j f.'v P "i - ;t X . lA 41 .If, i l . i-r fi- W REAL ESTATE JFOK SALE , W KBT rmi.AnWM'IIIA iimiiimi!iiiimim gMisnffl These Hemes will appeal te you Just picture an artistic brick-and-stucco porch-inclesed Heme with either Veen or red tile reef en a beautiful terraced lawn. Located en a bread avenue (70 feet wide) . Original price $ 1 1 ,000 New $8725 This is the reason we have been selling them se rapidly Examine them at once and appreciate what we mean. 60th and Jeffersen Street, Overbroek The interior is most pleasing all-white enamel and mahogany ; real open fireplace and open stairway. Hardwood oak floors throughout ; tiled de luxe bath with showers; het-water heat; 3 large bedrooms. Ready te move right into. Sample Heuse Open Day and Night Take Elevated Free pass ever 63d St. te Jeffersen St. J. Harker Chadwick, Manager 1421 Chestnut Street r? ..MtiMmiuniMiiiintiiiHiiiitnt.mi iimn mmrnrtt mtitmmimntiimimn OMmimmimMmmmuemm wmauu mr uiuuiuw mm r.imi ui .aBHniiinianniitiiiKlimil IHUimifln IU!inilli.t1inittlIinilll!ll!TTI.IIinnni! I anlBlllllllllli!" "I " mnuHi HiiiniinmiireiiiiniH iiHnimmimiiiiiii 21 SOLD THIS MONTH New Ooerbreok Hemes Reduced $2000 20- Feet Wide Stene Properties 65th St. (800 Bleck) Marlyn Read 800 Bleck NORTH OF LANSDOWNE AVENUE Twe-story houses; .1 and 4 bedroemB, 2 bnths, in dividual inclesed peiches, private garages. CENTRAL PLANT HEAT Heat and het water furnished by a corporation, legulatcd by State Commission, at a cost less than your ordinary coal bill. Ne, furnace, no ashes, no effort te housekeep without a servant in this adanced plan of a house. Sixty-eight of our houses were supplied with het water and heated last winter at an average cost of $107.85. MOSS & TAYLOR BUILDERS OF HOMES FOR THIRTY YEARS Take I. ' or surface tars te 08d at pass N te I.anadowne me., one far Miiui1 muimmimMMiMniii raEniuu one $300 CASH Buys Four-Bedroom Heme (Garage) in Wynnefield Greatest Value in Philadelphia BERKS ST. HOMES 54th te 55th St. Moter via Kalrmeunt Tark te B4th ft and W)nnefleld sve. then south S h eel: or pass from "I." north te ft Rala car Ne. 70 en HIM at. dlreet te 84th anl Berks one fare S Sample Heuse open daily. Full particulars of Representative, or & auto service arranetd by appointment from any section of Phila. I SAMUEL T. HALL. S. W. Cor. 17th & Sansom Sts. I I'henes Belmont 0729 Spruce 071. Oerbroek Sfl32 J S wsaMVMtBTMHiiTii'iiim'iBinniffiiiraaEuifflJt lantriirinjHiiiJi pi'iiLKriiJ'iiiiniiiiiuMi REDUCTION AT WYNNEFIELD I tn about te rtart tl- erection of a new operation and hate rt.iH.i , ..n the balance of my 1 .Idlnn. et the folleivlns reduction decided te eell Fermer Price Jl 000 New 14 760 SaH5 you l,2S0 "The Last Werd" is iiemk teamuiMN wn immit niEvitaa Furnished Sample Heuse Open Daily ami Sunday, Evenings till t n II lwn4lniv main I.r1lnli1 hum M.I1I1 1 . J.Unc,e.u!..;. i.r. ..ran. m.ld .ioel "MrT"?., KEW Inl'At, IN tlflllnivn ,-.. P north te Pala car en Bid direct Wrnnelleld Htatlnn ! H It DANIEL E. H0GAN THE GREATEST BARGAIN IN OVERBROOK TODAY LEBANON AVENUE (Ji,1) Price Reduced $3000 TEHMS OF HM.E TO HU1T I'lirtLHASKn i Ramsey & Williams HUM.UUIIH AND OWM.RS AnN' mple lleue 0H4 Lebanon ae ln Dally anil Kvenlnifs Till U P M fi." er'h en Oil at te Ibanen ae the v. ii lare y, , -,. , .,0eU iVhAINI r 8T Very attra-tive moj mej l.d.?r.me. "room 2 bithe Dutch hall II MrlSSu liarileiil thioucheul rat in- lertuniiv ,"rt,a miounneui (treat in Urh.My. 'i?u ecllrr hemi ,n "ciuilvu ncih- ;tt-. "! email Bmeurt ercaan .HUSO, nyG. C. Williams tt,5" kern. .'..S?.,?.r K1' "ur rH- or auburban 1117 Mi1eu r Hid b-10 U71 nlr aJt'ttVilK .5"luft eleur adjoins or HnMU-iri.i hi v lain I I liu.li ...... ..,',.'.- -T.r- .: rr ii 8) ninuniaiie j iv u rms , Muru ia .vuiui V.'.'.kORKNCE AVE, End house I let 20 tnn nnrnh. h .iv. u; ; "it i side vardl Ine. stone perch, h 1C bedrooms perfect condition. - ' .',' "'" - -' .1 . j If- ; 5. 1 I HEAL ESTATE FPU SALE WKhT t'llliAX,i.i'HI mi iiimmmmimtiita'aiwaifiiiiitmiMMiiiHitaiii TimwwmMK.itiiinitiifi.,im-m.i....n. uuu;ii.iw mwnnwimiimnn unm fi miw luiigmfluiui wmwnimillllll IIMMtliiiiiltitiiitmnjiimiiniiiiimiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiianiiiiiiiiitiit i.i.nimimiii i.iMtirti miiiiimwiiiuiniuiimiiiiiuiiUHuniW'tHHumuruuniimwiiilHUt IM lini()nnnilinwilllllWHWlH)iljirlillPUiaiinflinhnflBlHHW'illnlMliniUlllHlllIll IUrlintHIIIIl!UiHllllllllUMHtiHr uiruLiiiTniinmramuTi&inmfnRTnrfnmn mil iKiini wmmmnmi aua juiuuua?itHr n u'EiimDiBfitanfiririk.niiiirain.u.m'niu.iiiin mmnin 5. te 5ith and (laiiin? -...., . ttna UalMr re,d. 1 're Near ',' 1,1, D;" -N PntJnsBs nn vd (lATvnr ROn YOUR CHANCE 0214 u.4fUi: AVK p mm I mnderti lif nie In ihcIihIm- neiilnn e' rT rn i: laileluhla mull msli luvment inul f it uurH t OIIHl.lt BURTON C. SIMON N. W. Cor. 20th & Passyunk Ave. Philadelphia l) IHIC INDIVIDUAL home Inner ... offer ttii) lust of our euperler hetne-i at eaeleet terms ever heai.i of tnnu . 17 13 .N AOth at ? ater tnelnA1 r.. frunt 7 room home with private enrage let winter heat eleeirlclt parquetry floern IdiUIiijI urlru (11 f00 I) clone out the opera tien you may puiitiwe tine Heme for Iblhin only .800 c-uli iitij the Imlunce en mnrt cikii niaklii lour carnlntr -hrj only tit, I 'i inuinii jr ui'rit iui tiivvuiiuii K0EHLER & CO. 4(1 I'heatnut at 18 MINt'TEB from City Hall Ireautlfiit hemee ejrthlnif nev elec , hurtfweurt, vat tannn. le-" rrent, price loine, na laOit mew In ey terme alie cue at MCltl, , ..., t aamele hcue. IC24 Q miner at I dally Bun end nenlnice rkn mbnay car Ne 11 or Ne 7 te "1th and Woodland ave ljc Muarfieuiii, filOOO. Mil' Wswart t a Mei h Tayler rated fur lesj than r(00(i Oe.rer enprem 08 nKOKST Ht. ItOOMS AND DATH ' lint aier heat ctriC(t lticled petch Vossessleti as desired usit or pnent neletter A Heletter cer imh- and Merjls tun avrzn ar , W r. nw. a raema ,nd bathi laundry, Inclesed perehi apply en prsirltesi ICOCO. EVENING PUBLIC REAL ESTATE FOB SALE wkwt rmr,Aiir.M'iiiA v. Hill T IfflM l fH 'HfflU W UUII nil i DtJ fl ' 1 HI u IIIMllI IPMWTiliPil 111 Bf n.. .. ......... 1 jfflii a fliciamiOTMMiraraaKiiiiiiiiij nun iiHiniiiiwi SALE I i S. W. Cerner i 47th & Pine Streets! iNewly Built detached threc-j Ijstery suburban type lesidencc with garage I s Let 54x166 I a 14 rooms and S baths At iracmeiy nmsneu llireunn out Kvery modern im preement and cenxenlence Basemen en around lel contains additional luth room, laundty ami play j room A delightful modern I hemf In a, choice restrlctel auction of West Phllade 1 phla. readily accessible In I the city a center Inspection at ranged upon j application Albert M.Greenfield &Ce.l j 16TH & CHKSTWr "IS iiiiiiiafiiiiiiiiniwiiiii!iiiiiiraiiiiiiieji!ii!:!raiiiiiiii!!ii'!ji!ii!iiiii1i!ii!iii'ni,it 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiinniiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiBuiiiiiiiiini'i'i'iiiiMiiiiiuiiiiiiii JUST ABOUT THE NICEST 1 RESIDENTIAL QUARTER 1 TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE 58th and Willows Ave. In the center of "Beautiful Sher wood near 1'nrli Hnd Cebha Crnk J'arkwny a it'llnhtfu cemmunlts center with nmple transit ftrl.ltien, the heuees we hae for sain are met aultable te the location com cem com fertablo roll planned te eterj and three atery dwelllnire with nil moderti lmprevementa for -le n moderate rrlcea 17000 te $12 000 a l!t of Inapoctlen will mere than rev jeu PEMBERT0N ESTATES v . .-.STH AD Wll.I.OW'fJ AA-n Dewntnnn Offlc 1.1th and JtaiU.t lllllll THE GREATEST BARGAIN IN OVERBROOK TODAY LEBANON AVENUE ( ,!10ft ) x Bleck' Price Reduced $3000 TKIIMS Or BALE TO SUIT runCHASEK Ramsey & Williams OL'ILDEIIH AS'D OW.SKItH Kt,?n S!?1' "eiiee 1M4 Leban-n av Open Dally and nvenlns' Till 0 P M I'aes North im tlfld at tn Lebanon ave fei one fare Walk eaat 1 block HOMES of QUALITY ms niK i Bt-nn.3 n uir t n m Selling At Less Than Today's Cost of Building LOCATION KlUHeifh SI fr"'n 'l.'nrt St m the Telilie c rel r.irK waj BUILDERS em:k a shaimhe I'reint I' nei Subject tu rhnnne Wm. H. W. Quick Sc Bie. IN l HeIIIiik Hevieaentatlice S HO 40TH HriUitT San pie Hours 0223 KlUweith Ot'en Dallv ami S mda 1'ntll 11 t y ffcraraiiiiwniii' i im HJiiiimiwi iriiirmiim iwiuihtiiiii nnniiif N B AHTU b. WAlMirr cte -twhi ix YrtUUl OlO. Semi-Delached Hemes H a v i n f al riie.lt in apartmente eun I at let iivlnir room dmlne room bieakfaa' room cenitna'its pantrj 1(1 ehen 4 hedroemn 'J bathroom eparate tnarble ehewer laundry billiard room mrage 1721 Walnut it Open for your Inflection LEVICK & W0LD0W 707 WAI SUM" ST 1 GREAT BARGAIN 5933 NASSAU STREET UAIIAQU ALLEN & REED OS PIIKM1BK9 OK 1804 I.OOUPr 5727 KINGSESSING AVENUE med te 7(;f,10., MOKFTirLlflrEIT "'' ' Heiniiar.l t "oeainnd 70.1J W fJOflO tnOU CASH ami balance fllAinc.,1 without char, modern 2 story perch front, hefnater heat elec. Ilshts. hardwood floors, ete , your opportunity te ascurs.f. One horn at a low pr ce MAURAK. POtatAK CO., N K. cer. Bread and Chestnut. LEDaEK - PHIL'APELPHTjV, SATURDAY, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WI'.RT l'Hlt,Atr,M'HIA.. At 69th Street End of Elevated Stene -Frent Hemes d?QQCA With Side Yards 03U Being built at today's prices. JiMjjjmji --i wy " JunfrTT.-'i,w.rni-ni- .,- FIRST FLOOR: Has laige living room, open fire fire pluce and vary attractive side windows, Inrjje dining loom, an unusual breakfast nook, a big, bright, most complete kitchen with inuny new features in it te lessen the housewife's cares. SECOND FLOOR: Bright rooms, closets In every room; exceptional bathroom with two windows, built in .tub with shower, special two-deer linen closet in hall, clothes chute te laundry. THIRD FLOOR: Open stairway te large attic with windows front and back. UNUSUAL PRIVILEGE: The lets of these new homes are 25 ft et w ide, thus giving you the usual side yard. In addition, we have left n vacant let 25 feet wide between each pail of homes, and give you the privilege of buying one-half of this for $500, included in your mortgage; no extra cash. All-Copper Gutters and Rainspeuting Sec Our Unusual Roots en These Hemes. Only 10 minutes te City Hall one fare Repiesentative at houses 9 A. M. te dark 69th Street, Opposite Elevated Terminal Jehn H. McClatchy Builder of Hemes .i HMismnN ANNOUNCING REDUCTIONS The Prices of the Remaining Houses of Our Twe German town Operations Cut te Present Day Building Cost RESIDENCES ON LINCOLN DRIVE AT ALLENS LANE REDUCED R2500 NEW PRICE $18,000 ITN'L'vUAl.I.V TTflAi TU T (OIOMM "URl'llIIAN liOMr1! I.V A HIGHLY itESTKicrr.D snciieN ihhli: mhiiii: ail stem: ith slimrati-: Sl'ONH CiAltAOi: ONLY I U 1 1 MUM (IM: mini ru HIOM AI I K LANK STATION' I'A II R I'.OOO fASII CARSON ut iLDi:its I'henea Cliestnut Hill Jl'itl 0SJ3 or 'J71S after BUNGALOW TYPE ON LOCUST AVENUE West of Chew Street REDUCED $1000 3 LEFT New PRICE $6500 (me of the nieit !"! Ifu "null homes In riillndelpliti tl rooms uml buth with harage, entirely meJern nlih Urtse front and reui juida Hoe reali Ii A BIG BARGAIN IN GERMANTOWN ' -ig-r PJ7Tg3Mflr.STJfJWUOTTTTTHE -- s '-Mmmk m si itniiw " 3a zt3 KiMTfiw-f -Trr rt, i K"'t-n l hi - a3w AM4' i. ?-. 'j-wah H 'in HEt Pheno WjemtiiK - ,s ui.sr I'lllI I1. 1 IMII ATTRACTIVE HOME ONLY $4500 $300 CASH 1818 S. YEWDALL ST. 1 HUliUI I. Ill ! Ill NlU A I I U UDt SI Ol I N ALLEN & REED n PIII.MISGI ' i 'r 'I I M f.l.It1IA.NTON ,'iiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii i!iiiii'iuiniiii'PiiiuiiiiUiFiiiiiu IDEAL HOMES WITH GARAGE I Tletii lied ei em Vt h he I elene dnellliia" modern eleetil lt et- ft wniei heat irqutr B(ira lnrie P n retrlited leetlential eeethn ij i m nlent te uermaiwewii (.lie"tiu' Hill tieliu S. C. T0URIS0N 7011 eer t (.1. itnur wn KikililllllllL"l,llt?llllll iiiiii in 'iijiuwiiiiiiiiiiM ii'iniiuii"! i hiiHiwiiiiiii i ii mil iiiwiiipiiiiiiii"' f GERMANTOWN d ffi lNMhrmiH td'i hi n itv k ffl hiiiin .s i vmii v ApAitiMWNr W h I'dlllll M.Alt TI1A1V A THOM.h ) ! Bj roll IKUW AMI I'VlllIi'l'LAHU S HERBERT HOPE H JMlllt 'ltK RiiAlt p KiffllliWIIlllllllIllll PRilWlllllllllUlll'lil'llllllMll IIII'll IWIMIllffllllWIilUJ "Vacant; Only $150 Cash and 150 mthl buja J4tl 1. Uurietl et irt700 tlennantnwu) 7 una & bath purth laundr elrc llfta Tie nhuM IHO eavaa or J.n eaih month Heldman I'll' Dreiei lHJar I em mmi 3114 N OAIU.IM.r 2 m ir ilioenia bath dim te N.rih I'nlia Hn f l.'OO F II ni'iri'U nnn w tmntigem atljl V 1MI1 rhr.e .t iiewij reneiati I txiellent celli nh am dee'rnhle n itn.e P II Hpurer A i I Mil v Vannnsii ai r.mi nr.AinrAfnnrf. at -a rm. t.uiH .i.. tlnanesd, I HOP I.annen A IUIIU.' besJ i -JiiS? need! d. CJI'AMUErtT BT -"!rms , nath i finance ItOOO. Zeatinen & Etlllr. tw)tt Verk read. ri'jSK ea ysaaKBss&A.m iT-.-M. tJ "- - r-i-j- - - - " -" - "-" REAL ESTATE FOR SALE KST I'HI'.Alr.M'IIIA ffi. OI llMNTOU S BROTHERS P -M I One of the finest mod erate -pi ice homes in Germnntewn fei sale by owner nt bipr -nciifice. Senu-detathed stone and brick home with fin ished thud tloer. 0 latfce rooms, ti'cil hntli. btii't- jgiin tub, sliewei, inilescd pervn, gninfje, large luwn, fiKiiiR .")0-aciP nark Neai n y n u Junction ('leir te steles .intl trolleys 107 bl)i)t-.lenl Heatl. Take car " ! en l'th I't., tcet oft .it emin Ae , walk I quaies west Will sell for ".U.OOO ltim- le suit Open today Ill8llllllllllllll''ll'lllll'li'i I ,illii 1 ,11 K H LINCOLN DRIVE SECTION j , af Zn TliPfe nttractnp hntres flanlc iriK the most l.i.iutiiM section tf LuiLeln Dpe aie te liu sold at a sucufite 520 Buniham Rr.-ul SI 1.2.)0 ' litf.setlil plMHtl H III 1 A Hi1-t 1U-1I 1 I tl ll H f Ml sent en i n 1 1 tn i t ml I l I Hlr ( iiih mi ! t ulM Plt' tilt IlRilt-' I e I hH Ii irutfu with 1 1 1 1 lr t va ll i u 1 tl HI ) t' I nil jtu, mud rn irmvtnlciu nk for Mi Hufler 0810 MtCallum St -S18.500 ! 'ent I elnn n II n f nrwi i Fiii(ntti Mit ii 1 i h unt hHi i n inn it u ht h air I Ire n m d th rt nn 1 lutrit t fv. lsh In rit i li 1 1 fl i i s (i 1 1 1 i ii t w e r h it Hint If I.. ly 1 Muni, Auk t ir Hr Uu f CIO W Phil-niltiriM -ws.oeo Tins If t u.v jii a iih i 1 flu e,witr win i H 1 t lYiri be u thu lUfi i ik i crunvfe fur mMT P ninh I I r. i 15 r t it j Hi ttti een tlifpliLjd in th 11 v J nc tim a r 1 Ulir i -' j m l i Mthliliult utul Btm Im Kit t h n hii 1 ut U t( hiiI mum i thn f Hiuren U ti n the ten tnkiicrt t rm t i. net tt i lie line m hiin tin h I r Htm - llli bf tUtll ll til I 1 ' kR rtfl t ihit ifAt Uttti lui it ten arn umm 1 up uiitt miiitit sttii l e 1 ii tf, in . if uii 1119111 (hi Until K rth a lij bm nn in hK f jr Mi I in let WmH.WlLSON&Ce. yHeHBis Building fe I la fe I Si ii' S p vi w S m U t 1 H I ikiuihihiimiii Greene and Tulpeheckcn Sts. (ll KM N luU S ' st meii hi fill hnui d ii t inuat iittrar tle liiatlen tnual he tn ti be ai pre tUicii mi pr niptK I i al' ik at eui ample h uae in uniriui I .ui. w it DREBY & EVANS In : MS i S III in. "J. W OLNKY AVt Nlv M-a ... I hath and shower nrlvllete, biautlttil Jt'. . ariTzisn - ...tiu . v.ii r innmseil perch! aari..: nnllri.il. "!.. i ....vw.. w.. .-v., ... vsnne. I QCTOBEB 8 ' 1921 HEAL ESTATE EOH SALE (U.NKY lleiilemril Hrrtten NOT ONE DOLLAR has been misspent in these houses built by Rebert D. Hamilton en the Roosevelt Boulevard. Te spend the penny and still have it is certainly an attractive preposition. Yeu can enjoy the beauty and comfort of this house and still have an invest ment increasing in value. A permanent organiza tion of master mechanics has worked for the com plete satisfaction of the purchaser with every stroke of hammer and brush. Twe mere houses are finished and ready for approval. They have 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, trunk room, two inclesed perches and two-car garage en private driveway. They have a 45-ft. front lawn with brick walks and' plenty of shrubbery. THEY ARE en thr Roexevelb Boulevard (part of the Lincoln Highway from New Yerk te San Francisce) at thr corner of Rising Sun Avenue. That's where car line .10, from 5th and Chestnut Streets, cresses thr Beuleiard. Num bers 151 and 153 are open for inspec tion. THEY COST $17,500, except the corner house which has a let 100 front en the Boulevard and is $19,500. Twe thousand dollars has been cut from the sale price of these houses te conform with existing business conditions. Rebert D. Hamilton OFFICE, BROAD ST. AND SOMERVILLE AVE Roosevelt Boulevard and Rising Sun Avenue i new SAMPLE HOUSE READY Facing Proposed Wakefield Park New en the City Plan ' i-none wjemlnif 2 728 MAKH YOl l SF;iJr.CTION NOW H.A K YOL'R INDIVID! AU TASTL3 CARItlKD OUT IN YOl'Tt FL'Tl'P.n IIOMU Otib TWO 'QL'VUES from LOGAN STATION Ilreud Htreat. thrce Yerk Ite.ul ttelle.x linta und l.ean tnarUetlnif crtiter LOCATION VALUE BEAUTY JimuilijIill'lllll'llllMlMIWllilHlii . 'I 'IIIHi. II.TllrilMIIIIIIIJilMII!,l!IILillllifl!IHill i ,.,l iliililtlllii llli,!IUI'lliiij,i ,llriaiiilliilUj UOTHERSALLC n O M B D 50 5200 block Wamock St $6500 ShinnU h U'' enipleM i tt f n n h i n tlciera ' water n- box Lux I nnd t relle ( lU TfUl t Ti ugt Jt HBM itiun upon tenuiiU ur.rll 10 u i e '( f 'hern S. J. HOTHERSALL & SONS a 'ti I'm i rrfl:!i (i,i!:i;;5;i iipim , jci ym iiitju'iilc ii rvi (.IIIMIMIIHN PRICE. $4700 $600 Cash, Ne Expenses 20th & Therpes Lane Opposite Belfield Club Twe at r p i i hu-'n ll ri mi bath hit water 1 .it ana mil i t l lei lawn me ii t em t Take Ne .1 I ir pie- wen uver Olrev hj te lunibfit et MirT :i i KMiim i i RAINSFORD H.u i IlKbTSl I t.1 il7 OHO MnlinilS h-tmllali tie il rell nv humlHit j btithj her Aftt r h n t . tm hu1 )TH4 lUhnng hurrlw e1 tl ieru ei hn f Hiian te ruttu h ui tl i u n m tit "rfuiU t eatr cfd f ti u w tli hjmeuu I i Ah t tht ll MAI H Dili M N u N i: or Ifinul and - hhtnut - iMM.1 'IIS V lIwMll S' I Olnei H.sitlfi! luln pnrth h net. Iintnh ha 1 htr l unl tlmra electricltv fine locution nunci NVji HI" H 11X-HHW1 dnellln 1 m nr 'r in trellnv net water ti 11 1 uieetrt urn nnewnt titti Lathroem 8110) Sfiue "V l"AIllHO.N lta"i I rietlale ave MiifM urn 7318BOYCR STREET lu ta 1 M le jtil u , i, , M U i ii itnpr ) ti tn 1 I N2 M) EDWARD V. LANSDALE ritvMueuu Ull. IthlH Ili' PILLING ST . FRANKF0RD Must renenlentH i a'el m Jem I na Hah Iwellin i iu li irches a rm inuiseiiienti und rrunapar tl i ulthin i llucK I' "et full ie nlni rt,m tliev .te un PH Inii a brti .ei (.nttwjnk ntld Arrnlt at I J b n( s l -.t I rani. foul e i Seveial for Rent DREBY b. EVANS lnOT I IM HI S" Hi in. lDui illUH'OM HT cer linn i , Htni till k li use ti rjums .1 ut a roperltia: hatdwiaid ft ieru repuintu I mm I nitalde repelllted prk i flttlOU l mi t suit A fe'rima Keel Latin- it (, 47 M rienUfi rd urn 1.10 AI.l K.N C.HO r- S -Twin li mee J story nnl utile retlnlated ficm t ti i tn i i f In up-lu late manlier puce JIuMJO nnu 1.50" i ash reuulnd V A Train.. Iteiil Kstate llreke 4741 K anlifnrd i I (HUN Jiinn SMEDI HY HT I'erch finnt dwelling Hi 00 lomiiuen cneip penaessiun Harry G. C. Williams N l NtT IOQAN. 414SN 7th fl nils and bath h w l-aat elel- lldwd lira Inel tinn h v..i ".... -:..... .... .- i ..... cene weoe en mu'mr ums Lrfiruai ujj . Mna.j-., .- n . . " jjAtjurji.r. .'leuatii .-aiury neine ix)a liuinei, em senn eiuar uiaf, Bpr. 6135' .- -' - BTOHJWEBHH8imk IWJftB'j HW BnCQI ImH S 1 Kit h.. nyfrSfsifMHiSS E S 11 iiii -"' , i . . j- -c-rai- e1iirtU-miT a-3 la REAL ESTATE FOR BALE OI.NKY llnulrriiril Urct.en MHtN 16th Street Lmdley te Duncannon Avenue (5100 North) If iei are In t"i market for a eendtlrel modern tne terv house lth Karaite tilwl hati tth nhewer anil a th laisat im preerrcnt e ran Interest you H. H. DOWNSBROUGH Buildet-Owner Helihl'shPtl 139: On premise lallv and Sunday Years' Buihl- ti i mi v T, "ini'Mi iiithi huwii'ii nrewi? $500 CASH UNEQUALED VALUE t . i . Li ei ii r nei h fro perches e l I i.nau hi I I - ll IV,, I v, Pri ti 'oer. i kiMiin I r riled Uh ii 11 1 llr r in 4 nii i I larite t e i 1 imi-i fn 'i ll t t d' J allow ei The Finest Heating Plant in -egan l.ae m i Sepaiat i r 'I i I a i ti l l j li f 1 P..i.r i l' linb r .el All at Pre-War Prices Tenth Above CeuitLud St. IS .IL. (Ipoti 1 I i 11 l I g I, U PU II HI S. C ABERNETHY III TM I SI ion N IKNTIi I WTOMING AfE. CORNER fJl 1 Bl t "is inn lid eniver law ir I it ii, v r . i,c I 4 p rh a iM-in niA rt i si ssiev 1 MM t niA l I LEVICK & WOLDOW g G! "ii pi ri f?illl In' 'ii rn 'llllil IWt UHIIIII1I iijw ,iii iWIOlUFJIHUn. i Ul i. V M 1 n 1 nth IM I fe nil n Ii pi.nM.u .- . . : : ' ' ' ' i.i nn imtne I - J. k ii nty i K.i bl I Hi H O I'..' I I Hi eivi vr iiHHnriiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiii,Hi i iiiMLinit OAK LANE LARGEST LIST s Desirable Subuiban Hemes HERBERT HOPE Mnl Itlv 111 "ii t.r s ii iliiiiiOilhliu mnl ,iiiihiiiiil ii'imiiiiUiiiiiiiiiJiiiiMiii H II Itll liei till Il1lllltllllll 11.11 1'IHmHrlllll lllillllin. i.n mn . u , ii iiiiiiiui mini kii imiiti i imii.ii.iiiiiii.iiuiiiiiuiiii.uiu, BI,IIia3llllliDUiil a i 1 Si LI'TIOSAl.1 nttra. tu. 4t ante I'ulinial In, .a, i,,,,,,, bed i neus "1 bilhs imjrt Kir,H I ffl nrni'Mree . I AMI llll. m pij .miiiiiiiiiiii'wi, i MUtiiiuM8iiji..iiiiiiit uiiiiiiiiii milium ji n f ,',t ,nr" -M "'""-l-'frv huue let BOs I I .' iai (. raise t, f, , n uh"x uhllii anil mahiiLiin w nvrru r,, for (tuili eale (luk lane u Ml I ' TLi-..i.VMr ,r ''"," ' Jl,,rul ""'tone deiarhel mailing . i en ut i mini en 1 let lOOXl.lO Ull 111 NllllP. oil.. .I..U. 'J ,r"ii- 'NNiiN AJIICII. tettf erk rd U W ,AV,f" !r"ilthVt "ftw5. oed nebr. WORUKU CO.T Saj N 17tS: ing Experience w-r-SsSS H a gS?en ' l"Z-"-teF $ ' - an . iiui'im IS b HEAL EBTAttL FOR SALJt tmt mm; iriiiiiiiiiiiiiwniiiiiMnniiii'iniiii Detached Heuse 2-Car .nr.iOA 'I One of the meat nrllstle home In tha teat aeetlen of Oak I.nnej I"lirne,d 11 and built by Architect for lilt own Up'. 10 room het water hmt fireplace. let "Axl2,1 with lame 'J car earAxes 'I prl'e IIS. 000 eHtufattery term. --RE.ircm5 tik I, tn enim ,h Hindoe Will ll IIU'U i 1 VC 2'i ier modern detichyil home .vlth KAtaxe etk ti for lnHct(eh n I iln q-iturdiij JOHN' C VI H r 12JA 1 inl ritle flldj Mine fi'.'u'l l'IANmi.AM- :s' ,UJiN I'lnniiiiiiiii !I!UIW!I!!II!II "The Most Wonderful Suburbs in thr World" S I 6. 500 A l-PTene ( oleniAl rU f Mount AIM IJ irertil 12(1 rooms well dirjnrH Owner l ii bout le palnf nnl rnppr hnin bul will niftUe hII finr for thin weik op njntlntiM no i!alrd by inirenRer iiiii low prirpti prep rt inav b fctii with our Mr illnd'trmvpr H $18,000 1 tl A4frir1 VnlU ue fhl 1H re in rmt rtnc think hl r i real tiftrsaln for t' np nri hnn htn i2 000 yw parxTJ and pnlnld feuthu ntrn fxpnnure en (h lt Htrrt .n Mount Mfv enn!-nt te (rain n nd trolley pr vat lr1ifua wlih lit en t crar noHAHpplen a en Auk for Mr r (r $21,000 Hn f iril Te unship npf r f.ifi nr h f i n I A V i til I ion ii TAPhpift rnnlil' 1 ii I initeli rrtfttn 21 tr 4 rhambeTn t le' hth ia ipplnK p'trh nn mm en fl ier blllUrd room nter roetn btv mtn f)ifrttN Iih h pRvrnnni in third fleer 1 m idprn e mlrt itpn fnm t int:Ar KOTl & V FAMII Y UITH IUTJJUBN g A ik for Mr lltl P 2 000 ' thA tr!r for 3 firinf rnl dctn h'-d nnnld g n hem1 Inrifl frnti' perr h fe " firfe!np 3 bHth 'et e with jj wher fjll lt XI i rr"n3 Tf rnra or nn tr llslit het g itAp hat j nr a 11 ntnnp te iiHifp l'jndr and mativ mh' fe rreI'-rn, enrnlinf ph Owner will tl lenrt if roil Wlniiv. u nd mt hyl In nn fur th hi um Im fin irh r trppmtf AfK mH.WiLS0N&Cb. Ienms Building Tn raiin iiuiihi i ii urn ii i iimwii'iiMi ii 'i mi mimiM lira i UIIII!!ll!Hlllll!il!!illbLlil!!llllIIII!'lall!l!!l.ll Yerk Read Section OAK LANE ELKINS PARK p Values nnd Locations m the Best sir,oeo E f orient jntznhiu in 1 ikinii Park or. g h ) t ioexKiO cMifftn na h renms anr) ct J liHthrenm het-watrr heat open R nri lu f HRTanf for ' (.ur .$16,000 w f . m f Hnd ' bathrooms npAti flr yi plar. hipilC(i floors t.ai nnrt lr W Irllt lu 712" rei)uc-'i price ter g $17,000 Q ei Bttnrtlv) tmi nnl reuah east w home lr -Xfellent nelchbnrhoed ten w talnlic lf room anl 1 bathroom ja open fireplace harriuoeil tliuim khh m and lei trlclty white and man can fj llnteh iet 40x1411 In perfnt lenill g Hen will eneHW effei m 320,000 5 In th beautiful um mn-m nertlan one nnd r(Uli-cnit irienin! dwell m in with nhit ref cnnii!nlnc IJ fe room ami J bathn n n fire parr In 3 cicet jxjTlY s ha-iv el floors Ole 1st r I Int r!jr 1 nih h ppinc perch. 5, tifti J rtv Raras- if t 75vl"ifl with j tl the3" $27,500 F' n9t oernr Ii im in Jirn Park i ta nln U ret tns n I L bath (pen flrplif bar ftn ! ! rtrtclty perfrr conrtlt.en le' 100x200 with ii j'lfjl Bhurt- anl hrubber en of tl n htter bui $30,000 I e r ful t elnnla turnr hem" 1 I j h frrn erk read and Oak T ane a a I nten r e reef eppr cut- rs tp enta nlni. 1 'J rnem het trr btat b r 1 oea epn fre p fc rn perches nr Barw ' n faltsrc; n VK I AM-- "I Kit K. e ii n f i i i i K I in IMIT i iii jffii ii ik ii fli' i iiiinn n ' i wi iiiiiwi'iiiii'iUiiii 'ii'i u iiiii iimniii I 1,AVi:ncil I'A sti n l.lins 10 moms elegit t ltrfhi het wm i heal 1. t 7uxl13 ft prlii- Jl ml HuntKORP I' tl-cnni inun'ry l m sum ini fran km lish' MHint hen t.u.riR I i e rs I ,u n H tieiB anl r rden p $ln nun i WWVO I' 27 nema ', laths ii .ll ir K a or g. ir pel " It ua'er her t t,'nrtise . irs . arr n rrh i 1n i 0 HltlN IAK V II iiemurl 2 inithe urli k and etu . , ia mil iilmtrii h(.l ite . .1 .IHx.16 I rl e J." OiM MI KIOS I'A 1. milt -nl 1 ihttie a an i I itm tilr t ufO i ru - Jn ion I i e WM. A. McCREA ti ! -7n i 7- i t i a I si , nutiii iwniin Wit luaniiu iimniiiii.iH'iDiiiiriiiiiiUiriiinri I A REAL SUBURBAN HOME 0$ Or ft ml pi rrnm '.it Mull t I i (h n thf heart lT the- rwntn S f ' c ntn'rn ft firm nut n ,ob lt ffl rial" In a I l.t tf ri in p iw.ni S nhh ! h I fr nt t fH hr manVin J v it eiret ii m i )tn h?stM dm 3 u t tn ttt cii tiii r1rfn)H ji S ! it. v i' " HkM tr ! emn 12 m f n tiit-i ffariitv aru tt j for ftj rt? id Km ui I (l ffni nartr S I I I (" i rim t i j i k naie "C3'- r rt i i nix KiWiiirrirurn nv rn i uiri'iiiinfiramfj'iiijiiitis: OVERBROOK iw e r al r !' n ft nhnni irs k 11 ' i u i' J ni ii t p,rth bn t f 1 v i in i 1 I b In v jhur .rMk ft) . 'H nnl auff ir b ur ic h iar i " ( f ue i UMBERT & MtDERMOTT i I V 1)31 a ! r i ( 1777 SI lIATIlh. fji t i t earent hein etc it K im I ii k lies ii r il i . i ii . I en hlslr (.rnunj Uh 'I run rurtagi anl Kaiuge 1-" I illea Hum i l'i Hi mid rr n uniblng in til .It k I u n ii jtra iwi . f n ai id aiai ii n 1 tn i ai i aS arres ii i I an I ' mm m n iMi anil urn th iii-r i ir f r I Hi line lets l,i 1 c i IS""' fl "I lelaphurfe I inaten in1 1 1 2 ACRES, NEW STATE ROAD AND TROLLEY 1 i mi Weat hut. i i. rid I'hlla lelphla n u I li I.IJ I f i ' lint lb .t.r i a nn i tr .JIll mil i Ktrlr llrin utrii in lam "i 'Pi ir il knatal tlii I i u ( n I llMltemau IW' i heati r i Iih iai 111 li etuiin 7 room Iiuum all med urn ei nlenna let ,'iIXISU ml anaile id shiubberi ill fur ItlOOu, e u r inuat -H nrl - Appiv M i n.n Title un i irut ii A t dm ir I'a III ll II ( OHiNIAl lldl HK most nttrartlve Mrat tlnei 1 i hainliera 8 bathe hut water heal Karaite . hit U.n hnuae I t le IIDOtltf. I M I'lluM.MKI 1 1 m,i I'a J IIiiIIiIIiik Jnt Ol.l'SSIIil- lliuuttfiji i ui .ting a)t en Ite. erta e 7.x".l) if t the few rhelfa Ieta left .ah or tune ethe !' nil slits nml pis e full Imprnveil -, up ' WM. T. B. ROBERTS & SON Qlenslde, v.K -( rl 8 3 i Vllf ju. t.