Sjttp r ssa? -ma EVENING PUBLIC LED&ER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY,. OCTOBER 12.. 1921 25 HTJAI, 'ESTATE FOB SALE ItgAL ESTATE FOB SALE REAL ESTATE EOB SALE 11EAI. rSTATB rORSAM REAI. ESTATD FOR SATjE BEAI. ESTATE TOR SAX west fiirt.AnKt.rniA mtst ruif.Anr.M-niA w.sxvi.vMstA mmrnnN T-rNNHYl.VAKlAHnUIRIUW OAK I.ANR I'KNNHYLVXNIA HtlimrtMAN mijmiMBfiHjiwwiitijijaiMMimatLwieiiMCTiaHiwi Q ?lfflHimilIIIi!Mll3raiIllli!lll!l!liiIIi!llll!lilillU!llIIIIllli;ii;!IIIIlIIIillir!llS mMmmmmmsmmm Detached Heuse 2-Car Garage One of the most nrllslle homes In the best tectlen of Oik Lane, designed and built by architect for his own uses 10 rooms, het-water heat fireplace! let 75x12,1, with large Scar garage; price its, 000. satisfactory terms. v fiEAMeaq c3r OAK LANE, OPPOSITE. STATION e QUALITY timWMM Mllllll FOR SUBURBAN HOMES Yeu might as well have the advantage of selecting from the Largest List of Fine Hemes Cevering All Principal Sections These Suggestions May Assist Yeu te Lecate a Heme $ 1 500 REQUIRED I 1 SELLING AT LESS THAN TODAY'S COST OF BUILDING i MBimiuii ramw niiiiiinriiiiiraiinwni1 ItEAIi ESTATE EOB BALE REAL ESTATE EOB SALE ' OKHMANTOWN ' OCTMANTOWN jjiiiiiiiiMiwiwrrT'TrTnrrrrr m f ' ' .V C : , .1 -V v , HOMES COLONIAL'HOME GERMANTOWN I j m tMi&RgBg RrateSC5W'MiSSSs4KF'2!i. Ww&nzkw rmmm ii iMe- n , .IK s vr'vm"m i-yaiivm wui E"iwmMH a rail i-cizis'iaw i-dMir ( LOCATION Ellswerth St. from G2rtd St. te the Cobbs Creek Parkway. TYPE Somi-detnchod In English and Span ish suburban designs, slate and tlle r reefs with'4, 5. -7 large bedrooms. FEATURES All-tile kitchen, one-pioco sink and drainbeard, unusual closets, back stairway, concreto rear perches, under-drained refrig. room, real open fircplnces, breakfast room, French doers, Colonial stairways, all-tile bath, stall shower, spacious garage with tool closet, inclesed detached perch and open summer perch. Painting, fixtures, decorations un cqualcd. BUILDERS Olcr & Shapire. rncsnNT rmens subject te change WM. H. W. QUICK & BRO, INC. SELLING IlEPItnSENTATIVES 8 SO. 40TH STREET BAMrLE HOUSE 0223 ELLSWORTH OPEN DAILY & SUNDAY UNTIL 0 V. M. MlllliaMW HOMES of QUALITY (IN THE SUDVRHS OP THE CITY) Selling at Less Than Today's Cost of Building THPATTflM Ellswerth St. from Pn'ihi Creek Park way. BUILDERS OLEIt & SHAPIRO present rlres Subject te Change Win. H. W. Quick & Bre. INC. it Felling Representatives 8 SO. 40TH STREET Sample Heuse 02.13 Ellswerth Open mils' nnd Hundiy Untl 0 p. M. YOUR CHANCE 08ASSW Pptmdlil modern home In exclusive section of Wet Philadelphia; a small cash payment Hikes It yours. Consult BURTON C. SIMON N. W. Cor. 20th & Passyunk Ave. H Philadelphia BARGAINS 0200 block Washington ave.: 2W -story, e bedrooms, 2 baths, garage, $18, 000; llnanced. V 8000 block Pemberton St.. fl rooms. bath, electric, let of extras, a000. Alse n number of ethers. MICHAEL A. MALONEY 1021 SOUTH 00TH STREET BVEUYTinNO N-EW lleautlful Limes. 18 tnln. te Cltv Hall, 4 bedrms., elec . hdw , 18-ft. front. J'SIOO, pav $J00, move In: easy tirms; also one at 1 4 l."Si. owner nt Bample heuie. (1 .M Uesner. dally Sun & eves. Take subway rnrs Ne 11 or Ne 37. set off nt i n ri t uuuiunti ayp wane 's sfl seu nth 1418 UIKAKD AVE Attractive house, val ued at 23 000; offered for J 10 oeb 15 rooms, electrlc financed, posseilen at once H A l)0"OH"RTY 111(1 H.verferll nf BACK te pre-war prices, beautiful 3-story home 43d st. above Dnltimore ave.: only J8500, for ijulek sale; Immediate possession JOS M BAKER & Hen B2d t, llalUme " S' C37S THOMAS AVE. Six rooms and bath perch frcnt. het-water heat, electricity Jiardwoed floers: lares let. Owner, phene woodland 4014 J. Meres nnil Dwellings BUSINESS LOCATION Stere and i vvelllne located en l.apsdnwne a vs. I crcat business section, a bargain. Fetters & Boughey N.'em st OKRMANrOWN IBIIIIllflllll LINCOLN DRIVE SECTION These attractive homes flank ing the most beautifel section of Lincoln Drive are te be sold at a sacrifice: 620 Burnham Read $14,250 Stene, and-plaster semi-detached residence, lust 4 mlnutei from ftatlen and 1 minute from trol trel Ie, S bedrooms and 3 baths; electric lights, het-water heat: garage with rear driveway: hardwood floors and till ether m idem conveniences. Ask for Str. llutler. 6810 McCallum St. $18,500 All-stone Colonial Heme newr Carpenter Station. 12 bright and cheery rooms. 0 of which are brdroems ind there are 3 baths, new lighting fixtures, hardwood floors, electric light, het-water neat and detached garage. Ask for llr llutler. 640 W. Phil-Ellena St.--$28,000 This Is truly an Ideal home, and the owner will consider offers below the fixed price or ex change for smaller property. Thre nrn in rnnmn nlitttetli r with open fireplaces in the living g wumi tun null, uiriu itru nmn a vestlbule and stair hall, kit chen and out kitchen, and many ether features. When the con venience tu train and trolley the tine architectural features the beautiful surroundings and the restricted location are summed up and compared with the low price, we must recom mend this llstlnR as a red bar gain Ask for Mr. Tayleri WmRWlLSON&G). Merris Building iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniuHBrI lilHIII IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 03 block N. Retchwoed st... $rS00 elOOb'uck N. Norwood st JB800 "SOOMeck N. Lambert st J7000 0i'.'lN Carlisle at 17000 800 l lrk Oacnt? Ae B!100 "3HN Hdenham st 0000 ilZ'S l'h tit $unej "l-l.N Ilreud st UJ.noe ThJ nlove and ethers all med may "e Insp.cted upon applle at cither off. rrifrttir a Am . rucu h. A. ULHLHAUJ) m k11. thtltsii ave m Oak I.atm oil) 0752 OH Yerk rd. Oak Lnne 0337 miriinTTrnmiiruiiiiuiiiniJiiiiiiiuiTiiriiniiiiEnriiiinmtriirr'r GERMANTOWN HOMES MlL01!!! ,?,ek""r '" a home at nnv consult Ug,he section should a..1.'?111" bul'dln sites offered In Uernnniewn and Pelham sections. B. B. LISTER & SON vvu vuiiMAHTOlV.N AYK. iBimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,iiiiiif nitltMANTOWN nsneaiM SPECIALS $3800 2-s lery perch-front dwelling; contains 4 bed rooms, het-air heat gtis and electricity, t Dutch hall; cannot hi dupli cated In the Oermantewn srctlen for the price, ex ex amine quickly. $5250 A "' Iwn and a little a month, Just as though though you were navlnsr rent. will buy a ery desirable up te-dato home. 0 rooms and bath; het-water heat, pas and electricity, hnrd hnrd hnrd woed floors, white finish. The rheipest two-story perch - front main-street home in Orrmtntewn. $6000 With garnge: 2-story porth-frent dwelling, 0 rooms, gas and elec tricity: hardwood floors Ivery finish, n geed buy. $8500Cerier ' ' southern expesu : a r a a e: xnnnurn near train nnd trolley, brand new home with large mine-room ana open fireplace: dining - room kitchen, 4 bedrooms and bath: het-water heating; ens nnd electricity: hard wood floors, tile bath. f10 500110 Creshelm read, near lt"U-'uu Allen Iine Station. Pennsylvania R R : all s t e n e bungalow-type home, contains large living-room, dining room, pantrv and l'ttehen: also laundry. 3 cnambers and tiled, bith: A-l condition Price reduced for quick sate $12 500w "'-' wi:ngllsh-tyr detached gllsh-tyre dwelllnir new vacnt. that will make a wonderful home, at a reasonable price, centnlna 10 geed-sized rooms and 2 bsths: lo cated 713T Creshelm read near Allen' Lane Station; open for Inspec tion Sunday, this beau tiful home in n solution of your homing problem. H $16 00(1 A wonderfully attractive L m p I UW" atena dwelling. let i ngx'jiiu" witn garage DellBhtfut southern ex posure located near Lin coln Drle and Henry Scheel, 10 rooms and 2 baths, steam heat from central plant, ga and electricity, hard weed floors, lMiry finish. When this property Is sold many art going te say: 'Why didn't I leek Inte this?" fc?1 Oflfl Detached stone Colonial tVVAJ telling en Lincoln drive; bargain: contains lnrge living room with stene fireplace, dining room, kitchen und laun dry. B chambers, 2 baths; delightful loca tion, modern heat and light: practically new; this Is a gem for some one. Smith, Dalgliesh 6c Russ B001 OERMANTOWN AVE. 'iiiriwii jiii MOUNT AIRY 7430 Beyor St. $13,500 Yeu will agree with us that this property should be Inspected Im mediately, as It will net he In the market Ions. A STONE DE TACHED resldence neir railway and trolleys, laruu living halls, library, dining- room, kltcien, etc en first fleer, 4 chambers with all-tiled bath en second fleer, and 4 chambers and bath en third fleer. We expect many requests te be nhewn threush this house and therefme suRRCst you telephene us for an early appoint ment. Ask for Mr. Illndermver. WmH.WiLS0N&C6. Merris Building hi mniiiMii nun uiai IDEAL HOMES WITH GARAGE ; D"tnched or semi-detached stone dwellings; modern, electricity, .iet- i water heat, parquetry floors, InrKe lets, restricted lesldentlal section, convenient te Oermantewn ave, or : Chestnut Hill trains. S. C. TOURISON 7014 Beyer st., Oermantewn 1 Til' niniiiirmiiiiwiiiiini'iiTi miramii'ii inwiiiniiiiiiiim II' ilIUKH hlORY perch H ruunis bath, 4-ft linen closet Dutch hull vvlitte and mi eny. electr lH steant heat. ne,r churches schools cars ralliaad. will flnanu vvner Oirtranlmvn 2U0J J llUU.DIMl I.OIH Oermantewn and Km iter.' 2 lets, both corners . one size 117x400. thj ethor 78x440, best secilen In Qgrmanteiwi for 2 story house, easv tertnH J It MAHBi;Y & S N 13Hi and Oreen. bKMI'DUTACHIH) d-story house third fiei t arranged for apartment use and rented ut 35 steam heat and electricity, large let, price W0. ethers JS00O up4 1 C O HfIILIC)iri:I 1B2II Walnut, st. 1515 W OLNKY AVB. 2 sty., med., tils bath and shower. Inclesed perch, saraLa privilege; beautiful outlook 1 ' IIRlMrKnR ft Ce InOO W Venango. BJlT"cIlUilCH LANK Down te H200i Or. und bath, all Imp'ev. Ine penh, excel tend . flne loe surelv a I'"'-' 'un't inlui iljU ejitHir Wm Ues'erj Bn24 Chew st. KMI-dT:TACIIHD stime iIhb Sr balh, h -w lit elec. J II Viii ilorne, fitlui) (lerinante'vii nve i; WAI.Nlir LANH- "Modern imner ilwuT Ing, 10 rooms 2 baths electrlc steum 1 eat) near Walnut Lane station price JW50U OKOIK1H W, IlKANil. BOM Oermantewn ve. ail' W, Ol.NUY AVIS --7, tins . perch, med. WW. UBecaasi uutAusruistvtJwu ave. -jjj f f Jj ! Ef"fifl illl I III lllilillfjlllfllilflfj Hfllfl lilJiJJJiiuf r I'aA Yjiil i m V5S n i" au,uuu uwiiui juuavuiK emits rj HTniCTLY COLONIAL-In ilOOJrH 7 HRDltuOMS 8 hAtHS 2-CAIl STONE M dAHAOH SPACIOUR LAWN, OLD SHADE; LOT 100x20? H APPLY TO OWNEIl PHONE- OTN. 0177 M I B W. COIl. MAGNOLIA A WOODLAWN AVE.. QTN. H ANNOUNCING REDUCTIONS The Prices of the Remaining Houses of Our Twe German town Operations Cut te Present Day Building Cost RESIDENCES ON LINCOLN DRIVE AT ALLENS LANE REDUCED S2G00 UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL SUnUnHAN HOMES IN A HIOHLT nESTRICTED SECTION. THUEE STORIES. ALL STONE WITH SEPARATE STONE OARAOE. ONLY TWO LEIT. ONE MINUTE FROM ALLEN LANE STATION. PA. R. R. $2000 CASH. CARSON BROTHERS I1UILDERS Phenesi Chestnut Hill 2109-0323 or 2748 after 7 P. BUNGALOW TYPE ON LOCUST AVENUE West of Chew Street REDUCED $1000 3 LEFT New PRICE $6500 Onn of the meBt beautiful small homes In Philadelphia. 0 rooms and bath with tirnse, entirely modern with larpe front and rear yards. J500 ciBh. $2500 Reduction $2000 Cash Will Buy New Lincoln Drive Houses West Side Belew Allen Lane Only Four Left Semi-detached, stone. Colonial, 6 chambers, 2 baths, garage. Attractive residences in an excljisive section. Immediate possession. Best Purchase in Germantown B. B. LISTER & SON, 5612 Germantown Avenue Kim nniniJMU Hiii Mil a iiiHiiinraiiiiiiraiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! iiiiniiiiiiMiiiiiELii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirairiiaiiiiiiiiiii:!',! THE HOUSE YOU DREAMED OF GLYNDON PRIESTMAN, Germantown CG07 UCRJUNTOWM avu nil T.00 N 0"Xs CRAWFORD 3 ( QUALITY A 10TH AND WYOMING AVENUE We did net build nt the high costs of 1920, therefore it U net necessary te nnnounce un usual reductions. OUR PRICES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN RIGHT A COMPARISON OF VALUES llt.'O Our Price $11,000 $9000 10,000 8000 9,000 7000 8,000 C500 These prices nre below today's cost Private Garages Every modern convenience. All-tile baths with built-in tuba and showers Parquetry lloers throughout. --TV- . Daniel () VWSSIMIMINCJ- ONn lat.-e garage 8 prlvute gnrages 1 2H-len tlump truck, 1 B-ten truck, B-room house, all conveniences en let il "S-llii riuin Ultman st . Wlsslnemlng. Apply J423 Hewell t., Wlaslnemlng. EI.UVICN-HOOM HOUSi:. til let JfixlOn; alt conveniences. 8423 Hewell t.. WlHlnemlng ciir.HTM.r iiim ATTllACTlVi: home en Hethlehem pllte larce let beautiful ih ide and shrubuers Colonial dwelling cent r hall Ut rooms and 3 baths pen fireplaces, het-water hnal i very Improvement, excclknt condition, gar age, cenveti'em te It It depots und trolley, a real batgaln for $21 oert I II. J. IJAtlCil Ambler Pa. 1.0(1 A r i!ffl:iiii!iraiii,iiiiniiLiii:iuraaTTii' WYOMING AVE. CORNER night rooms tile bath and shower, garige laundry het-water hcatl elto elte trlclt Inrl sed nerch IMMKUIATC POHhi:.SHION LEVICK & WOLDOW 707 WAI?)UT ST. 1 ... i NEW PRICE $18,000 Fer $10,G00 a charmlnf. small detached heuse at St. JIartlna. Six betlroems, electric light, hot het water heat Phene, Otn 410 LOOAN HOMES t: Crawford, Jr. $500 CASH UNEQUALED VALUE 'Ihroe Isrgn betlroems an 1 M,i..c',ulvttll.n,.,,4 beUrnumii it A' un ''"-'""id ft. t sleeping perches en level vvlt'i living room 4 ,!"LcU 0S0Ta 'etween Unusuilh large iW A"1.1??0.- white enanel finish llled hath with built-in tub and shower The Finest Heating Plant Legan in neparaie laundrv launnrv in bavtmrnt XMai- in h L'll rn dm ir.,.t tered vvals In high wiu'iiuiiiii. reefs and ceinentlnir maran- ireu All at Pre-War Prices Tenth Above Ceurt.-nd St. (Just above Ileutevard and Hi np Park) Open da'l cvenlmr I. u rtineiit. 5, C. ABERNETHY 1J28 CIIEBTNUT HT, Q1U N. TENTH II OAK LANE LARGEST LIST Desirable Suburban Hemes HERBERT HOPE ftA -vmik Tin . vri j.iar nuui v.4.fc -- -w v... t iiminffltnmili'il.ll.lllll I I,1J,1'!1111IIIII1IIII 0II1B 111 lilllll!l,i!lllimillllllllira,i. inmiiitu""""""1' ' ; ' -"" UllcnilmnilitUiaTi'inHiiiui'iiiiriuiiiuuiiiiiiitLiiuuu'iumiriiiiuiriiiimnininiiii: EXCEPTIONALLY attractive all stone Colonial house ft master bed rooms. 3 baths, servant's quarter; large let. garage. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE I1LDO fr.UtnwH'Hiin iiiiiiiiiiniuiiir iiitii.iiiiiiiiiuiii iiurwiHiiuiu'iiiiiiiwiiii i Mil N. 13111 Modern a- t"'v home let re X114; z-car KaniKCi imiuuuu uutire. net water tieat. white and riahnzinv woedwirk r asnnabln for quirk Nil e-ik T.nne nnfl 1 OAK LANK AVE near 11th st . 1(1 rooms, 2 uatns electric HKi'i. hiik.' pnrcn iwru w oed floors Worrell ft CO :rA V 17th at OI.NKY WITH OMlAfli 4 5700 North Marshall St. Price, $7000 Six roemi and bath het water heat electricity, built-in tubi nnd showers Levekln heater for het water, diep lets Karnges. The transit facilities nnd location with all the featurei mentioned mike these nerrcs one of the best Investments In the city today. W. Fischer's Sens, Builders N. W. COR. 8TH AND ItOi KLAND MODERN semi-detached" dwelling nam. sieajn ih'bi, piuinu iikui Hen Phene Wyoming P2ST J 2111 W OLN1JY AVII ern V.'m .T Themn 7 rooms perch m I V.13 tlermantewn a TIOC. iiuirciiiiiiniiiPiiinuiiiuiiMiniiiiii! 27TH STREET AND ALLEGHENY AVENUE SO ft. wide street with park In center 0 rooms, bath and laundry. All con- v-nlcnces. ftcduct prices rJASY Tf"PMS GEORGE W. ZANE ON PREMISES iniiiinniii inrvT airy 7318 BOYER STREET Detached Etone-nnd-BhlnIe house Modern Improvements let lfKlxline EDWARD V. LANSDALE 71 1" Walnut st bCDOWICK 11 reims. ull cenv . let threuKli te tenr nt , room for pira i 14 son eta f ! I'irrKRS K. SON (108 ( MLSTNttT ST nm",iiKi;eN Jii2 ROCIIIILLi: AVE Nln rooms and bith, electric l'Kht. hardwood floors first liner, larce let, ImniHUlale pospslen cles, t) P. and R Rwv. O C i. J. I" IIOWKUR 1171 Main st Mnnnvunk CORNHR stere nnd dwi'llic 11 rooms, baths elec We"ti)"v 201 I '1 ert) Hldg TOIlltl SI) MR STO.VB-AXD TIUMi: corner dwelllnir. U rooms, conveniences cxctlknt location, 2'a acres; Jill OOO terms RAYMOND WARNHR. 77S Drexel Itltlar. lENNtt I.V WIA- -sriirniixN III! SUBURBAN HOMES OVERBR00K All-stene Cf Ien lai heus 11 room 7 boclreomn cntnl stein, h tit hlte Hnlnh, trlnsi-lncIeieI perch Inrjr let excellently Mtuntfd cemrnlt nt te train anJ trolls Prlce JS 5u0 MERION Attractive slone-nnd plaster heu'e and knrtku ne ir htatl m hli?h lucu lien, excellent surreundinKH 1J rnmiiH sleeplnv: p ,rt b hrl nt Mr t rs whlte finish abundant a of Hhrubbery, must be sold at once An unuiuil opportunity. Trice. $-.' OtiO. ARDMORE Attractive ptone-and-shlnule house in enu of th.t loretl ns en the north slde, 11 rooms - baths. In In ceosed perch het water heat hard wood floors. thoreuKhly modern large let attrartivelv niuiated. drive way, shrubbcrv .'0 OCu WAYNE White hollevv-tllo nnd fnme Colonial house, 7 rooms and bith, hurdwoed floors, white fti lib, th irnughl mod ern let Onx ion ft , u mist attractive locat'en, $12 POe CYNWYD Detached Putch "e enlal Heuso nnd garage unusuall nttrictlve stone and hollow tile 12 m hih 1 baths! B bedrooms thoroughly n t lern hard wood lloers elittilc lights hot het water heat, an unuiuil 01 pertunlty. $10 600, will Ilnui d OTHKR ATTRACTIM; PIlnprRTIES In this sectlm. $11 'ihi ut d upward Large Iht of desirable homes and rstiittsv for tale in all nulmrba (id jacent te Phdudilphia. Advise in letii Tf-tjutrrnumfs CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (MORRIS HI mi ) 1421 I III .STNUT inn in w i iiii'i'ii t'ii th 'ii '" ii fii ilium ii iii'iium iniiipiraiiiii'ir cmiiLi. si in unw ntiMi: 2 3 acre lOretni Uivilltik lutti het-water I eat, el'ctik e la un ml i . plng pert Ii sate reef, nt ib t th bilge gartkn fiult, ild sh nl n i -il in Statu hlghwu) price Junini it , i itiv W. FORREST MAGEE SO' III MI ln P v WE OFrllt I All vis suiiiiii m homes ceun- try 'bulletin estatts irim i'"'' ti ..iu ui u am) ir triiLlts of al kinds litweeti Phil i- delphla and Latisdu mil I voHtewn. u I- Mse us what ou w nit in i in wnit Mm ,i htre te pay and we will sulmit Inteiuatlnu descriptions. u j pAfrn Amhtfi 1 "MAIN LINE ONLY" $12,000 P.ather unusuil ti mid nui h n hla prl- within 17 mil s 1 1 r i i stnne heuse anl ether build in,3 ni.uli b u us. old fhade, fruit, "ta en stun, rei 1 t'P J-nrUHS1 . sn lus HI STMJTST LOllt AND MWvM.I sis .si. i ni)NCer llranden read nn 1 Cheitnut st attractive stone Colonial home i irnt t location south western exposure tenter hall 8 chambers 2 baths shewei t'eitililtv het-water heut I ardwoed IIoeih lurki i inches garage K A HVVliNS t'n Uin lIltleIJd JIOIIUUN send tlit iihetl home Oreland Pa . 11 rooms and bath heater, elec I as modern plumbing, eti convenient te ttallen, early possession i any terms, 13710 H J I) VOI1K " Anib'er Pa iiUNUAU)V U rooms unit bath, heat and llt,hl. lark let pile. Jn.'Srt enl $2(uui cash required W.inun ir Cernell. u. 1 nre Pa "fc'V-iOfl J "l. ,,rl k " rn"' l,'"h Inclined P-vJVJU penh en i 1 1 v r mm fjr KR a, Lefland, 7121 Woodland Ave. II A Almrf -oieiy uriciv uiveilingt 2-story brick dwelling! all con cen venlencess let 21x1011, 1mm doss. J,OVIAW. 7121 Woodland . iaMDUU T vi A ?r.' ilxluu lm"t BOSS. 1)1 nmm GERMANTOWN On Wlssihl'ken nve A elnele-stene-and vvhllu-piaater Colonial residence In 1'ils desirable section Centnlns larKO center entrance hall lulnc room with open fire place, dining room with open fire place, etc , 7 chambers, large storeroom and 3 baths. Colen. al In finish and dlall. Het-water heat, attractively planted grounds, lOOxi'OO ft , 8-car garage Rea sonably priced at 140,000, MERION Kngllsh-styln heuse en attractive let In best section of Merlen, un usually laree Inclosed perch screened a center hall with living room, dining room, kitchen, pan try and laundry en 1st fleer, 3 chambers and 2 baths en 2nd fleer 3 chambers and bath en third fleer. Iiet-wntcr heat and whlte paint. Prlce 121, OOO. JENKINTOWN A centrnl-hnll Co'enlnl-brlek resi dence finished In whlte end ina ina hegnny, vvlt'i flne oak lloers, con taining 5 chambers und thre baths. Inclesed perch en a let "e'x 220' In p. most desirable neighbor hood, near trains und trellcjs. Price $23,000. PELHAM CORNER Woll-leea'ed st me-and brick mod ern resblence with umple room for garage It contain 10 roenK. Including (1 ld chambers and large both Well built and In ex cellent condition i:ictrlelty and central-Plant heat southern i x x pesure a-id convrnlent te Carpen ter Station Would cost JJO.000 te duplicate. Price $14,500 I fig t ...v,yi?. wm$s m m . W J- I I .rJJt.... .... n iiiii'iniiraiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'ii'ii ufj'iJ iiiiH'imui miniiUin i L Yerk Read Section I OAK LANE i ELKINS PARK e Values and Locations 1 the Best i $15,000 t Coziest bungalow in Plklns Park, en I n ct inexl.'O cett.iln ng S rooms nnd 2 bathrooms het-w it. r heal, open - llrepluce, garage for 2 cars. $10,000 ; Modern English bungalow centnlnlnj s vJ ioems anl 2 bithroem" open Are tilnre hardwood floors gas unl elec - trl.lty, let 73x123. ritluccd prlce f 3 quick, sale. I $17,000 j Vrv attractive s' n- nnd reuh-cast H home in exce lent n Ishlmrhe id con- i tnlnlng 10 room and 3 Inthroems open fireplaces hardwn d floors gas and electrlclt nhltn und mihegans 3 tinlsh: let 40x1111 In p rfect cendl i1 Hen, tv 111 consle. r offer $23,000 In the beautiful yurr read section, stone and reufch dt Colonial dwell 1 inc with alftt.' te f ceiKalnlnff U H' rooms ard - !j'fn ip n itrep hcc in closed perch8 hir ni Mtmra Colo nial Interior flrNh t it-nine perch. Tree 2-car Kuratt let 75x150. with ulil uhadc $27,500 C i inrst corn r n m m aipitoe I'iric T rentalnlnfc 1 J re imi nnd J baths g eptn fireplnr r h tin 1 ( 'c trlclt , g inrftct comiltlen let innxjeu with pj beautlful ahaJe und hiulbtr, ene of & the better buys $30,000 "TUtlful Cel m lui t rnr home 1 block from Yerk mil mj e ik Lnn vi nil Hten 1 it r ft untr ut- i rs etc tei.tiir 1. r ini1 but iter heit h rduoei ft r open Mre- i arec pe th s . ir exrictf. oak usr ei nrn y kiip Millien! Pb n null line 3B(1J HA'IMI'IIIIH','11 il!l .,! U .illllill Hiiiimmimnmiiiiiiiiiiiiiia ki ma BRYN JIAWR Stene ind nt jr. e resil ience neu s-heel and college well built 1 chamhe s 2 l)vths men lire place hut water heat r, tlrt. rl.. light, $20 ene HAVERTORD Very attractive st ine an I stuete house and 3 ncres of land excel lent high luatlen 1 hi tire n s 2 baths Jl.7 ion ALSO Anether with s liodreems 4 tiths nnl sleeriii(- , rch tine Id shade an ex e nt epp r tunllv tu jiurthise a ciuntry . lace at a riisniaile rgute ST. DAVIDS Whlte f oleni il 1 euse and ga rage, neai gi.Jf links 7 cham I ers 3 laths het water heit Uectrle 11k) t i. (ion HAVERFORD 1 his prepertv in the c.yilf i eurse hectlen" will seen le te home if Mime one wre w h ts a in itlul home without the expense of I uildlng ut t i 'ii i s me one who has de'nved purchasing at war-time prices but who Is new readv te out of thi home he has ' made the I . st of ' ft r se man) sears 5 mm .ham1 ers 1 miMi l ' . i ir room en the set end tlenr nnd 1 rhambers with Im'i anl ' loom en the third mil mil I r ' es e ' it comfortable rooms Uith up in1 1 wn its ii - e i tgt at d . acres of beautiful lawn 'ust ptcturti th m nit t nmp ete home of our dreamt and veu will have pictured till prenertv May be seen bv anpelntmenl enl Ask for Mr Patten H WmH.WiLS0N&Cb. & MORRIS DuaDINO i llllllllill lllllllllllllllllllllllll'lllllll'illl'ITIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIil IIIIIMUlllll i ' 12 ACRES". NEW STATE ROAD AND TROLLEY Iletwcm .West l h stcr and Pnliad liihl i lipdein bldgs , 1 fare te West Cllasl i niwvnli nn i.iaIa simvla aik aIaI at dttraitivd farin , exceptionally IechUiI $250 iiMBasrB&aasSr. il A. D. WARNOCK l 112 b huh phi v IkSvNJ: IIIHHHIlliiiillU'lii'iiimr h iiiiiiiiiiiiLiiiuiiiiniiiiiuii iiiii'iii ii iiiiiiiiAii Ha iiun in i i mil ui'iiiiiiiii in a T ARDMORE Overlooking Merlen C. C Oolf Course, u stone nnd-stucce Ce o e nlal with center ball, living room, dining room pantr, kitchen end laundry en the 1st fleer, 4 chain nnd 2 tlnd tilths en ini, 3 chamlrs unl bath nn third, het-water h'at hardwood lloers, white paint throughout 2-cnr Ka rate grounds 1 ' aires Price 140 000 PELHAM An attractive ntetie rrs lence en Westvlevv street . I. -arranged first fleer II thambTs dressing room and .' baths electric ty, white finish hard jed flooring, grounds lOuxlBO ft beautiful tur.ten, tre m rjlil.rj, etc A well-built heuiu wonderfully lo cated Pried for In mediate sale and a real linta n ut $--' 500. LOGAN 400 block en .N Uth street n nml deter he I 1 ster lirlrk resi dent e wit1 a 3"' frontage, with an excejttlena 1 arge living room, four (hiitnlr and tiled baths, parnu' trv floors Priced at Jt'000 Op. n te offer OVERBR00K SECTION' S-w IX' uh! I tutlnKn M100 0 OS 10 Oxford M. !'n i U lui (1 120(H) D n t a r p 1 unl rpmt-ilrtnrhd houses with irUus 1 ierli llln room lining r jnm, lirnkf(i(t room 1dt v n ti d refrlRprater room F eii'l fleir l nrui charn 1 or nt rl l(h m Vrmd flnerp attrnctlv pi rtri fUturc." blir eprn Tin pi a ea cemplete cararp, attractive inwn with Rhrullir , Just romp f-ti 1 an 1 r"i(I te rnef9 tntn eim;n sl.nuay ren IN- Hl'KCTIUN WEST PHILADELPHIA First tlme offered, 3 story semi detnched house en Walnut St . containing In r lenis nnd 2 lletl bath i jlin " il umbers atin ! litrd t nm 1.1 and electric light hetwattr heal, parquetry floors throucheut Let 22x137 ft Price, $11,000. WHAT ARE YOUR REQUIREMENTS? m & lirr 1206-11 LIBERTY BLDG., BROAD & CHESTNUT PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE WALNUT 5100 mtimmmmmm CYNWYD $16,000 Den t jeu think tMs a low price for most tins kind of home In exclusive Cmwytl" We d Many hemesiekers will agree with us that this Is a real bargnln at the present price rilf'T n.nelt llvlnj rn m dining room, pantry kitchen Inundrj SKre.ND n.OOR 3 large bedroom sleepli a perch and lath Tiunn rLenrt 2 -edroems and bith e ctrlc lights lie' water hevt and ether meJern cenven'ences Ask for Mr Patten VmH.WlLSON&Cb. epnij BunniFfl iip inn 'I'limn in ii1" 11 " ii,'"ii I' I'li'i' 'iii 'i 111 linn 'i 1 iiMiiiiPin riiiiiiwiiiffijiipnniBininirjj CEDARBROOK A Real Bungalow. $13,300 On rtOOxOfl ft tot ndjelnlnc iiun r C ur with flr ev of l' N b nt. il cc uMr c f Utij; room th pi lt hp fllriinj? r' )iu K th i :t 1 1 1r u rns and tllfl I nh J i i nm un per per en 1 fle r tvu use 1 us 1 1 1 1 roerns nur r Milt ird room den i i ii evtrlc rnnue h id 1 i nn I nil ethr me I rn i. i n I ht prl e 1b low In m Iiit p isseahl n Atk fur Mr J I in 1 nnr. WmH Wilsev &C6. euris Building niiiiii'iOT i - r i"'ii"inrji',rfi'i 6122 COLUMBIA AVENUE ( I -I ii Three serv tt . tachel mu Krn r i I. n in i I I K s-ml-de-h i i it - heat. 24xl'0 p Heel i iv t nns Jellsht ful henie i t sj i l riff-i Mastbaum Bres. & Fleisher U-l S I UllllllllllillUliJilhl I In ' i'i,iilllllllllllllllU COUNTRY SEAT Sten Cnlenl i! ip a f- m buthn iHr.t i n i in et hi t- w iter hit a 1 ni 1 1 i men lenttH tn u- j. ig m.ib e tenant h m- . nrrei 1 t,h t r r lien ehl -h I ti e-ch.irrt me i low j ruim i; htr ,i i t n titan t te we 1 kin w i f 1 ut ! ub 33 minn hs I n i t HERKNESS & STETSON i ii r it' i i i win ii 'H i 1 1 iiir ''iji'iiiii'infii'iiwi' MERION Ilenutifu it vl t Ce enlal riu v ith in eit trage t ,n ven out v situ ttt 1 h in stat in si ri in 1 1 hi i ii it auu -. tt i r hul I i g iving retmp eUsh Un 1 ed i mu 7 bedrooms I laths h.i I- tnj i t tiMied In Mil t nt I i ml g u al out ii n r if u I (hi i ii th ve w itv i nn be i in ha-, 1 it in vi-u il vv i lue ah . xi i Hit sing .n 1 llrst time rf A III i imp nun tv a Iv -e 1 ip t i i t 1 1 e if t CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (MOW. Is 1 I Ii . Ill ii N r ,ST Let Us Be of Seivice te Yeu If ou wish te iur ie tj t nt vr te ' i i I i i i T 1 , TI I II IMKs uf i 1 i ite mi t til NTIIV J'.Mir TltMt. A' Ki ( I. c1" TREATS TREAT Siic.iiU s In Sjburbin anl (.euntrs I'iepci lis vw pi ru u VVSI, 1J7 . Vl.SH I I I luslu fvet 111 tv. I v .inn nn ' 1 "I I I p. 1 ""' I" t i. 1.11 able J tl lull i 7.i ., .... icres vvendii fully h aces 20 minims 'r .1 1 1 t,i. 1 si s,..," Wrx,l,ri,v."l,'ul1' pi.iiSi.: TOP e IHUWufuii e"nT",ifiT' i,., ett points in IHIawar, ( eSn j ' ', ,'?', with stone heun sun ..1,1 .1 by old n... 1! rooms 4 bill,, sunpail.r hit ivt. ,e 1, tnb e ciiiaije g rl . ii un . v if fruit I it it tl .'iiinu in 1 1 l.le p 1 -,11111.. 1 J h . Ml II 1 l Ul U (j,, 1H HIE llllH, I, t. ii 1 1 m n i 1 ml i n ,, (l ' j Ph I 1 mj m .Iur bui n 1 1 V I I. vv Pi 1 .! V 1 VI V I 1. t . 11, f , vrmui. 1 .. wen jiu , ... Miri,,I 1 t tra.n and tr..l , tenter entratue hall, u chambers !! baths modern ihrnnvh. sL!ffiv&mflsaffi- OAK LANE An ali-stone sml-detahed reel reel denra with a most pleasing In lerler arrangement, large living r mm (With open fireplace), dining room, kitchen and laundrj en first M .or, three chambers and bat'i m se' end flour 2 chambers and bath tin third fleer, garage, l'rlca SKI.O'JO. OVERBRQOK ttin and br ck heus' lib arge peirh and spacious Hi fleer ar rungement 4 chamli J baths ard Ibrary en second fleer .1 t Lumbers, bath and Htorereoin en third central-Plant heat garuge lui 75x150 It Is sldem that we can urUr se attractive a home nt su h a relatively low price. fJj.OOU. WEST PHILA. Thin tnent attrnct.V'J J - ter hu im stunted en h. crn r 1 Werk from the cur ltn Inrleae I jiuich. larye Mlnir room w th opt n i ',n tf u i HiiP d iatlM nd b imnl crlllnjr lAfRf Itrltfht din lnr room lirrnkfABt room kitchen unl rlrltfeiat r room 4 cham cham bete nnd t.kd !ath !th nhewer n lit) Heur ! utnhfrn nnd balh en third fleer het-watpr heat, electricity end cim, hard woeil floern throughout Tilw l-'atitlful chirful hurne priced at $10 000. OAK LANE Detnched ull stone cttage In the h rt 'f (ntk I. ne reitr ' ama anl Cflth avenue, containing (1 r etnn and b Th tin a let 3'xl00' Priced at joene for ftukk sain Unh't overlook thli house If It mcelH jour requirements S " !""" itUHMiltl HUH I A REAL SUBURBAN HOME m rJh, ,1 H!" from Clty . yt B right In the heart of the ceuntry: all H "y cnnenier-es. flne automobile g read- in all directions nmpie lawns. H h,arte,nnl fruit trees, brick mansion, m with l.rge living room library, din- fe3 ing room kitchen, open fireplaces; & large pir hs S light airy bedrooms, g medsrn bath garage large enough for H setern r ir ami chauffeur's quarters; M price nnd t rms right for quick sale. I y Realtor eK 1 M i,. sITH STATION J I i ?tiiiiimiii:i'ilr"iriiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini'iiili"i iimimmiraiMiii mmm hL'ITADI.K for tenvaescent home, etc.; large dwelling beautifully situated en high ground wlih l rejm cottage and garage! 12 n ties from City Hall modern plumbing, electric ,ii,ht ng 10 minutes walk from rail rail rea 1 Hiai in and trellev about 8H acres; part in wuetlland A acres In garden and farm the latt r tlpe for building lets; low prl-c "itner 4303 Spruce st. Telephone I'resi n 4HS llnlldlnc Lets OLENSir)l-"en iMfu! bul ding site en Hub erts nve 7."1'.0 one of the few choice Ies left nil , r time ether lets, all sizes ami wet" fulH Improved 1323 up WM.T.B. ROBERTS .Sc SON tl enslde Pa nm SAM- I1YWOOD Twe adjoining lets each ftUilSO ft.; Wayn k" 1 block from station A 410, Ledger Office AitnMtmi aTOSC AMI PLASTHH Hersi: Mated In best ra Ien en nert i 1 containing 17 rooms 3 tiled '' cnnmiers nut water heat. "'ii in tMisneuT eeauiiruny inted grounds fcarage with man's c-vn be seen only by ar- ii' HIRST & McMULLIN in r-t intoei) llk.nA 111 I rn shrub! t I tl e i I in it 1 i tu . Trim house nn moil , .ii 1 t ,t xl n ,., hade n I " I f r J en i w tier must saer -M ri i lit i a .1 Tr j' i a . Aid I1KYN Ill .Mem- n If t flwu 11 THIS 2 hatha nA nun te em. 1KB HirKl Mil near sta. DOSS tin ti ti i .-ins t. M Ai an 121 w Chestnut f IMI1II MllllllllllllilUlllllill'I'UllU'lllillllllllilllllllllUII, CYNWYD st ir e an 1 stutre i In I h mie 2 ur parage large i near stall in in lern A 128. in ii i ti u s for IIS 0JU in'ii iiibiii mu mmiiiii.w w mmmwrnxmumi IlltlAI I. Illl. I. 1 'l. d i i h I il i i in in i !. s T ms un I bath ga vnch lis H Iflth & New Listing . A7 tore ir I n i t , Inline contain- W tJ ii w 12 r inms S Inths 5 cham W M 'fm kiiig f r ne ear med 13 -rn ihriugl iut I named prhe H Q !!T Toe H HIRST & McMULLIN J? fA- i r uuliu j& 1 rt Km i, l.f.lvISs VMUl M"V lii.rh.d in ns intl bath 110 00(1, n t. It n al Kir mill i baths, $17 300 8 u'le iiil Htuice (.iinriUl lst loiatlen. f 1 'tl M. 1 11 It, Mi rum k I incnln I41UB or Klklns Patk ftl'r7tn Mel CM7 W Fj-.ltN It (UK Itl.AI. suburban liuusen vacant lets and va uab.i turner sites fur builders en easy teuiis Htil'll Mr II2 Neijru nve ' nirmi mxnek ( lltiiril suburbiin bit l.llng" sites clear titles II diwu tl per week when Iwlil In rull will assist vjU in building and tlmntinu nut I .tnt lde.,i In. atlen for tome and fmllv Mr prutet lien nesr cir iln.-i I 1 ull. 111 1 - uileii. stores schools Ji I ' ir 1. un. 1 1 streets with water 1 I e , 1 tie ny tr un SUN'. 2'I2 K 'lujh.ji.i I'bene FOl dO.U 11A.V It .Modern frame and isuiT. tes shuigle bungaluw-i H riiu(n, ballii alt te suit Xecum A jL'awixa Ce., aa). MJ&M4 m It ml ! t M , w I v i v4ui.. "dft ee rfc- Jht-bft V&1j 4, . ,J"taw' fc4sl..iAi .r 'te!!fc . il'l SJUSBSJ(U