Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 08, 1921, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Characterizes Reports That Re
latiens Are Strained as Foel- !
ish and Idle Talk
Ily the Associated I'rcss
Teklo, Oct. S. Talk of trouble be- j
twecn the t'nited States and Japan wns
deprecated by Leenard Weed, Oever Oover Oever
ner General of the Philippines, in nn
address before the America-Japan So
ciety here Thursdny night. He insisted
there wnn no ronten why Japnn nnd
America should be unable te arrive :il
nn understanding en nil points upm.
which there is the slighter disagree
meht, and declared thnt there were no
inisundcrMnndings between the two
"There hnR been n crent deal .f loee
and foolish talk tibniit trouble between
Amcrirn and Japan," said Governer
General Weed, "but all this imn
sense. I think I knew the Amerh.in
people well, nnd I am pertain th.it mi
their part there Is no ileiire nnd n In
tention te dwell in any but the friend
IteHt rnlutiuu with their neighbors of
"The flags of Japan and the fluted
Ktntes vtend side l Hide in the emit
war In the battle ter fair -dealing b
tween nations nml resnect for the rights,
of smaller peoples. They are gem te1 ' '"i'1 ' ' l-" "" was hi- salary, tie
ntnnd together nlwavs en the side ,.f M'l'" gme me his un 1 heck when It
right. P
Ixwise nnd Idle Ueperts 1
"Loese nnd Idle reports b nre-I
pensible persons lave been laigely re- ,
nponsible for this talk of strained re- I
lhtlens, but Oiir relntiens are net
rrnl.wwl ,.n.l n r.. ,.. nl- -i x In hi.
Reed. Americans want te build up , i,-l. And that was all. If :hnv ever " ft 1;" " ,Z .mated is
trade and commerce, but we!, .,..,.. open I ,,ue,l tne pi.,... U was during buun-ss l'"J?,'l.' broken tied, me . minted as
nnd fan npetitlen. Americans are hour- " it ii, ,i, , ir.,,,,1,,.,,,, i-,nii,
sure the Japanese ..,,, the ,,,, Af , ,,, ,.,. ,,, .r -M- .0 Ilun JnS.en hallenge
a here Is mom enough f..r all In bun- , Manv , ,i, iVileral ymUi,,,; Mr, , iiieh are Marcel, b-s, impor imper impor
erable i-onipet.tien I ,ctvil,.r ,,. , ,,r(W( ,. n0veii b tutu The Hat rates include the Klch
It would be a terrible rftlwtlmi i,hi4 (JlJ. j,,,,, tt,,rl li t hi iktvi". .iikI I Imt.i 1'lnte for two- ear-olds mid up up
Upen iiie.ierii iiviluatien if iwe great l),.,vwier was p..le. Mrs. Moevenwns ward at si furlongs, the Abmgten ( up
peoples like these et Japan and the (,n har( um, ,1Pt bai ,m, b(,(,n ,-1xh1 for tiiree-car-elds and upward at a
I lilted Stntes could net get together )i(, fii mi.M w,r(, 1(, te t, 0 lmrvjlnr J mii,. nm ., ql,nrer and the Terwood
nreund the cetifer-n.-e beard and settle 1 .,tK..,. .f,,,.,. he,ng uihen te ..i.van.ensinK ' l'late at .even futlengs '1 hen there Is
all, or near! all, "t their dittieulties ).,,,, ifi, ,.t i.it t ii.,.,. ' rlw Tviti's Onk Steetilech.ise of two and
1 .11 .1 e ,. . 1. .4
e cannot hide the fact, of course, that
great Issues may nrie that will elm - 1.
i.Ke ..1. our .. '''':"'"",' ,"
'' " "", "'..', '.'....;., 1'
WnJapa a-
even a suspicion of -w an issue.
"X., one can vilt Jej.an and go ,
Bwny unfriendly te her. 1 and my cel-
tun,,., rami, lin ns friends f i um a
friendly ee,intry nml win ienv wuu
even warmer feelings " I
Filipinos Desire Independence
Wft V
'"'This desire is tempered by a renli
lng sense, however." lie continued,
"that they have within themselves no
adequate means of defense, und must
rely upon the f nited States for pro
tection, for which thv frankly aU. I
believe the Philippines will become u.
grent source of wealth te all the neigh
boring countries with which they hae
business relations."
Viscount Kaneko. who presided nt the
meeting, predicted thnt when the rnn-
Viu.r,et iCnni.lf,. .le.-nriited Mr. Weed
and Mr. Ferbes with the Order of the
Kising Hun. first das-, ether membets
nf tlu'lr imri were uiven decorations of
a lower order
Weed Heturns te Manila
Governer Genera Weed l-f f-r
Kebe, yesterdnj te 'lenrd the n uncr '
New Orleans fur .Manila, where lie will
begin the discharge of his duties I'pen
invitutien from Japan he will tsit For Fer For
inesn en route te Mnni'e. Itefere he left
he emphasized his appreclatieti of the
unreserved friendliness hewu bin. bj
nil .lapanesp during Ins visit, and m
answer t-i i-engnitulat.uus ever the con cen con
firmntien of his appmilment as Gov Gov
ereor General by the 1'nlted -jtati s Sen- i
lite, replied simpl : '
"I nccept because it gjves n e an i
oppertunitv for service " He g-ie i1
farewell luiH'een in ionei- of Lieuten-
nnt General Yiraamisln and ether prom-
inent Japanese. i
Fermer Geveimu G'tieinl Feibes wi'l!
sail for Amiru-i trem 'H k u n .a O te-
1 er IU en beard ihr '"nii.i'i ' .olden i
State. fc
Chandler Brethers' Customer Says
Affairs Will Be Straightened
Among the ceinpluinis of bend- pur
chased und net deln.-i.-l bleie ('hand-'
ler Br !. rs A: Ce le-.-d us doers in1
that filed before the b.u.ki uutev reteree
by Klmer l.. ailing i broker.
The bends were pmd for t a cheek
drnwn b Mr Walling uesins whn h
was deposited in n -!. i.i fund wan
the Cenimcrcia! Trust Ciiiniiiin . ;ir -
cording te Mr hamllei's counsel
A few .ns hetete i liunuler l.imL
ers suspended business " snid .Mr. Wil
ling tedin "I order. .1 purchase of some
Eibert bends II. fore they were i.e.
llvered the firm eh -ed its doers.
"I understand 1111 inerie.i yas p!.ic,-d
In II speeiMl fund wtiien the Meners
nre ntteiiiptuu 'e unncx umeiig th,.
'I have eerv ceiiliileii. e ,n carl
Mendelhall. of the Chuinllei firm, and
believe my affairs will . straightened
out when he leturns te the utv."
nnllanher. Rcd-Halred Frenchman.
Popular Guest at Penn Function
ainurice i.unagiier, a reiunii. n u- 1
haired FreiKhman. was one of the 11101,1
popular guests at the hnusewnnning!
nnd reception given at the Internntien il
.,..,. ... ..... .
Student Heuse, JUIM hpruce street, Inst
Thirty-three nations were repiv
Milted, und many of these present ex
plained their national helldu)s but
Gallagher was the most graphic aud held
constant attention. .
Vem .Tnhn. of Slnie. sniil her ceun
W. Cnmeren "'"""I;. 'erm.Pr "":,' Implic.-'ted in the plot he is expected te beat out mu-Ii sterling ( ' ,i,:: BVeHllce for the nublic geed ll" licr "ngers did net tremble evi- K"tes have net fermnlly been anneuiipeci,
nor General of the Philippine-, wne Detwilc- repined te the police en te.ds as Samuel Hiddle's Nokomis. ! 01" ' n .r,"tiirti te tlit- iiitllvlilunl but ' 1cp. whe pointed out. tlint he was net I it is understood they comprise Mr.
e te .lapaii several u...s ue .... , TupUj thu, tnr,v hnndits In a touring I.ukewoed. et tne leinmi -taeies, ami ,------ ,",,, (im...t(m.,i .aiuu for en the verge of nervous collapse. Hit I t'nmtn. .Mr. i.einns, neueri c. uuriuii,
Weed, said in a shm t nddu-ss th.u ' lm(J ,.r(m(i, Us ,.ar nff the read n large field of high-class steeplechase 'm ",?'" cul"-ull0,ml u,ul- ""by bit she reviewed nnd tried te refute who hns been n lending figure in the
found among the l-inpines a nauirui t. Tsinn,i an,i ml,i stolen hisher'-es. . trf.. .....i' - i " -i.i ' the Commonwealth's evidence. Slip snid negotiations; fcamen J, iJi'KB'in. 'nn
for independence, or rattier a 1)f Si0-:i(l, Hl wa- taken te1 .... "-..-.. .... n v... Z u,,' ,T.-i ii cither her fingerprints or Knstlnkc's Fein member of the Ilritlsh Parliament,
e that they be allow eu u ' , the spt yesterday, a mevtng-pieture . TRIP TO MOIPs nFLAYEIl e nrtnem f r tome k iewiedce f the mill- m,Bht be feum' ri'n,,,,' in the house, and Geerge Gnvin Dully, n represent
own Government in their own . ' . .. . , , , , , Mir' IU MUVItb UtLHICU Pngiiieei for sonic K',0 "8 "' ml I s she hnd been there several times tlve of the Sinn Fein ubread.
lptlllieS UIKlCr llOVeniel- ll.iu-r.ll """ 1,Ill. VVill . tUII (mm tl, t'n.wlu of I ' '""l"""1"1' nie- unn....j - ..- ..s...-. , ml ullH Jlim n ciuuiiuu'iil "
reached the same stage of development ' 1N1. ft or Mil fiem t n i I iniis Jby a patrolman wlu ntme up after the (lbnut 700. with at least seventy in the
that Mr. Weed achieved in Cuba, this""-' " 'l,lm', 15' ' r'1. "' ' ". l' ''""' nceideiit. insisted that the trip te the n,ivunced courses. Lehigh sent seven
country would receive, commercially, a,"- vlthm!t I'tiisM.iii e i pcrler ,,.tllres must be p0(),pened The boy teen advanced students nnd WO batlu
large share of the benefit. , officers. And did net make note wfls ,,. ,lem . whcre his parents hnd I indents te this year's It . O. T. C. camp
Uv instni. tiens from the Pmperer. of the same en the records of thu dis- ,, pll jf-m,; treat him for ii bruised leg ut Plattsburgh.
try didn't have time te have a hellda. the tuin in that read the sharpest turn
UUiera said tee many holidays had nlabeM' lert Miami, I turned in car
tendency te make a nation tired
The. student neuse is uiaiiitniu..il byi
e Christian Association of the I'm-I
the Christ!
verslty of Penn.lwiuin aud bv prom
inent business men et the pity.
Says Ledger Stele $90 and Gems
Steven Skuhnndy. tlO Seuth Thirti
third street, told the police today that
liereufte r he would be very careful about
tflUIng ledgers into his home 1 His last
roomer, lie' aldr took $00 In irtish und
jewelry and he has asked tluViellce te
Named in "Held-up"
iuT JSK3$3 ES
Ledcr l'hote S-rlc
I nlted St.ilrs Slilppln; iteard pay.
muster Implicated In a fik 810,01)0
relilwry by A. It. Dftwcller, also a
paymaster, whose steiy of the rub
bery was shuttered b n film repro
duction of tlie "held-up"
"Victims" of Held-Up
Held as Embezzlers
teiitiniiid Irani I'nKe line
1 teem' streit. He always took supper
wl h me ind was never out at night Ml
:ii'i! him
Shew Ml Itace Ticket
' Nene of the money thei sjij he nas
ake'i ever i-eaehed our home. He came
!. me mice op twice with a !?U ticket en
u race Iiei'-c, and would su joking n
.,),, if ih.i l.n. ,. , -,. ..-.,,1,1 ..
walUisJ with her arms clasd about '
i I I'l'll 111 'I' lllllll 'i lUI 'rs. iiwhii 11 ,
, .,, . ... ,, .,., i,w,i .,,'
,,,lsl,,i ..in.neilnir te 1 lm. This !
'seemed te .istnm him nnd he partly
... . '. '
s,.,.nied te .iLtiim him nnd he
regained his ompesur,'. A dozen
t. em-enrage tin in
A third name has been mentioned in
t he tilet . t lint of Wilinui I'.ibbv, said ule
ie ee u snipping neiuu eiiipieyr. a,
federal arrant is out for hlin also.
i tins warrai.t iiise '.ins ier .101111 um' ,
ami ethers, s.. nime are believed te ue ,
scribed it. Detwller and city detectives
acting the parts.
Deth Make Confessions
When this picture wns shown in de
teeth e headquarters Inst night it was
se r.diculeus and impossible that Det
wller weakened and confessed, impli
cating Hoevcn lloeven later tped n
confession in absence of a tenegrnpher
se early In the morning. It fellows in
part :
About fourteen months age l toeu
bursing Deuru.
VSJ?J!W " ,
"' took about .vine the next three' Knar., r. who lives at '-'040 North
months, including M.,0 or 5HU iiIkae Colerado street, wan nrrnigned before
mentioned. Magistrate Oswald nt the Nineteenth
"About u month age Mr. Andrew ll !
ueiwiier uispussiMi wuu inu me iiuiiier inj j-hichmi as the ncciuent nppeareu
of the shortage of some SHOO which t0 1Uu been unavoidable. The be.'s
was discovered when the balance wns injuries are net serious.
struck inenthlv. I told him I hnd been
tnkiug mom for m personal use., n UCI n lip IM RPRMANTOWM
Frem that time Detwiler began taking' J HtLU Ur I IM UCnmHI I UVVIM
money from the levelvlng fund of the ,, . . . . ... ,
beard for his personal use, and has , Four Aute Bandits Get $42, but Kick
continued that practice up until the i at Amount
present time. I hnve no record of the i ,.)Ur Wl.i.(n,Msnd nutomebile bandits
inenev h- has taken. Hut 1 have seen U,,, l( tllrie mt. nt j0m.0n nnd
him take Slie and upon one nccasieu. , j-mi ri srrP,.tJ, Gerniantewn, shertlj
Ml." ,.,,. 'i ,.', lrt..lr rlila rielrnini? and rihherl
Decide te Gamble Funds
.some i-cjener nine meinhs age wti tl ,, of lbe haul and re
Detwller and I decided te make book , .,, t u hardly paid for the cost
en the horses and accept bets and te ' ,rlsulinp
im :ie. enllng te the miitunls. never .r-i(i u,t;ms ,,. Jehn N Aitkens,
ever 'JO te 1. We had borne tne or s.x ;!s NeMh i5rn(l street. Jeseph
friends from whom we accepted h. t , IInmll m West Itittcnheusc streit,
The t.lajers were met at a central bete. chailes tieldberg, 10.". Wet
Th- best part of the iiiene wet.."lc , (.hll,nn av,Iul(..
in as bits from u man whom we Uu.-w ftfj. tulilill(, tb(l tbrec men for s -as
Gloucester. W been the her-e- winj,,.,;, bl,.ks ,i,p n,ijjers suddenly drove
..ti bet- . placed with me we would. , , ., an, drawing ie-
In.v tli, WlllllllllfS te
''"'UCI'slet !
ver unsu. cessful in our ePTeits as
lioeWmiikers, and ur les - wool 1 e -i -uge
from Sle te ST0 per dm 'lhe pun
aw'ra,;nl from $10 te $s0 a duv
Toek .SIHMM) in 1 1 .Months
'In order te meet our loses ue took
,. .. v 1 tlic li'IH le meet sin 11 le-s. s
fr. m th disbursing tuna ei me ei -
pernib n We kept no in. uiit "f the
nm..antt le- m vit iransa, tens en
the l.ers, nnd depended i.pun the
i..i. ulw.nn in the disliirsmg fin.1
ll. 1 till llc-UltlllV lllll'ince - si 1 ucn
The balance f O. tuber 1 showed u
shortage of SO! mid. whhh represented
llie ,111.01 u'
.. :,., 1, h.-nl been taken fium
"""' :."-., ... ...i...
ihe find for the last leuriei-u iiieinn-
! Wetwi'iT and i.is.'f
' 1111 Tuesdui. ti. leber l, Detwiler
,,! j nKr 1 that we would ih-i pint e
iu.v noun 111 th'- .m elopes in be sent
to'lleg I-llind We decided between lis
.1,., i...-il.v,. n.mlil leme the elli' e
W1't, t,n envelopes without cash, un-1
,,,.., iu i...,, 1.1 i,rii.-eed mi his eai te
jj( j,,,n,i. aud while en route should
1 stage u fuUe held-lip and report te Mr.
' N 1j'nu ,l"" ,10 hl1'1 1""'n l"'11 '"'
.aid robbed of the hilef case entnlnlug
1 "i" P" re
1 11" I'.i., 1 "11 .
Detwilei left the effiie. Mi'J Ch-t -
nut street, about 1:30 P. M In his own
t'i ,1 ...Ill I f M.
run moene .ineui - . - ..
Kjan iweiv.-d n phone eall I was
ttanding near nnd could hear the ion -
versatlen. Detwller told Riaii that he
, had ueen iieiu up anu roeoe.i anu inui
the had get his money.
Detwller s confession fellows along
the mine lines.
Desciibiug the way he staged th"
held-up, he said:
"I drove te the read known te me us
the Uluck read, and when I reached
emt inc. (ruu uu, anu ioek out a
;;" .i.i. ...i ...... um n.u.n
plugs. I hen I put the heed ,jer my
engine in ns pieper place ami went
te Heg Island and reported te Mr.
11 an by telephone that I hnd been held
up and robbed."
Americans te Teach In Madrid
Madrid, Oct S. Profs. Lawrence A.
Wllklns und William It. Shepherd, of
New Yerk City, ar about te open
courses In Madrid In connection with
1 the I'nlvemity Extension movement.
Challenge Cup Race Chiel
Event en Card at the Hunt
ington Valley
The hunt club rnclng f-easen opened
this afternoon, when the ceuntr.i's best
er)ss-( iiimtrj horses gathered for the
Huntington Valley Hunt Meeting at
Sume famous horses nre te be lit" the
running, nnd the races should be n bat
tle from Mart te finish. The entry list
j Includes horses from the Kiddie, Jef Jef
eords, Normandy Farm. Huntington
I Valley Farm, Clothier. Ambrose Clark.
I Strnu bridge ind ether well-known
j The feature of the afternoon will he
. the Huntington Valley Challenge Cup
nice, te be ridden bv members of recog
nized hunt clubs or gentlemen riders
approved by the committee That
I great horse, Het, let. which formerly
I belonged te the V.'ldencr stable, but is
j new the pnperty if Mr. Marshall, will
be opposed by" St raw bridge's Hirer
Hrcize. which ) a wen this event three
times nut of fi.ur in the past. Sparka
will l! between tl ." two. te cay noth neth
ling nf such eniric, ns Strnssburger's
Wilverton il. It. l(.'wu's loeley and
Ti land's Likew-e'.d. an. one of which
h.is the nblllty te push the favorites te
tiicir respective llr.nts.
The day'n curd Is well balanced with
three flat races, (,ne tccplechast nnd
two timber races, in jhe course of
I which there sheu.d be enough excite-
1 ment fur t' most bloodthirsty. A
iienl rnce of s s.irt is ulwaxs replete
with a wide assortment of thrills, for
heree nnd rider are out te win If it Is
, .-,.. . . 1 ... . -..t 1..
Humanly lillll. an H were, ,i,m-ui ......
a half miles ever bm-h. and the
- ...a --...-...,...- ..
half ml es ever bm- 1. and the
Meadowbrook Plate of two nnd a half
I .ucnuew uroeK 1 ime 01 ieun'i ji emi
mill pver tlmDer ter imitenii nunters
1 . ,...nni.l,t.AL. ..1... Ii I...,,, nni-d
IIIUI 1 001 ,'iit.eui , it , 111, .. llil.t. ... -.
wen a point-te-point ra'-e
Tie Steeplediuf-e will divide the pub
h( merest with the feature event, for
an unusually goei1 tield is entered and
tli- nature of the course renders it pnr-
tlculnrb difficult. Crest Hill, of the
Huntington alley rarm. which insi
vPnr wen the first leg en the Leriiner
Trepli , Is censliicreu D tie wise ones
te have the lirst cull en this event, and
Lee O'Connell, 11, Hurt by Aute,
Kicks at Postponement
"1 don't want te go te a hospital
I want te go te t'ie movies," lamented
I.ie O'Ceniell. oievcn jenrs old. of
Ull Wet Dauphin street, when he,ends."
Cumberland street. vear. The total enrollment of the . t f , , " " v"ul
The bev refused te go te n hospital fnlversity's It. O. T. C, Secretary rjastlulte's children are still In
or te a, doctors, .office, .and an elder Weeks said, was ."45. It is expected I, ..g of the lie'- TheLs W. YnnN
,n.i iniured left ear.
nnrj oxfe.-i streets btnilen this innriung.
i iiit-m ei .--.
i 'Pl, rt ....M.n...- it-nrn .rrentlv .llsn nei nt.H
. ..I. .... l.l..l,n,l rhulr until rhev
tin. pled te ress Jehnsen st vet. Alter
re leving the three men of 'he cash tlw
itbhcrs bucked away nnd escaped
u Commissioners Micnzel, Meimes ami
James G. Griffin, Shet by Thug, Has UmU It began September 23. The e..m
. .-.., i.iiu- mUsliiiiLrs except te finish tabulations
rteswui myni
.. J.i we. G i.rimn. n paire imine 1 1-
I'weniieu um. ,..i..... e... ... -".
kl,. while attempting te nrtesc ieur
velihe.s. passed a restful night m the
PelM-linic Hospital
Grifhn. wiie Is twenty-seven enrs
Id lives at 11H Seuth lwenty-thiru
., . 11 ..i.. 1
street, anu is mnrncu unu nun en.- mue
It was while he was en duty about .'I
,,', ,ck Frida meining he saw an au-
t. .mobile standing in front of the home
f A'exnnd' r McElhwinle, 12e0 Seuth
Twe'it) -eighth street.
II.. saw four men parr ing semethiiiK
, from the lieuse te the car. They
tnrttd le drhe away and Griffin
j imped en the running beard The
driM-t slewisl down and then shot the
i"r"ma' nvicp in theMt side beiew
the heart end in the wriBt.
uu,Vrx nuei uiwu .w " "uw
Manv rlt,., a.Dv te Letters en
Many Cities Kepiy te uetters en
1 Unemployment Plans
Washington, Oct. f. illy A. P 1 -
uei.k remiense te the national unci
. ..1,,. ...,., rnnferenee'h appeal te com
IanjtiPH fr co-operation In making cf-
feetiie its emergency program for the
lt.j,.f f the (bless was reported today
b, t, ,,.ntral tigencj In iharge of Cel-
. .1 Arthur Weeds.
Letters have been sent te the Mayers
' f a towns east of the Mississippi and
, telegrams te all towns west of the Mis-
. Klssliipl urging ud'iitlnn et tne comer-
,,,,, mcusures, e.iiciiiim nmu, nun .-
! ,iu-m nre new coning In in numbers an-
neundng the readiness or the various
I localities te meet the unemployment
399 Deaths During Week
The Division of Vital Statistics of
the Rurenu of Hrulth reports 3011
deaths 'or the week ending Friday,
which Is forty-two mere thnn the previ
ous period- Tht re were 300 deaths dur
ing the sarae period last year
War Secretary Makes Streng Plea
for Student Military Training
Itptblehem, la., Oct. 8. This was
Founders' Day nt I.ehlgh Fnlversity.
It was featured by the reading of 11
paper prepared by Secretary of War j
Weeks en student military trnlnlng,
nnd because of his last-minute inabll- ,
ity te be present was read by Majer
General Jniues O. Ilnrberd.
Anether feature was the presentation 1
01 degrees te three women who have.
completed the prescribed course. They
were the first degrees ever given te
women by I.ehlgh. The recipients are
MiHH Hessle K. Ivnst- niwl Miss Marv A.
' ' fK9 $Z2. " s- sL
W"-V FiLHls
"v v? ' yy.y XjJMBfcx
Wn5?r; n A'1,;,0"in,' uml Mi"MISS KNOX SAYS SHE WAS
i-dnn G. lntnull, of Hnrrisburg. Mn ... . ,, ..., k.eti .i,-
Organlzationef n"clti7.en amn" ns nn NOT N LOVE W TH EASTLAKE
adjunct te the regular army und the Na-
tiennl Guard wns the main theme of 1
Secretary Weeks address. 'I he War
Department head mnde it clear that
there would be no clnsh lietween these
forces : the proper develepmnct of
either the new body or the National ,
Guard, he said, would advance the de-
velepment of the ether. These who de-
sired service only in periods of emer-
gency but were prepared for any emer-
fiena3. rd""'. alT te' X& I
themselves only in the event of a great
war would find their proper place In the j
urgiuiizea reserves. 111 iiniu.tr, eu.u ,
thp Secretarv. there should be nn in
terchangc of personnel between these
two forces.
H.11.....l. n ntnnt l.,n fir 1, a T1A
cesslty of a citizen force ns a guarantee ,
of peace, Secretary Weeks insisted that '
sfiiilent mllitnrv train nc did net 111-
..." .'ii i. ... rui.. .,
". V? x? IV"" 7" "Vi "?:' .t;-.i,.
the Natien.
te the discipline which Is essential te
military teamwork, young men seen
learn the real secret of modern civllzn civllzn
tlen which depends upon the combined
in nun 11-i.liiil: Liicuircii en
action of, human beings te common
Fe'recaster Predicts Generally Fair
and Coel Weather
Washington. Oct. 8. (P.y A. P. i
Weather nredictlens for the week be
ginning Monday. North and Middle At -
antic States lxcent ier unseitieu
following storm warning:
"Chnnglng te northwest storm warn
ing 10:30 A. M. Dclnware Ilreakwater
te New Yerk. Streng northwest winds
teuay, diminishing tonight."
Official Count, Untabulated, Indi
cates Negro Beat Out Price
The official count of the primary elec
tion Mite was completed tedaj b Coun-
,,., count, nltheugl. net yet t-.tnlr j
fr ,,n cnniliuntcs, inuicaieu iiii.iii.
S,,.t. Negri, ca u.uau ., u,.-
noting out Mnglstrate Price, a V.teis'
I.engiie candidate. ,
Next Tuesday will be the last day en
WhiCll liew-puny pre-emiilien H'n
... ... .....:.... ..-.
-. .. .i.tnl, ,1 for the neneral election
tids November. Friday will be the last
da en which caniliuntts muy witu
j . ,, s,ii t i..i
Lewis and Delegation Call at Invl-
tatlen of President
W'-.Llilnirfnn. (Jet. 8. (H.v A. P 1
lehn Ij. Lewis, president of the I'nltnl
...fun ... "-", ,- I,,
in.. ii,...i,Aeci rf America, nml n ileli
1, 1 lint ....".. ra. .------ . -- -
' gatleu representing that organiatien
, n,p(, nt ,he Whlte Heuse tedaj . Presi
dent Harding wuh engageu ni uie nine
of the cull und nn uppeintment was
made for later in the day.
Mr Lewis declined te discuss the
purpose of his call, except te sav that
the delegation hud come te Washington
"at the Invitation of the President."
Mere Than Enough te Have Caused
Death, Chemist Testifies
Twin FallH. Idaho, Oct. S (Ry A.
1 Thnt the body of Edward F.
Meyer contained mere than enough
poison te cause dentil was the state
ment en the witness st'in 1 yesterday of
Edward F. Redcnbaiigh, State chemist,
of Ilelse, in the case of Ljdda Meyer
Southard, charged with the murder by
poisoning of her former husband. The
statement was based upon u pest-mortem
The defendant set unmoved through
out the session. The courtroom was
crowded much of the day. Most of the
spectators were women unu giris
weather and prebab ly rains i lur ,m .or , of nutomebllll nil commit.
Friday the week will be generally tair I . , , , f k', , ".
and cool weather. Frosts tP-babK Jf0rjf ';ie( bH
There nre no indications nt this time i ln, er.uarV . . .
1..' ,."..: u"..... ... .i. ie.., T.ti. M Curler is nccused ns heme one of
ei a uisuiruunce in m ...-r-v ,00.?.
Ohie Vullev and Tennessee, region
the Grent Dakcs Genernlly fair nnd "'"'' "' "" " ins auiome-Mirnce. .1111., isiwiiw; i,purnuu nune.
cool weather butwith u probability of ! ll'lp ""' twenty -one cases 0f whisky I S3.-,.ir7a.SH : Helena Feilg, $57fl7.'J2;
Wal rail Thursday or Friday. Frest""" .fvelver Hght. Rail In .O.OIK), Mary A. Meylnu SI T.5!B 01 ; Jeseph C.
are nrebable w-as furnished by n Ilaltlmere company 1 Rnmsey, $J.S,nHS (1(1 : Patrick 1. Mil-
The W'eutlier Uurcau today issued the 1 '"" the men, none of whom appeared honey. S-IOIO.OIJ. and Sarah E. P. Spiel,
1 1 vKBNte'WttE&JKr
GcrmantewTt's annua Deg Shew
will be held this afternoon at the
Gerniantewn Cricket Club. Miss
Cessatt will exhibit Airedales.
Ilulldeg prizes will be sought by
Mrs. Deeter. Mrs. Churchman
will exhibit poodles
nn Nni n.n..,. u. a..... 1 u..
ui iTiurucriny nis vvue
Sn(al Dispatch te Evening Public Lcdatr
Richmond, Va., Oct. 8. "I was net
jn leve wlth EnbtinieT nm tw0
vnre ,,, ,,, . , ,, ... .,
years elder than his mother," said Miss
enrali Knox, in the city jail here, dis-
sectlng the evidence connecting her and
ref WiaX
?tflf?.Irs' Jfe?, F"' "!. al l.s
" ' t UK. VU1VIIIU4 A'UC,llt i t LTA 11(1
M. a Knr .,,,, ,.... ..
...r, .,,ua llv.ilVI, llillUlil 1UUIII1IU-
tlen that she had mnde any confession.
"They simply nabbed me because I
was en the scene." she suid, "while the
rel murderer, whom I saw leaving the
hetw, is bcinc permitted te escape."
, . '"!- "" " '" "" iimiii ie snow
' ns sue
I She denied she had a rninceat. though
i i . .... -'
she were n woolen coat of a light color
mst year.
"I de net believe ICnstlake said I
thought I committed the murder," she
said. "And If he did, I would atrib
ute It te his tortured stnte of mind.
My letters te him cannot be construed
ley, nt Cntensville, Md. They nre net
allowed te piny with ether children,
lest they lcnrn of their m titer's death
and father's lmprenisment.
Man Accused of Aute Held-up Com
mitted at West Chester
West Chester, Pa., Oct. S. C. C.
Mcf'urley, of Washington, D. C, wns
brought te the Chester County Prison
'today fiem New Yerk, where he hnd
a party of five men who held up a
. W... 1. I..l . 1 . I. 1! ...'
for trial nt two terms of court, and the
ball was ferieited. Met urlev was
jailed by the company holding the bail
Sequel te Death of Man Following
Drinking Beut
Reading, Pa., Oct. S --( harlfs
Marks, who rcsit'iied u- city clerk te
become urohibilieii enfei-piiiunt officer
for this district, composed of Relks
nnd Lehigh Counties, today swooped
ueiMi en n saloon nnd obtained sam
pl.-s of whisky te b.. ann'vzcd. The
ples of whisky te be ann'vzcd. The
1..1.1 wr.s n seque, ,,, tne death of W.l-
e"i ""'...,"'"""',""?
...... ,.,.;. ., ..- .
, n ,lrinkinS bout in t e nloen
, ' nm jeing nfter the bootleggers
I w th four feet." said Marks tedav.
....! i. .i ...i.i.i... n .....0. .!. 1.
I en. 1 unu "IU-I..1 nuni .will, mil- I'""..'
If It Is within mi newer te mnke it
1 walk."
unimuiie 1 un uieMnuiitvu
! American Association Opposes Be-
. nuses for Veterans Net Disabled
H Jt)
ilius payment for World War vet-
' 1 runs who weie net disnhled were 011-
pos, un internntlenul credit system
and iliRnrmnment were endorsed and u
"will-advised" sales tax was suggested
as a substitute for the excess profits
taT by the American Hankers Associa
tion nt the closing sessions of its con
Ncntien here jesteiduy.
I.e.innnl !nvine. Ilaltimure, MJ , and Jean
Whll. Ila'tlmerc Mil.
IVrrtsi. T liny. .'.SKI lUUtldJ t., anil
Pertha IC Feurh. I'nlntewn. J'a
MnMlth t Titus. 120(1 Wugti'r hi., und
Itr.chel M l.ynih yni'J K Madisen nn.
Jehn I. !teeii. (121 N 16th M.. and Kli'e
K Ilreeki.. ,ri3').T Iluyntcin at.
Jamra DanlrlH, U42 Washington c, and
Muttlu VaUKhn. 817 Catharine m
U;nnurii 11. Ilantli, Phllailalphla Navy Vard,
and MHUrren J. I.unKley, t)l'2H I.uillntv at.
Jeph W Ouhu, U70 I.yceum at., and IJIUa.
lii-th A "Wille. 4.12 HUll at
William Shlnnr, 1581 N. cirlmey at., and
Haruh IlarUr.-. IS'll N Orknes at.
Cioergo W. Nixon, 2330 Rhnwn at , and
Anna M, McCartney, S020 Frankford ave.
Kawaru a larurej, unii r ..ii.umi.in av .
and Anna V. CunnlnKt.anr, 1S07 Matr at
Alfrad O. I.rajn, Yerk, Pa . and .Miriam
Dahn. Yerk. lu
Oliver B. Telun, Ambler. Ta., and niale M.
Lefjetreth. Ambler. l"a
Joaeph J. Elliett. T2a N '.'0th at.. an1
Krancja O. Warren. Willow drove, I'a.
Auauat a. Natter, Allentown, I'a., and Jleaa
M. Ilrewn. Uethlehem, Pa. '
Jame Keeutrh, 211 w. Weatmeraland aL.
and Ileum Cennall, 38S1 N. 2d it. '
Henry B. .Dlackahear, 22S E. Aalimead it.,
and Katory Bnlvera. 8083 Btenten v,
I lifinn n rrnutnl i n rtn ti ent I mi !!. il.n
OCTOBER 8, 1921
Londen Informed Streng Effert
la Being Made te Have
Premier Recensider
liy the Associated Press
Londen, Oct. 8. A hint that Pre
mier Lloyd Geerge nmy yet be able te
attend the forthcoming conference en
the limitation of arranments nnd Far
Eastern questions in Wnohlngten was
made In a semi-official statement te the
prets last night. It wns pointed out thnt
the present position is that the UritiBh
Premier has notified the American
Government of his Inability te nttend,
but that this is net necessarily his last
It is generally regarded that the
American Government is anileus for
him te attend, nnd It Is understood thnt
considerable Influence Is being brought
te bear upon him te reconsider his
This pressure was particularly marked
during Mr. Lloyd Geerge's stny nt
Gnlrlech, and it Is understood that It
found strong support from his ministe
rial colleagues nt yesterday's Cabinet
meeting. It was stated that It Is ex
tremely probable that the Premier will
be prevailed upon te go te Washington
If devt lepments In ether directions make
it nt all possible.
The personnel of the Kngllsh dele
gation te the conference with Irish
leaders next Tuesday was officially
announced ns follews: Picmier Lloyd
Geerge. Lord Ilirkenhead, the Lord
High Chancellor; Sir Hemar Green
wood, Chief Secretary for Ireland ;
Austen Chamberlain. Government leader
In the Commens; Sir Laming worth werth worth
lngten EvanB, Secretary for War, nnd
Winsten Spencer Churchill, Secretary
for the Colenics. Attorney Gcnernl
llcwnrt will be a member of the con
ference whenever constitutional ques
tions arise.
Mr. Lloyd Geerge left last evening
for Chequers Court, his country home,
and is expected te return te Londen
en Sunday.
Dublin. Oct. 8. (n.v A. P.) A
large crowd gave n hearty send-off in
the Eastland Dew station here this
morning te the Irish peace delegates,
who will meet representatives of the
Ilritlsh Government In Londen next
Tuesday In a further effort te solve
the Irish problem.
All the plenipotentiaries were in the
party, with the exception of Michael
Cellins. Finance Minister, who wns de
tained by family reasons. He will lenve
Monday. Arthur Griffith, the Stun Fein
Foreign Minister, said he had no state
ment te make.
Although the nnmes of all the dele-
Annual Hunt Club Meet On Today
at Manhelm
The annual fall meet -of the Man
helm Hiding and Hunt Club is being
held en the Dlssten estate, White
marsh, this afternoon.
A pole ma teh between n picked team
of the Second City Troop and the
mnllet wleldcifH of the Mnnhclin Hunt
will he held after the hunt. A silver
loving cup, presented by Dr. Hebcrt F.
Itidpath. will go te the winner.
Cavalry veterans showed some of the
stunts they learned during the war.
lieth men and women contested in a
novel feature, the eiiiestrlun hurdle
Cress-country riding and exhibitions
of saddle horses open te men und
women rounded out -the preginin,
Preceding the meet there was a
parade through the Wis-uhickim b
mere thnn 100 horsemen of the dub
Wills Probated Today
The will of Anna Geis, who died in
l.nnkennu Hospital, was pmhntcd to
day. She left an estate of S00O0, of
which $500 gees te St. Vincent's Or
phan Asylum and the residue te rela
tives The fellcwint: inveuteiies of per
sonal (states were filed teday: llenjn-
mln A. Meiedith. died nt Havre dis
Mrs. A. H. Rice Buys 5th Ave. Site
Werd was received here today that
Mrs. A. Hnmilten Rice, formerly Mrs.
Geerge D. W'lilener. had bought a prop
erty owned by the Edward II. Van
Ingen estate In New Yerk. It is lecnted
en Fifth nvenue, between Seventy-first
nnd Seventy-second streets. Plnns for
u new home en the bite lime been pre
pared by Herace lruuibauer, au archi
tect, of this city. The Van Ingen es
tate, it is said, asked !s(57.",OO0 for the
p0ses as Official te Collect Funds
C1, nrL warn,B b PM mrn
... beware of ii man represent lug him -
, ",f s j. j. t'eiyiell, of the County
Ce m .: ene. ,,fl ce. vJIk. lu,s bee
,'"'''.. for unenipleied. The nellce
dinner or um 1 ipm 1. J no pe lie
1 Hn v lilt: ....... -' -- .-.-... .
lj" 1 lnreii
""- ."." :... :.. .i. i. ... ... ...
, lected niaBc rmi... ....... y-i ..., ims.
i.-.i...ril It. Harris, 010 I.afaM-tte
TVil'.dlng, 1 ne of the victims who
" i.i n.i
cempi'.. "
Hand-Wrought Stationery
Exclusive Papers
Skillful Designing
Superior Engraving
Prompt Delivery
A Most Comprehensive Department
Chestnut and Juniper Streets
Jeteph Kennedy, 16, Confesses Part
In Held-ups, Police Say
Police say Jeseph Kennedy, sixteen
years old, Twenty-seventh street above
Lehigh nvenue, admitted today he wns
one of five boys who stele nn nutomo nutemo nutome
blle nnd committed a scrlca of robber
ies last Haturdny night.
Kennedy is snid te have made n com
plete confession, Implicating llernard
McDonald, Tayler street near Olear
lleld. McDonald is nt present under
jflOO ball, charged with attempting te
steal an automobile,
Samuel Ginsburg, who conducts n
delicatessen store at 1110 Sumtncrvlllfi
nvenue, today identified betti Kennedy
nnd .McDonald ns the boys who entered
his store last Saturday night nnd held
lilm tip with pistols. He says they
took ?12T from the cash register, left
the place nnd departed with bcvcrnl
ether boys In an automobile.
Gus Laubcr. 1)2.15 North American
street, also enld the beyn entered his
place Hie same night and robbed him of
Kennedy wns held without ball by
Magistrate Price nnd McDonald In
?2000 en the held-up charge.
Three Bandits Rifle Register While
Proprietor Loeke Helplessly On
Three young men rifled the ensh reg
ister of ?55 in the grocery store of
Hugh C. Dunn, Fiftieth street and
Florence avenue, last night while the
proprietor steed helplessly behind the
counter, his hands high in the air.
"The- cam in about half past
eight," Mr. Dunn said, this morning,
"and as'tcd for n pound of butter. 11
was their fecend trip into the bterc.
They had been in about fifteen minuted
leferd te buy some cigars. All wers
respectable looking young fellows.
"When I put the butter en the coun
ter, one asked for fifteen cents worth
of linm. While T wns getting It I heard
one of them snj, "Did you ever 6ce
hew this mnchiii) works?"
"I knew it nnd come.
"I turned nreund nnd one hnd n gun,
another leaned ever the counter nnd
opened the cash register. They didn't
touch me. I wns lucky. I had about
a hundred in my pocket. It wns tee dark
te sec which way they went."
Will Try for New Indictments In
Alleged Aute Thefts
An effort will be mnde by the Chi
cago police te procure tye mere indict
ments against J. Wulter Keller, for
merly of this city, who has just been
discharged in Chicago for want et pros
ecution en n charge of having stolen
five automobiles.
Chief of Police Fitr.merrls, of Chi
cago, declared today that "a sinister
inllucnce has been working nil along the
line in these cases. A millionaire's
son cannot cscnpe the law in Chicago
ns long as I am chief of police. I shall
go before the Grand Jury with two nil nil
dltiennl cases I have against Kel
ler. He can't beat these, because we are
going te rush them before the Grand
Jury. And if we don't get indictments;
why, I'll uult the force."
Keller Is the son of S. J. Keller, of
Meylnu. Dclawnre County, president of
the Pratt Feed Company. He told the
Chicago police his futhcr wns worth
$5,000,000 and that his own salary was
$5000 u year. When the ense first cnm
up he plcuded net guilty, nnd the case,
for one reaben or another, was post
poned four times. Each time it cmne
up there wern fewer persons te prose
cute. The fifth time no one was there.
"Doer of Hepe" Founder te Speak
Mis, E. M. Whittemore, founder of
the "Doer of Hepe," New Yerk, nnd
of eighty similar institutions for. the
rescue of girls throughout the Fulled
States nnd Canada, will conduct n
scries of evangelistic services fee the
Salvation Army, beginning this evening,
in uie .iiemeriai Auditorium, Ilread
street and Fairmount nvenue. She will
spenk tomorrow morning, afternoon and
levelling; also en .Monday, Tuesday r.nd
ii cum-auiiy evenings next weeK. Airs,
Whittemore is seventy years old, but
she hns just completed a tour of
Deaths of a Day
William T. Perter
Wllllnm T, Perter, who died suddenli
Thursday morning following a heart
attack, will be buried Monday. He
was stricken ln the bathroom nt
his home, 4S11 North Twelfth
street. Mr. Perter was a member of
the firm of Fnucett & Perter, 2130
North Orkney street. lie is su.vlved
by his widow, two daughters and one
son. Funeral services will take place
nt his home Monday.
Frank C. Brace
Frank C. Rracc, one of Camden's
eldest coal dealers, died yesterday In
Cooper Hospital after a protracted Ill
ness. He wns for forty-one jenrs in
the coal business. He wns sixty-two
years old and lived ut 1237 Kenwood
avenue. He is survived by his son
Harrison llrnce. who will conduct the
business. The funeral will tiike place
A. S. Gerhard's Funeral
! Aucustus S
Gerhard, a retired drug
aster Count, who .11,., 1 i
gist from I.am
the Masonic Heme, Rrend and Ontniie
streets, Thursdny, will be burled from
the home this afternoon nnd the Inter,
ment will be In North Cedar Hill Ceme
tery. Mr. Gerhard was a member of St
Jehn's Ledge. Ne. 115. He wns seventy
four years old nnd had been at the Ma
sonic Heme for fourteen years.
Gallivan Plans Resolution te
Ascertain if Members Be-
long te Klan
Washington, Oct. 8,-ncprcstnmtT,
Galllvnn. of Massachusetts ..u . Vi
, , ,, . ' "UU10 u- i
certain If any members of CengrejtK. it
Innir in (tin lCi Ifl- T-t Of-' L
introduce n resolution te thnt enilt!!"
day when the Heuse meets! ii'0";
xuirrii, vranu iioeiin ler the Waxtiln. i
ten Demain, lm. hn.n ...:i """'nt- i
some Klansmen jicld scats ln th ,r
t mini lflvlnlntlvn 1,1- " lDe n- T
Certain members e'f'the Houw W ,
evidence tnnt Ku Mux leaders benitri i
that Iieprcscntntlvc William DV It, V ,i
shnw, who resides ln Atlnntn, the hen. - h
01 uie imperial wizard nnd hcndetur.vv '
ters of the Invisible Empire, w, ,?
member of their orgnnlantlen. j"
When asked If he belonged te rti.'l.
Ku KIux, Mr. Upshnw refused te mii
olutlen he introduced yesterday ht dw. 41
.1... "T 1.1.1 .. I.ll.j ,"' '." U?S
KIux Klnn nnd have never been Sn
owner of its mystic rcgnlln." V
Mis rRellltlnn tmil n..,L.-,. kw
nnt.realntin1 Inniil-M ln.n A1. ,.. ' .
purposes nnd collections of "each snd.i
every cecret organization In the Unltnl 1
StatcH.' w A
This is in line with Hie plan etthi
vn Tvlllv tn minilai-nMl l.n h... -7 .
the order. Many letters te Conr..
... ..... ......,., i v.unicrei
men Hf.fnnn.1 flinf 4l,e Trnl.1. - n
lumbus and Mnsens be investigated, s
Members of the two houses think this "
is a weak eCfert te stem the tide of neb.' '
lie ficntiment against the heeded nitM '
The Gallivan resolution reads:
"Iteselved bv the TTnimn nl U .. .
HcntnUves, the Senate cencurrinr 7
That a special Joint committee be ere' 1
ntcd te be composed of three members '
ei me eennte, te ue uppeintcil by th(F'")
president of the Senate, and three
members of the Heuse of Representa
tives, te be appointed by the Speaker
of the Heuse of Representatives. Sueh '
committee la authorized and directed
te Investigate and determine whether
nny members of the Congress arc mem-4 w
hers of the Knights of the Ku KIux-'
Klnn, a corporation created under the
lnwa of the Stnte of Georgia, and te '
investigate the activities In connection s
with such organization of nny mem- '
bers of the Congress who nre deter
mined te be members of such corpora- rt
tien. The committee shall report Itf t
findings te the Scnntc and te the Heuse '
of Representatives, with such rccen-"
mendntleiiH as It deems proper.
"The committee is authorized te'1'
administer oaths and nffirmntlens, te' '
take testimony and te send for persons-'
and papers. The president of the Sen- i
nte mid the ftnenlcep nf th.. ITnnu. P
Representatives ench Is authorized," '
upon the request of the committee, teitt
issue subpoenas te such persons and'h
papers, and the Sergeant-nt-Arms of
the senate nna tne Kergennt-at-Armj
of the Heuse of Representatives re
snectlvelv arc directed te serve snrhi i
subpoenas." i
Sen of Princess Anastasla Marries,..
Niece of Constantine -i.t-
I'arls, Oct. 8. (Uy A. I'.) WIN '
llnm 11. Leeds, Jr., son of Princess ,
Anastasla of Greece and the late V11 r'
Ham R. Leeds, the "Tinplntc King" cf
Richmond. Ind.. nnd I'rtnccss Xcniajttl
niece of King' Constantine of (Jreece, W
were married by civil ceremony here at'li
1 o'clock this afternoon.
The Princess Xenln is the Rteenil r'
daughter of Grand Duke MiUhnllevitch,"!'
of Russin, who innrried the rrinccsj "
ATnrlf. f !ini-fllnvnn sf Tlrneee n RlntPF, t
of Kltiu Censtnntlne. Reth Leeds nnd I
the 1'iincess nre nineteen years of nge.i
The wedding teduy was the French
civil ceremony. Tomorrow two mere
ceremonies will occur, the first at the -American
Church of the Hely Trinity
here, nnd the hecend at the Russian
church, the labt being conducted with
the picturesque pomp of the historic ,
Russian Church.
League Council, Ending Dellberj- ,
tlenu, Will Repert te Powers
Geneva, Oct. 8. (Ry A. l'.l-Nege-
.t.,1 i .i-iii .i . l.n finn.
tuitiens nuu ueiiuuruuuiin ui mu '-"'". ,t.
ell of the League of Nations en the
Upper SUehian question nave viriuuie ,
been completed. A decision Is expected
next Thursdny. .,
The prepositions of the Council will
be submitted uneflicinlly te the French,
tl... .1,1, n...l Itnllmi CnvernmeiitH w
iillimii Ulll, -v..,.... .......
elicit the opinions of these fiovere- - !
mentK before the Council presents tne ,
official text of ItH liniiiggs.
u n siirnv In Hesnital
Hampton G. Silcnx, former chief uv
ehtlgiiter for the Rupld Transit Cora Cera
panv nnd later In the tame capacity ijr
I.... ......I ln.. Ofina In f
insurance ceniiiaiuen mm n. -..
this city and New Yerk, is critical ly ,
in uie i.iiiii.ei.uu iwraiiyi. . ;.",i. ,
wns first stricken while In Allan lc ,
City nnd wns taken te A ernersville,
I'a. Later he was removed te the Hen-
pitnl here.
aiXIVIIH - Suddenly. C -a labor . J"lW
II. hui.l.an.1 of Ida V lllev r in h' se
star. Funeral t,eilre, Slendav - ',",
late realduice, KlnK'a Hlha Meuni
F.phralm, N. J. interment PiUate rriwu
mkv call Hunday evenlnK. atle.r -7 e lI c: ,
UMriKHdEH -October 7. I..MMA J
of Ilenlumln fmbemer tMnfra "1"'t'
Monday. 2 V M . residence " "
Interment 1-VrnweUl CemeieCJ'. ""
Hundav evenlne ,.,., .. ,,iv of
McDONAI.D. Oct 7. MAItV id"W ?
Patrick McUenald. aged Ul. Il'lai rS
frlemls are Imlted te funeral. M'"w
mernliitr. at :30. realdence of her en
Tbnmaa F McDonald. ISO W I'e nena
Onrrn.inten. HlKh maj Ht Un em
Paul Churcli. 10 o'clock. Inlerm.nt u
Ciitl.edr.il Oain.itery .. ,en
WII.HON. October (1, 1021. 1""0,,;,)
of jKin.e and Kuphemla Wl ten nc r""
aited 2D. Helutlvee rnd friend" i e IM"
te funeral irvc. a, Tuemlny. -' I .w J,.:,,
denee. 11.01 K. Hart lane Intern, nl III"!
aide Cemetery. Frlenda may call Jloneaj
'STATU reu kknt lili
. . . T77T ,h will
717 SI' KL'CH ST.. rent Jie.i ''.f, ,",.' ettar
be vitcaled bv January 1 IUW any en"
v, be cennldered If nei-.r lh',.Jrlr-,
lIAUUISON,i2eSl.'ith -.
ki;.i. iwtath rjiKjjAiJi
erriej. H.ce
WANTKD I" aimre miiii. "- ,lh
flee, incluainir iienecraimer ""-,,.i ar.
Fer par-
n blmka of ll.tr. und Ma.ket " ' V.nv.,r
1 1 r u Urn, phene Filbert 4 rt H tl MrJi 'agi.
itiin.r.v I'.Miu. i;a.
.N'i:V 7-room htucce acini-liunKalew ieni
beat: ..leclrle llalu haKlwoel "jer.
V I,. M.AY, 111 Welcome at . 1U'II ' jr
lllilley Park S
rrfliylrli.i.. ,iiritCU
JOHN CIIAMUKltH ,Mi:l. lilUhll. (Ill"''"
rt ... .. n .1 fll.. l.t. 7. J,( fl
AUIRRT PORCH. M D.. ",.' ,t Ll
I'uneral aervlce en Tucadav, );l0,'I'pr1,rment
2 I' M . ut Id" late roeldenre. liuermeni i,
Cedar Oreen Cemetery. I'layl"" 7. Jwif4, i
HAflKrtTY. Suddenly. Ocliitwr '' i
I.IAM II.. hubbnnd of MarBaret ""JlJSy. 3
UalKtliea nnd frlcnda. V 'aahinr " Lf" g ,fc
Ne. .".in. I'. H. of A. and mel0'"5 , ii
(I. I Centractlnt;, Company, are .mile J ', .
funeral kervlcea, Sunday, I ' M 'jl? "g.
ilen, . Poplar live. iV.ple Shade N J u
termenl private, Monday, Malvern 1 ;
VStn aud .Merri" am. , ...rv nt(Ht,
fipeelal EvatajtlUtle Hervlcea eery "'ffjf.
ft. M from Oct. 11 te Oct 'T.,t.
r. K. lUndrlcka. th nunhln.aiej;
from Jlliaeurl, will ipW. Ghed ilMie'
. . t ..fA .