w tv'VWST'" -Ttfqf"- f " "v r -mnVsj.-., - ii i.TT.1 1 14 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER f 10, 1921 IH mi i i ' CLOSE-UPS of the By HENUY Fifteen Dollars Was a Let of Meney for Chaplin Then fTXllE ether day I heard the Intimate terv of Charlie Chaplin's early stiiiRsle when n nickel looked as big as n house nnd three square meals seemed nil t tint any man could leire. The jam ns spun by n man who iiFed te be n pal of Hilly Reeres, who pave Charl'e his first regular job in n vaudeville net railed if I'm net mistaken. "A Msht in a Londen Music Hall." 1 remember seeing tlir . act myelf and I nNe remember the wonderful work Chaplin did as the drunkard but none of ns in these dim thought he would ever be nnythinj boxend a vn ide vllle performer The whole st ir of ('hnnun s xnunger days i tee Ions te tell here It stii'-ts with his mfanrv is a pub'le 'linrce In Knglnud. of biether Sldncx s coming back from sea te nl,e are f the kid and his djlng mother, the mothers death and the adventure of the two lit. imp and wanting te -haie his ten tune with his rn - . i -trl ( 11 ir!ie sa'arv te .?!". Te ( 'ini-l.e in th.i-e davs, thn "ns nlB-jencc xxhhh left little te be desired IIe had 'earnei' -,, ' e mi nn nnd though h "as llxnti well. Se when the liftcen an.e (Ini. eii'inued te live en ten and nved live cverv week. rfJh n iir irr f-ltclul 'Hit 10 Fun I'ranni") and 1.0 ngclcs, uhcir Mack ,cmrtt i"-t' tan 1'haplut Srnnrtt tri making slap-itick inmrdics for the thus one. irelri e rrr'i irith tvn complete subject m a theumnd fret. Hi inir Charlie' xnudexille art and felt that Charlie ueuld be a nend emrdian for picture, .se ?t- hunted him up. CHAlir.II worked with Bennett for as long n the xaudevill" net stayed en he oiins--sexer.il weeks it wis. nnd in these days thev co-.ld make two ir three slnpstiek oemedies a week. They "built "em en the fleer in studio pnr nnre that is n lent'.nmty in't neccssnrv : nil thej had te hnxe was tin general theme of the story nnd the did whatever ei-ejrred te them te de af-er they started slioer nc Then the xainlcvi''e n, r'bad te n eastward, and Char'.e left plettires with nenrlv a hundred delHrs saved -in. II" began re feel wealthy It was in fcr I.ei.fs. if I remember rlg'ith, thnt Charlie received a telegram from Sennett iifleni.g him ST." a week te come bark te f Vuernin, nnd join the film orgnni7:itien t'hap'm took the wire te Keeves ithey had bereme rlese I friends i nnd st.tr 1 te hne .i goeil laugh ever Sennett's joke. The .idea of) nnjbedj effeniu ninld else m, h n huse sum ns ST." a week just te de a let of feel stunts m front of a filly little camera' But Reeves was (a business man and didn't consider It a joke. He didn't l;uew murh abc it tie movies nobody did in thoje dajs but lie had watched things pret'v laiefullv while Chaplin hnd been working with Sennett nnd the general ntmesphere of the plarr had cenwnred him thnt they were making mene 'lint thev l,ad re.illv struck ir rieh lioreugbh retiMni e. that Sennett was n Se fremeiidii isU Impertnnt wns th.s that thev sp..;.t im entire night disrussnig nnd talked it ei from all nnglps. Then for n i up of streiu effee te keep sieep from interfering nnd tlifn they walked and talked ngnin And the up-het of wis thnt thev derided Charlie she-ild take n dinner nt it even though Suinett s offer ml2ht be a b'.'iff Reeves' ndvife was about like this: 'Vew. Clirrl' .ppee j mi de grt veur menrv en'v two or three verks You'll ger ir te lti'lmw He'll have e pnv v ou the first week te get veu started and lie II preb.ib'v pay jmi the semnd ti string .veu along. The third wrrk we'll b .11 1 e M !nes with the a" and veu inn easily save enough te take veu then- nnd vm u- ngnin. "All righr ' 'aid Charlie "If te.j'll prumir I ran have my job bark. I'll take a ehani' Hi' there must e a h't. n somewhere Vohedv is going te pay me ST" .i wnk II' d be rni7v Rut him wire inn t iiiii-h: '.it mi When 1 get clothes e as ii leek m i nit and I '' iiam I can live en SI," a wick That 'I mean it! Six hundre I dellui' V . I 1.111 'while aft'r thr season lei'rs." rpill. zce.) irf in 7 e thii friend of mine irre told it te me. i' lmnt ii icrlntim account of the endim) of tie momentous dticitsuen. And. only a feir units Inter. Charlie Chaplin uaurd a contract providing that he should 1 ecru r a lalary of SI 000,00' a year' Gesh' ARE THESE TWO ENGAGED? P mm, 1 IWI V a K Answers te Questions by Mevie Fans ":. . .., tn-TTT O M. ltlcliani uix ia no- M..le.i xtilmn Kill., w tn nlnv thr lead In the 'nieturixutien of ".Nhss Lulu nett." M. II Anita Stewart's husband. -Rudelph Cameren, does net npnear in pictures with her He acts as her busi ness manager She Is been te i-tart wer! en two new nntures, entitled "Rem e the Sea" ami ' The Weman He Mur tled." i NORMAN I'er s Kenvuri ims re turned te the n reen Her litst pi, -tine lifter hrr MnRC mreei- was --'lie Con Cen uurat of Canaan Hu next ippi-ar-nnce ix-lll be in tut Kith Oiml W.-il-llngferd. ' X .!.... .' .'..iniii .. II -s III'. LI I,nn In r1..fnrru Sl, U ., T jxu A,,elnu nrpiint." i.-n. nn.ni.. i. ....... flV-l... ... ,.,,.,'" J... ,M ,, .,W4 .,,.. , lrl, and Is best known for Her relus Iii.wiin r ranees rinrr ieauireu. win ne light comedy. "I can't tell tuii which I redu.-cd for the mrccn by Selznlck. The te Qcergt Cehan's best play. He says vThe TaTern" is, but that Is a matter MOVIE GAME M. NEELY t'e lads In a troupe of bev aerebnts liming fairs, with Charlie se si kl . in nnd undernourished that S I n peered linn te die. Then Charlie ran a wax from t . 'ital owner of the aet and w ini a !e hunrhbark pal went te I'nr.s where thc.v earned a mnt living ibuni; , .1 stunt around the sidewalk -ifes ieeiinc at night in n big parking I n I n rhe bunks of rhe Seine And every ' lax Charlie beeame thinner nnd weaker ( or la'k of proper feed. Tin"! Sid eame re America and sen for Charlie. They did anj tiling 'iev reulil set te de for n while until liarlie landed the job with Keeves for Minr famous xaudcville sketch Chnrlie's salarv was .?10 n week. That was big nimii te him then. And besides, he se' 't regulnrlj, week lifter week, xxlneli as something be had never known before The nor began te make a reputation nnd IJeeves was able te demand mere .11011. j for i Se being a geed-hearted In a new field. Ursine, ueeves wns,i si rewd nnd reliable mislness innn. telegram in the lives of rhese two men ' ' it They walked the streets together i thev dropped into nn all-night cafe - I il tell ou what I'll de. out there I 11 have te buy I'll make n suit of ether expenses Mvcn t get new Rut saving Sfie a week and if the job lasts iiui k te I'ngland and live easy for a but then lutven't admitted 1rt. .. ..,.. ,..i x , r u, ui """"'"" VH.. , . . ''"" ","1 mrrcvse arr "Sex en Kejs te KHIIv' DUlilllll UUIIfl R.ildiiate,' .forty. hve .Minutes I rem Rreadwav "Clet-Rieh-Quick Wnllliigfuid '"" RI.l R REM, Mine ('tine i,i. leres were distributed bx IMucnriiirml The pirtuics were taken at the stltute. I'lirlH Ridnim In NATII VNII.I. Ien s I,,, l'!VI. i In- le'id in "I Am liiiiln ' 'The Skv Raugei" v:i' pn.ilin ! nn.l ilTected lv (ii'iilge S"lt Ini also i'hwi the lend (ippnslte June (J lprn e u "Easiest Way" en Screen' ''I'li' Dn-siest Wax " i x iv rd en t,p . btilgO D Daxtd Relasre this s aben teiectien et a mar ler me picture m new being considered. . fte Daily Mevie Magaxine LOOKS LIKE 111 the Mfti'anu, 1 ini lidate i ' Spiki luti.nsnn and R 'lv 1 lmer. SCOTCH BURR IS FLYIG THICK . OUT AT HOLLYWOOD Rj CON.sTANCK PAlUER Hollywood. Calif. c OI'CIl ,i I it mmistir' ' sighed liis sJ parishioners ndmiriugh .-is Cr irg irg Hack.itherir stalked off te ' admonish" the gvpsies in the weed Av it s a pitv he winna eat me-r. growled Guv Oliver as the camera stop step pen. I'ven IVnrhvn Stanlaws allowed liim se'f te stnile in his own peculiar, down- caiif ,sft i, ,.- . .,,., ; "i, I.ittl.. Min- ic,A, '' II, tti- I '.in-nv.,,n'c thnit st-ir- I, ,,. f:r Tini,. ,,.. ,,. been chosen for the part of the little tiiinister who takes himself and 1 .s mission se very, 'very seriously, whi!" Betty is the Lady Rabbir. whe.se light feet dan- e en bis idols nfter she has tern his rensrience In two laggfd pitres And 'eerge. like nn J.. K. O com edy, i net te be laughed nt, Mthe nnd lesr wishes, for be weiked at tl " i'd I.ibin studio fei inure than two wais He bus be n undi r leutrni' w th I.nskx for five ymrs inking pair-. ii virtualh rvtry biif predictiin he las made. Mi Oliver is one r f the Ml per ent -s put ,t feiiserv.'itivclv ar mat v ,, at" giving the liest in till 111 te i ile pictures brttr- Hr is married, .i i two children of twelve and f-mr i.. i I enlv hope, if ir is my gemi f ir. e te b.' man led ns long as he utii Mi- Oliver have, en lnrd and i us-rr will speak its biuiuifullx of i . ns he did of his svlt'e 'I hue is a vry enjiviible i mm i i ill. lint "ii in rhe li.ru- old b neens llnved l.v Fred Iluntiey. Hubert Rrevx. nn.l J.iseph Hllletnil iuv Ohvel. lis I sn .1 In fur', bus incited the pup iln e i ,1'taik the i ensrnbies liming the , ,n k the little iniiilstir rushes ..:i tin brought te bind the jmllermrii Dl RING Kinib I told -M- Maiiiaw tins teneh wns "t; ineiilly Rnr- 'rlesiiue." and' thought I was .,ulte lil?h- t., ,., Rut' .Mr. "Stnnmxxs iiiilte ilnsiiei l l.. cn.im. ir Id nt him nwfilve n),.,M thlnkinc i.U JUt Ui h "I'.ar- .,..,.... i-lixiue touches. I Thry tell ine he xxaf born and brought I vllnce ill xx Inch liarin' iniii ins nenes, Mil 11" V ..".. ...-- . - --, tint twenrv rniesiiinii un- eriKiimi nnd wbuh he lias eaneu iiiniius B (IIIM -Mr- .siu..l....r, '"II I... ... li.. streets of the town I't rliaps thnt .i i f U ..nin ti bi i.ntt.f tn til lit iti lliieii-llltfc for the lii'lfeitlen of the at- . ,,,,,1.1,1,1.1 e nnd iHtiimes) . l,r. ,1 Imneil that fur 'The I. til I . i Muu-ti ,.,- t lii x would dlllilli lite the m.( tin- Si iiIiiik ntnl I'liinnix," bi't i ,,Slll I evlduulv tln.x theuglit ii vvasu I a gee, I ,,(,. it must have bcin i ensideri d verv ran full'. I ""i sure, fur the same mail ilesirfiied this set who deHigiied the "Sentiineutiil Temm" set en the RuM Coast. However, thn x-illage Hiicet might easily be another lane in the Hiime town I came out in the bus with the ex tras. On the way we saw a coyeto, te our excitement. He trotted acrptw the read with the utmost abandon, mam lK&miiMt3m&EffiW&&ffi$J& mmm tv. -3S'MKSik'w mKmSWm am mwMMMMMMMMMMmm a-Nn. .". jtbf ;jr.j . . ,J '.JB & .k.-i' -. -.,- atininMiiB'iig l TTlTlitaTMB rr-'" TT -i TTi rrn &MIM&BmX!MWmlKS$&mm H Mill 1 ! !! 'I I Ii I W IWIMI 9 il IIP 'mil I MilIll llllllll Mill I 11 II I II III I i 7WetsWmzm3iixt-Kit'?M;mi mm i L &msg&Sffim3&2g&Z2ssmsmmmiB3aBsaG>Be . ., """-"- ' -"' ..,.. ... 1 ... -.,.......--,.- -. raflrca '' tin .I1 Hi s, 1.1 1 . II m r.r mi He 14 nilOthri Ot t lOSe Ills " . ' ' - .,'.,, ,. ., 1 1 . .! ... . .... . . . . V 1 . ir i ...-. 1, ,1 . hnnd then. '" "' '" ' wuni in no, nnu Miiiieiiiuv- a U.m, J-' Jierr s t i'n)UHK av who live their pait. He does I t A n1 '" '" .,, . . . , ,.,,,lmtie terms AlhamDra xihi ii tt . s r.v. 6 45 & 0 , up and s.iv it's ruining just utter u- i ve mm many, i.iai.v m. um. u. ---.. -- - - be c-ham-d BERT LYTELL urheTU the part S ,7JotnsienS;ei::hinP' 'enlie 'aiid's; 'aVceun rm: m,s,.kx Lun- of 1!tt ''c'a-nny 'scoetd man v he ,n u, -' tney work with say about ,h. , IVe- , n ih, e-her f-- i;--' ALLEGHENYV.SRI i XW& the villagers te attack the .ens-abli . p'e. that is. without any u te grind. ;''''. ,u'-''- 1 " '"- h'-'i sraiw. (W In (Wll.li ib Jin I.K'S. s ... mmh a xe.tvran te be .owed And the people xxhe poured stones in d.stmrt.,1. "The Affairs of Anatel" i.i n n-ere lens He sends vel his levi mi v enis of R.tt " kiiidiiss. hrr .vin Rut Miss Murray lived through it all, l," n"a" n sun. nnd reprimands tlie three old u.i 'l"lin in b d and circled, the il neens for standing bv . Idly wad bins' ,.,..., 0,i',ie shouting from n-u- the sii'h a sene "Ay, ay. sax- the den- . W!l, don't you sheet- Why 'en "it's nil tee true, nodding vn , .,' v, Chord'-" "Say " shrieked humhly. Rut behind thnt- backs they , ' - ..Vhx don't yei sheet your i.,n linndniff out the renes thev have , "" . 1 MODERV VERSION l'le Kdelisli Age Handsomest "Wan Deiis Mnv s leinuig piitiii' 'l'le ii .itrii liguri is "RuM prii Otheis in the nil of tluin familiar te the squaietl circle ill seiae scenes nnd scemeii te like it tee sremlngly net caring a single velp for 11 let of gaping people Tin spot was en the wnv betvvcin Ilellv weed nnd 1'niversal Citv, se veu i.m iniUKine hew close we nre te nntuie In the past I've wiltten a '.or alum' Mi Stnnlnw- I dmi't npnb gue fi" this new -I'll nin ml it bv snv.ng limi that he has (hatiged u little in I i attitude toward pictures, ami 'ha' 1 didn't and still don't uinlcistiin I hit lie is u vcr.v Inilllant nnd 1 ap.ibli nm seemingly desiring te linlsh tin task bi-turc Jt 1 111 with as little peis,n-' Hit with the iieeple he works v it 'i possible. He is infinitelv j.atieiit. and 1 mm ablv self-contieMed -His cievv v'i 1 inndditiilly is n sjilrndid one ti'l in- that things have happmrd mi the sir thnt would have mused almost am uther dlrerter te explode into small pieces. Mr. Stanlavvs, however, s ems te lrgard thesr things as n pni t of the dnv's work, and also' n part of the anijiyaucr ntteiulant thr mnkitig of 1 movies. Intensely philosophic 1'er- 1 hill's if mere of them took things tins wn. tlieie'd be lewcr temperanieninl voleaiies. Re that as ir niaj. "iTISS C'OMPSON wns nor weik it vesterda.v for rhe lust time nine ihe ni'ctnre heunii. .lusr mv link. Rul Meudav night she will be, mid I liiie,rrekeued with, there were stage hands. . . n ,..nii. ilnte iili eteev imlv tn lie en ' scene n.'iinlers nnd cat neuters xvlie 1111U 1 inner, tier iiaseiiaiiiein ss, m r inn- wrfiil generesiiv. In r pntienie. had no mill haidware lu their i ..s,i si.t , Nubndv evir snjs much of tin nun latix that- makes ihe pieti.re. 'Ihe Compson Kinipniiy is w.ei leifii1 Thrve , I'iu.1 I'errv. who tuius tlie lamera i nnk He 'has werl.nl wit I i.,auv leg ilricters. At l.indi he l"ld n f nun .ine uf an cxperiem v be had with Com Cem Com iiedore J. Stuart Rlacktnn Uuring une of ihe nictures, lie was Miiraii siiillid te take pictuns of a pi ,e bull Tiny round the bull in the middle of a Held", nnd I'aul blitlnH ilimldl the f. nie. the test of the i einp.iin wad i iig from ihe nth' r side i. i Kissed the In Id in Mi I'.'i'l who wns hnughtiU siuiiiiing ninln a i ,,, nm there sedind in 1" s"'u ti.iug nbiiut l'uiil the hull d.dn'r lik 1'n.il nnd the bull enbd Hi' trie 1'unl u.l dime's Reb l.rr. assistant ulireuer I" " Ki'i""ii iur wert., I -ii id Mr. Stn-i'' -. wl' i1"' manst Iniipreifh te lIl.' I'm heard bun ucc n,l there'n Ktlnl Uehertj. who takes I 'are of the seript. Slu-V lieiiBht In rself I a pair of bin" beets nml a khaki suit. nnd is here, there and iv en where all lar once And I'll 'se with another f mv b nemillg ureniun.s; ine nrsjiii ?ati'n idlertH the head. ler I dint lll'lll i"w ....---- - , hut nave u n-im mini.. i...iti i... ' mriitiuu for l'enrnxn .-suiii.uws ,hi ., hPn, ,,,, nl i,,iie uirl.v se nuy Oliver, I aul I rny nnu nun i itiiuiu i euld get a Reed Mint en a week -md nt Raul's slstir's house, up In the hunting trip. .,,- ...... .-- - m, . l, .. ..:. Children in ew Comedy 'Ihe llllest ceniedv lilinlienl b thr new Caniiibell eundy orgniiizatien, called "A Nirk of Time llete," pm pm hents Pereen Turner and Cey Watsen, ,lr . two rlcver child ncteri., in a comedy in which n tiger provides many of the tlirillH. Several bcencs xvcre taken nt nn erphannge, the orphan children en- jeying a real picnic as well as provid ing much vef the acting. I.. ,i. !,.. , ,istl nnd he.tvv inniiin nn OF "BEAUTY AND THE mxmsseMmimsz&mMsmmmsm Hiaitv ,'iitun nre .lames (Jiiinn, null had te wear a dress suit Mae Murray Learns That Picture Production As A of a Bed of Rescs lrAi: Ml RRAi vhe lecently cut -"ln.ii.tr fieni l.n .isiwi.i!e man - llgeis u u si.uteil limv 11 iiiiiking en h out en 11 inner m ''l',M,s,e,T,Khe,-' liTst I et in 'I'eneeck H.'V r e' ir t mm. 1 111 'nil s Miss Mm inv 1 1 bored tit bet stin'uiis in New leik nnd It was the busiest four meet is of her life. Se many rt.irs in tin 11 hevdey arrive nt auv old hour at tin studio with rvirvtliing nil set ' '. Jtir.UU rl.em te pe en Vr nnd disport their si' ted person brtere the fiiniera. Like revnli.v their ( atlis nre strewn with con cen vinieiice.s and Iney can de no wieng. That was what Miss Murray had limi accustomed te during the past. I Rut. Oh! what n change when she, stepped into work of mnning her evn( studio. . Theie were temperaments te be and new sic bns her picture nuMied. ,s one of the scene sntteis said, "I'll siy slie's ii irgular Heeper" Bert Lytell's Fight, Dene for the Films, Was Far Toe Exciting "T vi: icained new that a scicen e tight mnv nisilx become tee ' llayaid eiller admitted filming of a bout lint ween pn V iliug.' lifter tl i tReir l.v nil. plnving the role of n high- I i av pugilist nnd uiilmiii I. lmer, a I i 'f'ssiennl ligl.tr r. 'I told Rert le go in and punili the i i i off that 'png.' iiiui I told Rlmei i i te be nfiaid of knocking licit t'liinigh the wlndevv Reth ebeved in- sriiutiens se well thai it tieiunie a lea limi, kilnwn hclit. 'I'hrv were m.id 'linj fnrset nil iiheui the hiynaU i had! ui i linden neil inn- m rat ii oilier jiie wilihais I've v one was .vellinc at them And linn Anhiir Mnrtuirlli, the i mm raiiinu, set se rxiited he snipped 1 unnditi,:. I lore the biiiised battlers upnit. lint wnile ir was a whale of a tight . we had te film it exer again te tiillnw the hcenurm. Toe rM'itlng!" Miriam Cooper Designs Settings in Her Films MIRIAM CDOl'RR, who will play the lending tela In R. A Walhh's photo-dramatization of Refer .11. Kj tie's famous Merv, "Kindred of the Hum." is biiny (Ii signing the i-els te be use 1 in the pnture Rather I'tiusiial for a leading xv (iiiiaii te d.'-ign sets, some may sa., bur Milium Coepi r wns enie nn att- l t mid attenibd the i-lases of the Vi w Yolk Art Students I.i.ngue nnd tin Cooper Wjih'ii Alt Silmel, he her wen, sueiiiii nii'iii in ii iiiiuii , a matter of fact Miss Cooper bus long practiced architect ui.nl and Mcnle illustration as nn avocation. In Ihc. (laH when dim war, featured by D, V Orlffith, Miss Cooper con stantly waa consulted bv Mr. C.riflith regarding his nets. And MIrh Cooper was nuie ie kivu iur. unmtli seme luabie aavice irem oetn the stand- t ei woman ana an artist. BEAST(S)" Deris May's Ar.vf Film te Be "Lulen and Return' "TVOIUS MA"i S second starring pro pre pro L'diietieii will be" Rden and Return," i renintiilr ceaiedv liv Hiiri Reuaud, based en the stage plav of the same title. 'Jiif work of production will begin at the R-C studio nt IJnll weed this week In "Kden nni Return," the vl vl varieus young stnr will appear as the debutante (laugh ter of n father w h e desires regulate her mar- ringe mere by th- 'u nm Mu i llll II M II 1' 1 prespeitiM' hiiDunml than In levr The i ,.(! r..i,..iu .,..,. i.u (Ak..,.. .i... .. , i h,"' ivm n iii,i mil iuiiii- till' UlUlillU- work of a nni mm-., thnt nmmises m,., in humor, act. en and bran Interest. "Kden and Return" will fellow I "The Foolish Age." in which Miss May will make her debut as a full-tli-dgcd star. j;nwsl formic Forsakes c, , c., ,,, ! btage for Silver Sheet , I71Im;st TORRRNCi:, famous ft.r J1',"S P'T.ll of Seoul, c,e(h ,, '" "" "O"1."- "" "-l-!"' l'uiple I I.ndv uid '"Ine Nmht Re.-it makes .... 1 ji 1 - (irhi't in motion iintutes ,1 n iicnw In Richard Rnithclmess' initial inde pendent stnirins -'hic'r, "Te! "able David." Mr. Ten nice is hi-ie. seen i (l0 role of I.ukc Tatlmiii. a ngmia moun taineer. "Tel'ablr David ' was adapted for the scieen by Jeseph. Hcrgeshcimer from bis stijrv of the uglni.i meim. tains It was dn-ected bv Henry King. Piinrnri.AVn pHOTIlUti, COMPANY f . erAMtmeA. Company of A r-l.I 1 iX b"D A THOMPSON' HTS. ArvJJ-l-W MXTINHi: DAH.T HOPE HAMPTON in "iiim: s i'inai.tv ADPAnlA CHI'STNcT Ill 1BTU AKsyMUIrt 10 A M te 11 13 P M ETHEL CLAYTON In "III.MIMI" ITi CV-TVO Fll.NKUIN . (.UtAllU AVE. AelsJl"- MXTINfi: I'XIt.T mii.i.ixM i Mii.i.i "s. pitniii i no THE LOST ROMANCE" BALflMOREr,r,VAH,;rT,M,rB PAULINE FREDERICK in "reI)s or in rl or mm ",l,t NN" v'""itvvi' DU.fNl i l-hi. lixn v LOUISE GLAUM In "f.KKVn K TIIXS JIIU. et in vx h. BLUEBIRD I rn I ,V i-iji, ttiiin i- tttiniinuK 11 inuill l'liwr.l.l. nnd M'hllxl. C T In "The Princess of New Yerk" BROADWAY ,ir.rhV;T iVY- srucii. cam- iii r.fii- " in: mimx's "The Affairs of Anatel" CAPITOL 7.-J M.XltKL-1 'IT 10 A XI te II 1-1 P M paul rst rixtutmv.N ......- i-nnr.nmnii' in tiik stjm. or nn, i sn-j- COLONIAL nan 7 nml u P. it sl'l CIAI VST In I Kin. li. in; xui i.u-s "The Affairs of Anatel" DARBY THEATRE EUGENE O'BRIEN in "uini.ns. APiitT'j EMPRESS "'"Vativi..; tlj?" JACKIE COOGAN in "ri: i" iii nev" FAIRMOUNT-,"l!1.f,V,'1',Jlxtiv,x CONSTANCE BINNEY In ' llll M(.H II !" FAMILY ,uVVi1m ,;,,,1,V1'. ' VIOLA DANA 'l St. M'i III In "llll. (Ill -Slieiti. I'm mi. ,ATU S ""-All I. -Ilnlew hprucs fHSI. '""i AT'iS'Sr: iSLV LIONEL BARRYMORE In "1IIK KKT AIIVUljJli:'. FRANKFORD 47,& Z&KVD June Novak, "Tlie Gelden'.TrjLU" AODED SimmiSE VACUKiifXE Pt&sZWm!mMi WW -: , CONFESSIONS OF A STAR As Told te INEZ KLUMPH THE STORY REOIN8 R't'j7i the early days in ihc old Fine Art studio in California when Colleen Moere, Ihc Ofii girls, UesMe Leve and n host of ethers tccie mi much meie than extra t(jlrls, Diana Ctietnc tells hew she and her chur.t, Isabel Heath, sat loneiemely around ihc studh until l'hil Craney, the famous director, chose Isabel te f'O fie first of the screen s uaiy vamps." Thry arc seen together i great deal, and a scandal it created by the director's wife. Detry ini Chester, a friend of Diana's, is called en te help,' and Isabel tries te "vamp" him. Then htbel an nounces she is te be starred in the East by a I'aul Markham. Derm gees te France with the aviation corps and Diana meets Keith Oer ham, who strangely atttacts her. On the eve of a romantic runaway marriage, Keith is killed in an auto mobile accident, NOW GO ON WITH tfllE STOUV CHAPTER Mill T Sl'ENT the vest of the night in the - women's waiting room nt one of the big railway stations; ns n mntter of fnet. it was already quite light when I left the deek. I freshened mjself tin n bit. and then, at ! o'clock, went put nnd wnnderrd nheut until I found n pawnshop, ever en Sixth nenue. which wns open. Never before hnd I pawned an thing, nnd I felt horribly ronsplrueus ns I went into the little store nnd spoke te the rami in rhnige. Hr wns very non committal; just glnneed t the ring which I handed him. took it te n little booth nt one end of the counter nnd, examined it. then rnme bncU nnd of fered me $10. It wns worth murh mere than that, of course; it seemed te me that that H'nu mi nlistinlK small amount for him , t 1 !t l...i OKI ..,.,,1,1 inn me I i through the da. se I took it nnd bur 'lied nwny te th" nearest white-front I restauinnt, wheie I feasted en wheat cakes and coffee. ifi li.nii inn ill ii. lull ,, "nti -v, .. That was tlTe lust meal l nail ever l.nd when I was absolutely independent. I n,1 1 iiw plni'enslv hnnnv. Ill New Yerk. ou see se ninny girls who live quite nlene, support themselves, and outside of working hours de about ns they please. Yeu sec tlirm nt theatres nnd motion-picture shows nnd concerts, nnd thev seem te lie bavin;; surh a geed time with ether girls, thnt .ou can't help wishing that even girl, the coun ceun tr evei . (euld have just one year in which she depended en herself and ad justed herself te conditions without am one te help her. My heart sank a little when I left the restaurant and turned toward Mnlrelm Sandy's eflirc. I knew that he would he at' rhe Rreadwny ether of the firm. I up near Fiftieth street, and net at the ! studio, se 1 went there. Rut as I gave m name te the innn in the etiteY eflirr i niid waitrd for him te giie it te Mr ' Sandv. I felt in If I'd never had any connection with the hrm nt all. I wandered around the waiting room, looking nt the big colored pictures of the company's stais there were two of me wretched likenesses and rather I..,. ., , , , I wished thnt I wns one of the girls who se often came therr trying tesget into pirturrs, instmd of 11 star in the making. "Mr. Snndv'll see you new. Miss Cliejne." the innn told 1110, ns I tinlshed mv "second round of the room, nnd I followed him down a long hn'l past glass-partitlenrd eflirrs wheie I could see the various departments getting started en their day s work I brie had been a sudden reformation in the Inter est of rflirlency, mid everybody wns there en time: usually they sauntered In nt nnv time till 10 o'clock, I'd heard. Rut that day thr publicity oflue, the people who took care of thr advertising and pi es sheets, the bookkeeping de partment Ihey and nil the ethers xen there, liuighing and talking together as tl.ej eprnrd thrlr desks and get started mi the morning's dutiis. As I passed through one of thr vrry large rooms, wheie miny stenographers worked, one of them ioregni(d me , I heard lid whisprr te another one, "I.oek, qtiii k ; tlieie sers Diana Chryne " I weudrreij what she would haxr iheught of me, whether her velte would hnve been se IMIOTOPI.AIS The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley America. P.F ORE" 5301 MARKEr ST. Lil-vJOt, ., ;10 and n ae te it IIOIIOTIIY I'lllI MI'S nml Ssiircliil T.isi In "Man Weman Marriage" GRANT HI.'.! (llrnr.1 Xvt ia iim:k jjxilv TOM MOORE ln IIOI I) Otlt IIOIf-Ksl" GREAT NORTHERN i-WL-W DOROTIM "Man- rilll.MI's) nm! Snrclid t list In Weman Marriage' ' imperials;; t.-::-','r JFtJII III. Il.ldt ItlKI M'l.l IAI. I l 111 "THE SKY PILOT" Lehigh Palace G"mjn0uAat KKIIXRII IIMtTIIIX.XIK.Ss lu 'EXPERIENCE" LIBERTY llltUAII A il.l XIUIA AV StAriM.I. DAILY WILLIAM RUSSELL III "SIM, IMI KIV I If OVERBROOKu'iDiIAvV'l,,."uIJUMB0 'lleshI u,nA,0 lOsMIII'OinxS I'ltODlt-lieN1' 'JWI1JUU J-" .1ne e r,Ufert "Tlie Weman Ged Chamred" PALACE l.n iixiiM.1- hTuui.T ai.istak cast in n.i ii. ii. nr. mii i.is "The Affairs of Anatel" PRINCESS 1018 MAHKirr STUUET H VI A .XI ., 1 IX p t MAlltllK 101 KSFI It's I'ltOIlKllON "FOOLISH MATRONS" nperviT K J. I. r. N I MAHKIJT SI' iMuw ITHI in.: -.w.n U : A M te 11 I. M. aiumhiwh imiii fruit "i Ht SCOFFER" "ii t-iin.i .RIA TO OCUMA.NTOW. AVE.VUB rrijtt a c " .'V.'J'V." ar- DOUGLAS MacLEAN RUBY MAltKi:-"1 &' nu.uw -th " whitjiin iikA's'i-imiiiimien" "The Truth About Husbands" ' SAVOY -'" AUkhXi!i II II) III II.I'.U In' ... ..v.vr.v -' .ieiit "THE SKY PILOT" SHERWOOD M !, u.V-'a " LIONEL BAKRYMORE In 'Mill. (.Ill AT w. i.sn 1(1 " STANLEY UI" ' " "'"I NORMA TALMADGE In ' tM.nniMi 1 1 1 : i i.s-i STANTON A'i'' " "". i hTmAY Vex's Wii'.?,' .,,!U' m "OVER THE HILL" 333 MARKET0WKtT??iWJ! ELAINE HAMMERSTEiN la "HIE OIHL rnOM KOWHEltE" V "i She Must Like Bert lw maaaMmmaaaaawftmaaamaaaBkmaaaaaam. iaaaaaaaaamaamammmmmm amaaaaamm jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjH(M!sW'(v" S'f yjSaaaaaam TwMMMmVaaW " ,., , 'WaaaaaW. ' op ffiwiiwnrili niyinlTurmn iinwiHHitW'tnhH'iit.BJMJU.. Y1RC1NIA YA I.I.I Who will be Rert I.jtr'l , caiIln, vveinni in "The RK,t Failed," hn fourth that nppenrancj with the .star envious. If she had known hmv t ,,.i the night. And eh. hew I ., vl d g girl; hevv I wished that I eetlhUn, plarrs w th her. nnd Hit dnvvn t aX neat desk, nnd de work that , ,.' nitr.ly Inld out for mr. Instead efVr t te face what was ahead of me ' Malcolm Sandy sat at his desk ,,1 just stared aH 1 crossed the il00 "5 paused It, front of hi,,, On "M between us was a hURV photograph". me. In a Hilvcr frame, nohedv could luive seen ir there and net wondered X he had selertwl .me, from ameni: th. cempnii m many' stars, for this neil. Hen of prominence. 1 began te think that Rreadvvny'H gossip about 111 h,5 iiul iji-rii "iK'iiy iMiuci ncatH'M fault "nen.' he said at last. a I ttLi there looking at him IU"1 "I've come 10 say that I inn't posit, bly i.iairy you. uvcr, bur that 111 go ea with this picture, se that all we've deni won't be wasted, nnd that I'll finu! .nit my con tract with ou. If veu vrmt me te." ' ' "That's kind of you, ' he retnrnented d-yl.v . "ten 11111 away during tlic nlibt and frighten me half te death, nnd then you saunter In here nnd remark that you won't brenk your (entraet nk.t, ' you knew- dained well thnt .von couldn't de nnything but stiik te eu'r agreement nnyvva. Why whj- " And then, suddenly, he exploded, n. tramped up and down the en"i"ij la mved nnd swore nnd said things thlt mude me turn absolutely cold with hor ror. 1 wanted te run uwaj , hit 1 knevr thnt if I did I'd never lemr bark, an' this 'thine 'mil te be settled once and for all right then. Finally he 1 aimed down n bi'. re.ilia. lug that his bltisteiing va-n t de.ngnn; geed. I hnd been leaning ngnunt t!i desk ns he raged nbeut, and he rami ever te where I steed, put hU liandi en mv shoulders, and stared nt me for several minutes. "Se jeu won't marry me, ' he sal' nt last. '1 can't," I told him. "All right let it go at tn.v Gninj ever te the studio this niernliig'' The; phoned that you would wmk at 11," Thnt was like hint, te iage nm storm and then siiddenlv quiet down I went devviistnlis and get a taxi, an' wns jolted through the snevw streitnte the old riding nrndeiny that had beta turned into a special studio, sU (hat 1 ihe ceiiipnnj's women sfu, wouldn't have te make the long journey te till etlu'r studio, which was en tliculgeet 1 lu"";, ,' "" ".': "',"'. ',' "' "' I ..... .. T f.k.t ,,., Il.n, .... ... ...a.... lllllS'll HI' UHll-MIIII 1 lllllll b uani in 1 lldd Willi a V CtelJ . Rut 1 xvendeud w luther I deverliare a chance te tell Derij what he had helped ine te de. I wondered, tee, whether Malcolm Snudv had accepted my decision as linal, or whether hi xveiild niuke things unpleasant for me. Te Re Continued Teninri rtw Ralph Ince te De "Justice" Ralph In e. who starred ,n "Thl Highe.t Law" nnd "The l.unl of Op Op peitunit ," vvil' dirfct the sen en prei prei (iitntien of Jehn dnlsweriln's "Jul ticc," in wlmh William Firilian. Ii te be staired riioTei'ijvi.si cemmhv r . erAMimeA. ' VFPTOR I A MARKET ST. ab. 9TR . V Jv I UKI A ., a m. te ii is P. v. CHARLES RAY In "MNKTKKN I'lll I.I.I ' . At WEST CHESTER IDLL HOUR "li.i'MK"11 iTlie NIXON-NIRDL1NGER 0 Tl (EATREb belment 52D ABOX E XIARKET i an nmi n in ie ii r tt. Si.erlnl tiist In f IX II. II, 1)1, MM I.E'I "The AfFairs of Anatel" CEDAR bOTH A ( i:i)lt IxENWi 1 SO inrl .1 7 en 1 IIP.lt BETTY COMPSON in "vr Tin: end nr tiii: iwiRin", i CC) IFJ 1IVI MurKet bel Saih" W V.x7U.IOCUlVli "II nun 1 7n.iMI. I SI'I ( , ( st lii f HI II II IK MULE'S "The Affairs of Anatel" ATB. V "TO PLEASE ONE WOMAN" LEADER llHr ,X LAXCAlilhll AV. iiiTivrr' liVTt.T M'i:nl. t ,T In (ICII, II, 111 MIII-E'J "The Affairs of Anatel" I DPI '"sT r-' AN'J UJCtHT SlKKBli L.UV.UJ i xt.ii. t ;tu a no i;v Hinnij i M'i:c i r, t ,ST in t r.( ii, ii. in: mii i.e' i "The Affairs of Anatel" I K T IX T '. 1 k v i 1 l I j i. i tl .9 , 1MAVJ1N "ii Tindl NIXON I MIIMtnr. sai K.I1I ir e,f w.n! (ait U . . : . ... r. s.i THE BARBARIAN" i RIVOLI 6-u - ;iVT!;rAB.t DOROTHY DALTON ' III "III.IIIMl XIVSUS' STR A Mn "oi.it.MA.NTew n a r. J 1 IM1NU at xn.NAvnn .stukht SI'lH I l, ( AST In ( K II. II III! Xlll I.E'8 "The Affairs of Anatel" AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A Cermantewn "lu x'.''r'Lt WANDA HAWLEY in mm: iiei si, -i ii r ,i in iit" JEFFERSON l'Wh.I t- ."nVaSt LOUISE GLAUM in "(i(i:,ii.tt tiin kii" - Paris' iix.k am &. "L'',l.l,N.-ii rrtlm xmt -j r. iH-iinuii ALICE BRADY in riu: i is.iijnmiPK" vi WEST ALLEGHENY SMft.,,iyJ535i nmiHirrnrixCDirE , W" Mil In nn.iiis UK UliIlJ(ll" -k . i tM i jfi44. - . . , -1 '. 1 16 - -V