Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 12, 1921, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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WiW"P m - -. , I...... " -rTE
ia',y(i"3lw'uyJVTPfV''r -ey-"f5,"7
' it.
(Jt 5. Arms 5fairf
v Is Wel1 Defined
Continued from I'nee One
Certain senernlltlc.i, surli ns the ns
Hirnncp of Chlnn njrnlnst foreign ns
.rMSlnn. JtiMt ns Mr. Wilsen seiiRlit
the protect ion of the smaller nntimiH
jf t la world iiRiilnkt nggrewUm by t lie
'blC iiiitien-. It linn only 11 Kenrrnl
upiniHim in view, just ns he lintl. The
(rniible will be en the tlrtallB, jnet us
Itwfis At I'nrif..
The position of the t'nlted Stnte nt
tOth cenfeieiirc is Inherently the smiie.
It is the hlsteiie American position
thai the nntletis of the world linvc a
richt te dcelep free from external in
ttrfereiue tluit ImpnlrH their norer nerer
fltntv Mr. Wilsen hud In mind ran ran
ehlncrv, the l.eegne of Nntlens. te
achieve this end. Mr. IIurIics Iihh no,
maehlnerv in mind. The meat he hopes
ter is mi Agreement among (he grout
l'owpre wliiiii may tke the form of n
Mi." tti'l.Ws desire for n Letigue of
Nations prtucd n tetiree of wenknetR
te liltn. J lie (iltier I'ewrrn muicu mm
i,in leaciie for certain consideriitiena.
Mr Iliiftticft "nvii tills country nshs
rintliini? from the conference. Hut te
an rvt'lif of which lie l net entlrrly
my nre he H uklii&f the ending of the
Anc'e-JniiDnee r.llinnre. 'Tluit con cen con
tummntieti bulks nhiie.t nn Inrge in his
mind n- the str.iilnp of n League of Nn
tl'ini did in Mr. Wilsen's nt Pnris.
with whnt cnnseiiuenees no one can yet
Ne One ..Man Dole;;.itlon
The Amerlcnn commission starts tin
Act better nuspircs this time than it
did nt Paris. During the Paris con cen
imnc there was one meeting of Hie
American delegation in the beginning
trifl net another until Mnreh or April,
when Mi. Wilsen made his famous
tenure of eliding for his ship, the
Geerge Washington, te ceme te Hrest.
Thfre was no Mich entity there ns the
American delegation Mr. Iaiibing,
Mr. Waiie and Oenernl Bliss ummI te
inert ecnlnnnlly and talk ever their
tfirrews te each ether. (Jolenel Heuse.
having the privilege of entering higher
sphcrrs. ignored his nsseeintcs. Presi
dent Wilsen wns unapproachable by
any one except Colonel Heuse.
The American delegation actually
meets and organize this time. It will
work together. There will be tnutunl
nml'TMiiMlinj; turning its members. Its
tas will Le cnMiT than that confronting
Me Wi' en ar T'iiiim. U is working for
tin? rrad'cil, net the unattainable. Ne
en" rxp"ts loe much of It. Ne mem-y-
,.t i. exicits the Impossible.
Pail Hile Is widely known in Phlla
dp'phm. although lm gave up liU rel-
riM'V Iitc some live years nge. He is
tlv ion of Air. and Mr. Kreileiii-k
of hi- slaters is. new Mrs. Hnr-
oil Hump?, of New Yerk, whose two
fl" ighters, Constance and Fnire, have
r eiitlv anneared en the stne and in
t mexies, Mr. Hinufy was Miss
O-rtrude Miles.
Anether sister.
who wai MIs Ada
Miles, married n
Mr. Kurett, of New
Me Miles was former chief of the
1'lvls.len of Russian affairs of the State
Department, and since August lias been
n peeinl assistant in the department in
connection with the armament confer
i tic
prier te 1017 he wns a special lis
lttniit te the American Airi,bHSsnder nt
l'etrngrnd and Inter t-erved ns secretary.
ef the Heet commission sent te Hiissla
hr President Wilsen.
Announcement of New Course at
Kenoingten Starts Something
Beauty vs. Shorthand, n match at
th.- Kensington Y. W. f. A. last night.
win wen by n knockout by Ilenuty in
h Tery first round.
Whatever inter" the girls may have
In nny of the ether educational facilities
fff'-ml by the association the aiinounce aiineunce
ri'nt of the start of u clnss where they
C"uld l'arn te "make the niet of them
fdvcfc." started a rush that necessi
tated the limiting of the number of
The new clnfs will take up every
pbise of removing the wrinkle, dressing
the hair, clothing the body and the
thousand nnd one ether things that arc
n part of making a girl "leek like what
she ain't."
(Jirls ranging from eighteen te
twenty-five yenrH se rushed the regis
tration clerk when the announcement
of the establishment of the e!ns was
made that the size of the class was re
duced te fifteen. There Is n long wait
ing list.
Members te Open Bureaus and Make
Personal Solicitation for Veterans
Olknhema City, Oct. 12. i Hy A.
T )--A program for pests of the Amer.
lean Legien throughout the country te
ioiiew in comeaiing me unemployment
Problem was Issued here today by Hey
Heffmnn, of Oklahoma City, chairman of
the National legion Committee en l'n l'n
empleyment. KktftMlilmiAiit tt 1 itnn dmnlnvmpil t
bureaus te get in touch with employers j
uu urge employment 01 war vchthm hi
all possible openings was asked. I.e I.e
llennlrcs In, paying positions were asked
by the committee te "act iih lilg broth
era te less fortunate men, nnd lend the
money te furnish feed and shelter dur
ing periods of unemployment."
Soldering Furnace
and Appliances
Manulnrturcd by
I. D. Berger Ce., 59 N. 2d St.
B'll. Market SSj AVtleH-, Main 8TI
-We Buy GeXd
run jickttn for ilinmend 1euKit
Tllfr llln r-m . cur...
Penn SmeSting Ce
""i ril.lir.KT NT, VM. IHH7i
1' Chr.itnnt mul l!th.
"hnr Acker's QuiilUij R,'mi
1 '"( formerly Itxrttttl, wi'l
lie nptnrtl thr mutt mntlex .'
"" uii-tn-iUilr Heslntiriim
in (I Cafftena in the I m'ef
' 'n'r i
&) states f
pK KcstauraiU 3
X- Cafftrnn f
ii kj
V llifihc.il tiniiiltiril nl ;i rvtce II
B ' Vepulnr prirrs JL
J ' addition -a ilelicatr.sen, bJI
S Va'try, ntZ fruit ihtiuri' H
'Dry' Agents Bought Liquor
Freely in Saloons Here
"Many saloons In Philadelphia are
selling whisky openly." snld I. (I.
N'utl, acting chief enforcement ngent
ef.the Cnlted StnteH forces Inves
tigating bootlegging.
"Agents Investigating conditions
in Philadelphia had no difficulty in
buying both whlky mid beer in the
saloons of Philadelphia anil through
out the State of Pennsylvania. Thrse
cenditinim will bn wiped out nnd
nctlen will be swift and sure.
"The responsibility for such con
ditions rests entirely en the
shoulders of the Federal Prohibition
Director for the State. He should
see tluit the law Is enforced."
Calls Philadelphia
Bootleggers' Nest
Continual frem 1'flKe One
method will become public property, be
cause by that time we will have acted."
Will Arrest Any Violater
"Will you say if there will he nrrctn
of violater1" nf the prohibition law?"
"We will certainly arrest any one
we find has violated the law when we
imve en hand Millielent evidence te sat
isfy us that we can convict."
"Your Investigation shows that prac
tically every saloon In Philadelphia is
openly selling whisky?"
"I enn safely sny that there ere many
saloons in Philadelphia selling whisky
nnd that our agents had no difficulty
whatever In buying it. We are! compil
ing evidence and will lake care of it In
due time."
"Who is responsible for such condi
tions?" "The reenensibllitv rests entirely en
the shoulders of the Federal Prehibi
tien Director for the State. He should
sen thet the law Is enforced?"
"Will he be held responsible by Com
missioner Haynes?"
"That is n mntter te be answered by
Commissioner Haynes. Whatever in
formation we hove or will receive will
he turned evor te the coiiimisienor and
he ivlll direct whatever nctlen fellows."
"Are your men new checking up en
he withdrawals of whisky nnd alcohol
made hy wholesale drug beuses and
ethers holding permits?"
"Yes, we lire new cheeking up en
permits for withdrawn!". This will take
some time, but we are going te find
out a few things about them withdraw
ills before we get thringh."
"Will you snv whether them will hn
uholesnlo relocation of these permits?"
"A grcnl number of them will no
doubt be revoked. We will revoke' the
eermits issued te these we lind have net
heen withdrawing whisk) and nliehnl in
emplinnc.' with the lnw."
"Who in respenslbb for (he issuance
nf these permits?"
"Tlint Is another matter that you
will have te take up with the Com
missioner. All thnt I knew i that we
have en hand evidence that alcohol
withdrawn for a Philadelphia account
hns been shipped te Washington nnd
ether peiuts. where It has been disposed
nf for the manufacture of whisky."
"Whnt nbeuf the disc-goods whisky
withdrawn ostensibly for uc in the
manufacture nf medicine'.'"
"We are cheeking en that tee. We
want te knew just what particular kind
of medicine the whisky Is used in nnd
Incidentally we nre going te find out."
Nutt would net discus just hew far
the linesllg.'itlen 1ms reue along these
lines, but smiled when the names of
foreral se-called health tonics used by
permit holders ns n bnsl.s for securing
their permits w;ere mentioned. It 1
known te the Investigators that much
of the alcohol withdrawn never
gees into manufacture of medicine, but
la uswl in the preparation of whisky.
It is nlse known thnt the statement
accredited te Director McConnell te the
effect that only one permit hns been
issued hy his office since liis appoint
ment, last June, Is erroneous, yend
quarters in Washington nre nt n less
te account for such a .tnlemeiit, as
their records show that between twenty
nnd thirty wholesale drug permit have
been issued for I'cnniylvniila since June
Officials in Washington point te the
fact that holders ej basic permits, is
tiled before McConnell assumed office
te whelesnle nnd retail drug houses, may
have withdrawal permits issued te them
nt his discretion without reference te
Washington. The holders of basic per
mits must, of course, be approved in
Washington, but there nre thousands
of such permits in existence, having
been issued dining the regime of Com
missioner Kramer.
imin Peimlt Helders
There are iiheut 'KKll) permit holders
in Penns)lvania and It lias been found
Ladies Keep Your Skin
Clear, Sweet, Healthy
With Cuticura Seap
and Cuticura Talcum
Oven Baked Beans
In Individual Pets, 10c
You'll never knew hew
geed Baked Beans can 3,';fj
be untU you try our. WK
24 Reilauranti
etnlmllu Urnl.J. J? ? KS3
intrally (ecattci.
r-'.-' - .,,. j.. 1 1 MM
"i-,"t Mti-""
THE pain and torture of rheuma
tism can be quickly relieved by an
application of Slean's Liniment.
De net tub, as it penetrates and seen
brings warmth, case and comfort, let
ting you aleep 6euiully.
Always have a bottle handy and
apply when you feci the first twinge.
Veu will find it just as geed for
neuralgia, sciatira, lunibaRe and any
rxtcrnal achf. It ii splendid te take
tlv Piin out of tired, nc'iing muselesi
tprains and Etrains and 'ame backs.
It id dean and nen-hhin-stainini;.
Fer fetty vi jr-i Wein's Liniment ha3
proved itu'lf t thriu'inds the world
ever. AM: our ne iRMter.
At all druggista JSc, 70c, $1.10.
X Oven Baked Beans ;
M In Individual Pets, 10c t
fi te? '!.' i
II llliWI-T -
that n Inrgc majority of them nrn nt
this time open te question bccnilsc of
forgeries, duplications, fraudulent Is
Hitnnce nnd fratnU practiced by the
holders after procuring them. Tills
condition Is the met grievous 0410
Commissioner Haynes has te contend
with nnd It Is said Hint with the
revocation of such permits Hie liquor
situation Is bound te cleur up te a
point where the law regnrdlng It will
be respected.
Commissioner Hnyues himself will
net discuss the situation in this city
nor In the Stnte.
"We hnve the situation In New Yerk
well In hnnd. I might snv that It Is
100 per cent dry," snld Conimlsslencr
Hnynes, In New Yerk, "nnd I hope te
de the snme for Pennsylvania. Just
hew we will accomplish this 1 cannot
fay nt this time."
U. S. Holds Pert
Te Supply Jobs
Continued from Tntt Onu
tern mny be excused. This Is peace
time, however, although the feel fiction
prevailed in Washington until recently
that we were ftill nt wnr with Oermnny,
notwithstanding thnt the Inst gun In
the carnage had been lirrd three jenrs
With n ilelny thnt suggested indif
ference, or the ItHelenee of power, the
Washington authorities permitted flve
months te elnpse before the petition re
ceived attention In the shape' of a reply.
W. K. Heyuelds. cemmandnnt of the
f'enst (tiinrd. en August HO, returned
the petition te the Cnlted States Dis
trict Rnglueer in Philadelphia, who
transmitted It te Director Sproule,
president of the Heard of Navigation
The petition was refused.
The reply was accompanied by n long
dissertation en various . Federal law's
and quotations as te the light of the
Government te continue te direct the
affairs of the pert.
Case of "Investigate Yourself"
Frem the documents returned it would
seem that the United States engineers'
office turned the petition ever te the
commandant of the Const Guard. This
was tantamount te n command, "inves
tigate yourself.''
And the commandant proceeded te
Investigate bis service.
In the request forwarded te the au
thorities in Washington Majer Moere
nnd the shipping interests set forth the
following :
"The l.'nited States Coast Guard
Service i new maintaining liu the pert
or fiilinileipnin) ni a large expense
three beats, fully equipped nnd minucd
nnd paying high wharfage charges. In
charge of an officer designated as the
pert captain. 0 man no doubt of high
nl'ninment but possessed of no local
knowledge of the conditions of the har
bor nor is he in touch with general
shipping matters.
"Ne jurisdiction whatever is exer
clet ever the Foetion of the river at
Chester or Marcus Heek, where the vast
nil wflneriefl nre located, nor en the
Schu)lkill Hiver or the upper reaches of
the Delaware. Vessels arc allowed te
anchor promiscuously off thesp points
and off Chester.
"I'ntil the shipping enmnrsnity arevi
'11 masse against these ennditlftns ves
els were allowed te anchor off the
harbor, blocking the ferry slips nnd ren
dering navigation within the city limit.s
both difficult and (longeren.
"One serious collision, involving the
less ni life, resulted from this lack of
supervision, and innuni"rnble complaints
ns te the blocking up of decks by ves
sels tailing within dangerous proximity
te the outer ends of piers were re
corded." rtcplics With Gunrilrd Denial
Mr. Reynolds, nt the end of a fiv
months' leisurely inspection of Hie situ
ation, replied with a general, 'though
Igunrded, denlnl of the fnetr- nlllrnied In
the petition.
At times he was equivocal and evn
Men's Hat
YMe'irs. nrba nnd
e I t 1, rtemedflfd
In'n ln't s'yl"!i und
r-trlmmtl ciual te
Jeffersen Hnt Ce.
135 S. 10th St.
Th InrXfNt n
fiirtmfnt of Hnt
Vramri In I'lilla-
Csll any time nnd make your lelectien
DAI FY Lareel Hat
lrlJULj 1 Frnme Display
612 ARCH ST.
Hl-.fmrnnm Open 0 A. SI. In H I. SI
rc first, with
Plirclnl rflenufi rarh week
The nemc e The .Vete Cdlsen'
fi. XV. Cor. KltTtnlh i Wulntit SH.
! Ttcllftht Information about trur, rm.
"VkklkvIb 'ivnirsTe mmmrrftfff
I Rir
when itJ
fait. Can
atfarh t
uieat nor
Md tn nreesure but renter umm
lilfta. Thumb nrrrvr udJuatk nrrsien. A-
Vnnliinl belu und Mipperter of tnpert
, ,CinrltiiHiin TC'llhnnt Ctinr
I. n. SKlVuKV, 1M7 WALNUT T.
V"! Ont nrM Kn tnv pfr.n
ivrK!i;i!:i!nrdiii;iiJTi;!innfiiTT!inii-ii!i' tiiTiiiiiTH;ii"'i,iTin-ii:rjii!i'i'.!;riif:i,jFi.i-i:ii''
You'll tjuste the i
At nil our Stores
s fTW i
' ' - 1 !
2) ' e s -intM
r. uHJiX
sire. It Is unfertunntc that he quoted
from Section I), Article I. of the United
States Constitution, that:
"Ne preference nhnll be given by nny
regulation of commerce or revenue te
the perts: of eue State ever these of
another." '
The ports Of New Yerk City and Nor
folk. Vn., from their proximity te the
open Men, hnve been the only ports In
the United Stnte.s In which tnc Covem Cevem
inent assumed control of pert Interests,
All ether ports. Hosten. Haltimere, etc.,
hnve been exempt. The preference Is,
therefore, ngainst this city.
Again, unfortunately, the com cem
mandnnt nf the Cnnt Gunrd, which Is
the seaboard police and detective force
nf the Government, quotes from River
und Harber Act of 1111. ns follews:
"The Secretary of War Is hereby
authorized, empowered and directed te
define nnd establish nnehetnge grounds
"or vessels in all harbors, rivers, bars
and ether navigable waters of the
t'nlted States whcneer It in manifest te
the snld Secretary that the maritime or
commercial Interests of the United
States require such anchorage grounds
for safe navigation."
There were the exigencies of the time
te justify the Government taking con
trol of this pert during the World Wnr.
Thegrentcst shipyards in the world
were turning out vessels hv the s-ere
Warships were cemlug nnd going. The
harbor was greatly congested.
Condition- Different Today
Ne such conditions exist today. It If
the consensus of opinion of the entire
maritime power of Philadelphia that
there nre no interests of the United
States which demand Its continued cou ceu cou
trel of the pert.
Commandant Reynolds slipped a cog
when, following ils invc-tigntlen of h!s
own cervlce. he stated :
"It has been necessary for the Coast
Guard te make ninny changes in the
assignments of the commissioned and
of the warrant personnel in readjusting
the Coast Gunrd te n peace -tim
There you hnve the milk In the eocc eecc
nut. Coant Guard officials, with the war
ended, hnd te be taken ew" of. They
liad te be "readjusted" wph nw Jobs.
Te use n crude simile, suitable neles
hnd te be found for a certain number of
blue nnd brass plugs. Why net con
tinue te use the pert of Philadelphia
as a place of assignment for the per
sonnel of the Const Gunrd Service''
Should General Reach, chief of engi
neers of the nrni). or Gen"ral Henry
Tnyler, ehnlrman of the Deard of
Rivers and Harbers, cheese te deny the
above, they might ncrempnnv Hie de-
i nlnl with nn explanation why Hosten
l I Tl-I.l C! I. T--I... 111
unti Ditiiiiiiiiu'. n'i uiinuii. .no kpouvhi' kpeuvhi'
New Orleans nnd ether ports have net
received their polite attention as has
Philadelphia with Its Ceist. Guard
Anyhow, they might elucidate these
two lines In the United Stnte.s Con'tl Cen'tl
tutinn quoted above, Hint:
"Ne preference shall be given by any
regulation of commerce or revenue te
Hip ports of en! State ever these of an
Fer th Ms' fur ' t I '.in? eo-erd!-pnii"1
th ptlMle of th Pal nl
ArUritMns ilrrimrvt of national
.t'hertMfr tn this dMtrlct. IInvn plan
ne'l anl directed effeeitv inrchandllne
campaigns nnd ravn innd a deep Mudy
nf the fWd of retnll llln(; N ftfk
Inrr eennetltn lt'i ip"niitble cempanv
wlie ,a pl.inelti? tnr ih pncVcvanl awlim
nf th hiil!ii".s n'liri'ilum. Th m nrd
iriinnt -l"l Mh- I'pvrt v ! tn nip'
vm.v i.Fnr.rn nrnrr.
f r.OFFRF. 2C
Chocolate, Het Water
Any Styl? nr Hlx
Kitchen Equipment
Fer Hotels nnd
Rnnfft-Ji. Pam TAb'r
Plate-H armors Or (M'
Prtnrrj, foekrs, Vat!!
Irenn. tr.
217-219 S. lUh St.
mimm decorating
' lT-WPk Cnurs under tht nrtnnnl I
direction of
nf value te linm-innKcrs and
these who ttiMRt ceuntel in
tefcrpiien te mutters ! nrt.
f.td for f elder giving full detaile.
Tuition ?10
Oe IS 7 30 I' II. Oct 10 T 31 P. M '
at H'liMiriR Verlh ButldlnR
65fl ft SJ.insi.rn Sis. 1013 v T.ehlRh Av
The Y. IYI. C. A. of Philadelphia
Marief" and vurA Ss.
Where will your life
insurance re?
A life insurance trust
rafepruHrVls thf money,
provides for it 3 wi.ip in-
cstment r.nd asrures en
incemp te your hciip.
f r( Our Officer Explain
Vat- :i
f k
fewsi w wi vMwmkwijSZMT
courtesy of common life might
fl. lab
uggest tnnt tney explain wn.v,
representatives of forty steamship
protested, nnd all the marine In
4 of the pert nnd the chief of
of the city, they were net rccog rcceg
nt lenst te the extent of giving
representatives 11 henrlng before
ilef of engineers before he turned
their petition.
the .
lispntch from Washington of te-
day f
ays :
'cderal control ever the hnrber nnd
if Philadelphia may lie accepted
jT-gy-af nri.
rHERE can you
will go as far as
SSiim l juhl'iiijl
2am C. 'mill T mil an f
0 JkrJfl &-WPSk
m range wLSw
NF Phene, Spruce 1446
gr MIIBM''''aM"g-Jii'i'i'i"iiw"iiiiiiuiiiajjiiiija)gjMjijru iinijiiLiimiiBmium
l4JfM Vl f E UN,VE??SA!-CAR i
j A Seimd Ieestsient j
X7HERE can you spend $355 in meter transoertation where veur dollar Ii i
The initial outlay and the after expense are se small that
Car will pay for itself many times ever whether used
pleasure, for business purposes, or both.
The sooner you place -your order, the sooner you will be
car. Terms can be arranged.
Jehn lljrhftr
07X4 Puf'.'en Tin)
Dus'.lei 'ii " ."n
r.. m. n-irtictt
4310 ni"" si.
lUrlnK uai
Cnh! f rrfl Moter".
7210 Wn..lllHl A
H endl .n.l "5215
t. A. rimnlnih.nn
t'.Vl.H7 feuih P'M'l St.
ri-s .n 4377
H.-i-. i'-i.M
Itehrrl r TeiilUrnl
71t!i "I 11'" r - '
rrluli' . r.7
OCTOBER 12, 1921
ns pcrmnnent, nnd will net no relin
quished. This Information mine both
from the Wnr Depnrtnient which has
lurlsillctieu ever all navigable waters In
the United States, nnd from the Const
Guard which is vested with authority te
enforce regulations for the control.
'"The only reason the Government
dlil net take control of the pert of
Philadelphia prier te the wnr wns that
It lacked facilities or fulled te perceive
the necessity for doing te. Regulation
went by default. The authority was
there. IihI wasn't exercised."
"Senater Penrose, it wn.s lenrned te
?.g wTigp
'Mr HrrVe Seilim ISS-?1?
Inte Every Peerless is built that amazing
dual ability te breeze along silently, softly in ordinary
driving en a thin trickle of fuel in the "leafing" range;
and, at an instant's notice as the "sporting" range
responds, te rear defiance at distance and hills.
Here is rare flexibility, acceleration and grace of
motion in a meter car that can be purchased for a
comparatively moderate price.
De you seek VALUE? Then consider the distinctive
advantages se apparent in the Peerless and compare
prices. Here is dependable substantial value in a
time of unsettled standards.
Touring Car and Roadster -ith new permanent tep: $2880
Ceupe: $3500 5-Passenger Sedan: $3650
7-Passengcr Sedan: $3790 Sedan-Limeusine: $4060
PRICES F. O. D. CLEVELAND: War lex net included
231 1 Chestnut
Sjgcg3.jT mucta5!j;ayr.- ,,5rf3t?sS5fcrea!T, riire3
spend $355 in meter transportation where your dollar
in the purchase of a Ferd Touring car ?
will go as far as in the purchase of a Ferd Touring car ? 9 ;!
Authorized Phil arlel pfu'a Ferd Dealers
llnrrj- S. lrne!i, Inr.
i '.'iv rrji.i.r.ini a
Ktna'.r.Btun 277. 7U
nji 7.'4n
Urnrr A (.tinUf
4131.3H N irth Hr al .-
v )"in'ns (7S'J
KcxIlr-f.irffnHoeU Ce..
'lf22l irnnniwii Act,
fibrin i' tow n Iter..; i
Norih no:)'.'
The. It. lurllnd.ilr
348" 4t Virth D- uil St.
.1 4I7 77
r.k .'. .7-1
Maltrr I'rlri
.' in 3. Yerk -its
rmumn I '.ti', i
.autliwrnrrn Atrnrj,
fX-t 1 nIM"iir A
Wnl Mil 4n;.-,
'ln A Mrnnn
11.14 ". i K nlni:'. i ,.
T. llnfTmin, Inr.
grth Urual p-
mnri lta.-rj :-i7i
ltnnlf remniiiy
241' imj'Ii S'
rpir 4inii
1.'fU .Ini. Inr
H;'(n w mi, .. .
n. - A
t ' I'- f" . i T a r...e, . rtf-rt Mi:i
day, wrote the War Department a
month nge protesting against continued
Federal control of the pert of Phllu
ilelphln. General Tayler replied, ex
plaining the statutory nutherlty for the
control, und the Senater apparently wen
sntlsfied. The correspondence In the
mibjeet censed with this communica
tion." Frem the above It appenrs flint
Philadelphia's own pert efHclnls nre pert
efficlnls no longer. The scepter has de
parted from Israel.
Captain Jehn G. Berry Is the new
i3 j
h H
lujSi ma
Street, Phila.
your Ferd Touring
as a family car for
enjoying your Ferd
Vnlvirtl Moter Aurnry
3427 Oiennut ht.
Prenuii 3.'l Wait 1780
nrrr .t Ktrpalti
.'nth rh'Mnut Ms.
ll-'ment !124
Wst 1717
Hl .lrirrt Accur,v
2.M7 ll V Olrir Av.
PenUr .17t
I--ir Mrti
MftnnHr Alltn
"i Hleh'n-. A.
'ciut ii .i jn
Itnnhmn Mnlnr f'emiinni
apinTiT raiBTJVs
' u
........- .,-. -.-1 j, Wm A m , 1 in,,-.,. e, lll'l
IlnlJi Htxrn
llv the fumeiin llrrllti Mrthfid of,
IfttiKtMire tnttrurtlnn rnu en qutckl
Icmrn haw le rk. rrirl nnl writs ,
ny moeerri lftnieiii(t-Kngiun in
rlurlfr). I'rlvnl" or elms Instruction
hj' xi)frniil tin tit k tenrlirn. Day
Rii'1 Krrnln c,n'p ItcaaenAlil
tuition Aflt for Catnleif.
1511 Chestnut St., Spruce 4604
I ;tpf..vin f'l' PL
Straycr's Business College
807 Chestnut Street
The bt tralnlne In therthAaa. frvewrlt
Inr. boekkr.n. penmanh!p artthmetli
rrxlllnr trimirnr, bulnn rorrepenlnc
euntlnr. tatetmtnthtp tnd cileulttln t
margin" eprMln. Nw cltea atrtlr
new Dny anti nl PnIt1en riinranUei
What would you like te learn' Teene. Wi
rut n.ltj.
S13 i0 for t etttm
32 10 tn- 7 minth
atari nrtnbr It
flrrnein KtrnlniT nurilvr
Vanamaker Institute
?3! M) UALMT hTIli:KT
The new prnfeielen for wnmn Insirue Insirue
Hen Blvfn in t"rennl M'erk. emp'ov emp'ev
mi'nt caftrig fai-tr first ai)
mpleve.v rprontaMen instructlnn bj
w-Aman mth 7 Vfart ereMne Moderate
net a-33. i.nnr.rn errirK
it k a n e n r k b n r e n
Every office anrt hutne require Boe'
Keper r.r Arrfiun'ants. Teu ran rt one
them coed.perlrn roltieng bv taking 01 -.
jrinretjRh end prarttr.il , fl,,r,.s Day B, j
SVr." 25. r "'",- Indiv'dusi l.tetruetle .
. -.,-, r'iirnnin Enm en- time
niiL.i. nrsi.NKss college
and f'ellee of ( emmrree
1017 thretnat St.. Plillndrlphia
S5 a Menth,. -N1B' "cioei.
f a "enu,Day Tuition. 115 a ilenth. .
Shorthand. Typewrttlnif Hoekkeplne, Seert
tarlai and Hulne Adminietratlen by p
rleln- iriHrd teerhere I'AUIER CUa.
SKIa Si-hoot., ifl s. Tenth street.
Philadelphia Turngemeinde
Krhoel rroernn Pent. 7 Gyniaaetlrs, Pwlir .
mlnr and (jtriujii, rtoeklet ou rtuurc .
tnrull new.
Jlfejl . nnd eln-nM-i tr.
sis l.r.Tiern nrnrv:
J Night Classes in Bookkeeping
Tniirh Tt'tk. C.rerir Shorthand Machlt
"ilru'tt'.-.ir 'A-r-m-'-r rhTr M.lnnt 6
Tiir rWi.ttn vrnent.. inn; Mirket s
Vnunt V'rmrh f.iidv. experienced tenche
itfcrl- -r 'Mril.iri''. f'AJree 'e frtrl
sma : k"ip 'f rht d-en for mernlnits ar
f-e'-r. i-p In "n r' iv'-he
Phila. Scheel of Office Training
Knter new and i V In 30 davs. lieat
rr.1tlen fe-OT-Rfjn tDT- TEN In 8ne.
rtrhv nr TteVn'ne fyder Wdr . 30 3. Irt.
Emilie Krider Norris
"chr.nl of expre!ei ar 1 etare art Ste
of wn rxper'nred teaehrri Dlplem
17U Cbretnnt Street Nprnce 3t:
CIIA-MnEUS INSTITUTE. Ta.i cleu... ferr
ITT- m-n ni wnm.ii, i-nn.. ;:i'4n Arm !
Itrrrnrd Scheel. 131 1 1ctnut Sf , rie. I50i
Dra'tlc Art. Cur nt Events in p-mi & Qp'
TennB Wemn and Glrle
Ilrend & 3!.T-trr Bte.
Dee'm Fine Ai Ne i'la.e In Rird
ArchUertur.il Dmlrn. Mural Tieeeratler
MXI.1CS. N. t.
St. Jehn's Military and Preparatory
Srttrutl Mnnlina ll ml'es from Syracue.
cnoei, manuus Cnnip., eautp. wei
ordered athletlce Business prep, course. Jur
or 8ehoel. 34tli yr. Oen. Wm. Verbeck, Fret
T5nt 27S. Mai'lm V. V.
Ben Stad Orckestn
Musicales, Weddings, Dances
or Private Concerts
OrcKestras furnisKed for all
Phene Spruce : 3530
The Musical Blue Boek
of America
Under New Management
The er.ty national rt.mUrd refeience
ivnn the whole fte.d of muii" rem
" ie recletratien cf Jrus.ra' Artlels
' is r Cluhn and Federation, Independ
e i Musirn' Ortan latlcms. Mui' ichuela
'.Tl Ii duel-1. n
Kererpe from r.tiee ef the tilted
-airt it! I'aneda ineit mhuflt r
I" ' n''ri.a dr! and iir'Uts may
'. fa ! 'preeented If nev :: Lem
ni jr -if u,th
IIIXNfllF tOPi: AM.EHT, Mannrer
tlrlte r. or nhene nr"rj 7SJ0 Itenm
M, r.tev nitllcllnc. Ualnul, et 17th
Pinne Playing
Taught Beginnei
in 20 Letiens
Adult Ileet'Miere a
Spec Iriltv
Adrnnre Teuree If
Ven Neu riHv
Phunn .,.r,.KU A.1A,
i.H'Ji'.TENSKN hrnoei, or rep. jiri
ISiO hytnntMjnA VU JIniXA M
The Meredith "o,dieDramaticAr
Ju es K Meredith Dremet.e rilr-eter
TrlLite nr r ir, lriB'rur,en ,'e- en,j ty,
nine. M,i if 1' 1 r. fro, ral d re, 'rrr
ll2T'- -' 10 p' ,ST" ST- Spruce SOU
Phila. Musical Academj-
Germantown Branch
30 East Walnut Lane
" V ".e T"h S.u- ,,,n Ts,
.inri'll IV t I W;if? Dlrec.
Soprtme-T 'earlier
t I hurch Oratorio Concert
' tiilln 412 Kit he.lmit Ht
'fc 'k 1
Main Sillix
1117 bprme Mreet
' ny time s,lld fn
r'.i'i's " '
rrrppe 't'i
I'Mire.lu (-"tic.
lAOfj Maelrr hi. In I epiir 73en
. .1'" Vt'.nm l?."h.ti!,,ar
i'li 11 A. e.NHi,;it Tutv "or iiiii!!,
II. VAN I1K.N III.IMT ) "'recUir
lfl MM 111 10TII NTItr.KT
C TSCHOPP N :ti. hi.
.. . ., V . -"' H- I'tll HI.
Menilnl'n llenjr, iiilfir .lllier
A. T. Maynard, Mus. Bac. A. R. C. 0
'IIH H mm..' .............
"2jl C lieHtniil HI. ltarliii; OOOt IV
IAPIr'Ci"kM Teaener of inuniiE. i7lnr-...
jnv-rWUlt 'H t Write fnr Isiervieir,
KnllflMtv lilt
leUn limlrudlen.
t'ltealnut, Btreee',
bunui itti,