a i-- . K i K i Wlf , ' - D1' "p"7- r ? ar'jrT, tt ". fWk1 ', i f' . ;. r seu?--" -v!-?: t ------ "MiJ ' ' I I jP fl H " ' 4"1B a ' 3 Stating public IGeftaer PHILADELPHIA, gATTJEDAY, OCTOBER 8, -1921 jJr T jlBftt d f gf T. &4i- " v "VnS fi VTwtfL. JPWHP"ipWJflJB( ' tfwfl PROTECTING EAR DRUMS. Noises made by 16-inch guns caused no fear te this sextette et Maryland beauty during gun trials at Aberdeen. Left te right, Misses Ruth Vegts, Eva White head, Marien Nelsen, Margaret Haines, Dorethy Johnsten and Beulah Fisher LeJserrii spi .88P5l'W. mTv t i. ... 3 -.11- I I n--'. !..- ii ! -ft-M-M-li----M-------l WMI vy jftjHJ PL .z ..ivWbi v-e-x s s.y., e fMj 2&V3lHi . I lJL ! JS . M2H h? MB JMiHPi 1 ' ' wmmT : riiflEH rfff L JWllHPKi H 'R M ' wmmm w B yk. !&H . K 'H 4!?Bk JmfUwMm AE;;' ' iH ' Vl -Ji mMWmmWMWn v '' -LJHI K-: ; JH I Mmmm 1 -y ilr r N tQCiNs 1 IHII 1 B k'li A- I ' J AnjiK 4 ''eTBV t' s'v v -" HlfllL.IF'YNKvr.l CLOSE-UP STUDY.' William Heppe, the 18.2 balkllne billiard champion, making n clese examination of the ivories, ii u jjiuy3 in i -nuaucijiiiia euuu Wlilte !l HOT SPRINGS. Vllsa Allsa Mellen (left), daughter of tha 1 e Treasury, with Miss Jane Gourd, of New Yerk. Wink! h ' I VISITING AT Secretary of the Treasury, with Miss Jane ueurd. of New Yerk. Vu,t t. the name of the prize-winning deg, owned by Miss Mellen central NmapiNt0 AFTER THE TEST. Spectators were allowed te climb all ever the Barbette carriage and gun following the tnah at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland. The derrick was used for handling the 16-inch Shells LedEcr Photo bemce SIXTEEN-INCH SHELL. Yeu get an idea of its length by comparing it with the height of the efiker. This shell was used yesterday l. i &. , PI I .g?vgggl -:&r "H IPHMB-I BUSY SECTION. A steam shovel scooping away the mountain of dirt at Twenty fourth street and the Parkway. The dirt is being .used for the Parkway foundation near the art gallery j.eJ.ur rtiote srvic TWO INSPECTORS. Geerge U. Stewart (left) and Harry E. Shay leek after the city's interest en me ramway worn L. 1'. 3. HIS TEAM WON. Captain Hutchinson, of the Germantown Friend football team, gets ready for the kick-off at the opening of the game with Ifldley Park High Scheel. The score was 13-0 i iJ - a i - w n M aMM mm mmwhb aa-- --, HARD PRACTICE Coach Dr. M. S. Bennett, of the Havcrferd College football team, instructing Matzkc in the proper way te tackle, as he tackles Captain Sangree en the Havcrferd field Id.er Photo Senlw 1 OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO A RARE BIRD. Have you seen one? It is known as the Para dise crane i en'ral Sewn I n HELPING HER COLLEGE. Miss Dor Der Dor othy Track took children en historical hikes te collect money for Rndcliffe i t CAPTAIN CURTIS II. DICKINS, chap lain of Philadelphia Navy Yard, seen te leave for pest with Pacific fleet x. p. a. 1- i HI I II 111 I ---MII..--l--W---Ji -- --------' "-" - MM MaMBM1 M a BMaBM""1-ai-Maa ' f- -- MMm -- j WK S iV 'BR - j 'A' Mb J ft lMDi rHRVK? j'VCSj. 7 i I A iT ( BEb9 wT-" t inHtf 1" r jTCJ i y X TiM X' &, ''''' felDNEY E. TAUNT, 1861 Etting street, operating a milling machine- hlne Bhep of the Fischer Mnchine Company, 310 Nerm in the machine Bhep Elevcnth fltreei IUr rbote titrvtc ON 2C.000-MILE TRIP. Mrs. Judaen D. Barratt, her husband and two children are traveling by motor cycle. They were In Philadelphia yesterday x- r. b, MET AT ABERDEEN. Wainrlght, Assistant tary of War et testa J. M. u. ADMIRAL HENRY B. WIL SON, commandant of the U. S. Naval Academy n. a. "B I L L 1IOLLENBACK. Penn field coach snapped en Franklin Field u v. u, AMERICAN BEAUTIES ABROAD. Twe deuirhr ters of Chandler Cobb, the American Commercial attache in Londen, who are quite popular thcre u ;B0 , i Mt4n-W-i-t . - ,i .-. . ---vfcf --?