A.'k'fX fi j?j irni T"zr"TflW jq ? f FJ-" iytiWwil?iW$i " "' l ! The trader who wants the latest news en Mining, Oil arid In dustrial securities and the trend of the market should read this Week's issue of the Invester &. Trader tJittJ far thi busj man It contains an article "Ate we in early stages of a Dull Market?" thatwill interest all traders. A copy given en request Ask for TU-501 J ones &. Baker Member! NewYerk Curb Market " SireerPrivMe'wYfei KrvYerk Chlcite Bolten PhlltaelpMs PUtibuffh Detroit Dtlllmeie Cle(md PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widener Building . . Dtll - - - Locust 4730 Telephone Keystone - Race 8861 BALTIMORE OFFICE 433 Equitable Building Telephone! St. Paul 8451 FINAWCIAT. tt TUB nOM)KRH OF nONDH OF THE nEPIDLIC OF FKANCK 8 nRDEKM ArtIJ5 NATIONAL IXJAN OF 100! Ousrnnty Trust Company of New Verk hun bun Informal by the financial ftgency of the Firnch Government In the United States tilt by the drawing of September HI. 1D21, bend i of tha rtepublla of France S Redeem Kbit National Lean of 1020, of the follow ing eerles. ., . 74 end 37B have been called for payment en November 17 1021, and will 'be reedemed en and after that date at the office of the French Treas ury, in rrl, France, at the rate of 1800 franca per 1000 Franc bend. Interett en the tends e drawn will eeata en November 1. 1021. In order ttiat holders may receive, with out delay of collection, the value of their bend of the series te be redeemed, the Foreign Department or Guaranty Trust Com pany of New Yerk will purchase the benda at the current rate for exeruinge en 1'arla. If presented at or shipped te the main of fice of the company. 140 Ilreadwny, New Terlc, en or after November 1, 1021. Bends of thla Issue. Seiias 01)7 and U7 were drawn en September 10. 1020, for re demption en November 1, 1020, and Serlea 170 and 2C0 were drawn en March 10, 1021 for redemption en May 1, 1021. OUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK rropennlB GirUKD POINT 8TOKAOE COMPANY Sinking Fund Netice Staled propeaale for the ea!e te Fidelity Xruit Company, Trustee under the mortgage 8f the Olrard Point Storage Company, dated April 1, 1800, of a sufficient number of bend lisued under aald mortgage te Invest the mm of 120,047.00. will be received at the emce of eutd Truatee, Nee. 325-381 Chtitnut btreet. Philadelphia, until Hntnr. sir, October ISIh. 1021, nt 12 e'rluck neon, The right Is reserved te reject any and all FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY. Trusts WM. P. OEST. President. rniiansiimiit, eip'Bmpfr .nin. 1H21. tr Dlildi-nd. lNTi;ilNATIO.NAU l'APKIt COMPANY New Yerk. September 28th, 1021 The Beard of Directors hae declared n regular nunrterly dividend of one and onr enr lialf per cent UH7r) en the preferred capital lock of this Company, paable October l.ltli. 1011, te proferred etockheM-ra of record at the close of limine October 7th. 1021. OWEN.SHnPHCnD. Treasurer. Aniimil Meetings rSf TUB LAND TITLB AND TRUST & COMPANY Ilread and Chestnut Streets October 4, 1021. The annual meeting of the stockholder ef The Land Title and Trust Company wl'l te held at the office of the company en Tues day. October 20, 1021. nt 10 o'clock A. SI.. at which time en election will be held for directors te aerve for the ensuing year, LOUIS A. DAVIS. Secret a ry. Kgr AT A MKETINO OF THE UOAItl) OF ' Directors of Tnceny Trust Company, held October 1, 1021, a semi-annual dividend of S'c ($8.00 per sharp) was declared pay able Netrmber 1, 1021, te stockholders of of record October 15, 1021. Checks will be mailed BLIA3 N. MOOR Treasurer. JS3 THE ANNUAL MKKT1NH OF THE rontrlbuterH te thn I'ennieliniiln Training Scheel for Feeblr-SIIndcd Clildlren will be '.mid at the Institution at Elwn, Delaware Ceuntv, Pennsylvania, en Tuesday. October 18, 1021. nt neon. (Bleni-d) I HOnERTH COMFORT. Bcv GILLINGHAM 1922 Prices New Paints, Any Shade, $2.50 Gallen Lead, Oil, Turps, at Prices Slightly Above Cost "GILSPAR" at $2.50 Gallen A Varnish for Oenernl Use 12 1-Gal. Cans, $25.00 "Opalite" Enamel, $6.00 "Reckvar" 5 Celers, $3.75 Gal. "Rocklustre" Enamel, $7.00 Taint and Varnish for tha Heme and Contractor fj, C. A. GILLINGHAM 00TII A l.OCl'ST 2IHT S. MIIARTON 12TH S. MenillH STORES JAMES IVB. IRWIN & CO. B-tUIVlOEIR! JffNft's1 Wall Beards Tar Reefing Paper 111- ri I" WHAT eii want W6 UellVr)r Tle WAY seu want It UlflCe& Yard F.lghlli Ht. M. Olrnrd Ave. WATER METERS instull NOW for 1112'J Meter Rile A ' I'lnm'...- ... PHILADELPHIA METER CO. 042 Real Estate Trust Bids., Phlla. We Design & Make Gear Drives ACME GEAR CO. N. V. Cor. 7th & Weed Sts Phila. William R. Chapman & Sens I 1506-08 Washington At MASON BUILDERS vm ...... . A,'se OWNERS "!KrrHIAlKLPHIA IIRIt'R COMPANl Capacity of 80,000,000 per annum Kerbnugh Lime Company builders' Hnpalus 3 Jehn T. Dyer Quarry Ce. Ilnslness F.stnhllstiril 1K0I BIRDSBORO TRAPPE ROCK Harrison Bldtr., Philadelphia, Pa, etibllehed UBS llelh PbeaMS) STONE FOR SALE N. CANNOE Contractor MM N. 2td St. 0f 1880 TBID ENT ENGINEERS IN DRIVE FOR LASTING PEACE International Movement Starts at Dinner te Hener U. S. Delegation DECORATE PHILADELPHIA'S New Yerk, Oct. 11. A movement for internntlennl nence through the united pffertH of the engineering and nllied pro pre pro feinlens throughout the world was Insti tuted Inst night nt n dinner in the Ho He tel Pennsylvania, where 200 prominent engineers met te honor the delegation of American engineers who visited Great Urltnln and France te confer the Jehn Fritz Mcdnt upon Sir Rebert Hadfield, of Londen, nnd Eugene Schneider, of Paris, The movement hnd Its Inception In EHRETfc SLAG ROOFING EHRET ROOFING & V MFG. CO. . DREXEL BLDG. J Jt DAMPPROOFING ana wAiturKUUHiNti prelilems setted. Result innrnnteed CRACKED PLASTER AND STUCCO WALLS ran be economically repaired and resurfaced with MORENE LIKWID SEMENT Send for additional Information. THE ARV0N COMPANY Heed Building Rell Locust OtlOS Key. Race fllBOj FIREPROOF UNION METAL PORCH COLUMNS Last a Lifetime STEEL HEART OF PLASTER METAL LATH Steps Fire Prevents Cracks WALL BOARD SHEETROCK It Easy te Erect PEARCE FIREPROOF CO. 134S ARCH ST., PHILA. WANTED " BY nationally known Chicago Bend Heuse, a well-establishrd Philadelphia bend or stock concern with active selling organization te sell (without Commitment) high-grade First .Mort gage 8 Per Cent Serial Geld Bends en attractive basis. The bends yield 8.25 per cent and are the obliga tion of a strong industrial corporation, rated B aa in Meedy's Manual. Bends approved by the Railroad Commission of the State of Wisconsin and the Securities Com mission of the State of Michigan. Address A 530, Ledger Office. L Baldwin Locomotives Are Built te Give Service The prosperity of any country depends largely upon its railroad service. The solution of transportation problems often depends upon the motive power used. That se many foreign railroads continue te send repeat orders for Baldwin Philadelphin-built locomotives proves their vnlue and their suitability for the service required. The Baldwin Locomotive Works Philadelphia -sj a . - in. r-ir . rzznn i jw Se draughts children ten play en fleer all uinttr ai wtll at sammtr WHY YOU SHOULD PAWNEE PIPELESS FURNACE ..Mft.Vfr. It Heat the Whole Heme Through One Register An even, h a'thful temperutur main tallied, although Installed under the most rigid conditions. In easily Installed without tearing up floors or walls. r,; JJ J135.00 ;J -g $150.00 20 82' J18B.0O THOUSANDS IN USE WRITE FOR nOOKLET lMumblnir. Ileutlnr mill Pimm HiiiiiiIUa 80 N. 0T1I HT. BOB ARCH UT. rilllHKUMHA. PA. ID A rtCDKRAI.. CAMDEN, N. jr. LANBDOWNK, l'A. EVENING PUBLIC the World War days when the eavcral branches of the engineering profession were brought together In laboratory and France In net seeking and will net scck te evatie payment or ncr war ecdi, II n sa n T.I jal amsV Tisah ! ?r-.H Hiii ijllrl a UUDWJI XJ1CUU11. iCJlCll vvnnui ivii- ernl, told the diners. He predicted that with the thrift of French peasantry, the completing of engineering projects and the co -operation of the French colonies the country In twenty years will ran among the wealthy nations of the world. Ilrenze medals, struck by the French Government In honor of the American delegation which visited France te con fer the Jehn Fritz medal upon M. Schneider, wcre nrcscnted te the presi dents of the four founder engineering societies, te the chairman of each indi vidual delegation of the mission and te tne general chairman. 'JLIiche were re spectively Geerge H. Webster, of Phila delphia; Edwin Ludlow, Nev Yerk J E. S. Carman, Cleveland; W. BreClcl Ian, Philadelphia f Charles T. Main, Hestens-A. 8, Dwlght, New Yerk; Ira N. Hellls. Worcester. Mass.; F. 8. .Tewctt, New Yerk, aud Ambrose ewnsey. Cleveland. J. vljiend Daves, president of the United Engineering Societies, was toast master. The speakers Included II. Olos Oles tor Armstrong, the British Censul Gen eral; Prof. Jacques Cavalier, exchange professor of engineering nnd applied science at Columbia University; Mr. Swnscy, Mr. Jcwctt, Dr. Wight, Chnrlcs F. Rand, Jehn R. Freeman, G. J. Clappcrten nnd Governer Hart ncss, of Vermont. Washington, Oct. 11. Proposals that the United States cancel the nllied debts were described as "a vnln Illu sion and useless rhetoric," by Ilelnndl Riccl, the Italian Ambassador te the United States, In n statement given representatives of the Italian press In Vlareggle, anfl cabled yesterday te the Italian embassy here. The Ambnssoder was quoted as say ing: "Ne American political leader could ever entertain n solution which would be entirely te the ndvnntage of Euro pean Interests unless he really meant te suppress himself nnd his party. Te forfeit European leans would result In n heavy burden en the United States budget, which would signify a greater nnd henvier taxation en the people. It would seem evldcnt that a much mere prefitnblc attitude could be drawn by debtor nations In abstaining from proposing demands that seem impossible for any State te grant." Legien Excursion Rates Urged WnshliiRten, Oct. 11. Fifteen West ern Senators pelnctl yesterday In tele- i grams te emcers of the principal west- I pni railroads urging thnt the Western carriers grant a ene-ccn-a-mlle rate te I the Kansns City convention of the American Legien. Eastern railroads have already granted such a rate. Crage Sworn In as Member of Heuse I Washington, Oct. 11. Twe new 1 members, Themas S. Crnge, elected at large from Pcnniylvnnin, nnd A. Piatt i Andrew, of the Sixth Mnss-nchusctts district, were sworn In estcrdny by the Heuse. Beth nrc Republicans. BINGftHEA" aTiNfr Wfkl I I I4ir,.-n WiL 52Walnut St. VI T PI. W.riMT DCIfKT OBB.NGASPECtA '. INSIST UPON HAVINP. WM liasirNg BECAUSE Lew Cost Cuts Ceal Bills .Ce 9ISOG, 0LEDGER--PHIl)A3En5PHIA', TUESDAY, E Cloveland Qlrl Says She Is the One Sought by Wealthy "Hobe" WAS SAVED 3 YEARS AGO Cleveland, Oct. 11. A girl who be lieves she Is the one for whom Jack Searles', rich Alaska lumberman, hns been searching, was found in Cleveland yesterday. The Rtery printed In n local newspaper telling of Sendes' plan te ioek for n girl by posing as a "lmbe' and tramping ever the country nttracted her attention. Senrles was forced te conduct his search in that unconventlonnl manner because he did net knew the girl's name or address, he had no picture of her and was net even sure she lived in the United States. Three years age this winter he found her, unconftcleus nnd nearly frozen, lying en the trail near his cabin in the Yuken. He succeeded in partlnlly re viving her. Then he started out te get n doctor. When he returned two days later the girl had disappeared. After nearly thrce years he hit en the novel Idea of looking for the girl by going around the country ns a tramp. The girl Is Ruth Wllke, twenty years old, who lives in Cleveland. The inci dent was recalled te her vividly as seen ns she read Searles' story. "My uncle, Victer Wllke, Is a fur dealer In New Yerk," she said. "He often mnkes trips te Alaska with my nunt te buy furs. Thnt winter he took me with him. "It was Interesting there, but It wasn't exciting enough for me, se I started out te explore the country. Be fore I knew It, I was lest. Finally I get sleepy and I don't remember whnt happened then. When I came te, I was In n cabin nnd n f-trangc man wns bending ever me. All my Impressions are vague, but I remember his face. He went nwny and the next day my uncle found me. "I would like te see my rescuer again. He was very nice te me and saved my life. I hope he comes te Cleveland." The final act is yet te be plajed. Will the wealthy "hobo' mc this story and come te Cleveland? PLEA FOR McGOLDRICK New Trial for Convicted Wheel Pump Gambler Asked Norrlstewn. Oct. 11. An nppeal was made yesterday for a new trial for Jehn J. McGeldrick. proprietor of the Wheel rump Hetel, convicted of cam tiling nt the last term of criminal court. The principal reasons -riven for n new trial were that Judge Swnrtz erred when lie refused ,t continuance of the McGeldrlck ensc. as requested. en account of the jurors who would try the case being present when the ether gnmbling cases were dispened of. nnd the fact that the Judge's charge was strong for conviction, and that net enough comment wns made en the testimony of Mr. utul Mrs, McGold McGeld rlck. BKPrlIRS We are equipped te de the work at your plant and save you the expense of Ions tie-up. Phene Wnl. 1814 nnd Main 3141 i Prffln..r,tMhlnlrti- V K " ZI2-222S.CLARIENST. Fair and Square When you buy coal from me you set a squnre deal. And If there should ever he the neces sity for adjustment I personally see that you get every considera tion. My business Is te supply you with the best coal at a fair price, with a discount for cash. J. E. KUNKEL Largttt Indeptndtnl Ceal Dtaltr in Witt Philadtlphia 63d & Market Slst & Gray piiBiiffliirairaiiMiBi M ' ?i Invest New in Bricks. THE sure way te make money is te invest in property that is sure te increase in value. Frem the time it is built, a wooden house decreases in value though the ground often increases se much ns te hide the less en the house. But if the house is all brick, then both house and ground in crease in value; and all the saving en a brick house in re pairs, painting, insurance, etc., adds te the net revenue, in creasing its value still mere. Buy bricks new at present reduced prices, put them into houses, and watch their value grew. When you want nny Informa tion about bricks, their kinds, colors, nuulltlcH, styles, uses or prices, the products of different makers, hew te word spcclflca spcclflca tlens names of cempetent archi tects, builders, engineers, etc., call up cither of our elllccs. F. SEITTER'S SONS Nlcetewn La. & O at. Kens. 66-67 H. M. & C. B. SINER Church and Tnceny. Fkfd. 14-89 JOHN H. EARLEY Nlcetewn La. & K St. Kens. 66-93 KEYSTONE BRICK CO. Qedfrey, K. of 2d st. pik. Fk. 3-84 ALASKAN ROMANC REVEALED IN QUEST mnniinH 6s j" Km. :'S I MiZSBW'iii M MrwlSlSsM; v D0YLEST0WN CATTLE SALE Dealer Frem Five State Assemble at Victory Farm Doylesiewn, Oct. 11. Cattle dealers from flve States were nmeng the 300 persons who attended the third quar terly sale of registered pure-bred Hoi Hei steins yesterday nt the Victory Farms, owned by Clement II. Congden. Fifty head were sold under the ham ham ener for $0251, but prices as n rule ,were considered low. Several bend from New Yerk breeders sold In New Yerk previous te this for three times the prices brought today. The highest prlce today was .$500. There were two sales at that mam. Blacrcs Prespcrlne, a slx-yenr-eld heifer consigned by Bennett & Latzcr, of Tvcllsbore, wns sold te the Wood Weed man & James Farm, nt Rising Sun, Md. The ether $1500 snle was Nether land May Pentine, nn clght-yenr-eld heifer consigned by Dennett Ac Latzer te Ucrnard eMycr A Sen. The biggest buyers were Meyer & Sen,, with eight head purchased for $1020. Twe ether large buyers were the Saucona Farms, Iicthtehem, $1145, and Woodrew & James. $200,000 TO PROBE CANCER Massachusetts Engineer Leaves Fund , for Investigation and Cure Plymouth, Mass., Oct. 11. A be quest of ?200,000 te Harvard Uni versity, the Income te be devoted te the investigation of the origin nnd cure of cancer, Is contained In the will of Hiram F. Mills, of Hinghnm, filed for probate here yesterday. After numerous ether public nnd private bequests, including ."510,000 each te the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Rensselncr Polytechnic Institute, the residue of the estate Is te be used te establish a fund for chnrl table purposes among mill workers in Lawrence and Lewell. Mr. Mills, a noted hydraulic engi neer, passed n large part of his lif' developing the wutcrpnwer of the Mer rimack Ulver, especially In Lawrence and Lewell. BURGLAR ROBS SICK MAN Wealthy Pittsburgh Invalid's Cash and Jewelry Valued at $1000 Pittsburgh, Oct. 11. Working m) quietly thnt members of the family heard nothing, masked burglars entered the home of Edward II. Jennings, president of the Columbia Hank and wealthy oil operator, Mummy night and nfter hold ing Mr. Jennings nnd the hitter's niire nt bny with n reveher, took n geld watch, a platinum chain, (he stick pins set with diamonds and S'JO in cash. Mr. Jennings who has been in ill health mere than n eer. passed the early evening with his family down stairs. He retired te his room shortly after 11 o'clock. His nure lind iust entered the room te nssit him when the lurglnr appeared. The intruder began a search which netted him loot snld te be worth less than $1000. ANOTHER BONFIRE BY GANDHI Bombay. Oct. 11. In the presence of n lnrge gathering in the mill district here yesterday Mnlmtma K. Candlii Nationalist lender, solemnly set fire te a pile of foreign-made clothing in connec cennec tlnn with the bojeett ngninst foreign im portations. Lived te Be 105 Years Old Lacresse, Wis., Oct. 11. Captain Themas Edwards, 10." years old, of Viela, Wis., is dead. He was said te Ik the eldest mnn In WIcen,ln. Better Trade Information Means Fewer Failures PUBLIC OCTOBER 11, ?321 BOSTON BAR WOULD WON'T TOLERATE REMOVEPELLETIER Suffolk County District Attor ney Is Second Prosecutor te Be Attacked ACCUSED OF 'SHAKEDOWNS' flMinn Hnf 11 T Wnntnit A1tfn. AMnrnnt r!ntinrn1 filtntiiti tr n f'nllf(T- ence Inst night with Henry V. Hurl hurt, president of the llosten Par Asso ciation, snld he had decided that sharges liHASttviit- 1 tli a MotneiiiinA rVirYI ttl 1 1 frOA fif Ul una, i it, ity niv vjiitidiur uii"" the nssoclutlen against Jeseph C. Petit" tier, uistrict Attorney ei auiijur. County, require that proceedings be ln- tlfiitntl In nimirilnnni wlHi tile rCCOm- mcntlntldns. After considering the committee s re re rert with Mr. Hurlburt, Mr. Allen said i, i..i ,1t,!r.,t n,t dm ntinrccs set forth In the report sustained the pesi tien tnKcn uy me nsseeinuiin m uen.". the District Attorney's removal. tll,i.l,( AfM..,v Pnllntlnr was charged by the council of the Bar As sociatien with Doing cuipnnic m uiu-ki-u ".llln.n." I,.. Inn-vnm In which $20,000 in one instnnce nnd $10,000 In nnntliAK nrn Lntil tf hnve llPetl tnl( tO persons ether thnn the District Atter ney. He nlse wns charged uy uic "". ell with failure te prosecute nn alleged confidence mnn becnuse a lawyer frlund wns attorney In the case. As a result of the conference yester day it wns announced ns "probable" tltnf T Allin nn.l flm Itnr ARSncintinil would join ns petitioners in bringing the information ami mat ine miuriij ftcneral and the association would each designate counsel te prosecute the In formation In the Supreme Judicial Court. "In accordance with his decision, the Attorney General is having speclfica tlniw nrennred for the Information." the announcement said. "Mr. Hurlburt is intending te mi n special meeting of the council In the Itnrt.iwtlnfn future tn Heler r tin nttYirneV te represent the liar Association nnd te take nny ether necessary steps in i connection with the proposed action." , Nathan A. Tufts recently wns re moved ns District Attorney of Middle- I sex Ceuntv ns result of chances sus tained by Supreme Court justices. BERLIN CHIEFS HURRY HOME Rumored League Will Render Ad verse Decision en Silesia Berlin, Oct. 11. The hurried re turn te lierlln of Chancellor V&rth and nn unexpected conference en Sun day between Dr. Sthnmer. the Am bassador te (trout liritain. nnd Dr. Resen, the Foreign Minister, form the basis of n rumor last night that the (Jermnn Government is definitely ex pecting nn adverse decision en the I'pper Silesinn question. The chancellor hns terminated his I brief holiday in Seuth Germnnv In order te be present here Tuesday, when it Is expected the Cabinet will confer ever the situation likely te be created by the verdict of the Council of the League of Nations. Dr. Sthnmer's , flying trip te Iterlin hns created the impression here that the Wirth Gov- eminent hns been warned te be pre- I pared for the worst. Successful business men no longer regard their enterprises as speculative. New methods and safer methods reduced the failures in the Philadelphia Fed eral Reserve Bank district from 926 in 1916 te 512 in 1918 and 330 in 1919. A wonderful showing for the new methods and means that have stabilized business. Men study business as a science nowadays and practice it with every regard for the rules that govern it. Business Science demands business news en which te base business action a definite knowledge of market conditions and the events that govern them. A business man must have all the bus mess news. A table of quotations means little without the record of all the circumstances that influence their upward or down ward trend. A newspaper must bring all this news te the busi ness man or it is net a business man's newspaper. Only one newspaper in Philadelphia one in the whole country gives the service that the business man must have. The Business Section of the is the business man's daily business paper he gets all the world s news besides in the one publication. Order of Agents, Carriers or Dealers HOTEL RUM SALES Prohibition Official Warns Man agers Will Be Held Acceuntable ON PENALTY OF CLOSURE New Yerk. Oct. 11. E. C. Yellow ley, acting Federal prohibition director for New Yerk, announced yesterdny that managers of cafes and hotels would be held responsible for liquor selling by empleyes, i "The first offense will bring n warn ing." he wild. "The second effensi will result In proceedings te close the hotel or cafe premises for one year as provided for by the Velstead net." Washington. Oct. 11. The liquor situation in Pennsjlvnnin nnd prohibi tion enforcement under William ('. Me Council. Statu director. Is te be inves tigated persennllj b. Iley A. Hnynes, Fedcrnl Prohibition Commissioner Mr Ilnjnes, who returned jestenlny from New Yerk, announced thnt tie would go te Pennsylvania Friday, would speul. In Pittsburgh en Sunday and be In Philadelphia en Tuesday . The Commissioner declined te Indi cate thnt his visit te Pennsylvania was significant in connection with the re port thnt Ids own agents in Pennsyl vania hnd recommended the romevnl of Director Mf'ennell nnd his staff. Regarding current rumors that poli tics hnd been playing an Important role In the udmliiistrntien of prohibition en forcement since the udvent of the Ite publlcnn Administration, Mr. Hnynes said emphatically : "I hnvi never been Interfered with in the conduct of my office." Hnrrlsbiirg. Oct tU William C Mcf'ennell, State Prohibition Director, resigned yesterday as a member of the State Senate from the Twenty -seventh District, comprising Northumberland Smiler nnd 1'nien Counties. The resig UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION Acting for the United States Shipping Beard INVITES TENDERS ON Meat Products, Fowl, Lard and Cheese Sealed bids will he received until October 17, 1921, 2 P. M., for furnishinp; such quantities of meat products, fowl, lard and cheese as may be required AT THE PORT OF PHILADELPHIA,PA. for a period of two months from November 1, 1921, for use of all cargo ships under the ownership or control of the United States Shipping Beard. Proposal forms and ether information may be obtained from, and ail sealed bids should he addressed te L. Van Middlesworth, Manager, Department of Purchases and Supplies, United States Shipping Beard Emergency Fleet Corporation, Roem .'1068, Navy Building, Washington, D. C, and endorsed "Sealed Bids for Meat Products, Fowl, Lard and Cheese. De net Open Until October 17, 1921." Bids will be publicly opened at the uaid ellice at 2 P. M. en that date. The Beard reserves the right te reject any or all bids. PLEDGER nation was mailed from PhltadetpfcjA Saturday and was received by 19. m, Ueldlcmnn. Llctitcnnnt Governer. Plr' rector McCenuell hnd two mere years te serve In the Hennte. nnd tinder the . Stntc Constitution he could net held a I Federal position while a member of the Senate. The resignation is effective as , of July IB. The vacancy will be filled at n snects.1 election next year, the successor te the former Senater being elected for two years only. Hndden Heights Church Debt-Fre IlfMlden Heights, N. .1., Oct. 11. The $7000 mortgage wns cleared from the Hadden Heights Methodist Epis copal Church Sundny, and n move ment was started for rebuilding the edi fice at tin' second quarterly conference of the church Inst night, with District Superintendent the Rev. Dr. Alexander Corsen, of Cnmdeu, presiding. ''FQ&& Stands for Weed Products erth. Better Iftnd LJ, . Gerryce Household Products Are Everlasting and better than ever. Every grade of Gerryce Weed Prod ucts maintains the old-time standards te which our im proved method of handling nnd drying has ndded te the quality of the finished product. Crdar Chcstx !ew en Display Frederick R. Gerry Ce. m.ii.ni:nv woodwork 1835 Market Street 'SrTaJpJsWJfc?7r,V- ssssssssl I I jWgHsBssaggVglg J J w Vj n m .' ii it m -4 VM.aaaaaaMaaHHBKnBaMma.Ma.,,,,! I pUHWII ltVtl"'"'jreWirWJIIIUMIMMBs1ttg I "MSMgMsMMSJMSMSMBiBMSaMSMMUMBSJSMMMagaMSlsHMMMn Mfcj ft-- ' ' ,.,; - .----. ' .. - Ai .... . - Lssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ' Jaflafegte:i M !r - w6fj 6