Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 10, 1921, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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Letters te the Editor
The Shipping Beard Robbery
r tlie ZMIrer e thr Kufnlitff Public t.nlatr:
WrT!i8 HhlwInB Jlennl fehlwrs. which
ffy MvffAl days re iHnMId th public by
ii,i prlrflitiK ' the news f II" durlni.
i.rnM nut te M a ttikt lielrt-up mi lh vmrt
l. .mrleifn w"h lh inlrnllen of rnbl.lnit
Thii robbery ni lh result of the much
PreVRlnl Attlr In mln menty mere rat-Idly
than ihry wr bl te Mm It.
It is the miwi ell utery tun men In the
mils two lirektn hnms nun two deceived
1Rj'hnrt-brekn vvlve Ami vst tomorrow
nil brlnif another utery; It may net be of
iVninvi diameter, but It Is breuilit About
,;,rough the Mint n-encylha Kreed for
'te these "',10 n"" ke'"" lh', pil'0 '"diy
nA have net yt been upprehendfil It should
1 , mml lessen Will they tnlm wernlnif
Jl (9 better te live In pence nnd iull nnd
wllh n clear conscience In n hovel than te
ieM In n Vmnlsemfly furnished mansion,
lei with 'h ,f,r nf detection continuously
hnrlni ever our heae.
This I r fast eite, but ou should slew
,'cnn elnaye te keep within our twins tt
It dans-ereus te nveretep yrur thrhe!il.
fer vnu "'ill ee thit fake held-urn for khIii
,i net pay In the end If eerjheily ceiiM
rtiU brli'tr It within thelp minds that they
should nttempi te live within thi'lr Incomes,
ti wni'ld be a world of hnppy people. Mild
(he ii-urts Mould hale te ke nut nf buMiiem
er allow ludsvs arid Juries nrlnnsid hn.
Philadelphia Oeteber .. lOJl.
The Daring Autelat
-e the rdilnr nl Ihr Evmtna Public Lrdetv
Mr I 'lUlte RKr 'th one nf your rorre rerre
rrendente "he states the rellc elmuld be
much mere ulert than they nr.t In prohibiting
the driving of automobile it throughout our
ettv without n Mreiisn nnd hv persons Inex
terlenced In handllnc marhlnes Tlvee.
' urth.s of our accidents come about In thit
nay r-v dnrliiK autelsta nnd by tli lenlney
r nhlch the' are tratrd when they are dU
r.irred or uhen they have run down and
IrJuied wi.iie n-ie.
I knew a veunir man who remit H nree
a unman car through the busy thorounh therounh thoreunh
Hr. nf thld cliv and It aa bv nitre (bailee
IHI hi nn- wa In lured bv hla darlnr. Ite
(,rf lie rrarhed hie destination lie manlpu
i, lit) lie car In si'di a way that II was
nerluriied and erlnmlv Injured but, form ferm
rntU I' where no c.ne wni hurt li H
wry rare that the "tp'Hemd cliauffmir
mule with an aeeldrnt, nnd then II i ver
rarfli hl faul" but It Is th darlnir nutnlet
'le la a innn'i in the nuMb' Tbev need
wilrhira: Mini iiitp punlshmnil.
it. w eii,i:nr.
PhlhnHphia Oi-lnber H. 1021.
"Where Is My Girl Tonight?"
Te Kir Erfilnr nl Ihr yvmmg PnliUi l.rilgrr:
fl,r P Hnnkev breUKht mnr" tere
te thr ei's of the wnld lhietiRh hie eon
'Whre l Mi Wnndirlnc l'.ev TenlBht''"
ilnn hae n'i nther snnz been (he mean nf
lelr.r. Tlieie are many "uanderlnc lmv"
eit mil there lire m.inv rnrrnwln. nmihi'ia
linme 1 . Jn-at llltr Iho title nf Ihla emu!.
nul tln I" equally true nf ' iianderliw
irl' . In f" t thev eem en th' ncendan. y
eni rllh the parents never eeemlni; te
nht tJirm an' attention when they n much
xtii It
I hue never fen h time when (he In
dirTrnr nf the t.U'lile in In their dainh
"r l en mikd -. at thn preeent. C'nest-
i.l unit Maftet klrnila ere rmii'tlflil nVmu
n f hi nidi euulr alr! wheee conduct t
arvthlnc bui In inrnparlsen te thetr eara
U'lme aie their parenla? Of what I. the
lituhl nf their mniliei ; re, h ak her
ilf Wh'rr la tin iandirlne alrl teniRlit?"
Ipparentlv net fni" the mother la rearlnir
her In such a way Icday that tha seunc
- rl la very much In Iho position of the
"etar boarder "
The mother exacts in linme duty from her
tjiuffrttr Hha pees ahead and does all tha
wnrk. allows the daughter te Idle nway
ir limn anJ Immediately he has had her
i'Plfr he depnrta fur the "whit way."
ai.d thu mnth'r elthr mea te the mevlea
er retires, tiled from alavlnit all day or hr
femtl . flut there la never a theUBht as te
"Wh'ie la my wandurlng Klrl tenlxht?"
II. Ij. C.
Philadelphia. Oitnber 7. I9JI.
Parents Are te Blame
Te fa Kdlfer of Ihr Kvtnlnn J'uMie I.'Antr:
Sir A letter In n receni Isiue of jour
"nple s b'erum hrlnura up a mattar that
ids attenilen. Vltheuch I don't bellevn
rlielllles and fade plav an l.irife a pert In
ur etluratlnnal effnlrs a the writer nf thin
tttr would Implj, ei I haie lnnpr felt thit
Hev havn been nli"ti ten much weight.
Hut I am net leartv te lav the blame en th
v0'Jn; pwple Thev cannot be expected te
knew any batter. The arc. fellow Ins their
'ehns rather than their Intellects.
Ner de I hlarr.a the achers, but. rather.
'he parents, who, In the final analysts, hae
'he controlling; power. There r many
'eaehera who start out practicing nnd prwch
til tha old Integrities, but they de net last
len as teachers. They are net preressla
meuith The. student don't like them, of
eurie That wouldn't b human nature.
'or de parenta and echoel officers want
hfm. Thev are renaldtrM tee ir.essbacked
snd loe slew. The coneequenre la that they
muit 'rsferm" cr be dropped by th way
slda In ether professions nclneertntt,
mtdlctne and law. for example experience.
Is a valuable aaaet, hlchly esteemed. In
education It l all tee often a handicap.
Ths experienced person, who has learned
te reeurnlia ahims and who shuns fads,
timet riie way te th tjre who. full of en
Uiuil.sm eier a newly found fad. blotsema
forth te Impoae It en th unsuenjectlnar nnd
Innocent youth he come tn him for In
spiration and for guidance. And why? I3
cu that la what peple want.
Tha remedy? That In easier te auBtest
than te apply. The one ths writer of th
letter referred te la geed. In my opinion
whit we need la u clearer Insight Inte tha
rurpere of an education and a, fuller re.ill.
ixtlen en the part of tha parents of their
rtapensibtlltlee. OEOUOE T KILIOTT.
Philadelphia, October B, 1021.
What Bible Teaches
Te Ihr F!A(tjr of tht Jfrnntng PuhUc LtAem-
Sir I feel sorry for "P. O." In the Ten.
'a Forum of yesterday. The Illble la
iuit the reierae of what he claims. It
teaches righteousness It condemns lying,
deception, cheating, thieving and a thou theu
nnd ether forms of eln that ha may or
my net ha in mind.
The New Testament Inatructn us mortals
y, I
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH inn Hi
If you, tee, need an intelligent, skilled, experienced
electrician, machinist, plumber, painter, tailor, cook, knitter,
operator or ether skilled labor, a Ledgergram will carry your
message overnight te the ONE MILLION readers (averag
ing four te a copy) of the Public Ledger and Evening Public
Thousands of geed people, victims of the current busi
ness depression, are waiting en the receiving end of Ledger
grams these tiny, inexpensive classified ads, se potent with
Pulling power.
Phene your message NOW te our Classified Advertising
Department. Bill will be mailed later.
Bell Walnut 3000
Keystone Main 1601
What's YOUR
The Weman With Nothing te Say
Te thr Editor nf Ihr V.vtntna Public t.titnrr:
Mr Hnvn you ever heard nf n "wnm.1t'
with nothing e any' ? I have n alth-r In
law nf that character, and .et she taken
fiem thrce-uuarters te mi hour te iay It. I
knew my experience with thla sort of n
phone, pest la only the experience of hun
drtda of ethers.
I am a Myman with eevrrn! amall chll
dun, nnd my rtster-ln-law has nnn 1
bnve a heuse te kep In order, and she enl.
loeka after ,i small pparlmrnt. I de mi
own washing, she eenda hers out At least
twice n da for want, mi doubt, of some
thing in de she rails me up en the phone
It Is the same "nothlng-te.fnv" cenvcren
tlen a i both periods, nnd at both perlfda tht
nxt day nnd the next.
This evening eh I'erated me for net being
at home when she called and accused me of
btlng n "gadabout " I left her undr that
Impression, but I wta In the cllnr washlnu
and failed te hear the phone. T wanted
her te think I nm out n great deal In order
te bm rid of the nulaance, hut new she hae
Marled te call me early nnd around meal
tlnie In order that ehe will he sure te tfet me
Then I lime te turn down the gaa I den'i
mean my alaler-ln law's test my meals dr
up my children tuKleeted. nil because, thin
"nothing-to-de" nnd "ni'thliipMn-eny'
vrmn continues te be a rhnpe p'irt
I nni writing thla te Till th attention of
lour readers te thle pet In th hope that
many mnv read It ind Hep nnd cenaldrr
Whv doesn't evcrv woman who hni "nethlnr
f ray" rensld-r that, nltheuali she may lv
In a tmslllen te wafte time, rhe pnbibly
celllntr up a friend who ha ' something In
de " Phenellls la like manv ether (Ureases
although unlike manv nf them It seems te
le Incurable Ten rati talk about b.eball
fann and movie fans, but lhre phone plianp
It should le spelled that iriiv te distinguish
tlinn are prnbihlv th grtateat nulmincei'
that the housewife; iaei e contend wllh.
Mill. W. I.. U.
Philadelphia. October 1021.
hew- te live clean cut, pure, and healthv
Christian liven free from l,i In all of lit
lle ferme. "P II." falls te mention en'
passage n' th" Ttlhle ns poof of hlr nrgu
tnenl. 1 would ndilse him te sludv tl"
Tlreia of all rtniike, ntid ak find, the mi
ther. for llghl i n Ills written word,
Atlnntlc f'llv. N". .t . tVlelier .V 121.
The "Calclmlned Ladle"
Te Ihr P.lhlnr nl Ihr Ortlfiiq 'llfllie t.ritarr
Sir I wnnder If veur correspondents who
have been "ellnKlni: Ink" promlsceuslv a'
one another would have nnv ibleetlena tn
mv having n vnnl nbeut "the IUa.en.hUed
bnb-balred, blahlv ralclmlned ladlea."
When T fneua inv evca upon nne of the
aforenisntlener. ladlea I have visions nf an
tlnt tlreece. T hear llvperldea and llha
tnclea. the or.ilera. I see the plava nf Al
exnnd'r and Arlstnphaiiea, 1 hc.ir the enci
lilegenea and t'rateH epesl., Heerntes rcn
inn I eee Alrllllndra, Perlflee Ittnl .erx"a
but 1 must step, for T have nther visions
1 see dlieti-riaden engaged In smoothing their
blmid hnli . I sen nthers pnlntlnK their face"
with n (lib U nlntment. 1 see the great paint
era nf ilreece, beuulllng their lelture heun
trjlng te Improve upon nature
In ei-aichlnv ihe Miirlent hlainrv of Uirvpt
M-iln. Orcire. Reme, the rarlv Christian
th, l-Van-e duililK til" Mlduli Ages; Inn
bpuln and flrc.it Ilrltaln. 1 find that th'
(uatiun of Meiii'hliiB the hair, painting faeex
nnd lips Iwhlch In Keine InaMncea was com
PUlaery) weie nil lir ru tn th- eume environ
tnenl Hv that I de net mean te Inslnuat'
that the Indlea of today who us hair djes
cesmatlce. etc , are of the Mime tjpe an
these who did In historic riivs, bill. UKh'
what a nasty laale II haves In mv mouth
n. e.
Philadelphia. Septcmler 2". 1021.
Questions Answered
Te Make Shoes Waterproof
Te Iho r.dllar of Ihr livrnltte I'm Mia l.tdncr:
Sir I find much vivluoble Information In
your People's Kerum. I writ te Inqulr'
what te put cm sheea that will cause them
te turn water. I have a pair that even
dew will eeak through and keep my feet
wet most of the day. J. A. It.
Philadelphia, September 20, 1021.
It tha leather of the slmea I" se porous
(hat even the dew pnettala It, It la net
possible te eugKCHt a remedy but tn wear
them out In dry weatlier. hvveet oil or shoe
grease, well rubbed Inte leather, should
inake It waterproof
The Pierian Spring
Te the Krflter nf the Ktenlitp PuhHe l.rita'r:
Mr Wm there a Pierian sprlnn. or was
It Juet the fancy of the author when he ais
"Drink deep, or mate nut the Pierian
Pprlng " . W. A
Philadelphia, September 20, 1021.
The rierian spring was located at Plerla
a region In Northern Thesaily rjid Southern
Macedonia, which m saerM te tha Muses
Seme aay that the name of the fountain
was derived from tne nnclent King Tlerus
who Is said te have emigrated from Thrace
Inte Roeeila. and there first established th"
Muses of Thespli. The fountain was slid
le confer poetic and Intellectual fire en all
who drank ef Its waters.
Fast Ocean Travel
Te the TTdlrer of the Kvealtiff Publle frfer:
pr tvill you be, se kind a te let me
knew In your People's I'erum celumng what
was the faarteat time, made by n ocean liner
fiem New Yerk le Liverpool; s-Iee from Liv
erpool te New Tork?
Letters te the. Editor should ba aa
brlr nnd te the point as possible,
avoiding nnythlnft that would open
a denominational or Bectarlan dis
cussion. Ne attention will be raid te anony aneny anony
meuM letters. Names nnd Rddrenees
must be signed a nn evldenoe of
Keed faith. nltheuKh names will net
be printed If retiuest la made that
they be emitted.
The publication of a letter Is net
te be taken as an Indersement of Its
views by this paper.
Communications will net be re
turned unless accompanied by post pest
nge, nor will manuscript be saved.
TLe Puzzled
Thought of
I Ae-J SV A -- rt
And he get what he wanted
Pel Phene Pest?
"Have a Heartl"
7'e the Vdllrr nl thr l'vrtlne Public t.citarr:
Sir- I would like te say te alt these who
hne taken te the phone habit that they
should "have n heart" for these, upon whom
ll.ey would Inflict their queries or needless
conversation? llefnre you try te annoy the
M iv husinret man you should step nnd
trnslfler -vhether he has the fume nineudt of
lelsur. na .ieti haxe.
I n. nil the phone In my business. Why?
tireause the ether fdlew has It, And et I
net Infri'iuentlv lenk (iron It an meat
tiu'emce nnd nnnej-ince le one who, while
nl hn nfflie, h.ia nni n moment te epire te
tnke a way from hla busltiesa by glvlne out
uceleds Information I de net think a day
pnseea that I de net recclv from half a
doien te n dn7en rnlta en the phone fren
people many nf whom I knew but slightly
nnd senin net tit nil asklnr me some foolish
question, the answer for which they tnuld
Hrciulrn with but little effort en their part.
They ,i'k me ever Iho phone te uae that ef
fort. 1 nni rnmrellnl te ehllge In business,
et 1 nm net In builness for that purpose
hut le mnke a 111 Inc. nnd 't 1 And se many
'nronddernto persona will Insist en bother
ing me and taking up my time almply be
cause, thsy consider that I am well In
formed en the eubjeeta about which they de
sire Information.
Most nf (here inaulrers could have the
stme Information m hnnd that I de If lhay
would take enlv n little time each day te
Inform themselves rr collect and Me doeu deeu
mtnta na I de. They ar-i loe laiy or In
different, nnd heroine n phone pet te ma
slmplv .is a matter of convenience. Te such
let me ray and there ate no doubt many
theunande of them In thla ellv- "have a
heart" and don't i-s.ll a busy man away
from his work te give you some Information
that veu eurlf should be able te find
wllh but Utile effort, although you feel It Is
much esslir te teke up the phone and call
up reinu one who In a little mere alart. ,
Philadelphia. Octnber . 1021.
Wis there ever an ocean liner that made
the run In less than a week?
Keel I smden. V. J
Beptemper jii m.i
Mem nf tli large ocean liner make the
trip le les-i ihsn a week. The rasteai time
en re.erd was made between New Yerk and
tjiiteinieMM bv the MHuretanla. '" I dnvs
R hours and II nilnilles. en Me (ember 1R.
The faeteal time
2ii rum The Mniirctanln nlse made the
' fasten time from tj'ieenstnwn te New Yerk,
j September 11-in. HMO. th time liein
'dnia li) heuis nnd 41 minutes.
Abbey's Citizenship
1 7r lh' Prft'er of Ihr I'veiidie Plihtle f eiljer
I Sit Old nd.vln Austin Ablxy. the artist
1 b'ceir,.i a Urltlsh subject? O I. I',
i Phllndelphln, September .V. 1021
I AIIIieiibIi Kdwln Austin Abbrv lived In
llnaland fop manv Tara and dhd In Im-
den, he new gavn up his American na-
i The I. W. W.
Te eir pililnr nl Ihr Ci'enliie Public l.ritn'r
Mr Mew long bis the t.ereiv Knew n aa
the In luatrUI WnrWs nf the World len In
eilstcnie and wher- was It formed'
I H A. U
I I'hl idilphli. Srpiember 2S. lO.'t
(hi. age, in I.-, ear lOul. nnv Iw il'l
te hnii. witnessed the beginning nf this so
ciety. The meeting had been arranged by n
rreup of radical labor lejidtrs. of whom the
lesdli-B splrlie wer Themas J Haggerty
edllei of the nffklil erxan, ar-l Clarence
Hinltb. Brnernl kh retarj-treasurer nf the
Anurli an Laber I'tilnn A ennd meeting
i of alnut thirty later leaders waa held In
Januarv lllll.'i, whl"h Issued n Cell for an
Industrial union convention. At thla con
ventien, held In l lib ami In June. 100S, were
repreeenlHtlvea linm unions with an aggro aggre
gate m-iinberthlii of 10,000 men
The German Mark
Te ffie V.dilnr nl Ihr I'.vfnine PiiMtc l.rita'r.
fllr Please elate why. If (Jermaiy la se
proapreiia an we irn told In the newspapers,
the Unman murk i t-e low- tn value at the
present tlnie. A L (JAPLEH
Phlladeliihla. S.-picmber 25. 1021.
Thn grnal fall which has occurred In tha
value nf llm (Icrmuii mark Is due chleflv te
the f.n't tint the amount in circulation haa
Increat-ed Miormeus'i. until thcre are new
ninrh elghlv en billion marks of Herman
Impel nl (link nctfi In circulation, compared
with less than two billion befere the war
In addition there are nearly eleven billion
marka of lean bank bills, the total of both
Classen amounting I i 1700 marka per capita
The ti.til dictation In the United HUtca la
Irea th.ui JftOti per capita In addition te
the es"alve uaura, another factor 111 de
preaalng the v.ilue of the murk la the
world wide doubts na te the sol ency of tier
many Th. pre v.r value of the mark was
auttajsiii fjia-
ll Ivi
1 !
W (
S If
n Sinffle-Sive 8
BH s-. -j-- ,e..
21.8 tenia. The nreaent value Is less than
one rent
Longfellow's "Reaper and Flower"
Te the Editor of the Evcrlng Public t.tdetr:
Hlr--The assertion has been made thai
tingfellew's poem "The Reaper nnd the
l'lewer" Is net nn original effort, but a
translation from Iho German I nm sure
veur Peep'e'a Forum can threw some light
en this lin.NHY T. IJKVEREl'X.
Phllade.phla. H"pttmber 23. 1021.
Yeu no dejht nave reference te a German
perm, or, rather, ballad, fiem "Dea Knaben
Wunderbern." by Arnlm and Itrentane A
comparison of the two peema vtlll show
that while the figure In both Instance Is
the same, thj treatment la wldelv different
The first veree of the German batted Is ns
'There Is h reiper Drntli bv name;
Chi sen bv Ged en hirh he c-ime;
Me makes his elekle ken,
Iletter 'twill reap, I wren.
Soen will he thrlce It vleld.
Naught can wn de hut yield.
1'ewnre, fair flowers'"
leongfellew's first erie Is
"There Is a reaper whose name te riath.
And with hit sickle keen
He reaps the bsard'd craln at a breath
And the flowers that rrew between "
In both poems Death reaps his harvest of
fet.der flowers, net In the chnracter of n
cruel destroyer, but as the pitying rervent
of thn one who would traneplant them tfi an
nther garden, "In the flelda of light above."
"C. I. R." aaka who It was that said'
"It takes three i.-eneratlens te make a Ren
lleman and four le make n lawn "
Poems and Songs Desired
"Back of the Beating Hammer"
Te the Editor nl the y".venta Public l.cdeir:
Mr I would Ilka te get B pesm, a verse
nf which I Inclese. Alse tell me who wrote
It, The verse la:
"Hack of the beautiful hammer.
Ry which the steel Is wrought,
Rack nf the workehep's clamor
The seeker mav (Ind hln thought
The thought that la ev-er master
Of Iren and steam nnd sttel.
That r!ea above disaster
And tramples It under he "
Philadelphia. September 2, 1021
"Life Is a Mystery"
Te Ihr Editor of Ihr Jfufitdte- Ptidlfc- t.rderr:
Sir Who wrote 'he poem containing the
Inclesed verse? If you have it could von
print It.
"Life, la a mvstery as deep an eier death
can re.
Yet, eh. hew dear It Is te ue. this Ufa se
live and see " p yt jf
Philadelphia September 21?. 10JI
"Come Away"
Te Ihr Editor of Ihr Ki n(n Publlr t tdri'r
Sir Can anv of aeur readers (ell ni who
Business Courses for Business Executives
Part Scholarships
Four ld-vveek terms (II Funda
mentals a aenerai course adapted
te the use of executives, (2D Crpy
Writing, (8) Economics. (4) Me
chanics. I "ere I n Trade:
Kipert and tmmr( Ilualness thor
oughly discussed by eiperts; solu
tion of l-arte tireiletlis.
Investment ltunklug and Inveetmenta!
Heslifnfd for men and women Inter,
estrd;, as Individuals, trustees or
banking or bend hovse emplevee.
Commercial Credits nnd L'ntlcettn!in:
Sound Uienry nnd modern practice
In the grantliii; nf safe credits;
use of agencies and maklntr collec
tions IVialnraa Mutlstles. Charting nnd
Hew te compile huslneja dat.i In.
a sclfntlflc. uniform and sieurata
manner and te file te na te l
eaallv accesalhte.
Preparation nnd Dictation of Iluslness
Lrttrrs nnd lErpnrtx:
Fer the everutive and correspond
ent who wishes te Bet away from
the commonplace, te exprrm Indlvl.
duallt In his work
Z-Ycar Course in Prrparutiett for Erceutiva Positions in Acmiiuthuj
I'hei'k the kind of irjimii: von pre'er. and we win hfnd von fu'l Inf.unintien"
or telephene Lecuat 2800. Liecrlptlv catalei mailed en requrat.
Director off
This is the first birthday of the Packard
Single -Six.
Of course, we're having a celebration
all this week at our showrooms, and
since you knew the Single -Six, you are
mere than welcome.
There's a birthday cake, tee, with
enough slices for every automobile
owner who attends.
Five of the slices are lucky ones, since
each contains a prize of value.
l the author of the following lines n
send In Iho complete poem. If possible!
"Come away le the land of the eaprhlf
Te th kingdom of unalloyed bliss:
Te the land of delight, where by daw nnd by
A crown only cejts you a kiss"
Philadelphia, September 2, 1021.
"News of Battle"
Te thr Edltnr of thn Ki-rff-tfl Public I.'dacr:
Sir T am anxleua te gei n poem of which
Randelph Murray la the here, which con
tains Ihe fellow lnr lines:
"News of battle, nws of battle
Hark' 'TIs ringing down the street."
tl O 1L
rhlladelrhla September 12, 1021.
Old Seng Wanted
Te thr Editor nf Ihr Evtnina Public J.rde'r!
Hlr- I will appreciate It If one of vevir
readers will send In the fx-m lentnlnlnc
these lines:
"Soldier, soldier, will yetj marry me
Mann up th flf and drum "
"Oh. he-v can I marry rurh a pretty maid ft
When I hive no shoes te put en?"
Off she ran te the shnmiker
A fast as she could run
And bought him a ralr of the verr beat
And the soldier tut thm en
Philadelphia, Prlmlier 2 10J1.
Te thr Edltnr of the Kvnlvn public T.rdgr:
Sir There Is a little tw-e-verse poem en
titled "Loyalty," written by M Ji Mnlley
riease print It In the I'eiple'a I'erum.
JAM", T i-onner
Philadelphia, October r. I'i2t
Ker every word of trndcne I f pa red,
Fer every Jey of mine we mtcht have
When you were here.
1'er eesh carers left locked within mv
Ter every thought 1 held t'cm von api-t
Terglve me. der'
When you wera hei-e
Llfj was e ahft'
Ker all the music I have drained from
Ker every happv rmlle ei- erh cf mt h
Plnce you are r"r
Ver everv balm mv achinu l'C-r has line-en
Iper every pleasure 1 hiii-" eeuirht nlrt'ie
forgive me dear
Since veu no i one
Life Is SO lung
V ti Ms '
An Old Peem
TO Ihr Editor Of thr 7'lnnp Plh'l I rrlnrr
Sir- I am arxieus te in-or' nn e'd reem
entitled "A leans Time M: h'Unpi'.s
for Ex-Service Mm
TaUBlt through pre i al ee'in ena
of problems In the whe,eme re
tail and specially i -;,
Heal Kelntri
Cemprlsea n k. i,w ftr pr..,(.
uie. Cenveyancing, ft ):. Practice.
nicuaslens deal with practical
problems tn modern rtalt practke.
Fetlernl Tag Tlrpertet
Preparation rf Income and capital
"lock tax returns. General prin
ciples followed by .1 careful Mud
nf new lelrlatlen.
Public (speaking:
Carnegie Couise for hun nees men
wne l8h tu addret-a cluh Indaes
director' meetings con. Iseiy. rni.
phatlcally and vvliiein f.,,r
llfllce nrgnnlzntlen nnd Management:
The npplliatlnn of modern , ftl.
title iu.in.iEeinent tu utile. details
te Incieesn efllcl'my ami de ibt
bpunlsh. l'rcnrh nnd llnllnn:
Almejt ndlsrenel ii. in fereisn
trade I'errect usa-e for tustnesa
HUH frit' ini inc.
A., 1423. Arch Sircei
aBJOPWJiiis BwnsJxrsn su rrevwri
w rtl ti ffi l ifl Vf fti rf n-i tin al
"""Kg j U
"Once ther tea a littles kitty,
White ns the mew "
Phllidclphla, October fi. 1021
O'Ke there waa a Utile kitty,
Whit" as tha anew;
lr a barn she used te frolle
A lore tlm age.
In that barn a little meusle
Ran te and fro,
A'ld she heard the klHv -eminff
r. m. m u w k.ma Ejfe-1B 'asceT asce asce 1
p-sce Asce S ft Wt ig ?fi Hi '' ' " n ' ' j
Big, Meaty
"Exfrs von
There's a let of satisfaction in buying eggs where you knew
you are going te receive twclvr geed ones in every dozen. Every egg
that is sold ever our counter? is guaranteed te be sweet and whole
some. Yeu take no risk whatever in dealing at an Asce Stere.
An Asce Stere xvill save you mere
Best Granulated Sugar lb
It pays te trade "where quality counts."
Asce Sliced Bacen
Sweet suffar-curerl bacon that fairly melts in your
Strictly Pure Lard
Open-kettle rendered. The same high qualify we have
Asce Gelden Syrup
Absolutely pure. Unusually nice flavor.
Asce Perk and Beans
Selected beans, in a rich tomato sauce.
Madp from ripe tomateos, purr ' inejrar and spiepj.
2-ib. pkg., 3c; lb. pkc., 45c
Different folks hne H1fferer.t tastrs when it romp., te
w havp fi e different blrnp, t0 , he isp "rem -thrre's a hlpnd
Ornnre PcUee Inrfir. Crvle-. Old Country Styl?
U fJ fJ
rsLSJ.. T-M.tr
It i3 significant thaf een thn.-e families
who could well afford te pay 75c or 80c per
lb. te (?et the best butter are stcadv users
of the delicious Leuella. Yeu can't buy
better butter at any price.
Richland Butter, lh 48c
Sernnrt only te thei tneemnarMe J.eji;a
Geld Seal
1 O'J . IlOl r of Oeld
Geld SenI Fleur
Salmen -10c
It pft te -f-t 1 j,t rh Af -trfs
Bad Alaska Salmen, can 25
ASCO Means Qaality
Asce Dried llrtt pke; lOe
Asce Maine Cern csn 16c
Asce Oleemarxarine. lh 23c
Asce Pesnut Dutter. xUs 9c
Asce Silted Pt&t can 19c
Asce Bread Crumbs, pky. 10c
N. B. C. Vanilla
h-r,ni i f w h.f nf piy.r
Choice White Potatoes (
i nil f7'i Ihi 1 ?n.. 1. L.. . in IL.. . fr-
l pk (7li lbs ) 20c:
Fine bip menly fellows tha' cook like ral's of flour.
very inoice cmione,
T Visit our big, new,
Get Acquainted Day
, ,Evfr. Tuesday, w0 held a SpeclaT'Snle in all our 198 Sanitary Meat
h li cta'nJ1 S e nfW cu'temcrs come and get acquainted with us. Our
hlRh standard of quality and our low prices have wen for us the patronage
of the discriminating housewives wherever our Market? are located.
Meat Specials for Tuesday
Rump or Round Steak lb- 25c Finest Standing Rib Reagt . 28c
Thick End Rib Roast, lb 18c
Lean Salt Perk lb- 12',2c New Made Kraut q 12VU
Fresh Killed g Chickens ib 35c
ASCO Stere. All Over Phila. and Throughout Penna., New Jertay. Delaware and M1-J
ijfM my VsJV-i m miM-mW-9mrm
! m
- " . -
rih m A lfc hl mWtk ffh I mUlmm Mm iHl gtfc Imtlk
A tenr time age.
Twe black m bd Hills kitty.
Rlack as a rrew.
And they Med the little meusle
Lene time nge.
("our Utile paws had little kilty,
l'aws as soft as dough.
And they caught the llltle mouale
Ien time nse
Nlve teeth had little k.ttv,
All In a row.
And they bit Iho little mnusle
lyinnr time are
Anether Link in Our Chain
of Meney-Saving Values!
rn OTJ
can be SURE eP'
ksj ra ,
Asce Cera Flakes
A quality product through pnd through and
Best fwe Catsup betQc ex? 25)
em rinc tomateos. Purr ' inpirar and snirrt. Q,
Zx&r rfr tifi i, Siy
This splendid coffee is se geed it sells itself. Its rich,
rare aroma invites a trial and the first cup of its delicious
"endness will make a booster of anyone. Try a cup.
AVhit and
brown crust.
And All
Mill Brands
C:e.e'n r ' shjry or any brand 'n stvk.
5-lb. bac, 20c Asce Uniting Powder. .
Minced Corned Beef 9c(3 25)
A bijr pound can for only 9cl
Tomate Soup
Big can 1 Oc
A h c ran fu
Siup ter 10
eif rle'reu TBmalei
we v r, t
Tl-ere s a Ini
' ' 'n f;er1 .
- bu. (30 lh l ?r 33 lb
'" 5c Vf.rv nire wM flaVnr
combination Grocery Stere and Meat
Skinned Stockinet Hams. ,b 23c
. J J- "
lllillA lb !! Mfc tl, iT mtht Afc l ifc . l ,m
When tha teeth bit llltle meulU,
Meunla cried eul "Ohl"
And she. ret away from kltr
Leng lima am.
Ths People's Fnrnm will appear 6Mr
In Ihe ICrenlnx Publle Idjter, and also
In thei rliindai' Pnbll Leelrer, le-ttre
dlarttasing timely topics will ! prlntea,
n well n Teeiitealecl reeeme, nnd nneeHene,
nf general In
interest win m nnswrrsn,
always sold.
our price talks!
O ems
C (3C"25C)
. '
fl tSS
flavor in If a Tnat is whv
for every taste
Plain Black Mixed
flaky, with a rich golden
It's bread as it should bcl
Victer Raisin Bread, 11' 10c
Pncked with hip fat raifcins.
can, Sc, 9c, 17c
Tasty Dewerts
Asce Cern Starch pk;. 7e
Trvill Puddlnp pkg. gc
Tear) Tapleeta Ib. pkt. iee
Inatantanreus Tapioca, He
Asce Jy Powder pk
Mrs. Morrison's Pu4dlns,10c
Ckese 2!S
,,t ri'uri s,i"sient a.rfl
I" 1 J e V
s. '
Stve eream-'d on;en tenichf
Market at 14 Ne. 19th Street.
- ' a. mmel0imr . J-lmmVAJI
m " '
" a
v "