Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 07, 1921, Night Extra, Page 17, Image 17

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Crushed Under Aute
proof of Legal Ending of Mar
riage te d'Eingorne Declared
in Existence
Vu Wh. Oct. ".-"-TIip mystery cost
nbniit tlif first lnilmnd of Mine. Ganmi
V(ilU un dispelled ycterdn. Her
reun"l. Pndlnj Field Miilcme. dUcleseil
tliit tlir ''"I" 'f ""' divorce decree ob
tained liv I lie bcntitlful "pern liiiRci
from Captain Aruidlc d'Mngorne Is In
WWetlCP. '
When Snmuel t nlermyer veeentlv re
turned from nbrend n routed for Alex- '
inrJrr (Wlirnii, Hie present litisbiiml of
... WnUUn. iiilinmtlen was iri rn I
that effort- would be mndc te iirevr
thnt be "ns I,et lpBn".v divorced from
Captnln d'ttiiRernc. If tlinl were
tue It vaq nlfl. ner innrrlnsc te
CVhrait would bt dissolved.
Mr Mnlenn. in reply te questions,
,eterlny s-niu :
",U. riiclnn llenlc feimer counsel i
for Mine WnlKn, linn the copy of tbe
(In If I I'"0 seen u. i urn miurincii
tlmt Mme- Walska nnd d'Kingernc np np
eparcd before "n Jttisslan Consular of
ficial In Pari nnd consented te the en
trance of the decrce ut PctreRrad. The
ireiind of the decrce was matrimonial
?njwluet. She was net obliged te go
te Russia te institute tbc action."
In making application for the mar
nije ll',enM Mine. Walska said that
.;! vas twenty-four years old, that
,e wa- born in Warsaw, HumIu, nnd
tliat her first buband was living. She
filed a mpplcmentnl affidavit declaring
that she had obtained u divorce. Mine.
Walska said her father's name was
ariolcen I'liaez and her mother's
Careline l'lnkewnkn.
Mr. Mnlenc cxplnlncd yesterday that
Minn. WaNkn had first used the name
(innn.1 Wnlska in n, stage tiame nnd
later adopted it as her true name.
Ist Piipcrs In Trnvel
Recntdlng her first husband, Mine,
WaRn in the affidavit filed with the
irnrriaftc license application recited :
"(ianna WalHka, being duly sworn,
Mil depose and hn. that an action for
Hirerre vns commenced In the Judicial
Department of the Senate Ht St. Pet Pet
recrad, Kussia, by deponent ngnlnst
lnr husbanil. the said Arcadie d'Kin-
some. raid action resuuee 111 a
final decre in fnver of the deponent en- ,
Urel in March, 1015.
"That deponent has -made diligent
i ml careful search ter fniu imai decree,
but that the same has been iniidaid
and cannot be found, mostly due te the
fact that deponent line traveled ex
hnslvely in the last year and a half
anil the said papers were lest in such
Second Husband Died
Mine. AValska'a becend husband, Dr.
Frnenkcl, died. And it was understood
at one time that the first husband was.
ahe dead. In February, 1015, Mine.
Welska announced te the newspapers
that her firct mibnnu had been i.iueil
liile landing his company in the Kus
hian adwuice into Fust I'russia. The
report wan reiterated in August. 1111 Ti.
iv hPn the engagement of Mnie. Wulska j
tn Lewell M. I'ulnicr. of Hroekljn, wan!
annnumed. j
('aptain d'Flngernc was reported,
sine en September 7. 1010. when Mine.
WaKka .Hid Or. Frnenkel applied for
their innrriage license.
Arc W
1 wm m y '&:'?
of disputes of the appraisement of prop prep
trly. The Vnrc total contains nn item of
SUMMXK) for the completion of the
Parkway. This bun te bef counted In
the total of unencumbered funds, but
the question ilrlnes: "What Is there te
complete, nt this time, en the I'urk
wuy." The money Is simply an exce-s, one
of the excesses due te the policy el ear
marking. Mbre Tut Under Cenlract
The Varc total also contains S317,
CI 5.27 for- imvinz streets. The Cen
treller's report shows that 31,H7.05
wan put under contract Inst month.
And since the recent icipiest for the
lean, approximately .125,01)0 has been
put under contract.
Twe Items for the crndlnit and Hav
ing of the Mtrects 'show in the list of
unencumbered funds approximately
!?1 ,000.000. Uut the Controller's rr rr
pert phiflily shows- that this is "ub
ject te future lcgift atien by Council."
t Anether big sum which helps the
Vnrc men te make n flue showing with
figures, with of course a careless dis
regard of facts, Is .fliOO.OOO for a rub
bish and garbage dcstiucter. In the
(list place this sum is subjc i te
"future legislation by Council" and in
the second place, Council ha-i just beldlj
refused te bupply the needed legisla
tion in an effort te hamstring, it Is
charged, the Administration bticct
cleaning program for next Mai.
Anether nice item In tbe Varc total
is SiaiA'dl for bathing beaches. The
bare statement of this sum and its in
clusion Jn the total of "unencumbered
leans" ignores two important facts.
The first is that the use of the money
is subject te legislation by Council, and
the second is tuut SlUl,;i,!l.tm was
pluccd under contract labt month.
Water Plans Ge Ahead
nnd Pine streetn station. When he get
back te the comer he saw the six men
.deporting in one of the nutomebileH.
About 1 o'clock tills morning William
Supplce. 555 Mavland street, German
town, was walking along Orthodox
street, neer Large trcct, Frankford. A
big t- irlnz car drove up ujid six men
Jtimp'd out.
Surrounding Supplee and brandishing
guns, the men demanded bin menrj.
They get $25 in cash end two checks,
each for $15. Then they drove nway.
At 1 :'M A. M. n large "touring car.
tills time containing eight men, halted
alongside the curb at iJighth nnd t;eurt-
land streets, and called te jescpn
Coombs, 4(124 North Twelfth street. It
did net take th eight men long te take
$125 from Coombs, his watch, chain nnd
Masonic charm. Then they bade him a
cheerful "geed-night."
At 1h35 A. M. a touring car contain
ing eight men halted near F. V. Fink.
5010 North Tenth street, and requested
him te give up his vnluubles. Fink
handed ever $20 in cash and some jewelry.
Tne men. Michael Walker. f'.252
North Fifteenth street, .ind Geerge
Tucker, 1524 Westmoreland street, were
en thetr way home ftem ledge .it about
1 :47 A. M. At Thirteenth and West
moreland streets a large touring car,
tills time containing four men, drove up,
halted, nnd the four men jumped out.
"Come en. men, back tin against the
wall and shell out," said one of the
Walker and Tucker complied, giving
the bandits $75.
mmmmmmmmm mm 1 m MM! iw
S Friday, Oeteber 7, 1921. Stere Open. D.lljr nt 9 A. St. Cle.e. t l30 IM. W
Twe riilladelphla men who were
hilled en the Bethlehem piiie near
Unienvllle vluii the auto In which
Uiey Mere riding plunged into a
Gleucetter te Vete en Bends
A proposed $20,000 bend Issue for
street improvements in Gloucester, N.
J., will be submitted te the voters nt
the November election. Gloucester City
Council decided InRt night te call for
Werk en the extension of the water a popular vote en the issue. Pretests
supplv is going right ahead, but t'lls I against tne ean unless uini course was
does net prevent the use of the Cen- j token have been mndc by U, property
trellcr's -figures In nn effort te discredit i owners.
Figures Shew
Vare Lean Hoax
leniliiiird from Tune Our
ellnirn, said t hat at a most (nnserva
tue estimate, $15,000,000 or $20.
WIO.000 of this sum as detinitely ear
niurked se (hut the money could net
possibly be used for any ether purpose.
The remaining $20,000,000 is scat
tered through the almost innumerable
bureaus, he tint the sum of unused
nienejs In inch Is lrtuully negligible.
Aecnrdinj, te Mr. Harper nnd ethers,
a large "linre of the whole sum of $2(1.
imil.llOO (an be accounted for ns being
in readiness for contracts, but delajed
awaiting the plans and specifications.
Is KeMiIt of "Logrolling"
Incideutnll) ir is n pcciiiiur point that
are men ;iie using a condition against
die Administratleii which was created
b the legnillmg nod enrmiirking tactics
of ihe nie ('euncilmcu ; a political sys
trm nliicii was tleiieunced bj the Ad Ad
inlnisti.itieii and which results in leun
funds being tuddc uwnnilable for nnj
"tlier iiiimisp than that stated in the
Tiluinnis-s of Council.
Anether punt which the Varc men
'rerloek is that they have fought
gainst supplying the f'it Architect.
Iio under the City Churter is ciuirged
i'Ii the dut of preparing all plans and
li's-itiutiiiiis, with mi ndequutv staff.
Where nt jenst sixt men are needed
m the ( it Architect's eflice, enlj live
"sn ar mniluble
Tin- I ti'ustrmgiug policy has pre
sented the City Architect from pre
paring plans nnd therefore tbc nctunl
starting of work under contract has
been held up.
Other Contracts Pending
Uut Lilrccter Cavcn and ethers said
that even se, most of the se-called mi
encunibercd money would be under con
tract by the end of the year.
Net only docs the Mayer propose te
show by facts gathered from his di
rectors and bureau chiefs that the "un
encumbered" story of the Varc me,n is
myth, but he will show by the report
of the Controller himself that the fig
ures have been cleverly piled up tei
theRake of nrRumcnt.
Fer example, the total unencumbered
funds contains un item of SlM.OOO for
icpairlng nnd resurfacing streets. Hut
the same repeit shows that upwaid of
SI 00 .000 was placed under contract lust
month and that about $fl00.0fJ0 has re
eentlj been pent out of the original
um of S400.000. '
Experts say it is tint possible te spend
mere than this in the time allotted.
Ag.ttn the, total figure used b. th
Vnrc men "entains an itei.i of $1.
"'7.27 .'or wages and material for al
teratien. maintenance end npiiir of
police and fire building.
Hut the Controller's report shows
1 lint nearly $4000 was idnccd mder
centri-'t List month. Other (eu'.rncts
will be let an seen us the plans jir
read; .
Yei it is such items that go te swell
the Undley ttal of "unencumbcicd
The Vare tetnl contains upward of
SK.OOO.OOO for the Tree Library nnd
Convention Hall, u sum bound up in
litigation. There is another nuieunt of
$5I)0,MM) for the construction of new
police nnd fire stations. Hut the Con
troller's icpert show Hint this Is "sub "sub
jiet te future legislation" by the Varc Varc Varc
contielled Council.
Bridge iMind Iiuludfd
One of the big item in the Varc total
is S500.000 for the Seuth Sticet Bridge
The facts ure. according te the Majer's
office, that the IHictter of Public
Works lias adxciti-cd seernl times in I
an unsuccessful effort te get bills
In llm matter of sewers th" items ur
almost imuriabh earniiuked. Yet tin
totals count in the sum of the uneii
cumbered fund.
Ter iustnnce, the following (barge?
stand in the Varu total : Bingham street
sewer, $75,000; Charles street sewer,
$50,000. and se en.
Plans nre being made for these sewers
or have been ordered made. Until the
tnutriii'l is let the sum appears as un
incumbered. Then -hcic is i0MKH) fei th n
prn cmei.t if Delaware acnu from
Snjde- aienue. south Tlie Mtms of
centiacts is iieM up r "nilintj nd'U'-tmin'
the Administration
Fer example, the Varc total includes
$2,1U1,-127 ler the extension and im
provement of the water supply. The
Controller's own report shows that
nearly $100,000 was placed under con
tract last month. J
Among the myriad items which go te
make the se-called unencumbered total i
arc two, totaling about $5000, for the
completion of City Hall. This is net
n serious preposition, jet the $5000
ndded te many ether such bums gees te i
swell the Vure figures. J ff
Patrolman Is Shet 1
in Fight With Thugs
"H" will be pleased with
Continued from I'aee One
member of the force bincc hiy return j
from overseas.
Bandits Steal Aute
Fight ether bandits believed te be re
sponsible for the held-ups In the north
ern section of the city early today, stele
an automobile In West Philadelphia.
The gang was noticed by Magistrate
Carsen ns he was welking nleng Wal
nut street near Fortv-feurth, at nhnut
11 :40 o'clock last night. The magistrete
saw six men inspecting several automo
biles uarked In tne neighborhood. Sus
picieus, he telephoned the Fifty-fifth MBIfflmMMWOHBiaWMMm
At all our Stores
New Possible en
Easy Credit Tenns
Par asT
BY special arrangement ducct -with the
Humphrey factory, Stem & Ce. can new
offer you the tested and proven, "RADI
WTFIRE" en most convenient creel
This will prove very -nelceme fe theusand:
of I'hllaci-lphla lieinkeepers. especially whe
n can iieleet from a full range of models,
and vrv moderately priced from
SI C.00 ie ."jyK.OG
Uimpliiey UAlJlAXTFITti: can be uaed
a n fireplace and the smaller models in
ai tioek ir.d corner of the home. Thej
f, ve veu the greatest joy a id comfort you
r er had In your home. Thej sae you fully
j ten of oeai a month in the winter time
Thy burn ordinary city eas at an a e"
aef reFl of two cents an he"i
712714 Market 3t
vv77KvZw7 j 'JLv7 JV 'i' I
I' or this week vc have selected tcli beautiful and line white
diamonds fieni our choice stock of unset .slenes and mounted them
cch in u Tiffany Kim? of untque design. Tliesc stones are of such
beauty and se full of lire and brilliancy that setting is net necessary
te make them attractive. Se in this let we have lcnlly ten btipreme
Benis of jew eh y tlint we challcnKf ally store te duplicate for the
puce we aie nskintf, $125.00 each, which in itself is a ureat van-
, wssien when .ou knew that tln-y originally bold for $175 each.
There's a Lasting Sat Sat
isfactien in Owning a
$0.00 One can become yours
very easily en our
Payment Plan
A Little Down and Pay
Little by Little
Call in and we will gladly explain
our plan that makes the owning of
a DIAMOND easy.
Diamonds : Wiitch.es : Jewelrj
100 S. Eleventh St.
Next te I nileil t Un Mere
First Doer IIclew
t Perfect Wkite
S.t in
Platinum Tep
14-kt. Green
Geld Ring
Our Annual Sale of
Fall & Winter Underwear
Offers Savings of 25 te 50 en Prevailing Retail Prices
75c Shirts & Drawers, 50c
$1.00 Merine Shirts &
Drawers, 69c
51.25 Hen vy Part-Weel
Shirts & Drawers, 79c
51.50 Lamb's-Down
Shiris & Drawers, 95c
$2.00 te S2.50 Merine
Underwear, $1.39
$2.25 Reet's Shirts &
Drawers, $1.55
$4.00 Pure Weel Shirts
& Drawers, $2.69
$1.39 Union Suits, 79c
$2.00 Union Suits, $1.39
$4.00 Madcwcll Union
Suits, $2.69
89c & $1.15 Vests, Tights i
and Pants
Regular Sizes, 59c
Extra Sizes, 69c
$1.75 te $2.50 Merine
Underwear, $1.39
S2.50 te $3.50 Merine
Underwear, $1.59
$2.00 te $3.75 Union
Suits at $1.39
$2.00 & S2.50 Kayscr
Silk-Tep Vests, 95c
79c te $1 Bleemers. 48c
75c & 89c Union Suits, 48c
89c & $1 Union Suits, 59c
50c & 59c Vests and
Pants, 35c; 3 for $1.00
Infants' $1.00 te SI. 50
Merine Vests, 69c
Very finest grades of merino
wool ribbed vests with button
fronts and buttenless style;
also bands. Sizes up te 3 years.
75c te $1.00 Smythficld
Cotten Vests & Pants, 59c
$1.00 te $1.25 Sleeping
Si.es 1 te 5 Years at 69c
Sizes 6 te 10 Years at 79c
50c Pearl Underwaisls,
35c; 3 for $1.00
$1 te $1.25 Union Suits
Sizes 2 te 8 Years-at 79c
Sizes 10 te 16 Years at 89c
Beys' $1.00 te $1.25
Union Suits
Sics 2 te 8 Years at 79c
Sizes 10 te 16 Years at 89c
$2.00 te $2.50 Merine
Union Suits
Sizes 2 U 8 Years at .51.59
Sizes 10 te 16 Years at $1.79
Beys' $2f.50 te $3.00
Union Suits, $1.95
The Madcwcll natural gray,
ribbed merino, part-wool union
suits. Sizes 24 te 34.
Big Saturday Sale of
500 Pairs of Women's
$8.00 One and
Twe Strap Pumps
At $4.95 Pair
Modish New Fall Footwear of the
Smartest Designs
and Celers
The One-Strap Pumps
in dark
brown ealf
button - strap
style with
leather mili
tary h c c I 6.
The Twe-Strap Pumps
light tan calf buckle
strap style with baby
French heels. Shown.
Beth have welted and
stitched soles.
All sizes and
Women's $8.00 te $12.00 Strap
Pumps and Lace Oxfords (fcC AC
te Sell at, Pair JO.VO
A large variety of one and two strap
pumps and lace oxfords in an unlimited choice
of patterns. The leathers include:
Tan Calfskin, Cray Suede, Faicn Suede,
Mahogany Calf and Gunmetal Calf.
Turned or Welted Selen and Military, Baby
French and Hinh French HecU.
Women's $13.50 te
Finest Hicrh-Cut
Shoes te Sell at, P
In this let is brown ca
calf, gun-metal calf,
black kid, brown kid
and tan corde calf In
the smartest and pret
tiest of the new fall
styles, with perforated
wing or straight tips,
ail nave mimiuj vm- Xjs
ing heels. fc
Children's Peny
Cut Tan Calf
Lace Shoes
On bread - tee lasts with
welted and stitched soles.
. -Ov
w IE 7
air :
it I
If, tan !
"?$ jf M J
If9 I
lit I
uT1 f I
S '"V. PS
Sizes 6 te 8,
Rep;. $5.00, at $3.15
Sizes 8I2 te 11,
Reg. $6.00, at $3.95
Sizes 11 ' te 2,
Reff. $7, at $1.95
Beys' $5.00 Tan Shoes, d3 QC:
Sizes 1 te 5' 2 at VO.ye
Tan calf Fnglish lace shoes with welted
roles and rubber, heels.
Small Beys' $4.50 Tan de a r
Shoes, Sizes 10 te 13'2 "D0
Tan calf lace slmes en Inoad-tee last with
rubber heels, cv i L MBJRuS Second Fleer
Cunning' Little Opera
Glasses for the Kiddies
Made in the
Regular Greicn-l'p
At 89c
Tomorrow a Tremendous Sale of
Wemeifs $3 Pure
Weel Slipover
Marked Way Down te
$1.95 Each
A wonderful opportunity te get that
sweater bleuie you've been premising yourself
right new. when you need it at a saving
most extraordinary!
All strictly pure wool blouses novelty
weaves short and long sleeve styles in a
wonderful assortment of the favorite fall
Becoming te everybody and se low priced
it wouldn't pay te bother making one!
Alse a Big Scarf Special!
Women's $10 Brushed
Weel Scarfs
In a Great Sale at
$6.95 Each
Tuxedo style with pockets nnd belts in.
a splendid selection of the loveliest and most
oeceming color combinations. Warm in tex
ture, smart iv. style and tremendously effective
for chilly d.ys. bSELLE'.SJRS Second Fleer
Laces and Nets
Attractively Priced
75c and $1.25 Mercerized Cotten
Lace Camisole Z(r &
Yokes. Each.... ou
Excellent imitations of hand-made lice.
the top, straps ard ribbons all ready for the
bodice part te be added may be used for
camisoles, chemises or nightgown. 2'1; and t
indies deep.
$1.75 72-Inch Silk Tulle M 7Q
Nets, Yard Qi.Ly
Crisp, dainty silk nets, in a wealth of color
ings for dresses, scarfs, sashes and millinery
purposes. Plenty of black.
Laces, Yard.
Radiums Chantillv and Spanish effect .
all widths. 5', r '.S.T:r: First Fleer
50c t0 $2.25
Saturday Silk Specials
$3.50 Satin
$1.79 Yard
All pure silk, finely woven and finished with
a rich luster. 40 inches wide. In black, navy
blue and dark brown.
$4 Crepe Meteer, Yard. . .M qe
11 pure dyed silk with a crepr J)iyrfX0
back and lustrous satin face. In bla-k and un
icellf it range of geed colors. 10 inches, wide
$2 Crepe de Chine, Yard.
A pine silk crepe de clunt of
-pUndidlv heay weight and geed quality.
l'Ncellent assortment of light and dark color,
and hliwk. '0 inches wide.
$1.00 Corduroy, Yard :zr
N.urew cord, iirnily even, in a UGL
laige range of beit colors, fur natli re.ies,
kimonos women's costume. 1as' -mt-, and
draperies. Sr'L .P kl, 5 First Fleer
The cleverest little opera glasi.es, designed
te focus and magnify in approved epcra-gla-s
styk, and const ructed throughout with the
same care given te glasses of regular size.
They'll double the fun of going te the theatre
and the season's just beginning!
Mail and Phene Orders Promptly Filled.
SNCLLENBURjGS First and Fourth Flpers
1200 Pair .Beys' $1.50
Pure Weel Ribbed
Sports Hese
Three-Quarter Length With Turn
Over Tops
79c Pair
Se Tremendous Has Been the
Response te
Our Great
Custom Tailoring
for Men
Offering Madc-le-Mcasurc Suits That
Would Be $50 or Mere Elsewhere, at
That H'c Have Decided te Continue
This Wonderful Offer for a
Few Mere Days
Strictly lland'Tailercd Suits Thrnufheut
Individual McaHUremrnts
Separate Pattern Cut for Each Man
Hasted Tru-Ons
High-Grade Custom Tailoring Fabrics
Splendid Assortment of Patterns and Celers
Firel-Claai Linings, Trimmingx and Findings
c, 'C-i uj Third Fleer
Extra Special!
Scheel Umbrellas
Trustworthy Rainy
Day Friends for the
Unusually Fine Values
at $1.50
Made of sturdy fast black
cotton taffeta ever genuine
Paragon frame.-.
The Girls' Handles are of
harduoed, with fashionable
silk cords and bakclite rings,
just like mother's. One pic
tured. Handlefe for Hejs ceiik in
hardwood, in manly Prince of
Wales and opera styles.
18, 20, 22 and 2-1 inch -izc
Sl 'jJHlS First Fleer
Enter Snellenburg's
Amateur Photographic
With a Mounted Enlargement of Your
Rest Negative Yeu May Win One of.
the Handsome Prizes We Offer!
An amateur photographic contest, open
during the entire month of October. Bring
your entries te our Kodak Department w
will place them en display in our Fourth Fleer
Auditorium, vherc they may be viewed by the
public, and where they will b" judged by a
committee of leading Philadelphia artists.
The Prizes:
First Prize: i'19.00 Se. ,'JA Autographic Ko
dak Special, with Kodak Anastigmnt Lens
f. 6. ...
Second Prie: $50.00 Ne. 1 Autographic Ko
dak Special, with Kodak Anastigmat Lena
f. C. 0.
Third Prize: 323.00 Ne. 2C Autographic Ko
dak Junier, with Kodak Anastigmat Lens
f. 7. 7.
SV' L' 3."RaS First Fleer
Week-End News Extraordinary for
Six Months' Repair Service
Absolutely Free en AH Girard
Cord and Fabric Tires
Purchased en or After October First
Fer Six Months Frem Time of Purchase
We Will Repair 4.11 Punctures, Blew-Outs,
Cuts and Injuries Through Accident Sustained
by All Genuine fiirard Tires.
In Case Any Girard Tire Is Found Defec
tive in Material, Construction or Workman
ship, a cw Tire Will Re C'ven Free, Less
Cost bf Mileaqe I svd. This Selves the djuat
rnent Problem.
Girard Tires r the Bigg-,t V,ilu' en the
Market Teda Ml Deuble Oversize, ti-Ply
Single Cured Wrapped Tread Kvery (Jenuine
Uirard Tire Heiirs Our Nanir.
Racked hi a Guarantee
Cord Tires 8000 Miles
Fabric Tires 6000 Miles
Girard Fabric Tires Adjusted en
0000 Miles
Siii.sr, :iLM', .$2.65
.'i.'ixl'j . . 21.75
.'Jl.l'2 . . 2.1.50
:.-1'', 27.70
:m t ' t . . . ,'je.in
a:; ."i .... :i:i.:ie
.'7x5 .. . .'M.65
30x3' 2
32x3' 2
i (i.en
1 S.50
Girard Cord Tires Adjusted en
S000 Miles
S18.7. 33x1', .
30x3 i,
32x3 '2
32x4 12
In brown, blue and green heather mixtures
and oxford gray. Sizes 7 te 10V-.
eNtixtNUUKjQD rirBi fleer I a, Sm
23.25 3.il, ..
20.00 35x4 'i . .
30.25 3(5x4 ' : . .
32.00 33x5
33.50 35x5 . ,
Mail and Phene Orders Filled
SvellenburgS Third Fleer
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