mvmemr?..M...-mammmmm mmmhaBmlmSMUmatFSKiMSM Trvwtwwr "nmw 4MWCT-V "V - .r- ff "V rkvm7?wwrWf EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA', TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1921 SHE'S THE "HAPPIEST GIRL" Re, Daily Mevie Magazine Lillian Walker no relation te the popular American screen atarU an EnglUh girl iche has worked her way up from email bits in "mob scenes" te a part of real distinction In "Leve's Boomerang" Jehn Robertsen's feature. De you wonder she Is happy? CLOSE-UPS of the MOVIE GAME Hj- HKNKY M NEHI.Y I IWI I I IM- Mil II lIllMH III I I II 1 III I " '. '.,' svaamuuuumuuSKtamMSPSa'f wvWpr",'-uKr'. " J, J- mat ' -- - - - - "- " -- , i z,yj ,1 , !. i""p"""sc?3lKalElMfjipWMfti3ii WBSrBfcv Q.s-" JsO re n. ... ... ... . ... . f r I SHOOTING THESE MOVIE SCENES MADE EVEN NEW YORK CURIOUS , I i i .V It's a Hard Life in the Movies Y aching and All That RICriAHD HAHTHHI.MKSS lin. Miitii-il eik mi Ms serem! Unrrlnc picture It Is a Mer? li 1'orter I'momen llreunr nml line nut .vi't lit'rn nnmed The whole company Ii new nbeanl n bountiful viM-giiing htrmn .mi lit, lentieil br n millionaire frlctitl. mid they niv nnrhored in one of the loveliest hnrber en tbr roast of Mnine, where they will spend three weel in li!irltle Injury, whli'h In a vulgu wny of KniiiR tliev're living the life of Heilh. 1 went up te the ntngrnpli studio Inst Thiiriln te nv Roed-b te thorn and te wntrh theilnnl rphenr-nN Hut 1 found that the fcrowelh would net be in order tinlll the following tneinitiK mid thnt the would mnbiup the adieus with the work of shoetitiK the tit t xienef. of the ster liefnr tlie benrded the viicht Se Pridn.v nierniiiif we ull met nt the Columbia iiclit Club, where the lluil- ion ltlver interferes unmewluit with the tilghtv-sixth xtiei't trntlic. Seme enr had made arrangement te up the New Yerk Yaeht Club limit there, but some body ehe at the Columbia Club k' erv up at the In-1 minute and inn) that, while the float beleuced te the New Yerk Hub. the heenery belonged te the Columbia, mid the Columbia wn deeldedh anti-me ie in itc sentiments Their first scenes were te show the bentlegcers rriinsferrniK then miteuses full of hoeeh te the yaeht from their automobile, and I tfiie-s mebbe somebody In the Columbia management thought that it might leek md reali'tie und siginfiratit and might be used as Kxlnbit A. Anjwuj, we had te spend two hours diluting a new location. It's Just meh delay as this -unlooked for and unavoidable that make directors end aiters and iuterint and tinanilul b.uktts turn Bi'-headed and wish the hooch in the wenn t just bottles nf knkiess pep nud tt.z water With prebnbh two dozen hlgh-salariCil people sitting ieund diuwiiig a ilnllm almost evert time the draw their breaths, it doesn't lake mum nucli held-ups: te make the expenses slop exer into the second eluuie of the ledger And iheir are net the kind nf volumes that the barkers are trv.iig te add te their llbrariei. You've often read of the Menuncly haphazard order in which the rertes I for a photenlnx nte shot, haven't you? You've heard thai thev sometime shoe the lHSt scene rtrt and the first si ene in the middle nnu the middle scenes senif ether time. The start of this one was an excellent illustration of this. 1ITHEX they icere ready for irerk a Inrurieus motorcar ion sent 'f deicn the shore irith tin actor nurf half a Amen uttcnuea in it. It tiirhtd anil rume back teicartl hj etirf stepped riiht m front eth the camera prindtng. Thru tire of the tarpn rontpuatert refiM tu'e thu "rtip, thoekt hnndi irith thf notet looked turtivrly ainitml and helped unload the prrneus hooch II hen it trej 01 m- - the firtt seme te be shot mind you- the niMitant diterlnr treat out in front of the rinneia nml held up a ilate uhuh theuted in big figure that it icim Scene A'e. ItiO A ND then thev went down en the fleit and rehearsed a fcnp Jn which the two s"i screen conspirators and two of the atterettes are waiting for the tender te come from the yncht ; thev talk and leugh until it comes into view, then tut girls get into it and just as they are reud te put off one of the men whisper "Hist!" or something into the ear of the ether man, they both leek up te the shore, and suddenly dash up the gangplank without even excusing themselves from the Indies. There- was a let of trenble rehearsing this scene Tlrst. they had te teach the tender exactiv what it was supposed te de and where It was supposed te step And then every time they unrted te sheet the scene some ether dinky little beat which wanted te see itelf en the screen would come putt putting across the field of new. with its occupants staring at the actors and acterlnes In a most unrealistic waj I've seen mighty fen- dlrei ters with the patience and geed humored tolerance of Interruptions that Henry King has These held-ups eccured se frequentlj that morning thnt it looked almost like n put-up job by senin rival te gum the picture T)ut he kept smiling nil the war through and c.-'titualh get the fccquence shot satisfactorily And they nutubeied that one scene Ne 10ft Yeu see hew thev jump'' And if veu'll step te flgure It out, you'll also see what a thorough study of the script a director must make hew certain he must be of exactly hew he wants each sequence acted and hew carefully erery little detail must be planned ahead se thnt when all the shots are gathered in their numbered order they will tell a smooth and censecuthe story. Later en, of course, thev will sheet the scene showing the tender arriving ' at the yaiht and the people going aboard. And If would leek mighty funny If ' one of the actors were a gray uit when he bearded the tender at the slip nnd thenus found wearing blue .serge when the aiht was reached It would suggest that he made the change en route, and ti' the tender was- an open beat, it would hint at a lack of ordinary medestv en the part nf somebody. I noticed one inightv cnminendnblit thing about the wav the Inspiration people are backing up IJarthelmess Thev are net surrounding him with the "also rans" of the screen se as te make his new stardom shine mere brightly bv contrast. Thev gate him a fine cast for""TeI'Hble David ' and they are giviug him an even better one for this picture. He'll have te de himself proud te stand out above 'em His leading wemnn is Louise Huff, whose last work was the Ingenue with Geerge Arlis is "Disraeli." Then he's get YrnpU Lesec and Leslie Stewe and Geerge Stewart and Frank Hailley and Frank Knlgren and eh, nnd half a dozen ethers who are topnetchers. And among the women are Anne Cornwall and delicious Teddy Gerard and Louise Le and Gladys McClure. GLADYS i a tietr en fe me. I hadn t een Tier n.erk heiere. but I rise rtqht up in mectme ti nty nor thing: uhen the company leturni, I'm going te find out what diy ie'i called and I'm going te haunt that old Biegraph studio until thrji Ihreic me nut. I can imagine lets nf jabi harder than icntrhma Oltidjn for a ceupla heuri. Erery tune she get near me ml wreA jttt III i iidUnq up te hit and irhinper ing that cloisie line from "Tangerine "Attn bay bee ee!" THE ARTIST AND THE STAR iSr " " " Answers te Questions BJMMWSBmm FRANCTCLIA Len, Cbnnev played the part of Blizzard lnThe Pen- i lty." He In at present appearing in I Marshall Kellan'i "Rita et Life " Pela Nogrl'e latest . picture Is "One Arabian Night." I ANZBNBTA Yes, Douglas Fair banks' mustach is a real one and he ays be liken it se wellf ha Is going te keep It. Henry Miller played the lend ing male role In "The Orent Divide." ALEX ROSS Teu can reach Elme Lincoln care Universal, Universal City, Calif. William Faversham played the pnrt of Falder In (Gals worthy's ".Tusttce." He Is appearing en the stage at present in "The 811 -iter Fex." SjnvnY Charles lta is tli it r s nnd 1a married His wife's nnine wa CItirH (Jrnnt bcfeic l.eienuiu Mi Kn Tin hile in. iliiblien 11U Infest plctuie is "Twe Minnies In Ce ' u football story. . M. H, Kva Novak's latest iclense Is "WelveB of the North." Clara iler- ten Je Bixtcen. TTJOIA--Jjrnrgatet Bennett la Enid's (. , "ty C r Becky" waa On the left Is a sketch nl I'enrhyn Stanlaws, hi himself; en the riyht a new picture of Hetty Compson, the young star he is direct ing. This artist, by the way, leeks like a real director. " JDPsBPIk ammimmm' played br Frances Starr some years age. It haa recerAtly been adapted for the screen and Constance Binney will be seen in the leading role. CHIN CTIINMary Alden has never been in Khakespenrenn roles en the American stage, although she was well known in England ns a Shakespearean player. SHLRBURNTJ I am net an expert in thnt line, and, besides, what has your question te de with motion pic tures? Murjerle Daw played the role of Leve in " Experience. " Mil IViIM) -F.fhe Snnnnen wn- the1 n m 1 1 in ' Mini Wiininn, Mnrrtnge I She i nut in ni'lut.s nt pie-en' i,i ' Is leitincil in I lie Dcleur ,i Ilii.inlwin plaj I de net knew whether lie is married or net. FRITZ Richnrd Rnrthelraess was the young man you montlen In "ITie Idel Dancer." "The Count of Mente Criste" was filmed br a French i ccjicvrn fercru yar a(r. m&PMMIr JHk WMMm imth mLfj4m f'?iMlffl ' ;h v wwf mmMmmmwmm&3ir d CONFESSIONS OF A STAR As Told te IEZKLUMP1I THK STORY BEGINS With the early days in the old Fine Arts studio in California uhev Colleen Moere, the thsh girls, Ilessie J.eve and a host of ethers tcete net much mere than erlrn gitls, Diana Cheyne telli hew ihe and her ehum, Isalnl Heath sat Innesemely around the studio until 1'hit Craney, the famous ducrtei, these Isabtl te he tin first of the screen's "baby ramps.". 'I hey are seen tenether a gieat drul. and a icnndal is creat'd by the dnectei's uife. Dery H'm thester. n friend of Diana's, is called en te help, and Isabel tries te "vamp" htm. Then Isabel an nounces she i te be staircd in the East by a Paul Mnrl.ham. Deny gees te France icith the aviation corps and Diana meets Keith Oer ham. On the tve of a lemantir runa way mairiagc, Keith is hilled in an automobile accident. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY cini'rat wxxin TT DIDN'T take long for me te find J- out hew Malcolm Sandv was going te treat me And it didn't take the rest of the world lenS Hther. H made It se obvi ebvi 'us mat nobedv could fall te see 'har 1 was les tlmn the dust, and thnt Phvlli Caiulilld was the person whom every up wn te please. .Vew 1 d neier thought of myself as a lelgn'iig favorite, or anythinat like I, but 1 found thnt ether people had I'll worked hard und tried te de in) ' ihv best let rmimri fim.,,,!, ,,,-v, ... ' that : they just laughed and talked Ik- , "id m b.idv. and sometimes almost te mv faee, and new the gossip about hew i I'hvlln l'.iirHnld could twist Sanu nieiind her little finger. t inese weien i vcrj nappy daj-B fei int J Ind taken n room m a big heu-e ii the West Feities, bet worn Fifth and j ,iin aenups. wnere mere w,is n res I could de net te step people and tell . K ......... --.I I I .!..- 1. t - ..... ... . 1 1 , , nuinin, nnu iivimi i ehi i. H iuiip. i wnsn tiinem wnai nnu napiicrir'i iti iin .if home much it seemed as ,f I s n. t Fnrt ()f lhnilgh, ,int Mnlcelm Snndv wa8 beinj; told in at the studu' ,,i,li buM the hntihi't t)r this ce a' '1 m 'he. meining. nnl thou tiudliii;. . casnm, se I wnsn't surprised when T after I'd nt mound ter nn hour r tu. f(,lln( niessngp nt home when I nr in iniike-up, wiitin; te he called. there, telling me te call him. He the weuiiiri t be ready fei me till nflei iierin riien, is a rule, I d have te w irk late at night But my rylcture was going well was 'he most important thing te me 1 had a geed dneeter and n geed rn-t 'he eterv v as Interesting, and I hud several wendeiful scene.-' We hid te innke only s few re-tak"8, and I ws -creenmj ununinry well; when w. . Mac Murray, she nf the exotic pictures, exotic ffewns and exotic headdresses, has all sorts of oppertuntttes along her favorite line tn "Peacock Allen" her first independent feature, of which she is also the producer. The pose below must have taken lime and lfrflilii9Bfl JHHBTUS7lFawfinMiSHB , go te the projection room nt nubt nnl .see the day's rushes, as we cull ea. h iny s snots, 1 I icai.e timt i i nvw i done better wntk in ni) life When it was finally finished, though, i and the wnil: of titling and cutting going en, it seemed te .,ic that I'd go mad 1 tiidn't ecn knew whether it was te be released at entc or net ; some- licit) fei my picture nnd arrauging big .times. )ou knew, pictures nip hi Id up exploitation stunts. for a Ien;: time "Mickcv." Mnbe' Net - . Thnt ceinagcd me mere than nny Imands big plctuie ;, was held up for per-! t,ln.F ,.e . j f,,t ,,, tlat he'd had i-(f ages nm me .Miineic nun wnsn i released tin a long time ntter i; was innde. The circumstances 1 1-sif J geerned these pict.ue.s weien't like nic nic otics ''ontrelliiu mint . of ceuisc still I knew hew Mabel nnd Hetty Compson felt, just from the conviction I had that this big picture tlmr was te make me a real star would be held up, tee. Then one da v when I wits just sitting nt home, wendciinj what en enitb had ivkv ninde me want te he n mewe nctress, the telcphone bell lung Ii wns n veung chap in the cenipun's pub licity ellice, who had been- ni the e'd 1' me Arts studio, as a teleiihene epci nter when I was theie. "This is n secret hut your pirtme's going out right away." he told me. bur riedh. "T'jey's giving it n pre-rer,ic jIieiciiiw nn llronewnc ler i week, ninl then it'll be sent eutwith big epleiiu- tien A-id say, it's n lulu'. ' A pie-relense showing en Hreadwav ' nf course, that s mere common new ,1 !. .!... ...1..... tl. ... ...l..nHn . llsl i,0(,lnn'jn(. tn pcl n pl(.. mm by showing it In New Yeik or Les Angeles first, or by giving it a big spe- cinl shewiiic in the ballroom of one of (h( nig hotels. I wanted te lump up unl down and scream. I went out te Fifth nvenue nnd walked clear down te Washington Square, and it was nil . ua, surnrisingly genial, which, m view i up fact that lie'd been tugging mound the studio nfter Phjllis Fniicluld and hardlv noticing me, was unusual Still I laid it te business, this new manmr of his. "I want you te dine with me tonight at the Claridge," he told me "We'll have te talk ever Hip plans for eui picture. I have, a surprise for jeu ' A STUDY IN STRIKING COSTUME patience te establish. little did he knew thnt I nlready knew what it was! of ceuise I went; 1 didn't want te, tint, that was the only thing te de. lie had Mrs. Lane tlicie, and thev weie both awfully nice te me. I was really te be launched as a star, he told me, and thev were nrctiaring special pub- the ecuse of its net being n geed pre ductien, he would linve shelved it, tny- ing that it would netd te be cut nnd re titled nnd nssembled all ever again. A bad pictuic can sometimes he made into a fnlily geed one by being edited in that wav, jeu knew. Hut appaiently in picture had been geed enough se that the men who backed the company, nud whose word everiuled Mnlcelm Sand'H, had realized that it was n mom v maker. I went about in n dream for the next week Yeu don't knew, jeu people who go te movies, hew important jeu "i in a star's thoughts, nnd hew pun h mere Impeitniit ou nre te the people who are lust making n name fei ihem'elves. Yeu mean everything in the world te them. If you don't care much for them, nnd don't go te see tin n pictures, or write te them, they aren't hii geed, from the producer's point of tiew. And net even big amounts of menev lnvihl spent can rrnm n slin ilium the ntllilleH tlirent if they don't like her. And then, just the day before ray picture was te be shown, I picked up n neusn.mer nnd tumid te ihe motion- picture news when I was having break fust And theie was this notice "Though it's n bit piemnture te inak. tins announcement, we'm sure tli ii Malcolm Snndj won't ebje. t te our tilling jeu what we disceveicd jestcr da when we wen; in his efine. tnlklng I., him about his big spectnciilar super super fentiiie wind) is t be shown for the fir-i time tomorrow night nt the Or plnMiiii. When we nskfd about the pliu t.'giaph of leel) little Diana CheMie. which stands en his desk, we learned that he'd planned te tell the world that she's net only the star of Tndefeated,' but also the future Mrs, Malcolm Sand) .' Se he had thought that he could de that te me! CONTINUFD TOMORROW mmm ail K$l LMmmmml IOK liARTIWIMEsS staited his second nlcture as a star last meek, sheeting the first scenes en a Hudsen I'ivcr slip in .Vete Yerfc. The upper left hews the bootleg gers (screen variety) unloading the smuggled hooch (also scieen vaiicty) from a motorcar ichile the cieicd iratehes the camera sheeting and the rest of the company scait. The ether picture shows the yacht tender, the camera icith Director Henry King en the ether side of it, the gangplank with Charles Duell, president of the company starring Dick, standing en the slip talking te Perter Emersen Iheicne, author of the story (in cap), and the guy who tcrife our daily "Clese I'p" column. The pert) aits are of Dick, Teddie Gerard and Gladys McClure. "Passion Play" in Film The famous "Passion Play" ef1 Oherammcrgnu is te be plcturized In the original locnle with .Tehann Hof, who pla)s the same rele In the classic ver sion, as Chrlstus. Dlmltrl Ruchowet Ruchewet ski, who directed Pela Negri in "Snphe," nnd Emil .Tannings in "Dan "Dan ten," which will be released here under the title "Weman and Super Mnn," will direct it. Het? Ask Alice Hellistcr! Les Angeles has been scorching het the heat) with Prlscilla Dean In "Wild the worst In eight jenis and Alice Hnuej." Wesley Rugglcs is the di Hollister, who worked in Egypt en n rector, much te mv surprise. I hne picture, said it had Caire hacked off been nwnlting the choice of the officials tee real for her! of I'uiveisnl City with much interest I'HOTOri.tlK TMU . COMPANV r . OTAMCR1CA Alhambra ht ,M,C Merris Pssiyunlc Avi. Rk-n 6 IS ally n' '-' BERT LYTELL In "THK MISI.r. HINO I. MT" A I I irUICNlV "HTsnkfert t Allealuni Special Ciil In tVrll II. He Mlllj's ''The Affairs of Anatel" A T--l T ri B20 A THOMPSON ST3 ArULLVJ i.niFi.un HOPE HAMPTON In "I.OMV's l'l NU.IV ARCADIA S'TVV iTl, 10TI! r .r ETHEL CLAYTON lii'IIKMINH" TeTrnD niANKUN & uirunn wn. AOlVjlX MriMK liAII 1 ii ham nr. mii.i ivk iMtnni'f Tins "THE LOST ROMANCE" BALTIMORE !'17A V? PAULINE FREDERICK In HOAy ir iF.srisr' TIl-MNf 4TI1 ASn WciODt.AND AVI! KATHERINE MacDONALD In 2ii T,I" BLUEBIRD 'nr' pTu EUGENE O'BRIEN In "(.ll.HKnj.lK1i; ' BROADVA"YDTd8BllTpA Hn. Isl Cast In Cerll II He Mll' "The Affairs of Anatel" capitol ii?s?si7, ;;. PAULINE FREDERICK In "THK 8TINO OP THK USH" COLONIAL a"!. & ?pnTS?. A,r PefHl f'e In Ofll 11, He MM's "The Affairs of Anatel" DARBY THEATRE" ' MADGE KENNEDY InJJTlinjHKIIIFAr IHIIIir.U EMPRESS "uJT JACKlb. CUUUAIN in "I'kck's itn hey" FAIRMOUNT S SESSUE HAYAKAWA In "MIII.UK 1.1QHTS AUK l.flff' rrAMU Y TiiKATm: iau mahickt GLADYS WALTON m "Tin: Knuni" 56TH ST. ,,,BA,,,I;-.!!r,lTI,!"xK.v;333 MARKET 'VLV," LIONEL BARRYMORE ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN In "THK (.KKT AI) KNll III;' FRANKFORD 47,J! Jane Novak, The Gelden Trail' AlinKlr-T-SUItPHlBH VAUnKVITJ.K C. ORF 6001 MAIUCBT ST. MAY MacAVOY IS TO BE A DOLL IN HER NEXT FILM By CONSTANCE F.VLMER Hollywood. Calif... TDABY DOLL" is the name of May -OjIacAvey's next- plctuie. She's going te wear n blonde wig and will de a stiff-jointed dolly dance. Can )ou Imagine anything cuter? Walter Mc Grail is te be her leading man nnd the plctuie starts en Monday next. Wil liam D. Tayler Is ngnln te direct the girl, whom Rosemary 'J'heby calls "one of the most intelligent nnd appealing Htnrs In pictures." New, hew's that? Max Linder Is really going te de quite nn elaborate burlesque en "The Three Musketeers." t believe It will be n five-reel picture, with big sets nnd u large cast. Well I dunne Remember I told you we saw a rovet" cress the read en the way te the Lask) ranch, which is a very short distance from Hollywood? Well, bv gum. Ray mond McKec, who Is pin) dig with 1in Chnney nt Goldwyn in "The Octave of Claudius" (whatever that means!) met another cojelo en the way from Gold Geld wyn's te Hollywood. Can you Imagine that? He skinned It nnd has the pro ceeds hanging up In his mountain cabin. I hear that Colleen Moere nuts en her make-up the first thing In the morning before she gels out of he'll, and doesn't take it off until she Is In bed ngnin nt night. New what I imperii nently wnnt te knew Is this: when does Ce"llcen brush be teeth? Speaking of "The Octave of Clau dius," Leu Chancy plays two distinct nnd scp.iinte lelcs in It. His lending woman is Jacqueline Legan, who wns one of the revived Florodora chorus. Remember? She has also played n number of times with Temmy Melghnn, notably in "White and Unmarried." Fontnine La Rue, for whom there is no excuse, Is also In the cast. T71THEL CLAYTON has finished her -I-' work In "The Cradle," and Is taking a little lest bcfeic starting en another i picture. The new one will be Fer the Defense," and Paul Powell, the darling, will again diicct. Peday fhey were doing some of the last scenes in "The -Cradle. The set was n bizarie bedroom, which evidenth belonged te thiee wild Indies. Anna Lehr, who plays the disturbing element In the picture, did her bit by stagger ing into the room. III. Chniles Mcie dlth. ns the young doctor trying te get nleng. Is called in. dust licie is where all the tieuble starts, T believe I Nonh Tteerv has bppn entneed I., nlm rilOTOl'l.AYH The following theatres obtain their pictures .through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. GRANT 40-' RIIIAItn AT MB- Pal lllTIM'l' W rilVKSIlAV I CLOSED TODAY ON AITOl NT OK HOLIDAY , GREAT NORTHERN VWWX Dorethy I'lilllli.s ami .SperHI Cnst In "Man Weman Marriage' ' IMPERIAL 001U A WALNUT fTM MatH II 30 KtL-n 7 A II IMTIH llutler and hpfrlul In "THE SKY PILOT" Lehigh Palace ZrV KICII Mil) HMITIIKI.MI'.SH In "EXPERIENCE" LIBERTY IIUOAU OI.f.MIWA AV. I MATINKR OAlt V ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN i In "THE MIIlCI.i; 01' MAMI TT.N" OVERBROOK03U V,,rVrIr"rnn COSJIOI'OI.ITAN'S I'llOHl criev "TI.. TX7 r-J il in c tt muan unu -nangea I PALACE Vl MAI1KLT HTUUKT 10 A M te 11.15 P. IL Alltar Cut In f erll 11. He Mill,', "The Affairs of Anatel" REGENT PRINCESS 1 MAHKKr HTHEBT LOCUST B2D AND LOCUST STREETS 1 IllXwC-Js3 H3l)A M tei, ,BI.iM u,JV-v-''JiMnt. 130, 3 no Kir., fl 80 te 11 'Tlie Princess of New Yerk" j 'THE AFFAIRS OF ANAIOL' MAHKKT Ilelew mc OCUrMiK" RIALTO OEnMANTOW.N AVIONUH I AT lULPKlinrifKM HT DOUGLAS MacLEAN ' " .-fc .ii i i: RURY MAIIKUT ST. UELOW 7T7I 'The Trutli About Husbands" SAVOY 12n i,AnKKT 'sTiHsm1 "THE SKY PILOT" SHERWOOD Vi'aV fikW, LIONEL BARRYMORE In "TUB (IRKAT AHVKXTI UK" STANLEY maiuset at'wth llTTPWrtT Iftlr-llvc. ". "Dangerous Curve Ahead" STANTON ,nM.A,n,u:r Abev" "tTi 77. wn in ir, a i Tniinii m "'ViVJ r0X'a "M1l IM VY "OVER THE HILL" In ItTIIII -,.... . . victeria MAiiK?r,; CHARLES RAY U ' M In "XINKTKKN AMI Plivr.r.wi AT WEST CHESTRR RIALTO BPEOIAT, OAST In tr" Ml " ci i.riew i,riii.,M. ' AiSliAA,!i.Aff,-.,,.T,e,N,'uiNIXON MD AND a -4, Stunrt Paten heretofore has been Mfu Dean's guide nnd mentor, most pcclnlly in "Reputation" and "Con "Cen lllct, but something seems te hT slipped, nnd alie has been for several weeks waiting te be assigned te a niw one. James Morrison Had te Be Cripple in Film TAMES MORRISON is glad that tha 0 filming of "A Bride of the Ged," has been finished, despite the fact that the popular leading man had a promi nent part in that picture. Mr. Monisen was forced te p through the entire production with an injuicd arch, which he contracted slieitly after assuming his tote as David Hurst, crippled son of nn English of ficer's widow. As n Hub -fooled here, Morrison wet a shoe with a four-Inch sole en and la a result annexed n painful, though net serious, dislocation. Miriam Battista in Film Little eight-year-old Miriam Bat tista has a big part in "SmlhV Through," Normn Talmadge's newest production She plays the part of the sister of the star. 'The Man Frem Heme" JAMES KIRKWOOD Deceives that title for two icasenst He's geiu abroad for a time, and he's te play William Hedges' old part In the piny of that name ruoierr.AYs 1 The NIXON-NIRDL1NGER 0 THEATRES BEL MONT 6SD AUOVE MARK! "i-i. IV1V1 J i 30 nml fl 30 te IIP. M. Sleeln Cunt In Cecil II. He Mlllf'i 'THE AFFAIRS OF ANAIOL' CEDAR C0TfI CKDAH AVENUB 1X t 30 ami 3-7 nd U BETTY COMPSON In "A I Tin; ;M) or 1K M0utn" COLISEUM -""rket t fcOlh 4 80W .sjivivj I 30 iiri.l a -7 ind THE AFFAIRS OF ANATOL' JUMBO rne.vr st. & eiraud avb. Jumbo June, en Trankferd "L" I.I-STAH TAST In "THE GREAT LOVER" LEADFR 4I&T I-ANCASTEJl AV i-jji-xiIjX. MATINEK DAII.T . hiwliil Cnt In Crcll II. He Mllle't THE AFFAIRS OF ANAIOL' """"n1 fiiiiniir nml SixtJuI Cnt In "I HE BARBARIAN" I RI VOLI B2D AND JAS"' 8" DAII.T DOROTHY DALTON In "IIK1IIM) .MASKS" STRANH OEHMANTOWN AVB. All-Slnr Cum In Crcll II. He Mill' THE AFFAIRS OF ANATOL' AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M. P. T. O. A. r.prmantninn 0B1O Oermantewn Ar, vjermantewn matinee- dailt WANDA HAWLEY In "THK IKHJ.Si; THAT JA7.. HCII.T' JEFFERSON 2!A1 A Dauphin MATINEK DAU. ALICE BRADY "IHK I.A.MI III' HOI'K" In PARIS' MDan AVB, 4 UAITHIN T. i nir. jiut ... ,n j.;vg, a 43 te 11 uureiAiNut. liiriiNki i III SUCH A I.ITTUS 0UEEN" 1VfrAr v wmw 9 Tllli. A. AlUftll WLbl ALLLUHLINY ""i'utin.. fl ! fHHijBt jkkflkkV. kkkkkV W COMPANY r M PAULINE FREDERICK , lu "IlO.UJb or DZXTIXX" ': ' ' Jii :xt i -,