'VV. , cy' Y EyrGf pub: ifSisiEi CHANDLER CBASHI ' Ex- Kisses "Cooks" .i!...x. nt Rrnkern Mere uienw ; pocted te Ask Warrants for Failure te Complete Deals CASE IS UtLATtu ONE ..i ,,nrrniilM prebnbly w HI. .In- ATZ iiKt mr-mlirts of C'linntlipr morn n,llrn defunct brokri-nce Arm. nreth" J. ', '.",'" .tterll nut. it 1m VT thre will be ""' 0"? 0L' Tin, Ml nninmhiul. mM. 1,1. Hnsrvvc v b.llntf rcprr-"'! " SCVC ml nn in-fennrr tnrney, ' '. .1.. i...,i n,.u cujiomwile in - nprerdinB te Sir. .JfLm 1 "eVnrT $10,000 In Cl.lcn?e. iib""v " ri nninrrv Jinnnwi 171"' namnieiiu. ",,,..,,-.. nurlinRten nn vi. . , .rl(0HtP, rrhandS I ether. & Ce for idSrr. netlrr from the n0Va' iu.t in "00 lnul been received Mtand.f Mr! Ilnm.nen.1 sn.v I.N for i'S . 1 ..niiinff for mi money. client is "'"", " t0t of accounts 'I ncrr ' " . . . .i.- Bd- nr.in.00 lnul been received jKcrs u tlic be Hit Is f "There ... --- - . of . i.i AT Ttiinimf oujlemfrs, ,. ..... t0 maUe out i,!Vh.t Is "hnl H mmiw Impossible ,Mln Sew much mne.v is Involved in tUH Fome prosecutions." Clianillcr Vmlcr Hall rredffH T Chandler, Jr.. Is already aII cinen ball en n warrant fvveru Zhr Abrnbam SleklM. a, creditor of t, firm -V further hennne en tbis '..nt was te lime been held tomer- WOrrhlrV Mneistrntc Cnrnr.v. but mii t tli- llnw of i:nrl .Mcnelcii- Kl "a men be of the firm, who Is ill ta WeEln. the bearlnc , lins been &.?d until the flr-t week in Nevcm- "in the nWnre of Mr Mendenbnll. Jr.ee of the unrrnnt for him vvn- Ted by Jew. Ollfillan, former ISJnT.reun.el for tl.e firm. Similar '',rrants were Mveun out by Mr. PHlcs for Lewis H. WnriiiR and TJil rJ S. Mttle. of New Yeik, ether mcnibrrs of the firm. ,,,, Criminal t.rnee-iitiens bad been Ile um in Hnrri'buiff iiRnlnst the four mpmbcrs of the firm Mr. Chamber was trraicnc.l before MngNtrntc Koenej en enc-of these warrants Mendav. and held onto- $1000 ball te await action of the P.uphm C'einitv Ciand .Tuiy. New Warrants Out ThffP wan ants clinrsc rmbe.Iument ir.d illeRallv conducting n bulnes un der a fictitious htvlc and Icsignnt1r.11 ltheul regist.atien. Francis Junes, of Hnrrl'burc i tlie complainant. IIe Hid lie rn'l S'OO5! '' at the Hiirrisliuri, office of the broker", his life's smincs. for Butte ( epper and Hinc and Okla homa Producing and Itchnins stocks. The Meek", he n,v". were net delivered rir the iiinnev was net lefunded. It is cpeetcd the schedule of iissrts nnd liabilities of tlie firm will be filed S'atunlnv nr Mendaj. with Jehn M. Hill, referee in bankruptcy . 1 ESTATE GOES TtflVIISSIONS Presbyterian Bedy Gets Bulk of Agnes Stedliam's Wealth The will of Ague M i Stedham. 0fll Chestn.il stieit. whitli was nd mittetl te nmbatc ted.ij. leases n fftate of inuie than P.'lO.OOfl. the bulk ff nhiili will centually go te tin tin Beard of Heme nnd Teteign Missions of the Prebi In inn Churrli llesldes p.-rvinal b".iipsu te ielatle there nie bequests .if S."0() cadi te tin Walnut Stiert I,resbteiian Cliunli ami the Indust11.1l Heme f()r liliml Wenirn Ihe llnme of the .Meieiful Saviour fnr Crippled flnldieu will i-M-ntualU receive the bulk of n .flO.000 estate left b Annnda (i Nell, (sis Tiiniu Ktrcet. who-e will ,i-i probated teda. The estate is left in trust te brr bus lard and at n death the piinupal will te te tlip home Illientniies, weii- filed te(I.i of iu CMate of Tied I) Stefklim. MitilH.MT. and (irrtriule TSiemei, STTs.'i (i'l KISSES ALL iffi; EPqiSR-PaipADELPHlA, THUBSpAY, OCTOBBB 6, X921 t I THE NICE 'COOKS' IN HOSPITAL AFTER ACCIDENT , Lusty Yells of Raymond V. While, Four, IT he Lest Penny When Hit by Aute, Makes Him Fifty-five Tunes Richer KAYMONI) V. WIIITK He tnelt uhitr-rebctl liespltal nurses for liitclien nttendanls when lie became a patient after being lilt by unto COL. WOODS ORGANIZING CENTRAL WORK AGENCY Clearing Heuse for Community Re lief te Function at Once WnMiliiBten. Oct. 0 (Ily A. P.) Machinery for making effective itn emergency measures for lcdsenlnR the number of jobless workers throughout the count rv wan put In motion today by (be nntlenal conference en unemplo unemple ment. Colonel Aitbur Weeds, former Police Commissioner of New Yerk, who was selected te have chnrgp of co-erdlnnt-lnc community relief activity under the emergency preginm, began today the organization of the central agency. This agency, nceerdlng te Colonel Weeds, is le net us n elenrlng beuse te furnish the different communities with PiiCKoutiens and infei matien en the results of un employment relief met heds of ether n-c tlena. It also will nn-prtaiii the progress made by tin! communities nnd seek te facilitate tin- effeits of the whole coun try. FAITH WILLARD BETTER Dr. Grant's Waif May Recover. Mether Falls te Appear New Yeilc. Oct. 0. rnith Willard. foundling ward el I)r Peifj Stiekncy (irnnt, i.s lighting for life at tlie l'res btciiau Hnspitnl. with ineicaHcd chance of ieieei. The question --till unnnswcied is: Will l'aith's mother come te claim her? The woman who came Tucdiy night and wept ever the rd. k eluld'N bed was net Knith's mother. That was de veloped when pelifcmcn questioned her. Her icplles became confuted and con cen con tradicterj She was iicrmitted te de pan as she had come, alone and un known "-1 ieal! thought the babv might be mine," she Mild. 'Mini- was taken iiwiiv fiem me, and this one was the I. 1.... I... f 1 I .......1 ..I . -. ..!. lOI.IV Ul-l 1I.IUV 1 IliKl l'iii te iririlll,-, I I thought the person who had taken mine might hae nuaucienvil it. The woman was little mete than a gill, well die-srd and well spoken. She was net pcimlttcil te sec- I'.ilth until )i. (; c:t tit had been cuniimini. atd willi b telephone. Mrs. (iraliam. Hr. (Jiant's house keeper siii.l m, viol flii when seen nt the iccler. sin' told I). (iiaut. iibetit the woman at the hesp.riil. "He said .it" coin se the; must let her see the child, thai it Tank's palenl would conic for fer waul and elaini the liiln. he would help them can- fei her," Mis. (itahaui raid. Just fifty-five times richer nnd his lips Htlll rosy from tlic kiscrs. of "nil the cooks in the Memerial Hospital." llnjmetul Vincent White, four years old. Is busy explaining te "mtivver'" that lie is going te stnv away from speeding nuteH, desplfp his luck. That Is lK-pausp .mi p. nite told n reporter in ills hearing this morning tliat she thought It bet te send lilm away oeinewberc, as he waw loe much of an adventurer. Knvmend rniiscd jut about as mucli trouble yesterday as two feet of chubby blondness can cntit-c and that's a let. First he hnd an aiilomeblllst pale with lear. then he had ncrveu futgeonssrek futgeenssrek ing the cause of about the leudet jells that have ever echoed through the M-. merlal Hospital nnd he finished up bi making every male patient in tin- lios lies pltal jealous by kissing all the iiiirc. Hnymend called the nurses "cooks." but tjie memory of his klwcs will prob preb ably seethe tlieir feelings when tbev hear about his culinary appellation this mernihs. Hnymetid started adPi(ui irig en his own account jesterdnv nfteinoen shei tly after bavins obtained n penny from his father. Willi un White-, a patielmnn at tached te the Seventh street and F.ur F.ur nieuut avenue station. Tlie penn.v was bold tiehtlj in his little (W wbc-n lie w.ind'-is'd away fiem his home nt 20." Itighter stteet, Wkfsahicken. te find Mime likely place te ...vest bis wealth. Wrapped in calculation, be si -11111 el eff tha pavement nt lliilce avenue and diiven bv II. i:. Curtis. r.OlH Ciirpentci street The machine knocked the child (.own and then the welkin began te ring. First Itavmntid get tip and placed a Mutely kick squat e cm the tight front inc. iiim icrr'ilp.itilnl by n slirirk soil of te scp hew his 'unjs were vvoik vveik it.S. Thy were all light nnd Mr. Cur tis, pale with the tliciujhts if possi ble danger, picked him up mid ms-liul liim te the Memerial Hospital. There was a slight abrasion ever bis light eje. but anv geed sittgren knows that that never could have e aimed the noise that Ha.vmend was icgisterlng In slnccnte screams, rinallv the leading dingneMIclan at the Institution located the trouble. Hajinend had lest his penn.v. Mr. Curtis stepped in ns a 'surgeon and administered a fiftv.cent piece A nurse bandaged the incision with n nickel. The screams ceased Hnymend Is none- the worse for his experience tills morning and snl that he rather liked things altogether 'The man took me te the hospital said, nnd I nvv a let of cooks there mice! mem anil Kissed tliem all 11 NA6 MAN FUR SWI NDLE Suspect in N. Y. Last of Gang Who Defraude'd Man Here Out of $6100, Is Belief THREE OTHERS ARRESTED With the ariest expected today of a man known te the ceuntv defectives ns Ilernsteln, or Oreenburg, it is believed the last of a band of alleged Inter-city fur swindlers will be behind the bar. Paviel (ireensptin. woolen merchant. Seventh and Mifflin streets, hns already been arraigned before Judge Monaghan and held under 1000 bail en charges of censpirne) te cheat and defraud; while Ceuntv Detective I.ehmiin has ar rested in New Yerk. Max Heinish and Hnrrv Horewitz., of the wholesale fur firm of Helnlsb Sens A. Horewitz, of I'nst Twenty-third street Horewitz, nlrcndv under bail en a charge of arson following a fire In bis New Yerk fur T eSCRIII.sil.I.eil. VW.s III-lCI VV.II.OUi Dili. l V . V .. .n!. . -...- . -. -.1. ..- n .sew I III K eiiiKi-. I (lie Hi ..Willi Hie he "What did eit de when the nute lilt 1 arrival of eUiadltleii papers from Phil- veu. Jiavmenclr ' neleipnin. iiriiiin iu ic-ceive a nenr- "Kicked it as 'bard as I could " '" '" 'Nrw ' nrU '""nv At this iiinetute the lennr..... .i . The alleged swindles nre accused Atrs. White stated a little si.le , ..having defrauded Samuel Hienner nnent sending a certain veunz mnn 1 13'ghth WHO ceu.ci 1.01 remain nwnv irem atlte- of Sumach street, just in fient of an auto .of his ndventuie. infested reuls te distant parts, and for the first time unymnnil l.pgan te be a littlp de'ibtful about thp ultimate result LAURA ONLY WENT VISITING BERGD0LL SUITS DROPPED But 3-Year-Old Daughter of Sheriff Lamberton Had Parents Worried When Mls Laura M. I.an.berten, daughter of Sheriff Lambeiten. gees visiting it may be productive of ceusld- erahlc c-ccitement. ai nnv, rate tt 1 (jrever started senieuung 111 un- ucimaniewn police station jesteidaj. , illss I.amberten left home enilv in the afternoon, steupcd for a moment's lint with n neighbor nnd then disnp peaied. When she failed te letui 11 aftwi n ictisenable time police of the (Jeiman- , town stntlen vvete informed that tier social engagements could net possibly , have kept her se long, and n scat en 1 .began. Just at the time a general fllr wr. about te be sent out. Miss I.ambettcm met 11 patrolman at the comer of Mor Mer lis and West Sc-vmeur vtu-ets Slie wns just about te cress the stieet. but changed her mind whPii the officer ex plained that Her familj was, wen led alnut her. She left with the patielman Imme diately nnd accompanied him te her heme--undcr ills aim. Miss I.amber I.amber teti is three .vears old Mether and Brether Step Effert te Recover Seized Property Twe suits against Themas W Mil ler. Alien Prc.pert.v Custodian fei the I etui 11 of seij-eil prepert.v belonging te ( . HergdelJ, the diaft ded-rer. were dropped in the I nited States Dis trict Court .vesterdny bv Mrs Hmma C. Heigdell nnd Charles Brauii. her son P.etb Mis Heigdell and P. "nun claimed the prepeily tbev sought t get back belensed entirely te them but no reason was given for the dltreiitinii.tn -c of the suits. BABY MAY FREE MOTHER and Aicli stirets. of SO 100 Their ancsts vveie the icsult of a coin cidence. A .vear age. aecprding te llrcnner's charges, liieenspiin accotn accetn nanied Hrenner te a hotel at Feit Washington, where he wns shown $!i() 000 worth of furs. nBid te be from a bankrupt New Yerk firm The furs vvete sold te Hienner for SOI 00 He paid cash I.atnr a man since identified as Hein ish rrnt te trie fietel. It 1 inldf bcefre Hrenner could get his fUra nnd "Idtyitl fled" the furs n-stolen from him,- re moving them. Then when Hrenner ap pealed te (frcenspun for bis $0100 Ureenspun laughed at hint, It is nl 'eged. In August last Hrenner went te a Fil bert htreet hotel at the request of an other dealer, who wanted him te ap praise a stock of furs offered tbeie for sale cheap Hrenner met (ireenspun In the loom, in charge of the fuis. Hien ner bun led te give bis information te the police, and fJrecnspun wns arrested, together with Mems Hernstein, of New Yerk The fuis vve-e identified ns plun der from n Chicago store lebbecl two jenrs age. and w.-ic weitb S.'JO 00O (.reenspun and Ilernsteln fcvvere dls ehaiged. bevvevei as the police ce.ilei find no evidence igainst them Then Majer Wji.ne took held, investigated tlie matter with Ins men and the latest ancsts followed. FACES TRIAL FOR ROBBERY Man Freed In Dalten Murder te Be Tried en Several Indictments ' Honeake Jasper, a Seuth Philadel- ' phla Negie. who was acquitted at Media of the murder of Jehn Dalten, shot nnd kll'ed bv gunmen at Sharen Hill Jul.v li. 11)20. went en trial today en the fiist of numerous indictments for highway robbery, assault nnd bat tel? . cerrv'ing concealed weapons nnd larc. nv Dlstriit Attorney Tnjler. who js try ing the ease before Judge Jehn H Han- 11 u 111, mijs he can bleak down Jasper's alibi through new evidence. The Dis trict Attorney thinks lie can show Jasper was absent from bis home the nigh of the murelpr. ami that he- In. I ' censpuid with Walter Leuis. Jehn Austin and a Negro known ns "Hcd." new a fugitive from .lustl. e. te com mit a series e.f rebb-nes in Delnwnie Count j Strike In Trleitei Ends Trieste, .Oct. 0. The strike which bus been In efTeet here for eome days was wns called off yesterday. 0P0 "Committees" or part ners that discuss adver tising tee often get back te where they began. They go 'round in cir cles and get nothing for results. Every advertising cam paign i3 the lengthened shadow of a man who knows, and who knows that he knows and whose partners or stock holders knew it. 'Phene LOCust 5540 . , W y1 Tin niciiAnn a FOLEY Pf 9 .OKAI f: AD VH ItTISINO AGENCY. Inc. jrnvirr coffebatiom Great EXPECTATIONS MEN ALWAYS EXPECT, value at Perry's. And they al ways get it. Handsomer fabrlcu. Finer workmanship. Better styles. Greater variety. Lewer prices. Doing BIG things in a BIG way that's the Perry motto. 1 Our SUPER - VALUES are arousing great enthusiasm. .Seme men are buying two suits and one overcoat, or one suit and one light and one heavy over coat at a time. Yeu would, tee, if you sawr them. Perry' 8 et Eel Rack Permits Set Recerd llnrrisburg. (let. H (P.j A P.) Mere than ."0.000 penults fei use si.ee ial devices, such as outlines, eel links and ether nntriv.iin es in fishing liiive been issued bv the State Depart ment of Fisheries, breaking all records. ' PielimiiiiiM icpeils en the ciileh sbevv it is veiy Inige. Wins Bey Scout Prize The Isaac ( Sutten Prbc ler Hev S its has been nwiu.led te Hniiy Fei - lis, of Tit.ep I. of Hidlev 1'aik. The pi i7c Is for tin- hev at Camp Delmeni getting the bl?hect number of points .luring the season Was Jailed for Kidnapping Anether's Child at Conshohocken Mis Hese Sariuct. of Conshohocken. went te mil because of a neighbor's baby, which it was alleged she stoic, and new he mav be leleaseel because of one of her own babies, vvlibb needs a mother' care. Last June the woman wns convicted of kidnapping a neighbors child ami sentenced te a jenr in the Montgomery Ceuntv jail She had live children The petition for her parole recites 1 that the .veungest child Is suffering be 1 cause then- is no one te mother It Judge Svait has decided te hear the petition. - - , iwiiwwaC 1 THOMAS J. MULVEY j for the past Advertising Perry & Ce is new associated this Asencj ten years .Msr. for " V.B.T." with r 1 1 B 1 I Jehn Clark Sims 1 1 1 General Advertising Aijcnl I ' 1 1521 WALMT ST. I I B Trlrplinnr, f-priur ,,u V Diamonds ! Navetle - Square - Round Emerald Cut and Pear Shape Mounted as Engagement Rings NEXT TIME YOU PASS OUR WINDOWS leek at the won derful suits and overcoats we're selling for $28, $33 and $38. Of course, you'll want te come in side and get a closer view. Suits that arc selling lower here than anywhere else by as many dol lars as you have fingers and 1 thumbs. Overcoats ditto. Perry's TRIFLES MAKE PERFECTION coo I Stands Off Electric Ce. Workers I NarhniT S.-bneideimnn. Ki'JO Ninth' Sixteenth street steed guaid en the pavement in fienr nt his home tedav te I nrcrent einplevts of the Philadelphia I wcurie . enipnnj Irem (raring up part of the sidewalk The men vveie s,-nt .s yum- wiles in a (eniicctuii l.e in jrent et ills home Stabbed With Icepick In Quarrel Jehn (iiifiitb. lllilli Neitb rJiini i ' si I ret, w.'s Mill. bed lcpcatcdl.v wilh .in i cpl.k last night . luting a quaircl in the I'm nt Sricet (iaiai,. . 1 Uichmeiid stieet. I'el.cc ..v Heb. it Williniiisen Tl.ii tv -iiiiitli reet near lliewn. did the st.iliblllg. The sliaiji pniiit of the I" lick male se-vernl wounds in (ititnih's 1 . best mil tluee m Ins bad. Phsici mis at St Man's Hesii.tal sav his mm l III. II is SCI ions LIZZIE AND I x i tr -.ll if ' tf lrnRii( p , n rr Itu iTtiUlip li'Zie in t s ft1ing rllO Mrll-fl t 1 tlrt I U K thr' A nx' tlni 1 Knew ' I ' s purLluitinv I tt-.tn i til iilTlc mil ii tcr in it t iifruhl n i Inn u li au sjiitirt ii . i TV-ifL inr- f.rm. A 1in A nt m c.nApnia ! II II I i 11 'l L IV Ul r 'l'''n"i nw - s." V VVill,6t M If " run into an niheiiiiiif limun v tutcu' vii.t-u. f m- i . jim Schncirlprinnn meu n11. ...... . ' -' r " ll', ma men left, savine some of 11.1 irillinr.ini. ,n- framing Schiieidennan fiem lnterfei wkp would be sought . TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES M-u.e i ii, , , -,,.,. m i' - l iti-r .pit Jul- i unci -:ui. ii nr.r.ii ei-'rit i i ilesiie te I 1 WurliTzer 1 d H anC Tf and II- f i i Bern Vt ', ini vt j I . ft 1 , II IIUI FrrV c y Ml ' I'u-rh Mar l A fen i , Ath-im , Hr iri p , bfll.1 C, ) Cluis li i, e.Vler I .)( .-'i a i'nf :i O- . nil. 'nm HI ' "J.!"! W llmilnr l,rt VV.ishlnrten I -'f".iri .-s.n I unOmi "' 'Jlh !eiphm 1' JUb.,. , ' rilV,'.' -,'in' ", .' ,r II .!.! .It . '"i- ' i 1 1 mnn .mm1, l(. lii-.O'T J i .l is tl S OT.f C... ,n.l l'i"isfliin r 'Till Mm iiinir i- t 1 1 1 1 Mnu .in i , 1 1 itas ii,, , i ,n, 'i I l.i ln n I't Is'.ll eh HI HI I i ' i n. 1 1 i , 1 H'-' fill ill ! i I -''is Kie.il i 1 KBaiiJjfflrgliUgB . ii l one .nut and f... 1 sn- I rlr ii I 30 Days' Free Service 90 Days' Guarantee Oakland Moter (MS . lireul si Car Ce. I'upl.r (MI)T O.n-11 I ii'lilnts y irani Pianos Lcnc Distinction te any home They are setting a new standard in piano values that of reputa tion, based en quality instead of pocketbook lli-lwrri. R.l. A till. -If" I 309-11 CHESTNUT ST. KHCi It is easily imaginable that a large order might hinge en a sheet of letter paper. A possible cus' temer might be influenced for or against a house your house, perhaps by the quality, or lack of it, of your business letters. Smaller things have settled the fate of nations. But the real sound, basic reason for putting your letterheads en Crane's Bend is your own satisfaction. Even if no one else noticed, it would be something te you te knew that this fine all-new-rag paper was net tee geed for your busi' ness. ioe7c selected new rag sted 120 years1 experience Banknotes 022 countries Paper money 0438,000,000 people Government bends 018 nations MacDonald & Campbell Fall Suits of Exceptional Value Fer Men and Yeung Men $30 te $65 We liavcj put fetth oMrneidinaiy effeits te assemble the most imprebsne line" of sait at our popular price laiiKO, and de net believ 011 can match the variety, btvles or alues in this city. Oji- suits rcpiescnt the combined abilities, experience and taste of the highest class designers, tailotmen and fabric niakeis in this land: .se that then.- can be no ceuntet parts in geed leeks or econemj among thes,. ints s-eiimp genetallv at our prices, "i ou -heu'd sec them tedav Men'i HaU, Clothing, Haberdashery, Moter Wear 1334-1336 Chestnut Street "LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON" is bringing us a let of young customers, who get their good geed taste in clothes from their Dads. A dandy selection of first long trousers suits at $24. Overcoats for young men that are real. SUPER-VALUES at $26. Perry's Leadership-values that's the target we want te hit. Wc are and sec. doing it. Come Perry & Ce. 16th & Chestnut Sta. Kj rane BUSINESS PAPERS .1 U.I.. i n.ah Jn I .11 111 I Ml' 111(11(1 is.'.. T.rn,i I 1 '11 1 1 s r. Oil. SI . in J . . nn it 1 V llul, , II "... I),"', ." 'I 1 Ef.1 It I I S I IT AmLVV. '" "ir &"': '-;,,, ,tVrtar 1 1, , , ' "li'Mee ,.v.s v vv ,, ,,.:; ":.. sT'i l.ir.iKi n ( , 1 VIM ' til f. t, Qc rr .rude en, V, , ami t. ... '.",.' 1 1 , ' dia p , r -an 1 0(11 i "1 Vc -I'll-- ! 1111 I are! j ' aelj I f.r, I Tllli extra care that wc give all orders pays us well in the host of pleased cus tomers who arc satisfied witlt nothing less than The Helmes Press quality en 1 i. . j.-rr . 1 1 M anil acl.r i ;i.i 1 'i en hill 1 -llmvlilll k ,nI11l I! mm '31 Prewn ti I ...1 1 J in I ! PAKTINGS CLEANED AND RESTORED !K ROSEIVBACH GAUERIB low. . u ainut Street 7i3 THE HOLMtb PllEiS, 'Prmirn 1315-29 Cherrv Stfeel Philadelphia J J)ON'T Tempt Mr. Fall-Celd IVear a Tep Ceat I r Cuel nights and mornings arc Ircqucntlv preiluuivc of Fall colds don't take chances wear a Tep Ceat. J Wc have a splendid assortment of Fall weight Coats made of line quality tabncs 111 both smart and conservative models J Special (mpli.tis is laid en the a;eitincnt ar S4 ulin.li icniipiiscs attraitnc stlcs in Henic-p ins Twecils. Cheviots and Knitted Cleths. One qu.utcr silk lined. .M.idt" en Heed's I nequalcd Man hid et Tailoring. JI 1 "uellcnt quahtv In. ported I.iIiiks Coats also at up te j500. JJ i; ana J.4d Linde Gigantic Clearance Furniture, Rugs, Lineleums Reductions Vs te y? This enormous Manufacturers' Clearance. Lmdc Stere Clearance, and Linde Warehouse Clearance, is making -even the trade gasp with wonder at the astounding values presented. Heme makers of Philadelphia and vicinity have net had such an opportunity te save money in recent years,. The values arc almost unbelievable. Yeu must s,ec them te fully appreciate the great extent of the savings. JACOB MEEDS SONS M24-M26 ttestomitSfercdS; 175 Bedroom Suits IIS Dining Roem Suits 165 Living Roem Suits Hundreds of Brass Beds, Enameled Beds, Sefa Beds. Day Beds, Chairs, Rockers, Davenports and Library Tables Reduced a third te a half Make your selections at once The public is quick te recognize real values. While the assort ments are enormous, the buying of the past two days makes it wise for you te act quickly Half te Third Off Rugs and Linel eums 'SI' Jts vi J" I ) Wilten Hugs 1 '. : i V ' ' 0 1 inecl ' ,r ' . . 11 Ma. ui,t' I W 'ii c J . '. n 1, II B h i . 1 a cl ii" I Ml.. V I ! T I Vl.l V. !n Axminstvr l''l I I ileil - II - 1 I 1 1, ile I M , In L. 1 - n . - 'i Hugs M.nii in te 4; en fi.v no h ;t . .in 10 IV 1 1 (Ml Fiber i. . .1 si.i 1 ji. 1 ? 1 1 nit us 1 $1; n,i $.. cV 53Ci. and Colonial ' 1 iber, ' 1 Hi 1 f v ". 1 ""1 IM . r . 1 Hi in 1 j'e 1 . vi duif r Art ... 1 ' j'ei PI -! X 1. s J 1 IJ a1 b 1 -" I Lineleums Rugs U '.1 ' ! ill ' ill II ". 10 ".ll H.I-i n 011 1 -in ' 1 . 1 hi Ot 1 11 1 7 c'M lid iv r: en in 'j until Q ip HENRY LINDE 23d, Columbia and Ridge Aves. Adelphia Grill The low prices in the Grill will surprise you for they are no higher than you pay at ordinary places. And here you have service plus, a n cl high class surround ings as w e 1 1 as geed feed. The lunching meet in0, place for busi ness men. Hetel Adelphia Chestnut at 13th j,. -BfliirlL -aISui S3jW p Oysters We Have the Right Kind Served the Right Way i st j 1 1- f etn a K.iktail t.i a big. het steanimg stew tjuic-k -et v rp alwa i -in c moeletaK- pi ic p. On the Shell, 15c Large Stew, 35c CURRAN and MEADE 1225 Market St. The bif pltce witb mull front Never Closed ' "im Fiy;!4H . '.. . " mwmmamr.,"mmm "r ' 11 Hum mi I WmnimV'3y3ir lf1,w 't 7SflS.,'VIMS r ,' r.T i-e-rm