we " 'ftw ? "pr pm. t '.ri rwffr-"' ' i'l ! ITlvJ5' j r Cr ,'ic i'?r,;-,-, " "t ' J.' !' -' '-1 X . 21 LEDaER PHrCABELPHIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1921 UVBOTHG PUBLIC y vi "-i. MT itlf" r: railm I llilA IRWs NEW YORK STRAUS BUILDING r??.---!- SHflljHK Safety Tested and The best test of the safety of a class of investments is their record a record long enough in time, large enough in volume, te afford real standards of judg ment. Apply this test te Straus Bends: THE TEST The varying conditions.fa cenditions.fa conditiens.fa vorable and unfavorable, , during 39 years, including two wars and four finan cial crises. THE PROOF 39 years of prompt pay ment of hundreds of mil lions of dollars of princi pal and interest, without less te any investor. We submit that this record is ample evidence of the soundness of the bends we offer and ample basis for the confidence of the investing public. Investigate these bends and the reason for this record. Write to day for our "current Investment Guide, and specify BOOKLET 723-Q S. W STRAUS Sc CO. INCORPORATED OFFICES IN FIFTEEN PRINCIPAL CITIES STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA Telephone, Spruce 5628 THIRTY.NINE YEARS WITHOUT LOSS TO i!iimHiggmtm iji'Jmj. agsggngagyFi C0p7rlff.1t ll'SI. by 6. V Straus & Ce. Columbia Gas & Electric Ce. First Mortgage 5 Geld Bends Due January 1, 1927 BUSINESS: Controls, through subsidiary companies, the entire gas and elec tric business of Cincinnati and vicinity. Alse owns or controls about 1,100,000 acres of gas fights, pipe lines and equipment in the rich fields of West Virginia and Kentucky, constituting one of the largest properties of this kind in the country, from which gas is supplied at wholesale te companies serving Cincinnati, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Louisville, Colum bus and ether large cities and at retail direct te ever fifty ether munici palities. . EARNINGS: Company has established a large earning capacity extending ever a period of years. Following are the figures for the past three years ended August 31st: 1921 1920 1919 Cress Earnings $14,829,895 $1317,398 $11,686,910 Net Earnings (inch ether income) $9,818,108 $7435,825 $7,49 1,883 Rentals 4,565,537 ' 4,324,700 3,864,034 Balance $5252,571 $5,111,125 $3,627,851 Interest Charges U99.150 697,567 707,806 Surplus $4,553,421 $4,413,558 $2,920,045 Earnings for the 1921 period are equal te ever 9 times interest charges en the First Mortgage 5 Bends. EQUITY: Following these bends are $2,616,500' of 5 Debenture Bends and $50,000,000 Capital Stock paying dividends of 6 per annum. These securities have a current market value of ever $32,000,000. Total amount of First Mortgage Bends outstanding $11,501,000. Price en Application Complete circular furnished en request. A. B. Leach & Ce., Inc. Investment Securities 115 Seuth Fourth Street, Philadelphia New Yerk Minneapolis Chicago Hartferd Bosten Scranton E. A. CARLETON & CO. INC. 15 William Street, New Yerk Telephone IJrend 5118 JilW undersigned beg te announce the for mation of the above named corporation te transact a general business in stocks and bends. E. A. Carlcten ' ' W. D. Trucbloed l R. Wiswcll R. B. Tschudy.Jr. ut'TeHKit i, ltd II. D. Wcthling J IIIIOKi:it VA.NTl:i) Te tinclir- BROOKE, STOKES & CO. MO S. Fifteenth St. Philadelphia Washington Ualtimere wrltn fir plarr p.10,000 aturh lasur Inral iiniuarmriit (iirporntlen, Will lirnr rlfc-lil ImrnllRiitleii, Hlutf terms nnil iinrlH'iilnrs. a i3i, i.i:i)(ii;u ei i'K k l .iniiuiniiiii uiiiiiiiu nitiiiiiiiiniiu 'iiiiiiiiiMuinn MiiiiiiiMuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiinutnii Cinn. & Musk'K. Ry. 4s, 1948 P. S. V. 7s, 1922 P. C. C. & St. L. 5s, 1970 Penna. R. R. Equip. 6s Arthur C. Richards & Ce. Drexel Building nell. aVein. 70S6 Ksrstene. Main flUt !JiinrtflmmnmmmiruiifrBKnnniitnnntritiuputiruiuf:iHiin'int:mnirniuni.niiruin,nii 1003 ijjf.1 Clnn., Chlo. 4, M. L. . lU'a thrl.0',! KItrlc Ce B'a 1062 iiljtt ft Kledrte Cerp . 104(1 Cliv!l: 0,,"n A rUraen 4's 1010 .ELK. PHILLIPS & CO. New Yerk IBALE3 IN J 10001 a.tk np'e sf ATaSFali 1 T2H S 77 3 70 1 70 4 80 Canad'n Nthn OVii re (a 2.... '101 1.... 101 1.... 101 Atl'e Fruit T S 27 Chile Cep'r 0s Atlantte net'g B,... 70 1 70 et 0H 1.... 102 Chlle Cep'r 7 Atlaa I'wd'r C 7a wl 1 80 4 1 09 1 00 City of Urgen Proven 8s rtcs 3.... 100 I.... 10 0.... 101 1.... 101 ' Halt & Ohie ev 1 71 1 70 a 7i City Uerne 8 8. 1., Unit 2.. 8.. n 3.... 101U .. 71 1 101 O 3 Cty Chrla'a Bs .. 88 .. 88 10.... 101 2.... 101 1 101 3. 88 Halt & Ohie 4a 1 71 1 71H Halt & Onlo 8a 1 78 Halt A Ohie (la 2 03 1 03 City of Copen hagen BU 2 80 1 80 Cty Me dc Je- norle 8s wl 2 07 2 07 it & a p i k City Zurich 8a A W Vs. 4a 1 08 1.... 101 2...". 101 ItMl Telephone Cuban A H as of Ta 7a 1.... 108 3 100 R 07 4 07 07 8 cr rn B7 80 87 B7 Bfl r.e B7 R0 BOW B0 no 4 Peth Steel M 3 83 Ukn Edl D 7a 8.... 102 8.... 102 Cen'l of Oa en 6 80 fn'l of Oa 0a 3 08 CU Leather 6s 10 no 8 00 Ctl raclflc 4a 10 70 Cen Cere de Paace Cerp'n 8a 1.... 110 1.... 110 C&Ocv 4a 5 70 t 70 4 70 2 70S 10 70 "k & O cv 8a 8 83 2 83 -'hi & Alt 3a 1 30 Chi IJ & Q B-m 3 70 0 70 3 70 ESTABLISHED l88l Chi Hurl & Q II 3n 1. 71V II & Q 0a 1... 1... 0... 10... 103 103 103 101 10.1 ANY INVESTOR 1. hi & 0 W 4a 1 02Mi 1 0Si Chi Mil & Pg-t Sound 4s 1 03'4 hlcare Mil A St r d 4a R ns I'hlCAEO Mil & SH" 4s '2r. 1....-T5IA l.ili 0.e"t 1st ie m 1 84 rap Gove't 2(1 1 844 Jap Gevs' t 4 a 2 00 10 flOU - em; 1 oev. IC UelElum Oa 1 flfttt enu ae.. .. e.m K IleU'm 7W' fhlcnite Mil S SIPcv 4 4s 2. .. 04 1... . flli hlcnun Mil S. St'P cv Bs 1.'.... 63V4 C Si Nwn 3Vi 13 0T cm nniiwH n no P fd I Sz 1 73 n 72 2 71 1 71 i i. 10OT, i.... 3.... l l 20 .. ien4 ioe; ine'4 101 ',-, 100H 10014 'hlrasj Union 8 ct 0s .1. .. 107S f W I 7a 2 08 3. .. 02 K IlelE'm rcla 2 tens i lOrtJj, 3 100H .1 10O" l.. . ma ICinK'lem Dan mark ct 8a 1 1034 Kingdom Nor way ct 8s 2.... 100 1 3wednn rta 2 811 ; NIll '54 Cel'imbla Oai- A Ktee 1st 2 87 Del St Hud rv 2 80 Den Sa n O f,l 1 4.1 1 4.1 .1 48 Den illO In 1 08 Det Edl Ce 0a Queensl'd i:xt 2 01 Lean Ta nl 1 00H 1 00 10 00!i Det Tun'l 4a 1 70, Djje Nemours i'wd'r 7s Rap Chlle rets 00 00 1 .. 08tt 2 08H .1 08H 3 .... OS',4 Itepub of Uru cuy 8s 4. ... 08 2 08i Sae Paule of Drarll ct 8s 1 OflH 1 Ofl'i P0 00 00 en Krle Oenl Lien 1 43 Lrls St Jsy 0a 1 82 Flak Rub'r Ce 8a rets R 00 1 00 U K Ort Drlt A I'd '20 1 00 Oena'l Elea B 01 01 4 88 Goedysar Tire 00 4 00 'i A Rub 8s 1 104 90 O IVk 6s reta 00 2 0.1 U K urt tern 1 05 1 03 ft I'd '87 n. ... 80 H Gr'd Trunk 7a 2 80 2.. 103 R 7e 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 2 80H a Nthn 1 14.... 1.... J.... 10.... 3 80 Mi V S Drasll 8a 10 1. rt i! 3. 10. 0. 2. I 00 H 00 H 00 hi 00 00 00 00 00 1.. Cleveland Pittsburgh Hud R. B. A Man fd 71 71 00 2 70 B ... 70 III Cen 4n 'S2 2 74 U 3 Mexico 4s! 3 .... 42H 1 42H fl .... 42 Ills Cen'l 0a 1 42 1.... 10-1 10.... 104 U S Mexico Be 10... isW. 15... fi... S... 18... 1... 10... U'd 8 .. 88 III C St L A N A First Mortgage On Important Main Line Guaranteed Principal and Interest by Endorsement by Chic., R. I. & Pac. Te yield ever 7.25 Particulars en application Blodget&Ce. Real Estate Trust Bldg., Phila. Bosten Chicnge New' Yerk Wnlnut 1G06 Race 4369 . . BT . . 87 .. B7 Or Jt n Sa 1.... 84 Interbe It T fd 8 M fi BS 2 S5 I Sf Marina 0a 1 . . . . 82 . . S7 .. 87 . . 87 . . 87 Mexico Lares Es Kan C A 8 3a 8 82 10 82 1 B8 4 B0 Am'n Ar'e Kan C A 8 8n Ch T'is 0 OS 1 00 1 05 70 IKelly Spme'd, Tire 8a 1 .... I 1 B 1 . . 08 . 08 . . 80 . 08 . 08 Ctl la A S A lVr fis 1 80 1 80 1 SO Amn T 4 T clt Kent'' 1 84 2 84 1 73 Le A Nash 4a Amn T A Si 1 83 1 881 Mex Petr'm 8s tan T 6 T 6a 3.. .. P4 1 OS 0 102 1 ... 102 1 ... 102 1 . . t02 10 .. 102 Mid S A Or na" 3 . 78 Mln A St L 4a 1.. . 37 Am'n V P fla Me K4TU 1. ... 70 1 ... 70 Armour 4a 1 82 1 iWVi 0 (sale) nn 8 (sale) 00 Me Pucina Is A T 4 S Fc aj 2 .... 73 1 ..87 I. ... 87 North East Township Erie Ce. Read fi'Js due Sept., 1941 Nen-Callnblc 103 nnd Int. te yield ever 5.25 Townsend Whelen & Ce. 805 CnESTNUT ST. Memter N. V, if Phita. Stock ExcJ', Today's Range In liisii 80.00 0.-.04 02.80 05.18 1)3.20 00,38 00.40 Ubcrty 3VjR ... Liberty 1st 4Vi Liberty 2d -lYtn Liberty 3d 4V.B Liberty 4th 4V4b Vic. Nete ns . Vie. Nete 4s i "''-"tBeI III I III II I If ill I HI I In H I It ill I Cuban C I r, I 10 II III I , 1 II 5 M I 20(sale) IE ,11 1 1 I 1 S::::: II n U 1 "enmnrk II ct A 8a 2.... 101 K II '111 l(nale)103 B 1.... 102 liVI Denmark Cen III ct II 8 I 1'.... 101 Ml Dt Canada 'liO 1 03 II De Cnnailn '20 i 1 IMVi S 1 04 U , 1 II I u II l I 0 04S Mi De Canada '31 (I S "3 llll 2 113 lljlll 1 03 ll'IIB 1-'t French IK I It "Vi rets i I 1 OH, 1 04tt 1 04 I a eiu l niv. I s ei u 1 s en'i l l 04 u mill i i 0414 I1. jTTiieiiiiiL-ii.iMUJi-iini AMwawwjalfl 1 Invn't V n Ma aHaBaBBBBHHBOHHMinl 00'i 3 001 2 00 ' B 00 11.... 10IIU 1 MIS 1 0UV4 1 00 U i v j J STEEL COMMON POPULAR Bends Investors Held 78.51 Per Cent of Outstanding Issue New Yerk, Oct. 11. Once aggln ba8 the United Btntes Hteel Corporation established a new high record for the percentage of Its common stock owned by Investors and n consequent decline In (he amount of the shares held In the names of brokerage houses and known us the "floating supply." On Scp tember !50 there were in the hands of Investors .'1,111)0,370 of Us shores, rep resenting 78. CI per cent of Its out standing Issues, and the iwnnunt held by brokers telaled but l,0J)2,0r0, or 21.-10 per cent. Three months age the brokerage hold held Ings of Nteel common amounted le ll-U,n0l shares, or 22.(11 per cent, while Investors hed In their names en the books of the corporation .1.11X1,401 of its shares, or 77.31) per cent. Anether drop In the amount of the iteck held for foreign atreunt was shown as of September .'te. On thnt day 2S,",07() shores, or 5.l!0 per rent, were held by ether thnn Americans, In contrast te 288,71!). or ,".iS per cent, In .Tunc, and 21)2,K.'.";, or fi.7fl per cent, nt the end of last year. Further liqui dation from Dutch sources was respon sible for a large part of that foreign 8 87 Mi 10 07 1 87 M A O St Ij Carle 4a 1 77 Ment' a Pwr 8a 2 88 1 87 Naahvl'e Chat & at L 8s I....'. 0414 N T Ct'l 3 3...v 08 N Y cAil'l 0a 4....; 08 1 08 4 05 1 08 2 08 N Yk Onl'l 7 2.... 103 1.... 103 N Y Chi A b' Leuis 4s 3 8U N Yk I.lftht U 4 l'wr 4s 2 71 2 .. 71 N Yk Tel'e 0a 1 00 2 .... 110 Nfk S'n n 8s 1 10 Nfk Wn 4s 1 78 Nfk St W cv fls 12.... 103 1.. . 103 N & W Pece's Ceal Ce 4s 0 70 North Weate'n Dell T 7a (icciine, in-i snares ncm in the nnme of stockholders in Helland huvlng been transferred In the third quarter of this year. Austrian nnd German holdings, however, showed an increase of i:t!M shnrcs and 230 shares, respecthcly. A gain of 403 shnrcs was shown i'n the dmeunt held by llrltlsh investors. Foreign holdings of the I'nlted States Steel Corporation's preferred stork en September 30 were 103,447 shares, In 1.. 1.. 2.. 1 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 B L (Is contrast te lO.i.ll.S en June 30 and 111,430 en December 31. 1020. SEPTEMBER IMPORTS LOW Experts for Menth $46,000,000 Be Be eow August Recerd Washington, Oct. 11. Values of im ports nnd experts of merchandise each fell off materially during September, ac cording te figures ninde public today by the Dnpnrtmvnt of Commerce Import Impert for September were $180,000,000, the lowest for any meijtli this jenr. Experts lastmentli totaled .$32.!, 000,000, only ?r,000,000 mere than the 1... Oreg.n n l".'. 00 00 N Pacific II Oa 4.... 103 Nth 3 Pwr (Is .. 82 P R en 4s 87 Pa U sm 4a 1 81 Penna n 0it 8.. 3 . 1 . 2 . 4.. 102 102 102 1"2 . 102 11 II 7u . 104 , 101 , 104 , 101 Pcnni 1.. 1.. lowest month this year,, July, and .4(1. 000,000 below the August record. Meth Imports and experts were approximate! fiO per cent below the totals for Sep tember, 1020. September imports of geld totaled Pcrs Marqt 4a 3 00 Phlla Cnty cv 20 08 SG0,515,000, approximately $20,000,000 below the imports of August, but $15, -000,000 above the Imports of Septcm her. 1020. Silver Imnerfs ilrnnneil frnm 8 .... 08 I I'.eadlne Ce 4 a 10 77 . t U I Mt Si 8 u A a div 4s I S7.S.r2,000 in August te .$l,ri(lTi,000 for 2 72 1 72 St L & 8 T ftj I September. Silver Imports for Sep j temuer last year were Jti,rii ,iioe. nxneriH or geiu ioek a ucciueci .lump 1.. 10.. 00 from August te September, the com cem nnrntlve, lipnres helm? SI171 .Oflfl fnr An. r,n ,'iTs r in ifiiist and $2,448,000 for September. Sll- S, 1 4 4 se I ver experts also showed an increase for BOTt 80 .10 50 .10 the month, 4,I)4ti,(HM) being exported as compared with $3,743,000 for Au gust. Tile September silver experts, however, were nearly $2,000,001) belnw the experts for the bame month last year. l l 1 7 80 U L Sz 3 Fran Seres A 14 . 3.. 1. 8.. 1.. 1.. 1 . 14. 1.. 14 . 03 03 03 03 03 nt 03 03 03 LONDON STOCK MARKET Trade Listless and the Turnover Light Dellar Descriptions Steadier Londen, Oct. 11. Oil shares were quiet and irregular en the stock ex chaiaie tedav. Shell Trnnhtiert and C3 i Fran Trading was 4Mi, and Mcxicnu Kagle Ht L t 8 Series n 3. Further buying for Investment 1 .. 70 account caused strength In some gHt edged issttes. French leans were dull, following Paris. Kaffirs Nigged and were neglected. ' Dellar descriptions were steadier, be ing Influenced by the movement of New Yerk exchange. Argentine rails were maintained, but were idle. The indus trial department was mixed, but changes were insignllicnnt. Hudsen's May was rYi. The rubber group was dull, owing te less eptimitic reports about the crude artlcle. In the main, the markets were list less, and the turnover was light. St T'l A Sioux City 7s 1. .. 02 St L Sew'n en 1 01 St I. Sew'n Ba 2 . . 00 Seab'd A 8 . . B . . . L al 21 21 21 21 L fd 37 L fla 14 10 Seab'd A ;.eab'd A 1 2 44 Slnealr C Oil Te Reorganize Continental Candy New Yerk, Oct. 11 The Creditors' Com mutes of the Continental Candy Ounpnnj has mode public a plan for a pnrtlal r organization and liquidation of the randy concern. The reorganization relates only te the Chicago planta, which hae been oper ated continuously alnce the rece'verahlp. The disposition of the plant In Jerar city la left te the future. It Is propeied that th Chicago aaaets shall be purrha"d by the Credltera' Committee nnd that a new com pany will be formed te take them ever. Tha new company will laaue te th creditors who participate In the plan $500 oeo seceral preferred 7 per cent stock and 20.000 shares of no par value common firm preferred 8 per cent stock amounting te 1130,000. together with 620U shares of common, are te be sold te the Finance and Trading Corporation fnr 1130.000 cash. Of this amount 180.000 la te pay the expenses of the Creditors' Com mittee and the remaining tlOO.OOO is te provide the new company with cash werklnt capital. Government Retiring Victory Notes UWitncten, Oct. 11. In the first nine months of the current ear the outstanding totals of Victory Notes has b-en redured (SKI. 810.100. of which $312 PU4.200 were retired In the last four months ended Sep tember 30. These were bought In the opeu market by the Treaaur under Srretary Mellen's plan of selling ahert-term Treaa ury netea and ualng the proceeds n part te refund the Victory Notes and apread the maturities ever a longer period At the be ginning of the year the total of the Victory Notes outstanding waa $122102.1700. and this figure had been cut te $3 Tclfl 108. OOe at the end of September An adsance of about 8 points In the notes has been due te the steady purchases for the account of the Treasury. It was pointed out vestenla that at the preeent rate of retirement the amount of the Victory Lean outstanding at ma turltv In May. 1023. will b comparatively 7n 3 8 4.. .. B... . 1.. .. 1 4 I 1 1.... 10 .... S'n Dell 1 .... 03 03 03 1)3 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 T Ba oev 68 Hn Railway 4s 1 80 S'n Taenia fd IB .... 78 Stand'd Oil of Calif 7s 2. .. 104 2.. . 104 2 . . 104 Third Ave. a J 1 . 8.1 Tidewater Oil Ce ct 0a I .. . 07 1 . 07 Trl City Rly A Llsht Bs 10 ... 04 3 04 I'nlen Pae 4s 11 10. 13 3. 82 82 82 83 82 82 C 7s 103 3.. .. U Tank 1. small and that the problem of refurelng V 8 R A will Ds elnrpln task for the Cleverninent I Ba 1 02 t'ntd R Stores Cerp Bs 1 80 U 3 Rubb'r 6s 4 ... 80 4 . 80 1 (sate) 80 1 70 lT 8 Rubber 7a B . .08 1. 08 IT 8 Rub 7a I 100 U'd S Steel fis Ne Change In Raw Sugars New Yerk. Oct 11. The ran huuar mar ket continues unchanged en the baels of 2c, cost and freight, for Cubaa en.unll te 4.23c. duty paid, and 4c e. l. f for un-ontrelk-d sugars. Importations Included 41 2.10 bags Cubas te the Warner Sugar Ilcflnlns Com pany and 800 bags Pan Pnmlnsns te the American Sugar Reflnln Company. The local refined market appears m be a wilting; one. Nene of the local teflmrs a yet. lias met the lower price named by the Federal Sugar Itennlng Company and the belief was entertained In some quarters of the trade that they may decide te await developments ever the helliU. Quotations ranged from 8 30c te S 50c, lesi 2 per cent for cash, for fine granulated. 13 3 0B 0B 04 0B OS 1 Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official rediscount rates at the twelve Federal Reserve Ranks are fellows. Treaa. Lib Cem'l Rkrs ctfj. bends, paper, accept Iloaten .1 B B B New Yerk n 8 .1 B Philadelphia B .1 B Cleveland 8 f ." fi Richmond 0 ' 0 Atlanta 0 ft 0 tl Chicago fl H n Pt. Leuis 0 n i N Minneapolis ... . rt '. tl Kansas City G rt H ft Lallas rt n ft t! tan Francisce . . . B .1 5 B Utah Power A Llcht Bs 2. . 83 Va Rallwya Ss 1 .. SBTt Wn Pacific let 1 ... 80 2. .. 80 W Union flWs 2.. . 102 10.. . 102 1. . 102U C. Weat'e A Elee Mfc 7b 1, 101 103 103 Ce cv , 84 . 83 Liverpool Cotten Liverpool, Oct 11. Spot cotton nan quint today with prices easier en the basis of a decline of 70 points for middling at 13.81d The sales were 8000 bales The rucelpts were 11.000 bales, Including 3100 bales American Tutures were quiet In the early dealings. Spot prices were American, mid dling fair, 18. Old ceed middling, 14 21d. fully middling. 13.71d. middling 18.81dj low middling. 13.18d; geed ordinary 11. Old. and ordinary, 10.20d. Arbitrage With Londen Likely New Yerk, Oct 11 - -Officials of the New Yerk Stock Exchange have received from the Londen Stock Exchange a copy of a latter which has been sent te all members of thu latter organization looking toward the cleaning- ud of tha last of the acceunta tn ahv. 1.... 1 IVIIaen 1.. . Liberty Bends 1:80 P. M. 80.70 95.00 02.70 05.10 03.10 00.88 00.38 New Lew 80.00 01.00 02.70 05.02 03.10 00.38 09.34 L- I nnce slnce the moratorium went Inte effect I This action Is Interpreted as Indicating the Initial step In the return te fortnightly set tlements abroad, with the likelihood of a re. turn te arbitrage dealings with Naw Yerk breksrs wttbln a few months, nema arbl trsi; ts conducted at tha present time, but net cd an extensive scale, ii i ax f In the Historic Circle of Independence Hall The history of the Pennsylvania Company has run parallel with that of Philadelphia for one hundred and nine years. Granted its first Charter in 1812 by the Legislature of the State whose name it bears, which Charter is still the basis of its activities, The Pennsylvania Company has discharged all the functions of a Trust Company since 1836. A Banking Institution that has back of it the prudent direction of ever a century, plus the best traditions of this conservatively progressive City of William Penn, offers finan cial connections that are both important and desirable for individuals and business houses alike. EVERY TRUST COMPANY AND BANKING SERVICE The Pennsylvania Company Fer Insurances en Lives and Granting Annuities Trust and Safe Deposit Company CHARTERED 18 12 BROAD STREET OFFICB ChMtnut and Juniper Street We Own and Offer 10,000 of Peiefas City STATE OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL (BRAZIL) 5 Sinking Fund Lean of 1911-1961 Unconditionally guaranteed, by endorsement, as te Principal and Interest by the State of Rie Grande de Sul Issued 600,000 Purchased by Sinking- Fund 53,600 Outstanding 546,400 INTEREST: June 30th, December 31st Payable in Londen, or may be cashed at our offices at the rate of the day. Denominatiens: 20, 100. 1. A direct obligation of the municipality, secured by a charge en the general revenues, and furthermore by a specific hypothecation of the receipts from the "Heuse Tax" and all future revenues from the public works car ried out with the proceeds of this lean. The Heuse Tax alone covers the annuity of 32,866 required for interest and the sinking; fund; the general municipal revenues cover it ever 5 times. A cumulative Sinking Fund of H9c, commenced 1912. This will retire the entire issue by 1961 if bends are pur chased at par, but as bends have been acquired below par and will unquestionably be purchasable below par for Heme years te come, it is conservative te estimate the average redemption date at net later than 1!M0. Pelotas ifc one of the principal ports and financial '-enters of Southern Brazil. Its population is 65,000. Rie Grande de Sul has a per capita debt of lee? than $5, as against $30 in Sae Paule; the assets of the Banks in Rie Grande de Sul in 1919 were 5444,074,000 as against $238,701,300 in Sae Paule. 8.20r'' straight income; 8.85 yield te average maturity. 34 possible increase in income, average yield and capital invested. 120 possible profit upon redemption at par, and at the normal rate of S4.866 per 1. Listed en the Londen Stock Exchange. PRICE $470 flat per 200 including therewith accrued interest firriZar fn Application GEOWKENDDICK 3rd S CO. 3. 4. 6. 7. 'ZPcasL&Gns 1431 WALNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA. m Msmbcrs Nsw Yerk ami I'bllsdalrhls Stuck Uxchsniss Telriihene: licit "prim Ksj'ftteiir -Iturr 11SH Wt. ilii nut Kiniruiilf. i'n l.ftiKn 1 hi ) t'BJres unit illicit in ilns inement Inji the ' ilt"n frmn mmr i hi -hn V-i v. i, , inmHirnmrr - tm . 1 "- 1 '- wmiriiiiiiiiiiumiiiiiiiiirmi S. PATTON & CO. 3I A CIIKVTM T rh BANKERS Miccesaur t SAII.KH S. STKVKNStIN Henda unit Storks hiiiisltt ntnt ilil Munlwrw I'lilln. stork r,xrh"iir G.ai.!arR$COi U1MUU1H Dealers in Investment Securities icinbars Ntw Yerk aiul J'h.ta4p.ia (Redmond & Ce. Yerk Philadelphitt 321 Chestnut St., PhiladelphU II Lawrence E. Brown & Ce. V CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1 1SS0 ItUAI ESTATE TBl'ST HLDO. R InvsstUsts and adjust corporation nod R p.rtnarshlD accounts and prspar Idoeom CASSATT & CO. Investment Ranker CtUUlUiCIAL, TIILST UUJU. Mln.Ulnl.1. Nsw Turk Uattlmuru acnintun iwuivi, , 1 517 Chestnut Street Philadelphia ACQUIRE the thrift habit and fol fel low such wise maxims as SAVE! Save something for a rainy day ! Save at the cost of some self-denial! Eliminate waste and extravagance ! Spend judiciously and live en less than you earn! Earn a little mere and spend a little less! Open a Savings Ac count with NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY se the dollars you save may be working for you day and night. Yeu may withdraw up te $100 at any time WITHOUT NOTICE $300,000 Mercer County. Penna. 5Vs Read Bends Due Serially August 1, 1924 te August 1, 1947 Interest February 1 and August 1 TAX FKEK IN PENNSYLVANIA FREE FHO.M ALL INCOME TAXES LckbI Itnestmeut for Trust Funds in Pi-nnaylwuuu LcRal InMbtmt'iit fur Savings Bank. in New Yerk State PRICES TO NET 5.15 PER CENT Harrison, Smith & Ce. INVESTMENT SECURITIES 121 SOUTH 5TH STREET PHILADELPHIA LOMBARD 6100 (UJO iJvpi irnt.. Lehigh Valley R. R. c hate ititiucd an important let' trr en this company. Send for a Free ropy. SMITH, REDPATH & CO. llMiilirra I'MIn Htt.rU I'lrliaest 1524 Walnut St, I'hlla. fbeusal Hurtle Ult-Rsd SAM IMttstmrgh' T ( SURPLUS (EARNED) V II $2,000,000.00 Jl VlXuirlSprlnfltJardcnZf