4V SWv$1 I f i 'V u t - I't-'f i T i M vl I . U I -I I l ) I 1M I ? 'v,iWTW A B"s v J1 16 BEFORE THE CURTAIN GOES UP Twe New Comedies Come te Enlivpn Bills at Lecal Playhouses. Chat of the Shows That Are Staying and 1 These That Are Going . llv HENRY M. NKIHA "10MI3DY will Jinvc the enll nt the lecnl plnlieusei tieit work. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER--PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1921 One drnmn of mere serious tnlrn rcninlns with un "Spanish l.eve.".nl tlic Uvrle hut te the hllnrlt.v of ''Hnnpy 05e Lurkj" nt the Walnut (why dltl thp.v ever chnnee the name from "Tlillp of IJIoemsbtiry"?) we will title! the mirth of "Wnhp I'p. iJenathnn," with which Mrs. Fickp ceiiiph te the Hrnnd. ami "Mr. I'im I'ii$p By," wlilrli will bring l.nurn Hepe Crown te tin (Snrrick. rpplacinc the Ieiik run of "The Four Horsemen of the Apecnlyppe " jnpHK ludlpreus oen.eqiirnret of a . , ,. , .,.,,,. ... . ,. I . . . . . I ImllcreiiH pint of Stillbettle. In ills- inn.i At t.. , , "","lr(,n',- 'inl-MMl bv Dirk, thp here. ..bout ten j tlencd Mr. IMm have kept this reme. , m,ltlrr, t,fer,. thP t0ry imhK I'm- I Ke.iiB ni n lively . ferinn., , ,1P interest of the mull mull rnte llrst for n full ,.,, .....i,, ,, 1.1. .1,., .lunnneiirnnne nf 1 until V..,. I-....,. il,..f,' .,..)!, I,, I t'liiiuci 111 iimi nn... 1111 i' - iiuiiniiif lpff bin te get thp ltiri together, but lis it s bi'PU 11 rlnrll tlipy would get te Comedies Come siiicr auccemt in ewseii s run Other Cit ten 1onden and 1 lien for evrr -'(10 nights ' M the Millpr nnd (Snrrlek Theatres in New Yerk. The whole Her, hiliKes en thp fni't that Mr IMm. r1iunll. palnK bv thp Iieiim of (iporfie Murdpii, In J1iirklnshauihlri'. lets ilrup an observa tion whirh sujjKi-ts that Mrs Marden's first husband in tint (lead anil that, thprpfore. Mr Mnrden. a tnet os es tlmnble lady. Is a bigamist. I'pen that, the author has built a coined v which koepv peliiK for thiee act until Mr. Pirn return and admits that he wast mistaken. 1 Tin- appearatvr.s of Mr Piske arc nlwns welremeil i her ier Innte fel- I lowing of admirers here. l'rebabl no net reus mi tln stage has done mere te ; flnrourege jeung and unknown play-1 wrights. In the Inst tventj jeiu no less tlian sixteen of her predm tion tien hnvp been the lirst atlempts of their Authers te win stage recognition Mrs Flake's present coined;. "Wake up. .Tehnathnn." might almost be added te this list, for while F.lmi-r I. lliep has had several notable mutehm'm. his co ce autlmr in this plm . Hatcher Hughes, , )mn never been in the ranks of drama tists. Mi. Hughes Is leeltiier en the tlrama nt Columbia 1 nlveisitj. vtendcr win ir Peter tlcgpic Ought te Get Curtain Calls THAT'S si mighty geed farce down at tile Wnlnii!. It i .. .mil td.it . .. is that l'eter Hesrirle tlnesn't get 11 dozen alls at the tinal urt.'iiii. Yeu feel he deserves them and eit Knew all the time that people like him well enough tn want te slum their appre ciation And then, when ten get limne nnd think it ever ou 1 nine te the con clusion Unit the reason Is jnt little oversight en the put of the playwright Here s the diflieiln Heggle. in his gether nil) hew. ten aren't pnrllciilarh com pined hew they de it inn were rend te go home laughing when Ileggie ninde his eit The rest is wliat the high-breus mil anti-tdimiix and jeu slump further Htnl further until, nt the end. ten for?el the a yen were , laughing nt Heggie tot's pictem! we're atnnteur drnm.i- ' lists illumed nmateurl and lake hack it icwrlti n: this ending We st.irt t the pcene where Dick pnys Stillbettle , nntl sends bint awn). We will 1 linnet I from ther en . ns te bring Stillbettle 1 bat k te close the show l Dick Is touting a room In Tilly's house Se, when lie pns Stillbettle. we'll haw- him say. "I'll need a valet here, hew would you like the job?" or' something like that Ami we'll ghe Meggie some geed lines for Stillbettle when he accepts. All right Dick sends Stillbettle for' Ins trunk a tnl fellows him out TiUv fomes in and begins te weep nil mer1 the place. We go through the (.cene with 111el1a i;xlt Melle. Mere weep; bv Till" (but net se nmlibly. please 1 I and Dh k rushes in. Me and Till v 1 wetk up toward the clinch and ji.it t then Stillbettle brings in the trunk ami lluds link about te give up because of 'I'ilU's refusal te marry him. Dick1 is going te go. but Stillbettle gels off' that favorite maxim of his, " 'Krc ion are an' ere jeii steps till jeu gits wet jeu come for." 1 Then, as the levers begin again. Still- ' bottle works ever toward the whisk). 1 Ilusiness et pouring himself n gin'--. watching the kids out of I lie comets of t his eves As the) clinch, he lenchea, tewnrd the water, then gets oil that ether favorite line- "Never in Ui' h'aftorneon" anil the curtain falls with von nnd ine laughing nt Stillbettle and calling hun out six or eight times l'rctty punk? Well, mebbe It Is. Hut they ought te de something of the kind te It because lt'n tee geed n Mievv te send eit and inr nwny hike worm. CO.VAW evrr from Xcw Yerk last evening, I (itr-icl te n theatrical man bemoaning the icprrmieM In Ai' butinens. Get off at Hraad Street Sta Hen and started walking detrii ('Ae.'jfnil ittect toward the tanetum. Had te tl bow my eag through creicd in front of the Oarriek trying te gel in It'nlAcd en rfeirn. Had te elbow through crowds In front of Keith's. Walked en down. Looked acresi nt the Chestnut Slrerl Opera Heuse and saw the line from the box office ic II down toward Tenth sticet. Ileincssieut W'hrrct ff-l a mighty inlrieitinp talk with " Charles I'. Salisbury, who Is hcic as manaaer of Itoeney and llent m ''.ere lllrds." Salisburu opened the (heat Xerthem Theatre in Chicago in. t$98 tcith a vaudeville bill. He cheurd me his salary list. He paid h'ebcr Mantcll and company S.tOi a week, Montiemiry and Stene (in black face by thr wayi W.iO -Ihcy started at $100 - Alice Shaw and daughters $21)0 Cawlhmnr at.d Feri ester $200, I'n Kldrldge $2'i0. -lescphlne Oassman an ' picks SI'iO. Ilemala brothers .J.'O i thr Mewatts $90; total hill, XC'ii Campaic salaries new. era lint alena is qrttiug $'500 from the Sir brrts. hast year Itoeney and Urn with "Kings of Smoke." get WM!I c week. Little Jackie Coogan, picturi flat, was nffeied $.1,'i00 a lecrl;. u wonder prices of seats are high! JKSSIN HAI.I'H. who plays the eom eem edv jiail of the maid in "The Hat." rather surprised me this week bv apologizing mildly llr WALNUT The Funnu Maid in "The Rat" Explains Herself for the -vuy she in teipreta the role. 1 wasn't oenseioun of the fact that there was anything te apologize for. Hut she knew that I bad rtventh seen the show In New Yerk with Mm Yokes in the part nnd sbe prebabl) thought com cem com jarisens were Inevitable The) arc in evitable, but eddl.v enough, they are net unfavorable te either. "I hear," said Miss Ralph, "that some people sav I broaden my part tee much nnd exaggerate some of the ef fects I'd like people te knew that this touch of enritatuie Is given intentionally and net only thai, but by sanction et the authors of the plnv nnd express command of the stage manager Se veu mustn't blame me if inv work ec cuninnnlly seems te have n suggestion of grotesquenees." An a matter of fnct, she doesn't make it as grotesque ae Mls Yokes does, with the New Yerk cempaiiv Theie couldn't pessiblv be two mere widelv different comeptlens of the Mime part than are Cuntlmird en Vatr Klclilrfn Column Twe 2LjC JZ. zuz 2uZ LC JZ 3uC 2lJZ rALL WEST PHSLLY IS BUBBLING OVER WITO JOY' W0 ti. MMIN. MllItl.IMiI.lt livnfral Vtunsnrr 5 Nixon Standard Acts m V0D-VIL5 unit MONKOK SM.ISIII'Kl In "THE BARBARIAN" Special Feature Men. Mat. ENTIRE COMPANY OF "TWO LITTLE GIRLS IN BLUE," NOW PLAYING AT FORREST, WILL OCCUPY BOXES. Extra Men. Night :..V Nhnrp DONAHUE WII.I. nK llIK HPECII. (it i;st. COVIINO riinvi niK xikrkst Tin: - 1KK. VtllRHP. III. IS) M) 1'I.VYIMi. r'i fl ft iW at 3t.Ck Ilru.iT. 7' ''-Utim, V i Ol B,i-Mri1llir 7 A U .-1 '--siirniiiitnr ip" iikt ARTHUR MILLER with His FOUR GRAND BABIES and TWO BABY GRANDS Il.tre Urns. Miit A Hill nrlti ft 111 nil a. Tlitnlin V Turnip Inline t eiiK(M--T)ll MTIJf ST! nmen 'TllveU 'irsiiM.i-'i T HANSOJI Mun . Tnfs. Wl in "BEHIND MASKS" TIIIRMIAV FKIIIAY A SATVIIDAY ELSIE FERGUSON in "nxfRrn m enni'wn l.nvr." y-t 1 'i I II A Kl fl 0 art A "TI.SKKs. mi 1 11 a t i;i)it m is in and 0 Mtl.MIA'V i Tl ESD.W BETTY GOMPSOH "At the End of the World" t& , TIlllM. nRLCOMi:, (II1I.UKKN lltiriAY & HATL'llDAY "Ged'i Country and the Law" -:i ,'TfA,C TU-'V). - 'A,. 'Vii Ptrfrm VQ Ttc n.in t&. HI ."" T wri ' WLA vm. 52 nJ 4 1111 11 1 1 (. MMIN'-NIItlll INCiT.IS iSIHRlBRi EmetMEmmwwA MMiN'-Ninni iNer.it dcnrrnl Mananir SHOWING AT THE LEADING THEATRES IN WEST AND NORTH PHILADELPHIA NEXT WEEK CECIL B. DE MILLE'S SUPER PRODUCTION FA jmSuHrCji THE MASTERPIECE OF THE SILENT DRAMA Cast of 12 Famous Stars X Wallace Reid Gleria Swanson Theodere Roberts Agnes Ayres YM f 3&.. h Zk ni:ii. n..i Tl l- lr,Uit iHftC am cniuii ucaici iiicuuuic ivuaiuu mam! f9&h Rplif nnniplc Pnllv Mnran KjSwf lb M-i. Dl.. !.. J UH BK 0 1W7. Wanda Hawley JuIia Faye jB MON fir TI F. 3 XE J I'rril ''ininrrmnn A Hern' Thratrm VI VV TWI.OH. Crnrrnl Muniur VIA! IIAII tU llrctun nic VlitnUnj Miillnff J.Ian IIIJMM I're.fiits PEEK-A-BOO rtnu n "' " "vfelK fljt . He.1.1 , ml I 00 ll."M iin'Hi-n E EEWiAwHtaiaTEfTLyj 1 rrtilncs nt H 1.". Jftr In tl Mil . fur. . Tliurs . nl i.lr A 3,1 1 . it. iiiiiiii I f 1 ORPHEUM PLAYERS In Onrn DmN' KusreMkliiK !flenim.i "At 9.45" V I nuch ur 11 Tlirlll Willi i:rry lick 1 1 l,r ( le.l. I, .,,1 r H 'IIIK.t 111' 1.IHI ' 1 m 1 fl MMrrVi'rvu":w 'f"H'l"--l Grand Opening of the Elite Dancing Academy ."2d St. North of Market Reception Muntlny, Friday anil Saturday Class Tuesday and Thursda.v Special Next Monday Evening Al White's Kiddy Knbarrt Alse Next Friday Evening Snow balls und Snowstorm Dance Managers: I Wliite and Frank J. Owens QT THEATRE. Matinee Today v.-cwNAMAictR r.wAi 2d Laugh Week lAUQniER (JUAKM ttDf PHILADELPHIA NOW KNOWS HY THIS PLAY WAS SUCH A GREAT HIT IN NEW YORK AND LONDON THt WISE ARE SEEING IT NOW EVERYONE AGREES WITH THE CRITICS j HAPPy (50 LUCKY ti a popular triumek TTlt Hebbte is ' finasl cetwc drlist of all ltnc -Wu? I TTlr He6feie seti IKe capacttij audience into parexqnvs I J of irvttifv. HAPPY CO LUCKY vua received Wh a degree j et enthusiasm. selden accorded a zgu&&' PUBLIC lM& A rl WOODS ereses tmwM BY IAN MAV CvUliU O.P.HEGCIC SFMIRIF DDirFQ' tVLS AND SAT. MAT 5d(70 $200 wuneiuLL I HIV.LJ' BARGAIN MAT. WI r'ED. COc TO S1.50 OCTOBER 17 0NIjJJRK SEATS XrONDAY ' The MESSRS. SHUBERT riu:si5NT A DANGEROUS MAN A COMEDY nY A V SHlOT(. PK7.KT AI.AX tlUOOKS, COM-AUOnATOK ALAN BROOKS vsn v i-'m: Hfi'i'cunive company MHIITS AND NAT VIA! . Sllf TO JB.OU UAIU.A1N MAT. VBI.. 0c TO JI.OO ONnHTiLV MONDAY,OcfbBER 24 MATINEKS WBDNKSIAI TIU'IISDAY KHIDAY AND SATUUDAT WILLIAM MORU1S ANNOUNCES SIR IARRY LAUDER IN VEV HON'Of! AND OLD FVVOMTKS t-IIIST TIME IS I-OLIt YKAnS rnicEs- sieiiTs roc te ?i' be matinees nec te ti' MAIL OIIDEIIS NOW HEAT SALE 8TAIIT8 MONDAY. OCTOHEB IT US? SS -r m mm II OPERA HOUSE "1 If IIEGINNING TUESDAY MATINEE 1 I ! I II !i! fiJ matmtayd j itejtryiyiBMCM'Fr,-Vy 111 III i. I. -rtllMDEt.rlllA'H II.KAUlNd T1IKATHK8. DHtKCTION MSB A J. J. BIlVUKhr CHESTNUT msm&m 1 c BEGINNING MONDAY MATlsia? QAILY.MAXS.AiStEVBa.a.BA vypftLD'S BEST VA(iDEVLlf A rfe! i. 'Kr. vqa.: av TAME& HORAN frfifafl RENTAL C3IANT FlJ 1 'b"LS v - - 1 r iA ''-" m GREAT BIG :YCa QrDPAMIMriv V?y v en ZZVl mtSFVi -i bviv J B iKaar. mm .-. mmmt MmwcHmzm union ZZZrZZ k IT S FMMIF rtkmiDV DerMCMAnr ki V BHHr A " v-siiiuv. r.r. .-L,ni-, .,. . lH MA A COMPANY OF 25 MM CAMls lClifp eevusrds. praKik. hurst, mWJBK 1 V& 11 w kCLARENCE HARVEY, ANN TODDIHGSJKH f MJfm. " MARJ0RIE CARVULE. CERTRUOE"" S1J A .MUDCE. DRENNANfi' tlt Ml 6NDS S ! -. 7 Oik, mlJ rtk n AVKBiniH m jt a. vrr ' OLYA tlf ... ' mc orient IN GREY MATTER". SYMMftSTICj THE CHAPPIE.THE ,CHAP, AND THE. HAT. DESVALL&CO LATE FEATURE or NX HIHPODKunc piy RIMCLINC BROS CIRCUS k, ctZ Tx 'CS (SUBSCRini ""una NOW OPEN tOR Season Reser. vatiems 3& "'UEl 'Se t.J 'll -vuCCb WoeAu, '"U5 reh. "' :,:''S7 Y NEWS EVENTSi f - r ennni &m Mirivrc axcetT sat. i wrwuni-siniwnu r. Tcf e( -itrd AND HOUDAtS A. I ' JW lJr fi.UlJ PRICES J DAILY MATS. KSWuSSi 27 50 IN THE. ORIGINAL VERSION OP'JOSEPH C. LINCOLN'S FAMOUS CAPE COD STORY m ADELPHI THE SENSATION OF THE HOUR BM m BW w ira MATINEES THURSDAY AND SATURDAY Seats NOW Selling 8 Weeks Ahead BETTER TIAN LIGHTNIN' " FIRST TIME. AT POPULAR PRICES ATvWJLSTZASTZ7AIlV27ANXTyW isdMCHHRFfeT pep mat. ved.sbe?ijoe. S. SlU'IU'lL'frVB LVL9. AT 8.15 -MATS. LD. 5 SAT. MZm POP MAT. WED. 50er5Q PASSIONATE LOVES VIOLENT HATES THRILLS LAUGHS ROMANCE NOVELTY- SBMDSH ORCHESTRAL SCORE BV JACQUET LOVE j i 2 SECOND S LAUGHING WEEIC SIX PERFORMANCES ONLY POP PI2ICL AATS AT 2 15-TUK THURS S SAT 15 T50' VOED THURS 6 SAT LVENINUS AT 8.15-15' 25 e53075 I00 NEXT WEEK IN OLD KENTUCKY" ABOVE THEM ALL ACADEMY of MUSIC . t at ONLY CONCERT 13 en INPHILA. THURS. EVEN'G GALLIGURGI TICKETS MftUfAT THE ACADEMY AND ON SALE NWOT HEPPE'S, 1119 Chestnut St. I'HK f.S, f I 00, SI. HO, $5.00, tl SO, 3,00. MAV(.I..MKST. 1JVANS AMI s.M.TKK METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE MONDAY EVENING AT 8:15 RECITAL BY MME. AUSJ'ICKH lAKAYHTTr I ST .'01 AjrEllKAN I l..OV , ii KKTS ..'' ' '" '-en '-' ' ' " 1KATB I3"0 IVi 1 I'DIMi 1 X V..W HVSAI a AT wnYMANN H Mes hi M I T SHIBET AM) Ml riK'I'OI-ITAN I.. .. uKl B. HHOAl) AND I'dl I AH .- I tl hTH. ACADEMY OF MUSIC TUESDAY IVJOV 1 nA?"c EVENING lV. 1 8:15 M I'HUMK Ml'SirAI. I.VK.V1 STRAUSS FESTIVAL W IT RICHARD (OSULVTOR. COMI-OSEH PIAMST AS8ISTKI) HV .......m, . llllll'-IlMAN. Faiieua Pe ItltOMHI.A" , ii'm ,.i;ivK, NeteJ lui iii ( t'olinine Prices, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 ihkrtu cjn NDiW ut AMiUfni A llrune'k. bi'HwiiSJS new ,u c.tnu, ht. I..I.M AM'MI l- III lull nui MMlM.i.s MB. l.h MIS 7 unci fl 5 BIG ACTS 5 PRIMROsY'SIMON'rARTHUR CONRAD AND COMPANY 'l" t IHIIH .11 x HITI 'W I II IVi ii xii m , ( II. I MUM Ml ami ,utVi: Lionel Barrymore ' '' v ' . i . siieuim, 'JIM THE PENMAN' (7C Hill haniteil 'I liurndtt t.IK3IV OI Ml'HIC. I0SM3 Five Subscription Concerts Sec the Beat in Phila. Orpheum Players .4r tiik Orpheum Theatre Geriuontewn and Chalton Ayei. IIth.ane LEHIGH LZ2 I "11 llnrc llnllv, 2:1111. i:cn.. 7 nnd 0 H Marcelle Fallett DiiUnn iii nnili Mkirr A (u Ifln .lufT X in 'lfiiiT sni.' ( li.HHf r ii ' M the Hlu uf ili Nk" ffltau-i. HURRICANE HUTCH r(tii w Kerr rrfermane Everything Big Bat the Price (j illU S fa Orpheum Players r tjik Orpheum Theatre Germantown and Chelten Are. ur.dr Kwrnln... Oil. 7. New Yerk Symphony Orchestra Damrosch Conductor Albert Ceatei Uuil Conductor Ne 17. Dec 2(1 HoIeIhU Kochanski Vlellnjt D'AIvarez ( nnli olte m PAT- ) t . muur mt k ttLtMi imbki et i Caa and y ? (yS MARION M VO PBentJ j) , " N THE: NEM MUSICAL COMEDY lUS!ViOMr LOV EIR 1 dkw'"SW'i fe 4 &oek y tOCAE ALLAN WOOLF lyrics &v BALLARD MAC DONALD fc Jy SICMUMD ROMBEM OS WITH 3 rAftPTU S MURRAY BEAUTIFUL DANCING CHORUM . THE ButumsAys-'s A COOt) , SHffi). FULL OF ROOMISMS 6 , i MumtwuKS.coLesFm. cmmnml C00D L00KINO CIRLS AlVWtJ k SOPRANO WO CAM SIHG. L ROOHty m win nur we AfclOT OF LAUGHTER AND HAPPINESSg VZAVVZZAWA'WZA,ViWAVIVVW EXTRA!! SPECIAL!! Three Weeks SS&& Oct. 24 1 Every Member an Artist Jl III! Orpheum Players AT Tin, Sileti rutilm 6 Orpheum Theatre Germantown and Chelten Avei. Hal" tnr rle Oct 10 at Hept'i. Mall enjfra NOW Tlel.tln for rl, IB.2H, 17.50, S, t9.ne. a 75 Ueif J, 107,00, SQ, 45 and 140. ni IMONT'S 0TH AHCJI -Evfc-t , B;18 UUIVIUM 1 J Mati MeI)i We,j Bltt ailJ EMMETT WELCH MinstrcU Batlrt A WOMAN 8AWCD IN CUUNK AAII nDnPDC TirXlJ Srnil '""' viuuiw 11UVY shibrt ihruiiK iir meiir) (irilrr imnlil te . ""'" "i i"B"iirr Willi cir- iiiliIrrNHrd, Nluiiipnl nnrlepr. utul Inrlude 10 pr rrnt. wiir tux. VKICKSi NlrlitK. ct Hal.. I.enrr Fleer, 2.0 Ilakeiiy. 2, 1,(!0 tl l'nmlly (Irclc, 7Se BOrj Hut. Mut Lewer Fleer, 3 : Ilulreny, 1.S0 Ii I'nmlb 'lrrle. 78r ii BOrj St. MkIU, I.enrr l'loer, 8 Jlulceny, 2 SO, 2 & l.IJUi riimlly Circle, $1 A 75r, BARGAIN WED. MATS., HEST SEATS $1.50 (Positively Ne nisher) f. RAY C0MST0CK pitMnt AND Merris Gest 7ft WORLD'S LARGEST and MOST BEAUTIFUL MUSICAL ROBUCYIQH rmsss r fs&rvclvi x Jti rm K 'W. wimp JF aHkwflHBvvMdncRTrt JalB-l'lal v'ilUHP' FROM THE Centura Theatre, new yeRK C0MPANyeF300 II GORGEOUS SCENES MARVELOUS FOMNB BMLETefIOO . Uen.BU ul Above 'lli.atrr., Appl, UevcUt Urpl., Che.iluut at. Optra Ueu A MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA OF THE ORIENT y OSCAR flSCHE, CMAT0 Of "Chu Chin Chew music &y PERcy Fletcher. Chorfegrwhy b michel f0kine, CEtCDKATED CfiWOKOf the Russian Bnuer"' THE MOST UNUSUAL DRAMATIC NOVELTY EVE( SEEN IN PHILADELPHIA THE GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD "MAKES 'THE AUDIENCE FEEL AN ACTUAL PARTICIPATION IN THE EVENTS OF THE VIOLENT MELODRAMA OF LIFE. PUBLIC AEOGEK. , A STUNNING CLIMAX WITH A SCENE THAT IS MASTERFUL "VIOLENT. VIVID AND ALWAV5 PICTURESQUE, A WEALTH OF ATMOSPHERE" NORmAMZRlCAN A NOVELTY THAT ACHIEVES A REIGNED-IN FURY AND A TACIT PASSION" THEMQURER VAWAY FROM THE ORDINARY COLORFUL IN MOUNTING" UNUSUAC IN PRESENTATION HAS THE POWER TO THRILL AND te: SWAY 7ftf fiSECOfZD LURID PASSIONS REVEALED AGAINST A SPECTACULAR BACKGROUND- A NOVELTY auueru PRICES FOR. l(M mm EVENINGS (except sat) 50 TO $2.50 SATURDAY NIGHT 75 TO $ 3.00 WEDNESDAY MATINEE 50 TO $1.50 SATURDAY MATINEE. 50 TO $2.00 NOW PHILADELPHIA THEATRE GOERS KNOW WHY iPANlSH LOVE mbetH RAN FOR A YEAR IN NEW YORK lllds., Chctlnut Del. 11th HI.. Jrocadere C.V.u?' P" Maidi," t iiHit- ijlHafthlMaliKKllftH 1 kV, r "liMchfcWtMiwWij rtiW-. VM rs- tOM tmJ& fib r"