(--rfv.--fcir. mrrflMWKkilmtkmmmmmmmmUnlMm m 1TM'11 Hill 'I h i IP' i i V WilW ti... ' Vw Efc mM w III ISlItling UhltC Wzbtt Philadelphia, Tuesday, October n, 1921 PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1921 '" SSiasH $ " ' J A j4 C i j'jjrtt a. - v!iL , v sv;. . v rssT "vsi. .- m ... . jj3j 4'' ' saiSMv fc,T:Sfifflaj r-nri'Mri- -- . lM.lTtfnrir v,.:i UK : :.,k-' lK: Bmf jIm fc?feiiJip3P!s!JBlrlfllBy m ri "Tilt I A NASTY TRAP. Mrs C II. Vnnderbeek, n Philadclphinn. n n gutter during the nntienal championship golf tournament nt Deal, N. J. Her caddy ia nn Interested spectator. He stands en the feet bridge ievicit SPLASH. The ball landed in the water between tht thirteenth and fourteenth holes at Deal, N. J. It wa up te Mrs. Latham Hnll te get it out. She did LfiVl'1' ' I I . II I I RISKY SPORT. Hanging from a win dow of a Washington hotel ns frightened spectators watch from street -" A f- AT WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. Mrs. Jeseph E. Widencr. a Philadelphian, during a morning Stroll With her deg .'-ntril New. I'hetu REVIVAL OF BUSINESS. A Rupsinn family head en his way home from market internatienu OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO mill I inn. iiiiiiimihii ni p i i j" 'I " ' - - T -- i -!, hi ill F f I i i i - iN CHINESE PARADE. Tills quintet of pretty Chincse children filled an automebilo la he precession as it passed down Chestnut street. It was the celebration of the tenth anni versary of the Chinese Republic Lmiscr Fnote surv.ce MRS. T. D. WONG (left) headed a group of fiagmnkeri when it wns found that commercial houses did net carry Chinese flags. Miss Katherine T. Lev is with her u p.s. A'APPY HOCKEY PRACTICE. Girls who nre trying te make he first hockey team of Temple University out for practice. Miss Oorethy Bough (left) is battling with Ruth Stifer, captain i' s. CHANGED HER PLANS. Miss Dorethy Baker went te the Hollywood Colony, Les Angelei, Calif., te start n movie career. She met Dr. William W. Gardner. New she is Mrs. Onrdner Int r aM'iiul OWNS A BLUE RIBBON DOG. Mrs. Geerge H. Earle, 3d, at the Germantown Cricket Club deg show, where she exhiv'tv1 ' irrimie ",-rice FORTY YEARS A FIRE FIGHTER. Battalion Chief Hugh Colgan, of Frankford, will take a "day off" tomorrow. He will crle rote nt iU l,v,p, (vi9 To'resdnln nvpnne i.,-rr rhem ..ni.e EMIL P. ALBRECHT talks en unemployment In an Editorial tit ayyfrv"w gairaj liiikkKJK'CKJ.fH mAAJFf fkkBLXaT JkkB VkkkikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklkkkkkkrlkkR- uv.a. iUBBBT MAVULLANE, 814 Percy street, drawing in barrel staves by Aa nld of a small windlass, se that hoops can be placed, at the N. & II. vwwmu vvofsrage company, Moere ana waxer strcsti r- - t'EW YORK SISTERS. Miss Burke Yuille (left) and Miss Nancy Yuille, both ten nis devotees, snapped as they finished a match et White Sulphur Springs, Virginia. At the right is Miss Melissa Yuille, returning from a morning's hike cntnu nw Photo "GOOD AFTERNOON." Special Police Commit slener Barclay H. Warburton tips Ills hat as K - 'wtu Hkieuv Amvf r ijigw mwtxx t2LnmUi,IVER?ITV FOOTBALLERS. Captain Gray U tackling O'Brien as they practiced nt the Klngsessing Recrontlen wwr yeaiOTuay morning. The team haa e hard Bchedule k .'. n 7 i. ,.