JWTTfSSf -M,y -Tfw IiEiDaEi-PHTCABELTHlA; TUESDAY, OCTOBER H, 1921 deposits in the face of a general decline is evidence of the confi dence shown in us by our de positors. In earning: that vast amount of geed -will we have found that a genuine desire te help depositors at all times is the most valuable asset a bank can have. Our depositors agree. Urges Dlsonrellod Men te Loy ally Retaln Voluntary Membership BR'. 22 EVENING PUBLIC f ! 111 ill 8HIFTS AFFECT HARDING EXHORTS llfTil f I MANY PA. NAVA! RFMMSTC IBfel l timiv .imimi i 1 1 If II 1 I I IIUIUI1U I II I 1 1 IL. IIL.ULII I IU I U wiwiim hi--- ImUII I CONTINENTAWQUIUBIE Tine a. TRUST CO. IL ' ipillllllllllllllllliIIM Annual Session of Methodist ft. IH "t 11 1 Protestant Churches Ends si1 - ,siiiiPr i $10,700,000 Ills IB X II continental'-' equitable Title Trust Company Twelfth above Chestnut Philadelphia Capital $1,000,000 Pepesits Over $10,700,000 Surplus $1,000,000 CHANGES IN THIS AREA DO YOU KNOW ABOUT CREDIT INSURANCE? T TNLESSyoucenductyourbusi-- ncss en a cash-in-advance basis, you need credit insurance. It is even mete vital te you than file insur ance. Bad accounts are mere frequent than fires and an uncellectable account is as much a less as if the geed were utterly destroyed. Ne amount of precaution en your part can absolutely prevent credit losses, but the "Londen" can and does pay them and "less" In this connection, is construed te mean any account covered under the Policy that the debtor docs net pay at maturity. It won't obligate you te ask for particulars. OtmSUPETV SERVICE Lesses Paid In American Cunrncy AT YOUR. SERVICE Established Eighteen Sixty-nine LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT COMPANY LTD. K. A. IRVING, General Agent Credit Insurance Department i Stokes. Packard, Haughtea &. Smith, Managers All ether casualty line. Bell Pheiw-Umbard 4190 434 W.lnut St. Keritene-Maln 4190 gefc ill M . iF "f- may prove costly. If time has imposed new obligations ; if there have been changes in your business affairs; if your executer has died or be come incapacitated ; if for any reason your will is net new up te date, there is real danger in postponing its revision. I North Philadelphia Trust Ce. Bread St. and Germantown Ave. Above Erie Ave., Philadelphia fitassbore, N. ,1., Oct. 11. A let of sinning Rbnut of pastors marked tn new appointments announced nt the i'IehIiik session yesterday of the annual ronferenco of the MothedlRt Protestant Church, eastern brnnch. taking in all of New .Terv and pnrts of I'eniisyl vnnin. Connecticut and New Yerk. Kleven of the changes nre in pulpits In with and central New Jersey. The Rev IJeerRc W. Toms, Jr.. gees te the St Jehn's Church. I'lensantvllle; the Kp II J. Vnttcrcen te the Sec ond Church, Hrldgeten ; the Rev. A. R Relchert te the Second Church, Millvllle. the Rev. Oceree n. .Tnck snn le WeHtvllle; the Rev. R. C. Phillips te Mnnnsqunn, nnd the Rev. Wllllnm Rowen te Seuth Atnbey. The Rev. M. 13. Mather retu'rnn te the Calvary Church. Camden, nnd the Rev. C. O. Kldd. president of the KiWern Conference, gees back for another year te the Grace Church, Rroeklyn, N. Y. The conference opened sir dayi nge nt the Glnsabore Iethet1it Pretectant Church. Refere llnal adjournment to day It wnn voted te niett next year nt Inn oed. Leng Island. Appointments were made by the stationing committee, comprising the chairmen of the four districts in the eastern conference nnd the assignments are ns follews: ttnitn Jersey District Ch.iirn-an. O. D. Jenes Atlnntle Citv Chrlt Church C. D. 81n 81n klnsen Atlantic fin Trlnlt '..erita D Jenes. Oreanvuic E. V R Hughes JV,-HHntll!e Mount 1'len.siint W. B. I'euet. Ilnsntvllle 5t Jehn's Geerirs W. I'ems. Jr ScullMlle Murray Ham'itnn Swn Point I.. V S-ulU. Inrnslmre W. I. Mi.rten lirnlKPien I'lrst W I Stultz MiidffMen Hemml Ft J Patterson. friendship ll.irrv Heunrd (Itasshore Jehn S Hulxer HardlriBiIll- Z. Weik.r M,llle First K I" ('ra k M .Ivllle Perend A R Helihert. MlllUlle Third Te t'e cuppllcd IM.'land C V. Letts imdn Cnlnr M K Mather. i'l mfnten Te be suip!l"d d'bb.tieni Purrs- Mllie- (Jearhartvllle Te 1m suppl.ed M mrit."n J W Mlnner. Penn.(frne s J Derian P"!nt Erta! 11. K Cirp-nt-- Westv ill- Jeerue II. Jacksen Vatinten rharl-s White Crntril Nev Jersey District Chairman. J. ' V.eds 1-nwoed J. C Cedv. fn Themas Heep r. Pair Haven J H Hrecer. (i endela H. Hampton Uake I'ome Samuel Hialr Manasquan It. i" Phillip" o.bernvlllo Te b" supplied Iteh-rtsvllle IHey Heeper Nmth Ambey William Hen-en Metropolitan District Chtlrman Reby T. Dav HI 'imlntfdale II t Petersen " 11 " n K 'ery fwm, Ke.-rnv S T Sllker i.it.ren Hamilton Avenue Kebert Mil er Paterson Madisen Park S r Ackly. Roseland (' A Teates Tompkins Cove Te bn supp.led Aqu-dunt Te b supplied Hald- In T II Slat r. Hnuikivn ilrarn Church C S Kldd. Ejstpert W L. Aneele. Inwued p.ebv T Day. I.vnbroek -II. II. Blackwood Moriches neerge E. amitn Ca-iterburj Edln St. Jehn Ces Cob A A. Lunnlne. Eastwoods Supplied by Stamford Krankllnten r. A. Smith. North Tarrtvxn T. W. Smith htamterd Jacob Troest. White Plains . V Deforest. Pennsylvania District Chairman. II J Bright. Dali-M.le. Circuit H J. IlrlKht. Plttsten Jehn N Hempstead Seuth Canaan and Helllstcrswllc S WIN ( assvlll Circuit Te b supplied New Albany Circuit W A Iluikell i elej Creek Simpsen Ilnnman Reburn (-Ircult Harr Stiles sh'ckshlnrv A. L reter.en lrn.c A C Struthers Uecemincnded for work Hairy Heward. Left in hands of picsident T. C. Leng. C L Vnil, 13. K. M. Cairns. Supernumerary S. S. Fritz. Superannuate.' II. S. Hull, A. II I'urdv. S. U. Fisk. J. II. Algar, N. 13. Webb, J. E. Shapley. Left without appointment at their own renucst V. W. Vnrnej. T T. Martin. (J. 13. Richter Students In AVesminsier. Md , Cel-cge--Chnrlp,i Reed, Clarence Dawsen, 'ifferd Richmond. Students In seminary nt Westmin ster R. C. I'hilllD, I-Rey Heeper. Jehn .Seaman, William Hurley. Transferred te unstatiened list C. L. Wultman, It. II. Hess, Edward Heslip. Ku Klux Forbids "Robed" Parades Newark, N. J., Oct. 11. Russell K. Trimble, King Kleagle of the South ern New Jersey district of the Ku Klux Klan, yesterday nnneunced orders had been received from the or ganization national headquarters In Vtlnntn, Oa , forbidding use of regalia iitslde ledge rooms. Thnt will pre sent a parnde in helmets and robes, which bad been contemplated. LETTER PHILADELPHIAN VihInrten, Oct. 11. Permanent abandonment of the Navnl Reserve force Is net contemplated by the Government, according te n letter addressed te Hugh Harley, of Philadelphia, by President Harding and made public yesterday. The drastic measures recently taken, when 225,000 men were dropped from the rolls, was forced upon the Nnvy Department, the President said, and he urged tiiat the men formerly includfd In the reserve "show their pntrletlsm nnd leynlty as well as their true nnvy spirit" by retaining voluntary member ship. niscnrellmcnt of four reserve classes wns ordered as a step toward reorgan ization. Mr. Hnrdlng said, adding that the department was new engaged in drawing up, nnd would seek te hnve enacted, n bill te cover the entire sub ject. Urging that officers nnd men apply ter membership In the volunteer reserve. President Herding said : 'ItH members can In no better mnn ner show their patriotism and leynlty as well ns the true nnvy spirit than by retaining their membership pending '"fther developments. xne necrfiefttr fa, n i.nmitti,Hiini, of the Nnvnl Reserve was recognized nt ." curiy unto in this Administration and steps were tnken te formulate n well -considered policy for the future, ?i" i . V,'len experience gnlned in the World War. Such n policy, if adopted, m,,st provide for supplying trained, or nartlallv min,i mn ;n .. m. plements of nuxlllnry ships in time for nntlennl emergency, thus obviating the necessity for withdrawing men from the battle fleet. "The npproprlntlen for the Nnvnl Reserve force nvnllnhln fill, (he nreiMi flscnl yenr wns net ndequnte te permit the reduction of the Nnvnl Reserves In nn orderly manner te the size for which funds arc nvnilnble without crcntlng a deficiency. It. therefore became the clear duty of the Nnvy Department te make drnsflc reductions in the Nnvnl Reserves nnd te dNenrnll from Septem ber IK) some 22.".000 officers nnd men. nil of whom, however, have been given the right te transfer te the volunteer 3Saval Reserves in which is known as Class rt, n status whicch Is without pay. "The Navy Department has no thought whatever of permanently giving up the Navnl Reserve force, but has been forced te adept seemingly drastic measures te cope with n situation with which It Is confronted." EXPERIMENT COSTS LIFE Bey Killed While Trying te Perform Wireless Feat Merrlsville. Pa., Oct. 11. Attempt ing te perform an experiment in wire less telegraphy which he hud been study ing, Geerge Ilefmelster, twelve-yenr-eld son of Mr. and Mrs. Geerge Hof Hef meister. of Newtown, wns shocked te death tsiiduy when his body came in contact with n live wire. The boy tied n bottle te one end of a piece of copper wire nnd then threw the bottle ever n high-tension wire strung along the Newtown pike. As seen ns the wire which the lad held came in eentnet with the feed wire the current passed through his body nnd a Inrge hole wns burned in his head and hand. Corener White Issued a certifi cate of accidental death. Tube KlUl -BrtrntSt Iren t Steel Ca-YeimtfttcsmQ rr ev"jsrrrr0vmiMrr7Mjj,i ca Because of our excel lent facilities we are capable of handling the small order as efficiently as the larger. Phene or wire our Service Depart ment in this city. McCUntic-Mnrshall Company 0nerI emeesi l'lttatmrih, r. rhtUdelphlm .Merris Hide. 'w Tork Cblcage San Francisce Mceiintic-MarshaU SteclBridgcs j Buildings Ifm v 'i i We Own nnd Offer Terente, Hamilton & HutTnle It. It. 1st 4s, 104(1 c. c. a st. i.. it . (0. W. M Division) 1st 4s, 1091 Consolidated Textile 1st Mtice. 8s, 1041 FeTrnes Ilres. A- Ce., Inc. lit Mtffe. Rs, 1030 I'hllllps retreteum Ce. 7H. 1031 Widenir Bum. Phiudilfhia WIWVOtK HJ1AUTM. HOILFHIA III WW " LI IAITM.eU. f THE NEW BUILDING OF THE Second National Bank of Philadelphia AT FRANKFORD will be formally opened for inspection en Wednesday, October 12th, 1921 (Columbus Day), from 3 te 9 P. M. Sent en Application ANALYSIS OF Northern Pacific RAILWAY CO. Recovery from recent traffic slump Dividend prospects Position of the bends Position of the stock Importance of Its oil lands These and ether factors of interest discussed in detail. CARSTAIRS&CO. Members New Yerk nnd rhlln. Stock Kxchanges 1419 Walnut Street Philadelphia 52 Broadway, N. Y. . H. Rollins & Sens Tenntled 1S70 Investment Bends 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia I'liene Spruce 8100 Boiten .Vcie Yerl: M'Wtcs-narre Baltlnvera Chicago Ban Francisce City of Terente 6 Geld Bends due July 1, 1951 Price 99 and interest These bends ere payable both ai te principal and interest in New Yerk in United State geld coin. They are a direct obligation of the City payable from taxes against all the taxable proper ties within the City. Send for descriptive circular WUiHM 'JTM Harrison. Smith & Ce. INVESTMENT SECURITIES 121 SOUTH 5TH STREET PHILADELPHIA .OHBARC t100 A Oil Prices Advance WITHIN the past week the price of crude oil has been advanced fifty per cent in nearly every oil-producing sec tion of the country. During the same period the demand for refined oil products, both for domestic as well as expert use, has shown a marked increase. The law of supply and demand, which has always been the regu lator of prices, offers today conclusive proof of the substantial betterment of conditions in the oil industry. THE MERIDIAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION is one of the most successfully operated oil companies in the country. In the face of the most critical conditions prevailing in the oil industry during the past few months, this Corporation has paid PROMPTLY at maturity en October 1, 1921, Principal and Interest of $186,300 en its bended indebtedness. This net only reflects the strong financial position of THE MERIDIAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION, but proves be yond a question of a doubt its ability te operate PROFITABLY even in times of unprecedented business depression. We have available a small portion of the First Mortgage 8 Per Cent Serial Geld Bends of this Corporation maturing in from one te six years, which we are offering at prices Te Yield 8.25 Per Cent Mail the coupon, phone or call for interesting literature describing this unusually well secured and high yielding bend issue. Hyney, Emersen & Ce. 59 S. LaSallG St., Chicago Telephone Randelph 252 1 r.un inrnms I HYNEY, EMERSON & COMPANY, 39 Seuth La Salle Street. Cnlcaae Please send me descriptive circular en THE MERIDIAN PBTROLBUM CORPORATION j 8 Per Cent First Mortgage Geld Bends yielding 8.3Sf. I Nme , Citr Srareu 3wP 3SS81 &rerati XI Z JH ' W 9 wVWfii 1 1- iT'inii Ttffi'"''TlEff jyftfcyv II f l 1 I lull Air Eat Saill siii.lBs6Sa.sS li I v SJ YvL ffliJL ' ' " ' ' '! V j JKWMSfrNP K zs;r CR.lSt' Rp ciivp tn mftRP vnur rVtmct whuvp ita tviect vtor-i'H-eU1s . vw -.- j v .- ...w.. , 'sav s, s tJSVUI. JlsUTiVUUlW ti.1 4V 1.1 1 .-a . l-sifr- Hter 4nH vc?nrir' -rlr c iyKae wel nU..n .-. I. . A44gAa, vi j uuw. w , wiai 10 vuti i uiuev aisjiva utay jucaiL ride,of deepest draught of water, if possible te lead oruhlead j Oiuiv uiv wi jrv j csv vuiiuwi uuamig UI lIilLCTdgC New latue Belgian Government 6 Internal Fifty-Year Lean Net rdennhl twfere. Oct. IS, 1031. Interest pnruble April 1st, Oct. 1st. These bends are the direct obligation of the Belgian Gov ernment. The present low rate of ex change for Belgian Francs of fers attractive possibilities of an increase in the vnlue of the principal and of the interest of these bends. ISSUE PRICE 99 Our foreign bend deportment receiving tutacriptiena for the above beiula, when, 09 and it issued. STROUD & CO. 1420 Walnut St., Philadelphia 43 Exchange Place, New Yerk Oorrenpendent Offices 24 Milk Street, Bosten 211 Colerado Bid,., Washington I I3B m ! Kn'tV 5 ' The Public it cordially invited MM -a Hi 1. . . . . . ' 1 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LOANS ssHHSi : . ,!'."1: Ylrl.'I Annrei. rieslni I Hl .... SelllnB lit I'lir (O (In! iVA fJJ f SI :-rr- rzr . . p H Issue. (Bllnlile line en fiillnhlp Date Maturity 10 IIWI JjVv' t& it I, - UHl lrt ZViC'0 1932 1947 4,7 4"15 89-76 KWsMiMl Kit 4 r" 1932 1047 4-62 4.325 94.90 wM"fck Minneapolis nih' Victory 3?4 1922 1923 4.67 4.125 99.40 WJWL IPl CD I .U H(. Me!. JIT id 4 1927 1942 s.40 4.525 92.90 l WSl llll St. Paul & Sault Stc. Mane gift "lit 4U 1932 1947 4.92 4.00 H60 unn . , . BO i .. Collateral Tnut 6 Bends Mm 2d 4M 1927 1942 8.65 4.77B 02.86 Honorable business dealings. Due SePt. i, 1031 &j, H . 4th 44 1033 1938 B.00 4.85 03.16 Cern Exchange Bank . ... 10 (if jH Vfl K 3d 4tf 1028 5.075 05.18 Pnc te yield ever 6y2 W M&Sk 1.) B; k .VUtery 494 1022 1023 5.47 5.10 99.40 VI M 111 nr - P n VrTy ; I r-ra.a.. . ..,nr-n .-A1Pr 9 l ElklllS, MOWIS & CO. ?tTrty i R EDWARD LOWBER STOKES Ww? Land Title Bidg., Phiia. NJ7 K ' 20 Seuth 15th Streot rv w aJSJ! w fc .- mr mMX&dmMimx I'aHH a'TBi .i i . . tins nWgrOl Vfmf V. V O HIB ' ji "r iTm7fA"ff 'M Z :s . William Venn 1681 Philadelphia and the World Outside The seal of the city bears a cargo ship. It's the emblem of one of Philadelphia's desti nies one that for several generations was thought te have been forfeited through neglect of shipping facilities. And then came the improvement of the pert J deep water, decks, warehouses. Ne mere vigorous championing of an apparent ly lest cause marks the city's history. The commerce of the War gave Philadelphia her chance, and Philadelphia "made geed" dem onstrated that she had well earned her place among the great ports of the world. This was accomplished by doing, net by wish ing and hoping! The era that lies ahead calls for constantly increasing study, planning and accom plishment. In the development of Philadelphia's telephone system the problems of 1925 and 1930 are net post poned. They cannot be solved when the time CmuM JThe.future will net take care of itself. Philadelphia must continue te match her indus trial and commercial progress with a system of communication which is always a step in advance of her constant progress. It is that "must" which is the guide of this organization. PENNSYLVANIA' ,-r. t".F'f'' ? f-ww M .fcjufcjjsit.fl.ji i1nSiHilwnf-