBE lAHKl'T AT It vlnriT rovTIVfei-t, V ' ' V I' I ' I T , Returns of World Series I"" ' l CROSS KEYS 0TI AN-D MAIIKET M ' vti r - t n'-Ti nv- ""in i' -i mi 12TII AND .MOItntS- Alhambra VAI'IIFVII.U; AMI lier HI J i II .n 'The M "li-in.it u I i un-4 i r vviHi.i) s, ntr. H M i Mirlft - 1.' t)C0)t Vt TWav in .'WL Tenbiht 1 ; s rhi- Ilrnniie Ulpr. i m I SinKinc. DiuirliiK. viuxlrnl f Itrvurs Alfnil l.utrll, Anl- l. j in il IiiuicrMiinateri I'rnl IS nimnn nnd (iIiiiItm sjnun iM.intim & Meruni .Ii-in I Hrrziir'N C'lrcun Mnnrer .,, 1 -.vll.liury in "Tlic liar-, -. ... Vs I' 'rl '" I i - " TtCeiv'flraKt v ire 1 1 1, jei v rn-rv J r. 7 A " , r V " in i Wiillirr Itf-lil f.liirln wiinsnii r.lllntt l)plrr llclip DnnlrN limlJ" llhir iVmiilv Hnp llieednrf Itnbprt cni' 3n Tlii-ednrp Ko-IelT Tnllj Miirmi KiM-nienil llnttnn J11II1 1 11 VI- THK ".'I) VI MVUKUr I ,, 1 & 11 in 11 CdUtLLVl M Ullv 1 aSeaciea or 11-1 .. I N -n TPf'fVA' "'- S V Il 1 lfwuM.niiwiiiii nviniN i "BEHIND MASKS" 1 ntt n t 1 'ir "WELCOME, CHILDREN" (J.-u A. ' - r ,' , r f-fcHUV-U llirnird Durnlnc In V "Snerfj nF V.n,nii fwwHV - - "(,vmii,v; VI VIK H (II VII Ml Tomorrow Night TlrU l V ill mi mil llrln III! MI-lltlM'tll II N OIM IC e( sT NEXT FRI. NIGHT?,' Kill's. inn 15 McCORMAC fll I V1I111 l s, in, M) . 1 lus , hlt , vveriii-i 11111111 iiviii (mint ici i 11 vl X.Hil-my of Vln.li, sin s,u -, llt , ., ,. fllki'U it llniDf ' liner nu .! .rl. riili tliriiiii:li ( hr ll in v 11 I ii I ill i ii AMBASSADOR 1 1 1 1 i f.. A I' r. I t' QUOVAD1S? 1 hum 1, en s, , ,',, N', , i v -, r 1 1 m 1 - 1 1 ivti Kid 1 ni i.mi METROPOLITAN -"'' Mae Desmond in "Shavincrs" MUM' I I , ,, , , , I I 1 III , M , , '"" )! dument'S1;1"1'' ;; ' EMMETT WELCH Minstrels Casine M I I 1. l.Ma Peek-a-Boe mf " Bread al)uc I'nl imhia i. 1 1. i I in i 1 ' s - j .?? 1 . I Hi fl , Ii 1' -in. 11 I 1 I c 1 , . l.r ' . 1 I i 1 v vv 1 ,t I At S 15 i l in I J i 11111 1 l 111 . ii 11 nut 1 1 mi 1 1 J S' 'SUM ( I Phlliiilflnhlii'ii r'ot-ftTieKi Thnt,rg p ADD 1CI NiaiiTfl AT a m Popular Holiday Mnt. Today "High comedy nt last!" Immtrer "A graceful comedy of much winsome charm." Pubiie ider. "One of the brightest, wit tiest comedies.'' -n.ih'i Amtr'enn. "Most brilliant theatrical gem of the year." - itcmrd, "Geed, straight-from-the-sheuldcr, entertaining Comedy. - livening Leitnrr "Seldom in n season does such a delightful comedy and one se delightfully done ap pear in this city." i.. ninaimii. 'in. A. L. ERLANGER Presents I ii" (1 ifft nn l JM PASSES BY A TiirATitr, nt iinftn i:ss m a a mii.m: LAURA HOPE CREWS RllNihNi ' il' Inr li id . IiIujjch I'llI' K1-- VII Nl'JIiri 77r Tf $2 30 Alt. HAriMiLI 77c in J.MIO 'in' ri. N m v in mi 1 merritvv BROAD M,'vV7,H, AT J, xl ,. Popular Holiday Mat. Today M II HAIIIUS Offers MRS. i vi - r i i in i'V i i i:ss i i. id i. ur i a m r ii Wake Up, Jonathan! A ' 'i . -' Mi'n 'ii le J2 i I -' v rk n K . i Temnr FORRESTmVn'v T S 1,1 T 2 t!i Popular Holiday Mat. Today I '- . W I K - I V ii- A r S 13 A. L. ERLANGER'S ' , r i-tr m , 'ipiiY IN BLUE IMUC ES: All Nishts. TiOc te $2.50 v . m v ri" i - -' 'in u no rnn.A.'8 i.n.niNn TiirATnEH DIKI.CTIOV I.r.K A J. J SHIHKIIT eSSTHUY ST ? &WA. WmwMm fCNM H 5 W E SMSSSKsi UORIII'S I1I.ST V M ur.Mi.i.i; 1 VI V ! T I . J" I,h s 1.1 T 1 '- ' - tr I'r Tifnn V lha N T MORAN & WISER ,etfVv,5 CHIT I.dHurUn. I'rnnk Hurst, Clurrnce Iliirve nnd A Ilrry of C.ntiiry Tlirutrp llfuntlm HAL FORDE & Lieut. GITZ-RICE Urn I Inns Torine, Vlarlr 'tndil.inl; lajten Icnnlr. 0!intilii Dfii.ill S. Ce. "M: SOM. SIIOI TAMEO KAJIYAMA " J ' Nrrta t-.nt SAM ( 5 i CV3 AT (JW MM. PIM TWOL GIRLS . RiOT OF LAUGHTER AHD HPPINE5SJ ; R.oewey s Bent i -v" jr.- T uSCAi. CQflCDy SSVSArOAt "V. ELIZABETH MURRAY A CAS? Of CXCrPTOVfU CXCiteVC ind Bt AUTlFUL DANCING CHORUS POP. MAT. TODAY ,r,TTH$l MLS T 8:S0 I Pep. Mt. Today tint Si-ntit. $1.50 Tm GCATtST OF UOVE STOUIES mm BV rME AuTOU Oe-THf. eat- V suw "A RuDDy TAlE STRANOELV 5tT" rcii" vi t. THURS. Ilfnt ! is, J1.S0 '"nl VOW pil nr K rrbn Miniil i' ? rl . WcvINIIT ,x,' MXI rniiAY 'i-1sv-' .0, III $ '.(I HAPPY GO-LUCKY ,v T7! 6. P HECGIE s All Ml- I I IS'd A DANGEROUS MAN A ';rr"l - a, rj( rezit ALAN' nROOK THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY ii Phil idi 'ph a 1 i-"ii 1'i'Jl in.' J FIVE SUNDAY NIGHT ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS ACADEMY OF MUSIC Oct.30.Dec.4,Jan.'8,Feb.5,March5 I AJnnssien by Membership Only H 1 in III - ? v Ml I I O ORNSTLIN I I k s 'n, 1 ,ii I hi t ipenm,' i 'omeoi 1 Mi ill In 1 hip fur Si nsnri, S", 11 1 - 11 1 1 11 ( l)l Vl (il Ml s( , luji .. lip -iitii rlinliui ( inn 1 rih Tlmr-ili I viiiiiiB-i. Oil il. Sin 17 j,f. I' .1 111. I'l, 1 rti .'! New Yerk I ,."!". . r. 1 . Keclinniki Symphony , Orchestra UAIVI-f l llllllirn.i II ' lu I Mill It ( II.IIIH 1 1 - ' I'r Sileti I I .1 II' 1 1 1 1 vv 1 1 1 11 11 1 in n ii, i , ul, ' M " I V V 1 ' .11 1, 1 , ,1 vi ,,, ,", r ORPHEUM ';"" " - ' 1. cm ORPHEUM PLAYERS JU 1 ' 1 , Keystone ,' '!'.', '1'; J-1' - 7 4 11 J 1 1 in 11 1 1 1 f, , , ltH "c3 TROCADERO '"" i" . iwii i M IK SV'n. ' 4 i .11 'I 14 Kifa vk rt tyfcJ. -M Vy- JWMH