K" 'V-X,. I iiffiS m i ilff II u ' 1 ffieiget I Euentna public m j 1K' 1M W"in iM i I It I ? 4 " 'v7.wai fiKKHafflBR a , .&$ LiresiSBrx5S L uvMjUjihtx .-. tf ii Jte-J" "M&' y i ULrl . if At tier mu& " Jrttl ,f - v AJ- ISSB&aJ -"' "'xffsa!'' i lUfuinl Blirii :l lull Jif I WfLt 11 hhh 1 1 mma wMk 8VM1&EKK1.4 1I1 R ia? n WSSft & JE ' WMHiUHr ' ill mm v I iv- iHf ii ?lliiMU ' 1.18 ... W "-V ?S-" v.m ill si ir 1 -, I III M j? v 4 yfi Isms. WMZ, SA. Spiral t 'r PHlLADEfcPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1921 r ' ' Mil 4mm&y!mm2tt &m:': j:vw:& .: m ii ! ': ;;i HHHMKii! W 11 : nsBi - '.n9iv vv-,' v ?n.iHmBinHBiBr. h .wj - ,i w. e- ir -.- a j tTHT . . u; l b . v ! it! XAMji18 vsLatsa ".Nfi"? ri T" If InKMr tfmW; fy.'GrzfeiWfa '4 i ' ' . .aJi' sW fWW 'tU? ,it' a 4 ,:' .i-y:; 'J C"- ',-& ;.rc liMtirt'i.TW! j,," . s.Vr?5-!;Ai i t r'riv&v'.. I' is 3 Yjt.lf. R f. I t . .." .! J' gBMBHBHBWBMaBwwiiBHH "-IB rhl 1L LEITCH, British, French ami Cnnn- du'n woman's Klf champion, had low score at '.u' Jfuntinffden Valley classic l r. &. WRECKERS AT WORK. Everybody in sight took a hand in getting street car lines clenr at Fifty-second street and Lancaster avenue, when the truck, owned by William Weeks, 2319 Amber street, skidded and turned ev s. i a. HER SCORE WAS 95. Miss Edith Leitch. sister of British golf champion, get nn erratic 53 en way home in Berthellyn Cup tournament r WELL UP 0 THE LIST. Miss Mild'ed Cavcrly (left), th Philadelphian, finished in 88, while Miss Glcnna Collett, of Provi tlence. turned in a card of '12 i.iver rhote ."or, pHp:::. ; BHillM AsWWW? x A ' T " ' . itSFi3"i ' 7BlKs. . XHHl ijx&mp mcmm -'''sia-'?IIPr :r -"Ififl, , ! ic . WBVv t'..S,i.'.!fif,S t - .!" -.-, - ) . .-:..-. . t- m. . v '' (.',-' "?, t I " ' lll'" 1, r'ia'awiag-aggaiKyja Hk - :mWM r. sS5 ?i?A w ..A fci' lilliiiir - av ' M -:V- "' . ''J' ('P ' I mW;: SKmmMxmmMmmmmmmM mm .,.' (i.,ft tf .r: v... . . BACK HOME. Senater Knox w. passenger en the stennishipCelt i i returning irem iurepu int. GETTING MANY VOTES. Virginia people arc voting this week te pick a Queen for the historical pageant, winch will be held in 1922. Miss Marien Spragins, Seuth Bosten, Vn. (left), and Miss Eleaner Housten, of Richmond, ait candidates. The voting will end en Saturday IJOOTING THIJ HALL Day. of the Penn football squad, was snapped en Franklin Fieid during practice yesterday .it n " i lie pat mueii power in the kick i.. i TEACHING EFFECTIVE BLOCKING. One of the many prat tice scenes en Franklin Field as Penn gets ready for the battle against the Swarthmore eleven en Saturday Ledger rtieiu servim f '. v i . & V - rjMi?? "im$ ..-','-- :4, VI y ' ' ", VTUV t,"" "? f iSninlMTlf LbmI jRtej 1 Pr-r'NIBIK;Ml; & h safeMasa:, BWIHHftlMHr"t;H ,. i ,.-. li talks, pn boosting Philadelphia in an Kcli ur.ff t cige interview rniiiip studieV 6 .? Aw ( - . I ' WL. ." .,.,. -., r-'"fewrV-:-6..v C . ,:V-v:MyLZ :k4.t m'v i .t wmffiL"s.- ft wm jp i .. ' J' .vk.s-v. ,r ''iai T " jW . i'j" .nWVIl.CO(A !. .s.V.-r . i' . . . ' ..r'r.' .!' yB K t B. yv.v 1. '1, T.W."Ilil. . . T.SB; ' ?JW!4t. 22& -K. V ' ; B &, H wrS re Ci? ,i. le? i't? 7 !fl1 " A7 J i ? ; ' v ;- jKK&y .J. w -' . . rfJr5 v.. y '?, WfewsrSasr ".?. ti i""7 . fyy'jxr .a ABiVV tw J V 'H Wj v 114-vyr-vrfAvw fc. ' , a . a &&iruZ';" ,& h kS LIKE A CLOSE MATCH. But it's just a practice game staged by the girls of the 1 .iirk I diversity gymnasium as they prepare for their lir-,t hockey game. They arc doing their practice work at the King.set.sing Retreat en 'C i.t ' l tiu ai-nM VISIT GAS WORKS. Councilmen Ven lugen and (ex accompanied the ceuncilmunic delegation te Point Breeze yesterday. They're studying gas leaser riiu' - LL IN AID OF HOSPITAL. Miss Jen Latenr w tl tl knewn British actress, did "kick-off" act when British teams plnved foet1 all te help a Londen hespitnl s r SAV THE YANKEES WIN. "Dick" Croker, once known ah the big chief of the lanimany political wigwam in New Yerk, with his wife, at the N k Prle Grounds ui.d. nvoed a rn-i. m .i OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO wFi HHll M 1 Lv'. Wmmm&ki ill IBIIIIIHBv , ' ? ''J MMw- i ; ikBBMtfSlBWl 1 1. . KBt.wsH ifrNSHn: jhw? TaHnk' TKYTnMBti'. a nwe-f.jsas j ik .41 hvhkihb r - -J- iHrHi HDUtti. ' h8stfmB&5iMi&Kl&, 'MM meiMxmmKKMISmK'?MlMxi - ;f!MKi.a2Srw2MK WrJl ?& vmh -.WV1 V' " - ' Mw .1 ;f" ?r 1 z ; 2r'i. r"- lr ' IB fell PrA sl'i lilHir ; v??- '? yAtJli.G0LD8TBIN, 8135 North Maraton street, cutting material fe4 bwiers. V 1 1 trkeutter loused In doing the work. Material for twenty dozen is cut daily at the mill e. .itjMhjSwkij City Sweater Company, Fifteenth and Wallace strccta Lt . ,1 ,, , 1 lioLieKI. ei ictiiter;, l-adint, the NDEIt'S DAY Piviik nt M. Crey Themas, of Bryn Muwr Cellej, academic proc-estien dnrlpc the celebration at Mount Holyeko College &UUtll llaUlcy, MttSJ, UiultnMJad ft L 1)1.. .i.t a KLUABLTH AND UaCU, children of Ceuntf-s D.i Centurbm. She enme from Italy te fight the will of her mother, Mrs. Alice G. Grftweld a p. h IU.S. B F.I 1 ,LS, of Lan,uv-, w! f "Sun lieum" at the deg nheu: u un' ; bury. Conn. rvwi,- 1 i ." j-s-'-y j 1 ', 1 v . A" !.' . flXiAwjw. i vl:1'v lsiiJiii I